irclog2html for #openezx on 20070222

00:20.35floriangood night
00:52.20*** join/#openezx jonwil (
01:40.46*** join/#openezx [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
04:45.41*** join/#openezx TimRiker (
05:16.30*** join/#openezx dion (
07:04.04Hopscotchgood morning
07:19.57*** join/#openezx koen (
08:21.08*** join/#openezx koen (
08:52.11*** join/#openezx dion (
09:05.39*** join/#openezx ade|desk (n=adavey@
09:11.42*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
09:39.15*** join/#openezx jeremy_laine (
09:40.19jeremy_lainekoen : looks like the LOCALVERSION was not bumped in the defconfigs, am I right?
09:40.41koenno idea
09:40.51jeremy_laineah, who took care of the commit?
09:41.00koenOE does 'make oldconfig' to regenerate it, so it isn't a problem
09:43.00jeremy_lainekoen : why would "make oldconfig" change the LOCALVERSION? Check if you want, the generated image has ezx6 as the LOCALVERSION, and modules go in /lib/modules/
09:50.01ade|deskthe defconfig in OE in set with CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="-ezx6"
09:50.47jeremy_laineade|desk : my point precisely :)
09:51.08koenah, that kind of localversion
09:51.16koenI was thinking makefile version
09:51.17jeremy_lainesorry for not being more explicit
09:52.52jeremy_lainemaybe we should pull this from the defconfigs and have it out into .config with the other build-time settings
09:53.06ade|deskis that defconfig the same as the one in the patches?
09:53.26koenade|desk: no, OE keeps its own, more usefull defconfig
09:56.04jeremy_lainekoen : also, there are some leftover patches in packages/linux/linux-ezx which are no longer referenced
09:56.38jeremy_laine(pxa-serial-gcc4.diff and sa1100-rtc-gcc4.diff, both included in EZX patches)
09:56.38ao2koen, maybe the more usefull settings can be applied as apatch with the upstream defconfig, so there is less duplication around
10:00.41ade|deskseems a good idea to have the defconfigs in sync
10:01.05ade|desksinging the the same hymn sheet and all
10:35.59*** join/#openezx jannu (
11:48.14*** join/#openezx webmind (
13:28.58*** join/#openezx koen (
13:55.44*** join/#openezx agd5f (n=deuchera@
15:29.21agd5fhas anyone used an E6 yet?
16:21.51*** join/#openezx TimRiker (n=timr@
16:33.37*** join/#openezx jeremy_laine (
16:38.14jeremy_lainestefan_schmidt : how functional is the mux driver?
16:39.39jeremy_laineI created the /dev/mux* devices (c 250 *), then tried to read/write to /dev/mux0 without much success (long lag, then "No such device" error)
16:40.15*** join/#openezx koen (
16:48.13jeremy_lainethe dmesg entry is :
16:48.15jeremy_laine<6>MUX send_sabm: send_sabm: Creating SABM packet to DLCI 0
16:48.15jeremy_laine<6>MUX TS0710_DEBUGHEX: f9 03 3f 01 1c f9
16:48.15jeremy_laine<4>drivers/char/ts0710_mux_usb.c: usb_ipc_write: count=6, buf:
16:48.15jeremy_laine<4>bvd_dbg_hex: f9 03 3f 01 1c f9
16:48.16jeremy_laine<4>drivers/char/ts0710_mux_usb.c: usb_ipc_write: ret=6, bvd_ipc->xmit.buf:
16:48.18jeremy_laine<4>bvd_dbg_hex: f9 03 3f 01 1c f9
16:48.20jeremy_laine<4>drivers/char/ts0710_mux_usb.c: usb_ipc_write: ret=6
16:48.24jeremy_laine<6>MUX ts0710_open_channel: MUX DLCI:0 Send SABM timeout!
16:48.43jeremy_laineany idea why I might be getting these timeouts (this is on A780 / linux ezx9)
16:55.01*** join/#openezx [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
16:55.42*** join/#openezx [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
16:58.33*** join/#openezx [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
17:03.54*** join/#openezx LoneStar (n=xinzhen@
17:24.23*** join/#openezx dion (
18:10.45*** join/#openezx pleemans (
18:53.09*** join/#openezx ljp (n=lpotter@
18:54.34*** join/#openezx vmaster_ (
18:55.53*** join/#openezx florian (n=fuchs@
18:56.19florianhi all
20:13.31*** join/#openezx pleemans (
20:13.31*** join/#openezx TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:16.33*** join/#openezx florian (n=fuchs@
21:39.01stefan_schmidtShort visit before sleep and driving to fosdem
21:39.20stefan_schmidtjeremy_laine: We were able to send a SMS with the mux driver and mkphone
22:19.53florianstefan_schmidt: when do you plan to arrive?
22:21.57stefan_schmidtflorian: Tomorrow around 15:00. Park the car, checkin youth hostel, some sightseeing and beer event afterwards.
22:26.19florianstefan_schmidt: ok, good... i guess we'll meet there :-)
22:26.43stefan_schmidtflorian: hope so :)
22:27.26stefan_schmidtflorian: I'll wearing a openmoko polo shirt. :)
22:27.48florianstefan_schmidt: heh ok :-)
22:30.39florianthere should be some pictures around showing me... :)
22:31.51stefan_schmidtflorian: I hope mickey|defence will introduce us in the oe community.
22:32.29florianwe all kick him if he doesn't
22:33.01florianThat's a good one...
22:33.36*** part/#openezx agd5f (n=deuchera@
22:33.46floriani'm the second from the right - with the oe t-shirt
22:35.40stefan_schmidtah, nice photo. Between zecke and koen
22:36.29stefan_schmidtok, I should be able to identify you now.
22:36.49stefan_schmidtI fear there is no picture from me on the net, but let me search.
22:38.19florianI guess all the guys on the photo will be at fosdem :-) you know the others?
22:39.08stefan_schmidtmickey|defence: of course
22:42.55florianThe one left is RP, the one left of mickey|defence is hrw
22:43.24stefan_schmidtand between hrw and RP?
22:44.37florianThomas, one more of the o-hand people. But i don't know his nick.
22:45.14stefan_schmidtah, the one working on the openmoko dates and contact versions i guess.
22:47.52stefan_schmidtok, I don't find a photo from me with a fast search. Which is nice. :)
22:48.21stefan_schmidtMeetup should be pretty easy anyway.
22:53.30mickey|zzZZzzI did it!
22:53.33mickey|zzZZzzG'night! :)
22:53.39mickey|zzZZzzsee ya soon @ FOSDEM
22:53.56florianmickey|zzZZzz: rock!
22:54.06florianmickey|zzZZzz: good night
22:57.12stefan_schmidtmickey|zzZZzz: congrats. cu tomorrow
22:59.45stefan_schmidtflorian: btw, what's the best way to deal with an x86 build of oe and xoo? I followed your packages/gpephone/gpe-session-scripts-phone/matchbox-session.vm example and started matchbox-session on :1 (xoo) inside a chroot
23:00.15stefan_schmidtmatchbox cames up but starting other applications doesn't work
23:00.50florianstefan_schmidt: try to start gpe-dm instead of the session
23:01.03stefan_schmidtflorian: ah, ok
23:03.32stefan_schmidtflorian: hmm, no gpe-dm in the openmoko build :)
23:04.16stefan_schmidtAnyway, it's time for sleep now. cu tomorrow. night all.
23:04.19florianhum right, i don't know how they fire up the session
23:04.34florianthat's a good idea
23:04.41florianstefan_schmidt: good nicht
23:25.16*** join/#openezx agd5f (
23:55.24*** join/#openezx Sleep_Walker (
23:55.48Sleep_Walkeranyone home?

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