irclog2html for #openslug on 20060114

00:24.11fx3|chillahey :)
00:24.22fx3|chillawhat is the currect nslu-kernel in openslug?
00:25.32fx3|chillai see your patchset for 2.6.15, but im wondering, wich rc you are using
00:30.36[g2]fx3|chilla 2.6.15 was out last week :)
00:30.51[g2] is your friend :)
00:32.20fx3|chillaoops :)
00:32.35fx3|chillathought, you use a rc*
00:33.40fx3|chillalets getz ready to rumble with full nativeley built gentoo system including a 2.6.15er kernel on my slug :))
00:33.51[g2]well it was until the real thing came out
00:33.53fx3|chilladamn typos.. :)
00:35.47fx3|chillaim going to do a gentoo ebuild called "embedded-sources" wich includes a patched linuxkerne. It contains a useflag (duno if you know, what it is) called "+nslu2" wich activates the nslu-patchset from openembedded
00:36.05fx3|chillaeh openslug
00:36.08fx3|chillaor whatever
00:37.28[g2]fx3|chilla do you know vaiper/SpanKY ?
00:37.35fx3|chillaa bit
00:37.55[g2]he's running gentoo on the slug and will be on my board called the Loft
00:38.17fx3|chillavapier did the ixp4xx ebuild (beneath of man others) and spanky helped me alot to get gentoo runign on my nslu2
00:38.35[g2]vaiper == spanky
00:39.05fx3|chillavapier != spanky
00:39.27[g2]vapier == SpanKY
00:40.05fx3|chillavapier != spanky
00:40.21[g2]you may be interested in a Loft also as it has a 533MHz and  64MB
00:40.28[g2]maybe not
00:40.34[g2]just fyi
00:40.46fx3|chillaa "loft"? hmm the hardware seems to be expenive
00:41.11[g2]not nearly as expensive as time
00:41.16rwhitbyfx3|chilla: you can get the combined patchset for nslu2, nas100d and loft in, nslu project, "kernel" module
00:41.32rwhitby(if you want one-stop shopping without having to go through OE and monotone)
00:41.57[g2]nod I'll let vapier know about that too
00:42.11fx3|chillarwhitby: thanks for the tip! (but i already installed monote etc. today to get your patchsets)
00:42.37rwhitbyfx3|chilla: we're also moving to use the ixp4xx-kernel dir in monotone, and deprecating nslu2-kernel and nas100d-kernel
00:43.42fx3|chillarwhitby: i dont know how you exactly handle it in oe, but in gentoo, we have several *-sources wich contain vanilla-sources + a little patchset
00:44.01fx3|chillaand i wanna make a ebuild called "embedded-sources" with several useflags
00:44.29fx3|chillae.g. the useflag "nslu2" activates the nslu2 patchsets for he sources
00:44.31fx3|chillaand so on
00:44.36rwhitbyso you're going to support more targets from OE over and above the nslu2?
00:44.44rwhitby(and other nslu2-linux related targets)
00:44.59fx3|chillayes and no
00:45.12rwhitbyi.e. is embedded-sources going to be able to build gentoo for the Zaurus?
00:45.35fx3|chillafor the first time, i wanna build a package, containing vanilla-sources, wich includes some patches for embedded-systems
00:46.07fx3|chillafor example the no nls-patch (wich makes make menuconfig working on uclibc systems wich dont have a libintl.h)
00:46.29fx3|chillaand the user can activatesome useflags
00:46.40fx3|chillamaybe "+nslu"
00:46.59fx3|chillathe he gets the nslu2 patchset (all the ixpblablastuff)
00:47.50fx3|chillaand maybe, there will be some other small devices with a working patchset wich will be implemented
00:48.21fx3|chillamaybe "+zaurus" as a useflag, wich means that all the zaurus patches are applied
00:50.42fx3|chillaso that a user can get complete kernelsources working for his embedded system, by just adding his devicename to /etc/portage/package.keywords and typing "emerge embedded-sources"
00:51.00fx3|chillathe he can do a make menuconfig/make && make modules install
00:51.05fx3|chillaand has a working kernel
00:51.22fx3|chillawithout setting up a crappy crossbuildplatform or sth. else
00:57.40fx3|chillabut for now, im going to bed :) n9
01:00.30rwhitbynight fschmitt
01:00.35rwhitbyoops, night fx3|chilla
01:27.13*** join/#openslug VoodooZ (
01:28.53VoodooZbeewoolie-afk: FYI, I got more weird crashes on shutdown similar to the last ones but I doubt it's apex. Not sure. openslug-3.1 is fairly new too so it could be that.
01:44.32VoodooZbeewoolie-afk: FYI, I just tried the 1.3.13 tarball and there's a typo in your code on line 155. There's an extra " at the end which breaks the build.
01:44.49beewoolie-afkVoodooZ: Oops.
01:45.09beewoolie-afkPossibly.  Perhaps you should try without apex and see how it goes.
01:45.11VoodooZnot a big deal but just wanted to let you know.
01:45.43VoodooZYeah, and like I said it crashed later on so I'm unsure what's going on.
01:46.00VoodooZI'll have to stress-test the openslug load by itself first I guess.
01:46.49beewoolie-afkIt's kinda unlikely that it's apex, but there's no way to know unless it crashes with redboot.
01:46.59VoodooZbeewoolie-afk: Is there any problems with disabling the kernel command line override option? I'm just thinking it might have change sufficiently in openslug 3.1 to cause problems.
01:47.13beewoolie-afkI don't know what you mean?
01:47.16VoodooZyeah, that's why I'll need to test it more.
01:47.42VoodooZthere's a config option to override the kernel command line
01:48.23VoodooZwhat if the one apex uses is different from the new openslug? Unless i don't understand properly?
01:48.24beewoolie-afkI've updated the source archive to fix the typo.
01:48.29VoodooZgood. thanks
01:48.46beewoolie-afkThose options have to do with the way that apex decides how to set the command line for thekernel.
01:48.55beewoolie-afkIf the kernel accepts atags, apex does it only one way.
01:49.04beewoolie-afkOlder versions of the kernel used to ignore the command line.
01:49.11beewoolie-afkI don't think that's the case anymore.
01:49.24VoodooZok. I'll look into more later. don't worry about it.
01:49.48VoodooZalright, later...
01:50.08beewoolie-afkThe option you are talking about is simply this.
01:50.18beewoolie-afkEach arch has a default command line in the source code.
01:50.25beewoolie-afkThis option lets you set the command line explicitly.
01:50.28beewoolie-afkYou want to do that.
01:50.48VoodooZ_Movieno, I meant to disable it as it's enabled by default it seems.
01:50.51beewoolie-afkIt's kinda binary.  Once the kernel boots, you can be sure that apex has done it's job.
01:51.03beewoolie-afkRight.  You need it for openslug.
01:51.08beewoolie-afkIt was created for openslug.
01:51.27beewoolie-afkEnjoy the movie.
01:51.44VoodooZ_MovieI'll try things tommorow.
01:52.00VoodooZ_Moviebtw, can I disable JFFS2 now that we don't use it?
02:00.47*** join/#openslug gerdi__ (
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02:23.27beewoolie-afkVoodooZ_Movie: Yeah.  I'll do that in the source as well.
02:23.42beewoolie-afkVoodooZ_Movie: It isn't tight on flash space, so it isn't critical.
02:28.08*** join/#openslug ByronT (n=byron-po@nslu2-linux/ByronT)
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06:10.24*** topic/#openslug is Developer (not end-user) discussion about the OpenSlug custom firmware for the Linksys NSLU2 device.
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10:28.53rammy2hey :)
10:29.25rammy2is therer a away to install a kernelimage nativeley fromthe slug wiithout using upslug2 from another box?
10:31.05rammy2so i all the mtd stuff for accessing the flash has to be running on my slug?
10:33.56*** join/#openslug eFfeM (
10:43.11rwhitbyrammy2: if you're running openslug or ucslugc, then reflash -i foo.img
10:43.39rammy2hmm i dont have these distros
10:43.42rwhitbyif you're running debian then touch /.recovery, then reboot and you will boot into flash.  then turnup ram and scp up an image into /tmp and reflash -i that image
10:44.00rwhitbyum, you're on the #openslug channel, so you must have one of those distros.
10:45.07rammy2yeh, im using openslug, but only for installing gentoo in my slug ;) and because where are the most nslu2-geeks ;)
10:45.51rwhitbyok, so unplug the disk, boot into openslug, and use reflash -i
10:45.55rammy2does "reflash" fix the machinecode problem? or shall i do it by hand?
10:46.23rwhitbyif you mean the machine id problem, you need to prepend to the kernel before giving it to reflash
10:46.50rwhitbyso when are you gentoo guys going to contribute to the nslu2-linux wiki?
10:46.57rammy2arhgs...  yep, i ment the machineid, not the machinecode
10:47.21rwhitbyor is this some secret project that you're not willing to share with the rest of the community ?>
10:47.51rammy2rwhitby: when im ready with a "complete" and easy gentoo system written down as a howto
10:48.23rammy2then ofcourse, ill write this into the nslu2 wiki
10:49.00rammy2dunno if you speak a bit german, but i already started a howto in the gentooforum:
10:49.44rwhitbymy german is unfortunately only slightly better than my swahili.  I'm one of the poorly educated on the earth who only speak one language.
10:50.14rammy2actually, its in german, but i (or sb. else) will translate it, as soon as i know how to work with the slug as with a regular system ;)
10:50.28rammy2the last problem is the kernel
10:50.42rwhitbytell you what, I'll start a wiki/GentooSlug/HomePage for you, and we'll see if anyone on your team gets the urge to flesh it out.
10:51.21rammy2if you want it :)
10:51.49rammy2the thing is, that everything is ready, but almost nothing is written down
10:52.40rammy2all we need is a basic system:  
10:52.46rammy2and a kernel
10:53.05rammy2the systemtarballs are ready, and worke fine
10:53.54rammy2ive compiled my complete system with a nativeley compiled gcc 3.4.4 - also the kernel, including the networkdriver.
10:54.30rammy2the last step is, how to get the kernel into the flash
10:54.47rammy2directly from the running gentoo
10:55.21rammy2when this is done, ill complete the howto and translate it into english
10:55.40rammy2and ofcourse ill post it on the nslu2-linux wiki
10:57.15rwhitbyok, the initial page is there:
10:57.34rwhitbyand it's listed on the sidebar under Projects.
10:57.48rammy2woooooty :)
10:59.05rwhitbyno problem.  It's my job to bring the community together :-)
10:59.34rammy2hmm you know something about the mtd driver and the flash on the slug?
11:00.04rwhitbyI know quite a bit about that.
11:00.15rammy2i think, its a disk like every other too - with a partitiontable and several partitions, right?
11:01.48rwhitbywell, it's partitionable, but the kernel and ramdisk location are fixed, and the kernel size must be less than 1MB-36bytes, and the ramdisk size must be at least one block
11:02.05rwhitby(even if you don't use the ramdisk, it must be there)
11:02.17rammy2so wouldnt it be good to just mount the partition, where the kernelimage is inside, so that you can copy the kernelimage into it?
11:02.27rammy2hmm okay, thats bad
11:03.02rammy2because until now, everytime i used upslug from a nother box to get the kernel into the flash
11:04.02rammy2but the slug is nothing special, we should treat it like every other box too, and so we should expect from it, that we can do all the stuff, we need to manage the system from the system self (sorry for my bad english)
11:04.20rammy2i think this includes to compile a working kernel on the system and to install that kernel on the system
11:04.32rwhitbyyes, you can flash the kernel from a running system
11:05.00rammy2you mentioned "reflash" maybe i should have a look at it
11:05.35rwhitbyreflash is a sophisticated script which uses devio at its heart to write to flash
11:05.37*** part/#openslug eFfeM (
11:06.38rammy2hmm okay ill take a look on it
11:07.01rammy2is it accessable by your msatermakefile from oe?
11:09.36rwhitbyyes.  Look in openembedded/packages/slugos-init/...
11:17.04*** join/#openslug eFfeM (
12:05.17*** join/#openslug phatmonkey (
12:47.54koen|sleepeFfeM: I almost bought a pvr-usb at mediamarkt todayd
13:00.18eFfeMkoen, be sure to buy the right one (the one with the hw mpeg encoder in the orange box)
13:00.24eFfeMhauppauge names are very confusing
13:01.08eFfeMi'm planing to go to the april 1 meeting in utrecht and bring mine, don't know if they have cable and tv though
13:01.29eFfeMactually at the moment I'm trying to get debianslug on my system...
13:06.52NAiLeFfeM: what steps did you follow?
13:07.48eFfeMactually still eager to get audio on my slug and to see if it is endian dependend ...
13:09.09eFfeMinstrumented the code a little bit, I get just before pivot_root, then nada
13:10.10eFfeMpivot_root seems to hang or so
13:11.31eFfeMthe odd thing is if I do it manually it works
13:18.29*** join/#openslug ingeba (
13:30.40koeneFfeM: is your recording daemon available?
13:30.52koenmythtv is getting a bit too fragile lately
13:31.07eFfeMkoen, not for d/l but I can mail you a copy
13:31.21eFfeMit requires either hacking or a pvrusb2 though
13:31.34eFfeMi control the pvrusb2 through the sys interface
13:31.35rammy2did anybody of you fatten his slug?
13:33.56rammy2im looking for somebody ho has more skills than me and can do this for me :) ofcourse against some money and some bottles of german beer :)
13:34.24*** join/#openslug phatmonkey (
13:35.31koeneFfeM: it would be great if you could mail me a copy
13:38.36eFfeMkoen, you have mail (at handhelds )
13:41.27*** join/#openslug nslu2-log_ (n=nslu2-lo@nslu2-linux/dyoung)
13:41.49koenindeed I have
13:42.08eFfeMgood; let me know if you have problems or questions
13:42.19koenwill do
13:42.23eFfeMI also have an xmltv based epg but that is not yet really ready for distribution
13:42.36koenthat would be cool
13:42.47koendo you store that in mysql or sqlite?
13:43.02koenplain xml?
13:43.11eFfeMI've written a small daemon that parses the xmltv xml file and puts in in an internal data structure
13:43.38eFfeMthis daemon runs infinitely and gets queried from a cgi proggie
13:44.11koenI'm looking for a 'always record CSI:LV on any (configured) channel' kind of daemon
13:44.15eFfeMits not that much data if you take only the times and t titles
13:44.58eFfeMI've seen those, it is not in mine, although my harddisk recorder (CE device, not on the slug) does this
13:45.18eFfeMdo you happen to know anything about /sbin/init ?
13:47.37koenonly that it's gets 'exec'-ed when pivotrooting
13:47.59eFfeMyup, that's where the fun stops for me when I am booting debian
13:48.15koeneFfeM: recd.c:35:43: error: preset.h: No such file or directory
13:49.12eFfeMoh, oops, is there a common dir in the zip?
13:49.24koennot as far as I can see
13:49.25eFfeMthen run make in that one first
13:49.32eFfeMok, hang on
13:54.11eFfeMkoen, its on its way
13:55.00koenhow much tuners can a slug handle?
13:55.41koenwith usb/disk bandwith and cpu power
13:55.43eFfeMgood q, I've tested only with 2, the daemon has a #define somewhere for 4
13:55.56eFfeMI know a guy (with other software) who told me he managed 5
13:56.20eFfeMtypical load with a 6 Mbps stream is 10 %, 20 Mbps puts this to 25 %
13:56.36eFfeMI'm using ext3 fs, someone once told me xfs might be better
13:56.53eFfeMalso recd runs at prio -20 (so as high as possible) in order not to loose data
13:57.33eFfeMas the pvr does the mpeg encoding the work is actually something like
13:57.51eFfeMwhile (1) read block from /dev/video; write block to file
14:03.05koenideally I'd buy a 4x coax splitter+amplifier and 4 tuners
14:03.18koenbut realistically I'd buy just one tuner
14:03.58eFfeMi think mine was eur 122
14:04.20eFfeMthe guy with 5 got them for a project at work, when I tested with 2, I just borrowed one from him
14:07.01koenis the wintv bus-powered?
14:07.35eFfeMbehind/besides my tv it is a cable mess
14:10.16koenwould it be hard to add some form of networking?
14:10.30koene.g. 2 slugs with one tuner each
14:12.00eFfeMhm, some form of syncing would be needed who records what
14:12.33eFfeMwould be fairly easy with some master/slave setup where one slug would be the master
14:12.39koenor via
14:12.55eFfeMotherwise some kind of protocol to sync them would be needed
14:14.08eFfeMdon't know the avahi thing, there are plenty service discovery mechanisms.
14:14.18eFfeM(actually I'm reasonably familiar with ssdp)
14:16.43koen would be cute for in the loft
14:17.36eFfeMyeah, [g2] once mentioned it to me
14:23.11koenI wonder if I could hook recd up to a fluendo streaming video server
14:25.21eFfeMdon't know fluendo, I'm sending out the movies with twonkyvision (this is upnp based)
14:47.55*** join/#openslug cheef-daniel (
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15:41.49[g2]This is called a TIVO where I'm from -- "koen I'm looking for a 'always record CSI:LV on any (configured) channel' kind of daemon"
15:43.04eFfeMmorning [g2]
15:43.35[g2]hey eFfeM
15:43.40koenhey [g2]
15:43.44[g2]hey kakos
15:43.56[g2]doh! damn tab complete
15:43.57koen[g2]: I currently have a mythtv setup doing stuff like that
15:44.12[g2]koen I'm just teasing you :)
15:44.32[g2]koen have you been following the CES product releases ?
15:44.48koenI've seen a few
15:45.01eFfeM[g2], is there a specific one you're referring to
15:45.35[g2]I think the Hauppauge/Sage TV device looks interesting
15:46.14eFfeMdidn't see an announcement on it, so it was probably not featured on anandtech or tomshardware
15:46.20[g2]i'ts a $99 Ethernet to TV playback device
15:46.56eFfeMhm, there was also an announcement of a $99 buffalo ethernet to tv device
15:47.08[g2]I think Sage is OEMing it
15:47.15eFfeMmpeg2 and mpeg4 only rest was transcoding on pc
15:47.25eFfeMno wireless
15:47.43[g2]That's the box that makes sense to me
15:48.46eFfeMnothing on the hauppauge web site
15:49.07[g2]I see the solution as a) Encode and store,  B)store on server and stream or xfer,  C) Playback
15:49.22*** join/#openslug [g2-lap] (
15:49.54eFfeM[g2], what about this: mpeg2/mpeg4/wmv in HD (up to 720p or 1080i), 11g wireless & wired, upnp playback ?
15:50.06eFfeMa streaming device
15:51.16eFfeMalso does mp3 and wma (including drm) and pictures
15:52.44eFfeMTI based. Don't think it supports high definition
15:53.17*** join/#openslug velinp (
15:55.36eFfeM$ 150 with 802.11G. Too expensive
15:55.53eFfeM$ 99 without wireless would probably be ok for such a device, the buffalo thing also is $99
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17:39.43tkimballMornin' kex.  Sorry you got to see my ranting in the last screen or so of backscroll.
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18:36.56velinpka6sox: ping
18:40.44velinpoops, bad tab; sorry
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22:36.42VoodooZGreat work on openslug guys. It seems to boot faster now.
22:37.15VoodooZAnd with the newest version of apex I was able to get a login prompt within 31secs! now that's much better.
22:41.57*** part/#openslug phatmonkey (
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.