irclog2html for #openezx on 20070313

02:42.31*** join/#openezx agd5f (n=alex@
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10:10.02floriangood morning
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12:39.46drWyrMhi all.
12:40.26stefan_schmidthi drWyrM
12:40.26florianhi drWyrM
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13:48.33gitanojust wanted to inform u guys, these motorola A910 phones seem to be available in france
13:50.19gitanoorange branded, new ones seem to be available here:
13:50.26stefan_schmidtgitano: hi
13:50.33stefan_schmidtgitano: Good news
13:50.36gitanoeven an own section at
13:50.49gitanohi stefan_schmidt :)
13:51.13stefan_schmidtgitano: So we have to look how we can get them without a orange contract. :)
13:51.21gitanohrhr, yeah
13:52.11stefan_schmidtgitano: hmm, no wlan mentoined in the article.
13:52.35gitanohrm, not peticularly, yeah
13:53.33gitanowell: Connexion Wi-Fi Oui
13:54.21stefan_schmidtgitano: ah, found it
13:54.36stefan_schmidtgitano: Funny that's that not on the 'main feature' page. :)
13:55.04gitanoyeah, hrhr
13:55.14gitanokickass feature, one should suggest
13:55.30stefan_schmidtI would think so
13:55.38gitanobut i get the feeling, that most providers here doesnt seem to like such features :D
13:55.50alphaonestefan_schmidt: So we should go snowboarding in france next chance we get :-)
13:56.13stefan_schmidtalphaone: yeah, boarding and taking a A910 with us. ;)
13:56.25stefan_schmidtalphaone: Not cheap but fun. ;)
13:56.40alphaonestefan_schmidt: Yeah :-)
13:57.14gitanostefan_schmidt: btw, are you that guy with the scummvm on a a780 screenshots? :)
13:57.53stefan_schmidtgitano: yes
13:58.09gitanoeek :) loved those screens
13:58.39stefan_schmidtgitano: yeah, qvga and ts is just cool for scummvm
14:02.18gitanowell, stepped over these projects (openezx & openmoko) while searching for a good linux phone
14:02.25gitanolooks promising :)
14:02.40stefan_schmidtgitano: right, but takes still some time. :(
14:02.51stefan_schmidtgitano: Fine for developer, but not for user
14:02.59gitanonow deciding wether to wait for september, or to get some ezx phone, hrhr
14:03.04gitanohehe, ack
14:04.32stefan_schmidtgitano: It's hard to give a advice for this.
14:05.36alphaonegitano: I would say that if you want a truly open system, then openmoko on the neo will be there faster
14:06.00gitanostepped into the world of big-display-can-do-everything-cellphones just a few weeks ago
14:06.14alphaoneBut the ezx phones are more complete now in terms of features
14:10.25gitanowell, most of thosefeatures i dont really need
14:11.38gitanoat least a good looking small phone, with good pim functions/ software and the ability to sync with my linux pc
14:11.38gitanomission impossible atm, as it seems :P
14:11.50dionstefan_schmidt: do you know, when neo phone will be available for buying?
14:12.45dionaccording to site, currently they are available only for neo developers
14:12.51stefan_schmidtdion: If we don't have to much trouble in th next weeks you should be able to get one early april.
14:13.34dionsmm. sounds good.
14:13.38stefan_schmidtdion: atm only 38 phones are shipped. Starting with P1 developer are targetted, but everybody can buy.
14:13.48dionso anyone can buy it?
14:14.08stefan_schmidtdion: Just pray that the hardware does not show more bugs. :)
14:14.28stefan_schmidtdion: Yes, there will be a webshop and FIC sell worldwide.
14:15.05dioncool.. and it will be really cool if there will no more hardware bugs.. software is easy to fix :)
14:15.41gitanosounds good ya
14:15.42stefan_schmidtdion: exactly
14:24.53alphaonedion: That's why people wanted an FPGA in there :-)
14:25.50dionanyway /me want to do something with E680 too...
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21:29.38ucordeshi all
21:31.12ucordesare there any EZX phones that support usb host functionality so that additional devices can be used with usb? i'm searching for hours on this now without any up to date results.
21:32.23stefan_schmidtucordes: Most of them should support it, but there are two big issues: 1. Nobody tested it yet. 2. The USB ports are unpowered. You need an external powersource for the additinal device
21:33.51ucordesstefan_schmidt: well the power thing is not such a big issue. a friend of mine built a battery pack for his zaurus once, allowing him to use a 802.11 usb interface
21:34.31ucordesstefan_schmidt: what you are saying basically is exactly what google gave me: the devs say the possibility is there but it is not working yet
21:34.34stefan_schmidtucordes: Fine. That reduces the problem to 1.
21:35.20stefan_schmidtucordes: Makes sense that it is the same, as I'm one of the devs. :)
21:36.59ucordesstefan_schmidt: good to know that there are any
21:37.54ucordesthe sourceforge site does not show too much activity
21:38.39stefan_schmidtucordes: sourceforge? OpenEZX has nothing to do with a sourceforge project.
21:40.18ucordesstefan_schmidt: ??
21:40.59ucordesthere is a diagram in the top left corner showing "sourceforge activity"
21:41.20stefan_schmidtucordes: ah, that the official Motorola 'file upload only' page
21:41.29ucordesstefan_schmidt: well nevermind i guess i was wrong then
21:41.48stefan_schmidtucordes: They use it just to upload the code they need to offer.
21:41.52ucordesstefan_schmidt: so your development platform is a differen place?
21:42.02ucordesstefan_schmidt: i see. i allready feared that was it.
21:42.05stefan_schmidtucordes: They seem not interested in working with the community.
21:42.16ucordesexcuse my bad english. i'm german
21:42.27stefan_schmidtucordes: Same here :)
21:42.29ucordesstefan_schmidt: well at least they deliver the sources
21:42.40blkhawkwe are all german here
21:42.48stefan_schmidtucordes: hmm, even that was not easy
21:42.48ucordesstefan_schmidt: ah ok ^^ so where's the platform you are using?
21:42.53stefan_schmidtblkhawk: not all
21:43.25stefan_schmidtucordes: own website, wiki, svn, ml's etc...
21:43.45ucordesah ok now i remember i stolpered over it last week
21:43.58ucordesreading something about iptables and nat there
21:44.49ucordesso why don't you guys try the usb host functionality. i think many people are out there waiting for this
21:46.21stefan_schmidtucordes: Because we have higher priority problems. Getting a stable and useable 2.6 kernel
21:47.42ucordesstefan_schmidt: i see- so what's your progress with that?
21:48.20stefan_schmidtucordes: Flashed kernel keeps phone alive and we are able to send sms
21:48.54ucordessounds pretty good
21:49.13ucordesstefan_schmidt: any approximations on when it will be ready for the masses?
21:49.47stefan_schmidtucordes: I hope Q3/Q4
21:50.15stefan_schmidtucordes: With some luck I get a Summer of Code project for the integration with OpenMoko
21:50.32ucordeswhat's that?
21:52.21stefan_schmidtAnyway, have to go. cu later
21:52.29florianstefan_schmidt: cu
21:52.34ucordesstefan_schmidt: see you
21:52.37ucordesthanks for the info
22:32.50*** part/#openezx agd5f (n=deuchera@
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