IRC log for #openezx on 20100221

00:06.14*** join/#openezx file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
00:33.36*** join/#openezx mickeyl (~mickey@
02:50.36*** join/#openezx kazaoul (
02:51.55kazaouli have one "weird" problem. trying to connect to a a1200 (USB Net enabled) through telnet.
02:52.34kazaoulwhen i connect from vista with putty (the interface get ip ) and everything is ok
02:53.04kazaoulwhen i'm using linux the usbl0 gets  and i can't connect..
07:22.20*** join/#openezx _Andrew (~andrew@unaffiliated/andrew/x-643872)
09:46.52*** join/#openezx ao2 (~ao2@2001:1418:117::1)
10:43.59*** join/#openezx l403 (~l@
11:54.17*** join/#openezx [mbm] (mbm@openwrt/developer/mbm)
11:56.39*** join/#openezx CIA-17 (cia@
11:57.12*** join/#openezx pH5 (
12:46.51*** join/#openezx kazaoul (
14:21.50*** join/#openezx florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
15:17.32*** join/#openezx mickey|sofa (
19:30.33*** join/#openezx mickeyl (~mickey@openmoko/coreteam/mickey)
20:24.42*** join/#openezx toi (
20:26.31*** join/#openezx florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
21:53.31*** join/#openezx tmzt (
22:06.41*** join/#openezx mpurcell (~mpurcell@
22:52.30*** join/#openezx mickey|sofa (
23:04.44*** join/#openezx ao2 (~ao2@2001:1418:117::1)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.