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00:46.09CIA07ChangeSet@1.1391 reenable sharp_buz (for now)
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01:28.43kergothmy final pass gcc build keeps failing. odd
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07:00.39W8TVIibot xmms-e
07:00.41you can get XMMS-E at   Don't use the feed. Its borked. download the IPKs and then install them
07:01.08W8TVIibot no, xmms-e is <reply> you can get XMMS-E at   Don't use the feed. Its borked. download the IPKs and then install them.
07:01.09okay, W8TVI
07:01.38W8TVIibot no, xmms-e is <reply> You can get XMMS-E at   Don't use the feed. Its borked. Download the IPKs and then install them.
07:01.40W8TVI: okay
07:10.04mithroibot xmms-e
07:10.08You can get XMMS-E at   Don't use the feed. Its borked. Download the IPKs and then install them.
07:11.03mithrohow is that different to the first one?
07:11.40W8TVIfixed the caps
07:11.45W8TVIFixed the caps
07:12.05mithroahh okay :)
07:49.34treke|homethat'll teach me to post an email on the run
07:50.18treke|homeForgot to add, a kernel, and sent out the wrong url :p
07:51.31treke|homemithro--: btw, I put up a copy of libstdc++ for download. Havent tested it, but it should work
07:54.26treke|homedamn. the osx toolchain directory is empty on
07:54.54treke|homelpotter: As in, I think just tarriing up libstdc++ and untarring it on the device would work, but I dont care enough to try :p
07:55.01lpotterthats because SCO ownz OS X
07:57.48lpotterwhat needs libstdc++?
07:58.02treke|homea bunch of opie stuff
07:58.13treke|homemediaplayer, aqpkg, konq
07:58.39treke|homeprobably more
07:58.54lpotterthats silly
07:59.26lpotter1 or 2?
07:59.54treke|home1 might. not sure
08:02.00lpotterahh. ther eit is
08:02.43lpotterwhy would anyone use libstdc++ when they have qt already available
08:03.06treke|homebecause it's easy to use something in the standard c++ library? :p
08:04.21lpotterthey could do it just as well in qt
08:04.39lpottermight as well include libgtk
08:04.48treke|homeThen they wouldnt be using the standard facilities :)
08:05.43lpotterno. qt has may stdc++ workalikes
08:06.12treke|homeSo people should use the nonstandard qt constructs?
08:08.24lpotterit adds yet another lib people have to install
08:08.38lpotterits redundant
08:08.56treke|homemaybe qt is the redundant one
08:09.20lpotternot when you are developing apps for qtopia/opie that already uses qt
08:09.22treke|homeif it's reimplementing features already provided for by the standard libraries
08:16.46lpotterits bad for you to eat and then go to sleep
08:16.59treke|homeI ate a couple hours ago
08:17.06treke|homejust took a while to drive home
08:17.33lpotterahh. then your safe
08:18.12lpotterdamn debians still down
08:18.18treke|homethe restraunt was 90 miles away :p
08:19.02lpotterhmm. must have been an important date
08:19.17treke|homehehe. nah.
08:19.38treke|homejust going out to dinner with my father.
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08:38.08lpotterjacko is a freak
08:39.01treke|homeFinally we agree on something.
08:39.20lpotterwhat is wrong with that guy
08:39.44lpotteris mug shot and desc says he weighs 120 lbs
08:39.49treke|homeWe are supposed to believe that is a black male :)
08:41.03lpotteronly in California
08:41.36lpotterdont see any Australian black people turning themselves white
08:44.59lpotterjacko's afraid of little puny dogs cause they bite
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13:29.28heatxsinkanyone awake?
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14:20.40Twiunmickeyl: found something really useful for skinning the new opie site
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14:21.08Twiunmickeyl: best of all there's a php version :)
14:21.34mickeylTwiun: looks interesting
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14:22.29mickeylTwiun: by the way, I have a draft for the 1st oe/oz/opie newsletter out there. could you proof read and give some corrections/additions, please?
14:22.58Twiunmickeyl: sure,
14:23.25TwiunI'll be testing php-mesh with a wiki, to see how it behaves
14:24.21Twiunmickeyl: it's also transparent - no changes to the core content is necessary, it behaves like the decorator design pattern
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14:25.32mickeylsounds good. i've always been after anything where I can reuse the content without doing major reformatting and stuff only because of changing the design and layout of a site
14:25.55mickeyli thought CSS are a good thing for that, but I'm not sure if they're sufficient
14:29.21Twiunit depends on the content
14:29.37TwiunI don't think we need all that much in terms of frills really
14:29.55Twiunoh, btw, going to fosdem?
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14:31.34mickeylprobably not. we have a deadline end of february to get continued fundings for our research project
14:33.30Twiunoh well... if the reason's money ;)
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14:34.02Twiunso far, got some guys from GCJ, Kaffe, GNU Classpath, seeing who else is going
14:34.44TwiunAlso seeing if I can take some people I know from London
14:34.59Twiunand the associated ladies (they can visit brussels)
14:44.28pb_is fosdem in february again?
14:44.29Twiunmickeyl: ok, got it, I'll read it after lunch
14:44.40Twiunpb_: yup, weekend of the 21/22nd
14:44.49pb_aha.  I'll make a note in my diary.
14:45.06TwiunGreat :) Another person to meet in the flesh
14:45.32pb_heh, indeed.  Is it in the same place as last year?
14:46.08TwiunThis'll be my first fosdem
14:46.27pb_ah, right.
14:46.34pb_last year's was quite good fun.
14:46.40pb_well, this year's I guess
14:47.30TwiunHehe, brb, lunch!
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17:41.40Twiunmickeyl: writing up my reply now
17:41.55mickeylk, thanks
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18:01.25TwiunMonday's my last day on this contract btw, so tuesday->friday I should be able to devote to the website
18:02.54mickeylgot it
18:02.59mickeylvery valuable comments - thanks
18:03.18TwiunI'm planning on making the news/newsletter bit very simple to admin - probably a directory where you put items with the date/title in the filename (easy to iterate over)
18:03.32mickeylyeah, that's reasonably. KISS principle :)
18:03.38Twiunmickeyl: my pleasure, I'll ask you to do the same for mine ;)
18:03.42mickeylof course :)
18:04.04Twiunyeah, I'll keep everything on a file basis if possible
18:04.14Twiunnone of that web admin interface stuff ;)
18:04.28Twiunwell... unless it's required
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18:05.31Twiunibot: seen hardwire
18:05.32hardwire is currently on #gct (3d 17h 50m 17s) #openzaurus (3d 17h 50m 17s) #tacobeam (3d 17h 50m 17s).  Has said a total of 38 messages.  Is idling for 1d 20h 32m 51s
18:08.10W8TVI|zI wonder why my dad rebooted my server...
18:08.22Twiunjust for kicks probably
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18:40.59Pendalaripaq h1935 for $199, worth it?
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18:44.09mickeylTwiun: consider the following phrase:
18:44.16mickeylFeel free to provide feedback or send in questions. Questions of broad interest will be answered in the next newsletter.
18:44.24mickeylwhat's better? broad interest or common interest?
18:44.59pb_"broad interest" sounds better to me.  or "general interest".
18:45.07mickeylhmm... 1:1
18:45.09mickeylmore opinions?
18:45.14Pendalargeneral is good too
18:45.37Pendalar"broad interest" sounds like some phrase which is altogether proper, but never used and sounds... off
18:45.46mickeyli see
18:45.49mickeylit's general then.
18:46.01Pendalarbroad == woman or part of broadband
18:46.04treke|homeI'm interested in broads. :p
18:46.20Pendalaryep that's what I was thinking *grin*
18:46.49mickeyltreke|home: can you check if the zImage i compiled for husky works? some reported problems with hanging after the OZ logo.
18:47.11treke|homesure. Or you could just steal the zImage I compiled
18:47.21mickeyli could do that and hope that it's binary compatible
18:47.30treke|homeWhy wouldnt it be?
18:47.54treke|homeWe havent made any major kernel changes
18:47.54mickeylchanged configuration options?
18:48.07mickeylk, taking your image
18:48.12treke|homeI just build with the default kernel config
18:48.19treke|homeand remove the sysreq patch
18:48.29mickeylconsole= ?
18:49.06treke|homemickeyl: Whatever the defconfig points to is what I use
18:49.15mickeylnull then. ok
18:49.36treke|homeyeah. My only change is removing the sysreq key so that the home button works.
18:49.54mickeylgood. that shouldn't hurt.
18:50.21treke|homeand there you go downloading
18:50.28mickeylhmmm i wish dsl would be symmetric :)
18:50.44treke|homeyou can get it
18:50.49mickeylnot here
18:51.17treke|homedownload done.
18:51.22mickeylit's up
18:52.56Pendalarstaples has the ipaq h1935 for $199, would that run linux decently?
18:53.03mickeyldon't think so
18:53.16mickeylh19xx support is pretty experimental
18:53.17treke|homePendalar: Not a great port, but it should be doable
18:53.22mickeylbut pb_ may comment on that
18:53.25treke|homeno expansion though
18:53.37W8TVIPendalar, for that price, get another sl-5500 of ebay
18:53.46Pendalarin that case I'll either get another low end zaurus as a backup, or save up for a c760/860
18:53.53mickeylsave up
18:54.05treke|homeerm, a 5500 and a 1935 arent exactly comparable machines :p
18:54.11PendalarI know jack about WinCE pda's .. always stayed away from them
18:54.12treke|homeohwait the 1935 isn't the pxa255
18:54.28pb_h1935 is one of the s32c2410 based machines.  They certainly have the ability to run linux, but we don't have a full port yet.
18:54.46Pendalarpb_ : thanks
18:54.57pb_Ben Dooks is (nominally) working on that, but progress seems to be slow.
18:55.25treke|homeah cool. demo is back to work on the axim
18:56.47treke|homemickeyl: If I did a clean pull of buildroot, does it compile?
18:58.32mickeylonly if you have a populated source directory
19:01.19W8TVI  Motorola pick Trolltech framework
19:01.22treke|homethe axim is a nice machine
19:01.30Twiunmickeyl: sorry I didn't answer - been busy vectorising pingizaurus
19:01.37Twiunmickeyl: rescuing him from raster oblivion
19:01.56treke|homepb_: You know if anyone has built a arm-linux toolchain for OS X?
19:02.36pb_treke|home: not sure.  you could ask dc_, maybe.
19:03.25treke|homecool. There was an empty osx directory on hh.o. so I figured someone had at least thought about it :p
19:06.04mickeylTwiun: ah nice
19:07.17Twiunmickeyl: it's 8mb atm ;) going to trim that down a bit
19:08.45mickeylhuh yeah
19:10.29Twiunhmmm, or I _would_ if it supported vector file formats
19:17.19yeiazelTwiun: have you vectorized the "Z" ?
19:19.47Twiunyeiazel: yeah, using a tool that comes with coreldraw 9... it's not pretty yet though
19:19.58Twiunyeiazel: going to get a nice b/w vector next
19:28.11Twiunbrb, dinner
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20:05.37treke|homemickey|dinner: ping me when you get back
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20:40.35TheMasterMind1i have too much time
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20:53.19treke|homeTimRiker: yo
20:53.27treke|homeTimRiker: Got debian working properly on the magnia
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20:58.13W8TVIhey TimRiker
20:58.28W8TVITimRiker: see the inside of an SG20 at
21:13.26W8TVItreke|home: ping
21:14.20W8TVItreke|home: one of the guys in our LUG just got a sg20 on ebay
21:25.08ljpmmmmmmmmmmm espresso in the morning
21:30.20ljpI thought sg was cancelled from tv?
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23:17.36W8TVII'm glad that I have VNC installed on my other computer
23:18.54ljpme too, so I can take control over your desktop and freak you out
23:19.17W8TVInot behind my firewall
23:19.36W8TVII set the wrong refresh on for the old monitor
23:19.46W8TVIthis way I can fix it
23:30.23W8TVIguess its time to upgrade to smb 3
23:30.53W8TVI"And now, Samba 3 offers full Active Directory support."
23:32.49treke|homeso it can be  a directory server now?
23:33.08W8TVIdon't know... thats what the post says
23:33.37treke|homethat would be the first time I've ever seen that claim :)
23:34.16W8TVI"A while back I noticed that the benchmark was done on a PC with 512MB of RAM. That probably forced Windows 2003 Server to use the paging file as on the test system by veritest, it performed several times higher than it did in eweek's test. Perhaps using 512MB of RAM was meant to cripple Windows 2003 Server so it couldn't perform as well as it should. Just a thought."
23:34.46W8TVI512mb of ram "crippling" windo'hs 2k3?
23:35.50W8TVIrh9 as the samba server on my network with only 500mhz cpu and 256mb of ram NEVER had trouble or slowed down
23:36.02W8TVIeven printing huge print jobs
23:37.27treke|homenope. looks like it cant be the server yet. darn

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.