irclog2html for #openjtag on 20050901

00:26.05*** join/#openjtag ulf_ (
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01:23.42*** join/#openjtag ulf_ (
01:30.52ulf_hello again, had some problems with my wireless connection from my home to my office
01:33.35ulf_anyway, hi g2 i checked out, that my jtag adaper works but i have some strange results
02:22.33*** join/#openjtag ByronT_ (n=byron-po@nslu2-linux/ByronT)
02:31.06[g2]ulf_, what's that ?
02:31.31ulf_how you mean?
02:32.37[g2]you said you had some strange results
02:32.49[g2]what was strange ?
02:35.06ulf_i erased a part for example "reaseflash 0x00001000 8" so then i readmem at the same adress the first 2048 bytes "readmem 0x00001000 2048 lala.output" and all is ffff...
02:35.13ulf_sofare fine
02:38.00ulf_now i flashmem at this adress some binary from a file for example flashmem 0x00001000 redboot.bin and after 30 min it stops with an error, now i compare the first part from the org. redboot.bin with on the flash
02:38.44ulf_and it ist almost the same
02:39.14ulf_after some rows i have a some fffff in it
02:39.52ulf_i will show a part here:
02:40.54ulf_00001d0 e3a0 8452 e1c8 70b0 ee07 0f9a ee12 0f10
02:40.56ulf_00001e0 e1a0 0000 e24f f004 e3a0 ffff ffff ffff
02:40.57ulf_00001f0 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
02:41.00ulf_0000220 e380 0001 e380 0c02 ee01 0f10 ee12 0f10
02:41.03ulf_the org:
02:42.53ulf_00001d0 3020 3366 2030 6565 3231 3020 3166 0a30
02:42.55ulf_00001e0 3030 3030 6130 2030 3165 3061 3020 3030
02:42.56ulf_00001f0 2030 3265 6634 6620 3030 2034 3365 3061
02:44.02ulf_its easy to see this with xxdif
02:44.41ulf_so it is the same but somehow some rows are now correct written
02:47.41ulf_i am sure the openjtag version  is not able to handle this chip
02:50.06ulf_i do not know what kind of indian i have to use and i do not know whats about the top/bottom boot difference where is the start boot adress, the manual 23579c7.pdf is from the chip
02:51.32[g2]what is the chip again ?
02:52.01[g2]the flash chip ?
02:57.17[g2]do you know if it's setup for 8-bit or 16-bit
02:57.46[g2]it seems like the flash programming isn't working and needs to be fixed for the chip
02:58.37ulf_if you google for 23579c7.pdf
02:58.49ulf_you will get direct the pdf
02:59.03[g2]You're using a wiggler right ?
02:59.46ulf_my jtag give "only 1x16 2x16 possible" when istart flashmem, yes a wiggler
03:00.52ulf_can i just mail you my jtag output for detect and so one?
03:01.18ulf_or is there a mailinglist
03:01.29[g2]you've identified the chip properly right ?
03:01.48[g2]I think it's isolated to the flash programming algorithm
03:02.43ulf_detectflash  gives output about 2 regions
03:03.05ulf_Region 0:
03:03.07[g2]right so the JTAG is working
03:03.17ulf_i hope so
03:03.39[g2]so it's just that the flash chip is supported
03:03.50ulf_i think so
03:03.59[g2]the question is where do you go from there
03:04.17[g2]1) add support for the chip yourself
03:04.31ulf_i am not able to write such code
03:04.54[g2]2) find someone (like mabybe the jtag tool maintainer) to possibly update it
03:08.20ulf_do you have writemem in your jtag tool
03:09.03ulf_i am using debians jtag 0.5.1 i downloaded the sources but i get error messaged while compiling
03:13.01[g2]well you'll have to figure out those errors
03:13.18[g2]It looks like the code is in src/flash.c
03:19.31ulf_ok i took the cvs checkout
03:21.34ulf_hmm sorry for my stupid questions, now i have the all this folders in my folder where i made the checkout, but what i have to do now?
03:22.15ulf_there is no chance to make a ./configure
03:24.22[g2]./configure doesn't work for you ?
03:24.59ulf_well i jumped into the jtag folder
03:25.14ulf_ahh ok i have to use automake
04:19.59*** join/#openjtag [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
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20:09.47ulf_why does my jtag works, but no kernel module for parport is loaded? i forgot to load it, after a reboot, but it works - strange
21:47.41*** join/#openjtag [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
22:18.55ulf_hi g2
22:20.36ulf_i reinstalled all jtag stuff from the cvs and i try a next writesession
22:25.26[g2]ulf_, good
22:25.32[g2]did it work any better
22:53.23*** join/#openjtag ByronT (n=byron-po@nslu2-linux/ByronT)
22:58.51ulf_g2: no
23:00.05ulf_the debian gave as notice: Note: Supported configuration is 2 x 16 bit or 1 x 16 bit only
23:00.06ulf_Bus width is 16 bits
23:00.08ulf_Chip: AMD Flash
23:01.40ulf_the newer cvs version has no "Note: Supported configuration is 2x 16.....
23:01.53ulf_like: jtag> flashmem 0x003c0000 /tmp/redboot_swap.bin
23:01.55ulf_Chip: AMD Flash
23:47.06*** join/#openjtag ulf__ (

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