IRC log for #openmoko-cdevel on 20100904

00:00.06*** join/#openmoko-cdevel [Rui] (
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00:36.02*** join/#openmoko-cdevel PaulF (~pavel@
00:54.53*** join/#openmoko-cdevel zeroedout (
01:05.28*** join/#openmoko-cdevel Defiant (
01:42.21*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GNUtoo|laptop (~gnutoo@
01:59.12GNUtoo|laptopwow mapping is indeed possible
01:59.16GNUtoo|laptopevdev should be used
01:59.42GNUtoo|laptopxterm should be used for testing
01:59.47GNUtoo|laptopsetxkbmap -model evdev -layout us -variant intl -option lv3:alt_switch should be used as a base
01:59.56GNUtoo|laptopthe J key works now
02:00.03GNUtoo|laptopaltough I've to map everything
02:11.36pespinGNUtoo|laptop, good luck with it :) david told me you and leviathan have contacted him :) time to sleep for me, gnight!
02:11.47GNUtoo|laptoppespin, ok
02:11.53GNUtoo|laptoppespin, only one phone for now
02:11.56GNUtoo|laptopit goes to leviathan
02:12.08GNUtoo|laptopbecause I've less time than him
02:12.16GNUtoo|laptopso I said to give him the first phone
02:13.21pespinGNUtoo|laptop, he told me he'd ask for another one to geeksphone people. He said it would be easier once you provided some stuff done, like recording a video of a a booting env in it
02:14.23GNUtoo|laptopI'll finish keyboard,GUI and do that
02:14.33GNUtoo|laptopaltough once commit is done
02:14.41GNUtoo|laptopeverybody could do a video
02:15.21pespingreat :)
02:15.25pespingoing to sleep, gnight!
02:33.16*** join/#openmoko-cdevel DocScrutinizer-8 (~jr-N810@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
02:57.56*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GNUtoo|laptop (~gnutoo@
03:23.36*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GNUtoo|laptop (~gnutoo@
04:34.31*** join/#openmoko-cdevel DocScrutinizer (~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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05:05.56*** join/#openmoko-cdevel khoonirobo (~versus@
05:07.04*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GNUtoo|laptop (
05:36.14*** join/#openmoko-cdevel vanous (~vanous@
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05:58.16*** join/#openmoko-cdevel vanous (~vanous@
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06:44.11radekplindi-: i think you can compile arora sources that are in qtmoko also for X11+Qt, the QT api is same for framebuffer and X11
06:45.46radekplindi-: there are usually only very few lines qtmoko specific, and those are probably #ifdef QTOPIA because we develop that apps on PC with QT-X11
07:09.20*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GNUtoo|laptop (
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08:30.06*** part/#openmoko-cdevel liori (~liori@
08:37.19*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GarthPS (~quassel@
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10:25.08*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GarthPS (~quassel@
11:02.07*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GNUtoo|laptop (~gnutoo@
11:05.13*** join/#openmoko-cdevel TAsn (
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12:29.18*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GNUtoo|laptop (~gnutoo@
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13:27.08*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GNUtoo|laptop (~gnutoo@
13:32.38*** join/#openmoko-cdevel wolfspraul (
13:37.47*** join/#openmoko-cdevel Martix (
13:43.06vanousTAsn: still in korea? :)
14:01.11*** join/#openmoko-cdevel vanous1 (~vanous@
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15:19.38*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GNUtoo|htcdream (~GNUtoo@
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15:59.14*** join/#openmoko-cdevel [Rui] (
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16:18.21*** join/#openmoko-cdevel GNUtoo|laptop (
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16:41.01GNUtoo|laptophi mickey|zzZZzz
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16:49.22GNUtoo|laptophi pespin
16:49.39pespinGNUtoo|laptop, hi :)
16:49.58GNUtoo|laptoppespin, was it you that wanted me to do a video
16:50.10pespinGNUtoo|laptop, yeah :)
16:50.21GNUtoo|laptopit's pushing to my server
16:50.33GNUtoo|laptopbut my server is kind of slow
16:50.49GNUtoo|laptopand the video is kind of huge
16:50.56GNUtoo|laptopand I'm using the upload bandwith for vpn
16:51.04pespinGNUtoo|laptop, great! which duration has it? and weight?
16:51.15pespinit may be better to upload it to youtube too?
16:51.25GNUtoo|laptopit'll be too slow
16:51.29GNUtoo|laptopbut you can do it if you want
16:51.37GNUtoo|laptopand 30min won't work on youtube
16:52.02GNUtoo|laptopat less than 50k/s download
16:52.12pespinGNUtoo|laptop, nah, my upload rate here is horrible. I download at 130 Kb/s maximum, imagine the upload.. lol
16:52.47GNUtoo|laptopso what should I do
16:52.53GNUtoo|laptopthere was an issue
16:52.56GNUtoo|laptopno sound
16:53.00pespinGNUtoo|laptop, so maximum download rate is 50? may I try axel on you server? :P
16:53.02GNUtoo|laptopI didn't notice that
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16:53.30GNUtoo|laptopin less than one min it'll be pushed
16:53.36GNUtoo|laptophi morphis
16:53.39pespinGNUtoo|laptop, similar to wget, but downloads several parts of the file at the time, so downloads faster :)
16:53.42pespindownload accel
16:54.16pespindid you use a webcam from the computer to record?
16:54.26pespinI've had always problems trying to record video+audio from webcam
16:54.46GNUtoo|laptopme too but with cheese it was easy
16:54.51GNUtoo|laptopbasically i've tried every other solution
16:54.58GNUtoo|laptopand they failed because of jpeg errors
16:55.24pespinI have problems with cheese too
16:55.44GNUtoo|laptopwho's got a fast connection
16:55.49GNUtoo|laptopno cheese is fine for me
16:55.55GNUtoo|laptopit's cpu hungry tough
16:56.06pespinI have one when I'm at univ, but till 13th won't be there
16:56.29pespinI can upload it when there
16:59.14GNUtoo|laptopdon't download too fast please
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16:59.38GNUtoo|laptopbecause the upload is used by the vpn I'm in
16:59.50GNUtoo|laptopthe one who dowloads has to host it on a faster server
16:59.57GNUtoo|laptoplike youtube or similar
17:00.03GNUtoo|laptoplicense: cc-by
17:00.39GNUtoo|laptopat the end the standby issue is due to improper mapping of the hangup key
17:00.59*** join/#openmoko-cdevel ruoso (
17:01.18GNUtoo|laptopah no now it works
17:01.24GNUtoo|laptopmaybe xorg restarts broke it
17:01.38GNUtoo|laptoptoo much restarts....
17:05.16TAsnvanous1, nah, home for a month now :P
17:07.58pespinGNUtoo|laptop, downloading
17:22.13*** join/#openmoko-cdevel DocScrutinizer-8 (~jr-N810@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
17:37.01vanous1TAsn: oh, ok cool... too much dayjob here today... with koreaens... hmm, saturday, should not work today and been already 6 hours online with them... :(
17:39.58GNUtoo|laptoppespin, is it downloaded?
17:40.13GNUtoo|laptopdamn battery
17:41.20pespinGNUtoo|laptop, just finished
17:41.51GNUtoo|laptopI hope you won't be too much disapointed
17:41.57GNUtoo|laptopby the bad quality
17:46.21GNUtoo|laptophi leviathan
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17:46.51GNUtoo|laptoppespin, what do you think of it?
17:48.53pespinGNUtoo|laptop, looking at it :)
17:51.17pespinwell, the quality is quite bad, it's dificult to read text, only guess what you type :P
17:52.04pespinand I see you have the same problem as me launching apps within illume. those double-click to lunch apps are quite annoying :)
17:52.15GNUtoo|laptop320x240 webcam
17:52.26GNUtoo|laptoppespin, no I've less problem than with freerunner
17:52.31pespinGNUtoo|laptop, yeah, I suppoused it' webcam problem :)
17:52.31GNUtoo|laptopstill present but less issues
17:52.41GNUtoo|laptopthe issue you see is that the phone is on a table
17:52.55GNUtoo|laptopand that it's difficult to use it in this position
17:53.05GNUtoo|laptopbut the problem is still there
17:53.12GNUtoo|laptopjust less important
17:53.45GNUtoo|laptopmaybe it's just an illume setting?
17:54.09pespinGNUtoo|laptop, no idea, but I thing that didn't happen some time ago
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17:54.43GNUtoo|laptopin illume1 that issue was not present
17:54.46pespinGNUtoo|laptop, maybe you do i later in video, but imho would be great to see the device itself, not only the screen
17:54.50GNUtoo|laptopor am I wrong?
17:55.01pespinit gives the sensation of "Oh, he really can do that with that device! the same I have!"
17:55.01GNUtoo|laptopah ok
17:55.21GNUtoo|laptopnote that it's a preview video
17:55.25GNUtoo|laptopnot all have been commited
17:55.34GNUtoo|laptopbut I'll do very soon
17:55.43pespinGNUtoo|laptop, yeah, just giving you ideas or if another one wants to do it :)
17:56.11GNUtoo|laptopbecause when it'll be commited it'll be easy to do a new video
17:56.27pespinyep :)
17:56.57pespinand well, sound is always welcome :P
17:57.49pespinGNUtoo|laptop, are you using swap in htc dream?
17:57.55GNUtoo|laptopnot at all
17:58.07pespinI tried playing wesnoth once in FR, and didn't had enough RAM for it
17:58.18GNUtoo|laptopwesnoth,glibc etc evolved
17:58.22GNUtoo|laptopnow it's faster
17:58.29GNUtoo|laptopand there is less ram on the htcdream
17:58.46GNUtoo|laptopI should try to apply phh's memory increase patches
17:58.48pespinhm interesting, I'll have to try it in FR sometime in future
17:59.01GNUtoo|laptopjust opkg install it
17:59.06GNUtoo|laptopit should be in the feeds now
17:59.12GNUtoo|laptopopkg install wesnoth
17:59.14pespinoh great :D
17:59.51GNUtoo|laptopwesnoth -w -r 480x600 --nosound --nomusic
18:00.04GNUtoo|laptopand then put it fullscreen
18:00.07pespinbtw, I did a xrandr -o 1 before in my FR, and it look like the touchscreens doesn't get synced with landscape mode
18:00.41GNUtoo|laptopif it doesn't work in 480x640 ask me
18:00.43pespinI mean, the display rotates, but pressing things in it doesn't work as expected
18:00.46GNUtoo|laptopI'll find how to make it work
18:00.57GNUtoo|laptop(I know where to look)
18:01.12pespinI'll try later before going to party if I have time :)
18:01.59pespinGNUtoo|laptop, are you running wesnoth server+client or connecting to an internet client? for ram space and that I mean
18:02.15pespins/internet client/internet server
18:03.07pespinoh wait, I'm confusig myself
18:03.17pespinthe game I tried some time ago was freeciv :P
18:03.17GNUtoo|laptopI run wesnoth offline
18:03.32GNUtoo|laptopit can work without the need of an external computer
18:03.56GNUtoo|laptopbut that technique is good for evaluating a port
18:03.59GNUtoo|laptopahhh wait a sec
18:04.04GNUtoo|laptopwe have right click
18:04.19GNUtoo|laptopso....wormux could be doable
18:04.25GNUtoo|laptopbecause in wormux the issue was right-click
18:04.35pespinGNUtoo|laptop, but no fullscreen then
18:05.13GNUtoo|laptopI should try with ssh -Y
18:06.28pespinGNUtoo|laptop, btw, you could emulate right click with some hardware kb button?
18:07.11pespinoh, and in the video, the screen something looks like purpleish
18:07.11GNUtoo|laptopyes maybe
18:07.17pespinis that because of the webcam or the device itself?
18:08.41pespinuhm freeciv is not in repos. I'll try someday another time
18:11.19pespinI personally like a lot more freeciv than wesnoth :)
18:13.03GNUtoo|laptopwikipedias freeciv because it could have evolved a lot
18:15.24pespinfinishes video
18:15.35pespinGNUtoo|laptop, do you have accels working? you could try mokomaze
18:15.46GNUtoo|laptopnot working
18:15.51GNUtoo|laptopand mokomaze wouldn't work
18:16.00GNUtoo|laptopbecause of the low resolution
18:16.04GNUtoo|laptopbut I'll bitbake freeciv
18:16.38pespinyou may need sawp file for it :)
18:20.06pespinGNUtoo|laptop, if things are like before, you won't have enough memory in it :)
18:20.10pespinto run it
18:20.32GNUtoo|laptopnote that we have less python code,no udev etc...
18:20.42pespinwell, it runs, but while loading game, it segfaults because of mem usage afair
18:21.05pespinGNUtoo|laptop, hope it works :) Please ping me if you get it running
18:21.11GNUtoo|laptopinternet is slow here,parsing often fail
18:21.17pespinI don't have an armv4 OE tree for FR right now
18:21.31pespinbut we can put it in hr repos then :)
18:22.24*** join/#openmoko-cdevel AndreasD (
18:23.50GNUtoo|laptoppespin, what other good games is there in oe?
18:25.56pespinGNUtoo|laptop, don' know, but you could try teeworlds in htc dream (hw kb) :)
18:26.33pespinwe even do championships of that game in university's party day lol xD
18:27.29pespindoes the dream have opengl es or similar?
18:28.05pespinGNUtoo|laptop, I think grainy would be great to have too
18:28.23pespinbut uses mono, that might be a deal-braker
18:28.29GNUtoo|laptopopengl is proprietary
18:28.42GNUtoo|laptopnot sure if there is a half-legal source implementation
18:29.08GNUtoo|laptoppespin, I'll bitbake only things in oe
18:29.17GNUtoo|laptopbecause I've to finish the dream port
18:29.28pespinyep, no problem
18:29.42pespinI let it here just in case someone bored wants to add them to OE xD
18:30.54GNUtoo|laptopI like to add games for oe,even if I don't play a lot
18:31.24GNUtoo|laptopon my todo list for games
18:31.35GNUtoo|laptopthere is to fix pingus
18:31.37GNUtoo|laptopit has a memory leak
18:31.43GNUtoo|laptopand that's very annoying
18:31.50GNUtoo|laptopbecause on the htcdream
18:31.53GNUtoo|laptopthe game is so great
18:31.57GNUtoo|laptopand so playable
18:34.34pespinGNUtoo|laptop, what you mean opengl is proprietary? the driver on the dream?
18:34.54GNUtoo|laptopunder android it's proptierary
18:35.19GNUtoo|laptopI heard things about opengl leaked sources,but I don't know if it applies to htcdream or if it's true
18:35.31GNUtoo|laptopor even if it's exact
18:35.44pespinGNUtoo|laptop, you could try frozen-bubbles too, that's great :)
18:35.50pespinwith a hw-kb
18:36.11GNUtoo|laptopmaybe it doesn't compile anymore
18:36.14GNUtoo|laptopnot sure
18:36.26GNUtoo|laptopI know...I ported it to oe
18:36.33GNUtoo|laptopand wesnoth too
18:36.37pespinoh great :)
18:36.39GNUtoo|laptopand xboard too
18:36.50pespinGNUtoo|laptop, you didn't had it in your dream in your video, did you?
18:36.56GNUtoo|laptopfor wesnoth and frozen bubble
18:37.02GNUtoo|laptopit was not exacly a port
18:37.07GNUtoo|laptopbut their version was so old
18:37.14GNUtoo|laptopfor instance wesnoth 0.1 svn
18:37.18GNUtoo|laptopor something like that
18:37.21GNUtoo|laptopand frozen bubble 1
18:37.25GNUtoo|laptopso I made new recipes
18:37.29GNUtoo|laptopand got commit access
18:37.32GNUtoo|laptopat the end
18:37.51GNUtoo|laptoppespin, no I had only some games,not all of them
18:38.00leviathanpespin: david will now send me the phone
18:38.05leviathanshould get it the next few days
18:38.20GNUtoo|laptopand will I get one later?
18:38.27GNUtoo|laptopI can wait
18:38.31pespinleviathan, great :)
18:38.32GNUtoo|laptopbut in case you need some help
18:38.54pespinGNUtoo|laptop, is frozen-bubble well playable on htc dream? :)
18:38.57leviathanGNUtoo|laptop: its a problem, because the CEOs aren't very generous in this respect
18:39.07leviathanbut I suggested a meeting with them and our CEO
18:39.15leviathanto discuss business plans we made
18:39.15GNUtoo|laptoppespin, I never bitbaken it for the htcdream
18:39.19GNUtoo|laptopI'll do it
18:40.18pespinsome tetris-like game would be greate too
18:40.50pespinhw-kb has great advantage of letting you play games hehe
18:42.55GNUtoo|laptoppespin, how do I run freeciv?
18:43.38pespinGNUtoo|laptop, look at /usr/share/games or similar
18:43.45pespinif you can't find the binary, it should be there
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18:44.29pespinyou can run your own server in htc to play alone, or you can connect to some internet/lan server
18:50.33GNUtoo|laptoppespin, bad news: it works but it's unusable(GUI)
18:50.37GNUtoo|laptoplook at scap.linuxtogo
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18:55.59pespinGNUtoo|laptop, that's because the gtk backend
18:56.13pespinGNUtoo|laptop, you should try compiling with sdk backend
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18:56.44pespin--enable-sdl or similar
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18:58.35pespinGNUtoo|laptop, you can see here screenshots about both displays (sdl,gtk)
19:01.48dos1GNUtoo|laptop: got already some mirror for your video?
19:02.18dcordesGNUtoo|laptop: hey
19:02.30GNUtoo|laptopdos1, I need a mirror indeed
19:02.38GNUtoo|laptopI'm limited to 50k/s because of vpn
19:02.47GNUtoo|laptopfor downlad here
19:02.59GNUtoo|laptopand where the server is the 50k/s are also used for upload
19:03.03GNUtoo|laptopyou see the issue...
19:03.26dos1GNUtoo|laptop: ok, so i'll upload it to youtube
19:03.42GNUtoo|laptopok thanks a lot
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19:04.23pespinGNUtoo|laptop, I'll leave now, Will you try building it with sdl support?
19:04.44GNUtoo|laptopyes maybe
19:04.48GNUtoo|laptopI'll look
19:07.26pespinok than ks :)
19:09.16dcordesGNUtoo|laptop: did you hear from a person who wants to run SHR on the nexus ?
19:09.53GNUtoo|laptopno I only saw the mails
19:10.11GNUtoo|laptopI'm not sure if I'll port SHR on the nexus
19:14.06GNUtoo|laptopthey say to pray for it to compile fine
19:14.23GNUtoo|laptopand I didn't pray so it didn't work
19:14.46GNUtoo|laptop| chatline.c:92:5: error: too few arguments to function 'real_append_output_window'
19:14.48GNUtoo|laptop| ./../include/chatline_g.h:18:6: note: declared here
19:27.15PaulFdos1: got SHR running on your shiny new n900?
19:27.57dos1PaulF: yup. but now just language selector from e wizard, cause neither touchscreen nor usb networking are working :D
19:28.19Gabrysdos1: BTW the message should say: "Select two", it would be even funnier then
19:28.51dos1but well, i built this image by myself, because JaMa is gone, so it's good progress i think ;)
19:30.34vanous1anyone tried tmut (from libtinymail) for emails?
19:32.13dos1GNUtoo|laptop: video downloaded :)
19:32.44GNUtoo|laptopn900 is better than dream but less suported
19:32.46vanous1tmut seems to start and run pretty well, but account creation seems an issue...
19:32.57GNUtoo|laptopwhen I'll have commited my stuff....
19:32.59GNUtoo|laptopit will rock
20:07.13dos1well, touchscreen won't work without it in /dev :)
20:07.31dos1and installing udev can help with that :D
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20:13.49dos1GNUtoo|laptop: part 2 is now finishing uploading
20:15.35GNUtoo|laptopdos1, touchscreen is tslib right?
20:15.56dos1GNUtoo|laptop: dunno, waiting for buildhost to sync, do i'll be able to install udev :D
20:16.34dos1and now part 3
20:17.20vanous1huh, the stripes are great :), missing just some psychedelic music :))
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20:20.26vanous1browser rendering speed seems pretty good...
20:21.24Gabrysit would be even better with ffbrowser :-)
20:37.26dos1and that's all :)
20:38.17GNUtoo|laptopok thanks a lot
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21:56.42dos1 :)
21:57.23lindi-dos1: what's the name of the boot loader?
21:57.44dos1lindi-: bootmenu, something from repo
21:57.52dos1lindi-: haven't played with it more yet
21:58.06dos1though i'm not sure if it's really bootloader :D
21:58.22dos1it seems more like initrd image using kexec
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