irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030913

00:18.05*** join/#openembedded treke (~ggilbert@
00:19.28ljp"Computer Hacker Ordered to Live with Parents"
00:20.20trekekergoth: I have to give sharp credit for one thing, You dont have to reflash both the kernel and the rootfs
00:20.51trekeit would be much more braindead if you did
00:31.13trekeok, mickeyl doesnt have to die. That was a beautiful smartass reply to shawn gordon
00:31.26trekeNo, you're right. Our team wasted precious lifetime - and what did it get us?
00:31.29trekeI will probably soon quit developing Open Source in my spare time and will revive my making music and writing.
00:32.00W8TVIheh :)
00:32.28trekealthough ljp might be in the hotseat now
00:32.53ljpwhy so?
00:33.12treke"I do not think Opie is going to step too much forward, although there are a lot of reasons, technical, and other, for breaking compatibility. "
00:33.39trekesay something spiffy to reddem your self
00:33.44ljpwhats wrong with that statement
00:34.14ljphmm, ok.. something spiffy.. ok, am I redeemed
00:34.18trekeYou don't think opie is going to progress very far
00:34.35trekehmmm. that counts.
00:35.02ljphmm, maybe I should edit that, I meant.. it wont break bc
00:35.35trekeget trolltech to start pushing gcc3 then all will be sunshine and joy
00:36.03ljpok. use gcc3. there. ya happy? ;)
00:36.46ljpactually, since Shapr is curerntly th eonly player in town, we have to maintain a bit of compatibility
00:37.34ljpqtopia builds fine with gcc3
00:39.05ljpfor sharp rom?
00:39.40ljplegally? I dont see why not
00:40.06trekesince the SDK they have is built with gcc2, to compile for gcc3 they'd need to compile against a gpl released build
00:40.11ljpthere, post edited and more clear
00:40.22ljpoohhh.. hmm
00:41.09trekenot that I can see trolltech really giving a damn
00:41.29trekebut it might technically be a problem
00:41.30ljpI can sure ask about getting a gcc3 sdk
00:48.22*** join/#openembedded Speedy2 (
00:48.23Speedy2Yo all
00:52.26kergothhey Speedy2
00:53.17Speedy2Yo man.
00:53.25Speedy2How goes it?
00:58.51*** join/#openembedded caffeine (
00:59.55kergoth19:52  * wli listens to Morbid Angel - Abominations
00:59.55kergoth19:52  * wli likes to think of this as "the x86 song"
01:00.02kergothSpeedy2: not bad, busy. y ou?
01:00.35Speedy2Yeah, busy too.
01:00.46Speedy2Spent the past week doing block diagrams...
01:01.38*** join/#openembedded noda (
01:03.14kergothhey noda
01:03.27nodaHow goes in OE-land? :)
01:03.35kergothnot bad, converting packages
01:03.42kergoth32 down, 252 to go
01:03.49nodaHeh, cool
01:04.06nodaAre you doing them in any particular order -- order of importance or anything?
01:04.15nodaGonna try and tackle Opie yet? :)
01:04.17kergothi'm doing the packages in -minimal first
01:04.22nodaCool :)
01:04.26kergoththe ones that are necessary for a boot to console and basic operation
01:04.34kergoththen will go up to -opie
01:04.38kergoththen the additional stuff
01:04.43nodaWill opie be tough, do you think?
01:04.49kergothnot particularly
01:05.17trekeperhaps -opie should be the point where we officially freeze buildroot
01:05.23kergothi should upload the 3.3.1 final chain to replace that 3.3.1-pre
01:05.42Speedy2kergoth: Gearing up for a new releae, eh?
01:05.55nodaSpeedy2: A new buildroot :P
01:06.06trekeThis shing shouldnt have a fricken console on tty0
01:06.37Speedy2ibot: seen pb_
01:06.37pb_ <~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:2e0:7dff:fe74:8b87> was last seen on IRC in channel #gpe, 1h 34m 19s ago, saying: 'the whole thing does seem to be becoming increasingly surreal.'.
01:06.56trekeI'm building fricken shepherd kernels
01:08.21nodaaargh. Both my main network cards are broken with 2.6.0-test5 on my laptop :(
01:08.23trekeno wonder it isnt paying any attention at all to console=null :)
01:08.28nodatg3, orinoco_cs :(
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01:35.52*** join/#openembedded SuKoShi (
01:37.14Speedy2noda: use a CDRW
01:47.47nodaSpeedy2: Am doing so.
01:47.56nodaActually, it seems like my entire networking is simply... fucked :(
01:48.25noda'ifconfig', 'dhclient', etc simply hang once a networking link is set up.
01:49.45CIA07ChangeSet@1.87 Add iputils 20020927.
01:50.57ljpwow. I can get bigger breasts!
01:51.09ljphow cool is that!
01:51.14kergothljp: i'm happy for you
01:54.10ljpthings is really quiet here on Saturdays
01:54.26ljpam I a looser or what
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01:56.51ljpanyone know how to fix an sd card with a farked partition table?
01:57.09kergothmake a partition table?
01:57.26ljpfdisk cant ever see that its a disk
01:57.45trekethat would be more than a fucked partition table, I think
01:58.03nodaYou have to rewrite the partition table....
01:58.17ljphmm, and its brand spankin new. sharp rom crashed when I was writing to it
01:58.18nodaOh, if it can't see the disk, it's not the partition table :)
01:58.30nodaHardware defect?
01:58.45ljpdunno. but its a good thing I didnt pay for it
02:01.28ljpyou guys know about this?
02:02.41kergothyeah, wheel reinvention at its best
02:02.58ljpya, I thought it may have a few things not in buzyboz
02:03.25nodawhy on earth make that project? Why not just confribute to busybox?
02:04.08nodaOh... it was made in 2001...
02:05.17nodalol, look at the 'See also': 10 competing packages :P
02:07.18*** join/#openembedded mithro (
02:07.24ljpwtf is diet?
02:08.02ljpoh libc
02:08.49CIA07ChangeSet@1.88 Add netkit-base 0.17 (for inetd).
02:09.12nodakergoth: You're on a roll... :)
02:17.03CIA07ChangeSet@1.89 Add netkit-ftp 0.17.
02:22.42mithrohey - how is everyone today?
02:24.05nodaAnnoyed with wxPython compilation
02:24.15nodaIt's not doing what I want it to do :(
02:25.31kergothbusy here
02:27.35mithronoda: what you trying to do with wxPython?
02:29.01nodamithro: Compile it.
02:29.12nodaAh, I see the problem. --enable-stl breaks the wxPython build.
02:29.30mithrofor the Z?
02:29.34nodaNo :)
02:29.37nodaFor my computer :)
02:29.41mithroahh :)
02:29.55mithroi think wx Windows needs a qt port
02:30.02kergothntpdate, pppd, and wireless-tools remaining
02:30.03nodagtk2 is enough :)
02:30.08kergoththen the filesystem tools (dos, ext)
02:30.12kergoththen kernel + modules
02:30.17kergoththen minimal is complete
02:30.24kergothfirst pass anyway
02:30.25nodakernel+modules... will that be tricky?
02:30.28mithrokergoth: importing into OE? - how is is going?
02:30.31kergothnah, easy
02:30.35kergothi already have a kernel oeclass
02:30.39kergothabstracts out the kernel build
02:30.44kergothso the kernel .oe's will be pretty empty
02:30.50kergothmithro: quite well, flexing teh system
02:31.05mithroi might have a look at if i get some time :)
02:31.35kergothi need as many eyes on it as possible
02:31.38mithrotobad atm i have very little time :(
02:31.49kergothyeah well, i dont think any of us have much time :)
02:31.50kergothsuch is life
02:31.57mithroyeah it's a pain :)
02:34.58kergothdebian sure patches the fuck out of pppd
02:35.12Speedy2So how nice is OPIE 1.0 ?
02:35.25nodaNice enough for me to build it.
02:35.38kergothand thats saying something. :P
02:36.05kergother s/wipes/swipes/
02:37.40*** join/#openembedded treke|laptop (
02:39.36kergothtreke|laptop: <pester>dosfstools&e2fsprogs</pester>
02:39.42kergothif you dont add them, i'll do it myself :P
02:39.48treke|laptopok.. ok
02:40.06mithrokergoth: it would be nice if the pppd had mppe support
02:40.15kergothi dont even know what that is
02:40.16nodaDoesn't MPPE need kernel support?
02:40.17kergothwhats mppe?
02:40.25nodakergoth: Microsoft's encryption protocol for VPNs
02:40.57nodapppd-2.4.2 has it, I think (well, will have it when it's released). But afaik it needs kernel support.
02:41.22kergothwe should make our pppd use resolvconf, the scripts ifupdown-roam uses to manage resolv.conf
02:41.27kergothso it doesnt fuck things up
02:42.58mithroyeah mppe needs kernel support :(
02:43.08mithrobut it would allow your Z to vpn to evil windows 2000 servers
02:44.16treke|laptop~lart kergoth for  oe defaults
02:44.36kergothit defaults to native.
02:44.37mithroand specially evil wireless networks which means you must use mppe connection
02:44.57treke|laptopkergoth: just tried tarring up my content directory and found the buildtree was under it :)
02:45.18nodaOoh, my school probably needs that. I gotta set up mppe....
02:45.19kergothyour current dir is the build base
02:45.20nodaOn my laptop...
02:45.24kergothunless you override TOPDIR or TMPDIR
02:45.33nodaOh yeah, my laptop doesn't do *any* networking with this kernel :P
02:45.35nodaDamn :)
02:51.56treke|laptopERROR-cannot cd to packages (illegal, nonexistant, or not package root)
02:53.17treke|laptopignore that
02:54.02treke|laptopbk parent bk://openzaurus@openembeded... doesnt work :p
02:54.34kergothjust do bk parent
02:54.42kergothssh style url instead of that http or bk crap
02:54.46kergothsince it uses ssh anyway
02:54.53treke|laptopI know :)
02:55.10treke|laptopI was saying I saw the problem. I was using the openzaurus name
02:55.14kergothoh, right
02:57.57noda"http or bk crap" == "URI"? :)
02:58.17kergothno point using an http or bk uri when it isnt using http or bk, respectively
02:58.19nodaAck! My konqe build fails :(
02:58.34nodaWait... opie has its own web browser, right? It's not konqe any more? Please say it's not...
02:58.48treke|laptopkonq is the  webbrowser to use
02:58.48kergothit's not
02:58.59treke|laptopubrowser barely counts as a webbrowser
02:59.07nodaDoes it... browse the web?
02:59.14treke|laptopnoda: Define "the web"
02:59.16nodaI'm not exactly a fan of konqe
02:59.21treke|laptopIt does it as well as netscape 2
02:59.34treke|laptopunless you need things like forms
02:59.35treke|laptopor css
02:59.55nodaWorld wide web: computer network consisting of a collection of internet sites that offer text and graphics and sound and animation resources through the hypertext transfer [WordNet (r) 1.7]
03:00.00kergothnoda: write a qpe gui for links 2.x
03:00.13treke|laptopand add css2 support to links
03:00.19kergothyeah, that too
03:00.26treke|laptophell. add css1 support
03:00.44nodaAnyway, is it just me who can't build konqe?
03:00.50treke|laptopjust you
03:00.51noda/usr/src/bk/buildroot-oz/output/staging/include/features.h:175: warning: `_POSIX_C_SOURCE' is not defined
03:02.00nodaFuck it, I'll just get a working image. Right now I have *no* browser, so it'll still be a step up.
03:02.26treke|laptopinstall the oz 3.2 konq
03:02.32treke|laptopit's the same fricken thing
03:02.37nodaWill do.
03:07.04gb2kergoth: docs purning would be a useful feature.
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03:07.26gb2perhaps in the image tool
03:07.56kergothgb2: unnecesary
03:08.07kergothgb2: will just make a -docs package for all packages that have docs
03:08.14kergothgb2: granularity is preferred to removal
03:08.44gb2yeah, that was the other possible place.
03:09.10kergothcould probably do it automatically in the package class
03:09.13gb2manpages are docs ;) so that gets to be quite a few of them.  *nod,nod*
03:17.08kergothheh, thatd be easy actually
03:17.30kergothFILES_${PN}-docs = ${datadir}/man ${datadir}/doc
03:17.31kergothin oe.conf
03:17.52kergoththen, we just add ${PN}-docs to PACKAGES for any you want to build that package for
03:18.02kergothor add PACKAGES_append = ${PN}-docs to oe.conf as well
03:19.27kergothi wonder if using other vars in this var's name works
03:19.31kergothlike that FILES_${PN}-docs
03:20.13Speedy2Word to the wise: Zamfir sux.
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03:32.45Speedy2Zamfir is a crappy pan flutist.
03:41.10kergothk ntp's in
03:41.53mithrokergoth: did i tell you about the weird i was having with ntp?
03:42.07kergothweird is an adjective, not a noun. a weird what?
03:42.25mithroafter i sync with a ntp server the Z will freeze up after the next resume
03:42.38mithrobehaviour :)
03:43.31mithronobody else seems able to reproduce it either
03:44.03mithrowhich tends to point to something being funny about my hardware
03:44.15mithrohowever if i change it manually there is no problem
03:44.26kergothheh, that doesnt make any sense
03:45.21mithroi know
03:45.29mithroit makes no sense whats so ever
03:45.49mithroi've tried removing all cards etc
03:45.59mithrobut it seems to alway happen
03:47.23mithroi've tried it both from the command line and from the clock applet and still same behivour
03:50.01treke|laptopI hate acpi
03:50.30mithrotreke|laptop: why?
03:51.26treke|laptopmithro: Poor linux support
03:51.32treke|laptopand probably poor manufacturer support
03:52.05Speedy2The real problem is x86
03:52.07Speedy2X86 is a POS
03:52.28treke|laptopkergoth: "I don't have to, I want to"
03:52.30treke|laptopkergoth: Nice
03:52.33kergothtreke|laptop: hehe
03:56.35cyn_amd's 64bit seems promising
03:57.25treke|laptopyeah. Let's slap another layer on
03:58.30nodaI'm excited about it. Easy to upgrade and it runs 32-bit programs faster than the fastest Xeons, according to that article referenced on Slashdot a week or so ago
03:59.39cyn_yeah that article got me pumped for opteron
04:00.02Speedy2Still too few registers on AMD64.
04:00.07cyn_I mean if nothing else it's chip to start doing real 64bit programming with natively, without having to forego everything
04:00.12cyn_maybe, haven't checked the specs
04:00.15cyn_at least there's more tho heh
04:00.32cyn_not having more would require a carpetbombing of design engineers worldwide
04:02.51Speedy2ve had 64 for a long time...Alpha, PA-RISC
04:04.13cyn_yeah but they don't run 32 native
04:06.08Speedy2Not native...but Alpha had FX32! which worked well.
04:06.29mithrojust ignore the top 32 bits?
04:07.02Speedy2It's not that easy.
04:07.06mithrowhy not?
04:07.19Speedy2Just isn't.
04:08.11mithroSpeedy2: thats not a very good answer :)
04:08.31Speedy2mithro: It's not a simple question
04:10.23Speedy2mithro: What you're asking is akin to the "Thumb" mode on ARM processors
04:10.26Speedy2Or something like it
04:10.32Speedy2A 32-bit processor that runs "16-bit" code
04:12.04cyn_mithro: you can't just do that because of carries and other such things that tend to happen when you do math
04:12.33mithrocouldn't you just ignore the bottom 32 bits then :)
04:12.36cyn_plus the whole size of int/etc.
04:13.51kergoth~lart mithro
04:14.12Speedy2~lart ibot
04:14.24mithropersonally i think 100-200 years from now people will look back at computers from here and think "What the fsck did they think they where doing?"
04:14.36Speedy2If people still exist in 100 - 200 years.
04:14.46mithroSpeedy2: yeah :)
04:15.52mithroi think there is something fundimentally wrong with our computer systems as despite huge performance increases and extensibility everything is so fragial and slow
04:16.03*** join/#openembedded SuKoShi (
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04:17.36Speedy2A lot that is wrong has to do with software and the desire to hang on to legacy.
04:18.21Speedy2Given our exponential increases in hardware power and lack of corresponding speed increase in programs...
04:19.52mithromy guess is that it's both a hardware and a software problem - i doubt that software people could have gotten themselves into such a mess if it wasn't for hardware people
04:20.20Speedy2Oh those are fighting words!
04:20.29mithroand visa-versa :)
04:23.10mithroi tend to think the same thing about Quantum Physics :) they seem to have dug themselves into their own hole aswell...
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04:44.05mithroSpeedy2: i don't think it'll change anywhat in my lifetime so I'll just have to deal with it :)
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04:46.08treke|laptophmmm. all this docbook stuff is in java
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04:53.33kergoth../obj_s/tic.o(.text+0x280): undefined reference to `__ctype_b_loc'
04:56.04kergothwhats that error again?
05:24.53treke|laptopthe nano one
05:26.34kergothheh. converted like 12 packages in the past day.
05:27.00kergothdocbook is spiffy
05:27.25treke|laptopall kinds of tools to deal with
05:28.12treke|laptopdoesnt seem like it would be too bad once you get a makefile you can keep reusing :)
05:30.29treke|laptopbut since they don't I might as well use something suited for the job :)
05:31.17kergothi use openoffice for my resume
05:31.22kergoththats about it.
05:31.55treke|laptopeverytime I go to use them, they fail miserably
05:32.58treke|laptopmaybe I'll steal opies
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06:05.34nodamake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/bk/buildroot-oz/packages/apmd'
06:06.45nodaThat feels GOOD :)
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11:58.27mickeyltreke: ping
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12:42.01mickeylour feeds are violating the GPL
12:42.15pb_oh dear
12:42.22mickeylbut we could fix that easily
12:42.31mickeylat least buildroot generated feeds
12:42.51mickeylwe should teach buildroot to add a 'Sources' line pointing to the upstream URL
12:42.57mickeylinto the control file
12:43.09pb_well, given the litigious tendencies of erik andersen and other upstream authors, might be a good idea.
12:43.54mickeylyup. easy enough to get that going. who's the debian expert here? i think "Sources" is the proper control field isn't it?
12:44.03mickeylah no
12:44.05pb_"Source:" is what we're using in familiar
12:44.06mickeylwithout the s
12:44.10mickeylah good
12:44.33pb_in fact, if you have a recent version of ipkg-build it will complain about control files that lack such a header.
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13:27.19SuKoShimickeyl: hi
13:41.22mickeylhi SuKoShi
13:50.33Bernardomickeyl: another question - you did wellenreiter, right?
13:51.02Bernardocan it check if a 802.11 card works?
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14:08.41mickeylBernardo: not really. wellenreiter sets up on top of the standard wlan drivers, so at least you have to get an interface up. if that doesn't work, wellenreiter can't do anything.
14:09.08mickeylhowever, if you have an interface up, then you can use wellenreiter to scan if the card receives beacons.
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14:31.31Bernardomickeyl: thanks. It seems in my neighbourhood nobody is using wifi yet...
14:44.02bipolarkergoth: how's things going?
14:51.29mickeylBernardo: too bad. take it with you and go for longer walk :)
14:51.54mickeylBernardo: when i drive to work (~10 kilometers) I pick up around 10 nets here in frankfurt (germany)
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15:03.49Bernardomickeyl: here in lisbon (portugal) I've been told it's also wide spread. Just my neighbourhood seems to be quiet (wifi quiet only)
15:06.18mickeylibot: ~lart VT_PROCESS
15:06.19wish i knew, mickeyl
15:06.24mickeylibot: ~art VT_PROCESS
15:06.25mickeyl: I wish you would RTFM.
15:06.27mickeylibot: lart VT_PROCESS
15:07.01mickeylno that is braindead. a process which hangs but has aquired the virtual terminal lock
15:07.10mickeylso i can't change VTs
15:07.14mickeyli must reboot
15:13.35gb2yay long domain names.
15:29.06mickeylthat site is sick
15:29.34mickeylthis couple should have never get together in the first place
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15:41.20mickeyl~lart TT
15:41.39pb_hah.  what did TT do now?
15:41.50mickeylsloppy code all over the place. acquiring resources but never releasing them
15:42.24mickeylpb_: registering signal handlers for VT switching in keyboard handler constructor but never releasing them in the destructor
15:43.44mickeyli hate that "OS will reacquire resources on process death" thinking
15:44.13Twiunthink they ported Qt from Java?
15:51.23mickeylsignal(<id>, 0) returns to the default handler, right?
15:52.41pb_yes, though you'd usually use SIG_DFL rather than hard-coding 0.
15:53.05mickeylah, right. thanks
15:53.50prpplaguepb_: you got any experience with jflash?
15:54.49pb_prpplague: yeah, some
15:55.08pb_I've used it on ipaq and assabet.
15:55.34prpplaguepb_: hacked any of the code?
15:56.06pb_not really.  I had to tweak it a bit for some of the ipaqs.
15:56.16pb_what is it you're trying to do?
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15:56.44prpplaguepb_: just starting to look at getting jflash working with omap
15:57.02pb_ah, right
15:57.08pb_I don't really know anything about omap.
15:57.30pb_what kind of flash does it have on board?
15:57.54prpplaguepb_: the board i have has the 28F128 intel flash, pretty standard stuff
15:58.14pb_I guess it should just be a case of adjusting the scan order to match the omap then.
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15:59.15prpplaguepb_: ya i think the main problem is gonna be the dual core being available on the jtag
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16:00.34pb_prpplague: mm, wouldn't have thought that should be a problem
16:01.19prpplaguepb_: we shall see,lol
16:01.46pb_prpplague: jflash just works on boundary scan, it doesn't really touch the core.
16:02.17prpplaguepb_: right, from what i can tell so far, both cores show up on the boundary scan
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16:02.48pb_prpplague: hm, what do you mean?
16:03.33prpplaguepb_: not sure myself, just reading some archive posts about so winblows ppl getting a jtag programming running
16:04.02prpplaguepb_: several posts complained about having problems with boundary scan's and the dual core creating issues
16:04.10pb_ah, I see.
16:04.29pb_generally you'd just have one boundary scan chain that exactly matches the physical layout of pads, irrespective of the number of cores on the die.
16:04.50pb_I guess TI may have used their own freaky variant of jtag though.
16:05.15prpplaguepb_: its possible, i just started scratching the surface on it this morning
16:06.50prpplaguepb_: fun fun fun
16:07.44pb_heh, yeah
16:08.19pb_do you have a datasheet for the omap chip?  it will probably describe the boundary scan operation in there.
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16:16.54nodakergoth: pingpingpingpingping
16:17.44prpplaguepb_: yea i have some specs, but i think i'm gonna have to sign and NDA to get the rest
16:18.57nodaWhy do *I* get so many buildroot problems? *sigh*
16:19.08fdaskhi noda
16:19.39nodaAnyone have any ideas? I'm doing a 'make image' with collie-opie_minimal, and it installs a whole load of packages but dies at qpf-bitstream-vera-light, saying "Cannot find package qpf-bitstream-vera-light."
16:19.45nodafdask: Hiya :)
16:19.56nodaBut output/ipks/qpf-bitstream-vera-light_1.10-3_all.ipk exists.
16:20.28fdasknoda: does output/ipks/qpf-bitstream-vera-full_1.10-3.ipk exist as well?
16:20.31nodaIt's also in output/ipks/Packages
16:20.44nodaYes, it does. But it's not part of my image.
16:21.05fdaskhrmm, try deleting the full one...  or move it somewhere.  ive had troubles with both of those ipks existing.
16:21.29pb_Yeah, I think one or both of those ipks has a packaging bug.
16:21.43nodaTrying that :)
16:21.58pb_I guess it would be -full that's buggy, judging from the symptoms.
16:22.03nodaSame thing.
16:22.06nodaWhy would it be -full?
16:22.33nodaMaybe I'll just try installing -full and not -light.
16:22.49pb_well, inability to find -light suggests that -full is fouling it up.
16:23.01pb_If -light were buggy, it would probably be the other way around.
16:23.11nodaWell. If -full isn't there, the error still happens.
16:23.38pb_Okay.  Maybe you have a different problem then.
16:23.55nodaNow I get ANOTHER error!
16:24.03nodaPackage sysvinit wants to install file /usr/src/bk/buildroot-oz/output/../output/rootfs/sbin/shutdown
16:24.13nodaDo I disable simpleinit?
16:24.21nodaOr do I disable sysvinit...
16:24.44pb_I think you want sysvinit, not simpleinit.
16:25.01nodaAck! simpleinit isn't enabled. I'll move that ipk out of the way...
16:26.07nodaHrm... still does this.
16:26.30nodaAh, maybe I have to rm -rf output/rootfs?
16:26.42kergothmake image_clean
16:26.48nodakergoth: My hero!
16:27.36nodaERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for libopieobex0:
16:27.47nodaBut qpf-bitstream-vera-full certainly Provides: qpf-bitstream-vera
16:27.54kergothsounds like you still hvae both ipks
16:27.56kergothremove one.
16:28.23kergothipkg is misreporting. it isnt an unsatisfied dpeendency, its a multiple provides situation
16:28.27kergothit doesnt know which to install
16:28.33nodaSilly ipkg :)
16:28.39pb_I think the very latest ipkg reports that again.
16:28.52pb_The message accidentally got silenced when the default verbosity was reduced.
16:29.04nodaCreating jffs2 image...
16:33.19nodaNow comes the fun part :)
16:35.37*** join/#openembedded JBernardo (~jbbrs@
16:36.56nodaAnd now... to boot.
16:39.39nodaHey, cool background!
16:41.32nodaUm. When I try to open an application, I get, "Could not locate application calculator", etc.
16:41.53kergothdidnt install quicklaunch
16:42.42nodaHow can I get a console? If I "log out" it goes back to opie-login...
16:43.04nodaOh I know - I'll just disable my network's wireless key :)
16:48.56nodaWoo! Fun :)
16:49.06nodaboing boing boing...
16:52.26*** join/#openembedded mickeyl (
16:53.20nodaMy SD card isn't recognized....
16:53.55fdaskdid u include the sd modules and stuff in your build?
16:54.08nodaHrm.... apparently not :P
16:55.56nodaHow do I rebuild the Packages file?
16:56.40kergothits automatically rebuilt when the contents of a list of the ipks in output/ipks changes
16:56.46kergothbut if you remove it, it'll regenerate it
16:57.07nodaWhat do I do to regenerate it, though? Make image?
16:58.08nodaThat was painless :)
16:58.15nodaHey, it doesn't take ages "scanning for documents"!
16:58.28kergothnew launcher, scans in the background
16:58.38*** join/#openembedded treke|laptop (
16:59.08nodaMailit is POP-only?
17:11.05killefizlibpcap is still missing the dependencies on automake and autoconf. Could someone with bk push rights change that?
17:12.17killefizmickeyl: i did a make mrproper yesterday and after that libpcap wouldn't build because automake/autoconf (for the build-host) were not yet built and autoconf/automake from debian unstable produced errors
17:12.48mickeylkillefiz: well, just select them and build them prior to libpcap
17:12.58killefizmickeyl: they are selected
17:13.00mickeyli don't think we should change dependencies to workaround buggy distributions
17:13.13mickeylthen build them _prior_ to libpcap
17:13.17mickeylozmake automake
17:13.20mickeylozmake autoconf
17:13.35killefizyes - that is what i did
17:13.44killefizit's working
17:13.50mickeylgood :)
17:14.11mickeylno really, based on that logic we would have to depend all packages on all host utils
17:14.18killefizi'm slowly getting from "hating buildroot" to "unserstanding buildroot"
17:14.20mickeyland i think we don't want that
17:14.27mickeylthat's the 1st step :D
17:14.28killefizmickeyl: i guess you're right
17:15.24treke|laptopmickeyl: uhm, Isn't that the entire purpose of building the host utils? To work around buggy distributions?
17:16.24killefizoh - btw - i'm not really sure if it's a buggy distribution. Compiling libpcap for x86 works fine using exactly the same source file that buildroot uses
17:17.22mickeyldon't take my "buggy distribution" too serious
17:17.46killefizoh good - no need to download mandrake then ;)
17:18.09mickeylVT switching works
17:19.06mickeylapart from that this not only affects opensimpad
17:19.10mickeylbut all platforms
17:28.58Soopamanwho is the one who makes the open ismpad releases?
17:29.08killefizSoopaman: cmartin
17:38.23treke|laptopnow I have a hackish makefile and not a hackish shell script
17:40.50treke|laptopjust need to write a quick preprocessor  to support include files
17:41.14treke|laptopactually. I bet I could use the c preprocessor
17:41.24kergothwhat you workin on?
17:41.29treke|laptopkergoth: docbook
17:41.34kergothah cool
17:43.15treke|laptopjust eed to make cpp be quiet and not add comments to the code :p
17:44.42treke|laptophmmm. maybe it can do it already
17:49.22gb2kergoth: you can now just tell OE that it's an autoblah based piece of software and it deals appropriately even if the build machine doesn't natively have autoblah ?
17:50.45kergothinherit autotools
17:50.50kergoththen autotools.oeclass does the legwork
17:51.05kergothdo_configure & do_compile functions for the build, and the DEPENDS
17:51.25kergothnow, OE doesnt do _tests_.  so it wont check to see if the build system already has a thing.  thats beyond the scope.
17:52.17gb2does it deal with regenerating configure if necessary?
17:52.30gb2running aclocal, automake, and friends
17:53.05kergothhow would it know whats necessary?  we can do whatever we want in that class
17:53.20treke|laptopkergoth: you want to join #opie
17:53.36kergothwhether it be if [ -e ${S}/ -o -e ${S}/ ] && ! [ -e ${S}/configure ]
17:53.44kergothor what have you
17:56.56gb2that's about how it it would determine it.
17:57.21gb2mostly.. if the pristine source was patched where the patches touch
17:57.56kergothso check if eitehr configure does not exist, or if its older than configure.{ac,in}
17:58.07kergothyou're basically talking about a complex form of ./ within our auto* class
17:58.10kergothwhich is reasonable.
18:18.30Twiunjava.nio is a pile of stinking...
18:18.35Twiun... newbie chatter
18:20.45treke|laptopback to makefile fun
18:25.28treke|laptopkergoth: is $(shell) defined as part of gnu make?
18:26.06kergothyep. hit up the online make docs on
18:26.18treke|laptophmm. Then I must be using ti wrong :p
18:26.37kergothit doesnt like semicolons, escape them
18:26.40kergothbeyond that, should work fine
18:27.29pb_wow, this arm build machine is slow today
18:28.27gb2gnu make has $(shell ...)
18:28.36gb2if that's what you were wondering
18:28.53treke|laptopyeah. Apparently it actually is working, I'm just not doing things right :p
18:29.12gb2add the file to the deps list for the target
18:29.16gb2and it should work fine
18:29.38gb2if the file doesn't exist though.. make will complain that it has no rule to make it
18:30.09treke|laptopthe files does exist, it just doesnt seem to think it needs to rebuild specs.db even though foo.db has been modified
18:30.30pb_do you have a "specs.db: foo.db" dependency rule?
18:30.51pb_could try enabling make debugging, though I've never found that to help much
18:31.22pb_what happens if you "make specs.db" explicitly?
18:32.30treke|laptopNothing to be done. There are no rules to apply to that, It's just checking fore the presence of the file
18:32.36treke|laptopah, I bet I know what I need to do
18:33.01pb_hm, I guess I don't understand what you're trying to do then
18:34.00treke|laptopgot it
18:34.41treke|laptopa hack, but it works.
18:35.37treke|laptopI added the depends to each of the rules that actually do work
18:36.01treke|laptopIt does what I want, so I'll figure the proper way out later :)
18:36.16pb_heh, right
18:36.26pb_$ ./elf/
18:36.26pb_Segmentation fault
18:36.53treke|laptopnot like you need a dynamic library loader anyways
18:38.07pb_still really slow
18:51.31gb2oh neat.
18:51.39gb2busybox pre3 release yesterday
18:53.09treke|laptopnm. thank you vim for multiple undos
18:53.33gb2shit, shit, shit, undo, undo, undo
18:54.33Twiunhah, I'd like to see you try to do that physically :)
18:54.49treke|laptopI'd prefer not to
18:55.05Twiunme neither...
18:55.13Twiungb2: let us know how you get on :)
19:05.06killefizhmm - my kernel image ipk is 1.1K in size - seems a little small
19:05.56treke|laptopsounds right
19:06.16killefiz?? where is the actual kernel then?
19:06.44killefizthe image i just built doesn't boot because it cannot find /boot/zImage
19:11.20treke|laptopah. 1.1k
19:11.22treke|laptopnot 1.1M
19:11.44treke|laptopactually /boot/zImage-2.4.19-rmk3-pxa1-hhfoo
19:11.54killefizthat file is not there
19:11.59killefiz(and i don't know why)
19:12.06killefizi'm rebuilding the kernel now ...
19:13.11*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
19:14.28kergothhmm, whats up with the openembedded-bklogs ML. none of the notification mails arrive
19:16.29kergothsuppose i should start adding kernel builds.
19:16.44kergothsince pcmcia-cs and wireless-tools need them
19:17.50gb2wireless-tools can get away without it
19:18.00gb2you just potentially have a version mismatch
19:18.18kergothpcmcia-cs probably can too, given we dont use its modules, only its tools
19:18.34kergothbut we should make pcmcia-cs build the modules too to give people options, the way debian does
19:18.56gb2use the wireless.h from the kernel-headers ;)
19:19.19gb2ok, i think i've been at work long enough today.
19:22.18prpplaguekergoth: which syntax seems like a better implementation: 1. item_desc->value(getvalue()); or 2. getvalue(item_desc); ?
19:27.14kergothTheMasterMind1: you should start converting packages :)
19:27.24kergothprpplague: i'd say the latter. what context?
19:27.46TheMasterMind1busy 24 hours
19:29.38prpplaguekergoth: item_desc is a widget and item_desc->value is a function to set the widget text
19:30.49prpplaguekergoth: getvalue would be either 1. return the text that needs to be set or 2.would call item_desc->value within the function and set the text
19:32.06prpplaguekergoth: guess the #2 option the function call should be called "set_value" instead of "getdata"
19:39.26*** join/#openembedded noda (
19:39.38TheMasterMind1noda: sup
19:42.38nodaTheMasterMind1: Just built my own image, having problems with 2 apps :(
19:43.22Twiunwhat apps?
19:43.30nodaopieplayer2 and aqpkg
19:43.39noda"Could not create application main window"
19:43.44TheMasterMind1own image eh
19:43.47TheMasterMind1i could use an updated image
19:43.58Twiunnever seen that error
19:44.15nodaI'll send you mine if you want. Though I forgot to put opie-quicklaunch on it, so you'll have to be able to get a shell and install it ;)
19:44.28TheMasterMind1whats quicklaunch
19:44.39TheMasterMind1that new quicker launching thing mickeyl was talking about?
19:44.50nodaI guess. He explained it to me.
19:45.10nodaAll programs are just libraries. To run them, quicklaunch is run and it loads the library and executes it.
19:46.48Twiunallows all kinds of goodies
19:47.03nodaLike what? I don't see the advantages...
19:47.14noda(but if people say it runs faster, I won't argue)
19:47.54Twiunwell, that mainly, but additional functionality can then be easily added... like makinf an app live inside a tab on the main desktop
19:48.11kergothyep.  its exactly what we were discussing doing, only we didnt have to implement it
19:48.16kergothyay for saving work
19:48.26nodaSo... why on earch won't these programs run :P
19:48.47Twiunif I knew I'd tell you...
19:48.52kergoththey should if you have opie-quiclaunch.. dunno
19:48.57kergothi've never actually tested it on a device.
19:49.02kergothbeen busy with build stuff
19:49.07treke|laptopI built it yesterday
19:49.17treke|laptopopie BRANCH_1_0 is more or less working again
19:49.22nodaThat's what I used.
19:49.37nodaBut it's only *2* programs that don't run. Most run just fine.
19:49.44treke|laptopthen deal
19:49.48kergothrun em from the commandline
19:49.52kergothsee whats up
19:49.54nodaThat's what I get on the command line.
19:50.16nodaWhen I run them by clicking on them, I get: "Could not locate application opieplayer2"
19:50.38Twiunmaybe they're still expecting to be run as fullblown apps?
19:50.56kergothyeah, probably werent converted yet
19:50.59nodatreke|laptop: Do they work for you?
19:51.03killefizcan anyone think of a reason why my kernel-ipk is nearly empty? I see zImage sitting in build/kernel/... but it's not packaged right ;(
19:51.04nodaopieplayer2 and aqpkg...
19:51.09treke|laptopnoda: I havent tested either of them
19:51.13nodaA-HA :)
19:51.27treke|laptopMost likely they dont work yet. This is a work in progress
19:52.27killefizit worked yesterday - but not now - all I did was a make mrproper
20:03.24*** join/#openembedded LV|sleep (~lordvan@
20:11.50TheMasterMind1killefiz: "all" you did =P
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20:15.24killefizTheMasterMind1: well - buildroot built it yesterday. buildroot hasn't changed ... it should build it again ...
20:18.19kergoth/home/kergoth/coding/projects/user/oe/packages/tmp/staging/target/lib/libpthread undefined reference to `__libc_fork@GLIBC_2.1.2'
20:19.29kergothcant seem to build apache with this toolchain and the glibc 2.3.2 in oe
20:19.47kergoththe pthread test fails, so apr fails to link (no -pthread/-lpthread)
20:30.50*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
20:33.55kergothhmm, itd be sweet if start-stop-daemon could, via a --respawn option, tell init to setup this daemon as a respawn item, ala inittab
20:38.35treke|laptopit could do that
20:38.45treke|laptopif you patched it
20:39.07TheMasterMind1anyone looked at this zRoadMap thing error: no `void RMapInput::initMetaObject()' member function
20:51.32kergothmickeyl: didnt you run into error: too many arguments to function `pthread_getspecific' the other day?
20:52.06mickeylkergoth: yes. i did. uclibc-toolchain 3.3.1 didn't want to compile that
20:52.15mickeylit was glib 1.2.10
20:53.30mickeylI suspect uclibc has a problem with threads
20:53.50mickeylbut you're doing glibc right? against what toolchain?
21:01.43kergothmickeyl: yes, i'm using glibc. and this doesnt _break_ anything.  its the result of a configure test
21:01.51kergothmickeyl: so it just outputs that it should use one argument, not two.
21:02.02kergothif hte app obeys the config.h value for it of course.
21:05.21mickeyl's config script better than glibs
21:05.29mickeylglibs config script just bailed out
21:05.52mickeylwell... glib-1.x is old
21:06.01mickeylwe only need that for the obex stuff
21:06.10mickeylbut it compiles fine with --enable-threads=no :D
21:06.18kergothheh, pthread_getspecific in my /usr/include on my desktop is one argument
21:06.27kergothas is the pthread_getspecific in my glibc 2.3.2 in OE
21:06.31mickeylis it?
21:06.36kergoth(desktop is glibc 2.2.x)
21:06.46kergothso its strange that that woudl cause it to fail
21:06.52pb_mickeyl: is openobex still using glib 1?
21:07.05mickeylpb_: at least the one in our buildroot.
21:07.08mickeylno idea if there's a newer one
21:07.55pb_weirdly though, the debian libopenobex-1.0-0 doesn't have any glib dependency at all.
21:08.28kergothmaybe we need to swipe their patch then
21:08.43pb_yeah, could be a plan
21:09.14pb_the current makefile in buildroot is a bit weird.  it uses libopenobex 1.0.0, as you'd expect, but applies the 0.9.8-4 debian patch to it.
21:09.34pb_check it out:
21:09.36*** join/#openembedded Pixel_ (~chatzilla@
21:09.39pb_Sources := $(SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR)/openobex/openobex-$(Version).tar.gz; \
21:09.50mickeylwould you correct that while you're there? ;)
21:10.05pb_no bitkeeper here, only snapshot
21:10.24mickeylreligious issues?
21:10.45pb_yeah, McVoy not my idea of a deity.
21:10.54mickeylhehe, nice answer.
21:13.37mickeyl++ ?
21:13.38kergothheh, i like how openobex's debian package attemps -p 0, -p 1, and -p 2 when applying patches
21:13.48kergothwonder if our patch class should try that
21:13.59kergothinstead of manually specifying
21:14.10mickeylsounds not too bad, is _however_ dangerous when applying patches which create new files!
21:14.18mickeylwell, could dry-run first
21:14.24mickeyllike patcher does
21:14.27kergothpatcher already dry runs
21:14.29kergothwe use patcher
21:14.33kergothjust call patcher a few attempts
21:15.01kergothmickeyl: <pester>look at OE</pester>
21:16.52mickeyli kinda finished the first usable VT support for Qt/E today. tomorrow is OE day!
21:17.19mickeylbtw., where's CIA ?
21:17.25kergothOSError: [Errno 34] Numerical result out of range
21:17.31kergothmickeyl: see topic of #commits, its filesystem exploded
21:18.05nodaCIA will be down until further notice, due to a filesystem explosion
21:18.37*** join/#openembedded BBMatthew (
21:19.02BBMatthewgood afternoon
21:20.05BBMatthewhaving build image issues, it is failing libopieobex on qpf-bitstream and opie-aqpkg
21:20.15kergothremove one of the vera ipks
21:22.33nodaAlso remove simpleinit while you're at it ;)
21:23.22TheMasterMind1but simpleinit ROCKS
21:23.29nodaTheMasterMind1: does it work on OZ?
21:23.31mickeylremoving the ipkg, not the package
21:23.48treke|laptoppackage probably doesnt even work
21:23.50gb2this roomba thing is so cool
21:23.58BBMatthewhmm, are we talking in the make image_menuconfig selection?
21:23.59nodaTheMasterMind1: Didn't you say you wanted an image? I'm just about to build another one with a non-broken toolchain :)
21:24.05treke|laptopBBMatthew: Delete the file
21:24.06TheMasterMind1so next oz release will be OE generated prolly eh
21:24.10nodaBBMatthew: No, in output/ipks
21:24.14TheMasterMind1noda: yea, send that to me when its done
21:24.21treke|laptopTheMasterMind1: maybe. maybe not
21:24.39TheMasterMind1noda: -- stick it on the sf site prolly best idea, in unofficial or whatever. email me the link
21:24.41nodaTheMasterMind1: First I'll make sure aqpkg and opieplayer2 work...
21:24.47pb_mickeyl: heh, ask ibot about karma
21:24.48nodaTheMasterMind1: Sure :)
21:24.55mickeylibot: karma
21:24.55mickeyl has neutral karma
21:25.08mickeylhow is that calculated ?
21:25.11pb_ibot, mickeyl++
21:25.21treke|laptopibot, karma mickeyl
21:25.21mickeyl  has neutral karma
21:25.24mickeylibot: karma
21:25.24mickeyl has karma of 1
21:25.30nodaibot karma
21:25.30noda has neutral karma
21:25.38treke|laptopibot, mickeyl--
21:25.39nodaibot: mickeyl++
21:25.40treke|laptopibot, karma mickeyl
21:25.40mickeyl  has neutral karma
21:25.48mickeylaargh no, don't play with my karma ;)
21:25.55treke|laptopibot, karma treke
21:25.55treke has neutral karma
21:26.46kergothwhy the hell is os.getcwd() returning an outo f range numerical result
21:27.33TheMasterMind1kergoth: worked any on .21 / tslib mess lately?
21:27.57mickeylkergoth: what does type(os.getcwd() ) says in that place?
21:28.37mickeylTheMasterMind1: the collie-world is waiting for someone with kernel experience to finish .21... how 'bout you? you did mess around with kernel didn't you?
21:28.58BBMatthewnope havent got an apkg ipk file that I can find
21:29.47kergothOSError: [Errno 34] Numerical result out of range
21:30.04kergothwhat the hell causes getcwd() to raise an OSError
21:30.05mickeylso that occurs within the C extension module
21:30.34nodaAaaargh. I've lost my last semester's math notes!
21:30.46TheMasterMind1mickeyl: messing around doesn't really qualify me for the job
21:31.19nodaphew! Found 'em
21:31.29mickeylTheMasterMind1: that may be true, but messing around is more experience than anyone else of us (besides kergoth) has... which would qualify you again :)
21:31.45mickeylno really, i asked everywhere
21:31.59mickeylno response was all i got
21:32.08mickeylall want to have it
21:32.11mickeylnoone wants to help
21:32.26mickeylnot personally
21:32.28nodaI *want to*... but I've got too many other things to do :)
21:32.44nodaAnd I have no clue about anything you're talking about :)
21:32.52treke|laptopwow. A dvd that actually uses the multi angle feature
21:32.55treke|laptopThis is a first
21:33.16nodaWhich one?
21:34.31treke|laptopborrowed the 24 season 2 dvds.
21:34.33*** join/#openembedded johnz (
21:34.41nodaOh cool
21:37.01TheMasterMind1treke|laptop: oooh ooh ooh
21:37.11TheMasterMind1treke|laptop: rip it rip it! and then send it to me!!
21:37.30TheMasterMind1noda: ooh, i want that too!!
21:37.56nodaI have 20k/sec upload...
21:38.15BBMatthewstill complains it doesn't have the opie apkg file
21:38.19nodaMaybe I'll give you the pilot :P. But I'm busy now, and my brother's watching 'em now (i finished the 6 dvd's in about a week)
21:38.36BBMatthewwhere is it coming fromas I would just love to rebuild that
21:39.14treke|laptopBBMatthew: make clean on opie and rebuild it
21:39.46kergothopenobex is added
21:39.55kergothadding the openobex utils
21:40.22nodaTheMasterMind1: Image built. First I'm gonna test that my new opieplayer2 and aqpkg work.
21:40.52kergothlibopenobex doesnt depend on glib
21:40.58kergoththe tools may, but the lib doesnt
21:48.16Pixel_Is an accurate guide for building oz ?
21:48.21BBMatthewhmm definately need a clearout I have about 10 different kernel source trees
21:48.41nodaPixel_: No :)
21:48.55treke|laptoppretty close though
21:49.01BBMatthewPixel_: as far as it goes
21:49.08BBMatthewbut its not an easy job
21:49.13BBMatthewwhat platform?
21:49.34Pixel_Linux ?
21:49.49treke|laptopkergoth: only thing that would make docbook rock more is if lyx had support for it :p
21:49.55BBMatthewthe target - what is it?
21:50.24Pixel_a 750
21:50.47treke|laptopPixel_: Use the prebuilt images
21:50.53BBMatthewdunno about that one, thats the shepherd isn;t it?
21:51.53Pixel_yeah shepard
21:52.14nodakergoth: Would you hold it against me if I uploaded my 53MB of output/ipks to a feed on :)
21:52.36nodaJust that I keep poking around the directory tree looking for newer files... and here I am with brand-new ones :)
21:52.37treke|laptopsource forge might
21:52.55nodaYeah... what's their policy?
21:53.10Pixel_currently using the experimental builds. zimage and from experimental/shepherd/ and initrd.bin from /experimental/husky/
21:53.12treke|laptopI think the quota is 100mb
21:53.24nodanoda132@sc8-pr-shell1:/home/groups/o/op/openzaurus/htdocs$ du -sh .
21:53.24nodadu: cannot change to directory `./official/unstable/feed/old/bfl-old': Permission denied
21:53.24noda1.9G    .
21:53.27treke|laptopnoda: We use about 1 gg
21:53.31treke|laptopoh we're up to two
21:53.33BBMatthewnoda: Just make sure that its not affiliated with openbzaurus
21:53.52nodaWe really need our own webspace, eh? :)
21:53.56treke|laptopI volunteer noda to prune
21:54.08treke|laptopWe also need fricken consistant permissions
21:54.12nodatreke|laptop: I would, but I don't have write permissions on most of these :)
21:54.20kergothnoda: yes, we do.  cant run rt on sf
21:54.24Pixel_Just thought that since i'm already using the experimental builds, i might as well use the newest ( by building self ). Also, its a good learning experince
21:54.24kergothi'll clean up one of these days
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21:55.45nodaTheMasterMind1: Check your mail (may take a couple of minutes, my relay is slow)
21:55.59BBMatthewPixel_: You could be in for a world of fun or as treke put it a 'labour of love'
21:56.13treke|laptopWhen did I put it that way?
21:56.29Pixel_well. I still think i'm gonna do it.
21:56.40BBMatthewtreke when  I was first nuts enough to try it. Or was it mickeyl|
21:57.03treke|laptopWas probably mickeyl. That isnt something I'd say
21:57.09Pixel_step 1) get bitkeeper
21:57.12BBMatthewfair enough
21:57.29treke|laptopkergoth: You're welcome to whatever space you need on my machine.
21:57.56BBMatthewIts only a pity I can't rely on cross compilers other than the official ones as I would have put buildroot on a sun
21:58.44kergothwhy dont you just tell buildroot to build a toolchain
21:58.49kergothhow do you think we get the official ones?
21:59.24BBMatthewkergoth: was frightened by the comments about the toolchains being difficult to get right
21:59.53BBMatthewwill get it running on intel first though, as I am still having lots of funb
21:59.58kergothobex_test_cable.c:91: error: impossible constraint in `asm'
22:00.06kergothFD_ZERO() is giving that error
22:00.24kergothah yep, thatll do it
22:00.29kergothstupid openobex-config binary
22:00.37kergothforgot to put a altered version in staging
22:01.32BBMatthewkergoth: talking of that I should be able to supply you with a patch to ping the xine-lib include thingy
22:01.50BBMatthewwhere its pulling in /usr/include with the AALIB files
22:02.08kergothsend it to the openzaurus-devel list, i'm busy with the new build infrastructure
22:02.14kergothi wont be looking at xine for a while
22:03.05BBMatthewI don't think I am subscribed to that
22:03.10BBMatthewone moment
22:03.48kergothlets see, should i hardcode the staging path in openobex-config, supply it via --prefix/--exec_prefix at call time, or make it check for STAGING_DIR being defined?
22:04.33Pixel_step 1) done
22:07.18gb2step 2) ??
22:07.23gb2step 3) profit
22:08.25treke|laptopI've spelled database wrong the exact same way in every fricken file
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22:16.00treke|laptop"I must admit I'm a little bemused to see that the kernel 'tarball' is c.84MB (actually I suppose that may have been 8.4MB - I was watching the number of bytes and have had a drink or two - anyway it's still larger than the entire OZ source) in size while the buildroot source is only c.4MB, oh well, I have a lot to learn :-)"
22:16.05kergothah thats right, opie's libopieobex lib needs glib because it needs irobex_palm3 from openobex-apps
22:16.15treke|laptopsomeone is in for a rude awakening when he tries building oz
22:16.19kergothtreke|laptop: hah
22:21.58kergotherr i'm blind
22:22.04kergothopenobex-apps doesnt need glib either
22:22.10treke|homeyour mother warned you...
22:22.12kergothsomebody remind me, why exactly are we including glib?
22:24.25gb2kergoth: how do i make oebuild just run say.. the unpack stage of a build?
22:24.43kergothoebuild unpack blah.oe
22:24.49kergothit just defaults to 'build'
22:24.51kergothoebuild --help
22:24.54gb2wonder why it's trying to run /sbin/unpack
22:25.31kergothhey, check bin/build/
22:25.37kergothfind the unpack function
22:25.41kergothwe're still using that shit to unpack
22:25.53kergothif you move that into the do_unpack function in the base oeclass, i bet that'll solve it
22:26.43kergoththats one of those ebuild/portage remnants
22:28.17gb2my do_unpack() { } right now is just: set -e; base_do_unpack $@
22:29.42gb2yeah.. that seems to be the problem
22:30.15kergothactually, could make it python
22:30.24kergothpython base_do_python () {}
22:30.38kergoththat way, we dont have to use the A var
22:30.48kergothit can walk through teh sources and call the fetch localpath() directly
22:30.57kergothwould be cleaner
22:31.04gb2there's no fetch stamp either?
22:33.15kergothnope, thats by design, as a holdover for when we alter it to store an md5 hash of the file when its complete (basically per-file stamps)
22:33.23kergothsee doc/TODO, iirc its in there
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22:35.47kergothtv sucks
22:36.27treke|homevery true
22:38.46gb2tv sucks your brain
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22:44.03BBMatthewgah weeded out 2GB of crap but its screwing my build times. Should have bought a dual xeon with a huge raid array for this by now :)
22:49.16Pixel_where can i find the arm-linux-gcc ?
22:51.22BBMatthewthe 2.95.3 is the only cross compiler able to build the kernel
22:52.30Pixel_there are 4 archives with that version number, which one should i get ?
22:53.03treke|homeget 2.95.3
22:53.38treke|homeThe one simply labeled 2.95.3
22:54.51BBMatthewtesting the sl5600 images now
23:00.00BBMatthewit works!!!!
23:01.15Pixel_okay - where do i put/how do i install arm-linux-gcc ?
23:01.33kergothibot: oz toolchain
23:01.34it has been said that oz toolchain is, or mkdir /usr/local/arm and extract them in there.
23:02.18gb2bash: line 302: oe_runconf: command not found
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23:02.35kergotheh, whatd you do to bin/build/
23:02.45gb2i didn't do anything to it
23:02.54kergothwell, its a shell function in there.
23:02.58kergothand i have no problems with it
23:03.18gb2all i did was: INHERIT=package_rpm bin/oebuild oe.oe and installed the resulting rpm
23:03.36kergothprobably a bug
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23:04.23gb2++ test -f /usr/share/oe/bin/build/
23:04.44gb2yeah, it tries a whole bunch of places, but not /usr/bin
23:04.49gb2which was where it installed the file
23:05.02gb2that's why unpack() failed too
23:05.21W8TVI|zthen you did something wrong
23:06.57gb2it searches ${OEPATH}/build/
23:08.55gb2it looks like that file actually ought to be installed in /usr/share/oe somewhere
23:09.00gb2so both are broken
23:11.05BBMatthewtime to actually setup a decent selection of bits
23:12.20BBMatthewkergoth: is it possible to use the same buildroot for a build of gcc2.95.3 for the kernel and gcc3.1 for the apps?
23:15.17Pixel_How often does the experimental images get updated ?
23:16.50nodaPixel_: Want an OZ image? Check out
23:17.13nodakergoth: Do you mind if I upload my .ipks there too? I'll chmod g+w them...
23:17.32nodaWhoops. s/experimental/unstable/
23:18.01Pixel_noda, i'm currently trying to build it myself, also, i've got an 750 and not a 5500
23:18.06nodaOh, heh :)
23:18.15nodaWell that won't work then :)
23:18.41nodaBBMatthew: It is possible. But gcc3 won't compile opie properly... at least, that's my experience.
23:19.01BBMatthewI am tempted to clone my buildroot
23:19.46Pixel_Currently i'm using a mix of the files in experimental/shepherd and experimental/husky. I can't get my WiiFi to work, the console writes over the GUI and it's slow to sleep/awake ( outputs text over the gui)
23:24.10Pixel_i'm guessing that the textouput over the gui is a bug i've caused by mixing the files ?
23:24.18Pixel_oh, he left...
23:30.42BBMatthewI really don't reccommend what you are doing?
23:30.45kergothBBMatthew: ?
23:30.49kergothBBMatthew: look in menuconfig.
23:30.54kergothBBMatthew: enable gcc2 & gcc3
23:31.02kergothBBMatthew: enable gcc3 for apps, disable gcc3 for kernel
23:31.21BBMatthewkergoth: No I am asking if I can use the previous buildroot or do I need a make mrproper
23:31.51kergothmrproper is rarely required
23:31.53BBMatthewbtw thats a really nice feature, the abiliyt to use the different compilers :)
23:31.56kergothmrproper wipes downloaded sources
23:32.04kergothuse clean to wipe everything used in the build
23:32.08kergothbut not have to redownload
23:32.12kergothyes, you should clean your tree
23:32.30BBMatthewI am going to copy the tree and clean it
23:36.19treke|homegod why do people come into channels and say "what is better? Your project or some other one?
23:38.38gb2treke: "some other project.  our project sucks ass, i don't even use it."
23:38.46BBMatthewgood idea
23:41.03treke|homehehe. at least they could go into which has a mixture of opinions
23:51.11W8TVI|zhey absentia
23:52.21absentiawot ?
23:54.45BBMatthewhas anyone else had problems compiling samba? it just borked on me
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