IRC log for #openezx on 20100715

00:19.09Angelox_123Anyone can help?
06:22.09*** join/#openezx ao2 (
06:43.57yanghey ao2 , come va ?
06:44.29ao2hi, tutto bene yang. Grazie.
06:44.38ao2what about you?
06:44.47yangI am fine aswell
06:45.56ao2where are you going on holiday?
06:46.19yangThis summer probably I won't go anywhere :/
06:46.37yangNeed to fix a few things in the apartment
06:46.46yangSo the money goes there
06:47.45ao2I see, I think I'll go to the beach not too far from where I live, so no real trips for me either.
06:48.33yangThere is a nice coast (riviera) near Napoli
06:48.49yangIt looks quite luxurious at the TV
06:49.04yangHow is it called - I forgot ?
06:50.11ao2penisola Sorrentina, the famous spots are Sorrento, Amalfi, Positano
06:50.35ao2and there are the islands too, Capri and Ischia, which are quite known as well
06:50.44yangYeah Capri shorts
06:52.10yangMy father went to Sienna last week for about 16 days through Italy
06:53.34yangThe temperatures for today are going to reach 36 C
06:53.49yangI think that I will turn on the AC for the first time this summer
06:54.24ao2yep. Ah I didn't even know about the "Capri shorts"...
06:55.11yangIt was a synonim for some actress that came to Capri
06:55.18yangin the last century
06:55.32yangI can't remember who she was, I will ask my gf, and will tell you later
06:56.25ao2I found that on wikipedia
06:56.36yangMaybe Ingrid Bergman, but I am not sure
06:57.46yangThe pants' name originated from the Italian isle of Capri, where they were first made popular in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
06:58.02yangIt doesn't say which movie star made it popular
06:58.16yangI will add that later to wikipedia
07:02.01yangsomeone could add additional text to
07:02.10yangMaybe you can place it in the topic
07:03.56yangSo tell me about the A780, could you have any use of it ?
07:04.32yangor know someone that would assist in code
07:04.38yangby having it
07:09.51ao2yang, if I know about someone I'll ping you. thanks.
07:57.30*** join/#openezx florian_kc (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
08:12.21*** join/#openezx mickey|office (
08:28.04*** join/#openezx mickey|office (
09:08.03yangao2: Grace Kelly was that actress
09:13.28*** join/#openezx mpurcell (~mpurcell@
09:14.32*** join/#openezx ao2 (
09:15.46yangao2: Grace Kelly was that actress (not sure if you have seen it before the split)
09:16.52ao2thanks for the info
09:18.38*** join/#openezx WyrM (~wyrm@unaffiliated/wyrm)
09:18.38*** join/#openezx bartv (
10:26.27*** join/#openezx ao2 (
12:17.03*** join/#openezx mickey| (
13:15.23*** join/#openezx lclaudio (
13:23.34*** join/#openezx mickey| (
15:01.51*** join/#openezx Angelox_123 (
15:19.24ao2Angelox_123, there might be not enough space on flash and you risk to loose access to the original firmware
15:19.49ao2so frst step: do a flash backup using gen-blob+moto-boot-usb
15:20.16Angelox_123all backup?
15:20.22Angelox_123full backup?
15:22.28ao2yes, with the read command givinf flash start address and flash size, I don't remember the actual values by memory
15:22.36ao2and I cannot search tem right now, sorry
15:22.50Angelox_123Now Problem Chief =)
15:23.10ao2s/givinf/giving/ s/tem/them/
15:23.28Angelox_123i need place this kernel with another rootfs...i can??
15:23.39Angelox_123with another rootfs?
15:24.57ao2if you don't want the original firmware anymore you can do almost everything with flash
15:25.37Angelox_123but..if i make a full backup before flash..i can reflash it?
15:25.59Angelox_123Oh.. Ok..thanks ..
15:26.12Angelox_123is to my project Metano Mobile
15:26.13ao2it's like a blind backup
15:26.30ao2you dump everything and you can reflash everything back
15:26.55Angelox_123Hum..Ok..thank you!!!
15:27.21ao2but I never did it. I guess the only riky area is the bootloader
15:27.39ao2so people always dumped and flashed pieces leaving out the bootloader
15:34.19Angelox_123OK..then the Kernel And RootFS areas not stand by the BootLoader?
15:36.37ao2as I said I don't remember the layout, but you can figure it out using the wiki or even moto-boot-usb for the bootloader
15:36.50ao2I mean moto-boot-usb code
15:44.45Angelox_123Hum..ok i dont found on WiKi...but i will see best i trying to fix some problems with Qtopia.....
15:45.12*** join/#openezx sabrod (~fred@pdpc/supporter/21for7/sabrod)
16:08.07*** join/#openezx LoneStar (~xinzhen@
16:16.18Angelox_123anyone know where i find hwtool ad ezx-hciattach?
16:24.18*** join/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
16:34.43Angelox_123Plz compiled
16:49.54Angelox_123but for 2.6 kernel
17:18.50*** join/#openezx gDD (~gDD@unaffiliated/gdd)
17:40.34Angelox_123i receive errors of this commands not founds...
17:40.46Angelox_123here have the code...
17:41.01Angelox_123but i cannot compile...
17:47.18gDDAngelox_123: hi, and just a hi, im not tech
17:47.35gDDsilence here:)
17:51.15Angelox_123where is found the camera on /dev/????
19:06.50*** join/#openezx purl (
19:06.50*** topic/#openezx is OpenEZX Developer Lounge -- -- Facebook group:
19:09.03*** part/#openezx Reidy (
19:12.31*** join/#openezx lclaudio (
19:21.58*** join/#openezx flo_lap (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
20:30.28*** join/#openezx jamesmck (
21:11.24Angelox_123i use SCP to transfer data from PC to Phone...but...anyone know how to transfer from PHONE to PC? using ssh
21:38.40*** join/#openezx mickeyl (~mickey@
21:49.07ao2Angelox_123, if you know the file path, scp :)
21:49.39ao2or you can try sftp, I don't know if the ssh server on the phone supports it
21:49.48Angelox_123hum. ok
21:49.56Angelox_123i will try
21:50.13Angelox_123anyone know where i find hwtool ad ezx-hciattach?
21:50.43ao2ezx-hciattach is not needed, plain hciattach should work fine
21:50.55Angelox_123and hwtool?
21:50.58ao2hwtool, I don't know what it is, sorry
21:51.16Angelox_123its of QTopia..but i not find any for 2.6 kernel
21:51.30Angelox_123work to power bluetooth..etc...
21:51.47Angelox_123here i found the code
21:51.55Angelox_123but i cannot compile
21:52.52ao2I could try compiling that tomorrow, if you remember me
21:53.01ao2I am leaving now
21:53.09Angelox_123Oh. ok Thank you!
23:20.28*** join/#openezx mickeyl (~mickey@openmoko/coreteam/mickey)

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