IRC log for #openezx on 20070521

01:52.28*** join/#openezx florian__ (
02:35.46*** join/#openezx jaebird (
04:57.02*** join/#openezx purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
04:57.02*** topic/#openezx is OpenEZX Developer Lounge -- Open Source Software Stack for Motorola EZX phones --
05:10.49*** join/#openezx purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:10.49*** topic/#openezx is OpenEZX Developer Lounge -- Open Source Software Stack for Motorola EZX phones --
05:56.00*** join/#openezx purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:56.00*** topic/#openezx is OpenEZX Developer Lounge -- Open Source Software Stack for Motorola EZX phones --
06:22.25*** join/#openezx pleemans (
06:57.38*** join/#openezx purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
06:57.38*** topic/#openezx is OpenEZX Developer Lounge -- Open Source Software Stack for Motorola EZX phones --
07:26.19*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
07:49.30*** join/#openezx koen (
08:02.07*** join/#openezx dion|sleep (
08:07.33Hopscotchgood morning
08:26.52*** join/#openezx ade|desk (n=adavey@
08:34.01*** join/#openezx LuitvD (n=luitvd@beigetower/luitvd)
08:59.51*** join/#openezx iceskycn (n=zhaotong@
09:10.31*** join/#openezx florian (n=fuchs@
09:10.58floriangood morning
10:56.54*** join/#openezx ade|desk (n=adavey@
11:09.51*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
11:35.27*** join/#openezx LuitvD (n=luitvd@beigetower/luitvd)
12:19.19*** join/#openezx drWyrM (i=c88e3026@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
12:20.04drWyrMgood morning.
12:22.45stefan_schmidthi drWyrM
12:23.08stefan_schmidtdrWyrM: Already read my mail about the camera driver licences?
12:23.50drWyrMyes, just replied.
12:24.06drWyrMits great. Looks like they forgot to remove the drivers.
12:26.10stefan_schmidtkoen: heh
12:26.44stefan_schmidtdrWyrM: Yeah, was a nice surprise to find them all gpl'ed
12:27.06stefan_schmidtPerhaps some other projects could use them as datasheet as well
12:27.07koenprobably a surprise to motorola as well ;)
12:27.24stefan_schmidtkoen: Perhaps :)
12:27.45drWyrM2 other people contacted me about these drivers, ive already warned them. :)
12:28.13drWyrMi do think it was a mistake from moto. But.. too late now.  Lets spread the news :)
12:28.16stefan_schmidtdrWyrM: Great. So you have some more fighters on your side.
12:28.55stefan_schmidtdrWyrM: btw, what is your feeling about using the current 2.6.21 branch as ezx within this week?
12:29.24stefan_schmidtdrWyrM: go or wait?
12:30.58drWyrMNice idea. I think it already implements everything from .16 and seems quite stable.
12:31.13drWyrMsound will take some more time anyway. Not worth waiting.
12:32.58stefan_schmidtdrWyrM: OK, so I'll prepare something in the next days
12:33.45drWyrMstefan_schmidt: thanks :)
12:34.28stefan_schmidtdrWyrM: btw, you can also do changes to the website, new, etc and make releases if you like
12:36.06koen[14:34] CIA-4: ospite * r7b9f8326... / (1 packages/linux/ linux-exx 2.6.21: For now the code for serial console is disabled in compress.c
12:36.07drWyrMThanks, i will take a look on how to do it later :)
13:15.51ade|deskif motorola release code that is not their code to release does it still make it valid as GPL ?
13:17.42koenisn't that largely motorola's problem?
13:18.55ade|deskprobably, but it could also backfire on us later, we could be forced to remove that code and re implement it differently
13:18.57stefan_schmidtade|desk: Exactly what koen said. We have source files with gpl header everything else is Motorolas problem
13:19.28stefan_schmidtade|desk: I doubt that. With what reason?
13:19.37ade|deskif the GPL header is slapped on code that belongs to someone else does not make it GPL code
13:20.09stefan_schmidtade|desk: It is not sure if it slapped or if it placed carefully
13:20.23koenit's in kernel code anyway
13:20.39ade|deski'd still get real clarification that it is really GPL'd
13:20.40koenpeople saying that isn't GPL should be jailed
13:21.01stefan_schmidtade|desk: We try that for months now.
13:21.34stefan_schmidtade|desk: I see no problem with this driver.
13:21.45ade|deskwho wrote the code for motorola, ask them if Motorola asked if they could GPL it
13:23.10stefan_schmidtade|desk: I don't see why we should make the problem to ours. We *have* the source under GPL
13:24.05koenthe burden is on moto to proof it is gpl
13:26.53ade|deskmy point is that if we storm ahead we could lose out in the long run with motorola closing up ranks an not releasing other code under gpl, it's a gamble
13:27.27ade|deskits better to work with than against
13:27.50stefan_schmidtade|desk: oh, that is what trying for nearly two years now.
13:28.06stefan_schmidtade|desk: It's just hard if only one party want to play the game
13:28.28stefan_schmidtade|desk: I had a lot of mails with them
13:28.38stefan_schmidtade|desk: Even before
13:29.05stefan_schmidtade|desk: Some engineers are really understand it, but it's a big company
13:29.11stefan_schmidt... with lawyers
13:30.07stefan_schmidtade|desk: But my point is that we should not spread fear and wait month for a problem that is not ours
13:30.26ade|deskat the end of the day (sic) lawyers will always win.. lets hope that they have an epiphany and believe the devs
13:31.38stefan_schmidtade|desk: Would be a surprise imho ;)
13:31.51stefan_schmidtade|desk: There is process, but really slow
13:32.37ade|deskwhich reminds me, i need a new battery for my a780, know anywhere to get them ?
13:32.54stefan_schmidtade|desk: hmm, I got mine from ebay
13:33.51stefan_schmidtade|desk: btw, I'll add a note about my findings into the forum thread about the problem. So moto is informed
13:34.35ade|deskgood plan, keep ezx clean and above board.
13:34.52stefan_schmidtade|desk: That was always the goal
13:35.35*** join/#openezx z72ka (
13:38.50ade|deskhence *keep*
13:47.01stefan_schmidtLast entry
13:51.13ade|deskgood post
14:01.35*** join/#openezx agd5f (n=deuchera@
14:33.40drWyrMruns linux :)
14:43.01ade|deskdoes it ? with windows media 11 ..oooooh fun, it says linux OS support though
14:45.21drWyrMnot linux.
14:45.45drWyrMbut it looks good. 2 qvga displays.
14:46.18SuNIf it's not confirmed to run Windows, it probably is Linux.
14:46.44SuNSince I've never seen Opera Mobile (not mini) run on anything but Linux, Symbian or WinCE.
14:50.55*** join/#openezx dion|sleep (n=dion@
14:57.57*** join/#openezx CIA-24 (n=CIA@
15:43.56*** join/#openezx TimRiker (n=timr@
16:21.25*** join/#openezx Maybelline (
16:28.22ao2hi Maybelline, are you the Jeremy behind mkphone?
16:28.49Maybellinenope sorry.  I'm just a lurker
16:29.10ao2ah ok, sorry :)
16:43.27*** join/#openezx dion|sleep (
17:08.35*** join/#openezx pleemans (
19:21.12*** join/#openezx |dion| (
19:53.20*** join/#openezx LuitvD (n=luitvd@beigetower/luitvd)
20:03.18*** join/#openezx koen (
20:16.47*** join/#openezx jannu (
20:20.17*** join/#openezx florian (
20:48.04*** join/#openezx koen (
21:59.45*** join/#openezx fuchs__ (
22:18.19*** part/#openezx agd5f (n=deuchera@
22:45.15*** join/#openezx agd5f (
23:41.18*** join/#openezx par__ (
23:43.06*** join/#openezx Hopscotch (
23:44.02*** join/#openezx Hopscotch (n=cd@
23:44.07*** join/#openezx Hopscotc1 (

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