IRC log for #openezx on 20100725

00:08.27*** join/#openezx sabrod (~fred@pdpc/supporter/21for7/sabrod)
00:22.19CoreDuossh access has defeated me
00:22.34CoreDuoit says the password should be blank but i can't login
00:49.51*** join/#openezx florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
01:17.17CoreDuothis is frustrating
01:17.22CoreDuoi can't get public keys to work either
01:19.31CoreDuonever have i been stopped for so long by authentication problems
01:35.58CoreDuonew rootfs fixed it
01:37.02CoreDuoits running at 412MHz
03:09.16*** join/#openezx lclaudio (
05:51.42*** join/#openezx ao2 (
06:06.53*** join/#openezx Core|A910 (
06:07.04Core|A910hi ao2
06:07.33ao2on irc from the phone?
06:07.47Core|A910via very evil usbnet NATing
06:36.44yangao2: what kind of images are compiled inside
06:42.53yangao2: I got one additional server, which you could use for compiling for about one more month, until my contract expires (if it helps)
08:45.02ao2yang, there are just kernels there and I think I can do that locally. But thanks as always.
09:27.06*** join/#openezx WyrM (~wyrm@unaffiliated/wyrm)
10:13.40*** join/#openezx pH5 (
11:16.55*** join/#openezx mickey| (
12:19.08*** join/#openezx lclaudio (
14:58.01*** join/#openezx lclaudio (
17:40.35*** join/#openezx lclaudio (
17:47.09*** join/#openezx ao2 (
20:03.52*** join/#openezx ao2 (
20:08.54CoreDuoao2, question: what would i need to do for wifi to work 2.6.34
20:09.07CoreDuoor would it
20:10.20ao2hi CoreDuo, you need the libertas driver with its binary firmware. The binary firmware could be easily found looking at the wiki. You also need to enable and powerup the wlan card via GPIO and you can find the correct pins looking at the 2.4 kernel
20:10.45CoreDuoi have the libertas driver and the binary firmware
20:11.26ao2as a first try you can statucally setup the GPIOs in a910_init(), but I think the libertas driver has some mechanism to make this more flexible
20:12.27ao2once you setup the GPIOs properly you'll see some SDIO messages about the wlan card being detected
20:13.16ao2let me see if I found the old test code about GPIOs
20:13.37CoreDuogonna be interesting because most of this is new to me >.>
20:14.26ao2it is more or less copy and paste from the 2.4 code BTW
20:14.38CoreDuoooo i can do that
20:18.24ao2most of it should be here as well
20:18.39ao2check also the other a910 patches, but keep in mind they are old
20:18.54ao2I mean the other patches in the same this as the one above
20:19.24ao2the bits in a910_mci_init are the interesting ones
20:20.27ao2the ezx_pcap_bit_set won't work anymore with the current pcap driver but you can workaround that in ezx_pcap_init()
20:23.15ao2CoreDuo, may I ask what your background in programming is? so I can tune my comments to your level.
20:23.32CoreDuoi'm flying blind :\
20:23.46CoreDuowhat goes where sort of stuff i can understand
20:24.17ao2ok, then, the most important thing I can say is: just try to have fun
20:26.02*** join/#openezx florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
20:26.51ao2going to watch Disney's Hercules now, see you later
20:26.56CoreDuoclassic ;p
20:27.02CoreDuothe code is starting to make a bit of sense to me
21:40.24CoreDuoao2, i'm officially very lost >.>
21:49.26*** join/#openezx mickey|zzZZzz (~mickey@

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