irclog2html for #openembedded on 20031211

00:00.14chuckrusage report, I d'l the one from official/unstable/760, I think that's where i had it to begin with, and it's thoroughly and badly screwed, it thinks the usbd0 is a 802.11b, and can't be convinced otherwise
00:06.54Disconnectchuckr: just ooc, whats the md5 of the zImage?
00:07.22Disconnect(and for that matter, the initrd)
00:07.55trekeit thinks usbd0 is 802.11b? wtf
00:12.44ljpits like a dog that thinks it human'
00:13.40cyn_wooooooo firefly on dvd
00:13.50Disconnectcyn_: is that out already?
00:32.20chouimatibot surfgirl
00:32.22surfgirl is, like, with who ljp want to wake up in the morning
00:35.41trekehehe. salse chick with the phone company just couldnt grasp the idea that I want no special features
00:36.16treke"Look at my account, I spend 2 hours a month on the phone. Why would I need call waiting"
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00:40.57jdh41anyone care to tell me how to get an ipk out of OE?
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00:42.26trekeexport INHERIT="package_ipk"
00:42.34trekemithro: got a more recent oz-compat package?
00:43.19mithrothen version 4?
00:43.27trekethan version 2
00:43.35mithroyes i have version 0.4 :)
00:43.54trekeflashing back to gcc3
00:44.48mithrothat should have a graphical program which allows you to make a program use comapatible or not libs
00:44.55mithroit also works from the command line
00:45.08chuckrThis is chuck I'm back you guys wwant something?
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00:45.58mithrothe package needs alot more testing
00:46.02mithroit works for me pretty well
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00:55.53jdh41treke: thanks
01:00.22trekepreempt kernels dont work :p
01:02.00jdh41is OZ3.3.5 built against glibc 2.3.2 or 2.2.4?
01:03.00jdh41thats what I tohught
01:03.02trekeand 2.3.2 for gcc3 images
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01:03.21jdh41ah, I was under the impression that it was built with gcc3
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01:09.46Twiunhmmm... that doesn't look good
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01:23.34mithrotreke: any luck with the compat packages?
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01:57.40cyn_Disconnect: not only is it out - I ordered it slow delivery and already gtot it
02:12.06*** join/#openembedded treke|home (
02:12.55mithrotreke|home: any luck with the compat packages?
02:13.38treke|homemithro: didnt try
02:13.42treke|homemy kernel wouldnt boot
02:13.54mithrodang :(
02:14.02treke|homeand the zaurus was the only cf/sd writer I had
02:14.36mithrotreke|home: doh!
02:15.23treke|homeno biggy. Just meant I could do anything till I got home.
02:15.42Twiungood thing you're home now :)
02:15.44treke|homenew kernel is building away
02:17.55Twiun3 subnets for 5 devices...
02:18.01Twiuntalk about a mess
02:18.01treke|homesound good to me
02:18.27Twiun1 subnet for wifi, 1 for green i/f and 1 for red 1/f
02:19.10Twiunall this because iptables doesn't like forwarding packets to the same subnets ;)
02:19.34Twiunor should I make the wifi part of the green i/f?
02:19.42Twiuncan I have two nics on the same network?
02:20.01mithrogreen i/f?
02:20.22Twiuni/f==interface, green is the intranet, red is the internet
02:20.31Twiunorange is usually the DMZ
02:20.44Twiunbut I've run out of machines and nics for that...
02:20.56Twiunalthough I could make another virtual nic
02:21.17*** join/#openembedded Bala (
02:21.35Twiunhmmm, I think I need to re-read the firewalling faq
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02:39.12Twiunwb Neo|Work
02:39.25Twiunwhat did you do to get K-lined?
02:48.51treke|homekergoth_: ping
02:59.18ljpI gotto go get x-rayed
03:01.05Twiunhiding WMD's again?
03:01.52treke|homeup his ass
03:02.49ljpfor .au immigration
03:03.05Twiungotta to get some sleep, g'night guys
03:03.22ljpchest xray
03:03.36Twiunah, yes, for TB
03:03.45ljpchecking for turbulousis
03:04.10ljphope they dont discover my 4 hearts and 2 stomachs
03:05.03ljpor the borg nanoprobes
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03:19.07Matthew_Iya know what we need for opie and openembedded?
03:19.27Matthew_Ia pocket sized version of openoffice that still uses the same file type
03:20.01Matthew_Iin other words a word processor/spreadsheet/and presentation app that use the open office file formats
03:21.21treke|homefeel free to help the opie developers write opie-office
03:23.46chuckrI think you guys are wrong.  What's needed is pretty good reliability and useability for what's already there.  It's rather amazing, what's already out there, but it needs to be reliable and documented before it could get really popular.  Once that happens, it would take off on it's own pretty well
03:24.58chuckrusb has to work, recycling, on and off, reliably.  packinging, also.  The fonts, the other features.  I'm not saying what's there isn't good, its great, but what's needed is to polish it, not add more jewels
03:26.01treke|homePolishing is great once the stuff is there to polish. For some people, having stuff that isnt there is important.
03:26.17treke|homeIt's a balance
03:27.34treke|homeif you bought your pda to do writing on, a word processor could be a big deal to you
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03:30.11chuckrIt's not a totally one sided thing, but having that wp isn't much use if the utils around it, needed to make it work (communications, filesystem, archiving, etc) don't work.  They'll ask for that WP, but if the environ around it isn't there, they won't USE the wp.  It's just shinier.
03:30.42chuckrits surely xexier to work on
03:31.42chuckrThe WP is only a jewel if it works in the whole system, else, it's just a pretty picture
03:32.17treke|homethe word processor is a word processor if it processes words
03:32.22chuckrOTOH, I like to work on infrastructure, and I don't mind if you guys disagree with me
03:34.35treke|homeI like polish apps, but when it comes down to whether I want more of the functionality I'm looking for versus, more time spent on features I dont use, it's an easy decision :)
03:36.42Matthew_Iwho are the opei-write developers
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04:06.06chuckr(laughing) I'm really not sure how to take your last line, it's a spoonerism.  I like it from a number of ways!
04:06.26chuckrpolish apps?
04:10.58*** part/#openembedded Matthew_I (
04:11.54Pendalardoes rm -rf tmp/* effectively 'start over' when doing oebuilds?
04:14.22mithrotreke|home: any luck yet?
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04:33.36treke|homemithro: nope
04:33.54treke|homePendalar: yup
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04:37.17Pendalaron oebuild glibc/glibc_2.3.2.oe
04:37.31Pendalarit keeps telling me malformed UTF-8 characters
04:37.48PendalarMalformed UTF-8 character (unexpected end of string) at /root/devel/openembedded/packages/tmp/staging/build/bin/patcher line 779, <DIFF> line 131.
04:37.50Pendalarsorta thing
04:38.16Pendalarpatcher/autoconf/automake did fine
04:40.08Pendalarcommon problem or am I special
04:40.37treke|homeok. It's booting
04:40.47treke|homeusing the wrong image and zImage
04:41.46treke|homenow to see if it's actually the kernel or the zImage that's fux0red
04:42.53Pendalartreke have any idea?
04:43.04Pendalarif not I guess I'll just pass til tomorrow night
04:43.12treke|homePendalar: Nope.
04:43.17treke|homehavent done any oe builds in a while
04:43.20Pendalarbefore all the others go to sleep
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04:45.11gb2pendalar: try setting your locale to C instead of a utf8 locale
04:45.17gb2but that is a bit odd.
04:46.11Pendalarcan you idoicize that suggestion?
04:46.34gb2trying to think of how actually :)
04:46.44gb2env |grep -i utf
04:46.51gb2what does that give you?
04:47.02Pendalar[root@NeXuS packages]# env |grep -i utf
04:47.11gb2try LANG=C
04:47.14gb2then run the oebuild
04:48.56Pendalark probably take a few minutes
04:50.03PendalarI do believe you are right
04:50.12gb2how large is /root/devel/openembedded/packages/tmp/staging/build/bin/patcher there?
04:50.13Pendalaryou smart smart fella
04:50.26gb234310 bytes?
04:50.30Pendalarwell it got farther anyways
04:51.02Pendalar36 =-x
04:51.24PendalarI assume that's bad..
04:51.34gb2the server that hosts patcher has a tendency to return a short file
04:52.13Pendalarso I have a bad patcher oe file?
04:52.22gb2no, the download was bad
04:52.30gb2in your DL_DIR
04:53.11gb2i'd remove that file and the .md5 file for it too
04:53.31Pendalarthe dl dir is 34310
04:53.41Pendalarbut the one in the /tmp is 36
04:53.53gb2that's odd.
04:54.34Pendalarso =-)
04:54.45gb2since patcher.oe should just copy the file from the downloads into staging
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04:55.16gb2try rm'ing tmp/stamps/patcher* and tmp/staging/build/bin/patcher
04:55.20gb2then oebuild patcher.oe again
04:55.32PendalarI've rm -rf tmp/ various times now
04:55.44gb2i have no clue how it corrupted it
04:56.28PendalarI'll redo the first 3 for fun
04:57.28Pendalarthe LANG=C did help though
04:57.50Pendalarbut I guess if my patcher is broken I'm not going to get very far on anything
05:01.40Pendalarit fails on the do_configure
05:01.46Pendalarwith checking for suffix of object files... configure: error: cannot compute suffix of object files: cannot compile
05:01.46PendalarFATAL: oe_runconf failed
05:02.39Pendalarany idea on that one?
05:15.37treke|homelooks like its booting. finally
05:19.55PendalarI'll try again tomorrow =-)
05:19.57Pendalar'night all
05:42.49mithrotreke|home: coolies
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06:05.20treke|homemithro: trying your compat library  on gaim
06:10.14treke|homeno good there
06:10.26treke|homeuses libopie
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06:13.23treke|homehancommword is a no go also
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06:18.12mithrohancommword uses libsl
06:18.17W8TVIkaiser: nope
06:18.24mithro0.5 will have a libsl
06:18.37mithrotry an older version of the hancom stuff if you want it to work
06:18.40treke|homewanna throw in a libopie also?
06:18.56treke|homemithro: Yeah I hvae them backed up somewhere. Figured I'd play with the new ones if they worked
06:19.06kaiserI am wanting to use java to write a client/server program using sockets for data collection
06:19.08treke|homekaiser: This isnt much of  a java channel
06:19.20mithrotreke|home: the new ones should work once i have done libsl
06:19.28kaisertreke|home: figured I would try... cest la vie.
06:19.32treke|homecool. G
06:19.41kaiserany recommendation of some place else to ask about it?
06:20.00treke|homewonder how sdl would work.
06:20.16mithrosdl should work
06:20.37*** part/#openembedded kaiser (~kaiser@
06:20.49treke|homeMore useful would be just recompiling libsdl :)
06:20.52treke|homesince it's a c library
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06:22.01treke|homeportabase worked
06:22.17*** part/#openembedded ggilbert (
06:25.16treke|homeI mean sdl :p
06:25.27mithrosorry :)
06:31.51W8TVIcant copy over VNC
06:32.50W8TVItry that again
06:32.57W8TVIYou don't have permission to access /wellenreiter/feed/ on this server.
06:33.25W8TVIYou don't have permission to access / on this server.
06:33.53W8TVIwhere do I get wellenreiter from then!?
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06:49.52KingRobotWellenreiter moved
06:49.59KingRobotI found it earlier.
06:50.16KingRobotI forget where it is - mickeyl is hosting it now.
06:51.23W8TVIdang wep...
06:51.35W8TVIwhy cant it ever work right
06:51.54KingRobotUse iwconfig - that's the only way I've gotten it to work.
06:52.29W8TVIit seems to work fine on ljp's complie
06:52.34*** part/#openembedded icefox (
06:53.09W8TVIwhat do you do?
06:53.35W8TVIwhat command do you use that is
06:53.49W8TVII know iwconfig, but what else
06:54.03KingRobotThat's all...
06:54.07KingRobothang on a sec.
06:54.28KingRobotOk, here's the new Wellenreiter site:
06:54.46KingRobotAnd here's how to use iwconfig for WEP:
06:55.12KingRobotiwconfig wlan0 key HHHH-HHHH-HH
06:55.23KingRobotiwconfig wlan0 key on
06:55.26W8TVII'll see if that will work for me :)
06:55.31KingRobotThat's for 64 bit WEP.
06:56.38KingRobotIt's a pain 'cause you've got to do it every time you insert the card, unless you write a shell script that loads when you insert the card, but if you're going to bother with that, you might as well be working on the real thing...
06:56.53W8TVIdang drivers
06:57.07W8TVIdoesnt support wep
06:57.10W8TVIwrong command
06:57.33W8TVIme too
06:57.44W8TVIwhat rom you using?
06:58.09KingRobotA very hacked up version of OZ 3.2 stable.
06:58.28W8TVII'm using 3.3.5 on the one that wont work right
06:58.47W8TVIthe one that works right "out of the box" is ljp's 3.3.4
06:59.09KingRobot3.3.4 - 5 wouldn't even boot right on my machine
06:59.09W8TVIwonder what he did to it
06:59.23W8TVII have a 5000, and a 5500
06:59.30KingRobotMine the 5500
06:59.32W8TVIrunning 3.3.4 on the 5500
06:59.41KingRobotWhich build?
07:00.06KingRobot( There seems to be a couple of 3.3.4's floating around... )
07:00.24treke|home3.3.4 was never released, so it doesnt really map to any one release
07:00.49KingRobotAhh - that explains it.
07:01.14W8TVII"m using his build from nov 11, 03
07:07.40W8TVIibot Wellenreiter
07:08.08W8TVIibot literal Wellenreiter
07:08.09wellenreiter is
07:09.11W8TVIibot literal wellenreiter
07:09.13wellenreiter is
07:10.59W8TVIibot no, wellenreiter is <reply> Wellenreiter info is avalble at and now downloadable from
07:11.01W8TVI: okay
07:12.26W8TVIibot waverider
07:12.28W8TVI: are you using Windows?
07:12.38W8TVIibot wave rider
07:12.41Bye, rider
07:12.59W8TVIibot waverider  is <reply> Wellenreiter info is avalble at and now downloadable from
07:13.01okay, W8TVI
07:13.15KingRobotibot wellenreiter ii
07:13.16wellenreiter ii is probably at
07:13.34W8TVIthat'll work too
07:13.46W8TVIall the bases are covered now
07:15.06W8TVIibot collie
07:15.10from memory, collie is sharp sl-5500 and sl-5000d, or a dog
07:18.43KingRobotHmmm... W8 - do you know where the appearance prefs are stored? I've been experimenting with KDE pixmap themes, and seem to have gotten myself somewhat stuck. :-/
07:18.54W8TVIon what?
07:18.58KingRobot( Under OPIE )
07:19.25W8TVIer...  it should be some where under /opt/qtdesktop
07:19.27W8TVII think
07:20.13KingRobotKDE pixmap themes are *almost* drop-in compatible with OPIE Appearance. Very cool actually, until I tested this somewhat incomplete theme.
07:23.56W8TVInow I want a Sharp CE-AG06 to mess with
07:24.21KingRobotI've heard they have pretty lousy quality.
07:24.43W8TVIbetter with mickey's app
07:24.56KingRobotJust wait for the SL-6000, and then hook up a USB cam... :-D
07:25.03W8TVIno thanks
07:28.47W8TVInow if only I could get some one to give me a CE-AG06
07:29.44KingRobotYes, now in that case, you wouldn't need to wait, OR spend the extra money :)
07:29.58KingRobotAhh - qpe.conf
07:31.12W8TVII'd like a small digital camera that I could take with me anywere that I was better than a $30 junk one
07:31.26W8TVIon some dumb "pen cam"
07:31.50W8TVIthat camera would work with my zaurus... seeing that I take my zaurus with me everywere
07:32.13KingRobotThe only reason I bought one of those pen cams was to take it up in my R/C aircraft once...
07:33.54W8TVII have an Olympus C700UZ, but with its 10x zoom, it makes it kinda big to take everywere
07:35.42W8TVII take both my 5500 and my 5000 with me and my sony sj-20...
07:36.32W8TVIif I want to beam a biz card to some one with an old palm, I have to send it with my sony
07:36.48W8TVIotherwise if I send it with my zaurus, it crashes the palm
07:37.03W8TVIbut my sony has POS 4.1 and it doesn't crash
07:37.48W8TVIif I could get my hands on an older palm pda then I might be able to figure out why the zaurus crashes the older pos
07:54.08W8TVII cant code (yet) but I can BS
07:54.15W8TVIright treke?
07:56.08W8TVIwell... I need to head to bed... got a job to go to tomorow
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15:42.09kollarumours about some newer hostap kernel modules for OZ 3.5.5... wild rumours?
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17:53.33trekemorning CP
17:57.03CosmicPenguintreke: morning
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17:59.35kergoth_heh,  i see oliver hasnt lost his ability to piss me off
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18:00.57kergothjust replied, probably hasnt hit the list yet
18:01.15trekeit has
18:03.19kergotheilers doesnt know how to add things to a patch? heh
18:04.14dan2003_if i evetually get to the end of this build process i think im gonna write a doc entitled "buildroot for dummies" :)
18:04.32kergothwhy bother, its deprecated
18:05.04dan2003_im building for simpad at the mo, as far as i can tell its still the way to, and some1 (i think mickey) confirmed it was only yesturday
18:05.16kergothyes, it is.
18:05.21*** join/#openembedded treke (~ggilbert@
18:05.23kergoththat doesnt mean you should waste effort on it.
18:05.45trekehehe. I forgot how cool some of e's features were
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18:24.29kergothbrb, second trip to starbucks of hte day
18:25.04kergothtreke: all day meeting. heh.
18:25.07kergothk bbl
18:40.58Twiunljp: so... when's the announcement?
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18:49.17kergothits amusing that i take a short lunch break and get caffeine instead of food.
18:49.36kergothmmm donut
18:49.51trekeregistration day, so we have boxes of them sitting around
18:50.36chuckrhey guys, the sharp zaurus site is back
18:53.25kergothwhee, back to meeting
18:59.26jdh41the Schrodinger's paradox: It exists in both states until you ping it to see if its up.
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20:11.50kergothheh, that it100 box linked too off /. looks like a modern day version of a magnia.  same functionality and similar original pricepiont
20:20.06trekeyou get debian up and running?
20:20.39kergothnah. net access at home is down, as is my directv
20:20.46kergothand i own no antenna. so no tv and no internet.
20:20.52kergothno tv and no internet makes kergoth unhappy
20:29.17gb2kergoth: find some wire?
20:29.20gb2coathanger perhaps?
20:29.27gb2kergoth: it'll be like a real texas tv.
20:29.38kergothi could just go buy a damn antenna
20:29.39kergothjust lazy
20:29.50kergothon the plus side, i can get a lot of development done with th elack of distractions
20:29.56kergoththink about it.. no tv and no irc.. :)
20:31.10gb2when comcast turned off my cable (it was on in the unit when i moved in) i eventually bought an antenna
20:31.11gb2it sucked a lot
20:31.19gb2I'm now paying comcast for cable
20:32.55chuckrhello, anything new on the subject of 760 images?
20:44.00TimRikerme pays for basic cable and internet to comcast, but gets standard cable and internet cause the basic cable filter would block the internet access. ;-)
20:47.34trekehmmm. I need to start paying for cable again
20:48.27trekegb2: hehe. It was the same here. It worked for 3 or 4 months before they turned it off
20:48.40trekethen I payed them too much for a year and havent been paying for a couple months
20:55.24tux_mikehey, anyone on the west coast?
21:05.47chuckrcould that possibly be 'cause of anything I could have mis-managed myself?
21:08.57chuckrhow do you get a *real* clean re-booting?  I might ahve some old cruft making this error occur
21:09.34chuckrI mean, pulling the power isn't good enough, how to zero alll possible memory short of disabling reflashing
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21:21.25dan2003_ist that what option3 doesn in the fflash menu?
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21:22.29chuckrI don't know, my Japanese is runsy (that';s a joke, but are you sure that's what it is?)
21:23.01chuckrdarn my typing is bad, rusty
21:24.05dan2003_well when i was using sdharp rom and upgraded to cacko, it was screwy, things didnt work, option 3 fixed it all, thwn wehn i came to oz i had a few issues, again option 3 fixed it, there is an explanation on the jap site and something does a prety good translation, cant rmeber what tho, i dont think it was google
21:24.57dan2003_i found a link to a traslated version whilst looking for sharp sources if that helps
21:24.58chuckrI know about the odd cacko innstall (I did it myself on experimentation, and it worked OK, but I liked opie better)
21:25.25chuckrI now have a 760 that I had to reflash, but I'd lost my original 760 image and can't find another to work
21:25.35chuckrthey all boot, but they all fail to network usb
21:26.07dan2003_ahh, i havent tried that since i got my wifi card, and i have always had oz since that
21:26.14dan2003_sorry, only
21:26.16chuckrmost boot very well.  I guess it's the initrd.bin's that have improved, much
21:26.36dan2003_i see if usbnet works for me
21:26.44chuckrthat's the reason I've been working with treke so much lately
21:27.12chuckrthe 760, for the last few days, thinks that usb has wifi characteristics
21:28.33dan2003_? in what way?
21:52.38chouimatcool solaris8 and 9 are free again and 10 is available too
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22:17.44ljpbeing hungover on friday mornign is fun
22:19.33chouimatljp: having 103F of fever is funnier
22:20.40ljpheheh, fun when its -5c out, eh?
22:20.57ljpits frickin hot here today
22:21.07ljp26C at 6:30
22:27.04chouimatljp: was 8C today with a lot of RAIN
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22:30.14_Psychorain was terrible, its been like 10 hours non stop choui here =p
22:30.20_Psychoits still rainning too
22:30.29_Psychogood thing its not snow =p
22:33.19chouimat_Psycho:  started this afternoon here ... and I had to go out ... I think I will be sick again :(
22:34.53treke"Oh we don't have any record of your new lease, can you leave your number and we'll call you back"
22:35.01trekesure you will. bastards
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22:47.29ljptreke: sounds like fun
22:50.13chouimatlol! when they did the autopsy of a 75 years old woman ... they found 3 chineses balls in her vagina ....
22:51.47ljpthats too much information, there dude
22:52.28chouimatljp: yup I agree
22:52.50chouimatljp: the newscaster here had some trouble telling the news
22:53.15CosmicPenguinWhy even report it?
22:53.46Neo|Worknewsworthy? :)
22:53.47ljpI would have said, "No WAY am I going to deliver this script. sorry. next question"
22:54.05chouimatCosmicPenguin: don't know ...
22:54.22ljpthink if that was your grandmother
22:54.36chouimatCosmicPenguin: you know the show you have on the radio when you get back from work ...
22:54.41chouimatljp: exactly
22:56.34chouimatif they report that it's probably because nothing happened today ...
22:56.50_PsychoTalking about stupidity i heard a good one yesterday about a thief that got caught in australia =p
22:56.58ljpcant they at least report on what Celine Dion ate for breakfast?
22:57.59chouimatljp: they do it ...
22:58.20_PsychoThe guys went to his local store and bought a santa costume. Took his bike, went down to the bank, did his job, then runned away. The guys got caught, by the police, because he forgot to remove his santa red pants while he was on his bike =p
22:58.47_Psycholjp they do it here =p
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23:00.30chouimat_Psycho:  at least we can be grateful of what Rene did ... he married her ... as we say Jesus is not the only who sacrificed himself for mankind
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23:11.58chouimathi kergoth
23:12.13fusion94i hate people
23:12.22_Psychowomen too ?
23:12.39chouimatfusion94: so what are doing in here?
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23:18.39ljpI hate some people
23:22.45fusion94ljp: heh.....currently i'm hating the people trying to mirror devnet
23:23.42mickeyllet them break it
23:23.46mickeylwho needs 3 forums?
23:23.52mickeylif at all, we need 1
23:23.54mickeylnothing more
23:23.56mickeylmaybe less
23:24.22ljpwell, theres things on devnet that they probably shouldnt be distributing
23:24.34kergothpersonally i'd say none.  mailing list + web gateway
23:24.49mickeylyeah - people insist on forums, though
23:25.26kergothwell, give them a forum interface to the ML threads
23:25.29trekemail -> www gateway
23:25.40fusion94kergoth: agreed
23:26.10mickeyla forum interface to the ML threads lacks categorization
23:26.21mickeylthat's what people like (i assume)
23:26.37trekenot at all. each mailing list is its own category
23:26.46mickeylnot that categorization would keep them from cross-posting, though
23:27.12kergothexactly.  openembedded-devel is enough of a cateogry, and below that we have the threads. imho thats more than sufficient
23:27.45trekeas it is, people have a hard time grasping that the mailing lists arent interchangable just because it's all the same people
23:28.03kergothheh, i dont see whats hard to understand about it
23:28.11kergoth-devel is for .. development questions
23:28.41treke"This doesnt work, someone fix it"
23:29.05kergothwhat really pisses me off, is people who ask support questions in this channel
23:29.10kergothjust because the correct one is quiet.
23:29.18kergothsilence doesnt make it suddenly on topic here.
23:29.41trekeI like the ones who ask in every other channel and then ask in here
23:30.38CosmicPenguinkergoth: too much cafeine and too little food today?  :)
23:31.08kergothit pisses me off everyday
23:31.10kergothnot just todya
23:32.11fusion94kergoth: you need shiner bock
23:33.52_Psychoi dont like zug forums personnaly i prefer one (I mean when i use it) phpBB is better imo =p but thats personnal
23:34.02_Psychothats probably why i almost just post on externe =p
23:35.18_Psychoand i prefer forums over mailing list =p
23:35.46_Psychotalking about build gonna try and do a build for xu4 (ultima4) for the c7x0 i guess
23:35.51kergoth_Psycho: most developers prefer ML's.  would you rather have dev support or no?
23:35.54fusion94kergoth: do i reflash my z ??
23:35.59_Psychoi got bored from qtopia 1.7 =p
23:36.05kergothfusion94: by shoving it up your ass, no doubt
23:36.25_Psychokergoth indeed, but forum are easier to search stuff, and find answer to questions for most peoples imo
23:36.38_Psychoi dont know how i can calibrate in qtopia 1.7 else my image was decent =p
23:36.41kergoth_Psycho: use it. love it.
23:36.42fusion94heh....i'll pass.....i
23:36.47kergothwe just need our lists archived there
23:37.53_PsychoIndeed, anyway im not gonna change the world =p
23:38.00_Psycho(at least tonight)
23:38.25_Psycholjp around ?
23:38.37_Psychoi had some question regarding his 1.7 build =p
23:38.49trekethe thing with forums is that I have to go search for new messages
23:38.57trekewith a decent mail client they are there and visible
23:39.00kergothwhat i hate about forums is .. using a browser
23:39.07trekeand using a browser
23:39.23_Psychotreke, thats why is cool when you are logged on, you see every new messages only in orange, easy to spot and see new posts
23:39.43trekeright but you have to go looking for them :) they dont come to you
23:40.01CosmicPenguinAnd you can't filter them
23:40.02CosmicPenguinor spell check
23:40.05_PsychoYeah but, thats the point when you work, you want to "use time"
23:40.06CosmicPenguinor archive
23:40.11CosmicPenguinor read off line
23:40.18treke"use time"
23:40.31_Psychoyou know, fake that you work, but you actually doing nothing =p
23:40.31kergothi assume he means s/use/waste/
23:40.51_Psychoyeah i just cant find a good word for it
23:40.51kergothheh, my time is valuable.  if i'm going to fake that i'm working, i'm still going to be working, just on personal not professional stuff
23:41.04ljpya, here
23:41.14_Psychowell my work is boring, couples of web site to browse during the day is great
23:41.31kergothljp: going to send my qte tslib patch i did at TI upstream.  where to?
23:41.43ljplpotter at
23:41.51kergothand is there some official processs by which i grant you guys hte rights to use it in qpl and gpl?
23:41.59kergothor just note it in the copyright header?
23:42.15ljpnot real sure. I can find out
23:42.16_Psycholjp, i just had a question about qt 1.7, does it have a calibrate function ? program or whatever ? I was not able to find any last time =p
23:42.25trekekergoth: There is, but it involves nakedness, whipped cream, and an angry raccoon
23:42.34ljpyes, it has calibrate, it is in the server
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23:42.36kergothljp: do so.  I'll email you this
23:42.58_Psychohow do i call it ? I tried some stupid stuff like qcop QPE/calibrate etc, but you know i dont know that part yet =p
23:42.59kergothi'll send you the keyboard bits when they're complete as well for your review. probably this weekend sometime
23:43.09ljpwe have a new office administrator. she's making cappichinos
23:43.17ljpand got me drunk last night
23:43.24ljpI think I like her
23:43.24trekeis that slang for secretary?
23:43.43ljpmore than secretary
23:43.50kergothugh, all day meeting so i didnt get by my apartment office
23:43.54kergothso still no net or tv
23:44.06pb_kergoth: they cut you off?
23:44.07trekeyeah, I guess getting you drunk isnt in a normal scretary's job description
23:45.01kergothpb_: dunno. both went down simultaniously.  different companies for service, so must be a local/line issue.. havent had time to bitch at them
23:45.40ljpmmmm and she delivers
23:47.11kergothljp: bastard
23:47.56fusion94kergoth: you get DSL through SBC there ?
23:48.48TheMasterMind1kergoth: wassup
23:49.29kergothfusion94: its cable, not dsl, but it is through sbc
23:49.32_Psychoso ! how do i call function from server ? qcop QPE/stuf "load()" ? (thats might be good for my test), hmm i had another question ljp but i forgot it was something related to 1.7 too oh well =p
23:49.35kergothTheMasterMind1: nada, fixing nonworking OE builds
23:49.59_Psychooh just got called for beers (again)
23:50.08_Psychotoo bad for xu4 =p
23:50.53_Psychoi need to stop typing smilies everywhere.
23:50.56_Psychoits a bad habit
23:51.27fusion94kergoth: ugh......i think i'll just transfer my sbc dsl from california to sbc dsl there in texas when i move
23:51.42kergothah thats cool
23:51.55ljpI think work just got a bit more difficult
23:52.04_Psychogod tonight most be the beers night, i just got a call from a totaly different friend, who want to go at the same place to take beers
23:53.33kergothpicked up a 15yr laphroaig scotch last night. goood
23:53.40fusion94kergoth: you'll have to come visit....that is if you have a vehicle
23:54.35kergothyep, i do
23:54.55_Psychonice web page
23:55.14kergothheh, be back tomorrow, im goin home
23:56.11ljpfine. sit in your appartment with no tv or internet
23:59.16pb_looks like kergoth started a stampede.

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