IRC log for #openezx on 20070516

00:10.32pjzsomeone tell me what boot_usb does, and where it runs (on the phone or on the PC) ?
00:12.57florianpjz: It runs on the pc..
00:13.54florianpjz: It uploads a binary (usually a kernel) to the device and runs it. It makes use of the bootloaders USB capabilities.
01:17.16pjzso I should run boot_usb <kernel image> ?
01:22.00*** join/#openezx CIA-24 (i=cia@
01:28.57*** join/#openezx koen (
02:13.43*** join/#openezx iceskycn (n=zhaotong@
03:13.18iceskycnhow d y d
03:14.12iceskycnThe driver of fm radio which Ic is tea 5767 is finished?
03:16.08pjzI don't know
06:15.57*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
06:40.22Hopscotchgood morning
07:33.49*** join/#openezx koen (
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08:35.43*** join/#openezx webmind (
09:17.32*** join/#openezx florian (n=fuchs@
09:18.30floriangood morning
11:05.26*** join/#openezx pleemans (
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13:01.09*** join/#openezx drWyrM (i=c88e3026@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:01.40drWyrMgood morning.
13:02.05drWyrMpmarques: congrats :)
13:09.34*** join/#openezx agd5f (n=deuchera@
13:11.26agd5fstefan_schmidt: OT, but do you still have the thinkpad?  FWIF, I've been working on randr support for radeon, and it's pretty much ready at this point if you want to try it
13:15.30stefan_schmidtagd5f: hi
13:15.42stefan_schmidtagd5f: Yeah, still have. Just working on it
13:15.55stefan_schmidtagd5f: RandR 1.2 would be great
13:16.40stefan_schmidtagd5f: I'm very overloaded atm, but if it will work without much hassle I'll try it at the we
13:16.53stefan_schmidtagd5f: Just compile it from git, I guess?
13:16.53*** join/#openezx blkhawk[work] (
13:20.43agd5fstefan_schmidt: yeah.  you'll need >= xserver 1.3 and radeon from the randr-1.2 branch
13:20.54agd5fand updated xrandr app
13:21.59stefan_schmidtagd5f: ok, fair enough. Running debian unstable here which gives me xserver 1.3 already. The driver and perhaps a newer xrandr app should be not that hard.
13:22.43agd5fjust grab teh dev packages and you should just be able to build the driver
13:23.03stefan_schmidtagd5f: So I hope to have some hours for it at sunday. I'll inform you about the progress
13:23.13stefan_schmidtagd5f: cool
13:23.19agd5fif they are shipping xserver 1.3, they may also have the latest xrandr app
13:24.33stefan_schmidtagd5f: indeed, would make sense
13:25.54pmarquesdrWyrM: (I just got back from lunch)   Thanks :)
14:29.51*** join/#openezx z72ka-ntb (
14:32.00z72ka-ntbdrWyrM: Hi, I am Jan Herman on IRC and etc 72ka or z72ka... I have your mail now received about bcm2035
14:34.00z72ka-ntbdrWyrM: I am on notebook... I try compiling BlueZ with bcm patch, but bluez-utils configure end of errors of checking for BLUEZ.. I have defined --prefix=xxx to my libs
14:40.23z72ka-ntbdrWyrM: At home have I working OE stuff... but no time to this.. :(
14:50.52drWyrMz72ka-ntb: i used OE to compile. I have no idea on how to compile it without OE :(
14:52.31drWyrMi left my files at home, if you want i can send you the .ipk files . I will go home in about 4 hours.. :)
14:53.12z72ka-ntbdrWyrM: OK... but time is problem... i tried this today before going to work, but some errors with do_configure
14:53.48z72ka-ntbdrWyrM: Only for testing on my machine are binary good idea.. OK, can you send me to my email?
14:53.49drWyrMweird i have changed nothing outside hciattach.c
14:54.05drWyrMyes, i will send it to you as soon as i get home :)
14:54.18z72ka-ntbdrWyrM: In OE isn't bug in bluez.. probably in some bb files
14:54.41z72ka-ntbdrWyrM: I am GMT+1... I have now end of my work.. 17:00 :)
14:55.26drWyrMi tought that it was more than gmt+3 over there. :) Its just 4 hours of difference, not that much :)
14:59.54z72ka-ntbdrWyrM: Whats your nationality?
14:59.59z72ka-ntbdrWyrM: Works camera on ezx good?
15:00.41drWyrMI am from Brasil.
15:01.00z72ka-ntbdrWyrM: I must go home... see U later
15:01.26drWyrMi did a quick port of the 2.4 camera drivers, but it needs a major rewrite to be considered good. :)
15:01.31drWyrMbye! :)
15:02.49florianhrm... that reminds me that I wanted to code a small camera application
15:16.32*** join/#openezx dion|sleep (
15:21.20drWyrMflorian: i wish my day had at least 30 hours. :)
15:23.38floriandrWyrM: same here
15:27.52*** join/#openezx florian (n=fuchs@
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15:46.31diondrWyrM: may be you know, how alarm and calendar reminder works? As far as i understand almost all time AP is hibernated. So maybe BP resumes it
15:47.02koendion: RTC?
15:48.15dionhmm. you mean PXA RTC? Btw alarm also works with turned off phone. it will power on and play ringtone etc..
15:50.01agd5fjust ordered an E6
15:50.05drWyrMdion: i have already added information on the at commands that set the alarm to the wiki :)
15:50.35drWyrMyes, BP resumes it, and also can turn the phone on if off.
15:50.59dionso as far as i understand this works with 2.6.21?
15:51.15dionjust need userspace to setup it
15:51.26stefan_schmidtagd5f: congrats
15:51.27drWyrMdion: in theory it does work. Not tested.
15:52.16drWyrMkoen: blob resets the pxa RTC . i always read '19' from it on 2.6 :)
15:52.39drWyrMno matter if i set it to some time, after poweroff i read 19 again :(
15:52.55*** join/#openezx z72ka (
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15:53.54z72kadrWyrM: I am at home... about camera. Z72 has absolutelly the same sensor (probably) and slapin (first maintainer of z72) work on it
15:54.19drWyrMyes, i have already talked to slapin about camera drivers.
15:55.07drWyrMand i saw that he is writing it on the right way. I am waiting to add support for the other camera modules :)
15:55.31drWyrMa780 has 2 different camera modules, mine is different from the palm.
15:55.54z72kadrWyrM: I am waiting too..  :)
15:55.59drWyrMpalm uses a ov9640(guess). mine a780 is a mt9m111
15:57.09z72kadrWyrM: I have patches and etc.. but slapin says, that's his job  :)
15:57.24z72kadrWyrM: yes... I have ov9640..
15:58.29z72kadrWyrM: my sensor :)
15:59.30drWyrMyou guys should review your development model :) centralizing is not good. Just delays development.
15:59.50drWyrMlt9640.. should be omnivision 9640 ;)
16:06.54z72kadrWyrM: I know... but this is probably slapin's dream.. developing a camera driver :) I work on BT and etc.. he on camera
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16:59.55*** join/#openezx Maybelline (
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22:13.49*** join/#openezx florian__ (n=fuchs@
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22:59.07*** part/#openezx LuitvD (n=luitvd@beigetower/luitvd)
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