irclog2html for #openembedded on 20031220

00:11.53kergothPendalar: hey! i reproduced your glibc failure
00:16.41kergothPendalar: heh, we're applying a patch that makes an arm glibc build only succeed if you're using 2.5/2.6 kernel headers
00:19.03ljpcool gnome vs. kde
00:25.47ljpI always like the Motif argument in a kde vs. gnome argument
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00:52.55trekethere biznitches
00:52.57trekekernel commited
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01:41.35kergoththey replaced the libnet 1.1 tarball, same filename, but changed and the source directory name
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02:12.02kergothgawel: re
02:42.18chouimatkergoth: ping
02:42.21kergothchouimat: pong
02:42.38chouimatkergoth: want another apocalyptica video?
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03:14.46kergothU familiar/dist/ipkg/C/test/status
03:14.46kergothtarfn is cvs.handhelds.org_familiar.dist.ipkg_V0-99-84.tar.gz
03:15.16kergothstores each checkout into a tarball, and passes that filename on to unpack
03:15.28treke|homecool. bought a dvdr for my workstation
03:15.48treke|homeI've been wanting to get one for backing up oe builds
03:15.51kergothwonder how to handle HEAD checkouts
03:16.06treke|homefor mirrong?
03:16.19kergothguess it should probably date/time stamp the tarball, but theres no way for a head build i do tomorrow to find the tarball from yesterday's checkout
03:16.37treke|homeSome kind of unique build id?
03:16.38kergothitd have to do another checkout again
03:16.50kergothtreke: well, thats the thing, we'd have to *write* an item of metadata out somewhere
03:16.58kergothbut oe's metadata handling doesnt support that
03:17.15kergothcourse we could just echo it into a little file
03:17.18kergothin its WORKDIR
03:17.34Pendalarbah my 2.7mb email got sent back
03:17.40Pendalarfilesize too big =-/
03:17.43kergothhehe, we'll collect a shitload of head date/time stamped tarballs in our mirrors
03:18.00Pendalarsince you reproduced it, do you still need my log?
03:18.03kergothPendalar: nope
03:18.09kergothPendalar: repro'd, and about to check in the fix
03:18.26kergothalso fixed e2fsprogs-libs-1.33, which would fail, but only randomly
03:18.29Pendalarcool =-)
03:18.37kergothhave an oemake -a running
03:18.53Pendalarrandom failures are hard to track
03:19.16kergothonce i finally encountered it, i checked the log and discovered what was causing it
03:19.21kergothshouldnt happen now
03:19.21Pendalarso I should just clean out tmp and wait for your push?
03:19.37kergothactually, i already pushed that fix
03:19.40kergothi have other fixes pending
03:19.56Pendalarbusy eh?
03:20.10Pendalarabout how long til all of them are pushed?
03:20.15kergothyeah. rewriting the cvs fetch code, running an oemake -a build, etc
03:24.23NS-Homehow old a palm does it need to be?
03:25.59Captain-ObviousPOS 3.5 or older
03:26.22PendalarI did have a IIIx with 3.1 but it was stolen =-e
03:26.25Pendalarback in the day
03:27.01NS-HomeI have a palm v that I use for diary and stuff while I get used to the zaurus
03:28.01Captain-Obviousthe newest pos pda that I've crashed was a handspring visor that was running POS 3.5
03:28.03PendalarI learned something about diary's/blogs about 10 years ago, no one cares what you think
03:28.35PendalarI had a m505 right before I bought my zaurus 1.5ish yr ago
03:28.41kergothheh, i've never been interested in even having a personal site
03:28.47kergothmuch less a blog
03:28.59kergothi've never really felt like i had much anyone would want to read, much less regularly
03:29.07NS-Homediary as in where I need to be and when :)
03:29.10Pendalarmy luck some freak would read the blog and hunt me down or something
03:29.13NS-Homenot my personal ramblings
03:29.22Pendalarah that's good
03:29.31Pendalartoo many people rambling for anyone to care =-)
03:29.44kergothran out of hd space
03:29.59NS-Homeas I have only just got a zaurus about a week ago
03:30.10NS-Homeclearly I needed to buy another one 2 days ago
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03:31.16Pendalarkergoth: I imagined you to have about a raid with about 6 120gb'rs
03:31.27Pendalarand some nifty firewire ones on the side
03:31.37Pendalar4 LCD moniters ;-)
03:32.28PendalarI've been sitting in #gentoo-embedded for like 4 days now and I have yet to see anyone talk.. despite there being 25 people in the channel
03:34.26kergothi have a few multichannel raid controllers, but only small drives
03:34.33kergothi havent spent money on computer hardware in -years-
03:35.11Pendalarneither have I, sadly it hasn't been a choice
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03:36.03Pendalarthe only things I've bought within the past year is : zaurus, 256mb CF, 64mb SD, wifi CF, memory card reader, and getting a clearanced GPS unit for christmas =-P
03:36.20kestrelhi to all, has anyone tried building an ipk package successfully? I tried but I kept on getting some error messages
03:36.21Pendalarto make most of that happen I had to sell all my PalmSource crap and other stuff
03:36.53PendalarI assume plenty of people have built ipkgs... but I'm not to that point yet
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03:37.31Pendalarglibc fails still with a fresh bk pull
03:38.52NS-Homeyou need to build up patcher first
03:39.00NS-Homeand then autoconf / automake
03:39.13Pendalaryeah that's the order it's doing it
03:39.17Pendalara new problem I think
03:39.20kestreli tried INHERIT="package_ipk" oebuild apmd/apmd_3.2.0.oe --- and I got error messages
03:39.32kestreloe-exported/bin/oebuild", line 179,
03:39.32kestrelin ?
03:39.41kestrelFile "./oe/", line 258, in exec_task
03:39.43NS-HomeI have glibc building here with a bk pull from about 30 mins ago
03:40.00kestrelTypeError: an integer is required
03:40.02kestrelany clues?
03:40.20kestrelI've already built glibc and its dependencies... and I've also build apmd (no ipk)
03:40.24kergothipk creation is quirky
03:40.35chouimatkergoth: see you monday ;)
03:40.35kergothPendalar: i just built it 5 minutes ago.
03:40.38kergothPendalar: oebuild clean it, then build it again
03:40.38Pendalar=-d hm
03:40.50kestreli also tried rebuilding apmd
03:41.07NS-Homeand how do I go about building an installable image for my 750?
03:41.59Pendalarjust on glibc's .oe's or all of em?
03:42.13kestrelyup, I keep on getting the same error on apmd --- try it!
03:42.26NS-Homewell I have installed 3.3.5 and the kernel and the modules have mismatched symbols
03:42.41NS-Homeso I am off to play with a build from scratch
03:42.58NS-Homeand wondered how to get from a pile of compiled bits to an image to flash
03:43.09kestrelmay I know which packages can be packaged to ipks?
03:47.41kestrelha... i guess i'll just use the OZ buildroot's ipks...
03:48.56kestrelto the maintainers of OE: do you have any plans of posting your sources for the tools (i.e. oebuild) ?
03:50.31kergothkestrel: uh
03:50.31kergothkestrel: oebuild is a python script.
03:50.34cyn_yeah I was gunna say
03:50.36kergothkestrel: it *is* the source.
03:50.48kestreloh... not familiar with python...
03:50.54kergothvi bin/oebuild
03:51.43kestreli thought it's a binary...
03:52.13cyn_it is text
03:54.58kestrelhmm, i just tried packaging e2fsprogs --- and i got this error "ipkg-build: command not found" ---- it's looking for this... but i couldn't find it in the OE dir
03:55.35kestreli've just used the script named env-dev-arm-oe.source
03:55.48kergothkestrel: build ipkg-utils
03:55.56kergothipkg-utils provides ipkg-build
03:56.54kestrelhmm.. ok, oebuild showdata e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs_1.34.oe | grep ^DEPENDS doesn't show that...
03:58.13kergothi know it doesnt, the package_ipk class is supposed to be adding to the depends, but isnt
03:58.16kergothits a bug
03:59.47ljpzap it
04:00.48Pendalarglibc still fails here
04:00.57Pendalareven with clean
04:01.13kestrelPendalar: what's the error?
04:01.18Pendalarccache arm-linux-gcc ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/ioperm.c -c -std=gnu99 -O2 -Wall -Winline -Wst$
04:01.18Pendalar../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/ioperm.c: In function `init_iosys':
04:01.18Pendalar../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/ioperm.c:103: error: `CTL_BUS_ISA' undeclared (first use in this fu$
04:01.18Pendalar../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/ioperm.c:103: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only o$
04:01.18Pendalar../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/ioperm.c:103: error: for each function it appears in.)
04:01.19Pendalar../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/ioperm.c:103: error: initializer element is not constant
04:01.21Pendalar../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/ioperm.c:103: error: (near initialization for `iobase_name[1]')
04:01.23Pendalar../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/ioperm.c:104: error: initializer element is not constant
04:01.25Pendalar../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/ioperm.c:104: error: (near initialization for `ioshift_name[1]')
04:01.27Pendalarshit didn't think I copied that much
04:01.37Pendalarsame as before
04:01.49Pendalarinit_iosys stuffs
04:02.00kestrelhmmm, i never encountered that error before...
04:02.47kergothPendalar: hmm, maybe i didnt push it
04:02.48kergothhold on
04:05.00Pendalarhttp:// if you want it
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04:05.51kergothPendalar: k, bk pull
04:06.03kergothPendalar: then clean and rebuild glibc
04:06.25Pendalardoes clean actually do much more than wack the tmp area?
04:07.01kergothclean of a single package wipes tmp/base/${PN}-${PV}-${PR} and its stamps from tmp/stamps
04:07.22PendalarI always rm -rf tmp/* before I try again anyways
04:07.39ljpcant you get those bug zappers to help out?
04:08.25PendalarI'm just here to create more problems, sorry
04:19.14treke|homesince it will obviously fail with most toolchains
04:20.46ljpya.. who needs a pesky kernel anyway
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04:22.05Pendalar"kernels are overrated" (tm)
04:24.21Pendalarplease make glibc compile faster *grin*
04:24.22ljpthey are
04:24.40ljpuse teambuilder
04:25.00Pendalardistributed network sort of thing?
04:25.16ljpa but like distcc.. but better
04:25.21Pendalarmy other box is xp
04:25.29Pendalarsadly, as per wife
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04:25.34ljptt is working on that
04:26.14Pendalarkinda sucks because it's 400mhz higher and it does nothing but collect dust at least 25 days of the month or so
04:27.22ljpyes. but there is a wife attached
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04:28.41Pendalaragain, sadly
04:29.18PendalarI don't mind it when I'm not compiling.. linux can do what I want with a lot less mhz than what XP needs for generally the same workload
04:35.21PendalarI don't quite follow..
04:35.39Pendalaror I don't want to follow, not sure
04:35.49Pendalareither way if you are mocking me, be nice
04:50.39Captain-Obviousthese people want too much for these old PDAS
04:52.13PendalarI'd give you my IIIx for free if I still had it
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05:09.41*** topic/#openembedded is OpenEmbedded/OpenZaurus developer lounge | User support in #openzaurus, #openembedded-ipaq, and (if applicable) #opie | Snapshots available at | Python stuff also |
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05:13.30*** topic/#openembedded is OpenEmbedded/OpenZaurus developer lounge | User support in #openzaurus, #openembedded-ipaq, and (if applicable) #opie | Snapshots available at | Python stuff also |
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05:13.59jbotLeaving. (courtesy of timriker).
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05:33.46Captain-Obvioustreke: this time last year I had ) pdas
05:33.57Captain-Obviousnow I have 3
05:34.17Captain-Obviousand if I find a POS pda, I'll have 4
05:34.23Captain-Obviousin less than a year
05:35.56Captain-Obvioushmmm $42 is too much for a P3XE
05:38.34Captain-ObviousI'd like to find POS 3.5 or older palm or handspring pda and be able to keep it less than $40
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06:15.13Pend-GoneCaptain-Obvious: technically it's not POS anymore
06:15.41Pend-Gonethat being Palm OS, it's PalmSource (OS) ref'd PalmSource or PSOS
06:16.09Pend-Goneheh I know, just throwing that out there
06:16.16Pend-Gonean old model will say Palm OS though
06:16.21Pend-Gonepre.. OS5 or something
06:16.34Pend-Gonenot sure exactly which version was the switch
06:16.53Pend-GoneI know it was around OS5, and newer than 4.1
06:22.48Pend-Gonewow this build is going well
06:23.16Pend-GoneI'm close to shocked really
06:23.35gawelpend: are you building kernel?
06:23.49Pend-Goneno just helping test building normal packages
06:23.54Pend-GoneI assume that's next
06:24.10gawelpend: kernel just got pushed out
06:24.34Pend-Gone'just' as in how many minutes ago?
06:25.07Pend-GoneI did a pull ~1.5 hours ago
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06:25.25gawel200312200046 is the timestamp
06:25.44Pend-Gonewhat time zone =-p
06:25.55gaweli just did rm -rf of staging for fun and profit. seems like new glibc patches are out too
06:26.08Pend-GoneI always rm tmp
06:26.15Pend-Gonejust for consistancy
06:26.34Pend-Goneif I was doing it for some lofty goal (my own build etc) I wouldn't
06:26.43Pend-Gonebut to help the OE guys.. I figure this is a better way
06:28.07Pend-Goneis there some file I can look at to easily get a build order?
06:29.02gawelsure, grep for DEPENDS= and parse it yerself 8>
06:29.13Pend-Gone=-P no thanks
06:29.38Pend-Gonewas trying to grasp where console-tools is on the list for a full build
06:30.22gaweli'm planning to script dot and graphviz to build a purdy dependency map (
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06:30.57treke|homeapparently he's refusing to add DVD support to the free version so he can sell more copies
06:31.50gaweltreke: oh yeah, i've heard that. isnt that joerg dude?
06:34.30Pend-GoneI just hate not having some sort of progress meter
06:34.42Pend-Goneeven if it's "now on package __ out of ___"
06:35.48gawelpend: well, write it 8>
06:35.55Pend-GoneI'm not that smart sadly
06:35.57Pend-Goneworking on it
06:36.09Pend-Goneelse I'd be doing something a bit higher level to help the OE group
06:38.10Pend-Gonefirst failure kergoth, qte
06:38.16Pend-Goneif you are still around
06:40.16Pend-Goneenginuitor a new troll?
06:44.13Pend-Gonekergoth leave to go home or something?
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06:59.57treke|homegb2: Apparently his reasoning is he doesnt want commercial vendors to steal the source
07:00.18Pend-Gonemake him go away =-(
07:19.00Pend-Goneat anyrate..
07:19.33Pend-GoneKergoth download for info on why qte failed
07:19.46Pend-Gonenoticably it's not using the stddef.h from the toolchain if I'm reading it right
07:20.08Pend-Gonetried to use my normal compiler's one which wasn't at the path it expected
07:20.35Pend-Gone/usr/include/string.h:33:20: stddef.h: No such file or directory
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08:24.23treke|homecool, that was relativly painless
08:25.47ljpyou mean when I stuck a fork in your side?
08:27.00treke|homeljp: getting linux to burn a dvd
08:27.51ljpits weird. these people think its _supposed_ to be hot at christmas
08:35.50Captain-ObviousI hope no one else wants this pda that I'm bidding on more than I do
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08:36.58Captain-Obvious"You are bidding on a Palm Vx handheld PDA, cradle (which doubles as a charging base), and hardshell aluminum carrying case. This item is used but in excellent condition thanks to being kept in the aluminum case for most of it's life. The screen does not have any scratches. There is one minor scratch on the lower righthand corner of the PDA."
08:37.15Captain-Obviousand the pda's case is made from aluminum
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08:37.35Captain-Obviousits just the right amount of palm pda that I need
08:39.20Captain-Obviousit has POS 3.3 and can be upgraded to 4.1, or so I have heard
08:39.53Captain-Obviousso after I debug the problem with the biz card, I can upgrade it to 4.1 :)
08:42.46Captain-Obviousthen you can send it to me if you win it
08:43.17Captain-ObviousI'm getting it to help out with the zaurus
08:43.22ljpI just want to see how high I can get the price
08:43.36Captain-Obviouswith out having to pay for it, right?
08:44.06Captain-Obviousdang it...
08:44.12Captain-ObviousI've already been out bid
08:44.26ljpthat must be treke
08:45.22treke|homethat's my last name
08:46.17Captain-Obviousthats funny, I thought your name was Greg Gilbert (at least I think thats what the first g stands for)
08:47.28treke|homeI just use the pseudonym to through people off
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09:04.49Captain-ObviousI'd bid on that one... but its like the couldnt make up thier mind on what to charge for shipping
09:06.41Captain-Obviousnow what do you beleve?
09:07.01Captain-Obviousthe text of the discription, or the "Shipping and payment details" part?
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12:06.38CIA-407ChangeSet@1.1405 update Python to Version 2.3.3
12:07.14CIA-407ChangeSet@1.1406 where's netcat, schurig? ;)
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13:28.23jeroen__I have a C700, any doc's to get started ? I'm looking for bootable image, just barebones, maybe networking ?
13:29.05jeroen__or: how do I get a filesystem image on the C700, do I have to make an initial ramdisk ?
13:40.16jeroen__# Applications Blood alcohol calculator, right !
13:40.31jeroen__that's what missing in opeszaurus !
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14:18.57gyaroalguien con una zaurus 5600 y openzaurus ?
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15:22.34Pendalarso what time does kergy usually hop on?
15:22.50Pendalaroh wait it's a weekend.. guess it'll be semi-random then
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16:42.27treke|homeit's a weekend, he probably wont get on at al
16:42.33treke|homeno internet access at home
16:42.40PendalarI thought he got access this week
16:42.49PendalarI was needing him to look at the qte .oe
16:42.52treke|homedid it get fixed?
16:43.05pb_hi treke
16:43.06PendalarI don't know, just thought he did
16:43.36treke|homemornin pb
16:43.41PendalarI think I know what's wrong with it sort of
16:43.48Pendalarbut it's just a guess =-)
16:47.19Pendalarwho else should I pester about it?
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17:03.13Bernardomickeyl: you're generating a new release right now?
17:03.41mickeylso to speak
17:03.51mickeylchristmas release ;)
17:03.56mickeylonly collie
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17:04.35Pendalarmickeyl: will kergoth be in any this weekend?
17:04.42PendalarI've got some qte .oe issues
17:04.47BernardoI just had to do a e2fsck followed by  reboot of mine, just to get wifi working, so I thought of checking if there was anything new...
17:04.54mickeyltreke already told you that he doesn't has inet access at home... so that means no
17:05.19PendalarI thought he implied he got access
17:05.35treke|homehe might have.
17:05.41mickeylBernardo: see
17:05.47gb2he said something about the cable company waving its arms around i think
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17:06.58Bernardomickeyl: I noticed you had updated hostap and wireless tools... :)
17:07.19Bernardounfortunately, my problem is the sd card, it seems
17:07.27mickeylwhat problem with SD?
17:07.44Bernardodata corruption, from time to time
17:07.55BernardoI haven't lost anything yet
17:08.01mickeylnever heard about that
17:08.17Bernardoand it might be because I had to do a hard reset the other day, and the fs got inconsistent
17:08.26Bernardobut e2fsck won't run at boot
17:08.47Bernardoand I only noticed when I started having some strange problems with hostap
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17:10.04Bernardoafter checking dmesg and seing some complaints that I should run e2fsck, I did a "mount -o ro -o remount /dev/mmcda1", did a "fsck.ext2 /dev/mmcda1" and it found some discrepancies, some deleted inodes with 0 time, etc.
17:10.25Bernardoafter that and a reboot, I was able to use my prism 2.5 card again
17:10.46Pendalarsup noda
17:11.28BernardoI though that adding a 1 at the end of the line in fstab instead of 0 would allow linux to run the fsck if the fs was inconsistent when it was mounted
17:11.35nodaAlmost Christmas...
17:11.38noda...must... shop...
17:11.42Pendalarmickeyl: use the pre-0 initrd for pre-1 I assume ..?
17:11.47gb2i wonder what the easiest way to clone onto my laptop is
17:12.50mickeylPendalar: no
17:12.57mickeylPendalar: wait until upload is complete :D
17:13.10Bernardomickeyl: the strange part are the entries in dmesg claiming that mmcda1 has changed state
17:13.35mickeylreally odd
17:13.46mickeylthe SD driver is flaky
17:13.49mickeylas is the rest of the embedix code
17:14.06mickeylcan't wait for someone to port the SD driver to collie
17:14.07Bernardoit was worst when I had the card formatted ext2, but the part table claimed it was fat
17:14.32Bernardomickeyl: where can I download it?
17:14.32chouimatanyone with a Mac here?
17:15.04Bernardomickeyl: I don't have much free time, but I could give it a try... I never saw a link for a sd driver at
17:15.22treke|homemickeyl: dont forget husky
17:15.27mickeylit's in the cvs of course
17:16.15Bernardoit's working for what hardware/distribution?
17:16.23treke|homesome of the ipaqs
17:22.15Bernardochouimat: you could try porting sourcemage... :)
17:22.28chouimatBernardo: not really
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17:25.52nodachouimat: Don't you hate that you have to spend $32/year to declare that you're a physical person? :P
17:26.08chouimatnoda: huh?
17:26.26nodachouimat: "Declaration Annuelle: Personne Physique" -- got that in the mail :)
17:26.46chouimatnoda: never got that one ...
17:29.40treke|homeshit, I'd save myself the 32 bucks
17:30.09treke|home"I'm a figment of your imagination"
17:30.58chouimattreke|home: sometime politician and gov employee have too much imagination
17:35.03Bernardohere their imagination is more towards sending threatning letters to everyone, just to see who won't contest and just pay what they ask...
17:36.47Bernardomickeyl: did I tell you the latest mithro compatibility packages are working form me (only a couple incompatible programs yet)
17:37.23mickeylBernardo: ah that's good news. do you have the link handy? need to add that to the README
17:38.36Bernardojust a sec
17:39.19nodachouimat: I'm kinda relieved it's only a $32 thing though. I figured I might be getting audited or something :P
17:39.40Bernardothe packages that didn't work were zethereal and scummvm
17:39.56Bernardobut scummvm might be because of the updated sdl libs
17:40.05chouimatnoda: hehe ... I'm currently trying to find a linux distro for mac ... want to give my little brother an a xmas gift
17:40.19mickeylBernardo: thanks
17:40.37nodachouimat: You could give him a Fink CD... :)
17:40.51nodachouimat: or.... Debian! :)
17:41.02noda...or do you want to give him a distro he can install himself ;)
17:41.09BernardoI installed oz-compat_0.5_arm.ipk and oz-compat-opie_0.1_arm.ipk, I don't know what is the last one for, but everything seems to work
17:41.45chouimatnoda: 3rd and I need the distro to work on the new ibook g4 ... (I'm planning to get one so ... I will keep a copy here too :)
17:42.06nodaWhy not G5? :)
17:42.22chouimati need a laptop
17:42.48nodaOh. If I were you, I'd put Debian on my laptop :)
17:42.54noda...Wait, I *did* put Debian on my laptop :)
17:43.24chouimatnoda: yah but my brother only have a 56k link ... so I don't feel like downloading 7 CD ...
17:44.01nodaAaaaaaaaack! Another bill from school! Is it Winter semester already! :(
17:44.02mickeylk, 3.3.6-pre1 fully uploaded. burn it burn it
17:44.05noda...just finished fall yesterday.
17:44.08noda$1500 :(
17:44.27chouimatnoda: and beside I looked at the specs and the ibook g4 is what i need ... not to fast and long battery life ...
17:45.05nodaI got a Dell Inspiron 600m. Great laptop.
17:45.08Bernardomickeyl: ok, here we go...
17:45.11nodaShowed up in the last Alias this year, too :)
17:45.23chouimatnoda: and beside having another arch to play with ...
17:45.29nodachouimat: Oh, I know what you mean :)
17:46.12chouimatnoda: and if I can get my hand on an old SGI or sun ...
17:46.43nodaEep... I don't think I can afford an Athlon64 :(
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17:47.35chouimatnoda: I want to get one too ... but 5000usd for the one in the november linux mag ....
17:47.56nodachouimat: About $1200 for processor, good mobo and a gig of good ram.
17:48.17nodaThat's all I'd need. My power supply is already 365 Watts or something.
17:48.24chouimatnoda: Girls : what are doing with those 12 computers in the basement? Me: heating the house honey ....
17:48.29noda...but I've gotta pay this huge tuition...
17:48.39nodachouimat: 12 computers?
17:48.56chouimatnoda: I have already 5 here ...
17:49.08nodaHeh. I've got 2 running now :). And my laptop, and my Zaurus.
17:49.52nodaAaaargh, and I've gotta pay for Christmas presents too!
17:49.53Pendalarthe initrd finally downloaded..
17:50.04chouimatnoda: 1 P3/667 768MB <-- main box, 1P3/1000 386MB, 1Athlon1.2/512 <--- server and 2 P200MMX
17:50.28nodaGeek :P
17:50.31BernardoI only have 6 machines + the zaurus...
17:50.54chouimatnoda: plus zaurus, webpal, palm m125 and the wrt54g
17:51.08nodaAargh, AND I have to pay my VISA! :(
17:51.18BernardoBut I keep my old machines running, so, since I've been building them for the last 10 years...
17:51.24chouimatand I forgot an Amiga 500 and a color computer 3
17:51.51chouimatBernardo: those last 2 still works ... and I forgot my Dreamcast too :)
17:52.28chouimatso who need a gf ... with all the eat they produce ...
17:53.32chouimatnoda: if i can find an old ultrasparc cheaply on ebay ...
17:53.44nodaOoh, and QST credit...
17:54.29nodaOOH, and some Christmas money from my grandparents :)
17:54.48chouimaticefox: little question for you ... I need a linux distro for ppc for some one who is not a computer geek but know how to use linux
17:55.01icefoxyellow linux?
17:55.07nodayellow dog :)
17:55.27chouimaticefox: work on the new ibook g4?
17:55.29icefoxIf there is a debian port....
17:55.47icefoxchouimat: oh never tried myself
17:55.52icefoxstill learning os x
17:56.19chouimaticefox: I want to give that to my little brother ... and if I finaly manage to get an ibook g4 ....
17:56.49chouimatis mandrake good?
17:57.02icefoxWill you be setting it up?
17:57.14chouimaticefox: no
17:57.21mickeylchouimat:; yes
17:57.25icefoxoh, hmm yah mandrake is easy from what people say
17:57.33chouimatmickeyl: on ppc to?
17:57.50Bernardomandrake on x86 is ultra-easy to install
17:57.57Bernardodon't know on ppc.
17:58.21chouimatI have never used it I'm currently using suse and my brother used it too for a while
17:58.40Bernardomandrake is way easier than suse to install, from my experience
17:58.56chouimatok I think I will dowload the iso then
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18:08.11Pendalarwow it reconfigures fast
18:08.52chouimatok  it's wget -rnd to get the feed?
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18:16.47Pendalarthis image is pretty sweet mickeyl
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18:40.20dan2003anybody had any luck/experiance using makeqpf ? i can get it to render the fonts i wan but it doesnt save any .qpf files :/
18:41.48dan2003i get thisin the condoel for every font i render: Already a ROM font
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19:10.18chouimatmickeyl: where is the pdf reader?
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19:17.38mickeylqpdf is dead
19:18.53chouimatmickeyl|tv: thanks
19:20.21Bernardomickeyl|tv: usermanager and oxygen haven't been fixed yet?
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20:06.39mickeyl|tvBernardo: both have been fixed - but not in BRANCH. BRANCH is dead and I have problems getting HEAD to run on my current images...
20:08.08chouimathmmm now need to compile qpdf2 .... bah tomorrow
20:08.49mickeyl|tvchouimat: why not try the compat libraries?
20:09.49chouimatmickeyl|tv: don't know
20:12.04mickeyl|tvwould be interesting if that works
20:12.11mickeyl|tvmithro for sure likes to know
20:12.35mickeyl|tvcommercial break's over...
20:18.54*** join/#openembedded enginuitor (~enginuito@209-128-75-164.BAYAREA.NET)
20:19.12enginuitorWow, OZ 3.3.6 is out!
20:19.18enginuitorLess than 2 hours ago
20:19.30enginuitorAnd they fixed the Wifi bug...
20:19.33enginuitorAnd the battery bug...
20:19.40enginuitorSo cool!
20:19.47enginuitorI'm flashing right now!
20:20.21mickeyl|tvdon't be too happy _before_ you actually tried ;)
20:20.33mickeylmaybe nothing works
20:21.19enginuitorThat's true...
20:21.43pb_mickeyl: heh
20:21.49enginuitorAlthough somebody I was talking to said the only problem they had was that there was a bunch of annoying debug messages
20:21.51mickeylhi pb_
20:22.00enginuitorWell, we shall see...
20:22.03chouimatmickeyl: qpdf2 -2.1.0 work well with compat package
20:22.09enginuitorAbout 2 minutes of flashing left...
20:22.09mickeylchouimat: great to knwo!
20:22.22mickeylchouimat: thanks for confirming.
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20:24.07chouimatmickeyl: the only thing is you need to specify that the  application need to use the compat package before running it the first time
20:24.27enginuitorAh, the lights are out! Here goes the reset...
20:25.57mickeylenginuitor: my #1 feature for 3.3.6-pre1 is : " - enable to drop off to a console by pressing a key          
20:26.11mickeylno longer having to rename /etc/init.d/opie
20:26.15mickeylto get a console :)
20:26.38enginuitorThat's great, because from 3.3.5 and on, I was never able to get to the terminal by quitting Opie
20:26.54enginuitorit would just hang
20:27.07mickeylqte fucks with the terminal settings and never resets
20:27.11mickeylwe'll fix that eventually
20:28.11chouimatmickeyl: tested with another app ... compat work without flaw so far
20:28.14chouimatljp:  hey
20:28.15ljpI almost actually feel like coding
20:28.49enginuitorHey, remember when I said it was out like 2 hours ago? Well, turns out today is the 21st...
20:28.49mickeylljp: doctab? ;)
20:28.52chouimatljp take 2 aspirins and that will eventualy pass
20:29.15enginuitorI keep assuming that my computer clock hasn't drifted 25 hours...
20:29.20ljpmickeyl: I looked at that, and the changes from qtopia made it rather difficult
20:29.45mickeylwell... gotta rework the whole doc paradigm anyway...
20:29.59ljppersonally, I dont think its that bad
20:30.11ljpbut.. I never use it
20:30.14chouimatok I'm out of here ... need to get some food to last to wednesday ...
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20:31.30mickeyltrust me - most people aren't using it. and it's bothering the majority. the doclnk stuff was braindead. too much like windows .lnk files. to have a document model as a file abstraction is good, but the way it was implemented was... uhm... questionable.
20:31.34chouimatmickeyl: make it more palm like
20:32.10mickeylhow's it on palm?
20:32.24chouimatmickeyl: there is none :)
20:32.53chouimatok really need to go ... before there is too much people at the grocery store ...
20:33.44enginuitorAww man...
20:33.50enginuitorNot a good first impression here...
20:34.25enginuitorUh oh...
20:34.32enginuitorToday /isn't/ the 21st!
20:34.44enginuitornot related to my first impression comment...
20:35.01enginuitorthank you
20:35.39enginuitorCan somebody confirm what day it is today?
20:35.48enginuitorI can't seem to figure it out
20:36.11mickeyltimezones suck
20:36.32enginuitorI was thinking of putting all my clocks on UTC...
20:36.42enginuitorBut I decided it would make things even more complicated
20:36.44ljpuse swatchtime, man
20:37.12ljpthe clock applet needs a swatchtime mode
20:38.10enginuitor"What time is it?" It's 23:55, I mean, 15:55, I mean, 3:55 PM...
20:38.30mickeylljp: oh, btw. you have a regression bug in advancedfm
20:38.44ljpya.. probably
20:38.47mickeylljp: try renaming a file... nothing happens when pressing "enter"
20:39.02mickeylthat worked in oz 3.2
20:39.09mickeylwell... opie 0.9.3
20:39.12enginuitoryes! I have that problem too!!
20:39.16ljpthere's a few bugs since I changed to the osplitter
20:39.31ljpI had to redo several functions
20:39.53mickeylshouldn't be too hard to figure this rename thingy out... and since you're in coding mood today ;)
20:39.57ljpis there a bug ticket for that?
20:40.03ljpyep. I'm on it
20:40.21mickeylljp: good question. no idea. mantis is overfull with trash entries.
20:40.35mickeylbtw., any idea when one of the three linux phones will be actually available to buy?
20:41.19ljpwell, the recently announced ones I believe are in the chinese/asian market
20:41.37mickeylmmh... sucky. i want to have such a thing
20:41.38ljpthey use qt/e and not qtopia phone
20:41.48enginuitorOk, now, relating to the "first impression" comment...
20:41.54mickeylthe samsung looks spiffy imho
20:42.00mickeyl320x240 pix
20:42.09enginuitorI stuck my WiFi card in, and it came up as "Anonymous Memory"
20:42.20ljpqtopia phone has yet to be released to any manufactures that may be interested
20:42.22enginuitorEjected and put back in...
20:42.31enginuitorRecognized, but nothing loaded...
20:42.40mickeylenginuitor: odd. hostap?
20:42.43enginuitorE.G. WiFi applet didn't come up...
20:42.57enginuitorNo entry in the network settings program...
20:43.09enginuitorWhat about hostap?
20:43.17mickeylis this a hostap-driven card?
20:43.24mickeyle.g. prism2, prism2.x
20:43.26CAMCAMenginuitor: What run on this Linux PDA from Samsung ? QTE ?
20:43.49enginuitorcamcam: I have no idea...
20:43.56mickeylCAMCAM: yes
20:43.59enginuitorcamcam: I think you have the wrong person
20:44.09CAMCAMX11, Qte,Qtopia. They give no info
20:44.26CAMCAMmickeyl: you have one ?
20:44.30mickeylenginuitor: too bad. i though that had been fixed. and i can't test, since i no longer have a hostap card
20:44.39mickeylCAMCAM: no
20:44.47mickeyl<mickeyl> btw., any idea when one of the three linux phones will be actually available to buy?
20:44.56CAMCAMWho have tested it ?
20:45.00enginuitormickeyl: Is there a way to specify which driver to use for the card?
20:45.20mickeylenginuitor: /etc/pcmcia/*.conf
20:45.25enginuitormickeyl: ...'cause back in 3.3.5 it had two different drivers that it would use randomly
20:45.34mickeylenginuitor: uninstall one
20:45.40mickeyle.g. ipkg remove orinoco-modules
20:45.41mickeyland reboot
20:45.44mickeylgotta go
20:45.45enginuitormickeyl: One started with "Senao", and one was the intersil reference one
20:45.50ljpya the recent phones announced use qte
20:45.50enginuitormickeyl: k
20:46.36CAMCAMSomeone know what is running on the Sansung CDMA Linux Smartphone?
20:47.13enginuitorLol, dare I ask why there's an ieee1394.conf in the /etc/pcmcia/ directory?
20:47.23enginuitorThat might be neat...
20:47.38enginuitorI wonder if there's a CF FireWire adapter out there...
20:47.54enginuitoroh wait
20:48.17enginuitorit was ieee1394.opts
20:48.19enginuitornot conf
20:48.34enginuitorbut there's also a binary called ieee1394...
20:50.04enginuitorOoh, here's a good bugfix in 3.3.6...
20:50.37enginuitor"/etc/init.d/pcmcia restart" actually works now
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20:54.54Soopamanhow goes the buildroot nowadays?
21:00.13BernardoI have a hostap card, still need help?
21:00.52Bernardoenginuitor: for starters, what make/model is your card?
21:06.58enginuitorOK, it's a generic Prism2 card
21:07.02enginuitorIntersil reference design
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21:07.38Bernardoshould work... Mine is a prism 2.5 card (sandisk connect) and is working well.
21:07.59enginuitorOZ 3.3.6?
21:08.25Bernardobut probably you need to edit the hotplug scripts so that it knows what driver to load... what is shown when you insert the card?
21:08.30Bernardoyes, oz 3.3.6
21:09.06enginuitorThe little blue box (card applet)  pops up saying the card was inserted
21:09.23Bernardoand what is shown as the description of the card?
21:09.40enginuitorby cardctl?
21:09.59Bernardoor on the applet - it's probably the same string
21:11.30Bernardohere is the output of cardctl info on mine:
21:11.55Bernardooops, wrong paste
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21:11.58masticatorhey dudes.
21:12.00Bernardo# cardctl info
21:12.02BernardoPRODID_1="SanDisk Corporation"
21:12.04BernardoPRODID_2="Wireless LAN Card"
21:12.14masticatoranyone know of some good simple graphics optimization tools for KDE?
21:13.20Bernardohi masticator
21:13.25enginuitork, first, here is my /etc/pcmcia/hostap_cs.conf file:
21:13.33enginuitordevice "hostap_cs"
21:13.46enginuitorcard "Generic Intersil PRISM2 card"
21:13.54ljphey masticator
21:14.12ljpmasticator: did you see bens 'editorial'
21:14.37enginuitorI edited it, obviously
21:14.37Bernardoshould load the hostap_cs modules...
21:14.47enginuitorAnd when I insert, it says "New Card: Generic Intersil PRISM2 card
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21:15.04enginuitorso I know it's at least recognizing it
21:15.14Bernardook, here is mine:
21:15.26Bernardocard "Zcomax XI-325H 200mW"
21:15.28Bernardo#   version " ", "IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN/PC Card"
21:15.43masticatorljp, which one, on how to build a linux pda?
21:16.33Bernardowhat is the manfid you get when doing a cardctl info?
21:17.36ljpya, "The Perfect Linux PDA"
21:18.23enginuitorprodid's are "INTERSIL","HFA384x/IEEE","Version 01.02",""
21:20.27Bernardook, try adding the line "manfid 0xd156, 0x0002" below the "card..." line
21:20.50enginuitoralthough I think it is recognizing the card ok...
21:20.51Bernardoand do a cardctl insert
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21:22.14enginuitorgotta reboot it now... pcmcia stopped working
21:22.24enginuitorwon't even restart properly...
21:22.51Bernardotry just a "modprobe hostap_cs" before
21:23.07Bernardoand see if it loads properly and detects the card
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21:26.26enginuitorI rebooted the Z...
21:26.34enginuitorAnd left it on the desk...
21:26.43enginuitor30 seconds later i looked back at it
21:26.48enginuitorand it hadn't rebooted
21:27.11enginuitorthe screen drivers had stopped - there was a line pattern across the screen and the image was slowly melting
21:27.15enginuitorbut it hadn't reset
21:27.27enginuitorok, it just finished rebooting
21:28.14enginuitork, did you want me to type the modprobe thing before or after I insert?
21:28.34Bernardoif you just rebooted, try inserting it first
21:29.05enginuitoryay, found the problem I guess...
21:29.29enginuitorI'm gonna copy it to CF so I don't have to type it all by hand...
21:29.50BernardoI've just found that there are two cards with the same identifier in /etc/pcmcia/hostap_cs.conf
21:29.58Bernardois that what you found?
21:30.24Bernardoa Level-One WPC-0100, and a Senao SL-2011CD/SL-2011CDPLUS
21:30.48enginuitorWell, I deleted most of the crap in my hostap_cs.conf
21:31.02enginuitorBut the intersil seemed to be the generic one
21:31.07enginuitorbecause no id's were specified
21:31.56enginuitorand it is obviously choosing that entry correctly because it displays that name in the card applet
21:32.06enginuitorrrrrrgh, can't copy text from konsole...
21:32.23Bernardothe Senao seems closer to me:
21:32.32Bernardocard "Senao SL-2011CD/SL-2011CDPLUS"
21:32.39enginuitorand I /really/ don't want to type all these errors....
21:32.46enginuitork, well I'll add the id's
21:32.57enginuitorBut I don't think that's where the problem is
21:33.10enginuitorI am getting errors trying to modprobe hostap_cs
21:33.16Bernardowhat irc client are you using? with kvirc I can paste from konsole
21:33.53enginuitorI'm using Trillian, on my windows box
21:34.07BernardoI had some hw errors loading hostap_cs when the card wasn't inserted properly
21:34.32enginuitorIs there a way to run a console on the Z's serial port?
21:34.37enginuitorThat would make things a lot easier
21:34.54enginuitorJust use, like, hyperterminal or something
21:35.15enginuitorThen I could stop having to copy text onto a CF card, load it, and paste it from there
21:36.47Bernardo:) It would be easier, yes, but I've never tried it. What kind of errors are you getting?
21:36.59enginuitorhuh boy, I'll type them...
21:37.25enginuitorfirst one is...
21:38.44enginuitorI just typed the whole thing and forgot that IRC wouldn't like it because there was a slash at the end....
21:39.21ljpmight be able to hit the up button
21:39.48enginuitordid it again
21:39.51enginuitorright after I complained about it
21:39.58enginuitorI hate my life
21:40.11enginuitorljp: I'm running trillian
21:40.20enginuitorljp: Windoze :(
21:40.37enginuitorok, here goes... last time....
21:41.38enginuitor"/lib/module/2.4.18-rmk7-pxa3-embedix/net/hostap.o: unresolved symbol wireless_send_event
21:41.52enginuitorthat should be /lib/modules
21:41.59enginuitornot "module"
21:42.55enginuitorThe second error has the exact same beginning except the unresolved symbol is "request_module"
21:43.00Bernardothat seems like you have the wrong modules installed. as a fast solution, you can try installing again (forcing reinstall and overwrite) the hostap-modules package from the feed
21:43.23Bernardoif you installed 3.3.6, the feed is already defined in ipkg.conf as default
21:43.36enginuitorthere's a bit of a problem...
21:43.42enginuitorno network connectivity...
21:43.51Bernardosorry. forgot...
21:44.08enginuitorI think I'll just copy the whole feed onto my CF card
21:44.13BernardoYou can still download it with your windows machine, and copy it to cf and install it from there
21:44.29Bernardoyou can try first just with the modules...
21:44.34enginuitorFor a while I had the whole feed on cf...
21:44.47Bernardobtw, you did remember to rename zImage... to zImage before flashing, right?
21:44.48enginuitorThe problem with only having the ipks I think I need
21:45.16enginuitoris that usually there's a hell of a lot of stupid dependencies that have to be filled
21:45.36enginuitoryes, I remembered to rename the zImage
21:45.47enginuitoroh wait
21:45.57enginuitorDON'T FREAKIN' TELL ME
21:46.21Bernardoyou forgot? Ok, I won't tell you.
21:47.28enginuitorI was running the 3.3.6 file system with the 3.3.5 kernel
21:47.48enginuitorI thought it wasn't supposed to even let you flash if it didn't find both files?
21:47.55Bernardothat would explain why the modules would fail loading...
21:48.15Bernardono, it will assume you only want to flash one or the other
21:48.52Bernardowell, now you only need to flash the kernel, should be fast... :)
21:49.14enginuitorwait, isn't the kernel image stored as a file somewhere in the root fs?
21:49.23enginuitorCan't I just copy over the file?
21:49.36enginuitorI remember aqpkg once deleted my kernel-image...
21:49.50BernardoI don't think so - check the mailing list, there was a argument about that last week
21:50.10Bernardoanyway, it is faster just to flash the kernel then go checking... :)
21:50.21enginuitorWell, all I know is that when aqpkg deletes kernel-image and crashes before reinstalling it....
21:50.43enginuitorYou get a nice blinking cursor on next reboot!
21:51.00enginuitorThat was a particularly bad day...
21:51.10BernardoI can imagine...
21:51.44enginuitorAllrighty, here goes...
21:51.56enginuitorI like to flash from the D+P  menu...
21:52.06enginuitorit's easier than trying to hold C+D correctly
21:52.23Bernardoyou can flash from there? I find it a lot easier to hold c+d than d+p...
21:52.51enginuitorwith D+P you can use your middle and pointer finger....
21:52.54enginuitorreally easy to hold
21:53.01enginuitorwith C+D...
21:53.17enginuitorI have to try to mash my thumb between them so it presses C and D but not any other keys
21:53.30enginuitorAnd then get the stylus into the reset button
21:53.47enginuitorReally f***ing annoying
21:54.04enginuitorAnyway, it's flashing now
21:54.10BernardoI usualy mash the keys with my thumb, and hold the z with that hand, so I have a free hand to press the reset
21:54.24enginuitorWow, it flashed in about 5 sec's
21:55.05enginuitorheh, I was a bit freaked out there for a sec...
21:55.11Bernardo800k instead of 16Mb...
21:55.17enginuitorIt wouldn't power up
21:55.24enginuitorTurns out the keyboard wasn't extended all the way
21:55.33enginuitorso the sliding contacts weren't touching
21:56.12enginuitorDrivers are up, and the applet is working
21:56.30enginuitorI hope all that fscking around I did in the conf files didn't mess anything up...
21:56.39BernardoWell, got to go now... see you tomorrow
22:15.15*** join/#openembedded noda (
22:20.40treke|homemornin noda
22:20.46nodamorning? Bah
22:20.53treke|homenoda: kergoth tell you is moving I thought it was just
22:21.41treke|homeI think both.
22:21.46nodaOh. Then no :P
22:21.50pb_I only set up a vhost for
22:21.58treke|homeah, then just oe
22:22.59nodaOoh, cool... I've had 49 hits to my site through Safari and 38 through Galeon in the past 15 days.
22:23.16noda...and none through Epiphany. Odd.
22:43.27*** join/#openembedded ibot (
22:43.27*** topic/#openembedded is OpenEmbedded/OpenZaurus developer lounge | User support in #openzaurus, #openembedded-ipaq, and (if applicable) #opie | Snapshots available at | Python stuff also |
22:43.29nodaOoh ooh ooh! "Subversion is now in the Beta stage of development."
22:45.45*** join/#openembedded enginuitor (~enginuito@209-128-75-164.BAYAREA.NET)
22:49.53enginuitorWith the WiFi problem fixed in OZ 3.3.6, I can finally fulfill my greatest dream...
22:50.14enginuitorRunning a web server from my pants pocket!
22:50.37*** join/#openembedded _stigger (
22:54.27*** join/#openembedded gawel ([
23:16.18enginuitorOK, say I wanted to compile a library and a command-line program to work on the zaurus...
23:16.38enginuitorIs it as simple as just compiling it...
23:16.58enginuitorOr will there be code changes needed?
23:17.28ljpusually just a cross compile
23:17.51smashieI needed to adapt code
23:18.19enginuitorLong story... I want to run gphoto2 on my Z so that I can connect it to my Barbie Digital Camera (don't ask, ok? it was only $2 at a thrift store) and use it as a roaming webcam!!
23:18.48enginuitorAnd of course, I took off all the pink flowery casing
23:19.04enginuitorSo now it's just a PC board assembly with a camera on it
23:20.01enginuitorWhich makes it really neat to play with
23:20.07enginuitorYou can control it from a serial terminal
23:20.24enginuitorYou can even tell it to take a picture
23:20.36enginuitorjust 2-byte hex codes if I remember
23:20.53enginuitorI played with it from hyperterminal a lot
23:20.58enginuitor(in my windows days)
23:21.05enginuitoroh wait
23:21.17enginuitorActually, the control codes are ASCII
23:35.18enginuitorAh, I found the protocol doc!
23:36.38enginuitorHow can I compile for the Zaurus on my big box?
23:37.23*** join/#openembedded AndersB (
23:37.58enginuitorcool, it turns out you can write to the camera's RAM too...
23:42.44enginuitorHow do I compile for the zaurus's ARM processor?
23:42.45NS-Homethe short answer is that you need to download the cross tool china form openembedded/zaurus and use that
23:42.52enginuitorCan I use gcc or g++?
23:43.02enginuitoroh ok
23:43.52NS-HomeI having problems getting glibc to build on it
23:44.10NS-Homethere may be a toolchina for the current openzaurus release someplace
23:44.12NS-Homebut I am not sure
23:44.18NS-Homebest off to ask some of the other folks here
23:45.04NS-Homethe glibc problem appers to be an issue with kernel headers being slightly too old
23:47.27*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
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23:50.11*** join/#openembedded Disconnect (
23:54.04enginuitorGotta go, finally booting back to linux!
23:54.20enginuitorC'yall in 5 minutes...

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