IRC log for #openmoko-cdevel on 20111101

00:45.33jonwilcan anyone tell me what part of FreeSmartPhone handles SMS decoding and where I can find its source code?
00:52.11*** join/#openmoko-cdevel wolfspraul (~wolfsprau@
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03:05.07*** join/#openmoko-cdevel chris38 (
03:53.03*** join/#openmoko-cdevel pabs3 (
03:56.59pabs3DocScrutinizer: sean finally got back to me, the release of the glamo docs has been approved by ex-SMedia folks
04:10.13pabs3a bit too late since they were already leaked, but whatever :)
04:21.37pabs3Weiss: ^
05:05.04*** join/#openmoko-cdevel DocScrutinizer (~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:47.08*** join/#openmoko-cdevel wolfspraul (~wolfsprau@
06:52.13*** join/#openmoko-cdevel RigacciOrg (
07:02.22lindi-jonwil: are you using frameworkd or cornucopia?
07:02.49jonwilI found what I needed
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07:42.37mrmokujonwil: nvm :P
07:42.41jonwilok, thats the exact same ofono code I already have :P
07:42.51jonwilI was wondering if anyone had code that wasnt from ofono
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07:44.37mrmokuleviathan: ping
07:44.50mrmokuleviathan: [   954.615] (EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/dri/ failed (/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/dri/ cannot open shared object file: No such
07:44.54mrmoku+file or directory)
07:44.55mrmokuis quite obvious no?
07:45.04mrmokuor am I missing something
07:51.16mrmokujonwil: I think old frameworkd hat it's own sms decoding code... which was not as complete as the ofono one though
07:51.35jonwilok, doesnt matter, ofono code is GPL so it should be fine for my needs
07:54.13mrmokuyeah... like it was for ours :-)
07:54.58lindi-GPLv2 it seems
07:55.09RigacciOrgHi to all
07:55.49*** join/#openmoko-cdevel ao2 (~ao2@2001:1418:117::1)
07:55.57RigacciOrgSome problem with fsogsmd here (GTA02, Debian/Sid)
07:57.34RigacciOrgfsogsmd fails with: libfsotransport <0710:2>: Can't allocate channel #2 from MUX: Channel 2 is already taken.
07:58.26RigacciOrgThis is triggered just executing: RequestResource GSM, ReleaseResource GSM and ReleaseResource GSM again.
07:58.57RigacciOrgsorry: RequestResource GSM again
08:02.42*** join/#openmoko-cdevel lamikr (lamikr@nat/nokia/x-hajvpcdddmczznzb)
08:10.13lindi-RigacciOrg: I'm still using ogsmd so I don't know about that unfortunately. can you file a bug report against fso-gsmd?
08:10.57RigacciOrglindi-: yes, I can. Should I use the Debian way with reportbug?
08:11.08lindi-RigacciOrg: yep
08:11.48lindi-RigacciOrg:;dist=unstable lists two bugs but both have been fixed
08:12.01RigacciOrglindi-: thanks!
08:12.19lindi-oh, that was your bug? ;)
08:12.41RigacciOrganother one, simple and fixed :-)
08:16.07RigacciOrglindi-: I have another doubt: if the GSM PDP (ppp) connection fails, is FSO supposed to restart it? I tried to let pppd handle the reconnection, using persist, maxfail 0, etc. But this makes FSO crazy: pppd will never be terminated, endless logging loop, etc.
08:26.35lindi-RigacciOrg: I think they expect the user to try to start GPRS connection again
08:27.11RigacciOrglindi-: :-( I need reliable 24h connection
08:27.35lindi-RigacciOrg: remote access?
08:29.24RigacciOrglindi-: I think something should be exists (at FSO or pppd level) to ensure persistentent network connection. I will prefer pppd, because I know it and it is reliable, but also FSO is a right choice.
08:30.30lindi-RigacciOrg: if you want reliability you want to use a watchdog anyway
08:30.39lindi-RigacciOrg: FSO kind of assumes the modem does not crash afaik
08:30.42RigacciOrglindi-: unattended fleet tracking: GPS -> GPRS -> internet -> database server
08:30.55lindi-but I know reproducible ways to crash it
08:31.35pabs3sounds like a bug in FSO and a bug in the firmware
08:32.02lindi-pabs3: yes
08:32.29RigacciOrglindi-: not the modem alone can crash: also pppd will exit if connection fails for a long time (LCP request/reply, etc.)
08:32.46Weisspabs3: woah, cool
08:33.10lindi-RigacciOrg: yep
08:34.33pabs3Weiss: I thought so :) plan is to upload docs to, update various web/wiki locations and then do an announcement later this month (sean is a bit busy with something right now)
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08:55.43CIA-5SHR: 03Martin.Jansa 07shr-chroot * r4665ff362da2 10/ (627 files in 65 dirs): system upgrade & more stuff to make runqemu scripts happy
08:59.12mrmokuJaMa|Off: yo, success on qemu? :)
08:59.22JaMa|Offnot really :/
09:00.24mrmokuis there any doc somewhere how it is supposed to work?
09:00.36mrmokuI was looking at the scripts in oe-core
09:00.42mrmokuand built qemu-native-sdk
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09:01.01mrmokuno idea how to use that though
09:01.21JaMa|Offmrmoku: I'm using ASSUME_PROVIDED += "qemu-native" because I didn't want to build whole libGL in chroot
09:01.58JaMa|Offmrmoku: but I'm getting hit by probably chroot issues (like tun/tap devices busy from openvpn outside chroot etc)
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09:04.52JaMa|Offmrmoku: and here is howto from khem,
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09:10.17mrmokuJaMa|Off: ok, thx
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09:14.50mrmokuJaMa|Off: so I have to build for qemuarm machine, right?
09:15.21JaMa|Offor ie qemux86
09:15.28JaMa|Offqemuarm is armv5
09:15.45JaMa|Offhas qemuarm qemux86 qemux86-64
09:16.10JaMa|Offso if you want some image to test qemu on your machine you can pick it from my images dir
09:20.11JaMa|Offlots of libstdc++ errors again :/
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10:34.35leviathanmrmoku: yes
10:34.40leviathanthe last error
10:34.49leviathanyou are missing the alst error
10:35.03leviathanwhich staits that it can prepare access on a pinned pixmap
10:35.07leviathanfrom there
10:57.52*** join/#openmoko-cdevel plotr (
10:59.44*** join/#openmoko-cdevel JaMae (~martin@
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11:40.23mrmokuhi snkt
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11:42.19JesusMcCloudhi mrmoku i just installed shr on my palm pre
11:45.42mrmokuJesusMcCloud: nice :)
11:45.45mrmokuwelcome back
11:46.03JesusMcCloudmrmoku, thanks, though i don't know if i really am back
11:46.20JesusMcCloudi did not find any palm pre firmware on the shr trac
11:46.27mrmokuhowever... nice to see you :)
11:47.04mrmokudunno about palm firmwares
11:47.12mrmokubut I don't think we distribute firmwares
11:47.34mrmokuso you would probably have to extract them from webos
11:47.56mrmokuI have no idea about palms though
11:47.56JesusMcCloudthe first start wizard said shr needs a frmware to work properly
11:48.08JesusMcCloudhow do i power off the device?
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11:58.23mrmokuJesusMcCloud: sorry... no idea... and all our Palm geeks are absent
12:00.07snktcan anyone help me .... does every NAND Flash provides a Unique ID.....???
12:01.57JesusMcCloudmrmoku, well i pulled out the battery... anyhow nothing really works. mybe I do need a firmware however hte install gude does not mention one
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12:38.26leviathanmrmoku: hi
12:38.33mrmokuhi leviathan
12:38.36leviathandid you see my link I posted you?
12:38.53leviathanI don't have any idea how to fix this
12:39.07leviathanit appears as if DSS2 flips x and y after bootup
12:39.16leviathanand also all graphics drivers
12:39.21leviathando suicid
12:39.39leviathanbecause on one hand they insist to keep flipped x,y
12:39.49leviathanbut also insist that the opposite is true
12:40.03leviathanso they report wrong x,y to the graphics driver of xorg
12:40.06leviathanbut then crash
12:40.14leviathanbecause they reported crap
12:40.39leviathanand all appears to be written just fine...
12:41.05leviathanI figured maybe the omapfb driver for 3.1 is broken
12:41.12leviathanso I tried to import omapdrm
12:41.18leviathanbut same happens with it
12:41.30leviathanso I figure the error lays somewhere within DSS2
12:41.56leviathanor is there maybe a way to just force Xorg to start anyway?
12:42.07leviathando you have any idea how I could overcome this error?
12:42.14mrmokunot really
12:42.35mrmokuI think Xorg aborts only when the error is too fatal to continue
12:43.13leviathan!(pExaScr->info->flags & EXA_MIXED_PIXMAPS)
12:43.22leviathanmaybe if I set the fla
12:43.27leviathanmaybe then it starts
12:45.11leviathanis desperate and changes over to trial and error >_>
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12:52.16leviathanor if I set PrepareAccess to NULL
12:52.24leviathanit would also return TRUE
12:52.28leviathanwithout any problem
12:52.54*** part/#openmoko-cdevel papa-piet (
12:52.58leviathanI see
12:53.04leviathanmrmoku: it's really a kernel issue
12:53.19leviathanand maybe the solution is much simpler
12:53.19leviathanlet's try
12:53.39leviathanflips the physical display size in xorg.conf
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13:06.02leviathanmrmoku: I now disabled framebuffer console
13:06.02leviathanmaybe it helps
13:07.23mrmokucrosses his fingers
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13:25.37*** join/#openmoko-cdevel JaMa|Off (~martin@
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14:14.08CIA-5SHR: 03Martin.Jansa 07shr-chroot * race140f0e1f1 10/ (etc/ var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache var/run/utmp): env-update
14:14.18CIA-5SHR: 03Martin.Jansa 07shr-chroot * r0d8564dc5d57 10/ (9 files in 3 dirs): fix_la_files
14:16.29mrmokuJaMa|Off: does that fix the libstdc++ problem? ^^
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14:18.45JaMa|Offnot sure yet
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14:23.24mrmokuJaMa|Off: that would be really great :)
14:23.35mrmokucrosses his fingers once more
14:26.06JaMa|Offseems working on buildhost after update & rebuilding pseudo
14:26.44JaMa|Offbut I've also moved tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/var/pseudo/ away.. which I'm not sure is OK thing to do
14:26.55JaMa|Offtrying to put it back and see if it fails with libstdc++ again
14:27.58JaMa|Offand at home I've cleaned all -native recipes to rebuild them with newer gcc
14:28.23mrmokuis willing to rebuild everything from scratch to get rid of that nasty bug :-)
14:32.26JaMa|Offmrmoku: even with restored pseudo files it works now on buildhost
14:32.45mrmokuso I just update and clean/rebuild pseudo?
14:32.57JaMa|Offso try to update chroot; bitbake -c cleansstate pseudo-native;
14:33.05JaMa|Offrm -f shr-core/pseudodone
14:39.08mrmokugives it a try and rebuilds libproxy
14:39.28JaMa|Offyes that's what was failing here too :)
14:39.42JaMa|Offand then cmake-native after I've cleaned it when trying to fix that
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14:47.35JaMa|Offmrmoku: NOTE: package libproxy-0.4.7-r1: task do_rm_work: Succeeded
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14:54.08JaMa|OffGNUtoo: hi
14:54.27JaMa|OffGNUtoo: I've fixed your patches which were included in last pull request
14:55.33GNUtoook thanks
14:55.39GNUtooI'm very busy right now fixing my router
14:56.01JaMa|OffGNUtoo: but those 3 which are still in shr branch are waiting for you and "conf: machine: includes: add armv6-novfp support" has some feedback from Phil which were not addressed yet afaik, so when you have time, please have a look too
14:56.23GNUtooyes it's in my todo list(the armv6 one)
14:56.29JaMa|Offok, thanks
14:56.55GNUtoobut right now I *MUST* fix my router
14:57.02GNUtooelse I'll have huge issues
14:57.24JaMa|Offjust checking what needs to be fixed to make shr == master again :)
14:57.45GNUtooyou can drop the armv6 patch if you want
14:57.50GNUtooI'll prepare a new incompatible one
14:58.07JaMa|Offok, will do
14:58.47GNUtoobasically oe-core made an error
14:59.07GNUtoothen I fixed it with armv6 patch but that would break all existing stuff if fixed that way
14:59.24GNUtoobasically armv6 builds would become novfp suddenly
14:59.36GNUtooif it had been done before it may have been accepted
14:59.39GNUtoobut now it's too late
14:59.46GNUtooso I must change it in -novfp
15:02.40JaMa|Offyup that's what I understood from Phil's comment
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15:18.03mrmokuJaMa|Off: yep, succeeded for me too :)
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15:18.10mrmoku~hail JaMa|Off for fixing that damn bug
15:18.10aptACTION bows down to JaMa|Off for fixing that damn bug and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
15:18.52JaMa|Offmrmoku: well it's not clear how to get this broken state
15:19.22JaMa|Offmrmoku: and I did env-update and fix_la_files many times before.. so maybe rebuilding pseudo-native is the important part
15:19.24mrmokuhmm... ok... that means it might happen again
15:19.42JaMa|Offmrmoku: yes probably after upgrade to gcc-4.6.3 or something like that
15:20.05JaMa|Offmrmoku: have you seen it only after upgradeing shr-chroot to gcc-4.6.2?
15:21.47mrmokuJaMa|Off: I don't remember... it apeared after some upgrade
15:22.38JaMa|Offok.. 4.6.2 is in shr-chroot for 32 hours
15:22.53JaMa|Offif you had it before then maybe it isn't triggered by host gcc upgrade
15:23.27JaMa|Offhmm :/
15:23.28JaMa|Off| cmake: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
15:23.31JaMa|OffNOTE: package libproxy-0.4.7-r1: task do_configure: Failed
15:23.40mrmokuJaMa|Off: it was definitely before
15:23.55JaMa|Offthis is from my armv7 build with all -native rebuilt etc..
15:24.19JaMa|Offbut armv4t build was fine :/
15:24.37JaMa|Offhates pseudo
15:25.16mrmokuJaMa|Off: looks like it first happened to me on 17th
15:25.17mrmoku#openmoko-cdevel.17.log:17-10-2011 10:58:50 > mrmoku: libproxy fails on configure (due to cmake)
15:25.39JaMa|Offand you had this issue for whole time?
15:26.07JaMa|Offbecause here it sometimes happens and then disappears by itself
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15:27.44mrmokuJaMa|Off: no, did not disappear until today
15:28.06mrmokudon't know if it happened for all packages using cmake for example though
15:28.27mrmokuit was always the same three or four packages that failed
15:29.37mrmokuudev, mesa-dri, libproxy and xcb-utils IIRC
15:30.33JaMa|Offin worst case I can add libstc++ links to /usr/lib and update them with every gcc upgrade
15:32.26JaMa|OffI think that some build is changing system's etc/ and var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache
15:32.38JaMa|Offat least that's what I see now in git diff
15:34.47mrmokuJaMa|Off: looks like rpurdie did his job :)
15:35.01JaMa|Offfor dbus issue?
15:35.32JaMa|Offis already reading pseudo code to see how it's supposed to track all owners etc..
15:35.49JaMa|Offand we had 300MB pseudo.log with all kinds of weird errors
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15:37.59CIA-5SHR: 03Martin.Jansa 07shr-chroot * rbc3b51003637 10/ (5 files in 3 dirs): env-update and add strings files for ldconfig cache to see what goes wrong sometimes
15:57.09JaMa|Offmrmoku: env-update seems to do the trick
15:58.35mrmokuahh, ok
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17:07.49Slyonhmm my build fails with latest shr-chroot, due to strange cmake-native and libstdc++ errors
17:08.01Slyonmrmoku, JaMa|Off, do you have any idea how to fix this ^^^?
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17:18.11mrmokuSlyon: hehe, yes we do :)
17:18.56mrmokuSlyon: try to run update-env as root *inside* the chroot
17:27.17Slyonmrmoku, this seems to work. thank you!
17:27.52Slyonmrmoku, btw. how is the FSO situation on gta04? is there some work i can do?
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17:35.48mrmokuSlyon: I'm distracted by playing with systemd
17:36.00mrmokuSlyon: how's your fsogsmd knowledge?
17:36.33mrmokuSlyon: another thing we need for gta04 is a newer gpsd
17:36.39mrmokubut that's nasty packaging work
17:36.39Slyonmrmoku, reasonable as i did some fsgsmd palmpre work
17:36.51mrmokuSlyon: ok, then go and get your hands dirty :-)
17:37.19Slyonmrmoku, ok so i'll work on fsogsmd. do you have anything done yet, which isn't pushed?
17:37.51mrmokuSlyon: nothing unpushed
17:37.58Slyonall right
17:38.29mrmokugreat thing :)
17:38.47mrmokubtw. systemd is quite promising
17:39.21Slyonreally? how fast can we get?
17:39.38Slyonhmm you used nikolaus' kernel to access the moden, right?
17:42.56mrmokuSlyon: no idea yet how fast we will get... as it does not fully boot yet
17:43.01mrmokubut looks very fast
17:43.28mrmokuand yes... I used nikolaus' kernel... but leviathan said he has /dev/ttyHSx with the new kernel too
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18:38.22JaMa|Offmrmoku: do you have some more patches for systemd?
18:38.51JaMa|Offmrmoku: my build is almost finished again.. so I can work on it a bit more (if I don't go to see gf instead :))
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18:44.18mrmokuJaMa|Off: no, nothing yet. I was playing a bit with the qemu-system-arm... without success
18:44.28mrmokuand my laptop disk is dying again :/
18:44.34mrmokuhas bad laptop disk karma
18:44.46mrmoku[ 1826.069387] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 514658862
18:44.51mrmokudmesg is full of that shit
18:45.03mrmokuand from time to time the system stalls for 2-3 s
18:45.14JaMa|Offah.. /me has only stalls
18:45.41JaMa|Offusually ends with sata port reset and then it works again for a while
18:46.16mrmokures 41/40:08:2e:12:ad/00:00:1e:00:00/00 Emask 0x409 (media error) <F>
18:46.21mrmokumedia error does not sound nice
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18:54.46JesusMcCloudaloha! any palm pre folks here?
18:59.40JesusMcCloudmickeyl, ping
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19:19.31Slyonmrmoku, my fsogsmd env is set up (via serial_forward and fsogsmd on my host) and i got a first overview of the modem_option_ code.
19:19.50Slyonbut now i'll leave for today
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19:42.02JaMa|Offmrmoku: now I'm booting qemu outside shr-chroot
19:42.03JaMa|Off/usr/bin/qemu-kvm -kernel bzImage-qemux86.bin -m 256 -hda qemux86.img -append root=/dev/hda
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19:44.33mrmokuJaMa|Off: hmm, ok. Will build me a qemu image too then
19:45.15JaMa|Offand I'll drop qemu from shr-chroot
19:45.52JaMa|Offthose scripts to setup nfs are crazy and need sudo (which doesn't work very well in chroot (ie because of bitbake owning all files)
19:57.56GNUtooping leviathan
19:58.48GNUtooleviathan, do you have a reprap, and how did it went with reguard to printing a gta04 case with it?
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20:08.31leviathanGNUtoo: hi
20:08.42leviathanthe reprap still isn't fully functional yet
20:08.55leviathaneach time we fix a bug another one pops up
20:09.00leviathanpreventing us from printing stuff
20:09.24leviathanbut next week I'll have access to another MakerBot
20:09.50GNUtooleviathan, ok
20:09.52leviathansome of us were going to design an alternative case for gta02 which can be printed by a RepRap
20:09.55GNUtooreprap doesn't work?
20:10.00leviathanmine doesn't
20:10.06GNUtoowhich onw is it?
20:10.20leviathanthe one of the university I used to study
20:10.26leviathanand a friend of mine still does
20:10.40leviathanthe architects own one for their CAD design printing
20:10.44leviathanhouse models and so :-)
20:10.46GNUtooyes but like mendel, prusa mendel, huxley or darwin?
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20:11.12leviathanthey up there have a MakerBot
20:11.19leviathanI'll print the needed parts for my huxley
20:11.22leviathanwhich are unusable
20:11.26leviathanwith the MakerBot
20:11.37mrmokuJaMa|Off: ERROR: Task 5321 (/OE/shr-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/guilt/, do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'
20:12.13leviathanWe still need someone to do an alternative CAD design for freerunner/gta04
20:12.15GNUtooleviathan, ok
20:12.24GNUtooleviathan, blender?
20:12.32leviathanFreeCAD or Inventor
20:12.35GNUtooI'm thinking of buying parts for prusa mendel
20:12.40leviathanor what ever CAD tool you have around
20:12.49leviathanI wouldn't suggest blender
20:12.57GNUtootoo hard I guess
20:13.14leviathanand not really suitable for doing technical CADing
20:13.17GNUtoobtw does someone knows how to fix that:
20:13.18GNUtoo| /home/gnutoo/port4/embedded/oe-core/oetmps/shr/sysroots/crespo/usr/include/samsung-ipc-1.0/call.h:25:32: fatal error: device/crespo/call.h: No such file or directory
20:13.35JaMa|Offmrmoku: there is only now
20:13.41leviathanbut it might become relevant
20:13.52JaMa|Offmrmoku: did you make update in the middle of build?
20:14.01GNUtooleviathan, is huxley stable?
20:14.04leviathandoes someone here have a spare samsung galaxy tab 10.1? ^_^
20:14.08leviathanGNUtoo: NO
20:14.09GNUtooI tought it was not released yet
20:14.21leviathanthis one is
20:14.24GNUtooso why do you use huxley instead of prusa mendel?
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20:15.26GNUtooleviathan, I've no galazy tab, but we work on nexus S
20:16.44leviathangalaxy tab 10.1 would have a tegra CPU
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20:16.54GNUtooleviathan, will you come to the shf+fso developers meeting?
20:17.02mrmokuJaMa|Off: no
20:17.05leviathandon't know yet
20:17.16leviathanGNUtoo: when is it again? O.o
20:17.24GNUtooI've to book train
20:17.25mrmokuJaMa|Off: but if that recently (today or maybe yesterday) changed I might have to update
20:17.38leviathanGNUtoo: linux hostel?
20:19.51GNUtooleviathan, is the case small enough to be printed with a prusa mendel?
20:20.05GNUtooor does it have to be decomposed in more parts
20:22.10GNUtooand how much would cost a prusa mendel, the blog says about 400E
20:22.17leviathanGNUtoo: of course you'll have to print a case in multiple parts, but you should be able to print a whole shell
20:22.18leviathanat once
20:22.51leviathanGNUtoo: would be a very big device else
20:23.52GNUtoomore precisely the bottom of the case(battery cover) can be printed in one part?
20:27.12GNUtooleviathan, why would you want a galaxy tab with tegra, it probably  lacks NEON, it would probably have some issues such as alsa etc...
20:27.28GNUtooyou should look at mainline status before buying
20:27.58GNUtooelse you could be stuck with huge issues that work in android and fails under GNU/Linux
20:28.11GNUtoofor instance the nexus S has an alsa driver, but it's a bad driver
20:28.22GNUtooonly hw:0 works
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20:30.57leviathanGNUtoo: hmm
20:31.10leviathanI'd like to have another mobile device
20:31.18leviathanwhere I can develop plasma-mobile
20:31.22GNUtoomaybe n900 if you can still find one
20:31.23leviathanaka Plasma-Active
20:31.32GNUtoowhat does that requires?
20:31.44leviathannot as suitable for ebooks as a samsung galaxy tab
20:31.45GNUtoodoes it requires 3d?
20:31.55GNUtoodoes it requires 32bit framebuffers
20:32.05leviathanI think so
20:32.09GNUtooleviathan, are you aware of elfe+compositing on 32bit framebuffers
20:32.17GNUtooit's without 3d acceleration
20:32.22GNUtoothere is even a card-like interface
20:32.36leviathanGNUtoo: let's ask the other way around
20:32.39GNUtoomaybe I should try to make some videos
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20:32.44leviathando you know a suitable tablet device
20:32.48leviathansimilar to the ipad
20:32.57leviathanwhere I could develop plasma-active on?
20:33.01GNUtoowell I'm not into tablet
20:33.03leviathanand which half way affordable
20:33.05JaMa|Offmrmoku: what oe-core branch do you have? 0.48 is there for years
20:33.09GNUtooso I don't know well tablets
20:33.16GNUtoobut maybe meego x86 tablets?
20:33.27GNUtooI think pespin had one
20:33.43JaMa|Offmrmoku: ah.. sorry guilt not quilt
20:33.47leviathanGNUtoo: ahh
20:34.52leviathanbut still...
20:34.55leviathanone kilogram
20:35.22leviathanso far only on intel atom
20:35.31leviathanand I've got already an intel atom tablet
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20:35.38GNUtooyes but if it works, who cares
20:35.51JaMa|Offmrmoku: or just download manually, I'll check why our PREMIRROR didn't work
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20:35.57GNUtoohi morphis
20:37.12GNUtoomorphis, any plans for telephony on the nexus S?
20:37.52GNUtoomrmoku, strange I did opkg upgrade and the icons appeared
20:39.16mrmokuJaMa|Off: yeah update did not help :/
20:39.52pespinleviathan, I have this one ->
20:41.03leviathanpespin: how is the "reading books in  bed" feeling
20:41.06leviathanyou know
20:41.14leviathando you get a heavy arm after short time?
20:41.24leviathanmaybe I should just get a kindle and hack it
20:42.09leviathanbut it still doesn't solve my dream of scifi-style tablets with KDE4 (Plasma Active) >_<
20:42.38leviathanI'll build Plasma Active for GTA04
20:42.39morphisGNUtoo: what do you mean in detail?
20:43.25GNUtoowhen will placing a call work(without sound) ?
20:43.51morphisit's not far away
20:43.59pespinleviathan, I don't know, I never used it much apart from trying archlinux, meego and SHR
20:44.01morphismost things are already implemented
20:44.09morphisGNUtoo: I need to activate the relevant bits and test it
20:44.14pespinleviathan, tablets doesn't have much interest for me
20:44.31morphisGNUtoo: look here;a=commit;h=789c0b866ecc788845d1d2bd11649b3a18ca0870
20:44.32leviathanpespin: until now, for me neither
20:44.35pespinleviathan, if you wanna read, buy an ebook reader :P
20:44.45pespinleviathan, if you wanna apps, buy a mobile hehe
20:45.04morphisGNUtoo: I am currently working a little bit on Aurora to get it ready for the release in december
20:45.11pespinif you want apps on bigger screen... buy a netbook
20:45.14GNUtoooh nice
20:45.25GNUtooshould I test?
20:45.30leviathanpespin: already tried to package plasma active?
20:45.50leviathanpespin: sources are available
20:45.52pespinhmm no, I even don't know what's that... I think something related to kde.
20:46.26leviathanI'm thinking about porting it to GTA04
20:46.45leviathanand using libqt4-fso in order to provide gui interface to FSO2
20:46.54leviathanfor SMS and Edge
20:47.28mrmokuGNUtoo: even after reboot?
20:47.43GNUtoomrmoku, no after reboot it's gone
20:48.14mrmokuJaMa|Off: ok, will apply manually
20:48.22morphisGNUtoo: if you have time you can test
20:48.25GNUtoomorphis, it keep restarting(fsogsmd)
20:48.43morphiswhat does the log say?
20:48.53pespinleviathan, my opinion against tablets is not only because of the software interface, but maybe for because of the "concept" or design itself
20:49.27JaMa|Offmrmoku: looks like SHR buildhost never built it
20:49.32GNUtooI'll add debug
20:49.32JaMa|Offthat's why it's missing
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20:49.42pespinI know they might be useful for some people, but not for me atm
20:49.51GNUtooah it's already in debug mode
20:50.05GNUtoofsogsmd: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/cornucopia/modules/fsogsm/ undefined symbol: ipc_client_set_delegates
20:50.07pespinJaMa|Off, I'm gonna download some shr image from shr buildhost. everything right?
20:50.20JaMa|Offpespin: which arch?
20:50.27GNUtooI'll opkg upgrade again
20:50.31paulkGNUtoo, yes indeed it was renamed
20:50.32pespinJaMa|Off, gta02
20:51.30GNUtooit still loops
20:51.32GNUtooI reboot
20:51.36morphisGNUtoo: then libsamsung-ipc and fsogsmd are out of sync
20:51.46morphisplease recompile both with ${AUTOREV}
20:51.53leviathanpespin: hmm, do you develop on it right now?
20:52.02leviathanpespin: or is it just collecting dust?
20:52.09pespinleviathan, my father is using it
20:52.21GNUtoomorphis, I did but I opkg update;opkg upgrade too soon
20:52.25GNUtoowhen the image was not finished
20:52.31JaMa|Offpespin: latest should be fine
20:52.45JaMa|Offmrmoku: downloaded to buildhost.. PREMIRROR should pick it now
20:53.15GNUtooafter reboot it works better
20:53.15mrmokuJaMa|Off: thx. patch did it too :)
20:53.33GNUtooI've a strange network name tough
20:53.47GNUtoowith the ? beeing an invalid character
20:54.10GNUtoocalling resets the modem
20:54.24GNUtoolet me retry
20:54.51morphisGNUtoo: ah ok
20:55.15mrmokuJaMa|Off: I flashed latest gta02 yesterday... and kernel segfaulted on boot
20:55.19mrmokudid not dig into
20:55.26mrmokumight be my nand being bad
20:55.41mrmokuwill hopefully get has new SD tomorrow
20:56.19YoramJaMa|Off: Your last patch for elfe is not complete, you it still has elm_object_content_set calls, which are no longer exists in elementary
20:56.39JaMa|Offmrmoku: was it version with bq enabled?
20:56.44JaMa|Offmrmoku: or after it was reverted?
20:57.38JaMa|OffYoram: it was in time I was doing it
20:57.48mrmokuJaMa|Off: after revert I think... latest from buildhost
20:58.00JaMa|OffYoram: later I did another one, both already included upstream
20:58.12JaMa|OffYoram: so I don't know which one you're talking about
20:59.19GNUtoomorphis, it sefault as soon as I press the call button
20:59.36morphisGNUtoo: you have some trace?
20:59.42morphisGNUtoo: but SIM authentication works?
21:00.13GNUtoosim works
21:00.16YoramJaMa|Off: I was talking about 64506
21:00.19morphiswith SHR UI?
21:00.20GNUtooit register to the network
21:00.59GNUtoophonebook not implemented yet tough
21:01.42morphiscan you attach gdb to fsogsmd and give me the backtrace?
21:02.07GNUtoook I'll do that
21:02.41YoramJaMa|Off: both of them where OK when done, but now elementary does not have elm_button_content_set anymore
21:03.09JaMa|OffYoram: in SRCREV we're currently using?
21:03.42YoramJaMa|Off: I'm trying a fix for that right now
21:04.20JaMa|Offok.. send it upstream please
21:04.34YoramJaMa|Off: np
21:04.52JaMa|Offweird that it did build here
21:06.31GNUtoofsogsmd: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/cornucopia/modules/fsogsm/ undefined symbol: samsung_ipc_call_outgoing_message_setup
21:06.34GNUtoomy fault
21:06.49YoramJaMa|Off: it does build, it does not load
21:07.12JaMa|Offah.. 03morphis 07aurora * r020d62e674de 10/aurora-daemon/ (48 files in 4 dirs): aurora-daemon: rename src/daemon to src/bin Signed-off-by: Simon Busch <> 03morphis 07aurora * rccf4722c4edd 10/aurora-daemon/src/components/ (13 files): aurora-daemon: remove self-written components in favour of qt-components Signed-off-by: Simon Busch <> 03morphis 07aurora * rbdf3a99f0a32 10/aurora-daemon/ (7 files in 3 dirs): aurora-daemon: import launcher from aurora-applications Signed-off-by: Simon Busch <> 03morphis 07aurora * r6f47487e8535 10/aurora-applications/ (7 files in 2 dirs): aurora-applications: remove launcher as it is now part of aurora-daemon Signed-off-by: Simon Busch <> 03morphis 07aurora * r3e6067535276 10/ (11 files in 5 dirs): aurora-daemon: first adjustments for the use of qt-components Signed-off-by: Simon Busch <>
21:14.57morphisGNUtoo: no, my fault
21:15.07GNUtooah ok
21:15.31morphisGNUtoo: stop with testing I will fix it tomorrow or this weekend
21:15.42GNUtooI really wanted to test
21:16.33morphisyes but it's not finished
21:16.44morphisthe error message above means some wrong vala binding
21:18.34CIA-5SHR: 03Martin.Jansa 07meta-smartphone * rc6403c100623 10/meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/ (ffphonelog/fix-for-elm-api-change.patch ffphonelog: remove applied patch and bump SRCREV
21:19.07GNUtooI'll test under replicant with shr chroot then
21:20.11GNUtooah sound is broken under SHR
21:20.13GNUtoolet me look
21:20.36CIA-5SHR: 03morphis 07meta-smartphone * reb3bf3f05269 10/meta-aurora/recipes-aurora/aurora/ meta-aurora: aurora-daemon: update license information
21:20.37CIA-5SHR: 03morphis 07meta-smartphone * r340699ce232d 10/meta-aurora/recipes-aurora/aurora/ (4 files): meta-aurora: update aurora recipes to meet new project structure
21:20.37CIA-5SHR: 03morphis 07meta-smartphone * r83348e99a1fa 10/meta-aurora/recipes-aurora/images/ meta-aurora: aurora-image: remove old aurora packages from install list
21:20.37CIA-5SHR: 03morphis 07meta-smartphone * rd05d80cc41bc 10/meta-aurora/recipes-aurora/aurora/ meta-aurora: aurora-base: bump SRCREV
21:20.47CIA-5SHR: 03morphis 07meta-smartphone * rbce1bf47aa4a 10/meta-aurora/recipes-qt/qt4/ meta-aurora: add first version of the qt-components recipe
21:21.16morphisGNUtoo: yes can you make sound working with SHR? I wasn't able to play a simple wav file last time I tried
21:21.20morphiseven with your tips
21:21.31GNUtoobut it worked with my tip before
21:22.33mrmokuJaMa|Off: patch for this one too?
21:22.34mrmokuERROR: '/OE/shr-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-bsp/pcmciautils/' failed
21:22.52morphisGNUtoo: hm
21:22.53mrmokuor update and bet on the PREMIRRORs
21:23.01morphisGNUtoo: I loaded the state file you gave me
21:23.12morphiswith alsactl -f ok.state restore
21:23.17GNUtooahh I was on hp
21:23.26morphisthen played some wav with aplay -D hw:0 test.wav
21:23.26GNUtoothe same....
21:23.32JaMa|Offmrmoku: fetch failed?
21:26.50morphisGNUtoo: you will fix this?
21:27.08GNUtooyes of course
21:27.11CIA-5SHR: 03Martin.Jansa 07shr-chroot * rfe09a1407595 10/ (738 files in 73 dirs): remove qemu & deps
21:27.21mrmokuJaMa|Off: yup
21:27.41GNUtoono sound at all is unacceptable
21:28.18JaMa|Offmrmoku: downloaded, please try premirror :)
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21:46.13pespinJaMa|Off, e17 segfault on first time wizard >.<
21:46.59GNUtoomorphis, under android access: MMAP_INTERLEAVED works fine now
21:47.10JaMa|Offpespin: backtrace?
21:47.23GNUtooaltough the kenrel may have been upgraded
21:50.41pespinJaMa|Off, mm I rebooted and it worked now u.u
21:51.16pespinhmm but keyboard doesn't appear when I focus on entry in shr-wizard
21:51.23JaMa|OffI didn't reflash latest image, but fully opkg upgraded was starting fine (after removing .e)
21:56.13morphisGNUtoo: hm
22:00.11pespinJaMa|Off, hmm no dns hosts by default (empthy /etc/resolv.conf)
22:00.52JaMa|Offwas there something before?
22:01.02morphisany idea why I can do a ping as root but not as normal user?
22:01.03JaMa|Offnetbase was upgraded yesterday
22:01.09pespinopendns ones afair
22:01.43morphisJaMa|Off: btw. I pushed on glib-2.0 fix to contrib/shr
22:02.47pespinJaMa|Off, feeds are build? enjoy is not there yet? o.O
22:04.57JaMa|Offmorphis: ahh, good iirc there was some discussion about this problem on ML, so thanks for patch
22:05.22morphisJaMa|Off: no problem, will send it to ML too
22:08.05JaMa|Offpespin: it is but it's not in task-shr-feed
22:08.10JaMa|Offpespin: will add it
22:09.04pespinok thanks
22:09.10morphisJaMa|Off: mail is out, feel free to put your acked-by below it
22:09.15pespinGNUtoo, did you have time to push mplayer stuff?
22:09.22mrmokumorphis: ping not setuid
22:09.39mrmokumaybe same problem as the dbus one
22:09.55GNUtoopespin, yes
22:09.57morphismrmoku: -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 35K 14. Okt 2010  /bin/ping
22:10.00GNUtoopespin, but not in oe
22:10.05GNUtoopespin, just in SHR
22:10.08mrmokuthen I don't know
22:10.13morphismrmoku: it's not in OE
22:10.19mrmokuahh, ok
22:10.20morphisone of my debian servers
22:10.47pespinGNUtoo, ok. it isn't in feeds neither, nor intone
22:11.07mrmokuanyway... me needs to sleep now :)
22:11.11mrmokugnight all
22:11.12morphisok "cat: /etc/resolv.conf: Keine Berechtigung"
22:12.07morphisyeah it works
22:12.16GNUtoopespin, you must build it
22:12.16morphisso backup of is on going
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22:25.21CIA-5SHR: 03morphis 07meta-smartphone * r9fe0b1a5d0bf 10/meta-aurora/recipes-aurora/aurora/ meta-aurora: aurora-daemon needs to depend on qt-components
22:31.43morphisGNUtoo: you know this one "x-window-manager: Fatal IO error: client killed"?
22:32.59GNUtoodid you restart X and did ctrl + c in console
22:36.25morphisGNUtoo: no
22:36.33morphisGNUtoo: I died after some time
22:36.49GNUtooso you didn't restart it
22:37.15GNUtoobecause if you restart it you're in trouble
22:37.24GNUtoofor instance if you exit the shell
22:37.31GNUtooit is killed
22:39.30GNUtooaplay -M -Dhw:0 works under replicant
22:39.42GNUtoobut not with dmix
22:51.21GNUtoobye I can't stand anymore about this alsa driver, maybe I'll try to get serial + board
22:51.26GNUtooon  top of mainline
23:02.51CIA-5SHR: 03Martin.Jansa 07meta-smartphone * r31904d08ca0a 10/meta-shr/recipes-shr/tasks/ task-shr-feed: add more stuff again
23:02.52CIA-5SHR: 03Martin.Jansa 07meta-smartphone * r829d659dff31 10/meta-shr/recipes-shr/3rdparty/ (2 files in 2 dirs): meta-shr: fix intone build with newer elementary
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23:06.58morphisI am off
23:07.08JaMa|Offtoo, gnight all

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