IRC log for #openezx on 20090824

16:01.09*** join/#openezx purl (
16:01.09*** topic/#openezx is OpenEZX Developer Lounge --
16:55.21*** join/#openezx gDD (n=gDD@unaffiliated/gdd)
17:32.17*** join/#openezx lclaudio (n=lclaudio@
17:43.49*** join/#openezx marex (
18:25.04*** join/#openezx toi (
19:22.10empty_bucketao2: I'm unable to boot with cpu frequency scaling disabled kernel hangs, when enabled I see "PXA CPU 27x max frequency not defined (pxa27x_maxfreq), assuming pxa271 with 416000kHz maxfreq" even if I set kernel parameter pxa27x_maxfreq=104
19:28.37empty_bucketao2: I tried changing default value in the cpufreq-pxa2xx.c but it didn't work (memory dump )
19:33.09empty_bucketao2: are other ezx models working with lower cpu speed?imho it would be strange if it was only a910 problem
20:04.19*** join/#openezx janneg ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:04.32*** join/#openezx sabrod ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:06.21empty_bucketao2: I also tried to change default cpufreq governor from performance to powersave,the phone seems to freeze at booting, stops responding to ping but no sign of crash on display
20:12.25*** join/#openezx florian (
20:15.11*** join/#openezx FeLLa (
20:25.17*** join/#openezx johanbr (n=j@JBrannlund2.MathStat.Dal.Ca)
20:39.19*** join/#openezx tombhadAC (
20:43.43*** join/#openezx sten (n=mheinzes@
22:31.16*** join/#openezx FeLLa (
23:25.24*** join/#openezx tombhadAC (

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