IRC log for #openezx on 20090406

00:00.37gmzhuowhen I excute busybox-a,it says /bin/ash: busybox-a: not found
00:01.18WyrMjust not found?
00:03.03gmzhuo[gmzhuo@gbsoft bin]$ file busybox
00:03.04gmzhuobusybox: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.4.3, stripped
00:03.04gmzhuo[gmzhuo@gbsoft bin]$ file busybox-a
00:03.04gmzhuobusybox-a: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
00:03.11WyrMI don't think its trying to execute busybox-a at all.
00:03.38gmzhuowhat's the diffrent of SYSV?
00:03.44WyrMI was expecting a shared library not found error, but not just a "not found"
00:04.43gmzhuoso I think kernel even dont recognized it is one elf excutable
00:05.13gmzhuoIf it says shared library not found,I know what to do :)
00:06.28gmzhuowhat's the diffrent of addtional SYSV?
00:06.38WyrMdon't know.
00:09.22gmzhuohow about pcap now?
00:17.42WyrMgmzhuo: the pcap irq using genirq seems to be working.
00:17.42*** part/#openezx p3t3r__ (
00:18.05WyrMbut I still need some more tests before pushing the changes to git.openezx
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09:28.18yangHey ao2
09:28.28ao2hi yang
09:28.36yangao2: Perhaps I might go to Umbria in May
09:30.36ao2ah yang, Umbria is nice also. I was reading there was a heartquake yesterday there.
09:31.39ao2ah, no, it is not umbria, sorry
09:31.44ao2I mixed up my mind
09:32.16ao2yes, it is Abruzzo, another region
09:33.11yangI see it on news now
09:34.36yangWe have an earthquake area too, the last strong one was in 2004 i think
09:35.19yanglucky for you to be in Germany at this time !
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09:58.59ao2yes yang, although it was very very light where I live. I have to leave now, see you later
09:59.09floriangood morning
10:00.10yanggmzhuo: expires today, if it makes any interest to you
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10:41.18gDDi've checked the discussions on motorola sourceforge E6 page, so there still no kernel source for E6?
10:49.46gmzhuono kernel source for e6
10:54.40WyrMsomething broke bp on gen1.
10:54.49WyrMbp rdy irq never comes. :(
10:59.12gDDhmm, i should really write a blog on and title is "Never buy/purchasing a Motorola phone" then this is my last thing can do for my Xxxxing E6...
11:14.23gDDbut we have A1200 source right? E6 is almost the same as, at least that is great!
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12:14.13gmzhuoWyrm,I'll test it on gen2
12:14.33WyrMits probably working on gen2.
12:14.38WyrMhandshake is easy on gen2.
12:14.44WyrMon gen1 it's a pain :(
12:16.10gmzhuoIf we can know which type in gen-blob,we can handshake in gen-blob
12:16.28gmzhuoso gen1 and gen2 can be the same
12:18.02WyrMhum, its harder to detect the phone reliably than it is to pass machid ;)
12:18.16WyrMim looking into the handshake code again..
12:18.31WyrMtrying to reset BP, and do the handshake since step1.
12:20.19gmzhuoseem's in 42pclean,there has reset
12:20.43WyrMgmzhuo: yes, on gen2 the flashmode is reversible too.
12:20.59WyrMbut I never managed to revert from flash mode to normal mode on gen1.
12:26.44gmzhuobroken on gen2 twoo
12:27.41WyrMI no longer get bp rdy interrupts here.
12:27.44WyrMdon't know why.
12:39.24gmzhuomaybe I make one mistake before,bp still work on gen2
12:39.36gmzhuoI'll test it later
12:46.25WyrMfound the problem.
12:46.42WyrMno, false alarm :(
12:56.48gmzhuogot so many oop msg
12:56.59WyrMgmzhuo: these are easy to solve.
12:57.03WyrMand not oops.
12:57.27gmzhuowhen request gpio
12:57.33WyrMits just unrequested gpio, eric wanted to be more verbose so we fix it :)
12:58.09WyrMpreviously it was just a "gpio xx autorequested" message...
12:58.20WyrMnow they made it very noisy!
12:58.58WyrManyway. im requesting gpios as it was supposed to be done..
12:59.04WyrMand it doesn't fix the issue.
12:59.33WyrMconfiguring the usb port before the handshake is done makes it work here.
12:59.43WyrMbut I don't want to do this, as IIRC this breaks gen2.
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13:03.47gmzhuogen2 broken too
13:04.13gmzhuobut there has rdy irq,but can't set device address
13:12.44gmzhuodose there any more gpio operation?
13:15.40WyrMwhat do you mean?
13:15.45WyrMI think its timing.
13:16.34WyrMsomething changed on timing, here I no longer get bp rdy interrupts, but if I don't wait for rdy interrupt and configure the usb port it works.
13:17.51gmzhuoI got bp rdy,but faield to set device address,even I set UP3OCR when machine init
13:18.23WyrMI remember that on gen2 you need to wait for the interrupt.
13:18.40WyrMotherwise it will fail to setup the port.
13:33.02gmzhuogot it work on gen2
13:33.23gmzhuoBut I know you will not accept it
13:33.37WyrMwhat was needed? :)
13:33.46WyrMI got it working on gen1 too.
13:34.01gmzhuoI make ezx_bp.c module_init as late_callinit
13:34.06WyrMbut I want to understand what's happening, not just to workaroung the issue someway
13:34.53WyrMthis is called before module_init right?
13:35.06gmzhuono,after module_init
13:35.29gmzhuoOn gen2 I see bp rdy irq is too early,
13:35.40WyrMI don't see bp_rdy here.
13:35.55WyrMso, your fix will probably make things worse for gen1...
13:36.02gmzhuousb detect should be done after bp rdy
13:36.06WyrMim bisecting to see which commit broke it.
13:36.37gmzhuobut maybe no
13:37.35gmzhuoport setup should be mmediately after bp rdy
13:37.53gmzhuobut you don't got bp rdy,that's weird
13:40.48WyrMeven weirder is that I don't need the third step...
13:41.08WyrMif I setup the port without caring about the handshake it works.
13:44.20gmzhuoYou try to setup the port in machine init and make module_init as later_initcall in ezx_bp.c
13:45.08WyrMBisecting: 4992 revisions left to test after this
13:48.06gmzhuoNot work on e6
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13:56.16gmzhuomaybe bp is too critical,only excute device detect operation once
13:57.15WyrMyes, probably.
13:57.37gmzhuoI got bp work UP3OCR = 2 when machine_init old_scheme_first = 0 and ezx_bp.c is module_init
13:58.28gmzhuoBut I think maybe we will meet bp broken again
14:00.37gmzhuoSo we will not change hub.c in mainline now:)
14:01.17gmzhuobut it's not safe enougth
14:01.25WyrMThis is definitely some timing issue.
14:02.21WyrMbut even if I remove ts0710, leaving only the handshake code...
14:02.29WyrMit still doesn't complete here.
14:03.27gmzhuobefore bp shake,the new detect method is excute,after shake complete,the old method is excute,so I got E6 work
14:05.00gmzhuoanyway,we can be sure the problem is timing issue,and we know how to deal it,right
14:16.34WyrMI don't know how to deal with it. :/
14:21.24gmzhuohave you test let port setup when machine init &old_scheme_first = 0 on A1200?
14:21.42WyrMI want to fix gen1 now.
14:21.48WyrMwill test gen2 later.
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14:26.43WyrMgmzhuo: late_initcall doesn't work here.
14:27.01WyrM(im not using the mux drivers, only handshake).
14:27.03WyrMI see:
14:27.15WyrMpxa_set_low_gpio_type failed: GPIO is configured
14:27.15WyrMsetting trigger mode 1 for irq 8 failed (pxa_set_low_gpio_type+0x0/0x150)
14:27.37WyrMseems that its called when gpio is not ready yet.
14:28.09WyrMalso, late_initcall seems to be called AFTER module_init.
14:29.05WyrMahh, sorry, you said it was after.
14:35.29WyrMgmzhuo: git log -p arch/arm/mach-pxa/pxa27x.c
14:35.37WyrMcommit a58fbcd8ad17ddaa0c7aadbbbd20de4ebc807fa4
14:35.45WyrMI think it's the culprit..
14:35.50WyrMbp_rdy is gpio0
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14:43.42WyrMdo you really get a         DEBUGP("BP rdy irq\n"); on e6?
14:44.05WyrMor your handshake passes on the first call?
14:44.14WyrMI can't get the interrupt here.
14:44.14gmzhuolater irq
14:45.26WyrMim suspecting the changes on pxa_init_gpio are the culprit.
14:49.04gmzhuo<4>BP rdy irq
14:49.04gmzhuo<4>bp handshake entered!
14:49.21WyrMthen this can't be this change...
15:07.50WyrMI need to go.
15:07.57WyrMwill continue this later tonight.
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