IRC log for #openezx on 20090218

01:33.14*** join/#openezx johanbr (
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04:57.26*** join/#openezx WyrM (
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06:30.25*** topic/#openezx is OpenEZX Developer Lounge -- new gen-blob at --
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07:37.16*** topic/#openezx is OpenEZX Developer Lounge -- new gen-blob at --
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07:47.31*** topic/#openezx is OpenEZX Developer Lounge -- new gen-blob at --
07:57.12*** join/#openezx WyrM (
08:21.33Hopscotchgood morning
08:48.17*** join/#openezx Kensan_ (
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10:17.00WyrM1is updating openezx.git with latest mainline changes.
10:17.10ao2hi WyrM
10:17.18WyrMhi ao2
10:17.35sabrodHi Wyrm, ao2
10:18.12ao2salut sabrod
10:19.28sabrodbuongiorno ao2!
10:20.10sabrodI had to search google for this ... :)
10:20.42ao2appreciated btw
10:21.19ao2WyrM, should I port ezx-emu as a pcap sub-driver?
10:22.15WyrMao2: not now. We need to check ph5's work on otg stuff before working on our transceiver driver.
10:22.38WyrMprobably some stuff for the otg_transceiver can be reused..
10:24.24WyrMalso, I want to wait for knuttman patch for usb host.
10:25.05ao2WyrM, ok, I'll hold on.
10:25.32WyrMao2: so, the i2c issues are gone, correct?
10:25.49WyrMwas only gpio configuration for the camera i2c pins?
10:26.55ao2WyrM, yes. I didn't understand that the timeouts on i2cdetect are normal where no chip is attached/powered (which seems so logical now).
10:27.43WyrMI will continue with the resume stuff.
10:28.00WyrMI found some pointers that it was because of gpio restore ordering.
10:28.05WyrMI will test this
10:29.09ao2I think I'll try to push leds-lp3944 to mainline after adding a workqueue mechanism to it. It looks in a fairly good shape.
10:46.39WyrMao2: good!
10:47.58CIA-15OpenEZX: 03Daniel Ribeiro <> 07ezx/current * r7fbe10135c 10openezx/.topdeps: change usb2.0 dependency
10:54.53WyrMopenezx.git updated.
10:54.56WyrMit builds :)
10:55.28WyrMwill upload a new build to
11:00.32WyrMao2: do I have to delete the orphan branches locally?
11:03.23ao2WyrM, eh I noted, did you run "tg remote --populate origin" before tg-update? I thought that was enough.
11:05.38WyrMecho "WM: Checking for changes on OpenEZX."
11:05.38WyrMgit checkout ezx/current
11:05.38WyrMif [ "`git pull openezx ezx/current`" != "Already up-to-date." ]; then
11:05.43WyrMyes, I did :)
11:06.07WyrMand probably the --populate created the branches on openezx.git again.
11:09.31ao2We'll do some more test about removing tg remote branches later, if you are available. Now I am on something else.
11:12.45WyrMao2: ok, thanks!
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12:03.56*** join/#openezx jonwil (
12:26.41*** join/#openezx WyrM (
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12:54.32jonwilgaah, stupid kernel, work damnit
13:11.46WyrMjonwil: lol, cursing the kernel will not fix it ;)
13:12.30jonwilwishes that there were more kernel type people on openezx
13:12.56WyrMopenezx is all made of kernel hackers.
13:13.14jonwilwell more people who want to help get kernel going on magx :)
13:13.50WyrMwishes more people to help with kernel on EZX. :)
13:14.09WyrMthen, when ezx is finished, these people could move to magx..
13:15.30jonwilezx is long dead and you cant get the phones anymore from moto. Magx is still active and easy to get phones for :P
13:17.27WyrMezx is not dead, the ezx development community is larger than magx.
13:17.38WyrMezx phones are cheap, magx is still expensive. :)
13:17.41jonwilezx is dead as far as moto is concerned
13:17.47jonwilmoto no longer makes ezx phones
13:17.50WyrMa1800 is ezx.
13:18.10jonwilno, a1800 is not ezx, moto person said a1800 is not linux
13:18.14jonwila1600 may be ezx
13:18.20WyrMerr, a1600 then
13:18.27WyrMI always swap these two :)
13:18.43WyrMthe one with GPS, not the one with WCDMA.
13:19.23jonwila1800 is the one with CDMA
13:19.37WyrMalso, OpenEZX is still growing the supported phones list.
13:19.46jonwilhas moto (or anyone else for that matter) produced a phone with 3G UMTS and linux?
13:19.52WyrMmotoq is not ezx, but it is very similar to ezx hardware wise.
13:19.56WyrMand openezx runs on it.
13:20.08jonwilmotoq is winmobile isnt it?
13:20.43jonwildoes it have anything much in the way of security on the AP?
13:21.01WyrMwe can use haret on it to boot linux
13:21.14jonwilharet is?
13:21.24WyrMdon't know about signedness of the ap firmware.
13:21.25jonwilsomething for booting linux kernel on winmobile I assume
13:21.35WyrMbut currently boot_usb does not work on motoq.
13:22.08WyrMyes, haret is used to trace winmobile, and can also boot linux from winmobile.
13:22.54WyrMOpenEZX is still far from death. (and also far from complete) :)
13:23.50WyrMalso, another issue with magx is that people working on magx have different goals than us.
13:24.01WyrMpeople working on magx wish to hack the original fw.
13:24.13WyrMpeople working on ezx want to replace the full firmware.
13:27.11jonwilpeople on magx want something that works and lets them make calls and stuff right now
13:27.38jonwilplus people ARE working on replacing the moto bits for GSM stack on magx
13:27.56WyrMthey just want to hack firmwares and release monsterpacks.
13:28.08WyrMexcept for dmitryi.
13:28.15jonwilthose people are the same for all mot phones linux and otherwise
13:29.36WyrMsame for all moto phones: ack. same for mot phones linux: nack.
13:29.36jonwilonly reason ezx didnt get that kind of hacking so much is because ezx phone not available as widely
13:30.03WyrMezx has a much bigger "modding" community.
13:30.31WyrMa1200 is probably only beaten by razr and the old startac.
13:31.17jonwiljust as many people who are hacking ezx are working with mot original rootfs as are working with new openezx fs
13:31.29jonwilactually, that may not be true
13:31.52WyrMa1200 is sold here in .br by all gsm providers, its very common here.
13:32.02WyrMnot true.
13:32.13WyrMopenezx rootfs is not made _for_ ezx phones.
13:32.15jonwilonly reason ezx gets so much work being done to real code is because its easy to hack
13:32.27WyrMnot true either.
13:32.31jonwilvs every other mot with rootfs
13:32.34jonwilI mean RSA
13:33.29WyrMOpenEZX is a full reimplementation, all drivers were rewritten from scratch, almost nothing was acceptable on the 2.4 kernel code.
13:34.32WyrMits what I said you, the goals are different.
13:34.56WyrMI would only start hacking magx if there were a community interested on pushing magx support to mainline linux.
13:35.11WyrMim not interested on "monsterpacks" :)
13:35.41WyrMits the same with openezx/ezx phones.
13:35.45ade|deskezx has the advantage that most stuff has been done in kernel 2.4 rather than 2.6 stub with functionality in userspace
13:36.24WyrMI keep seeing people that only try openezx once, and then start telling that it has no use (because it can't run the 2.4 rootfs).
13:37.11WyrMade|desk: this is partially true.
13:37.23ade|deskwhy would any one want to use the 2.4 rootfs ?
13:38.06ade|deskfor me, i'd miss the GPS/maps .. but apart from that .....
13:38.17WyrMade|desk: but as you need kernel code to do low level hardware access, and you need to export some kind of interface so userspace can do anything, you can still trace everything that userspace does.
13:38.39WyrMade|desk: because they can't run their "monsterpacks" on 2.6 :)
13:38.59ade|desksorry i have no idea what a monsterpack is
13:39.08jonwila hacked up firmware
13:39.14jonwilwith custom hacked crap added
13:39.21ade|desksuch as what ?
13:39.41jonwilme, I am interested in a new rootfs for magx that has no mot code on it as long as I can use 100% of the features of my phone
13:40.20ade|deskso they want to make it an iphone
13:40.41jonwiloften they want to unlock stuff not otherwise availble
13:40.46ade|deski'd like a phone that i chose what the interface is, how it deals with calls/sms etc
13:41.10jonwilsome phones can be toggled to support quad band GSM by editing some stuff for example
13:41.12jonwilso they turn that on
13:41.26jonwilor often carriers disable stuff so they want to remove that disable and lock
13:41.47ade|deskwhy not just get a phone that has quad band , use it like a phone and get a netbook )
13:41.48WyrMI want a phone that I can hack as much as I can hack my PC.
13:45.41ade|deski'd like a phone that can be used as a phone and have internet connectivity on its own but also be a modem for my laptop all with open software, i'd liek a data plan to match too ... but thats something else
13:48.22jonwilI am sure you can tether openmoko
13:49.30ade|deskits not 3g though :(
13:50.26jonwilDoes there exist any UMTS linux phone?>
13:50.28jonwilI havent seen any
13:50.52ade|deski don't think so, not so far
13:51.16jonwilmaybe none of the 3G chipset makers are open enough to allow linux on 3G, even on seperate CPU
14:20.34WyrMjonwil: your rootfs is too big after you put your self compiled modules in?
14:20.44WyrMwhy don't you just delete something else.
14:21.03jonwilI found out the right steps
14:21.09jonwiland there is nothing I can delete that isnt essential
14:23.15WyrMon ezx, at the time I did the "blob2" hack, I managed to fit 1.2MB for an aditional by deleting useless stuff from the rootfs.
14:23.32WyrMs/aditional/aditional kernel/
14:27.32jonwilanyhow, this file has built properly and should hopefully now work (inc USB)
14:29.16jonwilok, USB is still broken. Lets see why
14:37.56*** join/#openezx WyrM1 (
14:38.53WyrM1stupid ubuntu, it reconfigures eth0 when I disconnect usb0.
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14:55.52jonwilok, this time it should hopefully work at last
14:58.05jonwilYES IT WORKED
15:00.39WyrMgreat, congrats!
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15:04.28jonwilhmmm ok, I see /dev/mem and /dev/kmem but I cant cat them
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15:07.52jonwilall the security seems to be gone though
15:10.49jonwilI can mount anything I like, I can see all the seucre files, I can load any module I want etc
15:26.09*** join/#openezx sabrod-laptop (
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18:18.53WyrM1this suspend/resume stuff makes me sick.
18:28.22*** part/#openezx ade|desk (n=adavey@
18:42.16WyrMits impossible to debug anything before the console is up again :(
18:55.36*** join/#openezx LoneStar (n=xinzhen@
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20:04.28r00t|vaiobtw: i'm not 100% sure i got this right... but some modder made a magx mod with rebuilt rootfs, and included some kernel module hack to disable the allowed_mounts logic at runtime... on the rootfs... instead of just nuking the initscript that enables it in the first place
20:05.28WyrMyes, its is possible.
20:05.43WyrMonce you have write access to kernel space you can do anything.
20:06.00WyrMs/kernel space/kernel memory/
20:06.33*** join/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
20:06.40r00t|vaioWyrM: i just thought it's hillariously funny
20:06.43WyrMhi stefan_schmidt.
20:06.49stefan_schmidthi WyrM
20:07.13stefan_schmidtao2, WyrM: Thoughts about stuff for .30 merge window?
20:07.42stefan_schmidthad his second exam form 4 today
20:08.17stefan_schmidtA bit relaxing but not really time to scream "Free!"
20:08.26WyrMstefan_schmidt: I am more into an "add new functionalities" phase.
20:08.43stefan_schmidtWyrM: yeah, seen it. genblob and a backup tool
20:08.53stefan_schmidtWyrM: gen-blob with 2.6 headers is ready now?
20:09.01WyrMyes, and now im working to get resume working again.
20:09.11WyrMyes, it needs 2.6 kernel headers now.
20:09.11stefan_schmidtcool, cool
20:09.46stefan_schmidtpokes mickey|sports to update the recipe in OE to have building gen.blob working :)
20:10.14WyrMheh, he tried already, but something fishy happened to OE env when building gen-blob.
20:10.23stefan_schmidtWyrM: So we should focus on the loos ends ao2 fixed so nicely. Like nor flash, camera, gpio-keys etc?
20:10.27WyrMsome weird env corruption
20:10.41stefan_schmidtMust be mickey|sports's fault. ;)
20:11.13stefan_schmidtIt seems that a driver for the fm chip also entered mainline behind our back. Interesting.
20:11.52WyrMvery good, a lot less work for us ;)
20:11.58stefan_schmidtMeans we have to setup it in the machine file and test it. But besides this also a good candidate for the next merge window
20:12.14stefan_schmidtsure, nice to see this. I was just suprised
20:12.31stefan_schmidtIIRC it was the brasilian guy asking around on our ml
20:12.51stefan_schmidtgreat that he got something ready and also took care about submitting
20:19.20WyrMYes, Fabio Belavenuto is his name.
20:19.27stefan_schmidtah, right
20:20.57ghaneWhy did jonwil leave out any details about what actually made the usb on his magx phone actually work?
20:21.53ghaneWyrM: tell him to not only complain, but actually tell the solution next time ;-)
20:21.55WyrMghane: it was just because of the different build for the modules vs kernel.
20:22.11ghaneWyrM: it was?
20:22.25ghaneso did he get correct modules?
20:22.33WyrMand then he couldn't fit the modules on the rootfs..
20:23.14ghanegreat :)
20:23.36ghanehopefully I will have time and motivation some day to start attacking my phones as well
20:26.11ghanebtw, what is the current status of the E6 and E2 phones? are they still lagging behind the A780 a lot or can we do anything useful with them?
20:27.04stefan_schmidtghane: With userspace fixed for 18bpp you should be on par.
20:27.21ghanestefan_schmidt: you mean that the 18bpp is still a problem?
20:27.46stefan_schmidtghane: yes, we let it open for you. ;)
20:28.10WyrMdarion76 fixed userspace for GPE.
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20:28.16ghanestefan_schmidt: making userspace 18bpp aware seems stupid to me
20:28.34ghaneIs it really impossible to set the LCD-controller to 16bpp?
20:28.38stefan_schmidtWyrM: Link to the patches?
20:28.47stefan_schmidtghane: yes, it wired differently
20:28.52WyrMno patches so far.
20:29.05stefan_schmidtWyrM: ok, have to wait then
20:29.07WyrMI will ask him for patches.
20:29.08ghanestefan_schmidt: so lets hack the framebufferdriver to do software 666 -> 565 conversion instead
20:29.14stefan_schmidtWyrM: would be good
20:29.29ghanecant we use iwmmxt or something to speed that up as well?
20:29.32WyrMghane: no chance to do this expensive conversion on kernelspace.
20:29.42stefan_schmidtghane: Try it and we can test how bad this for performance
20:29.55ghaneI wrote a blitter like that for my magx phone
20:30.00ghanethe most stupid implementation ever
20:30.16ghane~10ms blit time
20:30.27ghaneI can go ahead and optimize it
20:30.45ghanebut of course that depends on what is acceptable performance
20:31.35ghanestefan_schmidt: I doubt it would hurt performance too much, since it should definitely speed up to run userspace in 565 instead
20:32.40ghaneat least it could be an option so we get stuff running on the 18bpp devices, its just once place that needs to have this code
20:35.01ghanei'll dig out the code if i have time tomorrow
20:35.45WyrMstefan_schmidt: btw, now we also have a boot_usb for windows.
20:35.47ghanestill havent managed to build a EZX kernel, but I believe testing in userspace on magx would ge good enough for non mmx tests
20:37.28sabrod-laptopDarion wrote fbFetch_r6g6b6, fbFetchPixels_r6g6b6 and fbStore_r6g6b6 functions that lacked to pixman, he worked with kdrive-1.4.99 .
20:37.48sabrod-laptopHe says this on january 2
20:38.44ghaneI am not into the framebuffer or kdrive internals, but is this in the kdrive or framebuffer driver?
20:39.01sabrod-laptopBut he still had problem at that time (wrong borders he supposed it was due to alpha channel).
20:39.03WyrMI think that its on the graphic lib.
20:39.39WyrMkdrive seems to have correct colors without any patches.
20:39.43stefan_schmidtghane: If you like to work on it, go ahead. Just wanted to point out problems.
20:39.44ghaneBecause if we can get fast 565->666 and also descent 888->666 routines that would be a lot more centralized
20:39.51ghanestefan_schmidt: sure
20:40.39stefan_schmidtWyrM: Any patches need to the one in svn for compiling under windows?
20:40.48ghanestefan_schmidt: since I will have to do it for magx anyways (unless we can reprogram the lcd controller there) i just go ahead and do something a bit smarter than my current code
20:40.54WyrMhe written a new tool, with a GUI
20:40.54stefan_schmidtWyrM: nice
20:41.04stefan_schmidtghane: cool
20:41.12stefan_schmidtWyrM: wow
20:41.15ghanestefan_schmidt: but it wont be mmx optimized just yet ;-)
20:41.16WyrMand it uses QT, and compiles for linux too.
20:41.18stefan_schmidtWyrM: Fancy things. :)
20:42.45ghanestefan_schmidt: the question is how do we test this, I havent been able to compile for my E6 (or E2) yet, just for my pile of magx phones ;-)
20:44.05stefan_schmidtghane: Well, that surprises me a bit. A lot other people are able to do so. What exactly breaks for you?
20:44.37sabrod-laptopDoes Jtag could help debuging those dark resumes debuging?
20:44.54ghanestefan_schmidt: dont remember actually
20:45.20WyrMsabrod-laptop: yes.
20:45.25sabrod-laptopSorry, I know jtag is less fancy than windows gui and 18bpp screen :)
20:45.45WyrMsabrod-laptop: it would make this kind of debugging very easy.
20:46.20sabrod-laptopI 'll receive an bricked E680 and I'm thinking about that...
20:46.53sabrod-laptopBut I don't even know if jtag can de-brick a bootloader :)
20:47.05WyrMyes, it can.
20:47.45sabrod-laptopHow is the jtag test ( afair Stefan_schmidt you have done nice researchs on that? )
20:49.47stefan_schmidtsabrod-laptop: We got stuck when testing with openocd years back
20:49.58stefan_schmidtA newer version might work well
20:50.03sabrod-laptopAh :(
20:50.28stefan_schmidtThere was also a tip that a cap is needed to select the right JTAG when it is chained.
20:50.45stefan_schmidtNever came to test this. There was a mail about this on the list, too.
20:50.57sabrod-laptopWell, I know a electronic fabric ( I don't remember the mark) near from me, I'll go and see if I can meet some cool guys :)
20:51.13sabrod-laptopI've a friend of mine working there...
20:52.00sabrod-laptopYes, I saw your mails :)
20:52.43sabrod-laptopCould you send me a board connector, if you have ?
20:52.59stefan_schmidtsabrod-laptop: None needed on E680
20:53.10stefan_schmidtThey are only required on gen2
20:53.56stefan_schmidtsabrod-laptop: gen1 has testpads for this. There is a page in the wiki describing it
20:54.20sabrod-laptopOk, well, I will try first on the E680.
20:54.27stefan_schmidtFor the exact pins I would have to dig a bit
20:54.55stefan_schmidtsabrod-laptop: if you get this working and like to work on gen2, too. I can send you the some connectors
20:55.07sabrod-laptopI think I can find a 10 pins to parrallel connector somewhere :)
20:56.21stefan_schmidtsabrod-laptop: ah, there we go:
20:57.27sabrod-laptopOh, yes I though it was a fixed working stuff because of that reading :)
20:58.44sabrod-laptopOh, if you like to read motorolafans Muromec just wrote a word about EZX dev...
20:58.46stefan_schmidtsabrod-laptop: I never bothered to test with a windows tool as I lack the OS needed to run it...
20:59.16sabrod-laptopIIlya ask for coordination on ezx dev !
20:59.24stefan_schmidtsabrod-laptop: I was reading it in the past. The modding scene was going out of my scope
20:59.26sabrod-laptopan open door ;)
20:59.52stefan_schmidtWell, to be honest. I don't think I'll have time to come back to work on EZX more.
20:59.59sabrod-laptopDon't pay attention to the relationship I have with some stupid guy!
21:00.18sabrod-laptopOh, no!
21:00.45stefan_schmidtNot different from what I do now.
21:01.00stefan_schmidtVisits from time to time
21:01.06stefan_schmidtNo real work. :/
21:01.09ao2hi everybody, stefan_schmidt we can submit nor flash, gpio-keys, and camera IMHO, If you can't manage that I could try. And I really like your curriculum of CS + Psychology btw, any plans about essays on FOSS?
21:02.21stefan_schmidtao2: If you would do this that would be great. I'll send you my notes I have from the last submits.
21:02.46ao2eh, thanks.
21:02.49stefan_schmidtao2: I can also comment when you send the patches so rmk and eric know what is going on
21:03.02stefan_schmidtao2: (essays) heh
21:03.10ao2ok, let's try
21:03.50stefan_schmidtao2: Right now I'm putting together I short blog that describes why I always like to buy phones like the iphone or the htc g1 and then realise that they don't fit me.
21:03.59stefan_schmidtEven if I like to believe they did.
21:04.06ghaneao2: was it you who made the old A780 android images?
21:04.21ghanelike a year ago
21:04.31ao2ghane, no
21:07.23ao2ah, just read that LaF0rge had his first GSM voice call with his "private GSM infrastructure" and his "OpenSource GSM implementation" :) pretty cool
21:07.35ghanehehe nice
21:07.41stefan_schmidtao2: sent, not much info tho
21:07.57stefan_schmidtao2: yeah, he a had a private one man hackfest the weekend. :)
21:08.44stefan_schmidtao2: For now I used tg export --quilt for-eric to get a quilt set. Sort out manually and then send directly with quilt
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21:09.32stefan_schmidtao2: Another option would be to let tg create a branch for eric to pull. Still the patches should be send for review.
21:09.51stefan_schmidtao2: The branch would just be to make eric's life easier after review is finished
21:10.11stefan_schmidtNot sure if this is to much and we should just stay with plain old patches
21:10.19stefan_schmidtao2: Your choice. :)
21:10.24ao2stefan_schmidt, I think I'll stick to patches this time
21:10.37stefan_schmidtao2: sure, one thing less to care
21:10.44stefan_schmidtao2: Ah, another tip
21:10.53ao2so the actual submission is done by Eric Miao in his devel tree, no need to send to RMK patch system
21:11.11stefan_schmidtAlways test with quilt to send it it only to you in a first run as test
21:11.36stefan_schmidtIt's a bit tricky as quilt is smart and already puts cc in for SOB and ACK
21:11.51stefan_schmidtBut such a test always shows up things that were broken. :)
21:12.07ao2sure, and I'll also test if patches applies cleanly to linus tree before sending
21:12.18stefan_schmidtao2: (eric) yes, just send the patches to him and cc arm-linux
21:12.28stefan_schmidtHe should handle this.
21:12.53stefan_schmidtok, if he likes to have another tree he will tell you.
21:13.14stefan_schmidtao2: But as we only seem to have ezx.c stuff ready there should be no clash.
21:15.56stefan_schmidtao2: btw, is your led driver ready as well?
21:16.16ao2stefan_schmidt, maybe some fuzz, because camera branch is very high on the stack and we will skip some middle patch. Or I can bring it down and export clean stuff...
21:16.59ao2stefan_schmidt, I think I should add a workqueue, that's how other leds driver do it. After adding it it should be ready
21:17.07ao2leds driver ^
21:17.34stefan_schmidtok, sounds good
21:17.53stefan_schmidtThere was just another led driver added lp5521 from some nokia guy
21:18.00stefan_schmidtmaybe a good reference also
21:18.08stefan_schmidtWas on LKML yesterday IIRC
21:18.15ao2ah, thanks for pointing it out
21:18.26WyrMao2: have you tried any led trigger?
21:18.50WyrMpeople add workqueues because otherwise i2c would sleep on irq context.
21:18.51ao2WyrM, not yet, I don't know how to setup them yet.
21:19.20WyrMyou just echo <triggertype> > /sys/.....
21:22.01WyrMlol, the a910 flash used with the heartbeat trigger would be weird.
21:22.38stefan_schmidtnetdev trigger for wifi. :D
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21:25.38WyrMnetdev, timer, heartbeat, and disk one on each led, plus some software to download files from the network into the card and you have a disco!
21:26.42stefan_schmidtyeah, disco feaver!
21:29.44ghanewhy do I always forget which one of my 565->666 routines that was working
21:49.40ghanestefan_schmidt: what would be most useful? 32, 24 or 16bpp framebuffer?
21:50.09stefan_schmidtghane: 16 would be all we need imho
21:50.53ghanestefan_schmidt: ok, the trickiest one, but I think I have found my old code now so I will try to get some time to optimize it tomorrow
21:51.09ghaneit isnt 100% accurate right now either
21:51.43stefan_schmidtghane: well, we could also start with an easier one for you.
21:52.17ghanestefan_schmidt: well depending on what we want to try I could start by just hacking my current code into the driver
21:52.36ghaneat least it won't get any slower than that :)
21:52.46WyrMits gonna be a lor harder than doing this on userspace....
21:53.57ghanewhy is that? in the end its just pixelpushing
21:54.58ghanewell perhaps I should have a look at the driver code before I say anything ;-)
21:55.26WyrMpixel pulling on the driver :) the controller draws the thing.
21:56.02ghaneWyrM: I more or less just want to intercept the framebufferinterface
21:56.27ghanepresent a 565 buffer to userspace and let the driver convert it to 666 before drawing
21:56.28WyrMyes, I know. But it will be a _lot_ harder to do on kernelspace.
21:57.48WyrMwhat will you do? provide another /dev/fbX which does the conversion while keeping the fb0 with the controller expected format?
21:58.11ghanewell that could be one solution as well
21:58.19ghanethen we barely need kernelspace stuff
21:58.57ghaneActually I do not know, which framebuffer is currently used?
21:59.20ghanethanks :)
22:00.40ghanewell, too tired to start today
22:03.46*** join/#openezx jonwil (
22:03.50ghanehi jonwil
22:03.57jonwilmy kernel works
22:04.28ghanejonwil: congrats!
22:04.39ghanejonwil: <-- there you have your MotoMAGX 3G phone
22:05.21WyrMaaaaa, im getting crazy with this resume stuff.
22:05.35WyrMI have to take a break, or I will end trowing the phone at the wall.
22:07.48ghanejonwil: so yes there is one umts linux phone at least, if you dont count the G1
22:08.09jonwilthe G1 isnt UMTS
22:08.15ghaneisnt it?
22:08.48jonwiloh wait it is
22:09.13stefan_schmidtit's even HSPA
22:09.37ghaneI was slow I can never figure out that acronym for highspeed 3g
22:10.55ghaneanyone familiar with the pxafb?
22:11.17WyrMnot really.
22:11.23WyrMbut what you want to know?
22:11.29stefan_schmidtavoided it so far
22:11.30ghaneI might be stupid or just tired, but after a quick look in it and a grep
22:11.36ghanesorry found it
22:11.59ghanecouldn't see where smart_update function pointer was set, but it was in mach-pxa/saar.c
22:16.28WyrMhah, pm_test is great!
22:17.50WyrMwith pm_test set to platform I can suspend/resume without suspending :)
22:18.09WyrMnow I can see the order at which drivers resume function is called.
22:18.49ghanesounds like something i should do on my laptop as well to get suspend properly working there perhaps
22:19.23ghaneno time to sleep, my neck is killing me
22:20.20WyrMstill thinks you should hack userspace, not pxafb.
22:20.35ghaneThen we don't agree ;-)
22:20.41WyrMfor now.
22:21.09WyrMlets see how after you spend some time with pxafb ;)
22:21.27ghaneFor now I believe one hack in the pxafb would be better - would solve virtually ALL colorspace problems :)
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22:42.47WyrMudc is being resumed before spi.
22:44.41ghanegood nite
23:42.03ao2WyrM, any progress so far?
23:42.22stefan_schmidtnight all
23:46.06WyrMao2: seems that the issue is the udc driver.
23:46.08WyrMaltough not the only issue.
23:46.18WyrMudc is being resumed before SPI.
23:46.52WyrMon resume.
23:47.22WyrMour udc_command depends writes to a pcap register, so we need SPI to be resumed _before_ UDC.
23:47.47WyrMI commented out the call to udc_enable on udc_resume, but it still don't fix the issue.
23:48.02WyrMsomething fishy is going on.
23:48.13WyrMas I can do a full suspend/resume (no errors) with the pm_test
23:48.28WyrM(echo core > /sys/power/pm_test)
23:48.52WyrMbut it won't work with a real suspend/resume.
23:50.38WyrMand its not a bootloader issue, as I have put a lot of
23:50.39WyrM*(unsigned long *)(phys_to_virt(0xa0000000)) = 0x00000003;
23:50.39WyrMall around the resume functions, and I can see the flag on the bootloader after I remove/insert the battery.
23:51.20WyrMso, bootloader gives control to kernel, which freezes somewhere.. I traced it up to pxa2xx-spi, and it reaches that far.
23:52.08WyrMpxa27x-ohci pxa27x-ohci: resume
23:52.08WyrMusb usb1: root hub lost power or was reset
23:52.08WyrMpxa2xx-mci pxa2xx-mci.0: resume
23:52.08WyrMpxa2xx-fb pxa2xx-fb: resume
23:52.08WyrMpxa27x-keypad pxa27x-keypad: resume
23:52.08WyrMgpio-keys gpio-keys: resume
23:52.10WyrMplatform pcap-ts: resume
23:52.12WyrMplatform pcap-leds: resume
23:52.14WyrMpxa2xx-flash pxa2xx-flash.0: resume
23:52.16WyrMplatform pxa27x-camera.0: resume
23:52.18WyrMplatform ezx-bp: resume
23:52.20WyrMpwm-backlight pwm-backlight.0: resume
23:52.22WyrMbacklight pwm-backlight: legacy class resume
23:52.24WyrMezx-pcap spi1.0: legacy resume
23:52.26WyrMusb usb1: type resume
23:52.28WyrMmmcblk mmc0:bffc: legacy resume
23:52.30WyrMsorry, was not meant to paste that much stuff :(
23:52.45ao2np, so you think it it the spi driver itself? Does anyone else have suspend/resume working on pxa?
23:52.47WyrMthese are the drivers which are resumed _after_ pxa2xx-spi, its freezing on one of them :/
23:53.03WyrMmarek said it is working on palmt5.
23:53.49WyrMthe resume process stops somewhere _after_ pxa2xx-spi.
23:54.07ao2are you going to remove the drivers one by one?
23:54.51WyrMI removed all non essential drivers already.
23:55.25WyrMcamera, sound, ts, rtc, are all out.
23:55.54WyrMeven i2c got removed (a780, i2c is only camera).
23:57.43WyrMI will try removing ohci now.
23:57.56ao2good luck
23:58.02ao2see you tomorrow
23:58.04WyrMand adding some more debug writes to 0xa0000000 on other drivers :/
23:58.16WyrMthis is very boring work :(

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