IRC log for #openmoko-cdevel on 20190312

05:43.21*** join/#openmoko-cdevel Q-Master^Work (~q-master@
06:02.32*** join/#openmoko-cdevel Donnager (
06:02.32*** mode/#openmoko-cdevel [+o Donnager] by ChanServ
06:54.57DocScrutinizer05is there anything new in it?
06:55.26DocScrutinizer05UserLAnd courtesy PIA
06:56.11DocScrutinizer05and Corbin Champion
06:57.44DocScrutinizer05>>...the EU Radio Equipment Directive, which was passed into law back in 2014.<<
07:00.26DocScrutinizer05the EU idiots again did f(XY)^-1. Like with vacuum cleaners which, instead of setting up a regulation that they must have a certain efficiency, they limited max power.
07:04.08DocScrutinizer05with the (WLAN) RF stuff instead of defining "the device must guarantee that no user applied software modifications will impair the air protocol compliance" they did bullshit fuzzy blabla off-topic stuff like "in order to ensure that software can only be loaded into the radio equipment where the compliance of the combination of the radio equipment and software has been demonstrated"
07:06.11DocScrutinizer05This means a device where software has no means to change the RF operation parameters nevertheless needs to "demontrate compliance", IOW you MUST NOT flash your own customer modified software even on devices that are not a software defined rafio at all
07:13.51*** join/#openmoko-cdevel pini (
07:17.21*** join/#openmoko-cdevel ao2 (~ao2@
07:19.27*** join/#openmoko-cdevel pat_ (
08:23.17*** join/#openmoko-cdevel PaulFertser (
08:34.59*** join/#openmoko-cdevel _Chris_ (
10:51.46*** join/#openmoko-cdevel fling_ (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
11:05.31*** join/#openmoko-cdevel daniele_athome (~daniele_a@
13:06.55*** join/#openmoko-cdevel pespin_ (~Sharwin_F@
14:02.23*** join/#openmoko-cdevel dos11 (~dos1@neo900/coreteam/dos)
15:00.10*** join/#openmoko-cdevel _Chris_ (
19:58.30*** join/#openmoko-cdevel pabs3 (~pabs3@unaffiliated/pabs3)
20:46.12*** join/#openmoko-cdevel pespin__ (~Sharwin_F@
21:19.59*** join/#openmoko-cdevel ao2 (~ao2@
22:01.39*** join/#openmoko-cdevel pat_ (

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