IRC log for #openezx on 20091019

00:23.07*** join/#openezx flyhorse|linux (n=flyhorse@
03:42.36*** join/#openezx flyhorse|linux (n=flyhorse@
04:33.29*** join/#openezx johanbr (n=j@
05:18.54*** join/#openezx marex (
06:20.09*** join/#openezx empty_bucket (n=kazik@
07:06.49*** join/#openezx pleemans (
09:01.49*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
09:18.40*** join/#openezx florian (
10:29.54empty_bucketao2: hello
10:30.42empty_bucketao2: are you still working on gen1?
10:33.40empty_bucketlet me know if you switch to a910 again
10:34.25empty_bucketI can't get any further with mmc
10:35.45empty_bucketbut I started reading linux device drivers maybe after that I will be more helpful
11:00.57*** join/#openezx lclaudio (n=lclaudio@
11:11.23ao2empty_bucket, I'll let you know when I am on a910 mmc again, sure.
11:15.56empty_bucketao2: thank you :)
12:01.50*** join/#openezx johanbr (
12:04.36*** join/#openezx lclaudio_ (n=lclaudio@
13:14.27*** join/#openezx johanbr (n=j@JBrannlund2.MathStat.Dal.Ca)
14:11.12*** join/#openezx FeLLa (n=46241@
16:26.43*** join/#openezx darion76 (
16:48.30*** join/#openezx Sunil (n=sunil@
17:02.35*** join/#openezx florian (
18:17.42CIA-90OpenEZX: 03Antonio Ospite <> 07ezx/current * r0759030e5e 10openezx/arch/arm/mach-pxa/ezx.c:
18:17.42CIA-90OpenEZX: Fix a change which broke sound on gen1 phones.
18:17.42CIA-90OpenEZX: Use AF0 for SSP2_SCLK and SSP2_SFRM, this is confirmed analyzing the
18:17.42CIA-90OpenEZX: original firmware setup with gpiotools:
18:17.43CIA-90OpenEZX:  GPIO 22 has mode IN
18:17.47CIA-90OpenEZX:  GPIO 37 has mode IN
18:41.28*** join/#openezx pleemans (
19:50.59*** join/#openezx l403 (n=l@
19:58.36*** join/#openezx pH5 (
21:25.47*** join/#openezx FeLLa (n=46241@
21:28.34*** join/#openezx Noctambulist (n=Sleep@
22:36.59*** join/#openezx johanbr (

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