IRC log for #openezx on 20090303

00:37.00*** join/#openezx univac_ (n=univac@
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01:48.46WyrMany news? :)
02:07.37*** part/#openezx p3t3r__ (n=peter@
02:44.39stefan___athe problem i had with the one german phone is still there, but it seems to be connected to this phone, since other phones work
02:44.55stefan___a(i had this mmc root fs mounting problem)
02:54.51WyrMother european phones work?
02:55.08WyrMthen you probably have a different HW version.
02:55.45WyrMyou can try to power up other PCAP voltage regulators, and see if this helps.
02:56.14WyrMor you can dump the PCAP registers on the motorola 2.4 kernel, and see which voltage regulators are on.
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07:58.07Hopscotchguten morgen
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09:09.01yanghello sabrod
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09:10.37yangsabrod: do you need remote access for building FSO ?
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09:46.47yanghi ao2
09:49.23floriangood morning
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10:08.23yangao2: I am wondering about ROKR E6
10:09.37yangIts in the stage of having a 80% GSM support made
10:09.59yangso it might work anytime soon now ? Do you have this phone ?
10:20.10ao2hi yang, no I don't have an E6, but GSM support should be like A780, so when A780 will be actually usable E6 will be as well. The "only" things missing are proper audio setup and integration with userspace.
10:20.31ao2and good morning everybody
10:25.16yangok, nice
10:25.31yangActually I purchased an E6
10:29.59yanglunch time
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10:39.07ao2yang, E6 is very nice
11:11.45yangit is compared to what my A780 looks like
11:12.23yangthe previous owner used it for 3 years, then sold it on ebay to me
11:16.20yangao2: how did the latest console build work for you ?
11:17.36ao2ah let me check... failed
11:19.10ao2let's report this to OE
11:38.09*** join/#openezx gmzhuo (i=gmzhuo@
11:38.23gmzhuoHi WyrM
11:40.11yanghi gmzhuo
11:40.25yangao2: Is the new GUI going to be OM or which one ?
11:40.38ao2hi gmzhuo
11:40.42gmzhuoHi yang,ao2
11:40.47ao2yang, gmzhuo has an E6
11:42.23yanggmzhuo: which GUI do you have on it ?
11:44.16gmzhuostefan___a,would you like to send your usb host patch to mailing list?I want to see if this can be applied on gen2
11:44.56gmzhuoyang,On E6 the gui is still based on qt
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11:46.48gmzhuoHi stefan_schmidt
11:47.01stefan_schmidthi gmzhuo
11:48.09gmzhuoHow can I access on the svn?
11:49.37stefan_schmidtgmzhuo: checkout via https with your login/passwd
11:52.04gmzhuoyou mean the passwd in home/gmzhuo on
11:53.22stefan_schmidtno, your svn password
11:55.30*** join/#openezx gDD (i=io@
11:56.50gmzhuousername gmzhuo, and passwd in svn-passwd?
11:56.57gDDi try to Dual Boot for ROKR E6, when flashcp, it says don't fit, i checked gen-blob is 64kB and mtd1 only 32kB
11:57.04stefan_schmidtgmzhuo: only password
11:57.51stefan_schmidtgmzhuo: ping me when you have put your password there and I can make sure svn knows about it
11:59.54gmzhuoI have had password in svn-passwd for a long time
12:01.54stefan_schmidtgmzhuo: hmm, then something else might be wrong. Give me a moment before I can check it
12:04.01gDDso i try Getting_Started instead, but failure after get into flash mode, i hold vol+ and on linux do ./boot_usb gen-blob 0 then it says "Uploading params:     FAILED: params upload failed"
12:05.27gDDso i can't see "USB Ready", but i tried before i changed to new Firmware, i think my E6 firmware make something wrong :)
12:05.27gmzhuogDD,dose you use the newest boot_usb?
12:06.01gDDyeah, i use
12:07.22gDDit's wired, maybe tomorrow everything will be OK
12:07.46gmzhuogDD,don't know whats wrong,here on my e6 is ok
12:08.19gDDgmzhuo: you mean you can dual boot without computer's help?
12:09.18gDDgmzhuo: but how did you do "flashcp -v gen-blob /dev/mtd1"
12:10.15gDDas i said mtd1 have only 32kB space left
12:11.30gmzhuogDD,I didn't use flashcp
12:12.03gmzhuowould you like to test it on windows if you installed vs2005?
12:12.05stefan_schmidtgmzhuo: Can you test svn again
12:12.18stefan_schmidtgmzhuo: Maybe I found the problem
12:12.23CIA-15OpenEZX: 03gmzhuo * r2427 10/trunk/src/host/phonetools/test.c: just test
12:12.46CIA-15OpenEZX: 03gmzhuo * r2428 10/trunk/src/host/phonetools/test.c:
12:12.58stefan_schmidtgmzhuo: You have not been in the httpasswd file, no idea what was going wrong there. Fixed by hand now
12:13.03stefan_schmidthave fun
12:13.27gDDgmzhuo: so what do you use? this is a happy news, at least Dual Boot on E6 is possible.
12:15.43gmzhuoI ever add mtd support on 2.6.23 and flashed one gen-blob,and now I can use phonetools to upload gen-blob and run's it
12:16.07gmzhuoI think you can use boot-usb or phonetools load gen-blob and run it too
12:16.31gmzhuophonetools is changed from boot-usb and have a qt gui interface
12:16.47gmzhuoIt works on linux and windows
12:17.38gDDgmzhuo: yeah, i saw it in your folder, i will try out, thanks!
12:21.42CIA-15OpenEZX: 03gmzhuo * r2429 10/trunk/src/host/phonetools/phonetools.cpp: protect flash from 0x0~0xa0000
12:22.19CIA-15OpenEZX: 03gmzhuo * r2430 10/trunk/src/host/phonetools/UsbPhone.cpp: fix max flash block
12:26.27gmzhuogDD,you mean on don't know if it is the right version
12:27.34gDDgmzhuo: i mean
12:29.34gDDi think it's not easy to build up and use, i am afraid it will not working because usb_boot is not working too, so i will now flashing to another firmware and try usb_boot again before use phonetool
12:31.27gDDmy firmware is R535H10_G_11.87.22P, the lasted official firmware, lastest is not best :(囧 let me try and report.
12:32.02gmzhuoIt's easy to use,but not easy to build up,because you need vs2005,compile qt-4.4.3,libusb
12:32.58gmzhuoYou mean maybe some diffrent of blob?
12:33.36gDDgmzhuo: i mean maybe Motorola blocked gen-blob in their lastest firmware.
12:35.27gmzhuocan you use boot-usb load openezx's kerne?
12:36.34gDDgmzhuo: i can't because when i run ./boot_usb gen-blob 0 with hold vol+ the phone's red screen is not changed, normally it should show "USB Ready"
12:38.59gDDwhen i am using another firmware, i  followed openezx wiki and get into kernel booting, but i changed firmware later and today i try again i got this problem.
12:39.17gmzhuowhere is the gen-blob from?
12:39.29gmzhuoYou compiled it your self?
12:40.19gmzhuoTry compiled it your self?
12:40.55gmzhuoHave you test gen-blob with another firmware?
12:41.46gDDgmzhuo: yes i tried few week ago with another firmware
12:42.21gmzhuothen maybe it's realy because of the firmware
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12:43.10gDDgmzhuo: is your boot_use newest, maybe newset have some update
12:43.29gDDgmzhuo: i mean that one in
12:44.26gmzhuoyes, boot-use have so many update
12:45.20gDDit's really smple, only one .c file, but seems not so easy to compile, it need configured kernel source code...
12:46.47gDDbut few week ago i just using this usb_boot, so it should working.
12:47.20gmzhuoI have upload the newst boot_usb,will you try it?
12:47.35gDDgmzhuo: yes
12:48.54gmzhuoand gen-blob updated too
12:49.39gDDgmzhuo: "USB Ready" !!! GREAT
12:49.53gmzhuothen it's because of the boot-usb?
12:50.00gDDgmzhuo: yes
12:50.12gmzhuohave fun:)
12:50.49gDDlet's get into Openmoko World! :xD
12:52.08gmzhuogDD,you got openmoko run's on e6?
12:52.49gDDgmzhuo: i am try, because some got it work on A1200
12:55.04gDDas before, i got Kernel Panic. long way to modding and run
12:56.01gmzhuoIf you boot-usb kernel from flash mode ,the kernnel will panic because of udc
13:05.52gDDnot really, i can see Angstrom logo, so it mean at least working
13:05.58gDDfrom this:
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13:07.55gDDand this , it really run into Qtopia and i think he's using gen-blob too.
13:10.29gmzhuoI can 'run into' qtopia too,but can't accept ts evnent
13:12.20gmzhuogDD,are you famliar with qtopia?
13:13.52gDDgmzhuo: no, i only have a test with Qtopia lastest firmware, it's awesome and i think next release it will have less bug and be usable
13:14.19gDDjust flashing Qtopai like a normal firmware
13:15.18gDDif Qtopai-ezx add a browser i think i can use it as my main system.
13:16.17gmzhuowitch qtopia-ezx?from google?
13:16.33stefan_schmidtgDD: There will be no other Qt Extended release:
13:17.57gDDgmzhuo: flashing newset A1200 f/w and then continue flashing e6 one for normal using, or it will not boot
13:18.30gmzhuokernel is 2.4?
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13:19.34gDDstefan_schmidt: but developers can also dev it without official support
13:20.04gDDgmzhuo: i don't know, use it as a new E6 firmware
13:20.14stefan_schmidtgDD: Sure, as long as they write all code on their own. Nokia will put no more work into it
13:21.12gmzhuowhy nokia will buy qt
13:21.21mickeylah finally
13:21.25mickeylthey buried it officially
13:21.31mickeylrelieved, even
13:21.35mickeylor is that reliefed?
13:21.41mickeyl~spell reliefed
13:21.51purl:), mickeyl
13:22.12mickeylso now please lets stop working on Qtopia
13:22.17mickeyland do something useful
13:22.21stefan_schmidtmickeyl: lol
13:22.35gmzhuothen what's is useful?
13:22.38stefan_schmidtmickeyl: You're going to repeat you two years old statement?
13:22.49mickeylstefan_schmidt: yes, i feel it's time
13:22.54stefan_schmidtfeels a blog post comming
13:22.57mickeylgmzhuo: work on a smartphone userland
13:23.04mickeylbased on fso middleware
13:23.07mickeyljoining SHR
13:23.11mickeylgetting the kernel finished
13:23.14gDDmake angstrom usable for ezx
13:24.12gmzhuokernel is nearly,except the most important pm
13:24.52gmzhuohow about gui state now?
13:24.55stefan_schmidtah well, you can also have a look into the muxer driver and try to make it sane. Will keep you busy for some months. ;)
13:25.04mickeylguiwise there's two important developments
13:25.11mickeyland Paroli
13:25.19mickeylboth basing on EFL
13:25.24mickeyland using the FSO middleware
13:25.31mickeylso I actually see a chance of getting a userland soon
13:25.42mickeylif we get our act together and make the kernel userready
13:25.45gmzhuostefan_schmidt,muxer driver is work on e6
13:25.45mickeylnot just developerready
13:25.47mickeylyou know
13:26.26stefan_schmidtgmzhuo: I know. I'm talking about making it a _sane_ driver not only the moto one for 2.4 thrown into 2.6 and make work.
13:27.20mickeylstill ponders whether we can have direct MUX access
13:28.13stefan_schmidtmickeyl: You really like pain nowadays?
13:28.30gmzhuoMickeyl,we can have direct mux access if we "open mux in kernel"
13:29.02mickeylthe thing is
13:29.13mickeyli don't like the arbitrary boundaries given by the mux channels
13:29.17mickeylsome commands work here
13:29.18mickeylsome there
13:29.20mickeylsome not there
13:29.31mickeylif there's a chance we get homogenous channels, it would be worth it IMO
13:29.31stefan_schmidtI know, but it really opens a can of worms
13:29.40mickeyltrue, it's probably not worth it
13:29.47mickeylconsidering the amount of work
13:29.51mickeylstill GPRS is broken
13:30.00mickeyland someone needs to look at the muxercode for that
13:30.55stefan_schmidthides behind university exams
13:31.37gmzhuomickeyl,how about the gprs broken?kernel panic or gprs disconnect?
13:31.55mickeylthe mux node stays silent
13:32.01mickeylno bits
13:32.13mickeyli would at least expect some hdlc frames coming out
13:32.25mickeylbut after dialling the channel is dead
13:32.34gmzhuowhich phone?
13:32.41mickeylnever tested on 2nd gen
13:33.00gmzhuodose the command channel respons right?
13:33.23mickeylit's stuck as well after issuing the command
13:33.27mickeylnot even the CONNECT ack
13:34.39gmzhuoand voice call is right?
13:39.11gmzhuoMickey,will you release one gui rootfs to help kernel debug,like as gprs connect
13:39.31mickeylnot a GUI, but the middleware
13:39.35mickeylwith a nice commandline
13:39.37mickeylso you can debug
13:39.49mickeylunfortunately my colleagues have broken the UI
13:39.52mickeylthat once worked nice on QVGA
13:40.12mickeylso i don't see us anywhere near a release of FSO w/ UI
13:40.17mickeylbut the console image will work fine
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13:52.05gmzhuoHi,dose make fso is wget
13:52.16gmzhuoand make fso-a780-testing-image?
13:56.01gDDwow! i see Angstrom booting and now loading Qtopia!
13:56.56gDDkernel panic because i set mmca2 as fat, i forgot it should be ext2
13:58.01gDDbut it not boot Openmoko, after some dmesg then the screen be interesting and finally be WHITE.
14:01.47mickeylgmzhuo: worth a try, I#m not using the Makefile so I'm not sure -- I'm using OE directly
14:02.16gmzhuoI got so many error with OE directly
14:02.38mickeylthe makefile won't help
14:02.40mickeylit's just a wrapper
14:02.47mickeylwe better fix the OE issues
14:02.48gmzhuoerror comes again
14:05.56gDDERROR is the worst word while compiling source code!
14:06.21gmzhuoneeds help2man->build help2man->perl module Locale::gettext required
14:06.30gmzhuohow to deal this
14:06.53mickeyluh, a perl error
14:06.58mickeylperl-native built?
14:07.19mickeylbest ask in #oe or open a bug report
14:07.25mickeylstays away from perl as far as he can
14:07.46gDDgmzhuo: cygwin or true linux?
14:07.52gmzhuotrun linux
14:08.27gmzhuoSo I'm so fear to build rootfs
14:08.57gDDmaybe liblocale-gettext-perl, i mean for Debian
14:08.58mickeylwell, question is do you really need to build one
14:09.06mickeylyou can as well just use a precompiled one
14:09.29gmzhuoso many required and failed to build the required,like as not return stack
14:09.43gmzhuowhere can I get precompiled one?
14:09.55mickeylwhere you got the Makefile from :)
14:10.06gmzhuoAnd I want to build one my self too
14:10.19mickeylthen we need to fix your OE problems
14:10.24mickeylplease open bug reports
14:10.37mickeylthere are images as well
14:12.04gmzhuowhere and how to open bug reports?
14:12.33mickeylas for how... well, just like you would operate any bug tracker
14:13.23gDDmaybe perl depends should not be bug
14:13.37gmzhuogDD,I think so
14:14.08gmzhuoBut how to deal this perl depends
14:14.29gDDget perl-Locale-gettext
14:14.45gDDi think Fedora repo have this
14:17.10gmzhuowhat's your mean of get perl-locale-gettext?
14:17.50gDDgmzhuo: i think install perl-locale-gettext can solve your problem
14:20.20gDDsomething like "yum dfsfajdassa perl-Locale-gettext" :D
14:23.34gDDtoo late, tomorrow is 邪恶的高中,Openmoko tomorrow.
14:47.08gmzhuoERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'fso-image'
14:47.57mickeylimages have been renamed
14:48.00mickeylcheck the images directory
14:49.17gmzhuoI use make fso-a780-testing-image
14:49.35gmzhuowhere should I find fso-image and correct it?
14:58.18gmzhuowhere is the images directory?
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15:15.50mickeylin the oe tree
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15:19.31gmzhuoyes,I can find fso-image-light
15:19.43gmzhuobut where should I correct
15:21.13gmzhuoit genrete fso-testing/conf/auto.conf
15:21.25gmzhuoincmod IMAGES="fso-image"
15:21.40gmzhuobut I don't know where it generate
15:22.04gmzhuoI try to change Makefile,but in auto.conf it still is fso-image
15:24.52gmzhuobed time,bye
15:25.12mickeylthat's why i prefer working with OE directly
15:25.19mickeylsince the Makefile wrapper just hides things
15:25.26mickeyland makes you not understand what you are doing
15:26.02gmzhuobut I still don't know how to build it without Makefile
15:26.10mickeyltry following the gettingstarted
15:26.14mickeyloe's wiki page
15:26.22mickeylit makes you actually learn how to operator OE
15:26.26mickeylnot just following cooking recipes
15:27.46gmzhuoinfact,oe is wraper too :)
15:29.01mickeyland a wrapper on a wrapper
15:29.04mickeylis sometimes too much
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15:31.44gmzhuolike one thine depend on another thing
15:31.59ao2gmzhuo, I just finished builing a fso-console image
15:32.15ao2justo some minutes to upload it to
15:34.08gmzhuoI copied to
15:34.10mickeylthat's the spirit
15:34.16mickeylwhile we are arguing
15:34.21mickeylyou just get it done ;)
15:35.06gmzhuoso it find out the "PROVIDES"
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15:48.38ao2gmzhuo, get it while it's hot :)
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16:38.34stefan___aanybody already got pand working ?
16:38.49stefan___ai have pand setting up bnep0 device
16:39.02stefan___abut the device doesnt go into running mode
16:39.14stefan___abluetooth seems to be working
16:39.25stefan___aat least the connection is made
16:39.40stefan___aand then the bnep0 device just stays down
16:39.49stefan___aifconfig bnep0 up
16:39.49stefan___aifconfig: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address
17:24.25WyrMhi all.
17:24.41WyrMstefan___a: I never used BNEP on ezx.
17:24.53WyrMstefan___a: gmzhuo uses BNEP on his E6.
17:31.17ao2hi WyrM, I got a new microSD card to use on A910. The mmc_spi sharing trick is always the same, isn't it?
17:32.39WyrMao2: yes.
17:34.38WyrMand a rootdelay of ~5 seconds
17:35.14WyrMthe default (1 second) is not enough to probe the card with spi
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19:27.27ao2WyrM, it looks like I get the mmc I/O errors only when launching the kernel from gen-blob (in USB mode, and sent via boot_usb of course), launching kernel from MBM doesn't gives problems a part some "mmcblk0: retrying using single block read" messages, I'll do some further tests with the older cards tomorrow, have to go now
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23:14.56stefan___ahcitool scan sees the devices
23:15.05stefan___aalso a connection is established
23:15.19stefan___aand it tries to make a bnep0 device
23:15.31stefan___abut then the ifconfig up doesnt work
23:15.51stefan___athis all is on our  2.6 kernel with openembedded rootfs
23:16.26stefan___ai would find bluetooth a great fallback solution if the usb wlan doesn't work
23:16.48stefan___abecause the usb hub needs 5 volt and the wifi consumes a lot of energy
23:17.18stefan___aat least pand works between two laptops i have here
23:17.53stefan___asabrod: theres some good phones coming up soon
23:18.21sabrodHey... Already passed the chinese order?
23:18.34stefan___ayes mainboards are in shanghai
23:18.57stefan___aalso theres some goode ones coming up in
23:19.13stefan___aone is sold as a defect
23:19.34stefan___abut it seems to only be the battery
23:19.42stefan___ait will make a good price
23:19.44sabrodWell, I meant you already bought some chinese a780? If you can count on me...
23:20.05stefan___awe have 3 chinese ones
23:20.13sabrodAh, defect battery :)
23:20.14stefan___aone is in hannover with a friend
23:20.26sabrodgood luck for repairing! :)
23:20.58stefan___athe same kernel and rootfs work on the german and on the chinese one
23:21.06stefan___athe chinese is without gps
23:21.31sabrodwell, I'm in, if you can sell me one for a good price... Or for your next order :)
23:21.47stefan___ayes i am thinking of that
23:21.50sabrodI lost your email, btw :(
23:21.54stefan___ai will contact you
23:22.08sabrodK, Thanks you!
23:22.38stefan___amaybe you can send an email, then i will remember best
23:23.16stefan___ai have one german one that has this problem with the mmc reader
23:23.25stefan___ait doesnt mount the rootfs
23:23.32stefan___a(has errors while reading)
23:23.43stefan___ai tried with maybe 10 mmc cards
23:24.06sabrodHeh, maybe a stange hardware revision ...
23:24.10stefan___afunny thing, the kernel boots
23:24.28stefan___abut the partition 2 is not readable
23:24.42stefan___ahowever the mmc worked in the motorola os before.
23:25.01stefan___adont worry i wont sell you THAT one ;)
23:25.07sabrodAnd what if you boot usb the kernel and have only one partition on the sd ? :)
23:25.35stefan___ai have not tried that, i would need to recompile the kernel , right now thats priority b
23:26.06stefan___awith gen_blob the params command line doesnt work right
23:26.11sabrodYou can overide commandline parameters with bootusb !!
23:26.11stefan___aor im too stupid
23:26.22stefan___athats what i was thinking
23:26.35stefan___aam i right i just write the whole cmdline
23:26.39stefan___afrom .config
23:26.43stefan___ato the params string ?
23:26.50stefan___athen it should get parsed
23:27.07stefan___abecause it seems it doesnt add to the commandline , but replace it completely
23:27.27stefan___ai didnt read the source
23:27.29sabrodYes, but that cannot work if you only have one partition on Sd, because the default rootfs config is on mmcblk0p1 (second part)
23:27.52stefan___ai dont understand
23:28.08stefan___acant i put the whole rootfs and boot into partition 1 ?
23:28.18stefan___aah no ,it has to be msdos fs
23:28.26stefan___athats the reason right ?
23:28.35sabrodYou can use the whole config string you find in ezx-defconfig. , quoted on bootusb command
23:29.03stefan___aok ill check it out soon
23:29.15sabrodI doesn't has to be fat, only thing is you'll need to put genblob in ram, with "bootusb genblob 0"
23:29.31sabrodthen bootusb zimage "commandline params"
23:29.35*** join/#openezx johanbr (
23:29.49stefan___ai need tocheck that out
23:30.10sabrodDon't forget to swith to usb mode, with the latest bootusb, use " bootusb setflag usb"
23:30.45stefan___aok thats cool
23:30.45sabrod(this way, when you'll launch genblob, you'll not have to use the VOL+ key to go to the "usb ready mode"
23:31.09stefan___abut i can do all crazy monkey grabs on the phone now with eyes closed
23:31.24stefan___aalso i want to try and solder the start button closed
23:31.42stefan___ai think then when inserting the battery the phone boots normally
23:32.00stefan___abecause if we dont hold the start key , the phone will turn off soon
23:32.09sabrodOh... you have to look at the code first...
23:32.16stefan___acode4 ?
23:32.47stefan___athe problem right now we dont have an automatic possibility on turning on the phone
23:32.56sabrodit's a special key, I'm afraid, it will maybe power off, if it's still hold at the init...
23:33.20sabrodAh, no, I just don't know :)
23:33.27stefan___ano i tried it the phone boots normally even if the key is held all the time
23:33.39stefan___aill try and solder a bridge somehow
23:34.20sabrodOk. (on gen2 devices, it don't send a normal keycode , it's directly connected to pcap)
23:34.36stefan___awe have one that we want to put into an aluminum box with only the touchscreen exposed and 2 dlink wifis inside and 12V plug outside
23:35.11stefan___awe have the 12 Volt to 5 volt thing running
23:35.26stefan___ai have one lying around here with a 3 cell lipo battery
23:35.41stefan___awe can power servos and stuff with this
23:35.57stefan___aand charge the phone at the same time !!!
23:36.11stefan___athe longest one was now running about 4 days
23:36.30stefan___ahas wyrm got our usb host code working ?
23:37.07stefan___acool thing is, i have an atmel usb here that runs on 3.3 volt to 5 volt
23:37.08sabrodYes, quite good!!! you are a quite interesting benchmark lab for the ezx devices !!
23:37.24stefan___ait works without a hub and without external power supply
23:37.46sabrodatmel what?
23:38.10stefan___aatmel microcontroller, for switching ios on stuff and servos etc
23:38.18sabrodservo motors dirver?
23:38.40stefan___ait works on the phone without any problems
23:39.08stefan___aof course you need a phone that supports usbhost
23:39.26stefan___awell its not supported on the a780, but it works anyway ;)
23:39.50sabrodVery nice!
23:40.08sabrodIt is! Well, if you provide support to it :)
23:40.44stefan___awe posted the code to wyrm and hope he can make it switchable in the openezx kernel soon
23:41.01stefan___ai dont know the code, arne did that
23:41.15sabrodYou can sell the support, but debug first, I know the trick! ;)
23:41.20stefan___ahe read the usb chip manual ;)
23:41.57stefan___athe a780+usbhost is like the coolest device
23:42.02sabrodYes, hum, btw, I know two persons more intersted on this code, would you ask arne to post it to ML ?
23:42.22stefan___ayes i can do that tomorrow
23:42.27sabrodHeh, I agree...
23:42.29stefan___ai think its a path
23:42.48stefan___athe usbhost has the following problems:
23:43.02stefan___ayou need to supply the power to the usb hub
23:43.38stefan___aif you want to charge the phone through this be prepaired to supply up to 1 ampere !!
23:43.53stefan___awe have it working with a computer power supply
23:44.10stefan___ait goes into the connection between the hub and the phone
23:44.39sabrodBrr, I wouldn't ! But that's your phone and your tests... :p
23:44.46stefan___athen we switch the charging mode of the phone with at commands and presto infinitely running usb  host
23:45.06stefan___auntil now it worked good for two phones
23:45.19stefan___athey are now about 24/7 in that state
23:45.37stefan___athe original battery is still inside for buffering
23:45.54stefan___aso we can actually switch of the main power supply
23:46.13stefan___athe usb devices get disconnected but they reconnect after switching on power
23:46.13sabrodNot only I guess... it should stop without powering the battery pins...
23:46.35stefan___ano we dont supply the voltage at the battery pins
23:46.42stefan___awe supply it at the connector
23:47.09stefan___awe have a cable miniusb to usb host
23:47.10sabrodI've heard about a dangerous blob flash that allowed to unplug the battery, but it's bootloader stuff :/
23:47.14stefan___ahub goes in there
23:47.28stefan___ai need that
23:47.35stefan___awhere can i find that
23:47.38sabrodI got it, but the batteries provide the power I was talking about...
23:48.13stefan___athe power goes into that cable so it is powering the hub devices and the phone charging
23:48.30sabrodheh, on the ML, you should find the thread... (I think it's an old one )
23:48.34stefan___aat first we thought this is not possible but it works anyway
23:48.52stefan___aok we have a big text file of the mailinglist on our development machine
23:49.06stefan___aany tip how i can find it
23:49.18stefan___agrep battery|grep unplug ?
23:49.26sabrodblob water bottle
23:49.36stefan___awater bottle ?
23:49.54sabrod(I think I remind a joke with the phone that risked to go itno self combustion lol )
23:50.08sabrodThe guy was precaucionnous !
23:50.20sabrodYes, try that!
23:51.28stefan___ai looked i dont find the mailinglists , i will look tomorrow
23:51.45stefan___ak i started updatedb
23:52.06WyrMim back
23:52.15sabrodHum, it sounds the joke appear to not correspond to the thread about that blob hack...
23:52.23WyrMonly gen2 phones can run without battery, its not possible on a780.
23:52.55stefan___awe tried 5v on the battery pins, that works ok
23:53.24stefan___awyrm what do you think about soldering the swithc on button on the a780 shut
23:53.41stefan___ai want to insert the battery and let the phone start
23:53.42sabrod%v!! don't sell me that phone please ;)
23:53.45WyrMstefan___a: I have no idea on what would happen.
23:54.04stefan___awell it works if you hold the button the whole time
23:54.12WyrMas the interrupt and the status bit for the power button can only be read by the BP on gen1.
23:54.30stefan___abecause if i dont press the button when booting the default 2.6 kernel then it shuts off
23:54.42WyrMnot really. :)
23:54.47WyrMits because of BP.
23:54.56WyrMat startup BP will check the power button state.
23:55.00stefan___aok so what could we do ?
23:55.19stefan___ai want that it just turns on automatically without the button procedure
23:55.22WyrMand if its not pressed for at least a second, it will ask PCAP to shut off all the power (for both BP and AP).
23:55.55WyrMthe better fix would be to hack BP software, but its signed so its probably not an option for you.
23:55.55stefan___athats why i thought about soldering it shut anyway
23:56.06stefan___aor putting a jumper that can be removed
23:56.23stefan___a;) bp hacking :)
23:56.30stefan___agsm sniffer ?
23:56.33WyrMif your tests show that its ok to short the button pins, then I think its ok :)
23:56.35stefan___aanyone ?
23:56.43stefan___aill try
23:56.55WyrMheh, my old 3310 is better to do gsm sniffing :(
23:57.05stefan___areally ;)?
23:57.29WyrMfirmware not signed, and nokia left all the code needed on the original fw.
23:57.59WyrMthere is software to do the sniffing floating around on the net.
23:58.22stefan___ai dont want to do that anyway,;)
23:58.39stefan___aits like really bad in germany
23:58.48stefan___abut interesting anyway
23:59.05stefan___aoneother thing wyrm
23:59.23stefan___ado you know a solution to automatically send sms?
23:59.37stefan___amight be with other phone than a780 ?

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