irclog2html for #openezx on 20060910

00:50.41*** join/#openezx xinzhen_ (n=xinzhen@
08:19.53*** join/#openezx [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
08:28.12*** join/#openezx koen (
08:46.24Hopscotchgood morning
08:49.16koengood morning all
10:08.33*** join/#openezx jonwil (
10:10.18*** join/#openezx ao2 (n=u@2001:1418:117:0:0:0:0:1)
12:19.39*** join/#openezx koen (
12:48.58*** join/#openezx pleemans (
14:39.01*** join/#openezx ysakaed (i=intoxica@
15:05.47*** join/#openezx pleemans (
17:20.51*** join/#openezx koen (
17:50.57*** join/#openezx blkhawk (
18:15.53*** join/#openezx koen (
19:34.51*** join/#openezx koen (
20:32.31[g2]any word on the moto e690 ?
20:34.03stefan_schmidt[g2]: hmm, i don't heard of it yet. Have a link?
20:34.38koenlooks like the same sucky UI as the a780
20:37.18[g2]2MP camera
20:38.59koenif someone would build a phone into my ixus 400, I might call it a camera :)
20:40.14[g2]the french have a liquid based lens which is electrically controllable
20:40.55stefan_schmidtthe design is neat.
20:40.59[g2]I imagine these will be showing up in phones with camera in the not too distant future. This news was about 9 months old
20:42.07koenthat still won't help if you feed too much bias into the ccd and amplify it too much
20:42.12koenlike the a780 does
22:12.53*** join/#openezx Shoragan ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:14.32*** join/#openezx Shoragan (
22:48.02*** join/#openezx ysakaed (i=intoxica@
23:51.36*** join/#openezx ysakaed (i=intoxica@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.