irclog2html for #openembedded on 20031215

00:04.19chouimattreke:  treke|home  treke|laptop  chuckr  is searching you
00:08.09pb_maybe all the trekes have /ignore chuckr set.
00:08.14lpotterhe's at Neverland
00:16.57lpotterya. Jacko's place
00:24.49lpottermiceal jackson == Jacko
00:25.27lpotterhis ranch is named Neverland
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00:45.15masticatorI say we sick Jacko on Saddam
00:45.22masticatorput them in a cell together
00:54.55lpotterto old
01:02.30treke|homehmmm. I did a damn fine job sleeping through sunday
01:06.16mithro--treke|home: its 11:34am on monday
01:06.33treke|homewell shit, I did a better job than I thought
01:13.22mithro--anyone know much about storage features of the C860?
01:14.06treke|homeit's a usb mass storage driver that reads either the SD card or the cf card
01:14.18mithro--treke|home: yeah i know that part :)
01:14.29treke|homewhat more do you want to know?
01:14.30mithro--do we have the source code for it?
01:14.39treke|homeyes. it's in the kernel source
01:15.15mithro--treke|home: in 2.4.18?
01:15.25treke|homein the embeddix patch
01:16.08mithro--so we could the storage stuff working under openzaurus?
01:18.11mithro--does the embeddix patch apply to the sharp 2.4.18 kernel?
01:19.40treke|homeno. it *is* the sharp 2.4.18 kernel
01:21.53treke|homelpotter: I like that picture, that difinitly does look like the Opie O
01:22.20treke|home" LINUX / WinCE : PDA Standard OS"
01:23.12lpotterand I can see the green icon for screenshotapplet
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01:25.37lpotterI am hoping they are on the list and can talk about it
01:32.04mithro--anyone remeber where i can find the instructions for mounting a jffs rom? i remeber you need mtdram block device or something
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03:29.29chouimattreke|home: seen today Simpsons?
03:36.52mithro--treke: you decided to do 2.95.2 or 3.3 roms?
03:44.55treke|homemithro--: I've done both
03:44.58treke|homeand it's 2.95.3
03:51.00mithro--treke|home: can we use 'em yet?
03:51.43treke|homeI cant imagine many people would want to :) lots of HEAD is horribly broken
03:52.21chouimattreke|home: opie head?
04:08.15mithro--whats horribly borked :)
04:09.47treke|homesome apps don't start. ntp support doesnt work.
04:09.53treke|homeout of the box opie doesnt start
04:10.00treke|homelets see what else was there
04:14.41gawelbtw, what kind of diff program is being used to produce patches? (seems like it is not gnu diff)
04:15.23treke|homemickey made the default for the OZ images german
04:20.16treke|homeI dont get how he did it though since that isnt something buildroot does
04:25.45treke|homemaybe I'll build decent gcc2 images :p
04:26.56chouimattreke|home: lol
04:35.51treke|homeok. so when using the kernel and initrd fromt he openzaurus website, networking works.
04:35.57treke|homeNo idea what is up with peoples problems
04:41.56mithro--treke|home: some decent 2.95 images would make alot of people happy
04:48.02treke|homegetting uploaded
04:48.45gawelwee. gnupg just built under oe. ah the simple pleasures of life.
04:52.06mithro--treke|home: HEAD or 1.0.3?
04:59.21chuckryou guys still there?
05:00.19treke|homeno one here but us trolls
05:02.45CosmicPenguinI'm a cave troll
05:02.55CosmicPenguintreke is a just a regular troll
05:03.31treke|homeyup. I'm *very* regular this weekend
05:04.46mithro--treke|home: cool
05:05.22treke|home12 minutes remaining
05:18.48mithro--treke|home: url?
05:18.58treke|homeuploading still
05:19.03treke|home10 seconds
05:19.09treke|homethen I have to remember to extract it :p
05:22.57gawelanybody knows what the difference between DEPENDS and RDEPENDS in a oe package spec file is?
05:26.13treke|homeDEPENDS specifies the dependencies to build a package
05:26.40treke|homeRDEPENDS specifies run time depends, and are used for the packages that are generated
05:26.46gaweldoh. makes sense
05:26.51gaweltreke: thanks
05:31.53mithro--treke|home: url?
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05:46.42treke|homeno url yet
05:51.07lpotterwhats a url?
05:52.26CosmicPenguinits like an uri but with an l
05:52.34mithro--treke|home: if you need webspace i have about 45gig spare :)
05:52.52treke|homeno I need time to deal with this
05:53.22mithro--treke|home: no prob, the offer stands if you find you need it :)
05:54.03treke|homethough I'm down to only 7 gig free. Wondery where it all went
05:54.18treke|homeits on
05:55.23mithro--treke|home cool :)
05:56.12mithro--i'll get my friend to try it out
05:56.21mithro--he'll be pleased
06:04.32mithro--treke|home: where on oz?
06:04.48treke|homesame place all the gcc 3.3.5 images for husky are
06:05.00treke|homeer all the 3.3.5 images
06:06.50mithro--the dates just seem a bit old
06:07.19treke|home3.3.5 is a bit old
06:07.27mithro--ahh okay :)
06:07.47treke|homethe gcc3 images are from Novemver 29th
06:08.01treke|homethe gcc2 image is from december 4
06:08.28mithro--so which ones did you just upload? :)
06:08.36treke|homeThe gcc2 images
06:09.18mithro--??official/????/husky/????/initrd.bin :)
06:09.41treke|homeyou pasted the freaking url a few minutes ago
06:09.48mithro--o :)
06:10.42mithro--i assumed the datestamp would have been sometime in the last couple of days which was what was causing me confusion
06:11.08treke|homeno, I built the images a week and a half ago
06:11.27mithro--thats okay :) i just didn't take into account tar preserving timestamps :)
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06:59.24W8TVI|zthat was fun
06:59.36treke|homehmmm. this head build sure went smoother than normal
06:59.54W8TVI|zive been playing rainbow 6 for the last few hours on line
07:01.24W8TVI|zbeen kicking a$$
07:03.08W8TVI|zits fun hunting other players with a .50 cal Desert Eagle
07:03.25treke|homehehe. sounds like my fond memories of delta force online
07:04.04treke|homeah wait  desert eagle
07:04.06W8TVI|zits even more fun sniping them with the .50 cal sniper rifle
07:04.43W8TVI|zor the fal
07:05.03treke|homewe'd get four or give people online, most of us chose the rifle, then 10 minutes or so you'll hear a gun shot
07:05.16treke|homewas even better at lan parties
07:05.28W8TVI|zbut anything that you can make a haed shot with
07:06.01treke|homenow buildroot only builds german...
07:06.09W8TVI|zI like taking the .50 rifle and waiting for two people to linw up
07:06.59W8TVI|zthe .50 DE doesnt quite have the punch of the rifle
07:07.41W8TVI|zbut a good center mass shot with it will still kill
07:09.23W8TVI|zthe .50 DE is still a BFG
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07:16.40W8TVIhmmm... let me guess... my aunt sent all three of us those two 1mb jpgs of some chistmas lights that they too from a moving car...
07:18.13W8TVIdamn it... she did
07:18.22W8TVIand they are sucky pictures too
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07:53.31gawelearl moin 8>
07:53.49schurignot for me, it's almost 9:00 am
07:54.06gawel1am here
07:54.35schurigWhat is Tetrawhatever, some poisonous chemistry?
07:55.14gawelschurig: nah. it's after umberto eco's book. tetrapyloctomy='science of splitting hair in 4'
07:55.55schuriggawel: I, I read the name of the rose (very good) and the book about the pendulum of Faucault (very boring).
07:56.09gawelyeah, it's from foucalt's pendulum
07:56.21schurig(not sure about the english names of the books, I read them in german)
07:57.27gawelschurig: err, so do you guys tests ipks built under oe on actual zaurus box? 8>
07:57.40treke|homegawel: no
07:58.01treke|homeoe wont actually run on a zaurus
07:58.08schurigmickeyl_away: I have updates for OZ/packages/busybox to newest busybox. Should I put them into BitKeeper or would this be not-so-good for the upcoming OZ release?
07:58.11gawelah. goody. 8> there are some name differences between buildroot and oe
07:58.46gaweltreke: updates to oe packages should be sent to chris (kergoth), right?
07:58.58treke|homesend them to the openembedded-devel list
08:01.08schuriggawel: when I finally switch over to OE, I'll test the packages on my platform (which is not Zaurus)
08:01.33schurigfor now I'm in a state of shame: I developed the first half of the OE buildroot, but now I'm not even using it :-(
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08:05.43lpottershame on you
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08:09.24schuriglpotter: BTW, do you remember that I once asked you if TT has a list of database driver plugins?
08:10.58schuriglpotter: I made some database-gateway. On my target I'm still using Qt3E GPL, therefore the database plugin is GPL, too. It connects via QSocket to some database driver server (in Qt3, too) to a linux host,
08:11.39schuriglpotter: and this db-server then uses normal QT3-plugins to get to the real database. So I can connect from my Ramses to, say, a SAPDB database where I don't have a driver for the PXA processor
08:18.10treke|homesomeone already spotted the gcc2 image
08:20.05lpotterschurig: I dont think qt3 supports anything but mysql and sqlite currently, but I can find out more about it
08:20.40lpotterthat sounds really cool, though
08:20.41schuriglpotter: we were talking about EXTERNAL projects, e.g. Qt3 supports SAPDB a.k.a MAXDB
08:21.00lpotterahh, ya. I am not up on qt3
08:21.16schuriglpotter: ok, it's fine.
08:21.38schuriglpotter: hehe, I'm not at qt2.3 anymore. Here in the company we use Qt3.2.x only.
08:22.05lpotterhopefully, qtopia will move on to qte4
08:22.19schuriglpotter: it's a little bit faster on the Ramses. And it has the database stuff which we need. Unfortunately this made me abondon Opie/Qtopia/whatever
08:22.55Twiunhi guys
08:23.20lpotterbut I can see how advanced handhelds might need to move on also, just to get at the db stuff
08:23.38treke|homelpotter: explain that to trolltech :)
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08:24.38lpotterwell, I am wuite sure there is a very good reason why qtopia has stayed at 2.3
08:25.16treke|homeI bet it's just a trick to keep linux on pdas in the dark ages
08:25.16lpotterbut we have someone up in oslo working on qte specifically
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10:35.11Speedy2ibot: seen pb_
10:35.16pb_ <~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:240:95ff:fe30:aa84> was last seen on IRC in channel, 10h 7m 34s ago, saying: 'Spyro: if you only have one battery, the apm interface ought to suffice.'.
10:35.16Speedy2ibot: seen pb
10:35.17pb <~dick@> was last seen on IRC in channel #tomcat, 177d 54m 7s ago, saying: 'can anyone help'.
10:55.49cmartinhi mickeyl
10:56.15mickeylhiho cmartin
10:56.17mickeylhow are things?
10:58.00mickeylibot: mithro
10:58.04mickeyl: are you using Windows?
10:58.06mickeylmithro--: ping
11:28.55cmartinmickeyl: do you remember why we deactivated ppp in the simpad kernel?
11:29.35cmartinmickeyl: IIRC we only had a problem when it was built as a module or together with something else
11:30.10mickeylno, that was pcmcia
11:30.31mickeylah we had a build error when PPP_ZLIB_DEFLATE was enabled
11:30.35mickeylbut other than that, it should work
11:32.53cmartink, why is it disabled in our config then? hmmm, that deflate thing could have been the reason it wouldn't compile in for me last night - module built fine
11:35.36cmartinBTW: just sent holger my so I can start a bit of transitioning to oe - any suggestions where I should start (already read GettingStarted)
11:36.14mickeylno idea frankly
11:36.31mickeyli'm not really into oe yet
11:36.42mickeyli'm waiting for kergoth to lay the foundation and an example for deviceisms
11:36.58mickeylbut there are a quite a bit of packages needing migration
11:37.12cmartinyou're not, i thought you were migrating packages
11:38.37mickeylnot really, i did a bit of work, but not very much. i got distracted by releasing OpenZaurus 3.3.5 for all models
11:39.12cmartini thought that was you that put up that "Contributing" section the opensimpad wiki
11:39.25cmartins/ to the
11:40.13mickeylcan't remember. i was project hopping in the last weeks - worked on too much stuff simulteanously
11:40.24mickeylor rather in parallel
11:41.51mickeylbbl, lunch time
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13:11.12funkyjoecould somebody tell how to force bk to install updates etc.? I get this error message when takepatch tries to install...."takepatch: packages/ifupdown/SCCS/s.Makefile is locked w/o writeable gfile?"
13:13.22cmartin_lunchfunkyjoe: you seem to have made changes to the ifupdown Makefile - either commit your changes or remove them with bk unedit
13:15.30funkyjoecmartin: thanks!
13:16.24funkyjoecmartin: I had changed some paths for correct download, that was the problem. bk documentation is awful
13:17.39cmartinfunkyjoe: i think bk helptool is pretty good
13:18.41funkyjoecmartin: when you know what to search ;-) ok. now its working...
13:19.21cmartinit took me awhile to get used to also
13:20.52cmartinmickeyl: when the transition is made to OE will all future packages be compiled with gcc 3.3?
13:22.17mickeylfor oe we try to make sure all packages will compile with both 2.95x and 3.x. What compiler to use for the distribution will be the choice of the distributors (us)
13:23.19mickeyli strongly recommend using 3.3 for future OpenSIMpad releases though. It generates faster code and interestingly less buggy code
13:23.21cmartinwhy does the GettingStarted document only mention cross-3.3 and only offers a download of that version?
13:23.49mickeylprobably because 3.3 is more interesting than 2.95
13:24.06cmartink, do the final bc breaking point will be the release of the first openembedded-based images
13:24.15cmartins/ do/ so
13:24.19mickeylmaybe even using uclibc
13:24.23mickeylwe'll see
13:24.58cmartinwhich advantages does uclibc3.3 have over gcc3.3?
13:25.19mickeyluclibc is libc
13:25.20mickeylgcc is a compiler
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13:25.40mickeylso we want to use gcc3-uclibc for future releases
13:26.03cmartinsorry, was confused there
13:31.24mickeylschurig: did more tests with qt3? how's it performing
13:37.24cmartinschurig: did you receive my for oe-buildroot access?
13:37.25schurig"Tests"?  We're using it for some months now
13:37.43schurigcmartin: no, I didn't. When did you send it?
13:37.51cmartinthis morning
13:38.13schurigcmartin: okay, I did not check my home-email this morning. Right now I'm at work
13:38.55mickeyl"tests" yeah - performance tests against qt2
13:39.39schurigmonths ago we made some drawing tests, here Qt3 was faster
13:40.12schurigthe dialog creation is still somewhat slow, maybe I have to customoze new, new[], del and del[]
13:40.35mickeylschurig: if it was only me, opie would be on qt3 since months. however, for now i hesitate to do the porting because the release of the first qt4 betas is not far away
13:41.37schurigmickeyl: harlekin said that the first alpha or beta for qt4 is not far away. And that it makes sense to port Opie directly to Qt4, not first to Qt3.
13:41.47schurigi can live with that.
13:42.15schurigIt's just that ramses-launcher sucks compared against parts of Opie
13:42.49schurige.g. our launcher has all apps compiled into it, statically. Urgs. But then again, I'm not the Qt3-developer here, I'm Mr.Kernel and Mr.IPKs. :-)
13:43.08mickeylyeah :)
13:43.28mickeylwill you contribute to opie again if we're on qt4?
13:43.38mickeyl(i miss your cleaning up ;)
13:43.54schurigmickeyl: very likely.
13:44.31schurigright now I could put tn5250 into Opie, if one wants to backport this then to qt2. But I guess not many people care for conntions to IBM AS/400 :-)
13:45.44mickeylprobably ;)
13:45.50mickeylbut hey, who knows
13:45.57schurigother things, like our barcode scanner configuration dialog, are even less interesting to the general public ...
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14:01.46schurigI should look for some memory performance test program
14:02.16schurigmickeyl: I think someone mentioned this during the last two weeks on linux-arm-kernel
14:03.04mickeylah yeah - the bufferable fbmem has been integrated since 2.5
14:03.22mickeylat least for SA
14:03.25mickeylno idea about PXA
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16:02.34Disconnectmorning all
16:19.24chouimathi schurig Disconnect
16:20.40schurigchouimat: how did you know that I disconnect <grin>?
16:21.07schuriggoing home ...
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16:48.54trekemornin kergoth
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17:02.36kergothgb2: fyi, i narrowed the glibc toolchain build failures, seemingly, down to a difference between my binutils .oe's and the current ones in packages.. will play with it until i figure out whats causingi t
17:02.56chouimathi kergoth
17:03.25chouimatkergoth: I proposed that we do a fund raising so you can have internet at home :)
17:03.51kergothi talked to my apartment office
17:03.57kergoththey're going to send somebody by to check into it today
17:03.59kergothso hopefully..
17:04.06chouimatkergoth: hehe
17:04.39chouimathmmm allready 15cm of snow
17:05.49Disconnectkergoth: hey. how'd the deadline go last week?
17:06.25kergothquite well, got everything done but one training item, and that i'm doing this week
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17:17.33gb2kergoth: cool
17:17.57kergothheh, i wonder if by chance it was the removal of hte ldscripts
17:18.39kergothdamnnit, i hate it when an app has their own local "configure" script with tests and shit that isnt autoconf
17:19.23chouimathmmmm can someone explain to me why suddently CVS segfault here
17:19.29kergothit doenst like it
17:19.34kergothit doesnt like you
17:19.47chouimatkergoth: thanks this is very helpful
17:19.49trekeit's in good company
17:19.56gawel|sleepquick (hopefully) quetion: can one build stuff dependet on kernel (in essence on kernel headers), like say, oh ppp on oe? do i inherit kernel class?
17:20.19trekekergoth: Good little flame ware on the boards
17:20.20trekekergoth: proto vs sash
17:20.22kergothgawel|sleep: kernel oeclass is for building kernels, not their modules
17:20.22chouimattreke: hi ... url?
17:20.22gawel|sleepchoimat: friday was 'fuck with gawel' week. today is your turn.
17:20.33chouimatgawel|sleep: hehe ... go back to sleep
17:20.34mickeyltreke: did you upload a shepherd kernel which writes to tty1 ?
17:20.45trekeI didnt upload any shepherd kernel
17:20.47kergothgawel|sleep: should just be as simple as building it, pointing it to staging_incdir for kernel headers, assuming you've built a kenrel and put its headers there
17:20.57trekeI uploaded for husky
17:20.58gawelkergoth: thanks
17:22.59trekesash also said he's no longer going to work on qtopia stuff
17:23.31chouimattreke: url?
17:26.27mickeylkergoth: hi. i have several questions... you'll be here in two hours?
17:26.31kergothmickeyl: yep
17:26.38mickeylgreat. l8er, then
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17:44.36Disconnectkergoth: how's that keyboard stuff coming? ;)
17:45.00kergothuntouched.  here's hoping they fix my internet today
17:49.13kergothmickeyl_away: heh, libetpan 0.31 was already in nonworking/, incomplete.  you can use bk mvdir to move shit out of there once its working..  that way you retain history.
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17:56.07kergothwe're using db3 in oe atm
17:56.11kergothits the only libdb i bothered to add
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17:56.24kergothbut according to harlekin, it isnt necessary for etpan to build
17:56.27trekestupid old format Makefiles
17:56.36kergothneed to patch its configure to make it configure cmdline controllable
18:00.12kergothheh, added a qte ./configure -devfs cmdline opt
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18:18.37kergothhey XavierXeon
18:54.40gawelbtw, how come toolchain 3.3.2 now installs into /opt and not in /usr/local/arm?
19:13.42kergothgawel: because i wanted to package it as an rpm/ipk/deb for distribution, and packages shouldnt ever touch /usr/local
19:14.36trekekergoth: btw, opt/cross/platform/vernum would probably be a better choice than just /opt/cross
19:14.41kergothugh, why the hell does gdb cache -buildsystem- bits
19:15.15kergothtreke: well, target_alias aka target_sys already keeps them independent. cross/bin/ could contain arm-linux-gcc, ppc64-linux-gcc, arm-uclibc-linux-gcc, whatever
19:15.24kergothversion wouldnt be a bad idea though
19:16.19trekeyeah if they can all coexist withing one /opt/cross, then that's fine.
19:16.37kergothyeah. gb2 has had a glibc and uclibc chain living side by side
19:16.46kergothso i think we're okay there.
19:16.56kergothproblem with version is, what version do we put? glibc? gcc? binutils? :)
19:17.27trekeall three?
19:17.37trekejust some way to keep more than one installed at a time
19:19.00trekeer /opt/cross/3.3.2-3.2.3-
19:19.33kergothman thats ugly
19:19.37kergothbut yeah, could
19:19.53trekeI'd settle for cross/3.3.2 :p
19:30.19gb2i had them living side-by-side if they had different target_alias's
19:30.38gb2so arm-linux vs. arm-uclibc-linux
19:30.58gb2you can add a number after linux and have it work too
19:31.10gb2arm-linux295 might work
19:31.34W8TVIibot stupid question
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19:39.30kergothgb2: yeah thats true, suppose we could stuff version into the vendor..
19:39.39kergothdoesnt matter much to me
19:41.13lpottermmmm coffee
19:44.55*** join/#openembedded DyB|Vandal (
19:53.48mickeylkergoth: i have two things - at first, sorry, i didn't see that you already started with libetpan 0.31 in nonworking. couldn't move it also to there, because i didn't want to overwrite yours. although i could get libetpan to build, one cheat was necessary, because the build system looked in target/lib/.libs instead of target/lib. any idea how to fix that? isn't that (once again) a libtool problem?
19:54.09kergoththats a configure.{in,ac} thing
19:54.20kergoththeir db macro doesnt check the root of hte dir we pass as the libdir
19:54.32kergothit expects that we're passing it a location of the db -sources-
19:54.36kergothwhichi s why its checking .libs
19:54.40mickeylah understood.
19:54.44kergothi'm fixing that
19:54.50kergothdb is optional in the libetpan build
19:54.56kergothbut their configure script doesnt let you disable it
19:55.08kergothi'm going to swipe apache's libdb checking macros and stuff them into libetpan's configure
19:56.35mickeylvery good. thanks. the other thing i have is I started with a fresh clone of oe and packages and although i built the native autoconf and automake, the versions in my local PATH were preferred. did something change in this direction? STAGING_BINDIR should always be prefered shouldn't it?
19:57.01kergothit should.  look at oe.conf, it prepends to PATH, so should pick them up..
19:57.04kergothcould be a bug
19:57.11kergothuse oebuild showdata to check the PATH
19:57.26mickeylok, will do that.
19:58.56mickeyloh and a last (slightly offtopic) question... did you ever had the situation when you started a new thread and suddenly the program hangs and if you do 'top' you see all the threads of that program in 'S' state. the hang occurs right after the clone syscall... i'm totally out of ideas, because i don't even use locking or stuff
19:59.11*** join/#openembedded darkschneider (~gab@
19:59.16mickeylthere's enough memory and resources
19:59.20mickeylso that's no the problem
19:59.35mickeylit's on the 5500 Z btw. (with glibc 2.3.2)
19:59.48mickeylon the desktop that program works... (of course... it's always like that...)
20:10.15lpotterhmmm deee dummm ....
20:12.21lpotterthey got some weird games down here
20:14.28*** join/#openembedded gawel ([
20:22.12kergothmickeyl: hmm, odd
20:38.23Pendalarchecking for suffix of object files... configure: error: cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile
20:38.37kergothyou probably didnt add the crosscompiler to the PATH
20:38.41Pendalargeneral user failed to do something error?
20:38.45kergothbut i'd need more info to say for certain
20:39.53gawelkergoth: new toolchain (3.3.2) now installs into /opt, right? is buildroot updated to look for new toolchain there, or does it expect 3.3.2 in /usr/local/arm/3.3.2?
20:39.58Pendalarhmm pretty sure it is but I'll check
20:40.32gawelpendalar: make sure you export your PATH 8>
20:40.42Pendalarof course
20:40.47gawelpendalar: what package do you get this on?
20:40.52kergothgawel: buildroot wont obey it, add it to the path manually
20:41.22Pendalaralthough I didn't write this env change script
20:41.23mickeylPendalar: TARGET_ARCH=arm in local.conf ?
20:41.24kergothPendalar: more context.  open up config.log for that package and look at the errors around that
20:41.30Pendalarmickeyl: yes
20:42.06mickeylhmmm i had that once in a toolchain... can't remember in which one. i ended up creating a missing link from as to ../bin/arm-linux-as
20:42.20Pendalarkergoth: it said do_configure error, then I pulled that error out of the /tmp for do_configure on glib
20:42.27Pendalarlemme find the config.log
20:42.45kergoth(pn = package name, pv = package version, pr = package revision)
20:43.47gawelpendalar: try to downloading latest toolchain: for 3.3.2. i've seen this problem too...
20:43.58Pendalarlooks like it is pulling i686, but what in particular do you want to know in config.log?
20:44.06kergothif its using i686, your local.conf isnt right
20:44.16kergothit must be conf/local.conf relative to the dir you're running oebuild/oemake from
20:44.52Pendalarpatcher, autoconf ,automake build
20:45.03PendalarTARGET_ARCH=arm is in the local.conf
20:45.22kergothsounds like your oe tree is out of date.  your BUILD_SYS isnt defaulting to ""
20:45.30kergothbk pull in both oe and packages, and bk -r co -q in both
20:45.39Pendalardid that ~5 minutes ago
20:45.57kergothwell, you're doing something wrong.
20:46.03Pendalarof course *grin*
20:46.10kergothoebuild showdata autoconf/autoconf-native_*.oe|grep i686
20:46.47Pendalaryep I agree, it's building for the wrong arch
20:47.02kergothautoconf-native is SUPPOSED to build for .. nativfe.
20:47.11kergothbut it should be using 'gcc', not 'i686-linux-gcc'
20:48.10gawelWRONG TOOLCHAIN
20:48.34Pendalarupdating gawel, can only do so fast
20:48.43Pendalarunless you wanna lend me a t3 or something
20:48.56gawel8> suuuure
20:49.50Pendalartrying other guesses in the interm of 5 minutes eta
20:52.08kergothPendalar: whats BUILD_SYS set to in your showdata output on autoconf-native?
20:52.19kergothassuming its autoconf-native failing
20:52.35Pendalarno it build, glib was the one that failed
20:53.33kergothwhy didnt you say that?
20:53.33kergoththats completely different
20:53.33W8TVIgui coding sucks
20:53.33kergothcheck TARGET_ARCH, TARGET_SYS, and TARGET_PREFIAX
20:53.55PendalarBUILD_SYS="i686-linux" BUILD_ARCH="i686"  for glib
20:54.11Pendalardoesn't have target etc vars in the log
20:54.46Pendalardoh let me make sure I know what I'm pasting is from what you are wanting
20:55.09kergothoebuild showdata glib/blahblah.oe
20:55.15kergoththats where i want information from
20:56.15Pendalarsys => arm-linux
20:56.25Pendalarprefix arm-linux-
20:56.33kergothand what about HOST_PREFIX?
20:57.10kergothso its building with arm-linux-gcc then.
20:57.49kergothsend your failed do_configure log to the openembedded devel list
21:00.06Pendalartrying with a 'fresh' toolchain although I think it's the same
21:00.42gawelpendalar: do you have binutils-native built?
21:01.12PendalarI see no -native
21:01.38W8TVIwhat about  -natives-restless?
21:01.58Pendalar4 oe files, cross, ulibc-cross, ulibc, and regular
21:02.28W8TVIhmmm... I didnt even get a ha ha out that one
21:02.33kergothdont build a toolchain with oe.  it still has kinks.
21:02.40Pendalarwhich one do you want me to try?
21:03.19PendalarW8TVI: my mind is too far gone
21:03.41kergoth*almost* have glib 2.0 building hapily
21:04.26Pendalarso it's not supposed to build? =-P
21:06.35lpotteralmost only counts in handgernades and Jr. High sex
21:07.02Pendalarhorseshoes, handgrenades, and ..
21:07.24kergothhey, its compiling
21:07.24Pendalarabomb =-P
21:07.25gb2close definately counts for nukes
21:07.58Pendalarthe phrase my teachers always used "close only counts in horseshoes, handgrenades, and a-bombs"
21:09.37CosmicPenguinclose also counts in mustard gas, nerve agent, and the always frightening chilli dog attack
21:09.50trekemmmmmh chili dog
21:10.01kergothglib-2.0 built :)
21:10.01W8TVIninja penguins!
21:10.30kergothcommit != push
21:10.50Pendalarlil push?
21:10.53Pendalarquasi push
21:11.55Pendalaractually glibc is what I'm having issues with but I of course realize it's a system wide thing, any other non -native is going to fail
21:12.12kergothcan you run arm-linux-gcc from your commandline?
21:12.32Pendalarweird, no
21:12.33kergothwell thatd explain it then.
21:12.34Pendalarheh possible problem *cough*
21:12.40kergoth~whaleslap Pendalar
21:12.48ACTION slaps Pendalar upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
21:13.37W8TVISubject: EFFector 16.35: Support EFF This Holiday Season
21:13.53W8TVI* Deep Links (15): RIAA Can Now Legally Shoot Self in Foot
21:14.00kergothk, pushed glib-2.0
21:14.07kergothwe need 2.1, 2.2, or 2.3?
21:14.47Pendalarwhy not latest?
21:15.15kergothdunno, just picked one at random.  dunno which gtk2 needs
21:15.32kergothwe need libatk, pango, gtk2 added
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22:58.46kergothibot: wb
22:59.03It's great to be back!
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23:04.39gawelkergoth: error traceback available at
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23:12.13gawelkergoth: this may be related. build of busybox does fine. when building ipkg we croak:
23:12.46kergoththat one's a bug in the busybox .oe
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23:26.46lpotteribot: ide
23:26.47extra, extra, read all about it, ide is for the GUI, but the compiler is not nessesarly compliing a GUI application
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