IRC log for #openezx on 20110409

03:19.32*** join/#openezx pixel____ (
04:18.28*** join/#openezx kundancool (~kundancoo@
04:19.25kundancoolcan anyone tell me why I get this error when I login to openezx irc
04:19.30kundancool"kundancool is not a registered nickname."
06:24.55*** join/#openezx kundancool (~kundancoo@
06:25.17kundancoolcan anyone tell me
06:25.20kundancoolgit clone git://
06:25.31kundancoolhow much size does this will take
06:26.47kundancoolcan I resume it If I had stopped in middle ?
07:24.05*** join/#openezx florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
08:08.30*** join/#openezx ao2 (~ao2@2001:1418:117::1)
08:16.54*** join/#openezx florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
09:51.11*** join/#openezx toi (
10:30.07*** join/#openezx bluelightning (~paul@pdpc/supporter/professional/bluelightning)
10:30.53bluelightningmorning all
10:54.18ao2hi bluelightning
10:55.09bluelightninghi ao2
10:55.37bluelightningbtw I installed tslib's ts_test on the a780, it tells me it doesn't understand the protocol of the touchscreen device
10:55.46bluelightningso that might explain why it's not working in opie
10:56.13bluelightningI'm not sure what would have caused that, though I assume there is either a driver bug or the protocol has changed recently
10:56.31ao2I recall I tested it with tslib once and it worked, taking a look later
10:56.43bluelightningok, just a heads up
10:57.31ao2bluelightning, what tslib version? SO we can compare our results
10:57.54bluelightningao2: one sec
11:01.13bluelightningao2: the version I have installed is 1.0-r28.6.9
11:20.07*** join/#openezx ao2 (~ao2@2001:1418:117::1)
11:23.54bluelightningao2: you got my msg about the version?
11:24.44ao2bluelightning, yes, thanks
11:24.57bluelightningok cool
11:25.03bluelightningI've just been playing with the backlight level control, it's just in a different location now than it used to be, so Opie needs to be updated
11:25.31bluelightningI did notice that bl_power seems to expect to be 0 to be powered and 1 to be off, is that right?
11:26.00bluelightninghmm, seems to be according to one google result
11:26.11ao2bluelightning, I don't remember
11:26.23ao2about TS, I get this one indeed: # TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event2 ts_print
11:26.23ao2selected device is not a touchscreen I understand
11:26.40bluelightningyep, that's exactly what I get
11:26.45ao2with tslib  1.0-r28.6.6
11:26.54ao2booting an older kernel now to compare the result
11:34.22ao2with 2.6.34 ts works indeed, I need to fix that
11:36.03bluelightningok... just tested, LEDs work and so does the buzzer :)
11:37.05bluelightningao2: that would be cool, thanks
11:40.53ao2bluelightning, it could be that tslib does not know the new version reported by the input layer:
11:40.55ao2--- pcap-touchscreen-2.6.34.log Sat Apr  9 13:37:03 2011
11:40.55ao2+++ pcap-touchscreen-2.6.38.log Sat Apr  9 13:38:47 2011
11:40.55ao2@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
11:40.55ao2-Input driver version is 1.0.0
11:40.55ao2+Input driver version is 1.0.1
11:41.28ao2so it might not be a driver bug after all, I am looking if there is a new tslib version available
11:50.42ao2bluelightning, going to lunch now, but I am compiling tslib from git and will try that later
11:50.53bluelightningao2: ok thanks
12:31.22*** join/#openezx CoreDuo (coreduo@2001:470:b163::15)
13:06.19ao2bluelightning, tslib from git works on 2.6.38. But I just tested in on a1200 as a780 is charging now
13:06.46bluelightningao2: ok great, thanks for that
13:24.07bluelightningao2: confirmed, opie now has working ts :)
13:31.15*** join/#openezx kundancool (~kundancoo@
13:37.56kundancoolis there any JTAG flasher which provides a UI for flashing and other testing... on Linux ?
13:38.23*** join/#openezx florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
14:11.31*** join/#openezx angelox_123 (
14:51.47bluelightningjust booted on e6 as well
14:52.09bluelightningthe ts is a bit messed up there, it's hard to tap on anything
14:52.36bluelightningalthough it might help if I fixed the 18bpp issue so the screen wasn't also messed up :)
14:54.50bluelightningthe e6 has /sys/class/power_supply/main-battery which is good
14:55.42bluelightningbut no LEDs, except for the buzzer which works
14:58.35ao2bluelightning, I do not own an E6. About ts, is it a calibration issue?
14:59.19bluelightningao2: might be, it went through the opie calibration OK but afterwards it seems not to be 100%
14:59.38ao2about LEDS, I do not know how leds are wired on E6, if you provide some info I might be eble to add support for them as well
15:00.15bluelightningao2: hmm ok, what would I need to do? poke random gpios? or might that be dangerous?
15:00.23ao2bluelightning, could you retry calibration with tslib utils?
15:00.32bluelightningao2: could try that yep
15:02.52ao2bluelightning, about leds looking at the original firmware could be enough, see if there is any mention of "funlight" in the kernel binary. Maybe E6 uses the same led controlled than a910, or maybe it uses pcap leds.
15:06.25ao2to see if it uses pcap leds (PCAP is the PMIC name, I guess you know that already) you can even use the pcap_dump kernel module to look at registers when leds are on or off
15:07.03ao2I can give you further instructions if you are willing to spend time on that
15:07.36bluelightningok, tried ts_calibrate, it seems to make things even worse than with the values set by the opie calibrator... so I guess something is wrong there
15:07.54ao2bluelightning, you can even play with kernel code and try to add led support yourself copying from a910 or a780
15:08.07bluelightningao2: ok, will give pcap_dump a go
15:08.55ao2you'll use pcap_dum connecting via telnet to the original firmware
15:09.46ao2if you tell me the kernel version string shown up on telnet connection I can compile the module for you (an old toolchain is needed for that)
15:10.46ao2the easiest way would be to look at the 2.4 code of E6, actually, but I don't have it
15:11.52ao2and about touchscreen, without the device it is not that easy to figure out what's wrong
15:12.09ao2maybe /proc/interrupts provides some hint
15:12.21ao2or evtest on the input device node
15:20.08bluelightningran evtest, as I had noticed with ts_test it seems to be generating events after the stylus is removed from the screen
15:26.13*** join/#openezx kundancool (~kundancoo@
15:28.34kundancoolao2: can you now add the 0f argument to moto-boot-usb ?
15:29.39ao2kundancool, ok, I'll do that right now before I forget about it
15:30.06kundancooland is it possible to have a reboot command ?
15:30.21kundancoolas it has off to poweroff
15:31.25ao2you can upload gen-blob again, wouldn't that be like a reboot?
15:31.41ao2or maybe I am missing what you mean
15:33.07ao2kundancool, adding a '-f' switch would take long because moto-boot-usb is not using getopt(), I'll go for the explicit confirmation on input
15:33.22ao2how does that sound to you?
15:33.44kundancoolwell let the input be case sensitive
15:33.53kundancoolmay be like
15:34.12kundancooldo you want to proceed [y/n] ?
15:34.23kundancooly means continue else exit
15:34.37kundancoolbut still -f would be better
15:35.19kundancoolas -f will avoid the question of asking that to do or not..
15:40.55ao2I can sell my lazy solution saying that flashing the bootloader should not be allowed in a non-interactive way for security reasons...
16:04.50*** join/#openezx toi (
16:25.05CIA-18OpenEZX: 03Antonio Ospite <> 07master * r83f3cf85ed 10moto-boot-usb/src/moto-boot-usb.c:
16:25.05CIA-18OpenEZX: moto-boot-usb.c: add a confirmation prompt when flashing at addr 0
16:25.05CIA-18OpenEZX: Some user happened to flash the bootloader by accident using
16:25.05CIA-18OpenEZX: moto-boot-usb in a script, add some more protection with an interactive
16:25.05CIA-18OpenEZX: prompt which asks for explicit confirmation when flashing at address 0.
16:25.05CIA-18OpenEZX: Signed-off-by: Antonio Ospite <>
16:25.36ao2kundancool, ^
16:26.41ao2to have that you should compile moto-boot-usb yourself for now
16:26.54kundancoolok thanks
16:30.45kundancoolcan you tell me how to update the source on my PC ?
16:31.17kundancoolof moto-boot-usb
16:31.19CIA-18OpenEZX: 03Antonio Ospite <> 07master * r5bc1f47aa9 10moto-boot-usb/src/moto-boot-usb.c:
16:31.19CIA-18OpenEZX: moto-boot-usb.c: Comment out USECS_SLEEP again
16:31.19CIA-18OpenEZX: This is not needed by most users, it slipped in from the previous
16:31.19CIA-18OpenEZX: commit.
16:31.19CIA-18OpenEZX: Signed-off-by: Antonio Ospite <>
16:31.41ao2kundancool: git clone git://
16:32.13ao2sorry, git clone git://
16:34.52kundancoolwhat is the size of  " git clone git:// " ?
16:42.28bluelightningkundancool: about 434M
16:42.49bluelightningthat's the kernel source though
16:43.19kundancoolbut when I tried it to download after about 250MB it showed only about 17%
16:43.46kundancoolso I cancelled and all the downloaded files where gone
16:44.09kundancoolmy 250Mb bandwith data wasted
16:45.00kundancoolbluelightning: thanks for the information :)
16:45.14kundancoolis it possible to resume download ?
16:45.49ao2kundancool, AFAIK git is "all or nothing" it downloads packed objects and only after download it is able to recreate the source tree
16:46.54ao2if you already have a clone of the linux kernel repository maybe you can reuse that tho
16:47.41kundancoolI have Linux ketnel source that I downloaded from www.kernel.or
16:48.17ao2the tarballs do not contain the .git directory, and that is what is needed
16:49.08bluelightninghmm, trying to get telnet on my e6 but connection refused; seems I may need linloader? if so unfortunately the link on the wiki is dead and I can't seem to find it in the motorolafans forums
16:49.41kundancoolbluelightning: may I help you
16:51.07kundancoolbluelightning: what you need ?
16:51.44bluelightningkundancool: well, if I need linloader to get telnet access into the original OS, then I would like a copy of linloader :)
16:56.27kundancoolwell only linloader is not enough to get telnet access to phone
16:56.59kundancoolwhy don't you flash to any monsterpack which have these functions inbuild so that testing stuffs could be easier
16:58.06bluelightningkundancool: I guess because I didn't know about it :)
16:58.43kundancoolwell if you want to use a modded fw I can suggest you one :)
17:01.07bluelightningkundancool: sure; anything that gets me access to the phone would be good so I can give ao2 some hardware info
17:01.44kundancoolwell what hardware info do you need ?
17:01.58ao2bluelightning, you can also prawl into the motorola kernel source code and find the info there
17:02.32ao2I guess E6 source code should be on somewhere
17:02.32bluelightningkundancool: at the moment, led control info
17:03.01bluelightningao2: I had a look, they still only have the userspace utility source, nothing for the kernel
17:03.12kundancoolI can help you entering telnet session
17:03.27kundancoolI don't know about led control info
17:03.32bluelightningalthough did I read correctly in that they accidentally released kernel source for another model with e6 support in it
17:03.54ao2bluelightning, ah now that you mention that
17:04.06ao2what's the code name for E6? macau maybe?
17:04.10bluelightningao2: yep
17:04.31ao2let me take a look at the A1200 source code I have here
17:05.39kundancoolbluelightning: take a look at this
17:05.52kundancoolmay be you will like to have this on your phone
17:07.54ao2#if defined(CONFIG_MACAU_LED) || defined(CONFIG_PENGLAI_LED)
17:09.16kundancoolao2: have you read the documents that have many information about macau E6 ?
17:09.42ao2kundancool, this is the kernel code motorola released
17:09.47ao2/* Actually Macau uses EL instead of LED.
17:13.44bluelightningso does the motorola source contain all the info necessary?
17:16.16*** join/#openezx kundancool (~kundancoo@
17:16.17ao2bluelightning, I cannot say it is 100% matching the distributed binary, but it is fairly complete even if messy sometimes
17:16.52ao2ah you were asking only about the leds? I thought it was a more general question.
17:17.58ao2AUX4 can be controlled by leds-regulator, it is used for a910 keypad led too
17:18.44bluelightningao2: well, for the general case it's also interesting as well; after all there will probably be other fixes needed I'm guessing
17:18.58ao2maybe GPIO89 is used to provide more power? I am not sure about that
17:28.37kundancoolao2: you know from starting I was not at all feared to flash my phone on Linux but really since my E6 got dead I almost lost my 90% confidence
17:29.12kundancooland I am really feared to test the new compiled moto-boot-usb
17:41.56*** join/#openezx varunb (~varun@
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18:36.29*** join/#openezx Marex (
18:38.06kundancoolGood Night everyone :)
18:38.25*** part/#openezx kundancool (~kundancoo@
19:28.54*** join/#openezx pr0d1gy (pr0d1gy@
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20:53.03ao2bluelightning, what leds are there on E6?
20:54.08ao2could you try a patch like this one?
21:31.46bluelightningI think there's only one "led" illuminating the buttons at the bottom
21:32.00bluelightningao2: ok can test that sure
21:32.16bluelightninghad somewhat of a breakthrough with opie on the fb... though I'm not sure what to make of it
21:32.55bluelightninggot the 18bpp patch applying but the screen was still garbled; I wasn't sure what to do but on a whim I tried playing around with fbset
21:33.19bluelightningturns out fbset -depth 24 + the patch produces a nice working display
21:34.08bluelightningalthough frankly I need to test without the patch just to ensure it's actually doing something
21:43.38*** join/#openezx florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
21:55.04ao2the fb should act as a 32bpp (or 24bpp) display even if it has 18bpp color _depth_
21:55.48ao2that's how we get it working in X at least
21:57.01ao2bluelightning, if the patch is not enough you should be able to play with gpio89 using gpio-tools to understand if both vaux4 regulator and gpio89 are needed
21:57.14ao2I mean the leds patch :)
22:49.10*** join/#openezx penghb (~penghb@
23:46.52*** join/#openezx WyrM (~WyrM@unaffiliated/wyrm)

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