IRC log for #openezx on 20071126

00:58.49*** join/#openezx alphaone (n=daniel@2001:638:602:af01:20c:76ff:fe8d:9703)
01:54.31*** join/#openezx drath (
02:40.57*** join/#openezx nooop (n=noop@
02:45.21*** join/#openezx file` (
03:05.26nooopanybody around?
05:19.04*** join/#openezx jkilb_ (
06:01.40*** join/#openezx the_mgt_ (
07:17.20*** join/#openezx Sahil_666758 (i=Samba@gateway/tor/x-e54086340bf972aa)
07:43.58*** join/#openezx toi (
08:07.24Hopscotchguten morgen
08:30.41*** join/#openezx LoneStar (n=xinzhen@
11:54.26*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
12:06.35*** join/#openezx WM (i=c88e3a13@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
12:38.54*** join/#openezx LoneStar (n=xinzhen@
12:40.38*** join/#openezx drath (
12:41.50*** join/#openezx WM (i=c88e3a13@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:41.50*** join/#openezx TommyMT ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:41.50*** join/#openezx mickey|zzZZzz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:41.56*** join/#openezx puzzle1536 (
12:59.30*** join/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
13:11.38*** join/#openezx puzzle1536 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:11.38*** join/#openezx LoneStar (n=xinzhen@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:11.38*** join/#openezx jkilb_ (
13:11.38*** join/#openezx jamesmck ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:11.38*** join/#openezx par ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:11.39*** join/#openezx Hopscotch ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:11.39*** join/#openezx webmind ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:11.39*** join/#openezx pjz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:00.14*** join/#openezx Shoragan (
14:10.29*** join/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
14:16.15*** join/#openezx agd5f (
14:33.08*** join/#openezx florian (n=fuchs@
14:55.28*** join/#openezx florian (n=fuchs@
14:57.50*** join/#openezx Shoragan (
16:34.44*** join/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
16:35.49*** join/#openezx goxboxlive (
17:36.56*** join/#openezx pH5 (
18:04.50*** join/#openezx janneg (
18:25.56*** join/#openezx pleemans (
18:48.18*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
20:07.45*** join/#openezx florian_ (
20:21.00*** join/#openezx dion (
21:21.14*** join/#openezx purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:21.14*** topic/#openezx is OpenEZX Developer Lounge -- Open Source Software Stack for Motorola EZX phones --
23:00.40*** part/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
23:08.30*** join/#openezx dion (
23:19.37*** join/#openezx agd5f (
23:41.12*** join/#openezx ljp (n=lpotter@

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.