irclog2html for #openjtag on 20050730

04:18.16*** join/#openjtag rwhitby-nslu2 (~rwhitby@rwhitby.nslu2-linux)
04:22.19*** join/#openjtag [g2] (~g2@g2.nslu2-linux)
04:23.19*** join/#openjtag ka6sox-away (
04:23.22*** join/#openjtag ka6sox-office (
18:17.29*** join/#openjtag dyoung-away (~dyoung-aw@dyoung.nslu2-linux)
18:37.02landslideis it possible to compile apex with the openslug build environment?
18:37.12landslidei have a 128mb slug that i want to test out.
21:39.00dyoungshould be possible.
23:09.46rwhitbylandslide: bb unfreeze, bb apex

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.