irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030924

00:15.37ljpbleh email
00:16.01*** join/#openembedded SuKoShi (
00:17.33ljptoo bad banning spam in cali wont work
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00:36.31gb2kergoth: you broke package_rpm again :P
00:44.31darkschneiderbuildroot is actualy hell obsolete.. :(( i'm working 1 package each other to make it compile
00:44.43darkschneidereven the c-700 kernel has a bad patch..
00:45.38darkschneiderand i'm not definitely able to undestand a kernel patch ( i allready have enougth problmes to undestand patch against my own project :P)
00:46.13treke|homeit isnt that bad
00:46.34darkschneideri belive you, but really i'm not doing nothing special
00:47.18darkschneiderand you see, thre are lot of issures, it is a good work, but it need more manteniance :( (this to say you done a good work anyway!)
00:47.20ljpwhich patch isbad?
00:47.32treke|homedarkschneider: It will be getting no more maintenance
00:47.33darkschneiderc-700 patch is the last one i found
00:48.01darkschneidertreke i know, i'm making some .oe while it compiles..
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00:49.04darkschneiderljp: thre are others, if you want them i can say you (i have wrote one for that stuid pahalanx too, mantainer is not mantaining it anymore)
00:50.06darkschneiders/c-700/b-700 ... damn it's laaaate....
00:50.15ljpwell, I have no problems with the c700 patch
00:50.42darkschneideri just got the error.. from today buildroot
00:51.36darkschneiderthis one CONFIG_KERNEL-C700packages/kernel-c700packages/kernel-c700/
00:56.02treke|homegb2: You ever seen oe download a gzipped patch, but not extract it properly?
01:03.47stiggerI've been watching if I'm trying to build OZ should I be using buildroot or oe now
01:04.02treke|homeOZ comes from buildroot
01:04.32stiggerjust so I don't waste my time building the wrong one
01:18.54darkschneidernigth all
01:19.38darkschneidertoo much buildroot for today... this one ins a kernel compiel error... too mcuh to takr cre of it at 3.21 AM.. night all see you
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01:55.01treke|homelooks like this is an oe bug
01:56.11TheMasterMind1i rock
02:00.04kergoth`bbltreke|home: what bug?
02:00.09kergoth`bblgb2: what broke?
02:01.40treke|homekergoth`bbl: patches are being unpacked in TMPDIR/downloads, but patcher is looking for them in TMPDIR/base/foo-0.0.0-r0
02:01.58treke|homean example of an oe that breaks is ifupdown
02:02.27gb2kergoth: you're putting %files which don't exist in there
02:02.30gb2kergoth: rpm no likey
02:03.10treke|homekergoth`bbl: OE can apply the locally stored patches, but is unable to apply the patch that was downloaded from upstream
02:08.53kergoth`bblgb2: then package_rpm needs to check if they exist first. easy enough.
02:09.27kergoth`bbltreke|home: ah.  so do_patch just needs its path adjusted when it accounts for compressed patches
02:09.46treke|homethats what I figured
02:13.18treke|homekergoth: btw, as far as I can tell, debian is the upstream for apmd :p
02:13.34kergoththat cant be right
02:13.39kergothi hate it when that happens
02:13.48kergothdistros end up holding the code for shit thats no longer maintained
02:13.49treke|homejust about every other distro us using apmd 3.0.2
02:13.58kergothwhat are we using?
02:14.03treke|homewhich is the last release from "upstreams" home page
02:14.20kergothdiff em. grab the latest from upstream and patch it up to debian's sources?
02:15.49treke|homeit gets odder since on top of that, debian applies a debian patch to it
02:19.09kergothwell, debian's "patch" is almost always just the debian/ dir
02:19.21kergothcould be the code changes were sufficiently substantial that they didnt want to do it that wy
02:19.22treke|homeit touched code last time I looked
02:19.49kergothk, fixing package_rpm ... testing
02:20.28treke|homeI'm emailing the debian maintiner to see where upstream realy is
02:20.46treke|homelooks like the patch touches much less code than it did with 3.1
02:20.54treke|homewhich also doesnt exist upstream :p
02:21.35kergothtreke|home: it might not be a bad idea to maintain a UMAINTAINER var
02:22.18kergothbah, switching to package_rpm rebuilds the app?
02:22.30kergothoh, preprpm didnt exist previously, and affects the dependencies amongst the stamps
02:27.23kergothwhy the hell did i choose glibc to test the fix
02:27.39kergothi shouldve picked initscripts for gods sake
02:27.45kergothoh well
02:28.22kergothyeah, upstream
02:28.47kergoththeres already a web site var, but a contact point for upstream would be useful
02:28.54kergothparticularly for patch submissions on our part..
02:29.18kergothOZ's been quite lax on that so far. heh.
02:29.31gb2policy for many projects, that should be a package's mailing list address
02:29.38gb2or link to list info
02:29.58gb2it'd be good to make that clear in the docs for the UMAINTAINER var
02:30.13kergothyeah. speaking of which, having some docs for vars would probably be good
02:30.19gb2that'd rule ;)
02:30.26kergothcould just put comments on every line of oe.conf
02:30.32kergothsince thatd ensure its never out of date
02:30.42kergothtreke|home: filterdiff is your friend
02:30.57kergothzcat patch | filterdiff -i"*" -x"*debian/*" > patch_without_debian_crap
02:31.01kergothits in patchutils
02:31.06fdaskdoc of vars would be most handy.  whether its own file, or comments in the oe.conf
02:31.10treke|homethis another one of schurigs kick ass tools?
02:31.10kergothi'd recommend reading the man page on every tool in patchutils.
02:31.17kergothnah, another set of patch handling tools
02:31.23kergothlsdiff, filterdiff, combinediff, interdiff, etc
02:31.31kergothquite handy
02:31.46kergothit can also recalculate the offsets if you went and manually edited it and fucked it up, iirc
02:31.50kergothone of them can anyway
02:32.19kergothpatcher tends to reduce the need for it of course
02:32.40treke|homeyeah, but it's still a lot of work when you think it'll be dead simple :p
02:32.55gb2i manually edit patches quite a bit
02:32.58gb2it's a -bad- practice
02:55.20*** join/#openembedded noda (
02:55.44nodafdask: Haven't finished with yer code yet -- massive homework madness.
02:58.16fdaskcool.  what can i do to help
02:58.38nodaGive me the exact cosine and sine of 7pi/12 :)
02:58.46fdaskugh, trig?
02:59.13nodaI like how my cal class seems to integrate all the math I've learned from high school. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......
02:59.23noda"Integrate" :P
02:59.46nodaI'm that tired :P
03:02.01*** join/#openembedded SuKo|Shi (
03:02.33*** join/#openembedded TiMiDo (
03:03.17TiMiDobipolar,  u there?
03:03.31kergothnote to self: removing items from the list you're iterating through, while doing so, makes python very confused
03:03.44noda~lart kergoth
03:04.52kergothgb2: k, finally got package_rpm fixed to work with subpackages again, and deal with nonexistant items in FILES.
03:05.20kergothforgot to make it prevent creating empty rpms :)
03:10.33kergothheh, i'm getting far too good at coding ugly, ugly python. its almost as bad as my perl
03:10.43TiMiDobipolar,  u there?
03:11.10treke|homeyes it is
03:11.11nodaHere we go! cos(pi/12) = 1/(2*sqrt(2-sqrt(3)))
03:11.23nodaThis stuff had better all cancel out :P
03:12.49treke|hometrust me, it wont
03:12.55TiMiDohey no one talks here?
03:13.07treke|homeTiMiDo: are you blind?
03:13.10TiMiDonot sure
03:13.20TiMiDooh u guys used LInux two
03:13.21nodatreke|home: Thanks :P
03:13.40nodaTiMiDo: We do talk here. Not always about OE, but there is stuff *sometimes* :)
03:13.55TiMiDou guys used Debian
03:14.14treke|homeTiMiDo: I count 16 lines of text from the moment you joined to when you asked if anyone ever talks
03:14.26nodaTiMiDo: Yes, many of us have.
03:14.36nodaTiMiDo: When we have support questions, we go to #debian and get ignored there :)
03:14.55TiMiDowell they are jerks sometimes
03:15.21nodaActually I've only ever seen one jerk there. He was pretty bad though :)
03:15.31treke|homeas bad as kergoth?
03:15.37TiMiDoLOL i want to update my kernel
03:15.40nodaAlmost :)
03:15.41TiMiDothis kernel is a peace of crap
03:15.51nodaTiMiDo: On debian or on OE?
03:16.05treke|homeyou are in the wrong channel
03:16.15nodaSo ask on #debian
03:16.31nodaBetter yet, apt-get install kernel-package and RTFM. The info is all installed and just waiting for you to read it.
03:25.54nodaWOO! Python is an awesome calculator -- I got this problem right, with my insane sqrt(2-sqrt(3)) stuff...
03:44.31treke|homewhat, you don't like a numbering system based on the square root of -1?
03:47.06nodaNot when my assignment asks me to calculate (-8*sqrt(2)+8*sqrt(-2))/(12-12*sqrt(-3))
03:47.39treke|homethe answer is 1+C
03:47.48nodaI can barely divide by 2... how am I to do it by (12-12*sqrt(-3))? :)
03:48.26nodaNah, the answer is 1/(3*sqrt(2*sqrt(3)))*(-1-(2-sqrt(3))*sqrt(-1))
03:48.39nodaBut I only get it when I convert to polar form :(
03:48.53noda(lol, as if one numbering system with sqrt(-1) wasn't bad enough)
03:48.59nodaI noticed :P
03:51.13nodaAck, python seems b0rked...
03:51.31treke|homeprofessor found it very amusing
03:51.34nodaTried what? :)
03:51.40nodaOh, 1+C :)
03:52.10treke|homevery wrong, but amusing
03:52.33nodaWell, I've heard a story of somebody who had to write a final exam which was a single question: "Describe the most daring thing you have done in your entire life?" and answered "This"
03:53.33nodalol, I did that in my humanities class last semester, and actually got something right :P
03:53.52treke|homenoda: During an AP Comparative government test the teacher decided to start reading test answers during another test
03:53.55nodaAh, I see my python problem, was doing integer math :)
03:54.14nodaHuh? Wouldn't that be as confusing as hell?
03:54.31treke|homenoda: no, she was reading the essays people wrote.
03:54.35treke|hometo herself.
03:54.44nodaOh, thought you meant out loud :)
03:54.58treke|homeshe started reading mine during one class and ended up cracking up
03:54.59nodaWhew! Only 2 problems left. Too bad there's no more imaginary stuff :(
03:55.38treke|homethe first sentence in the blue book was something along the lines of "I don't know, there is no point reading the rest of this booklet.
03:55.57treke|homeThen I spent the next hour of the test writing whatever popped into my head
03:56.10treke|homethere was code, jokes, everything
03:57.11treke|homeI wonder what score I got on the written exam
03:58.24treke|homenoda: Our teacher had literally done 0 test prep for the test, I didn't even know what the test was testing until the day of it :)
03:58.44nodaWhat *was* it testing? :)
03:58.50treke|homeI dont remember
03:59.45treke|homeI vaguelly remember something about comparing the US structure of government with some other country
04:03.16nodaHoly shit... I've been doing homework for about 3 hours now...
04:03.21nodaSame damned assignment.
04:03.42CIA07ChangeSet@1.261 BUGFIX: Make package_rpm happy again, both with ARCH->TARGET_ARCH, and subpackaging.
04:03.47ljpdrink some rum. it'll make homework go faster
04:04.13kergothI should verify that we have enough packaging var defaults set in oe.conf to build the ipks
04:04.17treke|homeonly if you are buying
04:04.53ljpI have a fairly full bottle of australian rum at my house
04:05.07ljpyour welcome to come over and help drink it
04:05.15kergothheh, i called the dealer today about my car
04:05.18kergothsaid they could cut a new key
04:05.24kergothbut they need proof of ownership, which is in the car
04:05.29treke|homeljp: be there in 8 hours
04:05.31kergothneed to call a locksmith first now
04:05.35treke|homeactually more like 18
04:07.14treke|homeoh well. night
04:07.37Pendalargah anyone mess with icecast?
04:07.57Pendalaror know about libxslt
04:08.02PendalarI'm not picky at this point
04:11.57kergothPackaged contents of glibc into /home/kergoth/coding/projects/user/oe/packages/tmp/deploy/ipk/glibc_2.3.2-r0_arm.ipk
04:12.00kergothPackaged contents of glibc-doc into /home/kergoth/coding/projects/user/oe/packages/tmp/deploy/ipk/glibc-doc_2.3.2-r0_arm.ipk
04:12.04kergothPackaged contents of glibc-dev into /home/kergoth/coding/projects/user/oe/packages/tmp/deploy/ipk/glibc-dev_2.3.2-r0_arm.ipk
04:12.48cyn_<kergoth> Packaged contents of c700 kernel image into /home/kergoth/coding/projects/user/forcynwithlove/
04:13.03cyn_damn I need to grunt back down on buildroot
04:13.16kergothno, you need to add some things to OE
04:13.19cyn_I made the mistake of rebooting my desktop to print some crap
04:13.28nodaOhhhhhhhhhhh, shit :P
04:13.40cyn_you must have me mistaken with a contributor
04:13.54noda...twice :)
04:14.02cyn_I'm the useless guy that's makes witty remarks and is generally nonannoying
04:14.05kergothcyn_: you have no idea how easy it is to make an .oe file
04:14.07kergothcyn_: :)
04:14.13kergothread doc/DEVEL
04:14.29cyn_but wait, .oe != buildroot
04:14.34kergothoops, forgot to make the package_ipk and package_rpm prevent creation of empty archives
04:14.36cyn_so I don't have this doc/DEVEL do I?
04:14.43kergothcyn_: you do, in the OE repository
04:14.58kergothi wrote a few basic docs during this last weekend
04:15.02kergothibot: oe bk
04:15.04from memory, oe bk is bk clone oe;cd oe; bk -r co -q
04:15.23cyn_oh sure beat me to it
04:15.31cyn_I was just gunna extrapolate from faq 84
04:15.33nodacyn_: It'd be faster to write a .oe than think up another "witty" remark :P
04:15.50cyn_noda: you obviously overestimate my ability to type
04:15.51kergothno kidding. an autotools-based built app is a _3_ line .oe
04:15.58nodaDamn, I was wrong :)
04:16.08nodakergoth: Wow, gets shorter every time! :)
04:16.19kergothnoda: thats the idea. abstract out commonalities
04:16.21cyn_and better yet, there are bijillions of examples
04:16.24kergothkeep them small and easy
04:16.28cyn_well, tens anyway
04:16.35treke|homeinherit google
04:16.38kergothhehe. theres like 50-60 oe's in the repos
04:16.50cyn_5's to 6's of tens
04:16.54kergothdo_googlesearch() {]
04:17.06treke|homeit just submits ${PN}-${PV} into google and uses it to find the source :p
04:17.16treke|homethen you can have a 0 line .oe
04:17.25cyn_make a script that just trolls google and automagically finds new stuff to add to oe
04:17.35cyn_suddenly for some goddamn reason you've got kde apps in oe
04:17.36kergothnot google, freshmeat
04:17.43nodaThat would be awesome.
04:17.48cyn_no way, google gets you the language translation
04:17.54kergothwe will have scripts monitoring upstream repositories
04:17.59kergothwhen redhat adds a package, we'll know about it.
04:18.04nodaWow, awesome :)
04:18.24nodaWe listen to redhat? I thought OE most closely followed debian...
04:18.26cyn_we call them "chuck" and "barry" and they reside in Wilmington, Va
04:18.31kergothnoda: OE is distribution agnostic.
04:18.43kergothyou could as easily build a redhatish distro as a debian one
04:18.44nodaI guess I got that from a few of the patches we download...
04:18.50kergothand you could even make it able to swtich betwen them at build time
04:18.56kergothINHERIT=redhatims oemake
04:18.57kergothor whatever
04:19.07cyn_can't even stay monogamous
04:19.08treke|homecyn_: where?!
04:19.11nodai.e., 'grep -ri debian *' in packages/contents/ :)
04:19.19kergothnoda: ?
04:19.26kergothnoda: the oe packages repos gets .. about 3 debian sources.
04:19.31kergothnoda: and that is only because they have no upstream
04:19.36kergothor we couldnt locate the upstream
04:19.42nodaWhat about debian patches?
04:19.46treke|homeor the packager was to lazy
04:19.48kergothwe rip out the debian/ dir
04:19.51treke|homenoda: 1 package uses it
04:19.55kergothand if they modify any code,
04:19.55gb2noda: those are no different than redhat patches
04:19.57kergoththen we bring that patch local
04:20.19nodagb2: No, but I wasn't aware we used any redhat patches, while I'm sure we use at least 1 debian patch :P
04:20.52nodaNow then, last problem on my homework.... 1a)...
04:20.52gb2noda: depending on a downloaded patch is likely to be poor design
04:21.02kergothgb2: s/is likely/was/
04:21.11gb2kergoth: :)
04:21.21kergothtreke|home: which one?
04:21.49treke|homethe debian one.
04:24.12treke|homehmmm, stripping out the /debian directory wasnt a wise idea :p
04:24.33gb2kergoth: what does oemake do to make its decisions about the dependency tree for what to build?
04:24.38treke|homewe use a bunch of stuff from it :p
04:25.08kergothgb2: currently it builds everything that provides a given thing. doesnt handle multiple provides at all, so doesnt make decisions about what is "better", even when it comes to version comparison between the same packagen ame
04:25.23kergothsince i handle that as just another multiple provides case. both ncurses-5.3 and ncurses-4.2 provide ncurses
04:26.16kergothits clean that way, just need a multiple provides handler, that in the case where PN is the same for both, does a version/revision compre, but when pn is different, aborts
04:26.34gb2fog% OEFILES=$PWD/*.oe oemake uclibc-gcc-cross
04:26.34gb2NOTE: build 200309240026 started
04:26.34gb2ERROR: Unable to build uclibc-gcc-cross: no .oe file provides it.
04:26.34gb2NOTE: build 200309240026 completed
04:26.44gb2fog% ls -l uclibc-gcc-cross*.oe
04:26.44gb2-rw-r--r--    1 gbritton users        1775 Sep 20 21:40 uclibc-gcc-cross-3.3.1.oe
04:26.54gb2this problem still exists. hrm.
04:28.24gb2trying uclibc-binutils-cross fails the same way
04:28.31gb2uclibc-binutils- is trying to build it
04:28.37gb2no wait
04:28.44gb2forgot the cross
04:28.56gb2with the -cross- it tries nothing
04:29.28kergothi wonder..
04:29.33gb2ah.. hrmmm.....
04:29.41kergothit could be obtaining PN via a bad method
04:29.50kergothor not updating and expanding the data
04:29.58gb2i think the included skeleton .oe files are screwing it up
04:30.32gb2i think it's working now.
04:30.44gb2if i did an OEFILES= not including those skeleton ones
04:30.49gb2which i've never tried building alone
04:31.20gb2i need to figure out what to really call the virtual package names
04:31.31gb2Connecting to[]:80... connected.
04:31.31gb2HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
04:32.01gb2it didn't try to do patcher first
04:32.50kergothsomething is weird with the prepended depends
04:32.51CIA07ChangeSet@1.262 Prevent creation of empty ipk and rpm archives.
04:33.00kergothoebuild shows them in showdata, and oemake aborts if it cant find them..
04:33.02kergothbut it doesnt follow them.
04:33.05kergothits odd.
04:33.27gb2Connecting to[]:80... connected.
04:33.27gb2HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
04:33.41gb2need download stamps
04:33.44kergothbreak it. if you already have the source, it wont abort the build
04:33.50kergothyeah we do
04:34.04gb2ok, it's building the binutils-cross package.
04:35.03kergothstamps in general need to be handled better
04:35.12kergothfor example, the ipk, tar, and rpm package output functions shouldnt have stamps
04:35.16kergoththey should rely on their output
04:35.18kergothbut currently they dont
04:36.28kergothhah, the ipk build leaves the CONTROL dir around
04:36.30kergothdoesnt clean up
04:36.39kergothso i get a nice control file in the tarball and rpm next time around
04:38.33gb2. . .
04:38.38gb2RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
04:39.32kergothyeah, it really needs to check for recursion
04:39.49gb2kergoth: it would be cool if the package emitting classes output something like "NOTE: Emitted tmp/deploy/rpm/${PN}-${PV}-${PR}.${TARGET_ARCH}.rpm
04:39.58kergothgb2: yeah, was just thinking that
04:40.07kergothgb2: right now it relies on teh tool we're using to build it, which isnt clean or consistent
04:40.08gb2since then i could cut + paste into rpm -Uvh
04:41.51gb2NOTE: package base/uclibc-binutils-cross- build succeeded
04:41.51gb2Traceback (most recent call last):
04:41.52kergothreally, there is more shared between the apckage emitting classes than is in package.oeclass
04:42.11gb2that's the start of the recursion if it's at all helpful.. is that a circular dep being found?
04:42.13kergothgb2: yeah, its walking through the dependency digraph
04:42.49kergothgb2: add a note() to the build callback
04:43.01kergothor something
04:43.07gb2oh, i think i know why it's doing that
04:43.14gb2i'll hack on it tomorrow afternoon
04:43.23gb2it's a problem in my deps if i'm right
04:43.29gb2well, sorta a problem
04:43.37gb2ok, bedtime
04:43.43kergothcool. i need to spend more time on the image creation stuff for ti.. then maybe i can find some time to get the metadata handling in the c++ lib cleaned up and in bk
04:43.46kergothk, night
04:43.57nodaAargh. I'd get perfect on this homework if it weren't for this one question. Is it worth going to a tutorial for a single frickin' question? No! Dammit :(
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04:50.45kergothwe need a new arch var
04:50.55kergothto represent the architecture of what this package outputted.
04:51.05kergothit'll match HOST_ARCH in most cases, but not for arch independent stuff
04:57.10kergothi dont see how it could be failing to get the correct local extracted path
04:57.12kergothlooks fine there
05:06.14treke|homekergoth: WORKDIR makes me think it would expect it in tmp/base/ifupdown-0.6.4-r0, correct?
05:06.40treke|homeI think the  problem is it's beeing extracted to the wrong place
05:06.47kergothah, that could be
05:07.07treke|homeit is being extracted to the download directory, which doesn't make much sense to me
05:07.25kergothah yeah
05:07.28kergothits the new unpack code
05:07.57treke|homebtw, when updating something like ifupdown to the newest debian release, would the .oe change to ifupdown-0.6.4-r1.oe?
05:09.05kergothyou should increment PR the same points you'd increment PR back in the OZ buildroot days
05:09.17kergothwhenever a change occurs that'll affect the outputted packages, and thereby the useres
05:09.34kergothk, fixed that silly unpack problem
05:09.37W8TVIthe next release of OZ/OE is comming soon?
05:09.37treke|homeand that's represented by the name of the .oe file?
05:09.41treke|homeW8TVI: no
05:10.22CIA07ChangeSet@1.263 base.oeclass:   Correct the output path for bunzipped/gunziped files.
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05:11.41W8TVII'm here... now I can leave :P
05:12.15CIA07ChangeSet@1.264 BUGFIX: add a missing 'import string'
05:12.22kergothtreke|home: it can be, or it can be in the file itself as a metadata item PR
05:12.32kergothtreke|home: depends on when you want to keep the ability to build the previous version
05:12.39kergothshould really be something we should decide on policy-wise
05:13.25kergothits good to keep old PV's around, to build previous source versions
05:13.28ljpdoes buildroot do pre-linking ?
05:13.29kergothbut revision seems like overkill.
05:13.41kergothljp: uh, prelink isnt something you do at build time
05:13.53treke|homeit's odd to be paging through the files and have no idea what version the oe builds
05:14.08treke|homekergoth: well  you could use the file naming scheme and put the info in the .oe
05:14.15ljpisnt that preload at runtime?
05:14.18kergothduplicate the info?
05:14.19kergothfor what?
05:14.30kergothid just be a pain in the ass to keep it synced
05:14.41kergothjust add a status bar to your vim so you have the filename in front of you
05:14.51kergothljp: ?
05:14.53treke|homekergoth: To make the content clearer. How often would it need to get updated if each revision get's an oe
05:15.43ljpnm. google is my friend
05:15.43kergothits still pointless duplication of metadata.. part of the whole point of this is to remove unnecessary duplication
05:21.04ljpa TT dev was asking about prelink, sorry
05:21.34treke|homeljp: prelink has to be run on the device itself
05:22.08kergothljp: afaik there isnt a cross-prelink, and even if there was, it isnt recommended that you distribute stuff already prelinked. runtime is best
05:22.21ljpheh you guys just read my mind
05:23.01ljpwell, this would be for an internal demo on c700 devices
05:23.21ljpmight be good to show it off a bit, perhaps
05:23.31treke|homedont know if it would do any good
05:23.33kergothinstall the prelink ipk and try it.
05:23.35treke|homewith the new launcher stuff
05:23.48kergothlast timei tried it, when it hit /lib it resulted in every binary segfaulting
05:23.50ljpwell, for codecs and such
05:24.22treke|homeI think I used 2.95.3-oz1.1
05:24.30ljpdo you need to prelink everything? glibc and friends?
05:24.49ljpor am I still confused
05:24.53W8TVI|zi wish some one could compile the latest hostap for me...
05:24.59kergothyou can selectively prelink, but all the dependent libs of a thing must be prelinked as ell
05:25.05kergothso for all intents & purposes, yes
05:25.21kergothW8TVI|z: grab buildroot and backrev the hostap makefile to when we had it at 0.0.4
05:26.50kergoth00:27 < conwork> since the channel is well populated I thought I should just tell you again that I'm quittting kernel dev
05:26.52treke|homeor just edit the file and change the 3 to a 4
05:26.54kergothwhat the..
05:26.56kergothcon's leaving?
05:27.04treke|homecon kolivas?
05:27.06W8TVI|zI understand the part about grabing build root...
05:27.10kergothof -ck fame
05:27.39treke|homewhat channel is this?
05:27.54kergoth#offtopic on OFTC
05:28.09kergoththe chan for bullshitting where the kernelnewbies folks chill
05:28.16kergothW8TVI|z: you've never heard the term backrev?
05:28.21kergoththats surprising.
05:28.24treke|home#offtopic? is that the #openembedded of oftc?
05:28.25W8TVI|zno... sorry
05:28.29kergothas in, return to a previous version of a thing
05:28.43kergothin this case, use bk to recover a previous revision of a file
05:28.49kergothtreke|home: yup
05:29.07W8TVIok, I'm lost... I'm using hostap 0.0.3
05:29.18treke|homewe've noticed
05:29.19kergoththis isnt that hard to understand
05:29.23kergothwe had 0.0.4 in buildroot
05:29.26kergothwe backed up to 0.0.3
05:29.27ljpkernel dev makes you go crazy. just look at linus
05:29.31kergothbk still has the old version that had 0.0.4
05:29.33kergothobtain it
05:29.34kergothbuild it
05:29.35kergothta da
05:29.37kergothinstall ipk
05:29.44treke|homekergoth: your making this too hard
05:29.53W8TVIso was there something wrong with 0.0.4?
05:30.12kergothaccording to the bk logs from mickey, yes, it was being less stable
05:30.21treke|homecheckout buildroot. edit packages/hostap/Makefile, change 0.0.3 to 0.0.4
05:30.31W8TVIthen I'll just stick with 0.0.3
05:31.14W8TVIthanks anyway :)
05:31.22ljpI got a cat on sunday, and he already has a girlfriend
05:34.18treke|homewonder if my dad wants to get rid of one
06:01.21CIA07ChangeSet@1.120 Add fbgetty 0.1.698.
06:05.54W8TVIwhere does one get a dhcp server for the zaurus?
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06:12.39ljpfrom the dhcp server store
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06:14.25W8TVIljp, I want to run dhcpd on my zaurus
06:15.21ljpbuildroot can build it. you might try looking at zsi
06:15.41ljpyou mean the server, not client, right?
06:16.14W8TVII checked on ZSI
06:26.24W8TVIwhy does oz 3.2 call my ambicom wl1100c a zcom xi300?
06:28.57_Bala_they could be the same device rebranded
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07:46.19darkschneiderlo all
07:55.57darkschneiderlet me do a question to see if i understood well: .oe files are not per package anymore but per version?
07:58.16darkschneiderok i noticed how it works, thanks anyway
08:20.38darkschneiderwhat is the standard way to specify a patch in .oe
08:21.15Twiundarkschneider: most oe discussions get interesting when the US wakes up ;)
08:21.28darkschneidereheh :P i know..
08:21.57darkschneideri was awake till 3 am to follow them yesterday... but i can't make the porting when i'm so sleepy :P
08:24.46Twiunmorning mithro
08:24.54Twiunmorning mickeyl
08:27.12mickeylcmartin: morning
08:27.38mickeylmorning Twiun
08:28.39Twiunmickeyl: I got prodded to get back to work on my java stuff - so oe/oz is on the backburner for a while longer
08:29.30mickeylah too bad ;)
08:29.41mickeylwill you take a look at kaffe if you're in java-mode? :D
08:33.37TwiunI'll most likely be using kaffe to try things out
08:34.05darkschneiderok i figured out how to patch things in .oe
08:35.29*** join/#openembedded BBMatthew (
08:37.25BBMatthewhow do you cope when suddenly debian upgrade all their minor numbers
08:37.43Twiunwe bitch and moan and upgrade packages
08:38.03BBMatthewI see
08:38.13Twiunwe'll start archiving stuff soon to attenuate that
08:38.21BBMatthewwell they have done it again, several times :(
08:38.22Twiunso the upgrade is on our terms
08:38.59Twiunyou'll get used to it
08:39.16BBMatthewthanks I needed that
08:39.45Twiunbest thing we can do is improving the ruggedness of our system to cope
08:39.59BBMatthewIf I wanted a fairly complete opie image for poodle could I use the collie one?
08:44.27darkschneiderBBMatthew: grr debian... yesteday i was back to that for hours..
08:45.16mickeylBBMatthew: wouldn't be choosing poodle-opie_image more logical?
08:45.18darkschneiderBBMatthew: i'm trying to get an image for poodle too.. no success
08:45.55darkschneiderBBMatthew: send me a beep if you have better luck, i need one for my Z
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09:40.30mithro-workhow is everyone today?
09:43.18darkschneiderthre is some more doc on oe? since th files in the oe dirs don't say how to do version checking, conditional statements.. and so on.. and i'm seeing they are necessary for most packages
09:56.30cmartinmickeyl: hi
09:58.01cmartinmickeyl: i saw a forum posting that the "Software" program ends with SEGSIGV when trying to install from the feeds - sorry, but i didn't test this :(
09:58.14cmartins/ SIGSEGV
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10:06.12mickeylcmartin: hmm - can you reproduce that problem?
10:15.26cmartinmickeyl: not from here (work) since my ne2k Card doesn't work under OpenSIMpad - i'll have to wait 'till i get home where i have wireless
10:17.56mickeylwhy doesn't your ne2k work? what does cardctl ident report?
10:26.03cmartinmickeyl|lunch: it shows random manf_ids - seems to be a voltage problem, but i never figured it out - the strange thing is that it works fine with the bootloader (installation over ne2k)
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11:40.44mickeylcmartin|lunch: ah i remember us talking about that
12:00.38HolcxjoI believe I have done everythin it says in the doc, yet when trying any oebuild call , I always end up with a "ERROR: InvalidTask event exception, aborting".
12:00.42HolcxjoAny ideas?
12:01.33fdaskis that the full error?
12:02.00fdaskdo you have Python 2.2 or later?
12:02.20fdaskdo you have the 3.3.1 toolchain installed?
12:06.25BBMatthewmickeyl, btw the old version of ipk solved the problems
12:06.27HolcxjoPython 2.2.3+
12:06.34HolcxjoI'm using Debian sid
12:06.47HolcxjoAnd yes, that's the full error...
12:07.14fdaskwhat package are you trying to build?
12:07.31HolcxjoI have  2.95.3 installed in /usr/local/arm
12:07.41mickeylBBMatthew: aa
12:07.48mickeylBBMatthew: which one?
12:07.49fdaskOE will not work with 2.95
12:07.58HolcxjoIt doesn't matter what package I use, it compalins with any and every .oe file...
12:08.15fdaskHolcxjo: get
12:08.28mithrowhy won't OE work with 2.95?
12:08.35BBMatthewmickeyl, the old void_list_error type stuff I was getting when making intrd.bin and using ipkg in general
12:08.50HolcxjoOK, I'll try that and report back .  Thanks
12:09.00fdask[18:18] <kergoth> OE only has glibc 2.3.2.
12:09.02fdask[18:18] <kergoth> glibc 2.3.x doesnt build with gcc2.x
12:09.02fdask[18:18] <kergoth> use the gcc 3.3.1 final chain on
12:09.12mickeylBBMatthew: no i meant, to which version did you downgrade?
12:10.18BBMatthewmickeyl, cvsdate 20030623 0.99.84 I think
12:11.06mickeylyou think?
12:11.19mickeylnormally it is either a cvsdate _or_ a version tag
12:11.34mickeyli need to know for back'rev ing
12:11.34fdaskdoes one override the other?
12:11.53mickeylgood question, never tried such a stupid thing :)
12:12.04BBMatthewmickeyl, got it its cvsdate 20030623
12:12.09BBMatthewmickeyl, sorry
12:12.21mickeylBBMatthew: np. i'm backrev'ing that in buildroot.
12:13.58BBMatthewbasically I now have a 5600 in fully operating condition now with a few niggles
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12:14.28darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: can i share the rom?
12:14.41darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: i failed in that try...
12:15.15CIA07ChangeSet@1.1342 backrev ipkg - the newer one has some weird problems
12:15.57BBMatthewdarkschneiderawy, sure, will be putting it on my website with a feed, all unofficial and labelled highly experminetal in just a few mins, am checking it out now
12:15.59darkschneiderawymickeyl: check vncserver cvs.. it does not compile here
12:16.39darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: tx then url me, i allready have an experimental one on my Z...
12:17.30BBMatthewwell I still need to find out what package is in as its not being installed at the moment
12:18.54mickeyldarkschneiderawy: patches expected.
12:19.04mickeylI'm not interested in vncserver... so you have to look at it :)
12:21.14BBMatthewdarkschneiderawy, try
12:22.14BBMatthewmickeyl, do you want the image and initrd.bin and feed for experimental?
12:22.22mickeylBBMatthew: if it is working, yes please
12:22.32mickeylBBMatthew: tested? ;)
12:22.40BBMatthewwell it seems to work fine apart from the missing lib.. :)
12:22.56BBMatthewoccasionally hangs
12:23.03mickeylfair enough
12:23.23mickeyldownloads first
12:23.36BBMatthewsyncs with qtopia on my laptop
12:24.18BBMatthewuses an symbol CF 802.11b to update its clock from the network
12:24.24darkschneiderawymickeyl: it miss a and a config.h, but i'm at cap 10 of autobook, so i don't know enougth to patch that
12:24.29BBMatthewhad a lot of trouble with USB sync
12:24.43mickeyldarkschneiderawy: then you're far more advanced than me.
12:24.47darkschneiderawymickeyl: i have that small patch for phalanx, since it's notanymore mantained
12:24.58mickeyldarkschneiderawy: please mail that phalanx patch to me
12:25.11darkschneiderawymickeyl: i putting autotools in my project.. anywa i will mail the autor and see what he says
12:25.21darkschneiderawymickeyl: ok coming
12:26.03HolcxjoHm.  Installing 3.3.1 does not help with my InvalidTask event problem
12:26.24HolcxjoEven trying with a simple package it fails:
12:26.27Holcxjooebuild resolvconf-0.41.oe
12:26.34HolcxjoERROR: InvalidTask event exception, aborting
12:27.20fdaskHolcxjo, can u msg me some of the lines leading up to that error?
12:27.49mickeylBBMatthew: which does work with it?
12:29.37darkschneiderawyfdask: autobook is a free nice book on autotools and related, very useful if you want to start and do not want to read 4 separate manuals
12:29.40BBMatthewI think the one I use came from, I didn't think there was any difference in them
12:30.02fdaskdarkschneiderawy, do you have a url for that?
12:30.43darkschneiderawyfdask: sure
12:30.49mickeylBBMatthew: can you put that on the sl5600 location? i need to be sure we have a matching in the same location
12:31.24BBMatthewok but is there a difference in scripts?
12:31.31BBMatthewI should investigate
12:31.36darkschneiderawyfdask:  look around for a ps version for printing (or buy it, it's cheap) and ps version is normaly outdated to 1.3
12:31.50mickeylBBMatthew: yeah of course. they all have different offsets in the nand-values. we have to make sure it is one for poodle.
12:32.09BBMatthewit came from their 5600rc1 rom
12:32.29darkschneiderawymickeyl: usinmg the offcvial one from sharp worked very fine here
12:32.39mickeyldarkschneiderawy: link?
12:33.19BBMatthewmickeyl, its now up
12:33.39darkschneiderawyallwayus the same, it's not this the normal one?
12:33.48mickeylBBMatthew: thanx
12:34.35mickeylBBMatthew: forbidden.
12:35.39BBMatthewstill need to fix aqpkg and thats about it for the obvious bigs
12:36.20darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: the rom i'm sing is allready that done by you :) the link is the same frm the ml
12:36.50darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: you have done a new initrd.bin rigth and same kernel as before?
12:37.06BBMatthewindeed but I just updated it. Its built with 3.3.1 for the armv5te xscale so should be significantly faster than the armv4 stuff
12:37.19BBMatthewdarkschneiderawy, the kernel hasn't changed in a while
12:37.37darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: mine was not a speed problem
12:37.47BBMatthewwhat was your problem?
12:37.54darkschneiderawyproblem is vi is not actualy working well and there is not another editor
12:38.05darkschneiderawymoreover it miss devices!
12:38.27darkschneiderawy/dev/random and /dev/urandom (easly created..)
12:39.01darkschneiderawybut it miss the /dev/fb and qpe or anythign else refuses to start
12:39.35BBMatthewinteresting. My 5600 is running fine
12:40.16mickeylBBMatthew: ok, everything's up on If you want, you can announce it on openzaurus-users and openzaurus-devel, since it's your feed.
12:40.42darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: really strange.. i done nothing different from the standard flashing
12:41.16BBMatthewuse the from the site (its now up)
12:41.24darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: maybe the scipt is the only difference! you took the one from the company i thoook the one from the other sute
12:41.28darkschneiderawyoki perfect
12:41.56BBMatthewmickeyl, ok then I shall do, the uni don't mind as long as I don't use more bandwidth than they do
12:42.08darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: lol :P
12:42.33mickeylBBMatthew: sure, but I think it's easier for the people if we don't fragment the feed locations too much. That's why I uploaded to
12:42.44darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: here the cd and sf are not working too... so i can0t flash it rigth now..
12:46.32BBMatthewmickeyl, should have read about the uploaded feed BEFORE posting that email. Oh well next revision I shall remove my feed an only use yours
12:46.52BBMatthewdarkschneiderawy, you were using your zaurus to write the CF card for the updates?
12:47.01BBMatthewyou did update and then format right?
12:47.03darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: yes
12:47.09darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: sure
12:47.09BBMatthewjust checking :)
12:47.18mickeylyeah. do you have a sourceforge account?
12:47.26darkschneiderawyBBMatthew: i done that 2 times.. because it was not working before
12:47.29BBMatthewnope, should I get one
12:47.41mickeylBBMatthew: get yourself one and tell kergoth to include you into project openzaurus.
12:47.58BBMatthewwill do
12:48.06darkschneiderawyeheh, nice cheer for you BBMatthew!
12:48.42darkschneiderawypoor darkschneider has too few skills fo anything...
12:49.32darkschneiderawybtw someoen here know how to to conditional things with oebuild, something like the ifdef used in Makefiles
12:51.31darkschneiderawylater all
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13:05.03BBMatthewgah better get on and do work I am supposed to do before my boss gets back
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13:13.32BBMatthewmickeyl, I have been looking hard but I cant find what package libstdc++ is in, any thoughts?
13:19.31mickeylBBMatthew: is not needed
13:19.38mickeylBBMatthew: just force depends
13:20.05BBMatthewkonqueror fails to load claiming it cant find that lib
13:20.15BBMatthewas does opieplayer2
13:22.07mickeylso you already used force-depends to install it?
13:22.28BBMatthewit didn't need it, never raised a blip
13:22.40mickeylmust be a toolchain issue then
13:22.51mickeyllibstdc++ is supposed to be statically linked with the binary
13:22.59mickeylin our toolchains, at least
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13:25.09BBMatthewwell its never complained about it when I have built it before
13:28.52Twiun"EU Parliament Approves Software Patents"
13:30.58cmartinTwiun: expect otherwise??
13:32.15Twiuncmartin: not really, but I never stopped hoping
13:32.24BBMatthewthe idiots -- screw us all why don't they
13:32.45cmartinTwiun: thier just marionettes of their US counterparts
13:33.30BBMatthewindeed, well the british patent office was pressing for their introduction, they obviously have a few more family members who need jobs
13:33.38Twiuncmartin: yup... I wonder how many got a nice new mansion out of it?
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13:54.00BBMatthewmickeyl, got it its the static inclusion of the libstdc++ as AQPKG now works as soon as I copied libstdc++ into /lib/
13:54.22BBMatthewI shall get the toolchains again and try a rebuild
13:54.45mickeylah okay, good.
13:55.18mickeylWho locked the bk repo?
13:55.21mickeylStand up!
13:55.24BBMatthewsound is provided by audiofile right?
13:55.46mickeylno idea
13:55.55mickeyli only use /dev/dsp ;)
13:56.19BBMatthewwell no sound is going in opie nor can a squeak be heard from media player
13:57.12mickeylthere is no package which provides that kind of sound
13:57.48mickeylhehe, it could be that Opie is missing the poodle customization.
13:57.55mickeylas in odevice.cpp
13:57.58BBMatthewoops oh dear
13:58.03mickeylso it doesn't recognize it properly
13:58.07mickeyldo me a favour
13:58.11mickeylopen sysinfo
13:58.11BBMatthewof course
13:58.22mickeyllast tab, how does opie recognize your PDA?
13:59.02BBMatthewit says Openzarus 3.3.4 model zaurus b500 or sl-5600
13:59.16mickeyloh. so it recognizes it.
14:00.13mickeylneeds a closer look then.
14:00.35mickeylodevice is a mess currently
14:00.42mickeylat least for the Zaurus
14:00.57mickeylwe have to look for different device files, kernel versions, OS versions, etc.
14:01.11mickeylthere might be bugs for the 2.4.18-embedix kernels.
14:01.12mickeylneeds work :)
14:01.50mickeyldamnit, which modem-owner locks the bk repository?  :D
14:03.50BBMatthewmickeyl, am trying xmms-e as it should provide a clue as to whether its the sound system from the kernel or opie
14:03.56BBMatthewbtw opie used to work
14:05.27BBMatthewI think - actually forget that
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14:10.04mickeylBBMatthew: you can just 'cat' a sound to /dev/dsp to test
14:10.07mickeylseems easier ;)
14:10.16mickeylor to /dev/sharp_buz
14:10.22BBMatthewahh thats a good point
14:12.12BBMatthewcat sound.wav > /dev/dsp should work, correct?
14:12.58Twiuncat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp should also work - if a bit noisy
14:12.59mickeyli don't know if that's the buzzer or the headphones, though
14:14.37BBMatthewit spits back cat: Write error: Unknown error 512
14:15.22mickeylthat doesn't help much
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14:15.47BBMatthewchecking kernel age and ver now
14:15.49mickeylBBMatthew: sound handling is the same in all devices using the 2.4.18-embedix. I'll check at home
14:15.53mickeylon my c750
14:16.08BBMatthewused to work
14:16.15mickeyli know that I once heard a sound from cardmon though
14:16.22mickeylthe "plopp" when putting in a new card
14:16.37BBMatthewactually i used to get that
14:18.23mickeylsound handling in opie (and qte for that matter) sucks anyway
14:18.32mickeyldoing a sound server is on our todo list for ages
14:18.41mickeylbut ya' know...
14:20.36BBMatthewwell the good news is I haven't been using the official toolchains
14:20.52BBMatthewwonder if it would fix a lot of the problems I am having
14:21.20mickeylwhich one did you use for the kernel?
14:21.35BBMatthew2.95.3 afaik
14:21.42BBMatthewwhich is correct
14:21.56BBMatthewbut there is a new kernel option that has appeared in its config
14:22.28BBMatthewit now asks if I want preemption
14:22.35mickeylah yes, I added this a few days ago.
14:23.35BBMatthewbut my 3.3.1 compiler was somewhat different
14:23.50BBMatthewso yet another rebuild
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14:31.13HolcxjoJust for the record:  Setting OEPATH to a wrong value will give you this strange "ERROR: InvalidTask event exception, aborting" error.
14:32.13HolcxjoSomehow doing that, oebuild and friends completly fail to load e.g. base.oeclass.  Unfortunately they keep silent about this failure.
14:33.30fdaskglad to see u solved the problem!
14:37.23HolcxjoI tried "oemake zlib-1.1.4
14:37.41Holcxjobut that fails with a missing 'patcher'
14:37.54HolcxjoShould that be listed in some dependency?
14:41.24fdaskhrmm, i think patcher is automatically added as a depend by base.oeclass
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14:58.44Twiunfdask: it's certainly recognised as such, but I haven't got OE to actually retrieve/build it yet
15:03.28fdaski just did an oebuild on it
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15:10.07TwiunI'm going reread the readme - I think there's a missing step
15:17.28treke|homeTwiun: you probably exported oefiles using relative paths
15:18.55Twiun[twiun@tangency oe]$ echo $OEFILES
15:19.29kergoth`zzzoe/content? not packages/content?
15:19.35kergoth`zzzthere are two repos, remember
15:20.00Twiunkergoth: Aha! there's the problem.
15:20.05TwiunI pasted from thr README
15:22.40kergothyou didnt paste it exactly :)
15:22.48kergoththe block before had you cd into packages :)
15:22.59kergothfeel free to submit an update to make the doc more clear
15:23.50Twiunso no guessing paths then ;)
15:24.51kergoththe assumption is that you'll understand that OEFILES contains a list of oe files, so the path has to.. contain oe files
15:25.27Twiunbut even if the... OEFILES containes the right path... oebuild requires a relative path to the oe file to find it
15:25.29Twiun... it seems
15:25.52kergothoebuild doesnt use oefiles
15:26.08kergothread the readme again.
15:26.19kergothand read --help on teh commands, which i believe the readme directs you to.
15:27.15kergothibot: wednesday
15:27.16Wednesday sucks, because it is only half way through the week.
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15:36.38Twiunkergoth: ok, I understand it a bit more now - the glibc build task downloaded both glibc tarballs but then threw an error - this is the log:
15:36.41Twiun/home/twiun/oe/packages/tmp/base/glibc-2.3.2-r0/temp/run.do_unpack.5963: line 347: base_do_unpack: command not found
15:36.44Twiunmv: when moving multiple files, last argument must be a directory
15:36.47TwiunTry `mv --help' for more information.
15:37.01kergothnever seen that.
15:37.14kergothsounds like you're on a very old set of trees
15:37.24Twiunpulled 20mins ago
15:37.47kergothbase_do_unpack is a function _INSIDE_ of your run_do_unpack.5963
15:37.53kergothso i dont see how itd fail to find it.
15:38.21Twiunnope, it's not in there
15:39.12kergoththen you didnt set OEDIR properly or something.
15:39.25kergothoebuild showdata path/to/oefile|grep -A10 base_do_unpack
15:41.38Twiunok, how do I interpret the output?
15:41.55kergothdo you see a base_do_unpack () { line?
15:42.30TwiunI do indeed:
15:42.31Twiunpython base_do_unpack() {
15:42.50kergothwhats line 347 of your run_do_unpack script
15:42.53kergothand the nearby lines
15:43.29Twiundo_unpack() {
15:44.26kergoththats a way old tree.
15:44.36kergothglibc hasnt had a shell unpack since last week or more
15:44.44kergothdo you have the OE rpm installed or something?
15:45.27Twiunnope - but I'm willing to reclone oe - just in case I fucked up
15:45.54kergothprobably a good idea
15:46.01kergothreclone packages as well.
15:46.05kergothsince the problem lies there
15:46.07kergothin glibc's .oe
15:48.01TwiunI think I know what the problem was
15:48.23TwiunI'm too stuck in my old ways - thinking a single pull would update everything
15:48.33Twiunwhen I really need two  oe and packages
15:50.21kergothah, yep.
15:59.13Twiunhmmm, patcher command not found?
16:01.24kergothbuild patcher.
16:01.29kergothits not _in_ the repos, its another .oe
16:01.35kergoththeres a bug in oemake though
16:01.38kergothit isnt following that dep
16:01.41kergothso just oemake patcher blah
16:01.51kergothor oebuild it
16:03.38Twiunbut deps work otherwise?
16:03.48kergothits only deps that get _prepend or _append'd to DEPENDS
16:03.49kergothits weird
16:03.56kergothoemake will fail saying patcher isnt provided if patcher.oe doesnt exist
16:04.00kergothyet it doesnt follow its dep
16:05.08kergothibot: botmail for schurig: can you update your patcher on your site to current?  OE pulls it from upstream and uses it, and the one on the site suffers from a few annoying bugs.  In fact, it might not be a good idea to create a new bk repos for patcher somewhere, since buildroot will be deprecated sometime soon
16:05.33kergothibot: botmail for schurig: err s/it might not/it might/;
16:11.09BBMatthewkergoth, mickeyl suggested I open an sourceforge account and get you to add me to the project so I can upload the build and feeds for the SL5600 that I currently have
16:11.12Neo|Workljp: hey, "make clean" in qte shouldn't require you to rerun configure! make clean should remove object files, make distclean should remove config stuff as well
16:12.03kergothBBMatthew: k, let me know the account name when you have it
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16:17.19BBMatthewkergoth, its mattaw2001 for the usual obscure reasons :)
16:19.41kergothBBMatthew: k, should be able to put files in unofficial/ now
16:21.23darkschneiderkergoth: i'm making package files, but i miss the knowledge on how to make conditional statements that was done with ifdef in Makefile and the minimum requided version for the dep line
16:21.41kergoththere are no conditionals other than OVERRIDE conditionals
16:21.45kergothsee the comments in oe.conf
16:22.26kergothdo_compile_append_collie () {
16:22.36darkschneiderhoo ok
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16:23.03trekekergoth: is that sufficient for the deviceisms we need?
16:23.24kergothtreke: not really, since there's no equivalent of 'else'
16:23.35darkschneiderand for minimum requided version number in DEPENDS
16:23.36kergoththere are certain combinations of things that will be a pain to do without actual conditionals
16:23.40kergothdarkschneider: version #?
16:23.43kergothDEPENDS = libc
16:23.45kergothis perfectly valid
16:23.58trekeare you planning to add conditionals into the new parser?
16:24.04kergothtreke: yeah
16:24.04darkschneideransec i make example from a package
16:24.05gb2kergoth: this will be useful in doing things like uclibc configs
16:24.52darkschneiderlibc6 pcmcia-cs (>=3.2.3-3), base-modules | kernel-modules
16:25.12kergothdarkschneider: in buildroot Depends was both runtime and build.
16:25.19kergothdarkschneider: that particular versioned dep is a runtime thing
16:25.27kergothso is the modules dependency
16:25.36kergothrigth now its not so important to populate RDEPENDS (runtime)
16:25.41kergothas much as it is to populate DEPENDS (build time)
16:26.00darkschneiderok, so i simply put thing withot version numbers
16:26.10kergothdont bother bringing over RDEPENDS, RPROVIDES, versioned runtime deps, or deviceisms atm
16:26.19kergoththose we can easily add later, I want things _building_ rigth now
16:27.28darkschneiderand will it automaticaly include dirs of dependant packages, do i need to putt CFLAGS_append = "-I<foo>" or it will automaticaly add all build time dependencies?
16:27.44kergothdarkschneider: thats handled implicitly
16:27.56kergothstaging contains dependent libs and includes via the dependent package's do_stage target
16:27.59darkschneiderthen all packages starting with a are done :P
16:28.06kergothnote that if the dependent package doesnt _havfe_ a do_stage target, that wont help.
16:28.10kergothdarkschneider: build them.
16:28.15darkschneideri think i can finish the work in 2 days.. but maybe it wil be to rewiew
16:28.26darkschneiderkergoth: ok i will start testing
16:28.46kergothdont need anything extensive, just make sure it builds
16:29.00darkschneiderok, good
16:29.18kergothwonder how to handle the runtime QTDIR thing, since its highly distro specific
16:29.25kergothmaybe an RQTDIR var
16:29.28kergothso its adjustable
16:30.43kergothany opposition to moving to putting the qt/opie files in debian file locations?
16:30.49kergothie. /usr/lib/qte2
16:31.46kergothdarkschneider: the easeist packages to convert are the autoconf based ones. anything that uses ./configure can probably just inherit autotools and be done.
16:31.55kergothminus do_stage population of course
16:32.28darkschneideryeah, noticed that, but i'm cheacking to copy all needed files, like config files with do_compile_append{}
16:33.08BBMatthewgah the documentation is awful, if I want to upload files whats the preferred method?
16:33.15kergothcopy patches, config files, etc into FILESDIR aka content/${PN}-${PV}
16:33.26kergothBBMatthew: scp
16:33.33darkschneideryeah yeah :) allready done :)
16:33.35kergothBBMatthew:, /home/groups/o/op/openzaurus/htdocs/unofficial/etc
16:33.57BBMatthewgotcha, just wrtiting that down...
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16:34.54trekekergoth: where does the output of the note() function go?
16:35.12trekeI'm trying to debug something in base.oeclass, but it doesn't actually seem to be printing
16:35.18kergothwhich is captured by the exec code and logs it
16:35.24darkschneiderok bb min, i have to mount the new flash write reader i bougth... damn this oe thing is sucking em in like a balck hope :D
16:35.43trekehmmm. no temp dir
16:36.05kergothit only exists after a task has been executed for it
16:37.45trekeand if I want to debug something before a task has been executed?
16:38.46kergothdebug what?
16:38.57kergoththere's nothing to debug befoer then but metadata contents
16:39.02kergothand that you can get with oebuild showdata
16:39.43trekeI'm having more problems with do_unpack, trying to print out debugging data to see what is happening
16:40.05kergothdo_unpack is a task
16:40.14kergothso logs will exist
16:40.47trekelogs do not exist here, and the task is not completing successfully.
16:41.32kergoththen use showdata to confirm do_unpack contains what you think it contains.
16:43.30kergothalso, if you set OEDEBUG to a value
16:43.42kergothit'll leave the run.* generated shell script in place after success or failure
16:43.48kergothso you can look at the failing script.
16:47.50trekethere we go. now note is working
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16:52.03trekeok. this makes a bit of sens
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16:52.26treke${TMPDIR}, ${CATEGORY}, and {$PF} isnt being insterted into the environment
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17:10.07kergothgb2: whats the url to your uclibc oe's again?
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17:11.14gb2it's in there
17:11.33gb2i think my problem is related to oemake's handling of multiple providers
17:12.09gb2i tried to have the gcc-initial and gcc-final stages both provide "gcc" but the final to provide "g++" and similar with a uclibc-headers
17:12.17gb2and i think that was leading to the recursion
17:12.28gb2those should be ripped out and made saner anyway
17:13.01gb2some sane order should be applied to those and the glibc based toolchains
17:15.37gb2kergoth: btw, your putting .so files into the main package is imo wrong.  the normal case has .so being only a devel thing.  there are a handful of packages where that's the exception (most notibly libc providers)
17:16.07kergothoh, in /lib?
17:16.10gb2yeah is generally a devel-used symlink, not a runtime requirement
17:16.50kergothfigured it wouldnt matter, since very very few packages touch it directly
17:16.53kergothmost packages obey prefix
17:17.01gb2oh, you only do that for /lib?
17:17.07gb2ah, ok.
17:17.10gb2all i read was the logmessage
17:17.15gb2not the diff ;)
17:17.40gb2you had a "make sure *.so gets in to ensure glibc works" or similar message
17:18.11kergothit said /lib/*.so :)
17:18.15kergothbut yeah
17:19.27kergothfhs outlines that /lib is onhly the shared libs needed to run the binaries in /bin and /sbin, so glibc and e2fsprogs (fsck)
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17:21.13kergothconfigure:2293: checking whether the C compiler (ccache gcc  ) works
17:21.16kergothconfigure:2309: ccache gcc -o conftest    conftest.c  1>&5
17:21.22kergoth: undefined reference to `_WinMain@16'
17:21.24kergothcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
17:21.30kergothanyone recall the fix for that offhand?
17:22.59kergothThe libtool included in the expat sources is broken, regarding the use
17:22.59kergothwith Cygwin.  You need to relibtoolize with libtool-devel as I did for
17:22.59kergoththe expat binary  version for Cygwin.
17:23.04kergothah ha.
17:23.51gb2treke: is your editor munging indentation?
17:24.11trekedon't think so
17:24.26fdask_Zhard thing to spot sometimes
17:24.39gb2tabs vs. spaces?
17:25.03gb2I love having visual tabs and trailing whitespace in vim
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17:29.09BBMatthewljp, are you here?
17:33.57BBMatthewanyone tried building opie recently? I am getting a linker failure whereas previously it biult fine undefined versioned symbol name std::time_put_w@@GLIBCPP_3.2
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17:36.16trekeuse gcc 2.95 and it goes away
17:36.47BBMatthewoh damn, bound to be another #include problem, already ironed 2 of them out
17:36.58BBMatthewjust got to find whats missing it of course
17:37.31darkschneiderBBMatthew: if buildroot: what package? maybe i allredy npticed that
17:37.44BBMatthewopie aqpkg
17:37.51darkschneidermm nope
17:38.18darkschneideris it the keyboard thingy?
17:38.50BBMatthewnuuh its the graphical package manageer
17:39.08darkschneidernm... indeed... keyboard was qkeyboard-qws
17:39.46BBMatthewthe changeover from 2.95.3 to 3.3 has caused a lot of pain to me as my uni projects use a lot of templates
17:39.57BBMatthewso things like this happen all the time
17:40.30darkschneiderthat's why i probably failed to compile buildroot yesteday i was using 3.3
17:40.40BBMatthewwhat did it fail on?
17:41.52darkschneidereven the kernel.. c700 module but someoen here checked it and for him it worked (don't know if with 2.95 or 3.3), it had some undefined reference so proably a missing proto or a missing include
17:42.17kergothc700 kernel will not build with gcc3.
17:42.20kergothnone of the kernels will
17:42.30kergothwell, except 2.4.21 for collie, and ipaq's
17:42.41Neo|Workhow did the manage that?
17:42.45darkschneiderhoo.. then i was "rigth"
17:43.14kergothNeo|Work: ?
17:43.14darkschneideri started thinking it was all a dream.. since at 3am i was not so awake to discuss about that
17:43.24Neo|Workto get it to fail with gcc 3
17:43.55kergothyou have to apply a few patches to get a  linux kernel to build with gcc3.
17:44.00kergothpatches against the kenrel tree, that is
17:44.34gb2kergoth: s/build/work/
17:45.01gb2the shepherd kernel builds fine with gcc3, it just doesn't boot
17:46.18Neo|Workwonder what that is
17:47.20gb2kergoth: you'll make libtool angry
17:47.31kergothgb2: good point
17:47.43kergothwe wouldnt want that
17:47.46gb2you should stab it instead
17:47.49gb2make sure it dies too
17:48.02gb2ofcourse.. then we could endup with it being undead
17:48.11kergothguess oe_runconf should call libtoolize with STAGING_DIR set
17:48.18kergothso we get everything, not just
17:48.45gb2kergoth: you should merge in my separated builddir patch while you're at it
17:48.54kergothyeah, will do
17:49.02kergothmore of our apps need to depend on libtool
17:49.08kergothshould script a find of in tmp/base
17:49.12kergothand have it add it
17:58.55trekepb_: You have any gpe feeds besides familiar's feed?
18:02.35BBMatthewibot seen ljp
18:02.36ljp is currently on #opie (1d 7h 20m 42s) #gpe (1d 7h 20m 42s) #zaurus (1d 7h 20m 42s) #openembedded (1d 7h 20m 42s) (1d 7h 20m 42s) #openzaurus (1d 7h 20m 42s).  Has said a total of 45 messages.  Is idling for 11h 46m 55s
18:03.02kergothibot: seen me
18:03.03me <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 23d 3h 32m 33s ago, saying: 'hmm'.
18:03.11kergothibot: seen ibot
18:03.11i haven't seen 'ibot', kergoth
18:03.16kergothibot: seen kergoth
18:03.16kergoth is currently on #uclibc (7d 23h 43m 47s) #zaurus (7d 23h 43m 47s) #elinux (7d 23h 43m 47s) #openembedded (7d 23h 43m 47s) (7d 23h 43m 47s) #openzaurus (7d 23h 43m 47s).  Has said a total of 3949 messages.  Is idling for 0s
18:03.28kergoth~fishslap ibot
18:03.29ACTION slaps ibot up side the head with a wet fish.
18:03.54pb_treke: I think there's an "official gpe 1.0" feed.
18:06.06W8TVIibot: seen you
18:06.06W8TVI: i haven't seen 'you'
18:06.53W8TVI--- You are now known as W8TVI
18:06.58W8TVI--- you :Erroneous Nickname
18:09.43BBMatthewhmm the current gcc 3 is the openzaurus/official/cross3.3.1 isn't it?
18:11.35kergothyes, cross-3.3.1.tar.bz2 is current
18:11.55BBMatthewgood and drat at the same time :P
18:12.40trekepb_: any idea where it is?
18:15.05pb_lemme look
18:16.06pb_I guess we should make a new one for the Familiar 0.7.2 packages.
18:16.15trekegoing to try putting it on my husky
18:16.39pb_aha, neat
18:17.23trekedownloading mallums X image
18:19.14pb_kergoth: what's up?
18:19.55kergothpb_: trying to get binutils to build for arm target, x86-cygwin host :)
18:20.09kergothand it apparently has old libtool files that dont deal with it very happily
18:21.58pb_kergoth: arrr. nasty.
18:22.11pb_why cygwin, out of interest?
18:22.15kergothwhy not?
18:22.20kergothjust figured i'd try a build from it
18:22.24kergothsee if OE is happy
18:22.38kergothkilled all the bashisms while i was at it, since cygwin /bin/sh is an ash
18:24.27pb_ah, cool
18:24.41pb_gah, sounds like the disk in my fileserver is dying.
18:26.15Twiunpb_: cygwin would be quite useful if you fancied using up the spare cycles of all those work machines sitting around doing nothing
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18:44.36[SYN]Prezdoes anyone here use openzaurus with the ipaq?
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18:46.21trekepb_: The gpe downloads needs a packages file
18:46.46[SYN]Prezone person in it, haha
18:47.12pb_treke: oops
18:49.34trekethe fonts in X are so pretty :p
18:55.20treketoo bad I don't have gtk2 :p
18:59.11kergothlibtool 1.4.3 is too old
18:59.17kergothand libtool 1.5 is missing from
18:59.38BBMatthewkergoth, the new libtools break xine-lib
19:00.10BBMatthewsorry still not fixed that, still getting my head around the gnu build system
19:02.23gb2kergoth: there are old mirrors with gnu code on them
19:10.23trekeldconfig was in libc6-utils, right?
19:13.57gb2that sounds about right
19:14.28trekehmm. packages isn't being built, I'll just swipe it from the build tree
19:14.47trekethis is a hackjob of an install :)
19:15.32Pendalarlibtools is annoying
19:16.13Pendalaror the way RH puts it in anyways, you don't get the -config thing
19:17.09trekeit's a cross between oz, familiar, and gpe's feed
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19:40.02trekeok. gpe in no way worked
19:43.36pb_oh, I think you have to edit the Xserver startup file, otherwise gpe-dm just starts X again and again.
19:45.03trekepb_: The libraries were a mess. gtk-pixbuf isn't recognizing pngs even though the loader is installed
19:45.15pb_treke: did its postinst get run?
19:45.21pb_check /etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
19:45.41trekehmm. just xpm
19:45.59pb_use gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders to regenerate that file, or re-run the postinst from the loader package.
19:46.39trekeah. undefined symbols
19:46.52pb_what symbols does it want?
19:47.02trekedeflate from ibpng12
19:47.28[SYN]Prezare there any install guides for installing openzarus on the ipaq?
19:47.55pb_I wonder why libpng12 is different.
19:48.01trekepb_: I'm installing the familair one now
19:48.09pb_good thinking.
19:51.18pb_seems like an improvement
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19:52.07trekeyup. looking for librootimage now
19:52.27pb_ah, librootimage is obsolete.
19:52.37trekegpe-login2 depends on it
19:52.38pb_might be best to just pick up the latest versions of whatever depends on it from familiar unstable.
19:52.59trekethats what I've been doing
19:53.09pb_aha, one step ahead of the game.
19:53.23trekeit wasnt in unstable, but I found it in 0.7.1
19:53.55pb_yeah, I meant to get the latest gpe-login2 (which doesn't need librootimage any more) from unstable, but the 0.7.1 version should be fine.
19:54.31trekedo I need gpe-login2 and gpe-dm?
19:54.58pb_not strictly _need_, but probably advisable.
19:55.09pb_gpe-dm just starts the Xserver and runs /etc/X11/Xinit.  You could do that by hand if you wanted.
19:55.25pb_gpe-login provides the login UI.  You could short-circuit that in /etc/X11/Xinit.d if you wanted.
19:56.04pb_it's generally easiest to install both, then configure auto-logic in /etc/sysconfig/gpe-login if that's what you want.
19:56.07pb_er, auto-login
19:57.15trekeman. X startup is a maze :p
19:57.44[SYN]Prezwhat file do i need to install openzarus on the ipaq 3800?
19:57.48pb_yeah, there are rather a lot of twisty little scripts.
19:58.04pb_conceptually it's quite simple though.  start at /etc/X11/Xinit, which iterates through Xinit.d.
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19:58.23pb_the last entry in Xinit.d calls gpe-login, which (after logging in) runs /etc/X11/Xsession, which iterates through Xsession.d.
19:58.50pb_the last entry in Xsession.d runs your window manager.  when you terminate the window manager, the process exits, gpe-dm resets the Xserver, and it all starts again.
20:01.00pb_right now we have a small problem (caused by switching to busybox run-parts from a shell function) where you get a few busyboxes left hanging around in memory for the duration of the session.  need to fix that sometime.
20:06.56trekereflashing an opie image.
20:07.13trekeI'll play with it on my ipaq and see if I can get gpe working there
20:24.08trekewonder how pygtk stacks up to pyqt
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20:47.35[SYN]Prezanybody know how i can get my wifi card working with openzarus and the ipaq?
20:48.04trekeask in #openembedded-ipaq and be more specific
20:48.40mickeyl(or in #openzaurus)
20:49.02trekeI suppose #openzaurus
20:49.03mickeyln'evening btw.
20:53.47ljpdamn magpies
20:54.45kergothtreke: get anywehre with getting rt back going again?
20:54.56kergothwould be nice to keep track of who's converting what oe's and the like
20:55.12trekeI'll look at that tonight.
20:55.18ljpya, let me know when the qtopia package gets converted. ;)
20:55.27trekemy debian iso finished, didnt get around to installing it
20:55.32kergothah, cool
20:55.58ljpI hate my job.. having to hang around on irc all day...
20:56.06kergothyeah, me too
20:56.16kergothits a hard life. *sniff*
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20:57.04ljppeople keep asking me what my job is.. I keep stumbling and trying to come up with things that sound productive
21:01.19trekehmmm. my boss wants a c7x0 now :p
21:02.19ljpI bought a new kitchen knife last night... cut the fuck out of my finger trying to get it out of the package
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21:22.30pb_kergoth: do you have any local patches to busybox sh in openembedded?
21:22.58pb_Max was complaining that accented characters don't work in the shell under Familiar (and they don't on my desktop either), but he claims they do in OE.
21:25.11ljpI only see a tar and suid patch for busybox
21:25.19chouimathi ljp
21:25.29ljphey choui.. whzzup
21:25.41pb_ljp: hm, right.  thanks.
21:26.18pb_do you know what encoding the OE locales select by default?
21:26.32pb_I guess harlekin is using de_DE, if that makes a difference.
21:28.29ljphmm. not sure, I would assume by default its en
21:30.11chouimatljp: just rebuild this box ... I screw it up yesterday ...
21:34.39pb_hm, right.  maybe it's some UTF-8 specific lossage.
21:39.58chouimatTheMasterMind1: any recent rom for the sl-5000d?
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21:51.47kergothwhat the hell
21:51.56kergothset -e isnt working in our shell functions in OE on my rh box
21:53.18mickeylgod, is this library great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21:53.33mickeyldirectfb is DA BOMB
21:57.06chouimatmickeyl: ?
21:57.27mickeylthis thing runs circles around qt-embedded
21:57.34mickeyleven with alphablending
21:57.38mickeylchouimat ?
21:58.02chouimatmickeyl: nm
21:59.15ljpis that accelerated fb?
21:59.23mickeylljp: no.
21:59.39mickeyl(what makes it even more impressive)
21:59.44mickeylchouimat: the last snap I built was on 09/09/03. wanna try that?
22:00.02chouimatmickeyl: sl-5000d?
22:00.16mickeylchouimat: sure, i built all kernels
22:00.27ljpmickeyl: "DirectFB is a thin library that provides hardware graphics acceleration,"
22:00.40mickeylyes, but not on my c750 :D
22:00.58chouimatmickeyl: currently my zaurus is unusable ... so yes
22:01.55gb2mickeyl: what are you running ontop of dfb?
22:01.57mickeylchouimat: head over to and grab what you need
22:02.05mickeylgb2: the example applications
22:02.38mickeylno apps
22:02.43mickeyljust some testing/demo thingies
22:02.47mickeylimpressive though
22:03.18chouimatmickeyl: thanks
22:04.03ljpmaybe with qte4, more work can be done with accelerating the fb
22:04.32mickeylljp: hopefully... you think we/TT can get specs from ati ?
22:05.27ljpI think there are already a few accel modules available for qte
22:05.32chouimatljp: or using less memory
22:05.47ljpya, less mem is on the plan already
22:06.53chouimatljp I know ;-P
22:07.59mickeyldamn. no rotation :(
22:10.04gb2mickey: fast?
22:10.22gb2mickeyl: it's a rendering library, not a toolkit
22:10.38gb2rotation needs to go in the toolkit
22:10.39mickeyla rendering library has to provide rotation
22:10.56mickeylhmm we differ here
22:10.58gb2wait, what rotation are you refering to?
22:11.06mickeylFB rotation to compensate for LCDs
22:11.16mickeyllike in... ipaq, zaurus, etc.
22:11.39gb2so you're meaning "treat my display as WxH vs. HxW" ?
22:12.09mickeyllike in ... QVFb:Rot:270
22:12.18mickeyl(without that V)
22:12.43ljpor the Q
22:12.47chouimatdoes linux boot on the axim?
22:13.09pb_yes, from wince.
22:13.12pb_no bootldr yet.
22:13.23mickeylif i can only render in the native fb rotation, it's basically useless for us yet
22:13.24chouimatpb_: usable?
22:13.46pb_not really, yet.
22:14.02chouimatpb_: ok because it's now 299cad so ...
22:14.04pb_because you can only boot from wince, you can't put linux in the internal flash.
22:14.29pb_and there's no suspend/resume.
22:14.37pb_chouimat: yeah, they're nice units for the price.
22:14.53pb_with a bit of luck we should have bootldr working before too long.
22:15.13chouimatpb_: good battery life?
22:15.19pb_no idea, actually
22:20.36chouimatmickeyl: thanks for the image
22:21.15mickeylchouimat :)
22:22.12gb2mickeyl: i'm sure they're taking patches
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22:49.03[SYN]Prezanyone know how to get the smc2642w working with opie
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22:53.55[SYN]Prezdoes the smc2642w work with openzarus?
22:54.33stiggerin the def-configs/collie-opie_image should some packages be preselected
22:57.35stiggerignore me copied it to the wrong dir
23:11.39stiggerI'm trying to make image but it is complaining about qpf-bitstream-vera beening missing
23:12.05mickeylremove one of your two qpf-bitstream-vera providers out of output/ipks
23:12.05pb_you probably have too many, not too few, of those packages.
23:12.15mickeylhehe, nice answer
23:12.26trekethat reminds me
23:12.33trekestill need to mail off that axim serial cabl
23:13.02mickeylwe don't follow that logic, but your thoughts may be weird anyway ;)
23:14.17trekechouimat|dinner: It has an option 3100mah battery :p
23:14.30pb_treke: oh yeah, heh.
23:14.31trekemickeyl: chouimat was asking about the axim
23:14.42mickeylhehe, mn
23:15.01pb_treke: if you're planning to go to the hdc still, you could just take it with you then rather than mailing it.
23:15.12trekenah. Not going to HDC
23:15.21pb_ah well
23:15.23trekedecided I probably should spend the money
23:15.43pb_fair enough
23:16.10trekemaybe if they do one next year I'll go
23:16.41treketoo bad, since I now need to use up 10 days of vacation time
23:17.11stiggercool that fixedit
23:18.09ljp10 days. is that al lyou get?
23:20.11trekeljp: 10 per year
23:20.39trekecan only accumulate 20, so I need to use some or I get none next year :)
23:20.57ljpI get 21 days/year
23:24.48mickeylhey we need something like that for OE:
23:25.05kergothi couldnt unlock my car remotely
23:25.16trekeso you used a brick?
23:25.18kergothcause the car's battery was so dead it no longer had the juice to unlock the door
23:25.28kergothhad to get a fucking locksmith to get in
23:25.32kergoththen i couldnt drive it anywhere anyway
23:25.55kergothgot a jump, drove around for a bit, hopefully got it charged enough to start next time
23:25.58kergothi hate it when that happens
23:26.06kergothit was those stupid fucking little overhead reading lamps in the rear view mirror
23:26.15kergoththey were on.. who knows how long, but it mustve taken a while with those little things
23:29.14ljpthe locksmith didnt give you a jump?
23:29.35kergothhe left before i started it
23:30.31ljpyou have no key? what car?
23:35.32kergothljp: 95 monte carlo.. left my door key in my parents house in MN, been relying on the remote unlocker
23:36.29ljpI need to start looking for a car
23:37.05ljpthen I can act all growd up
23:37.11trekecars suck
23:37.22ljpchicks dig cars
23:37.56kergothcars definately suck
23:38.04kergothi wish i could go without
23:38.05ljpand I want to be able to drive to the beach
23:38.26ljpahh, "the grass is greener' syndrom
23:38.35kergothnot having a car sucks
23:38.42kergothbut cars still suck
23:38.46trekeat least you dont have to drive it every day
23:39.09ljpI still want a fiero
23:39.21ljpthey are even rarer here
23:42.37W8TVII want a big truck
23:47.14kergothgod redhat's network scripts blow
23:47.29kergothi really need to replace them with debian's ifupdown
23:52.25ljpjust replace redhat with debain
23:52.43kergothi dont need a lecture from IT & tim thanks
23:56.06ljpoh well.
23:56.14kergothyou know the problem with dabbling in userspace, kernelspace, and bootloader space.. the amount of space taking up by all the fucking sources.
23:56.19ljpI can have whatever linux I wish
23:57.06ljpI stuck with what was on it.. suse
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23:58.49kergothugh.. yast.. blech

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