IRC log for #openezx on 20080817

00:29.57*** join/#openezx FosforoEee (
00:51.53*** part/#openezx FosforoEee (
01:58.50*** join/#openezx rettichschnidi (
01:59.34*** join/#openezx rettichschnidi (
02:21.31*** part/#openezx p3t3r__ (
05:39.40*** join/#openezx p3t3r__ (
05:39.44*** part/#openezx p3t3r__ (
06:03.08*** join/#openezx drath_ (
07:40.06*** join/#openezx Hopscotch ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:58.39*** join/#openezx NiZoX (n=none@2a01:e35:8a13:a2b0:21c:c0ff:fe25:ff68)
11:21.33*** join/#openezx rettichschnidi (
15:14.40*** join/#openezx WM (i=c93a894b@gateway/web/ajax/
15:56.40*** join/#openezx pleemans (
16:16.58*** join/#openezx FosforoEee (
17:31.44WMa910 mmc card is working nice
17:32.10WMtook me 3 hours to realize that the mount delay of 1 second on the cmdline was not enough.
17:32.25WMincreased it to 3 seconds and everything works.
17:34.56WMwill do a test run of the new pcap code on a780/e680/a1200/a910 and push it to
17:39.23WMa910 mmc is sloooow as hell. but at least it works ;)
17:49.53stefan_schmidtWM: congrats
17:50.02stefan_schmidtWM: SPI is slow, no way around it :)
17:57.34WMcode pushed to
17:57.47WMsending a mail to openezx-devel.
17:57.54WMtests and comments are welcome.
18:47.25WMmail sent
19:08.00stefan_schmidtWM: Thanks for all the explanations.
19:18.10*** join/#openezx ccrmcc (
19:18.33*** part/#openezx ccrmcc (
19:19.21*** join/#openezx muromec (
19:24.05*** part/#openezx muromec (
19:59.58*** join/#openezx WyrM (i=c93a894b@gateway/web/ajax/
21:03.51*** join/#openezx rettich-schnidi (
23:06.49*** join/#openezx WyrM (i=bd0dd20c@gateway/web/ajax/
23:58.20*** join/#openezx WM (i=bd0dd20c@gateway/web/ajax/

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