irclog2html for #openembedded on 20031203

00:06.54*** join/#openembedded W8TVI|lib (
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00:31.33W8TVI|libibot, seen W8TVI
00:31.36w8tvi is currently on #opie (18h 36m 46s) #zaurus (18h 36m 46s) #openembedded (18h 36m 46s) #magnia (18h 36m 46s) #openzaurus (18h 36m 46s).  Has said a total of 114 messages.  Is idling for 6h 28m 29s
00:34.22kergothibot: webpal
00:34.23from memory, webpal is a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or, or only $13 + shipping!, or schematics are available from:
00:35.18kergothhey Twiun
00:35.56Twiuncouldn't sleep ;)
00:36.58Twiunyou what it's like when you've got this bug you can't seem to fix...
00:37.20Twiunit's like a scab you just have to pick at constantly
00:38.11trekethen I realized the reason i couldnt reproduce the bug was that it was fixed two weeks ago.
00:38.19Twiunargh, those are bad
00:38.42Twiunmine's completely reproducible unfortunately
00:59.11*** join/#openembedded Kotan (
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01:01.27*** join/#openembedded BadCode (
01:11.46CIA07ChangeSet@1.352 Add glibc-initial, and install glibc into cross_dir, for glibc toolchain builds.
01:15.16Disconnectkergoth: so I need to build gcc-initial, then gcc-cross?
01:15.39Twiunfound the frigging bug
01:15.40kergothorder is:
01:15.53kergothbinutils, glibc-initial, gcc-initial-cross, glibc, gcc-cross
01:16.45Disconnectok cool
01:16.55Twiunkergoth: found the bug that was preventing Swing from showing up in fbAWT... see if you can find the bug in this buffer copy code
01:16.58Twiunfor(int i=x;i<xmax;i++)
01:18.27kergoththis is relatively foreign, but shouldnt you be calling getPixels against i & j?
01:18.45Twiun7 frigging days
01:18.50kergothhehe, i hate those
01:19.07Twiunit just goes to show that staring at code 24/7 impairs your reasoning
01:19.20Disconnectyep. shoulda posted that a week ago and saved yourself some time ;)
01:19.50TwiunI didn't know that's where the problem was though
01:20.02TwiunI've got a good 18k lines it could have been in
01:20.03Disconnectwell then we can't help you, can we?
01:20.07Disconnectdon't paste that..
01:20.14TwiunHaha, FIND ALL MY BUGS!
01:20.42Twiunno, but at least now Swing should be happening before end feb
01:20.53Twiunready for fosdem
01:21.31Twiun... might host a fbAWT/VNC server on Jason's box for that occasion
01:21.37Twiungive it some load
01:22.31Disconnectgive it lots of load - post it to slashdot. ;)
01:22.38Twiunno slashdotting until this is ready for primetime :)
01:22.53Disconnectbut how will you know w/o the slashdot acid test?
01:23.10kergothdamnit, i need polish for this cd
01:23.43TwiunDisconnect: there's really nothing to show to /. yet :)
01:23.50Twiunthis thing's about 40% done
01:24.20*** join/#openembedded phpCure (
01:24.34Disconnectkergoth: 7-11 might carry that sort of thing these days. if you are willing to pay $15 for it ;) (well.. its 7:30 there.. sounds like time for a trip to best buy or *mart or some such)
01:27.42Disconnectugh. ipkg-build.
01:28.59Disconnectugh. thats right. ipkg-utils won't build cuz distutils is only available in python 1.5...
01:29.12Disconnect(at least in deb)
01:29.35kergothyou're buliding a toolchain, just disable package_ipk for now
01:30.07Disconnectah here it is, its in python-dev .. how odd.
01:31.25Disconnectdo I need to clean glibc-initial?
01:32.39TwiunGrrr... hate these projects that need the latest tools ;)
01:32.41Twiunautomake, autoconf, libtool, m4
01:35.24Disconnectcould be worse. I'm dealing with this one mess, got two build systems, none of them work quite right, the releases don't match the.. oh. nevermind. ;) ;) :) ;) ;)
01:37.49Twiunbuildroot's always worked fine for me :)
01:38.49Disconnecttry building 3.3.5 with the official 3.x/2.95.x toolchains, using the default configs. (if that works, great.. then try it with the husky config..)
01:40.53Twiunahh, no point you see, all I have is this 5000d :)
01:41.20Twiunand I don't even have that anymore as I've lent it to Opie's future GUI designer
01:41.53Twiunthat's one of the reasons I'm concentrating on the Java dev
01:43.14Disconnectno need for a Z, it won't get far enough to install anything ;)
01:48.35*** join/#openembedded Pendalar (
01:58.50*** join/#openembedded Kimchi_ (
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03:17.16treke|homekergoth: ping
03:17.55kergothtreke|home: pong
03:18.34treke|homekergoth: hh.o is only applying rmk's patches to their 2.6 tree and not nico's pxa patch. You happen to know if the pxa patch is still relevant?
03:18.51kergoththey applied schurig's bkpxa patchset
03:18.59kergothshould have about everything they need
03:19.36treke|homeI figured hh.o had made a sane decision, just wanted to double check
03:21.04ljphh.o is that a new module?
03:27.47treke|homelabeled "pxa buzzer data"
03:29.49chouimathi treke|home ljp
04:22.57CIA07ChangeSet@1.353 Remove unnecessary sets of the S variable, we have a sane default for that now.
04:41.43*** join/#openembedded Kimchi (
04:44.57treke|homeok. Thats enough kernel crap for one night :)
05:56.52*** join/#openembedded Kimchi_ (
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06:35.22ljpmickeyl: ping yet
07:05.57W8TVIibot: seen W8TVI
07:05.58w8tvi is currently on #opie (1d 1h 11m 8s) #zaurus (1d 1h 11m 8s) #openembedded (1d 1h 11m 8s) #magnia (1d 1h 11m 8s) #openzaurus (1d 1h 11m 8s).  Has said a total of 127 messages.  Is idling for 1s
07:10.47W8TVIkergoth: did Tim get yopy?
07:26.55*** join/#openembedded darkschneider (~gab@
07:34.28treke|homecool. There's a project that's working on reverse engineering the broadcom wireless drivers, and they seem to be making a bit of progress
07:54.54cynconglomerate looks to be a neat editor but it also appears to be dog slow
07:55.01cyns/editor/xml editor/
07:55.23cynentirely unrelated to oe/oz except we're lacking docs and I'm on a docbook trip
07:55.42cynand when I say 'we' I say it like I do something, which is an utter lie but makes me feel good
08:01.43Twiunit's still true though
08:01.56Twiunwhat's conglomerate done in? gpl?
08:02.01Twiunoh, and g'morning btw
08:20.13*** join/#openembedded stigger (
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08:55.03treke|homebent pin in the cf slot
08:55.11treke|homewonder how that got out of wack
08:56.04Twiunsticking your fingers in there again?
08:56.25treke|homenope :)
08:56.36treke|homeall fixed now.
08:56.37Twiunmust be the pin-goblin
08:56.49treke|homewell not all fixed, but sufficiently fixed
09:06.43Twiunnice :)
09:06.50Twiunstill working on gpe I take it
09:07.16treke|homeNot really. Just hoping to get a decent c760 gpe install :)
09:51.35*** join/#openembedded Barna (~zaxx@
09:55.57BarnaAnyone tried to run DOSBox ( under the Zaurus? :-)
09:57.41TwiunI'm sure somebody has, have you looked on ZSI and searched the oz mail archives?
10:09.48BarnaWhere can I search through the mail archives?
10:13.44TwiunI'd use google ;) doesn't have search facilities
10:24.59*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
10:27.58BarnaI've found a compiled binary, but the creator of these said, it crashes without any message... at least on his Z5000D (
10:49.29*** join/#openembedded cmartin (
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11:08.55mickeylhey i'm even too tired to yawn correctly
11:08.58mickeylmorning, btw.
11:09.32Twiunhey mickeyl :)
11:09.47Twiungot something for ya:
11:10.00TwiunSwing on fbAWT... partially working :)
11:16.47Twiunlooks much better than my junk :)
11:17.15Twiuncan't comment on speed yet though, input layer is completely foobar'd for Swing for some reason
11:21.05mickeyldefinitly progressing though
11:21.23TwiunI'm aiming to finish before fosdem
11:25.09ljpmickeyl: are simpads still available?
11:25.12cmartinmickeyl: seen the ML Post from chicken with Intimate on his simpad?
11:25.34cmartinmickeyl: I just wonder how he gets hda and eth0 at the same time
11:26.01mickeylcmartin: not hda
11:26.03mickeylcmartin: nfs
11:26.09mickeylwith pivot_root
11:26.17mickeylthe installation is around 650MB
11:26.23cmartinhmm... in the screenshot i see hda and ide0
11:26.37mickeylljp: only on ebay
11:26.52*** join/#openembedded ljp_ (
11:27.02mickeylcmartin: ask him. he will later this day be on
11:27.10mickeyl(like every day ;)
11:28.01ljp_there was a discussin of qtopia and tablets, and I mentioned opie on simpad, and one of the devs wants one
11:31.05mickeylljp: ah. sounds good. ebay seems your only choice though. the models are sold out everywhere
11:32.09ljp_that is what I thought and thats what I told him :)
11:38.43*** join/#openembedded stigger (
12:20.18Twiuncan't wait for the FUD to hit the fan
12:21.50*** join/#openembedded crazy-b (
12:22.52ljpfud fan
12:26.39*** join/#openembedded BadCode (
12:42.36*** join/#openembedded Kimchi (
12:47.22cmartinmickeyl: OT - python packages - maybe it's better to remove those packages from and point people to your feed instead
12:47.28cmartinmickeyl: what do you think?
12:48.23cmartinmickeyl: it would minimize administration
13:01.12mickeylcmartin: yes, definitly a good idea
13:01.24mickeylthere's packages for both gcc2 and gcc3
13:01.42crazy-bhmm whats the difference between the initial and non-initial builds? i guess whenever i see an initial, i have to oebuiold that first?
13:05.36*** part/#openembedded elemental0125 (
14:00.36*** join/#openembedded Kimchi (
14:06.48crazy-bhi chouimat
14:08.02Twiunhowdy chouimat
14:08.24chouimatTwiun tired
14:09.14Twiunchouimat: me too, satisfying coding session though :)
14:10.07chouimatTwiun me it was a very very short night even if i slept 9 hours ,...
14:10.46Twiunafter that success, my 5 hours sleep feels like 10
14:11.25chouimatnot for me  ... brb need coffee
14:26.27*** join/#openembedded Barna (~zaxx@
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14:28.30mickeylis it possible to get the compiler version out of an arbitrary binary?
14:32.04chouimatmickeyl hi not sure ... and how is the 3.3.2 collie image?
14:33.34mickeyl"how" ?
14:33.39mickeylit's great
14:34.11mickeylgcc3 and newer pcmcia-cs seems to have cured the hotplug problems
14:34.20mickeylhowever you have to live with 6 seconds suspend time
14:34.30mickeylbut i can live with that if it wakes up correctly :)
14:39.21crazy-bhmm. why is my custom oebuild not installing to the relative dir tmp/base/package-name/package-name but to / ?! i only used inherit autotools which did the job, but installs to a wrong dir ?!
14:42.12crazy-baeh i mean it does not install to the "image" dir
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14:45.18gb2mickey: gcc throws it into either the .note or .comment section
14:45.26gb2mickey: but that's often stripped out
14:45.49mickeylah right
14:46.09mickeylipkg strips everything before packing
14:46.18mickeylthen it has to be done @ compile time
14:46.28gb2what is it you're trying to do?
14:47.05chouimatmickeyl where is it ... and the apps are compiled with gcc 3.3.2 too?
14:47.22mickeylgb2: certain things. first cosmetics: i want opie-sysinfo to show the gcc version number it has been compiled with. 2nd) i want our package manager to warn if you try to install a gcc2 program on a gcc3 system
14:48.04mickeylchouimat: - yes, the apps are compiled with 3.3.2 - in fact only the apps, because the kernel and the modules have to be compiled with gcc 2 thanks to embedix
14:48.09gb2mickey: compiler used for the kernel is in /proc/version
14:48.16mickeyl(or thanks to gcc)
14:48.30mickeylgb2: yeah, but that doesn't match the app
14:48.36chouimatmickeyl that sucks btw
14:49.03mickeylchouimat: i know... but even if the kernel would be compilable we had the problem with the sd-module ...
14:49.59chouimatok I really need to finish this vpn thingy so I can ship it by the 12h10 bus ...
14:51.02chouimatmickeyl you seems to allways forget to put a feed.tar.bz2 :)
14:51.54mickeylah well...
14:52.05mickeylthis is a minor priority task
14:52.13gb2mickey: gcc2 stuff should wokrk fine on a gcc3 system
14:52.23mickeylgb2: we're talking about g++ here
14:52.34gb2mickey: libstdc++ differs
14:52.44mickeyleverything c++ differs
14:52.55chouimatmickeyl and a major pain for me ... nm I will download them later ...  and 2.6 test seems to handle my work load better than 2.4.20-22
14:53.11mickeylchouimat: well... what's so hard in doing "wget -r" ?
14:53.21gb2mickey: i guess the application libraries differ
14:53.40chouimatmickeyl actually i think the problem is in front of the screen
14:55.35gb2i thought there was some way around that issue
15:01.50gb2it ought to be possible to determine c++ ABI from the binary
15:02.06gb2and it ought to be possible to do up compatibility libraries
15:02.20gb2(which would take up space, sure)
15:02.27gb2but would allow the user to run both ABIs
15:02.30mickeylmithro was working on it
15:02.39mickeyli don't know the status of those libs
15:02.44Twiunmithro got them to work afaik
15:03.09*** join/#openembedded TimRiker (
15:03.25chouimathi TimRiker
15:03.55chouimatmickeyl what is opie-doctab?
15:04.14gb2i'm thinking on the problem of supporting both uclibc and glibc built stuff as well
15:07.20mickeylchouimat: first time wizard app to disable the doc tab
15:26.24*** join/#openembedded dan2003 (
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15:50.37*** join/#openembedded Kimchi (
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16:00.37*** join/#openembedded bipolar (
16:11.10bipolaryou mickeyl
16:11.22bipolarjust making faces at everyone :p
16:11.35mickeylyour normal behaviour
16:11.41bipolarwoot! new multisync released!
16:11.49bipolarnow syncs palm too!
16:12.04bipolarand ldap... nice
16:13.59bipolarnow I just have to wait for the debian packager to get it uploaded. :)
16:14.17mewyndo you think i could make it sync with isync?
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16:14.50mewynit does ldap, so that would sync the contacts
16:15.50bipolarnot sure about isync
16:15.58bipolariapp = mac?
16:16.25bipolarif it did ical, that would work. Then it could sync kde calendar too.
16:18.02mewynisync uses syncml
16:19.50bipolarmewyn: oh!
16:20.01bipolarmewyn: there you go then. multisync does syncml
16:25.03*** join/#openembedded CIA (CIA@cia.utility.freenode)
16:25.49bipolarnow if only opengroupware would get it's syncml plugin working I'd be all set.
16:31.30*** join/#openembedded W8TVI (
16:31.55gb2mickeyl: oh.  did you try readelf -V on a binary?
16:32.19gb2that may tell you enough info about whether a file is gcc3 or gcc2 abi
16:32.34tiptoneanybody know how long has been down ?
16:33.38mickeylgb2: good idea, trying that - thanks
16:33.50mickeyltiptone: since spencer left... since monday
16:38.13tiptoneTwiun: thanks, i never check the ZUG site, wish i would have knows was going down...
16:38.26Twiuntiptone: I never do either ;)
16:38.34Twiuntiptone: found out this link today
16:44.19*** join/#openembedded Kimchi (
16:44.33Twiuncan usb2.0 cdrw drives be powered entirely by usb or does that not have enough power?
16:47.20dan2003definatly not enough power, unless u plan on burning at very low sppeds, then it might be possible
16:47.36dan2003but i doubt any cdrw has been designerd to ork like this
16:48.13gb2fog% readelf -V test
16:48.17gb2Version needs section '.gnu.version_r' contains 2 entries:
16:48.53Twiundan2003: actually, I don't think I'd do burning on usb power... it's mostly the cdr and dvdr playback
16:49.05*** part/#openembedded cmartin (
16:49.05gb2so it is properly listing the ABI for libraries in gcc3
16:49.26gb2gcc296 compiled version doesn't have versioned library deps there.
16:49.33dan2003i doubt thats possible either, i dont think the burning part requires taht much more power than reading
16:58.58*** join/#openembedded Speedy2 (
17:31.45trekekergoth: Very coold deal. That w100 patch has been updated to handle all rotations
17:32.26bipolarkergoth is awake?
17:42.51*** join/#openembedded W8TVI|z (
17:43.09W8TVI|zibot seen w8tvi
17:43.10w8tvi is currently on #opie (1h 11m 36s) #zaurus (1h 11m 36s) #openembedded (1h 11m 36s) #magnia (1h 11m 36s) #openzaurus (1h 11m 36s)
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18:00.28mickeyltreke: apropos rotation patch...
18:00.34mickeylwill this ever come to opie ?
18:00.52trekeit isnt an opie patch
18:01.00mickeylsince when?
18:01.05mickeylyou always talked about patching opie
18:01.12trekeIt's never been one. This is a kernel patch
18:01.42mickeyli'm talking about autorotation on c7x0
18:01.59trekeIt adds support to the w100fb driver to handle rotation at the kernel level instead of faking it through qte
18:02.13mickeylsounds scary...
18:02.18mickeylbut cool
18:02.36mickeylhmm - that would be the solution to my directfb problems
18:02.48trekewhat directfb problems?
18:02.51mickeyldirectfb doesn't handle rotated fb
18:03.03mickeylso everything is rotated
18:03.10mickeyland i planned to use that for a bootmenu
18:03.38mickeylthat would definitly improve qte speed a lot
18:03.45mickeyldid you test it yet?
18:03.52trekeMallum is testing it
18:04.01mickeylcrossing fingers
18:04.05trekemickeyl: In theory it would improve performance for landscape mode
18:04.11trekenot portrait though
18:04.36kergothobviously it wont affect qte as much as it does X.. qte handles rotation far far more sanely
18:04.38mickeylyeah. but then again, landscape is the one that matters when you want to use the keyboard
18:04.39W8TVIwas there a netsplit about an hour or so ago?
18:04.54*** join/#openembedded chouimat (
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18:05.00trekeqte does a really good job. X was slow as hell.
18:05.13mickeylhow can i trigger rotation from userspace?
18:05.16mickeyl(with that patch)
18:05.19trekemickeyl: fbset
18:05.31trekehead has a qcop call
18:05.57trekemickeyl: It would probably break horribly still since the ts would suddently be in a different orientation
18:07.03mickeyltreke: yeah. that has to be synchronized with odevice
18:07.12mickeylor rather qte
18:07.14kergothi was going to fix that, but its annoying having to modify both tslib and qte, so i figured i'd just finish writing libtscal and get the calib algo out of qte entirely
18:07.15mickeylor both
18:07.28mickeylkergoth: sounds like a sane plan
18:07.51trekeWell mallum says the proc entry isnt working in an obvious manner
18:07.59kergothnow if only i could find the time to do so..
18:11.34chouimatarrrggg gusb-storage sucks
18:14.02mickeyltreke: who did that patch?
18:16.52*** join/#openembedded BadCode (
18:19.27mickeylhmm... there are loads of patches in this directory
18:19.36mickeyli wonder which ones would be useful for us
18:26.41*** join/#openembedded dan2003 (
18:26.46trekefun. Our phones just magically decided to die
18:26.57*** join/#openembedded Disconnect (
18:27.05gb2how appropriate.
18:28.20*** join/#openembedded drw|bbl (
18:28.30trekeyeah. I'm blaming the alarm guys since they are the only ones in the phone room :)
18:29.03trekebut it was wierd. Every card just magically stopped working simultaneously.
18:30.37gb2our phone system did that a few weeks ago
18:30.44Pendalarand in the distance you hear "welcome back mr. anderson"
18:31.02trekeso I turned it off and turned it back on and everything is flowers and puppy dogs again
18:34.04*** join/#openembedded robilad (
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18:43.12dan2003glibc built but i dont have ipkg-build, where can i get this?
18:43.39dan2003thinking about it it must be in buildroot
18:51.15trekeok. all the non w100fb or lcd buffering code is stripped out of this patch
18:52.51kergothdan2003: ipkg-utils-native
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18:54.51dan2003i cant get glib to build, fails configuring with a similar problem to what i had the other day but not th same
18:55.10dan2003checking for extra flags to get ANSI library prototypes... configure: error: can not run test program while cross compiling
18:55.10dan2003FATAL: oe_runconf failed
18:55.32kergothsounds like you havent build autoconf-native, automake-native, and libtool-cross.
18:56.05dan2003ok, i havent so need to do em first, is there a list somewhere of the orderin which to build things?
18:56.10kergothoebuild showdata path/to/what/you/want/to/build.oe|grep ^DEPENDS
18:56.20dan2003ok, that will do
18:56.31kergothcan you confirm the use of showdata is in the wiki?
18:56.37kergothneed to get all this stuff documented
18:56.46kergothshowdata dumps all the package metadata, both variables and functions
18:57.57dan2003im not sure what u mean by confirm the use of is in the wiki
18:58.14kergothNOTE: if you wnat to know what order to build shit in, use showdata
18:58.17kergothwhat did you just ask me?
18:58.19kergothWRITE IT DOWN
18:59.56kergothugh, i so need caffeine
19:00.01dan2003showdata isnt mentioned on the getting started page
19:00.13dan2003but a methid to check depneds is
19:00.21kergothwhat method?
19:00.31dan2003i either missed it the other day, didnt get it at the time, or its been added since
19:00.52dan2003grep ^DEPENDS pkg_dir/*.oe to find those dependencies.
19:00.58kergoththats incorrect
19:01.06kergothdepends come from more than just the .oe
19:01.07*** join/#openembedded chouimat (
19:01.12kergothautoconf-native, etc come in via autotools.oeclass
19:01.13chouimatmickeyl ping
19:01.19kergothlibtool-cross comes from libtool.oeclass
19:01.25*** mode/#openembedded [+o chouimat] by ChanServ
19:01.27kergothcan you replace that with a call to oebuild showdata?
19:01.29kergothin the wiki
19:01.31dan2003ill use the what u mentioned above :)
19:02.05mickeylchouimat: pong
19:02.08trekehmmm. 860s for 590.
19:02.16trekeThat's better than brando.
19:02.22chouimatmickeyl the 3.3.2 image rocks
19:02.41mickeylchouimat: :D
19:02.55mickeylyeah, it's pretty fast
19:03.06Pendalartreke where?
19:03.13trekemickeyl: what toolchain did you get
19:03.21mickeyltreke: 3.3.2
19:03.24trekePendalar: just closed the window
19:03.27chouimatmickeyl about 50% faster
19:03.27PendalarI assume that's without shipping and what not?
19:03.39trekemickeyl: Make sure you distribute a copy of libstdc++
19:03.40Pendalarthat's why god put the History area in most browsers
19:03.54mickeyltreke: already in the image
19:03.59mickeyltreke: and in an ipk
19:04.07trekeI just had a tarball of it for my image :)
19:04.21trekeyou have free time to test a gcc 2 build?
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19:04.33mickeyltreke: for c7x0 ?
19:04.46mickeyltreke: yeah, why not. where ?
19:04.53trekelemme post it
19:05.02trekeI did it on sunday, just havent had a chance to reflash
19:05.05gb2kergoth: i was thinking of sprinkling in a few sanity tests into the glibc and uclibc toolchains so improper builds fail fast rather than either failing later, or succeeding and building nonsense.
19:05.16gb2any objections to that?
19:05.23mickeyltreke: oh and please take a look at kernel-h3600 in the buildroot. it fails but i have no idea why. since it's your package, maybe you have an idea
19:05.26trekeit's in that thread
19:05.26kergothgb2: hmm, doesnt sound like a bad idea.. what sort of checks?
19:05.34mickeylgb2: sounds good
19:05.39gb2kergoth: uclibc actually targeting uclibc
19:05.50gb2similar with the glibc ones
19:06.12trekePendalar: Apparently 590 is including shipping
19:06.26trekeWhich would make it a really really good deal.
19:07.32gb2just some quick checks on the target stuff. like: if TARGET_SYS contains uclibc fail for a glibc gcc toolchain
19:07.33gb2and similar
19:07.58kergothgb2: thats pretty hackish
19:08.01Pendalartreke and includes the export taxes?
19:08.08kergothi mean, what if i build one of other libcs?
19:08.21trekePendalar: Nope.
19:08.42gb2kergoth: that's fine.
19:08.56Pendalarhm so $630ish in the end I'd guess
19:08.58kergothmy point is, C libraries other than uclibc and glibc will still stomp all over one another
19:09.01kergothdo we hardcode them all
19:09.09trekePendalar: The import taxes tend to be luck. I paid none for my c760
19:09.09kergoththe proper solution is already in the TODO
19:09.19gb2kergoth: my idea is you don't let it build the other libc
19:09.27chouimatmickeyl I'm quite pleased with the speed ... I don't need to get a new zaurus or ipaq based on the 400mhz xscale ;)
19:09.28kergothsplit staging by package, with symlinks for PROVIDEs
19:09.39Pendalarheh whether it was smuggeled or fedex'd? heh
19:09.42trekechouimat: the screen is the nice part :)
19:09.46trekePendalar: FedEx.
19:09.47kergoththen if i depend on virtual/libc, that dir's include and lib paths get added to my flags
19:09.53CosmicPenguinchouimat: not to mention that the xscale dma sucks rocks
19:09.54trekePendalar: It went through customs, there just wasnt any charge.
19:09.55kergothwhich only ever points at the top satisfier
19:09.56gb2kergoth: hrm.
19:09.58DisconnectPendalar: I paid nothing in duties. someone ended up paying $15 or some such.
19:10.13PendalarI wonder how it's random
19:10.17gb2kergoth: there are still a few nonsensical builds.
19:10.22trekeThey probably don't check every package.
19:10.25PendalarI guess dependant on whether than can prove it's to be resold or not or something
19:10.29DisconnectPendalar: depends on what crates it ends up in
19:10.30kergothgb2: ?
19:10.39gb2kergoth: target is uclibc, and you attempt to build the glibc based cross compiler.
19:10.56gb2or viceversa
19:11.06Pendalaris there some decent way to have the same outcome near every time?
19:11.19kergothgb2: the glibc based gcc will depend on glibc and on down
19:11.28chouimatCosmicPenguin don't know ... I just shipped a vpn solution ... and I have some time off now
19:11.38kergothoh, i see what you mean.. splitting staging wont split cross_dir
19:11.46gb2that too.
19:11.53trekeprobably no legal way of doing it :)
19:12.06kergothbecause the staging split will keep everything happy in that area
19:12.10Pendalarlegal is choice
19:12.11kergothnobody will link against the wrong libs
19:12.20trekePendalar: Just seems to be luck of the draw. I know people who have gotten hit every time they've imported and others who have never been hit
19:12.20gb2kergoth: i'm very close to having split cross_dir working
19:12.21kergothbut cross_dir, not sure how one could solve that elegantly
19:12.30gb2relatively elegantly too
19:12.41gb2kergoth: i386-uclibc-linux vs. i386-linux
19:12.46gb2is the current thing i'm doing
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19:13.07kergoththeres no way for that to work if it tries to build both
19:13.24kergothwe only have one binutils build..
19:13.28kergothguess if we had a second one we'd be fine
19:13.42kergoththen all the u clibc chain .oe's alter TARGET_VENDOR
19:13.45kergoththatll do
19:13.51gb2we have 2 binutils builds right now
19:13.57trekearg. want to flash a kernel and I don't have a cf reader :(
19:13.57andreas__hi. does anybody know how i can use the irda interface on my simpad to make a connection to my laptop?
19:14.10gb2kergoth: why should they alter it?
19:14.14kergothandreas__: the same way you'd use an irda interface on any linux device to your laptop?
19:14.24andreas__kergoth: and that is?
19:14.25kergothgb2: hm?
19:14.35gb2kergoth: have the uclibc toolchain ones force target_vendor?
19:14.43kergothgb2: the uclibc package at a minimum has to use the uclibc chain
19:14.50andreas__kergoth: i tried irlan, ircomm, irnet, ircp and anything with ir in the beginning i can think of
19:14.56kergothgb2: which implies a proper set of the target prefix/sys/vendor
19:15.05kergothotherwise itll use i386-linux, default
19:15.21gb2my thought was fail to build the package if target_vendor != -uclibc
19:15.27chouimatyes! arm-linux-3.3.2-gcc
19:15.31andreas__but no sucess. ircp doesn't get a connection, irlan doesn't transfer any data
19:15.39kergothif we force vendor, it could build both chains in a single build run
19:15.46kergothif your cross_dir split is in place anyway
19:15.53gb2yeah, that's true
19:16.03chouimatkergoth and add the compiler version to the name ...
19:16.06gb2kergoth: staging/target/ needs some rethinking.
19:16.12kergothgb2: yep.
19:16.21gb2chouimat: that's a little trickier, but that is also doable in this sort of setup
19:16.21kergothi like the idea of splitting it up by package
19:16.36kergoththen i only ever get he libs *i* want
19:16.37kergothfo rexample
19:16.40gb2kergoth: staging/target/${toolchain}/... ?
19:16.42kergothsay oemake builds 4 versions of libnet
19:16.44kergothi depend on the one i want
19:16.52kergothand i dont get anything of the other versions
19:16.56gb2where toolchain is the magic correct thing that's eluding me right now
19:17.05kergothhere, example
19:17.08kergothncurses 5.3 build
19:17.11chouimatgb2 I know but i have it's easier for maintenance and for using distcc and teambuilder too ...
19:17.16kergothdrops its libs in staging/target/ncurses-5.3-r0/lib
19:17.24kergothand headers in staging/target/ncurses-5.3-r0/include
19:17.32kergothand staging/target/ncurses-5.3 is a symlink there
19:17.38kergothas is ncurses
19:17.41chouimathmmm  lacks of sleep == my english and french spelling sucks
19:17.46kergoththen i express dependency in bash
19:17.53kergothDEPENDS = ncurses
19:18.06gb2it populates CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS?
19:18.15kergothadds -I${STAGING_DIR}/target/ncurses to the flags
19:18.23kergothno package shared data overlap
19:18.26kergothnobody stomps on anyone else
19:18.29trekeplenty of sleep == my english spelling sucks
19:18.32gb2how would you handle multiple toolchains?
19:18.35gb2another subdir indirection?
19:18.43kergothtoolchains are no different wrt staging
19:18.50gb2kergoth: libs are
19:18.59gb2uclibc lib != glibc lib
19:19.02kergothno they arent. the uclibc gcc package DEPENDS on uclibc, not glibc
19:19.07gb2no no
19:19.08kergothjust dont depend on virtual/libc
19:19.15chouimattreke and you're native ...
19:19.16gb2build shared ncurses
19:19.16kergothdepend on glibc or uclibc
19:19.20gb2it'll depend on uclibc
19:19.25gb2or glibc
19:19.32trekechouimat: My spelling isnt actually that bad when I pay attention.
19:19.34kergothgb2: thats a multiple provides situation.
19:19.39kergothno different than what we'll hit in oemake.
19:19.42trekechouimat: It's just irc/email/aim that it sucks in
19:19.46kergothjust need a way to specify which provider of virtual/libc i want
19:19.56gb2kergoth: i see what you're meaning.
19:19.57chouimattreke my english spelling is better than my french ...
19:20.14chouimatanyone know if there is a port of busybox for FreeBSD?
19:20.25gb2kergoth: so stage glibc into staging/target/glibc.../include and lib
19:20.28trekechouimat: With things like irc I just type the first thing that comes to mind whether it is correct or not :)
19:20.33kergothgb2: yep
19:20.44kergothall PROVIDERS are linked
19:20.50kergothPN-PV, PN, and so on
19:20.56kergothquite clean
19:20.58kergothonly prob i see is
19:21.04kergothreally fucking long commandlines due to all our -I's
19:21.06gb2and if i get my crossdir stuff setup ok, that'll work right too.
19:21.07kergothcould hit length limits
19:21.10kergothgb2: exactly
19:21.16chouimattreke on IM we usaly write something like : koi de 9? instead of Quoi de neuf  ....
19:21.25Pendalartreke: that would be about $546.84 direct from
19:21.28Disconnecthrm. irda sorta works. had to run irattach by hand, then it seems to be alive.
19:21.37kergothit could build both toolchains in one pass, then immediately abort when it moves to actual 'virtual/libc' builds if it doesnt know who you prefer
19:21.38Pendalarso other than fluffed for shipping... that may or may not be good
19:21.59trekePendalar: The post I saw was saying 590 with shipping.
19:22.01gb2kergoth: right.
19:22.03Pendalardependant on if you can get the unit shipped from .jp to .us for less than $35
19:22.08trekeThat is a damn good price no matter how you cut it
19:22.13andreas__Disconnect: what do i have to use on my laptop to get a connection? ircp? openobex?
19:22.26kergothgb2: obviously this implies we need to move the interpackage digraph interaction into the OE core
19:22.27gb2kergoth: i'm also working at figuring out what we need in the way of "compat" packages.
19:22.30Pendalartrue I don't see how they can be making much profit on it
19:22.32kergothgb2: along with multiple provides handling at that level
19:22.37gb2kergoth: think mostly uclibc system, but you need to run a glibc app
19:22.44gb2install the glibc-compat package
19:22.50trekePendalar: The profit is in the price already
19:22.55trekePendalar: Same as any other store.
19:22.57kergoththatd be pretty cool if you could pull it off
19:23.00Disconnectyep and it beams..
19:23.06Disconnectandreas__: I use irobex_palm3
19:23.07gb2redhat has been doing it for years with c++ stuff
19:23.49trekePendalar: the biggest difference is that they are shipping out of the us, so there is some paperwork/more expensive shipping
19:23.51kergothgb2: well, this is a bit more complex, what with needing a different ld-*.so and stuff, but yeah, still reaosnable
19:23.54kergoththatd be very cool
19:24.06gb2kergoth: that's not an issue, their namespaces don't overlap
19:24.12kergothah, good
19:24.24trekedynamism jacks up the price to 900 bucks because they do support/conversion, and probably pay more per device
19:24.25gb2it becomes an issue if you want uclibc and glibc versions of say.. ncurses
19:24.40kergothyou know, i wish /usr/lib was as split and clean as my proposed staging breakdown
19:25.02trekewell that and they are greedy mofos
19:25.17gb2kergoth: x86_64 and similar have this issue too
19:25.18kergothgb2: hmm, indeed
19:25.22gb2kergoth: you have a /lib and /lib64
19:25.38kergothso we may need a /usr/lib/uclibc/lib
19:25.45kergothor glibc, depending on which is primary
19:26.37gb2not too bad since they have different dynamic linkers ..
19:27.15treke~lart sourceforge for hiding email addresses in mail archives
19:27.17kergothjust think of how large shit gets if you need just one glibc build package.. glibc is such a monster
19:27.21andreas__ok, my simpad says "found AP301" (ap301 is my laptop)... let's try if this obex stuff works
19:27.42gb2it means you are defining a distinct "primary" though
19:27.55kergothwouldnt have to, if we ditch /usr/lib/*.so entirely
19:27.59gb2unless you do completely distinct namespaces
19:28.02kergothin favor of /usr/lib/[clib]/lib
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19:28.42kenbhi kergoth
19:28.46kergothhey kenb
19:28.47kergothhow goes?
19:29.01kenbnot bad.  I see 3.3.5 is out.  Where's the kernel-source available?
19:29.12kenbOE bkbits or OZ bkbits?
19:29.13gb2kergoth: supporting old gcc2 c++ stuff shouldn't be hard either
19:29.18trekeapparently someone has a working broadcom driver for  linux ppc, but I cant get his email addres to see what he did
19:29.20kergothkenb: 3.3.x is buildroot, 3.5.x is OE based
19:29.20kenbNeed to build new FreeS/WAN packages.
19:29.27kenbkergoth: okay, cool.
19:29.45gb2kergoth: since gcc3 stuff has the proper CXXABI versioning, you can teach the dynamic linker to key on that
19:29.56kenbobot: oz buildroot
19:29.58kergothhmm true
19:30.00kenbibot: oz buildroot
19:30.02methinks oz bk is bk clone bk:// buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
19:30.17andreas__Disconnect: irobex_palm3 says "Sorry, unable to connect!"
19:31.01CosmicPenguinWow - builds go much faster when you only build the X server and libraries... :)
19:31.45kenbkergoth: anyone got thier hands on a 6000 yet?
19:31.58kergothkenb: not that i know of
19:32.19kenbkergoth: k.  That's what I'd like to target next ;)
19:32.21Disconnectandreas__: running as root, discovery/receive on on both sides, irattach on both sides?
19:32.30kenbkergoth: TI still being nice to you?
19:32.31Disconnectandreas__: if its not showing in /proc/net/irda/discovery, nothing will work
19:33.07andreas__Disconnect: both devices "see" ech other in discovery
19:33.14kergothkenb: yeah. portions are getting boring, but every job gets that wya
19:33.25andreas__the simpad has receiving enabled
19:33.26kenbkergoth: beats Digi tech support, I'm sure =)
19:34.00chouimatkergoth 3.5.x is available?
19:34.00Disconnectandreas__: run irobex_palm3 on the receiver, then irobex_palm3 file on the sender
19:34.06Disconnect(in that order)
19:34.26andreas__don't have it on the receiver...
19:34.27kergothchouimat: no
19:34.32kergothkenb: oh hell yes
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19:35.16andreas__i thought the simpad hat some kind of file xfer app running, because i can enable a function called "receive files"
19:35.44kergoth*opie* has an irda applet, yes, but if you cant get irobex_palm3 working, opie wont. it just uses it
19:36.55kenbback later.
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19:37.10andreas__so this function doesn't do anything if i don't have irobex installed?
19:37.44kergothlast i checked you need the tools, yeah
19:37.53kergothcouldve changed since then, but i dont think so
19:38.13Disconnectas soon as I had the tools running (irattach, anyway) all the irda functions lit right up.
19:38.31PendalarI've had no luck with IR/DA thus far
19:38.43Pendalarbut that's what I get for having a old IR keyboard
19:39.13Pendalarfinally found a qmode2 port for zaurus that's website hasn't crapped out.. might try again
19:39.53gb2kergoth: would you be opposed to some selector for toolchain "naming" such that we have CROSS_DIR=${CROSS_DIR_PREFIX}/${TOOLCHAIN}/
19:39.57gb2or something similar
19:40.04andreas__i'll give irlan another try
19:40.14kergothgb2: hmm, why?
19:40.41gb2kergoth: i keep going drastically back and forth on whether my toolchain coexisting is the right idea.
19:40.57gb2i guess i'll keep thinking about it.
19:41.26kergothi dunno, do we want to allow building gcc2 chains as well
19:41.35kergothif so, we'll need some form of split for that alone
19:41.44gb2the only reason i see them being useful is for building compat libraries
19:41.51gb2and that could be an entirely self contained process
19:42.06Pendalarnah 3.3.2-1 or so is fine ;-)
19:42.30kergoththats true. seperate metadata repos for the compat stuff?
19:42.50gb2doesn't need to be
19:42.54gb2compat-libs package
19:42.57gb2or similar
19:43.16gb2redhat has a compat-db package for example
19:43.19kergothwell, you'd obviously have to fuck with your path and make sure it doesnt add cross_dir
19:43.30kergothunless compat-libs builds a local chain to work with
19:43.33gb2sure.  it's a big .oe
19:43.39gb2it would
19:43.59gb2it has the advantage of discouraging people from building it
19:44.02kergothk, thatd work
19:46.23gb2kergoth: my method of doing multiple toolchains in the same space is entirely dependant on the TARGET_PREFIX being different for the two chains.
19:46.34gb2it will work though once i do 1-2 more patches.
19:47.10gb2which means vendor becomes less freeform and actually means something.
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19:53.08gb2kergoth: and my concern is the user having gcc-cross and gcc-uclibc-cross both in the build queue with TARGET_VENDOR set to some value
19:53.35trekefun. We made the front page of the paper here in santa barbara
19:53.41trekeand not for a good reason :)
19:54.03W8TVIhows that?
19:54.10W8TVIand who is "we"
19:58.07trekeAn ex employee is saying records were falsified.
20:00.54ljpits a frickin school - who cares
20:03.12trekeno. I'm over 14, so michael isnt interested in me
20:03.44Twiuntreke: so, when did you resign from that company?
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20:20.57andreas__hey i'm getting a ping reply from my simpad :)
20:21.10andreas__but it's 500ms :/
20:21.25Disconnectsounds like irda to me...
20:22.33Disconnectnow.. if you're on a nic or wlan or usbnet, that is prolly bad ;)
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20:24.27andreas__better than nothing... but not much better
20:25.19newbieanyone know whats up with the zaurus devnet? seems to be dns changed or spenceers gone so its gone?
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20:32.31newbieanyone know whats up with the zaurus devnet?
20:33.13ljpya, spencer isnt there anynmore
20:33.36ljpa bit ironic that it went down the day after his last day
20:33.38newbiei know what but did they take the dev site down because of that?
20:34.16newbiethats what i'm thinking too... it looks intensionally removed as the host is competely gone
20:36.37ljpI was in the middle of writting a post when it went down. try to submit and its been gone ever since
20:37.49newbieyeah... they just sabatoged the dev community and haven't publicly announced the 6000 in the us... looks like they may be pulling out for real
20:38.59newbiethey had market, didn't market very good and looks like they may just drop it from the US now... just talking out of my ass but this could be it
20:43.07ljpwait till January for the 6000
20:50.25andreas__ok, now i've got problems when i try to make a scp connection from my laptop to the pad. scp says " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", although the file is in /usr/lib
20:50.38andreas__the other direction works (pad -> laptop)
20:50.40kergothdead symlink?
20:50.44kergothls -l /usr/lib/libcrypto*
20:50.47andreas__no symlink
20:54.33W8TVI<Disconnect> W8TVI: poke kergoth to req hostspace and bw from handhelds.. 12mbit straight to the backbone. actual on-call techs and admins. uptime.. actual, honest-to-god uptime..
20:55.56ljpdo they have bk?
20:56.12W8TVIfor the OZ webpage
20:56.13kergothljp: he means for the web hosting
20:56.15kergothnot the repositories
20:56.26kergothnot a bad idea really
20:57.07W8TVII was just complaining about the slow (even for dialup) connection the the website
20:57.18W8TVIits was reacting very slow
20:57.38trekewho knows, maybe oe will be a good influence on them
20:57.45kergothyeah, with rt on until hh.o can run it, and the rest on hh.o.. no more SF
20:58.21trekekergoth: Point at
20:58.34trekeor something of the sort, then you can just move it to hh.o once they are ready
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21:12.44trekemickey|tv: ping
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21:18.11ljpI'm going snorkeling at our christmas party
21:18.37chouimatljp only -15C outside
21:18.59ljp22C here
21:19.43W8TVI0C here
21:20.06kergoth61F here
21:20.36chouimatkergoth it's better than here ....
21:20.51kergoththere's no way i'm ever moving back to MN
21:21.14ljplikin' them cowgirls, eh?
21:21.20kergoth"sorry mom, HELL no"
21:21.31ljpride 'em cowboy! woooo!
21:21.43kergothheh, MN has some nice looking women as well, so more for the weather
21:21.47ljpya, mines like that also
21:21.51gb2it's in the 20s outside, brrr.
21:21.58chouimathmmm i wonders what is today porn movie on pay tv
21:22.02gb2feels really cold with the wind though
21:22.26ljptoo bad its going to be rainy at our 3 day xmas party
21:23.47ljpoh well. they'd better have good stock of good rum
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21:47.24kergothyo TheMasterMind1
21:48.55TheMasterMind1waiting for damn ups people
21:48.56kergothTheMasterMind1: ditching SF. they're creating an 'oe' project on hh.o for us
21:49.20TheMasterMind1supposed to get cf->ide adapters from prpp and a replacement lcd for my laptop
21:49.23TheMasterMind1kergoth: nice
21:49.42ljprain. hmmpft
21:50.08kergothTheMasterMind1: you feel like making heavy modifs to the codebase to make it less collie specific?
21:50.16kergothnoda's so damn busy nowadays
21:50.27kergothmaybe i should send out a call for help email with a list of shit we need done
21:51.01ljpwhat!? downplaying 5500?!
21:51.08kergoth~fishslap ljp
21:51.11ACTION slaps ljp up side the head with a wet fish.
21:51.33ljpman, its raining buckets here
21:51.36kergothi wnat to just link to and pass along that its for the Z
21:51.43TheMasterMind1kergoth: not really..
21:51.52TheMasterMind1i found my cf so i wanna do some kernel .21 stuff
21:51.54kergothTheMasterMind1: didnt think so, figured i'd ask tho
21:51.58kergothah cool
21:52.12kergothyou want to check into mickey|tired's reported suspend/resume flakiness?
21:52.18kergothat least try to isolate it to a driver/subsystem
21:53.28kergothTheMasterMind1: so i'm reworking our image creation stuff
21:53.42kergothit runs postinsts at creation time, and we modify the postinsts that we know will break in that context to just return a certain exit code
21:53.55kergothoeinstall sees that, and adds it to /etc/default/reconfigure
21:54.02kergothwhich is a list of packages to reconfigure at first boot on the device
21:54.17TheMasterMind1oh sweet
21:54.18kergothso itll only have to run like 2 or 3 postinsts at first boot, the rest will have been done alrady
21:54.32kergothyea, should speed it up a bit
21:54.35TheMasterMind1thats always been an issue
21:54.42TheMasterMind1"a bit"
21:54.50kergothyeah, we'vfe always known some scripts would work at image creation time..
21:54.58kergothlike creating the rcX.d links.. i mean theres no reason not to do that now
21:55.07TheMasterMind1we might not even need twuin's cool progress bar anymore
21:55.32kergothdoesnt matter much. wont be waiting for many packages
21:55.37gb2very few scripts should need to be actually run on the device
21:55.39kergothmainly the ssh keys is where you'll sit a while
21:56.02mickey|tiredsince we got rid of honoring the dependencies its pretty fast anyway
21:56.12gb2heh, i'm remembering my cellphone generating an RSA keypair
21:56.18gb2that took a while
21:56.26kergothits still needless though, no reason to run shit we dont need to run
21:56.35kergothin addition, this makes things happier for devices with a read only rootfs.
21:56.41kergothmore done at image creation time
21:57.22kergothwhich was the main reason i did it
21:59.21trekekergoth, mickey|tired patch works.
21:59.56kergothhrm hrm
21:59.58mickey|tiredtreke: notice any speed difference
22:00.02kergothwe should add xinetd to oe
22:00.18trekemickey|tired: Looks like it needs to be aptched into qte also :)
22:00.26trekekergoth: it's an ioctl now
22:00.35mickey|tiredok for me
22:00.48kergothi was gonna say, fbset doesnt give you everything, only rez, not which direction
22:00.49trekemickey|tired: Its hard to tell because the touchscreen doesnt work :)
22:01.01trekekergoth: The old one used the res to determine direction
22:01.09kergothtreke: yeah, i know
22:01.19kergothbut theres 4 orientations, and oyu can only express two of them easily with fbset
22:01.48trekemickey|tired: Basically we need to overload the rotation code to not do software rotation on c7x0, but emit the proper ioctl and look at the framebuffer properly
22:01.57trekeljp: Anyone at trolltech interested in doing this for us?
22:02.09ljpdoing what?
22:02.27trekeljp: Making qte use hardware rotation
22:03.11ljpdevice specific?
22:03.45ljpTT doesnt have cubes, we have real offices.. most with windows
22:04.18ljpI can close my door if I want
22:04.31gb2someone here just added a 4th wall to his cube
22:04.44gb2we had one sitting around after an area was reconfigured
22:04.51TheMasterMind1ljp: so do we if i close my eyes :)
22:04.53gb2so he dragged it across the open wall
22:04.58Disconnectbut its all good - I'm the only one in the office :)
22:05.17Disconnect(well.. 99% of the time anyway.. its me, a fax and a server room
22:05.17ljpany details about how the hardware rotates?
22:05.18gb2i'm in a hardware lab with 3 other people
22:06.41ljpI dont even have to overheads lights on in my office
22:06.45gb2where hardware lab == section of cubes with conductive carpet and some extra table space to pile crap on
22:06.59ljpalthough I do share the office now with John Ryland
22:07.37ljphmm, I mean.. I can turn off the overhead lights
22:07.59pb_so can I, though it gets rather dark when I do that.
22:08.02kergothljp: re hardware rotation, it asks the imageon to do it
22:08.25Disconnectwow I just totally exploded a travel mug of coffee.
22:08.35ljpoh. hmm. like. pleaseRotateThisYouBastard()
22:08.40Disconnectit looks like a mob hit, coffee in a spray pattern -everywhere-..
22:09.07kergothDisconnect: heh, howd you pull that off
22:10.31Disconnectkergoth: cracking knuckles I think. the seconds before it are kinda a blur ;) but I do have a clear memory of slipping and watching my arm rocket forward in a perfect backhand that sent coffee spraying 5' away before the mug landed (6" away) and started gurgling out onto the desk..
22:10.32trekeljp: You send an ioctl and apply a kernel patch
22:10.44Disconnectgot coffee -over- my Z but not a drop on it :)
22:10.52Disconnect(although the switch behind it may never be the same)
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22:11.50ljpI doubt TT would want to do something like that if it involves a specific device and an additional kernel patch
22:11.59Disconnectthe wall, the switch, the monitor for the 2k desktop, the usb hub, my keys.. ugh.
22:12.06mickey|tiredtreke: can you make a minimal example program how to use that patch and i'll take a look
22:12.23trekemickey|tired: I'm uploading it
22:12.57Disconnecttreke: cheat. do the example in tcl. its something like ioctl(open("/dev/fb"),12,"portrait") ;)
22:13.18ljpbut hey. I can run it past those that decide
22:13.52Disconnectioctl [ open "/dev/fb" ] 0x122 -param "clockwise" thats it..
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22:17.29ljphmm. looks easy enough
22:18.31trekethe rotation part is easy. I just dont know what to do to the qte code to make it do that instead of doing the rotated drawing
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22:18.48kergothi need to finish libtscal
22:18.55kergothno fucking time
22:18.58trekewhile still doing whatever is needed for the ts
22:18.58kergothand when i have time, i dont want to
22:19.57kergothljp: I have a dead simple tslib implementation, with ./configure integration (./configure -tslib) for qte that i did for TI here.. i'll ask, but maybe we can push it up to you guys
22:19.57andreas__now scummvm is running on my simpad... but the thing is blocking the whole screen, how can i get to my keyboard to get through the copy protection?
22:20.37ljpthat would be great. I know they wanted to implement tslib
22:21.10ljpyou know the copyright requirements if the code is significant
22:22.02ljptreke: just change where the qcop call does rotation, maybe
22:22.22kergothljp: k.  with disconnect's help, it looks like we've nearly completed the proper kernel keymap support for it as well.
22:22.29kergothdo you guys want that, or are you gonna implement it yourselves?
22:23.08ljpI can run it past them.
22:23.35ljpI know warwick said they wanted to do both
22:23.51kergothk, ask and let me know
22:23.52ljponly thing is the copyright has to be assigned to TT
22:24.01ljpso we can sell it
22:24.14kergothwell, i think portions of it came from X's kdrive
22:24.22kergothbut thats MIT license, you should be able to sell
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22:24.30kergoththe rest of it is my copyright, so i can do whatever
22:24.56ljpok, just make sure the proper attributes to outside stuff is somewhere
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22:25.23kergothk, i'll add a proper header
22:31.22trekeljp: The rotate.c code is mallum's, but I doubt the copyright will be a problem for a 5 line function that can only be written one way :)
22:33.03TheMasterMind1treke: i dunno.. if sco somehow gets involved you never know
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22:36.35W8TVIibot literal hancom
22:36.37hancom is <reply> try or
22:36.51W8TVIibot no,  hancom is <reply> try
22:36.52okay, W8TVI
22:37.00W8TVIibot hancom
22:37.17chouimatljp ping
22:46.19icefoxor use the rippers
22:47.59W8TVIicefox: you can just download the thing right from hancom and it works on both OZ and the sharp rom
22:50.24mickey|tiredtreke: rotate.c handhelds both rotation & zoom ?
22:51.08mickey|tiredseems so - and what's that fastsysclk 75Mhz and 100Mhz for?
22:55.00trekemickey|tired: yes
22:55.25mickey|tiredthe patch needs some nice #defines instead of those hardcoded values though ;)
22:55.36trekeI believe mallum just copied the sysctl options
22:57.37trekeok. Benefits meeting
23:13.41dan2003heh.. just spent all evening trying to figure out why wep wasnt worknh on my Z, turned out to be my access points firmware! heh
23:14.01dan2003the really silly thing is it said it was up-to-date on its config page
23:14.54dan2003so if any1 has a belkin 54 and wonders why wep isnt working
23:15.17dan2003make sure u have firmware 2.00.01
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23:15.35kergothheh, want to submit an faq?
23:15.53dan2003could do i supose, on the oz site?
23:16.10dan2003ok, i will
23:16.19kergothcall it "why doesnt wep work with my belkin 54 access point" or something
23:20.35CosmicPenguinkergoth: the platform specific stuff also comes into play with things like base-files too
23:21.39dan2003time for some sleep now!
23:21.39kergothCosmicPenguin: indeed
23:21.39W8TVIdan2003: glad you said something about that... just remember to turn my wep back on
23:21.50kergothCosmicPenguin: basically, we need a better way to handle distribution specific policy
23:22.04dan2003cya l8r
23:22.06kergothe.g. debian-like vs redhat-like vs mylittleembeddeddevicewithmyownstructure
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23:22.28kergothprofiles work, just not using the gui
23:22.41CosmicPenguinkergoth: how tough would it be to define a sandbox for each platform type, and then change the OEs to look there for the files
23:22.43kergothlook online into how debian does mappings with /etc/network/interfaces
23:22.57kergothCosmicPenguin: hmm, not very.. i was thinking something like that would be nice
23:23.13W8TVIit'd be kinda handy to have a launcher plugin like the srap rom
23:23.15CosmicPenguinlike have the busybox OE check for platforms/${MACHINE}/busybox/defconfig
23:23.25CosmicPenguinBut it would have to have a default fall back, of course
23:23.30kergothCosmicPenguin: i'm thinking we create a FILESPATH
23:23.39kergothcolon seperated list of places to try
23:23.44CosmicPenguinThats a good idea
23:23.48W8TVIlauncher wlan profile plugin
23:24.04kergothfirst place it should look is relative to the .oe
23:24.08kergother no
23:24.13kergothfirst is relative to your current build dir (TOPDIR)
23:24.18kergoththen platforms/
23:24.26kergoththen the global relative tto the .oe location
23:28.43CosmicPenguinI think for something like base-files, you would have to have a completely different oe for each platform type
23:29.00W8TVIkergoth: do you know how the network profiles thing was implemented on the sharp rom?  its it a plugin like in OZ our built into the launcher?
23:29.16kergothsharp used the pcmcia-cs crap
23:29.29kergothdunno if it was a plugin or not
23:30.25W8TVIwhat I'm getting at, is if its something easy to rip out of the sharp rom, and be most of the way there to a plugin for OZ :)
23:30.38kergothits already partially implemented for OZ
23:30.46kergothusing /etc/network/interfaces existing clean mechanisms
23:30.53kergothjust needs to get bugfixed
23:31.59W8TVIwhat about a launcher plugin along the idea of sharps?
23:32.12kergothoh, an *applet*?
23:32.48kergothdunno if anyone has started on one
23:32.49W8TVIkergoth: you know, one of those launcher thingys! :P
23:33.41W8TVIseems to me, the best place to put it would be in the wireless applet
23:34.30W8TVIall I want is to be able to make some profiles in the network settings app and beable to change them from an applet on the launcher
23:34.48W8TVIget rid of that useless graph and put it there :)
23:35.05kergothwe should add ifupdown-roam support to networksettings
23:35.10W8TVII happen to go use public aps some times
23:35.15kergothit can automatically change mappings based on tons of stuff
23:35.19kergothlike what APs are nearby
23:35.24kergothor if a gateway is pingable
23:35.25W8TVIthat'd be cool
23:36.14W8TVIif the sees TCFW it switches to TCWF profile, but when it gets back home and sees my W8TVI ap it loads up my WEP profile
23:36.53W8TVIand also would would be good, is to have it so you can tie a profile to a certan AP's MAC
23:37.08kergothifupdown-roam can do that
23:37.13kergothuses iwscan & friends
23:37.17kergothto list nearby access points
23:37.25W8TVII wish I could code
23:37.31W8TVIso I could help out
23:37.57W8TVIthe little I know about "programing" is from mIRC's mircscript
23:38.12W8TVIat least I know how to use if-then-else
23:38.22kergothget a book on python
23:38.40W8TVIeasy to learn?
23:39.19kergothyup, quite
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23:41.23W8TVII learned (at least basic) mirc script by ripping apart other peoples scripts and making htem better
23:43.09chouimatW8TVI I have the special edition of Meaning of life DVD here
23:43.16kergothmonty python rocks
23:43.37chouimatwill probably get the holy grail or life of brian next week
23:47.48kergothi just realized i havent listened to any music at all today
23:49.46ljpooooohhhh. thats an omen!
23:53.24chouimatkergoth get the new Dream Theater
23:53.55kergothgood? k
23:54.09chouimatkergoth excellent ... great coding music
23:55.18chouimatkergoth as about every kind of music if you're like it and are in the mood to listen to it :)
23:55.26kergothwell yeah
23:55.38kergothi've been listening to a lot of Rasputina lately
23:56.26chouimatkergoth was listening  to some classic influenced progressive metal lately
23:57.58chouimatmmmm spinach instead lettuce in a sandwich is good
23:58.35kergothi need to find a local place that carries non mainstream tunes
23:59.38chouimatkergoth that's can be a problem ... but you can order via the web too and try (amazon now) but the price are in cad ....
23:59.53kergothyeah thats true.

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