IRC log for #openezx on 20080719

01:25.01*** join/#openezx gmzhuo (n=gmzhuo@
01:44.18*** join/#openezx FosforoEee (
02:24.52*** join/#openezx johanbr (
04:52.10*** join/#openezx gmzhuo (n=gmzhuo@
06:11.22*** join/#openezx WyrM (
06:12.48*** join/#openezx drath_ (
07:13.14*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
07:40.24*** join/#openezx NiZoX (n=none@2a01:e35:8a13:a2b0:21c:c0ff:fe25:ff68)
07:40.24*** join/#openezx CIA-26 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:50.03yangvnchi ao2
07:53.18Hopscotchgood morning
10:36.44ao2stefan_schmidt, can you fix my key fot git access? I can't use the git user (It's not urgent, I can still clone the tree somehow with ssh)
11:07.06*** join/#openezx pH5 (
11:30.26*** join/#openezx rettichschnidi (
11:40.13pH5mickey|zzZZzz: building zhone git now fails during do_compile with edje_cc not finding zhone_number_edit.edc
11:41.40pH5(and zhone_text_edit.edc)
11:50.00*** join/#openezx SuN (
12:50.10ghanewhats zhone?
12:52.13mickeylpH5: shoragan has commited the missing files.
12:52.22mickeyllastest git should compile agian
12:53.10mickeylghane: the FSO framework testing UI
12:53.15pH5mickeyl: thanks, I just rebuilt and it compiled.
12:53.20ghanemickeyl: ah thanks :)
12:53.21pH5still fails with "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'image_cache_set'" on the device.
12:53.38mickeylhmm, shoragan ?
12:53.43pH5I'll focus on cli-framework for now
12:58.38mickeylpH5: right. that'll keep you busy :)
12:58.48mickeylfor introspection use mdbus
12:58.59mickeylsince cli-framework does not integrate introspection into command line completion (yet)
13:32.28stefan_schmidtao2: Can you re-test? Seems I used your old key.
13:33.55*** join/#openezx pleemans (
13:35.48ao2stefan_schmidt, it works now, thanks
13:35.55stefan_schmidtao2: good
13:36.24stefan_schmidtShort break and then back to crypto learning. No time for EZX this weekend. :(
13:37.50*** join/#openezx johanbr (
13:56.33*** join/#openezx WyrM (
14:01.28*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
14:10.51*** join/#openezx gmzhuo (n=gmzhuo@
15:09.31*** join/#openezx pH5_ (
15:10.43WyrMxserver-kdrive seems to be working without patches on the -arm branch.
15:11.38WyrMthe X screen has correct colors and i can move the X cursor around the screen just fine.
15:12.13WyrMbut zhone uses only half the screen, and with wrong colors.
15:37.18WyrMon the default fso-image, does enlightenment libraries draw directly to the FB?
17:13.16*** join/#openezx FosforoEee (
20:41.53*** join/#openezx TimRiker (
22:37.57mickey|awayWyrM: not to the framebuffer, but we're using a special x11-16bit engine which is faster, because it makes certain assumptions on the target format
22:38.03mickey|awayWyrM: you can disable the special engine
22:38.11mickey|awaydo the following in the zhone code:
22:38.16mickey|away(no need to recompile, it's python :)
22:38.46mickey|awayno need to change anything
22:38.49mickey|awayjust start it like that:
22:38.55mickey|awayzhone --fullscreen -e x11
22:39.02mickey|awaythis uses the standard 32/24 bit engine
22:39.49WyrMmickey|away: trying it now.
22:40.43WyrMmickey|away: where is zhone called from the initscripts?? (still no usbnet on a1200).
22:41.34mickey|awayWyrM: ls -l /etc/X11/Xsession.d
22:41.43mickey|awayzhone is launched from X session scripts
22:46.58WyrMmickey|away: changing the cmdline gave no effects.
22:47.29WyrMi think it is something on EFL, because the xpointer is drawn correctly, on all points of the screen.
22:49.06mickey|awaywell, EFL is pretty optimized and has dozens of output format converters
22:49.11mickey|awayi don't know what raster is actually doing
22:49.23mickey|awaybut if you can get other X clients to work, we can pester raster
22:50.49WyrMmickey|away: any other xclient built on the fso-image?
22:50.58mickey|awayi'm afraid not :(
22:51.22WyrMmickey|away: then i will try gpe-image.
22:51.39mickey|awayor try openmoko-image
22:51.52WyrMmickey|away: which is faster to build? ;)
22:52.01mickey|awayno idea, i didn't build gpe since ages
23:12.03WyrMgpe screen alignment is correct, the UI fills the screen. But colors are still messed up.

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