irclog2html for #openembedded on 20031108

00:03.22*** join/#openembedded mithro (
17:34.28*** join/#openembedded ibot (
17:34.28*** topic/#openembedded is OpenEmbedded/OpenZaurus developer lounge | User support in #openzaurus, #openembedded-ipaq, and (if applicable) #opie | Snapshots available at
17:42.54Marsupilami23kergoth: Are you around?
17:55.00*** join/#openembedded MYodaHome (
18:20.57*** join/#openembedded W8TVI (
22:40.24*** join/#openembedded ibot (
22:40.24*** topic/#openembedded is OpenEmbedded/OpenZaurus developer lounge | User support in #openzaurus, #openembedded-ipaq, and (if applicable) #opie | Snapshots available at
22:42.30lpottermickeyl|away: you were correct about the 5x00 hotplug. wish I could revert that package in buildroot
22:43.41*** join/#openembedded bisho (
22:44.25lpotterhmm  maybe i can
22:45.42lpotterTimRiker: hey. how goes it?
22:46.45TimRikersoldering a microphone for the musical I'm running sound for tonight.
22:47.28TimRiker~lart anyone that bangs the head on microphones
22:47.51lpotterI didn;t know you new how to run sound boards. cool.
22:48.11lpotterI did that for many years for myself and other bands and such
22:49.23TimRikersolder suckers are your friends
22:50.14Twiunyeah - copper plats are also good in emergencies
22:50.30lpotterso are aluminum hats
22:50.45TwiunArgh. Rhymes this late in the day
22:51.09lpotterits ot late. you are just behind the times
22:52.01chouimatlpotter:  bah
22:52.04lpotternot late that is
22:52.33Twiunsee? it must be late... or you're drunk - you're not that coherent ;)
22:59.34Twiun_already_ drunk?
22:59.44TwiunWhoa! Don't go native on us :)
23:02.36TimRikerheh. one more mic back from the dead.
23:03.15TimRikerlpotter: it's an area church show. 100 people in the cast or something like that.
23:03.38lpotterwhat sound board?
23:03.42TimRiker8 channel board, 2 wireless and hmm... 5 other mics. not a big deal.
23:03.53lpotterwoohoo fun!
23:04.23lpotteralthough, it doesn;t sound like much of an after show party
23:04.30TimRikerdual amps, the hall has a sound system, and some borrowed equipment up front.
23:05.00TimRikerheh. since nobody in the show drinks, I can tell you one thing that won't happen at the cast party. ;-)
23:05.25lpotterheh.. boring green room, then eh?
23:06.11TimRikereh. not the normal environment, no. but some of the same "where's my ?" and "did you set the ?" etc. ;-)
23:06.41TimRikerhas some battle scenes so I brought in my blades. They get stares. ;-)
23:06.46lpotteran, 'have you seen my script?'
23:07.11TimRikerheh "line? line?"
23:07.39treke|homehey tim
23:08.03TimRikerthey've done an amazing job considering the short prep time.
23:08.08TimRikertreke|home: sup?
23:08.32TimRikerpackin up...
23:09.09TimRikeranyone know why ibot/jbot have been hangling lately? it's odd. nothing in the logs, they just hang. ah well. issue for another day.
23:09.16TimRikerer hanging...
23:09.21TimRiker~spell hangling
23:09.25possible spellings for hangling: hang ling hang-ling gangling jangling hanging angling haggling dangling handling mangling tangling wangling hanking angeling changeling hangaring
23:10.22treke|homeTimRiker: pb knows I think. lemme check the logs
23:12.30treke|home17:07 <joshua_> I think there was the time we broke ibot by setting the factoid $$
23:12.33treke|home17:07 <joshua_> I think someone said '$$ is the root of all evil'
23:12.47TimRikerThat should be fixed.
23:12.51you are, like, my owner Senior Linux Technologist at Texas Instruments former CTO of Lineo (Embedix, Metrowerks, etc.), maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects
23:12.56TimRiker~$$ is nothing
23:12.58TimRiker: okay
23:13.01i heard timriker is my owner Senior Linux Technologist at Texas Instruments former CTO of Lineo (Embedix, Metrowerks, etc.), maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects
23:13.12somebody said $$ was nothing
23:13.18TimRiker~forget $$
23:13.18i forgot $$, TimRiker
23:13.21treke|homeibot what is 100 USD in AUD
23:13.22treke|home: what are you talking about?
23:13.34TimRiker~change 100 USD to AUD
23:14.08TimRiker~convert 60 miles/hour to barleycorns/second
23:15.51treke|home~convert 40 rods/hogshead to miles/hour
23:16.06treke|home~convert 40 rods/hogshead to miles/gallon
23:17.24TimRikerchouimat: barleycorns is an old measurement.
23:17.33TimRiker~convert barleycorns to inches
23:18.45lpotter~convert barleycorns to centimeters
23:19.08lpotter~convert barleycorns to millimeters

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.