irclog2html for #openezx on 20061027

00:07.16*** join/#openezx [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
00:08.04*** join/#openezx [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
02:51.23*** join/#openezx leoncamel (n=leoncame@
04:14.48*** join/#openezx dionua (
04:51.11*** join/#openezx koen (
07:02.34*** join/#openezx blkhawk[work] (
08:13.35Hopscotchgood morning
08:19.18*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
08:22.51*** join/#openezx dionua (
08:54.45*** join/#openezx florian_kc (
08:55.37florian_kchi all
09:36.09*** join/#openezx jonwil (
10:46.49*** join/#openezx ade|desk (n=ADAVEY@
10:47.09ade|deskhi all
12:16.47*** join/#openezx [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
12:35.17*** join/#openezx dionua (
13:04.36*** join/#openezx agd5f (n=deuchera@
13:55.18*** join/#openezx Hopscotch (
14:08.22*** join/#openezx TommyMT (
14:41.30blkhawk[work]but maybe thats just because its friday
14:43.27blkhawk[work]how much are MircoSD cards these days?
14:43.31blkhawk[work]around 1 gb?
14:44.14LaF0rgeblkhawk: up to 2gb
14:44.37jonwilI think probobly the next major milestone for the OpenEZX project will be when we can make a call with the phone where all the programs and libraries involved on the AP side in making that call were build from source (including the 2.6.x kernel)
14:48.00ade|deskblkhawk[work]: i bought a 1gb card for 19 gbp
14:48.37ade|deskthats about 28.50 eur
14:48.41blkhawk[work]so they are not as cheap as other flash media
14:48.52blkhawk[work]found one for around 40EUR
14:48.56blkhawk[work]for one 1gb
14:49.10blkhawk[work]card - it would be nice to be able to put wikipedia onto it
14:49.16ade|deskwow thats a lot
14:49.56ade|deskblkhawk[work]: na, get EDGE running on your linux phone, much better
14:54.53blkhawk[work]ade|desk: erm
14:55.10blkhawk[work]do you have any idea how expensive data traffic is for me?
14:55.49ade|deskprobably the same as in the UK, silly prices
14:55.51blkhawk[work]its cheaper to buy flash cards and throw them away
14:56.37ade|deski get 5mb/ month for free, which is ok for me to do the odd google and check mail headers
14:57.06ade|deskthen its ~5 eur /1 mb
14:58.01ade|deskkoen is on a sweet data tariff in .nl 20 EUR for 1gb/month
15:00.15dionuain ukraine one operator sell GPRS (and EDGE) traffic as low as $7-8 for 1gb/month. But this is not forever
15:11.52blkhawk[work]its sad really
15:12.04blkhawk[work]why can't 100 megs be 1EUR
15:12.07blkhawk[work]oh well
15:17.00*** join/#openezx |dion| (
15:18.57jonwilAustralia isnt much better when it comes to prices of mobile data
15:19.24jonwilin fact, I dont know of any mobile operator that doesnt charge a fortune for mobile data transfer
15:30.01*** join/#openezx TimRiker (n=timr@
16:34.48*** join/#openezx blkhawk (
16:56.31*** join/#openezx koen (
17:19.25*** join/#openezx blobster (
17:49.31*** join/#openezx pleemans (
17:50.59*** join/#openezx jim_rayner (
18:04.33*** join/#openezx blkhawk (
18:25.40*** join/#openezx florian (
19:08.56*** join/#openezx koen (
19:47.21blobsterwow, just read about those prices on data transfers there. pretty expensive.
19:47.41blobsterhere in Finland you get unlimited transfer for 10e/month
19:48.37dionuablobster: only 10e? EDGE too?
20:04.03*** join/#openezx |dion| (
20:05.47*** join/#openezx dionua (
20:07.02blobsterdionua: not actually as they clamp the speed to 128kbps
20:07.42blobster384kbps is 30e, 512 33e, 1024 41e
20:08.18blobsteror 4e/25MB
20:09.55dionuabut not so bad.. here i can get 1gb for $8. This is enought for me
20:10.26blobsteryeah, that's cheap
20:12.00*** join/#openezx koen (
21:16.07*** part/#openezx agd5f (n=deuchera@
22:07.34*** join/#openezx |dion| (
23:09.29*** join/#openezx TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.