IRC log for #openezx on 20080123

00:36.49*** join/#openezx tombhadAC (
00:55.54*** part/#openezx BadCluster (n=badclust@
01:15.08*** part/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
01:36.55*** join/#openezx sagacis (
02:27.08*** join/#openezx LoneStar (n=xinzhen@
05:51.30*** join/#openezx agd5f (
06:41.58*** join/#openezx irdakabel (
06:53.38*** join/#openezx nooop (n=noop@
07:07.06*** join/#openezx drath_ (
07:12.07*** join/#openezx goxboxlive (
08:07.42Hopscotchgood morning
08:09.14*** join/#openezx jannu__ (
10:31.04*** join/#openezx ade|desk (n=adavey@
10:44.03*** join/#openezx LoneStar (n=xinzhen@
11:20.14*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
11:33.48*** join/#openezx flyhorse1 (n=flyhorse@
11:43.01*** join/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
11:50.58*** join/#openezx tombhadAC (
11:51.53*** join/#openezx florian (n=fuchs@
13:11.08*** part/#openezx ade|desk (n=adavey@
13:29.09*** part/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
13:46.41*** join/#openezx florian (n=fuchs@
13:56.57*** join/#openezx BadCluster (n=badclust@
14:03.56*** join/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
14:06.33ao2stefan_schmidt, the phone arrived, I'm just compiling a kernel to see what's the "status of the soup"
14:07.19stefan_schmidtao2: Grrat
14:07.23stefan_schmidtao2: Great
14:07.43stefan_schmidtao2: Have fun with it
14:08.50stefan_schmidtao2: And of course let us know your progress. ;)
14:09.07ao2naah, I'll keep them secret :P
14:10.47ao2I think I can add support for vibrator and keyboard and stuff like that first
14:10.48stefan_schmidtao2: Then I'll personal come over and grab the patches from you. ;)
14:11.07stefan_schmidtao2: SD/MMC detection could also be simple.
14:11.25stefan_schmidtao2: Have a look at the 2.4 code and set the same registers
14:11.46ao2do you know what's the wifi chipset used on it?
14:12.35stefan_schmidtao2: no, that's one of the things I'm eager to find out.
14:12.56stefan_schmidtao2: Have you seen my pics about in in the wiki/people account?
14:14.13ao2yes, If I get brave I'll try to go on and remove the shields and look at the writes on the chips, ok, I'll let you know anything I will found
14:14.52stefan_schmidtao2: cool
14:15.19ao2that's what a dev phone should be for :)
14:15.47stefan_schmidtao2: heh
14:48.45ao2hey, some pxa_camera patches have been posted to linux-arm-kernel
14:53.36stefan_schmidtao2: Jup, and some more to come from pengutronix
14:53.52stefan_schmidtao2: Still we need a driver for our sensor then. :)
14:54.43ao2yes, I remember that, but we should we able to copy it from somewhere... :)
14:57.34stefan_schmidtao2: heh
15:17.17*** part/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
16:04.01*** join/#openezx LuitvD (n=luitvd@beigetower/luitvd)
16:17.35*** part/#openezx BadCluster (n=badclust@
16:24.48*** join/#openezx ade|desk (n=adavey@
16:37.14*** join/#openezx BadCluster (n=badclust@
16:54.42*** join/#openezx pH5 (
17:09.19*** join/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
17:18.33*** join/#openezx pleemans (
18:09.07*** part/#openezx ade|desk (n=adavey@
19:15.51*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
19:16.30ao2on A910:
19:16.32ao2# modinfo sd83xx.o
19:16.32ao2filename:    sd83xx.o
19:16.32ao2description: "Marvell SD8385 WLAN Driver"
19:16.32ao2author:      "Marvell International Ltd."
19:16.32ao2license:     "GPL"
19:16.33ao2parm:        mfgmode int
19:17.32*** part/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
19:17.45*** join/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
19:21.52ao2stefan_schmidt, so the Wlan chipset is a Marvell SD8385, also called Libertas, and there will be a driver in mainline for it in 2.6.24
19:22.20stefan_schmidtao2: Ah, so it is that chip. Great
19:22.46stefan_schmidtao2: Perhaps some baord specific stuff needed, but at least a ready 2.6 driver.
19:22.48stefan_schmidtNice nice
19:23.13ao2anyway the source was also in code from motorola, but with binary firmware, don't know if in mainline it is full opensouce, I guess it is
19:23.50ao2I'll add info to the wiki later, bye
19:24.11stefan_schmidtao2: hmm, not sure about firmware. That's the way wifi vendors deal with GPL driver. All non-GPL stuff goes into the firmware. :)
19:24.15stefan_schmidtao2: cu
20:04.31*** join/#openezx p3t3r__ (
20:05.32stefan_schmidtp3t3r__: Your A910 arrived at ao2
20:06.01stefan_schmidtp3t3r__: wifi chip seems to be the one used in OLPC
20:06.25stefan_schmidtp3t3r__: Means there is a driver for it inside the 2.6 kernel tree
20:06.50p3t3r__stefan_schmidt: very nice
20:07.20stefan_schmidtp3t3r__: Let's see what else he can find out and get working
20:07.31ao2p3t3r__, thanks
20:07.54ao2p3t3r__, are you the same of ?
20:08.06p3t3r__yes i am
20:08.57ao2ok, nice to meet you (I saw you here before, btw)
20:10.53ao2p3t3r__, do you have another a910, don't you?
20:11.16p3t3r__of course i have another one
20:13.12ao2nice, so we can share experiences
20:15.20p3t3r__i´m in contact with two other a910-users
20:20.59p3t3r__atm i have no time for a910 "research", unfortunately
20:21.49p3t3r__(but i guess it´d be still enough for a little ./ezx-boot-usb
20:24.52ao2I see, and it's perfectly fine
20:25.19ao2good, there's also wpa_supplicant on the fs
20:55.32*** join/#openezx p3t3r___ (
20:59.04*** join/#openezx flo_lap (
21:43.47*** join/#openezx Ix-Xitan (n=rtwetrf@
23:22.18*** part/#openezx BadCluster (n=badclust@

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