irclog2html for #openezx on 20061129

00:36.35*** join/#openezx ljp (n=lpotter@
01:05.53*** join/#openezx nevarrie_ (
01:48.39nh_homeproberts: could your memory address problem be related to that link I posted yesterday about kmem on arm processors?
01:51.33nh_homeCheck out the links listed in that post.
01:56.51nh_homeflorian: it's scary when I search for things totally unrelated to openezx and your name keeps coming up. :P
02:30.32probertsnh_home: Thanks for the link... I'll check it out when I get home.
02:32.03probertsnh_home: I was able to read and dump (I think) the entire pysical memory with mmap, but the kernel symbol table gives me invalid addresses... so I think I need to do some translation or something for ARM.
02:33.21probertsI could grab about 64MB starting at 0xa0000000, and then some memory lower in the 0x30000000 range, but the kernel syms are 0xc0000000 and 0xd0000000
05:12.50*** join/#openezx |dion| (
08:30.20*** join/#openezx blkhawk[work] (
09:09.56Hopscotchgood morning
09:14.55*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
09:22.02*** join/#openezx ade|desk (n=ADAVEY@
09:50.08*** join/#openezx florian_kc (
09:53.52florian_kcgood morning
10:00.20*** join/#openezx LoneStar (n=xinzhen@
10:25.19*** join/#openezx Shoragan (
10:25.29*** join/#openezx stefan_schmidt (
11:14.05lkclhellooooo!  my (broken) a120 arrived!  mmm.... heeeelllp...
11:20.23florian_kchi stefan_schmidt
11:20.31florian_kclkcl: what is broken?
11:20.43lkclooo, don't know yet.
11:21.05lkclthe guy flashed it with new firmware (unspecified as to how) and now it "doesn't work (tm)"
11:21.13lkclso, it's my turn to try and fix it.
11:21.21florian_kci guess it was cheap, right? :-)
11:21.22lkcli've found the bootloader instructions
11:21.29lkclnot very!
11:21.46florian_kcdo you get the bootloader screen?
11:22.05lkclhe got a couple of extra batteries and an external charger to see if that was the problem
11:22.22lkclit's camera, jog-wheel and power-on, right?
11:23.42florian_kcyes, you need to be be careful to press the center of the jog only
11:24.09lkclnope - nothing.  oops
11:24.47lkcldo you have to have a sim card in it?
11:25.04lkclwouldn't have thought so, but...
11:25.39florian_kcthat doesn't matter
11:26.22lkclhuh.  ok.
12:39.37*** join/#openezx |dion| (
12:57.40*** join/#openezx wmat_ (n=wmat@
13:06.34*** join/#openezx prpplague (n=billybob@
13:41.43*** join/#openezx jaebird (
13:51.44*** join/#openezx nh_home (
14:22.08*** join/#openezx [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
16:04.03lkclok that a780 was out the door already - to motorola repair centre in crewe.  about $EUR 80 should fix it.  hooray!  very nice people
16:08.20filelkcl: yay... I think
17:32.33stefan_schmidtYesterday was a bad day. Two broken server and one broken car. :(
17:32.59stefan_schmidtAnd even no working serial console from the testpads.
17:33.34filemaybe today will be a good day then
17:34.33prpplagueshould feel lucky it wasn't two broken legs and a broke bank account, hehe
17:34.57prpplaguefile: to die?
17:35.33fileprpplague: eep
17:35.45prpplaguefile: greetings, btw
17:37.29stefan_schmidtyes, today is better, both server and car are fixed now. :)
17:47.33*** join/#openezx TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
17:47.49prpplagueTimRiker: timmmmmmyyyyy!!
17:48.01fileit's a Riker!
18:14.44*** join/#openezx vmaster_ (
18:36.32probertsnh_work:  Forgot to add to my email- The reason I sent the code is I won't be able to work on the selinux hacking for a few days and if you want to play with any of the code I started... there it is.  If not, just ignore. :)
18:36.43probertsbrb - need to replace soundcard.
18:36.47nh_homeproberts: ah, ok. :)
18:37.03nh_homeproberts: I'm home sick today so I've been looking at it while attempting to make my laptop work right.
19:08.35*** join/#openezx florian (n=fuchs@
19:24.35*** join/#openezx GvzEvxre (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
19:34.53*** join/#openezx proberts (
19:38.52probertsOT: Anyone using a CA0106 -baed audio card in the linux box?  (Audigy LS)
20:09.11nh_homeproberts: nope, what's the problem though?
20:11.13probertsSound output suddenly changed to all noise.  Apparently if you boot to windows then soft-reset it works fine.  No windows on this box. (found a lot of google hits for the same problem but no solution)
20:11.48nh_homeproberts: doesn't work after a hard reboot?
20:12.23probertsno -win drivers must do something to the card... I think it might be stuck in digital I/O mode.
20:13.20nh_homeyeah, no idea.  The last non-integrated soundcard I had was an old sblive value.
20:13.46nh_homeI've had to mess around with alsa a lot, but nothing like this.
20:17.37nh_homebtw, I've been looking through your code, but I don't see anything obviously wrong.
20:19.12probertsIf that method works it'll be an easy solution (until they policy out insmod)
20:21.08nh_homeproberts: yeah.  I've been wondering what their motivation is.  Do they really want to keep us out, or are they trying to protect themselves from people who telnet into their phone and delete the bootloader or something...
20:22.32probertsThere's a whole lot of restrictions placed on user ezx, which makes sense.  That way a downloaded app launched from the GUI has a hard time doing anything malicious (or accidentally...)
20:23.28probertsOne thing I noticed is I couldn't mknod in /dev, even though /dev is not listed in the policy file.  I didn't see any hardcoded constants in the source.
20:23.32nh_homeI'm just surprised they left so much open... kmem, insmod, read access to the policy file, etc etc...
20:23.57probertsyeah - for root at least.
20:24.00nh_homeproberts: I'm rather worried that the src we have isn't exactly what's on the phone.
20:24.44nh_homethey talk about "scrubbing" it before they release.  If that just means removing config files that's one thing...
20:50.53probertsnh_home:  There's clearly some tool they have for interfacing with the policy engine that must get removed.  There's no reason to have those functions exported from the kernel module using user-space arguments otherwise.
20:53.55nh_homeSo the question is why doesn't your program appear to disable it...
21:19.42nh_homeproberts: have you tried calling any of these other functions/
21:37.54nh_homeproberts: hrm... I think I might have found the problem.  ac_policy_enable is an extern int in acplug.h, but it is redefined locally as "1" in ac_policy.c
21:48.28nh_homewait, does that redefine it?  I confess my C is pretty rusty.
21:56.45nh_homeok, nevermind.  After a quick C lesson, I see that the header is declaring the variable, while it's being defined in ac_policy.c.  :)
21:58.57nh_homeYou'll have to go easy on me, it's been a while. ;)
22:29.09*** join/#openezx nevarrie_ (
23:44.23*** join/#openezx florian_ (n=fuchs@

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