irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030909

00:16.54chouimathi kergoth
00:19.49ljpbash: :q!: command not found
00:21.04ljpif you used emacs, you wouldn't have to type so much commands
00:21.45chouimatljp: hehe
00:22.29trekehmmm. Could do the hh conference for 600 bucks.
00:22.37trekebut I dont think I'd be able to sleep that weekend
00:24.52trekeljp: I'd be leaving at 5 in LA. getting to Boston at 6am. Going to CRL at 9, then getting out again at 6 pm :p
00:25.14chouimattreke: huh?
00:25.41ljpnot even time for a quickie
00:31.02trekeof course I can try sleeping on the plane I guess
00:31.05chouimathmmm montreal boston for 199cad but I need to stay there 3 days
00:31.33ljpand can try to get bumped up to business class
00:32.00trekeyup. It also works out since I wouldnt need to take the day off from work. I could just take off a bit early
00:32.48kergoththe outgoing triggers didnt go when i pushed those changesets
00:36.42CIA07ChangeSet@1.221 Update TODO
00:37.11kergothhmm, the cia bits for bk only shows the top changeset
00:37.20kergoththats annoying
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01:02.26muleif I add a package to the buildroot using the instructions, what does it need to have in the source? Sorry I'm a complete newbie.
01:03.29ljpit downloads the source from wherever you specify
01:04.01muleok...and the source needs to just be a sourcecode and a makefile?
01:04.45kergothit can be whatever you want.
01:04.51kergothit just runs the targets in teh packages makefile
01:04.58kergoththat doesnt imply that it has to use gnu make as its buildsystem
01:05.44muleerm...ok you're losing me now. But that's good, so if I make a .pro file, will anything in the buildroot make me a makefile?
01:05.57kergothbuildroot itself doesnt do anything
01:06.03kergothbuildroot can build qmake, which is in opie
01:06.14kergothyour package makefile in buildroot can then _call_ qmake to generate your makefile from your .pro
01:06.29kergothbuildroot isnt as intelligent as you think, it calls the targets you create. thats it.
01:06.40muleermm....ok I see. Thanks
01:06.43kergothOE on the other hand has classes that can automatically do things
01:07.03mulecant I just use oe?
01:07.07kergothfor example, if you 'inherit tmake', it will automatically generate the makefile from the .pro, and if you dont have a .pro but have the right vars in th e.oe, it'll output the .pro from its own metadata
01:07.11kergothyes, you can.
01:07.16kergothbut it doesnt havef shit for packages in it yet
01:07.27kergothit'll take us a while to get everything converted to it
01:07.39muleok...I'll use the buildroot.
01:08.04muleermm, when I test my apps, I have to compile them for i386 right?
01:08.20muleyes, I really am this stupid
01:08.35trekeis your machine an x86 based system?
01:08.35ljpsomeone needs to write a buildroot -> oe package script :)
01:08.44muletreke: yes
01:08.54trekeljp: eew
01:08.58ljpI compile for i686
01:09.06muleyes 686
01:09.19ljpi386 is so... redhat
01:09.30muleso how can I set that up and use the qt libraries in the buildroot?
01:09.57ljplook at some of the other packages Makefile
01:10.01mulebecasue I gues I dont need the qtopia sdk
01:10.15ljpbuildroot can build you everything you need
01:10.18muleljp: I mean for testing
01:10.38ljpoh. hmm, not sure if it can do that. ;)
01:10.57kergothljp: noidd started on a transition script
01:10.59kergothljp: dunno how far he got
01:11.03mulewell it installed 2 sets of qt libraries, one for the host, and one for the target
01:12.12mulewell, it's 2 am and I want to have written at least one app by morning
01:12.27muleand I don't know c, but it looks easy ;/
01:16.09ljpc is c++ without class
01:16.54muleI dont know c++ either
01:17.44ljpahh, well. there's a lot of docs on the net that can help.
01:17.55muleyes, they are helping
01:18.07muleits the qpe thing thta I am having trouble with
01:20.09ljpthere's docs for that too
01:20.20muleyeah at trolltech?
01:20.33ljpyes. and you can also kinda use the opie docs too
01:21.01mulemy failure of understanding is all the compiler library-linking rubbish
01:21.20muleI'll just steal it all from some other app
01:26.47mulewhich tmake.conf should I use?
01:45.53kergothtreke: good plan
01:46.42trekeyou know would would make a buttload of money? Delivery service for alcohol sales
01:47.31kergoththatd rule
01:47.59kergoth"hey, i'll take a pepperoni pizza, thin crust, and a bottle of glenlivet"
01:48.48trekemmmmh. thin crust
01:52.17gb2there are places you can do that
01:52.42kergoththere are?
02:01.53kergothdamnit ipaq2
02:01.56kergothSTOP HANGING
02:06.46kergothi need this test result for the arm configure of apache
02:06.56kergothdamn cable internet is fluctuating
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02:13.22ljpuse a flux capacitor
02:15.16mulewhy do I get an error when compiling from qpeapplication.h: error qwsDisplay undeclared (first use this function)
02:15.40muleI dont use that function at all
02:16.05kergothqwsDisplay is in qt/e
02:16.12kergothis -DQWS in your compile line?
02:16.56kergothyou're using the wrong TMAKEPATH
02:17.07kergothor QMAKESPEC, dpeending on which you're using
02:17.16muleahh...yes, I wanted to build it for my desktop
02:17.32kergothyes, you want the x86 qws one
02:17.38kergothone dir down
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02:19.06mulewell actually I was just running tmake and praying it knew what it was doing
02:19.40mulehey we all gotta learn - and if I dont do it as root, I wont bork anything
02:20.24kergothgod a configure run takes a while on the ipaq cluster
02:20.29muleTMAKEPATH is the path to the file tmake.conf?
02:20.35kergothmule: yes
02:35.06kergothwe will stay down. down where we belong.
02:46.35kergothi waited all that time
02:46.42kergothand use of a config.cache was disabled
02:50.58muleit works!!
02:51.03kergothmule: nice
02:52.08mulelife is all about $QTDIR and $QPEDIR
02:53.46kergothdamn imspaste.
02:53.50kergothdamn fingers
02:54.03kergoth^-the height of human stupidity
02:54.34W8TVICurrent bid:  £126.99  
02:59.24W8TVIanyone want to buy a Sony SJ-20 & USB cradle?
03:00.55*** join/#openembedded treke|home (
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03:03.34kergothi just realized its a monday and i'm in a good mood
03:03.41treke|homeChunky_Ks: haha
03:03.43treke|homekergoth: haha
03:03.44ulmerdamn, it's monday?
03:03.57W8TVIonly for one hour more
03:04.48treke|homeI've still got four more hours of it
03:04.57treke|homegood thing I have a nice full bottle :)
03:05.56ulmerBottle of?
03:07.05kergothtreke|home: per your idea about alcohol deliveries, my dad thinks we need to rent movies and sell junk food too
03:07.40ulmerThere is a place here (Gainesville -- college town) that delivers Kegs.
03:07.54kergothsee thats a good business plan there.
03:08.01treke|homekergoth: I think you've got yourself a winner there
03:08.08ulmerI guess for those people who are partying too hard to go and get the third one.
03:08.10treke|homeulmer: laphroaig
03:08.34treke|home<ulmer> Bottle of?
03:09.35kergoth<customer> Hey guys, i need to party in 2 hours but i dont have time to get supplies!
03:09.43kergoth<store> no problem, what do ya need?
03:09.59ulmertreke: Whisky (no e)
03:10.13treke|homeulmer: yup
03:10.45ulmer<other-cust> Dude, the only people here sober enough to drive are under age.  Can you deliver?
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03:12.36ulmertreke: I'm a blended Whiskey guy myself, but a buddy of mine is trying to teach me to drink single-malts
03:12.47ulmerI don't know if he's going to make it. ;)
03:12.56absentiaZyum yum got my 760
03:13.10ljpI like a coffee in one hand, a good red wine in the other
03:13.28absentiaZi can run every app on the base sharp os and still have 22mb ram left over
03:13.37kergothljp: i dont want to know where you put the rum bottle
03:13.41kergothabsentiaZ: nice.
03:14.04absentiaZbrunello de montechello
03:14.14treke|homethe rum bottle is down under
03:14.23absentiaZkergoth: gonna do a backup and go to oz tomrrow
03:14.32absentiaZprivided im not nuked or gased
03:14.44kergothwe really need to fix that fucking table for the qt keyboard handler
03:14.49kergothnow that it affects so many devices
03:14.55treke|homeabsentiaZ: Hows performance on it?
03:14.58kergothmaybe i'll get that done this weekend
03:15.31absentiaZi got over 3 hours online with dlink 660w on 760 out of the box
03:15.49absentiaZtreke: perhaps its the ram .... but it flies
03:15.55absentiaZi clicked on 16 aps
03:16.06absentiaZtook 22 seconds for them to come up
03:16.12absentiaZall of them
03:16.30treke|homeabsentiaZ: noticably faster than the 700?
03:16.33absentiaZi rotated the screen at the same time
03:16.34kergothwonder how it compares to the c750, which also has the lack of cache bug and bus speed boost that c760 has
03:16.42absentiaZvery very
03:16.51absentiaZbut i think its just the ram
03:17.01treke|homekergoth: Oh the c750 has a slower bus?
03:17.07kergothapps feel more responsive than the c700 on the c750 too
03:17.11absentiaZfaster internal bus
03:17.12ljpthe rum bottle is held by the waitress, and poured directly into my mouth
03:17.15kergothtreke|home: no, the 5600 and c700
03:17.20absentiaZbut external is still 50%
03:17.36absentiaZljp drunk?
03:17.36treke|homekergoth: ah
03:17.54ljpme? no. at work
03:18.05treke|homeabsentiaZ: hope not. It's only noon or so around there :)
03:18.06absentiaZi lost my orig dlink, so I bought a second
03:18.12treke|homekergoth: What is the bus spead anyways?
03:18.14absentiaZah... hhehehe
03:18.41absentiaZhonk kong time?
03:18.46absentiaZwhat time zone?
03:18.48ljphaving to wait for Oslo to wake up so I can work on an announcemnt
03:18.58ljpbrisbane, australia
03:19.38absentiaZok... going to read more nerve gas survuval guides
03:19.50absentiaZbomb sniffing dogs were out at work today...
03:19.57absentiaZlet the fun begin ...
03:23.21kergoth../include/apr.h:430:2: #error no decision has been made on APR_PATH_MAX for your platform
03:27.23kergothah, PATH_MAX wasnt defined
03:37.34absentiaZisn't that what it said?
03:38.48kergothno, it said APR_PATH_MAX
03:38.50kergothi said PATH_MAX
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03:46.48absentiaZor is it now 65535?
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03:52.01w8tvi_An American, a Scot and a Canadian were in a terrible car accident. They were all brought to the same emergency room, but all three of them died before they arrived. Just as they were about to put the toe tag on the American, he stirred and opened his eyes. Astonished, the doctors and nurses present asked him what happened. Well," said the American, "I remember the crash, and then there was a beautiful light, and then the Canadian and t
03:52.01w8tvi_he Scot and I were standing at the gates of heaven. St.Peter approached us and said that we were all too young to die, and said that for a donation of $50, we could return to earth. So of course I pulled out my wallet and gave him the $50, and the next thing I knew I was back here." "That's amazing!" said the one of the doctors, "But what happened to the other two?" Last I saw them," replied the American, "the Scot was haggling over the
03:53.49ulmerw8tvi: beatiful
03:54.00ulmererr... beautiful
03:59.49mulehow big should icons be please?
04:00.40ljpbig enough to see, yet small enough to not cover the entire screen there a default size?
04:08.26kergothbleh, i need to pull over the host build tools into OE
04:08.30kergothlibtool is blowing shit up
04:09.36absentiaZare there any keys for page up/down?-in netfront?
04:09.39ulmerkergoth: don't feel bad, it does that on AIX too... ;)
04:09.57kergothlibtool always blows shit up
04:10.01kergothits not like i'm surprised
04:10.16kergothsockopt.c:256: error: `SCTP_NODELAY' undeclared (first use in this function)
04:10.21kergothwhere the hell is that declared
04:10.48ulmerkergoth: did you STCP_NODEPAY? That I believe...
04:10.52ulmererr delay.
04:11.08ulmerkergoth: between the two of us we can almost type.
04:15.16ljpdepends on where the icons are - taskbar are 16x16 I think.
04:15.27ljplauncher are 32x32
04:15.32ljpI think
04:17.51kergothah crap
04:17.54kergothstupid fucking buildsystems
04:18.13kergoth~lart apr
04:19.48ljpsounds like a personal problem
04:20.01ljpneeds packages
04:20.12ljpI should update this oe here
04:28.56*** part/#openembedded ulmer (
04:37.11ljpjust doing my job
04:42.33bipolarhmmm... it *seems* that the KDE in debian sid has the required librarys that kitchensync needs. So I can create a package that does not overwrite any files.
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05:23.56kergothapache needs pcre?
05:24.02kergothhow many damn items do i have to add to OE today
05:24.35W8TVItoo many
05:26.33ljpall of them, till I can build opie with it, damn it!
05:30.32kergothi dont think you need apache's dependencies to build opie
05:31.36mulethe way oz is going <cough> <hide>
05:33.03kergoth~fishslap mule
05:33.04ACTION slaps mule up side the head with a wet fish.
05:33.16mulehow can I pipe continuously to a file in linux?
05:34.19muleyes, but continuosly...I am oing to check tee, is it on oz?
05:35.00kergothyes, it is
05:35.21ljpI'm bored. maybe I will add some stuff to opie
05:41.54ljphmm, howszabout opie-bartender
05:43.25kergothheh, okay, we can use OE to build apache 2.0.47 now
05:44.08mulethat's funny
05:44.25kergoththat was easier than you'd expect.
05:44.34kergothi love adding auto* and tmake/qmake packages to oe
05:44.41kergoththe existing classes do all the work
05:44.50kergothfille in source var, S var, save, build
05:46.00ljpits funny seeing yer boss drink a beer at work
05:46.18kergoththats weird
05:46.47ljpya, I would except to see him drinking rum
05:46.54ljpoh, no. thats me
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06:35.14kergothi should setup a minimal chroot dev env for buildroot/oe runs, to make sure some packages arent inappropriately depending on things in the build machine
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06:37.13ljpthat migh tbe a good idea
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08:08.16Twiungood morning
08:14.09*** join/#openembedded CIA (CIA@cia.utility.freenode)
08:15.37ljpis it?
08:17.11ljphmmm.. thats odd
08:17.20ljpI was thinking about going home.
08:17.34ljpdoes that mean I have to stay another 8 hours?!
08:18.14Twiunsounds about right. I'm obviously your boss and I say you should be working european TT times
08:18.47ljpugh.. sometimes I need too
08:22.33Twiunconf calls?
08:23.27ljpno. usually emails
08:25.04Twiunwhy does that force you to work eu times though?
08:29.44ljpit doesn't just sometimes like to hear back before I leave for the say
08:32.03Twiunbah - why can't they just wait like the res of us :)
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08:52.55mickeylibot: botmail for cmartin: I fixed Opie BRANCH_1_0, you can start preparing OpenSIMpad release candidates.
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09:07.40Twiunhey mickeyl, schurig
09:12.14schurigTwiun: hi 2u2!
09:13.03mickeylhi Twiun
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09:14.49stiefhi all
09:16.06Twiunhey stief
09:22.10stiefhiya Twiun how are you doing ?
09:24.25Twiunnot bad, battling with crappy code at work :)
09:29.08stiefbattling lamers at work, but i'm in bofh mode
09:29.30stiefyou work in the embedded world ?
09:36.14Twiunnot at the moment - working in java1.1 though - so it's almost the same thing
09:36.35Twiunmy OS stuff is for embedded deployment
10:10.49stiefyou have your own OS ?
10:11.41TwiunOS==open source ;)
10:12.07TwiunThere's no way I'd have enough time to devote to a whole OS :P
10:18.00*** join/#openembedded LordVan (~lordvan@
10:24.44schuriganybody here with a PXA device?
10:27.41stiefTwiun: hehehe okee :)
10:28.13stiefanybody in here with a super-H ?
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11:00.06TwiunI tell you, some developers need some serious brainpan adjustment
11:07.02stiefbrainpan adjustment ? Hehehe
11:07.43Twiunlet's say that I think a lobotomy would be wasted
11:23.10*** join/#openembedded cmartin (
11:24.12Twiunanyone have a link to the userfriendly cluebat highlights?
11:24.42cmartinmickeyl,  ping
11:26.32cmartinmickeyl: what did you do in Opie_1_0_BRANCH?
11:26.55mickeylcmartin: well... i fixed it, so that you actually can execute applications. which is a good thing :D
11:27.25mickeylcmartin: you couldn't start _any_ app prior to that fix
11:27.52cmartinno quicklaunch apps - i could start konqueror though
11:28.28mickeylcmartin: yes - quicklaunch apps. it turned out to be a combination of packaging and dumb QLibrary.
11:33.46cmartinmickeyl: so i can remove the "cvsdate=" line in the Makefile and rebuild Opie?
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11:38.51cmartink, will do
11:48.00mickeylif everything runs fine on your test, then I'll look after VT switching. if that proves to be ok, then i'd say "go" for the release.
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11:50.06mickeylcmartin: btw., any news re. skeye ?
11:55.00cmartinmickeyl: no, I will contact them again. My Problem is that I forgot to backup my mail folder when I installed Debian.
11:55.22cmartinmickeyl: that means I have no eMail Addresses or past Mails
11:56.12cmartinmickeyl: but i will contact my first contact person there and find out the address of the guy doing the kernel development
11:57.32cmartinmickeyl: it's pretty embarassing, but i have no other chance - this is also the reason i can't contact those people, who offered to do some documentation
11:58.02cmartinmickeyl: have any idea how i could let them know they should contact me again, so i can get them connected?
11:58.02*** part/#openembedded beasteye (
11:59.21mickeylcmartin: how 'bout a RFD (request for documentation) in both the english and the german forum? If they're still around, then they probably monitor the forum.
12:00.04cmartinsounds good, i'll try that
12:01.09cmartinmaybe I could set up a seperate topic afterward where the documentation people could communicate there ideas
12:03.07cmartinmickeyl: is there a way to just update my opie sourcetree after using the cvsdate= line yesterday - or do i have to delete source/opie and pull the whole tree again?
12:03.56cmartinmickeyl: a cvs up would just update the cvsdated tree, right?
12:04.12mickeylgo into your sources directory in update manual
12:06.03cmartinmickeyl: you mean go into the sources DIR and run "cvs up" - but wouldn't that just update the tree with the cvsdate tag or is that only sent from the buildroot and not remembered by my sources DIR
12:10.41cmartinmickeyl: k, didn't see anything in the CVS Directory with that dat tag, so i suppose cvs up will get the most recent version
12:10.51cmartins / dat / date
12:15.18mickeylcvs only remebers BRANCH tags, not date
12:15.28mickeylso cvs up downloads the most current BRANCH
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12:28.09cmartinmickeyl: i get an error on building - Unable to open /home/simpad/opensimpad-BRANCH/build/opie/core/tools/ for writing
12:28.34cmartinmickeyl: the directory build/opie/core/tools isn't there
12:28.52mickeylcvs update -Pd ?
12:29.07cmartini'll try
12:29.35mickeyl-Pd should be in your .cvsrc :D
12:29.40mickeyladd it if its not there
12:30.32cmartini have no .cvsrc, only .cvspass
12:30.45mickeyltime to add one :)
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12:31.16cmartinwith only -Pd as the contents?
12:35.05mickeylmickeyl@gandalf:~$ cat ~/.cvsrc
12:35.05mickeylcvs -l
12:35.05mickeyldiff -udN
12:35.05mickeylupdate -Pd
12:37.22cmartink, thanx - i didn't have that before and "cvs up" work fine - strange
12:37.44cmartinhi chouimat
12:38.31mickeylcmartin: not strange at all
12:38.33mickeylcmartin: man cvs
12:48.17stiefthe linux distro for zaurus is is freely availible ?
12:48.31stiefi mean, if i buy a zaurus can i reinstall the OS on it ?
12:49.46Twiunthat why OpenZaurus came about
12:50.37stiefcool, i'm thinking about buying one
12:50.48stiefbut OpenZaurus is allready installed when i buy it right ?
12:51.00Twiunyou've got the wrong end of the stick
12:51.13TwiunOpenZaurus is itself a replacement for the default linux installation
12:51.31stiefahhhh okee
12:51.37Twiunthe Zaurus comes preinstalled with a Sharp-customised linux distro
12:51.51stieflet me google for openzaurus :) :)
12:52.15stiefcool :) you have a zaurus ?
12:53.23TwiunYup, one of the early models: a Zaurus 5000d
12:53.41stiefdamn looks cool
12:53.42TwiunI don't really use it as a PDA though ;)
12:53.53stiefmore as a pocket linux pc ? :)
12:53.54Twiunmostly for development or reading ebooks
12:54.21Twiunyeah - I'm thinking of getting a c760 for the keyboard... much easier to type with it :)
12:56.13chouimatTwiun: $$$$ :)
12:56.40stiefdoes the default linux zaurus distro suck ?
12:56.42Twiunchouimat: when I get paid at the end of this month, I'll be able to pay off CC, overdraft and still have extra to afford that :)
12:57.10Twiunstief: it's improved since the first release but it's still not perfect
12:57.23chouimatTwiun: ok
12:58.39stiefTwiun: is it uC/linux that run on there ?
12:59.56Twiunstief: nope although someone is working on that
13:00.10stiefTwiun: native linux ? which arch ?
13:00.12Twiunstief: just a normal linux distro with ARM patches
13:00.12stiefarm ?
13:00.30stiefah so it has a MMU ?
13:01.53TwiunI don't know things down to that level - but someone will :)
13:02.44stiefokee :)
13:02.49stiefjust curious
13:02.57Twiunstief: note that I specialise in Java, my C/C++ is pretty rudimentary as well...
13:03.35stiefchouimat: that's really fast :)
13:03.45Twiunchouimat: btw, I gave up on using JMS for that other project.... it's just way too overengineered
13:04.07chouimatTwiun: jms?
13:04.38schurigstief: yes, it has a MMU
13:05.04stiefschurig: ah okee thanks :)
13:05.15schurigJMS = java merde system (with the second word in french)
13:05.19stiefschurig: there isn't much reason to have uC/linux then right ?
13:05.52chouimatschurig: you don't need to add merde to java, it's redundant :)
13:05.57mickeylno - except you have really tight space constraints
13:06.00Twiunchouimat: Java Messaging System
13:06.10chouimatTwiun: ok
13:06.16schurigno, uCLinux doesn#t make sense. Twiun confused uCLinux with uclibc
13:06.20Twiunchouimat: it does all the pub.sub and p2p stuff
13:06.34Twiunschurig: oops :)
13:06.44schurigsomeone was working on uclibc, the very small c library (compared to glibc)
13:06.46Twiunentirely expected I suppose :)
13:07.14mickeyluclibc work is on hold until andersee fixes his toolchain build.
13:07.20mickeylthat's the only thing holding us back
13:10.03schurigmickeyl: I have more and more the impression that we should stitch all of those roll-your-own-buildroot attempts and use Dan Kegel's scripts instead
13:10.04chouimathmmm 2.6.0-test55-mm1 is out
13:10.15Twiunstief: interested in developing or just linux as a convenient OS?
13:10.55mickeylschurig: what scripts?
13:11.09mickeyltest-55 ?
13:11.12mickeylman are they quick ;)
13:11.44schurigI just bk pulled linux-2.5-test5
13:12.00chouimattest5 keyboard problem here
13:13.45stiefTwiun: devlopping accutally, i wanna learn embedded linux
13:15.41mickeylgood. we need kernel hackers
13:17.08mickeylno no
13:17.23mickeylfinishing 2.4.21-cl1 for Collie is more important :D
13:17.41Twiunand probably less complex?
13:17.44schurighehe, everyone has his private pet
13:18.32TwiunAnyone fancy prioritising kergoth todo list and/or consolidating all the various TODO lists?
13:19.03mickeylAnyone even
13:19.57Twiunsure you don't mean 'Anyone to Twiun'?
13:20.04Twiunand I can't anyway :)
13:20.20Twiunotherwise I'd have volunteered
13:20.21*** join/#openembedded DanWilliams (
13:21.57TwiunHi Dan
13:22.15DanWilliamshey Twiun
13:27.31mickeylIMO finishing 2.4.21-cl1 should really have top priority
13:27.42mickeylotherwise we will lose users to other ROMS
13:27.50mickeyleven to the SharpROM because it feels so much better with 2.4.18
13:32.42*** join/#openembedded prpplague (~billybob@
13:32.58chouimathi plague
13:34.54prpplaguechouimat: morning
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13:39.13mickeylibot: oz scripts
13:39.14mickeyl: no idea
13:39.18mickeylibot: scripts
13:39.19mickeyl: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
13:39.31mickeylibot: ozscripts
13:39.32ozscripts is, like, function ozclean() { rm -rf $stamps/.$1.*; make SUBDIRS=packages/$1 clean-sources; make SUBDIRS=packages/$1 clean-sourcetrees; }, or function ozmake() { make SUBDIRS=packages/$1; }, or function oznew() { ozclean $1 && ozmake $1; }
13:40.53stiefschurig: PXA ? what's that :)
13:41.11prpplagueibot: pxa
13:41.12i haven't a clue, prpplague
13:41.18prpplagueibot: pxa255
13:41.19pxa255 is, like, or a pxa250 with the write back cache fixed
13:42.15absentiawhat is a "writeback cache"
13:42.22absentiahow does it work? what is it supposed to provide? etc?
13:47.17Twiunibot: a writeback cache is a magic microchip functionality.
13:47.17okay, Twiun
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14:04.04*** join/#openembedded TimRiker (
14:04.12Twiunhey Tim
14:04.38Twiunlol, the invasion of the ti workers...
14:05.37TimRiker~lart Twiun
14:06.35absentiasometimes, linux pisses me off
14:06.52Twiunas opposed to always being pissed of at Windows?
14:07.00Twiunor is there no correlation?
14:07.11absentiatw: exactly!
14:07.23absentiaI'd rather put up with a system where I know... if I look.. I can find out how not to be poissed off
14:07.37absentiarather than just being forced to deal with the fact that I can't ever fix the blows....
14:08.03absentiaI prefer kde, but I'm investigating gnome as an alternative to windows as a corporate desk top
14:08.11absentiato me, gnome feels like a cage.
14:08.33TwiunI've been using a raw ssh session for a few weeks now - I'm much happier :)
14:08.53absentiaya... this is work... at home, I used solaris/cde and freebsd + kde
14:09.32absentiathat's pretty funny.
14:11.06Twiunthey might well release later models by the time I get enough $$$ to buy one
14:11.14absentiaI clicked on 16 apps... from the app screen... as fast as I could... and it only took 22 seconds for them ALL to come up.
14:11.35absentiaya, I bought the 700 a month before the 750/760 were announced
14:12.18absentiaI also got like 3 hours of wifi from the 760 + dlink 660w... out of the box...  I've chared full and I'll do better tests....
14:13.29absentiaI thought dynamism was in CA, but they're in IL
14:13.55Twiunwhenever I get that device I'll stick my eth card in there - and use it specifically for ssh - instead of having a window on my desktop
14:14.16absentiawhat device?
14:15.44cmartinmickeyl: ok, a new image is on my simpad - here's my first comments....
14:15.51Twiunthe c760 is there isn't a newer one by then :)
14:15.58Twiuncmartin: BOOM?
14:16.30cmartinmickeyl: like i said yesterday - the keyboard spans the whole screen again
14:16.31absentiaI don't get it... n ethernet so you won't have to have a window ?
14:16.33absentiawhat does that mean ?
14:17.53cmartinmickeyl: the console is still behind Opie - a cursor is blinking at the bottom right and when i put in a PCMCIA card the screen is garbled by kernel messages
14:18.08absentiawho is the nick of th guy who does the zdebian... who has the site in .it ?
14:18.21cmartinTwiun: ?
14:18.23Twiunabsentia: I use windows on my laptop, with an ssh window on it. I'm seeing myself use a c760 as a ssh-only terminal next to the laptop :)
14:18.25CAMCAMTimRikerHome: Hello
14:18.49Twiuncmartin: you went: "Here are my first comments..." and I went BOOM! Meaning something went wrong straight away :)
14:18.51CAMCAMTimRikerHome: Is it you that own the web site ?
14:19.17cmartinTwiun: just a few minor things ;)
14:19.49CAMCAMTimRikerHome: I'am Amrein-Marie Christophe. One of the many people that should have ask you about futur
14:19.49TimRikerHome~nslookup is now hosted on
14:20.38TimRikerHomeyou interested in doing something with it? I'll add you to the SF project if you like and you can set up stuff there.
14:21.08CAMCAMWhat is the link ?
14:21.18TimRikerHomelink? ?
14:22.22CAMCAMThere I find the old page with "Does the Yopy Suck?" and so on.. Is it correct ?
14:23.46TimRikerHomeyep. that's all that is there at present. I'll edit in a SF link now...
14:23.46CAMCAMWith links to, and
14:24.56CAMCAMWhat do you espect of this new SF web site ?
14:26.16TimRikerHomeugh... /me forgets how to login to a new group....
14:26.37TimRikerHomeCAMCAM: updated jffs2 images for the yopy.
14:26.59TimRikerHomewould be nice to get openembedded working for the yopy and point to the build tree.
14:27.52CAMCAMI would be happy to see a free and complet linux distribution for Yopy
14:28.08CAMCAMHow about Debian ARM ?
14:28.38CAMCAMWhy should we need OZ or Familiar ?
14:28.57TimRikerHomeCAMCAM: sf link added. refresh to see it.
14:29.42TimRikerHomedebian-arm is too large for internal flash. OZ/OE or familiar are much better suited to internal flash.
14:30.07CAMCAMThere so much personnal Links on  this page ;)
14:30.15*** join/#openembedded LordVan (~lordvan@
14:30.37CAMCAMTimRikerHome: I have here a Debian image that use only 18 Mo with X11 and all debian tools
14:30.40TimRikerHomeCAMCAM: not the opy sucks page, just the page.
14:31.03TimRikerHomeCAMCAM: I have a 4M image with X11 and pcmcia-cs (includes the kernel)
14:31.43CAMCAMUsing Gmate image for base ?
14:31.57TimRikerHomenope. that's a TuxScreen based image
14:33.07CAMCAMWhat would be great in my point of view is to see a complet Debian compatible distrib
14:33.26CAMCAMI don't know if TuxScreen can use all Debian package easily
14:34.26TimRikerHomeno TuxScreen cannot. it can pivot_root to a debian distro, but not install packages from there. different c libs.
14:35.07CAMCAMTimRikerHome: To have all in jffs2 on YP3000, you send serial commands to the boot loader, doesn't you ?
14:36.04TimRikerHomeCAMCAM: I had mine booting into a jffs2 image. I had to send the image over in the bootloader. zmodem iirc.
14:36.13CAMCAMComplet Debian compatibility like Intimate... And the community only have to reduce .deb size
14:36.53TimRikerHomeCAMCAM: that's fine with me. a yopy debian bootstrap image would be nice.
14:37.06TimRikerHomean OE build would also be nice. ;-)
14:37.34chouimathi tim
14:37.37CAMCAMAs I'm French... What do you mean by OE ?
14:37.52CAMCAMSorry, OpenEmbbedde
14:40.37CAMCAMI have at present a Yopy 3700 an iPaq and a SL-C760. I don't know if OE is the best choice for all of them... Apparently, Debian support Familiar team on their web site...
14:41.19absentiaf'n shit is getting so slow
14:41.30absentiatook 16 seconds to generate that page
14:41.34absentiatht's just unacceptable.
14:42.19CAMCAMIt takes 15 s before I can see what I have posted ;)
14:42.53CAMCAMMore traffic ?
14:43.46CAMCAMTimRikerHome: You work at present on this OE port ?
14:44.17CAMCAMI see you CV so I was thinking that it's possible... :)
14:45.14absentiait just got much faster
14:45.27absentiacirriculum vitae
14:45.35Twiunabsentia: killed the 4 quake servers running on there?
14:45.49CAMCAMTwiun ;)
14:45.51TimRikerHomeCAMCAM: kergoth has been working on OE for non-zaurus devices lately. no yopy support yet, but I could lend him a device to test on.
14:46.12absentiatw: is that what it was?! :-)  I'm just trying to post to my faq..  if you go to the FAQ page, which people seem to be ignoring... and go to the bottom, there's a link "ThatsNotAll" ... that's where I'm putting all my zaurus info
14:46.31absentiaI'm trying to find sukoshi's feed url now...
14:46.36absentiagonna put some info regarding the 760
14:47.12CAMCAMTimRikerHome: It could be very interesting. I don't know how to help as I'm a newbie in Linux programming in general
14:47.27CAMCAMI just work at present on Opie French TRanslation
14:47.53killefizahh - yeah ... more tasks for kergoth
14:48.01absentiahey killefiz....
14:48.53CAMCAMkillefiz: It's not easy. People here on mailing list have paint for me a bad image of kergoth
14:49.06Twiunkillefiz: sure, why not? He's got those 8 hours or so at night... give him enough caffeine and he won't need sleep :)
14:49.37TimRikerHomeCAMCAM: he's just overworked. ;-/
14:49.42TwiunCAMCAM: he's just very busy and irritable - but a nice guy :)
14:49.51killefizCAMCAM: just hang out here and make yourself you own picture ... kergot is a nice guy - just overtasked
14:50.27CAMCAMWhy people don't help him then ? What is there main problem with kergoth choice ?
14:50.50Twiunhe's being helped, but even with that help there's still a lot to be done
14:51.04Twiunand there's a steep learning curve
14:51.12killefizoe/oz/opie has way too few developers
14:52.05killefizmaybe that is not really true: there seem to be a lot of developers - they're just not organized
14:52.42CAMCAMSo they need a good leadership
14:52.44killefizzsi lists 985 applications
14:56.09CAMCAMTwiun :)
14:58.59absentiakille: agreed.
14:59.12absentiakille: example... the home page isn't updated NEARLY enough.
14:59.14absentiathe documentation is out of date
14:59.29killefizzsi needs work
14:59.31absentiadoes something work on the c700 and not the 750? the 760 and not the 700? who knows! have to try it to find out.
14:59.37absentiawhat's zsi ?
14:59.40killefizibot: zsi
15:00.03killefizzaurus software index
15:04.21absentiakill: ah!
15:04.37absentiakillefiz: I miss the ability to search on killfiz for the lat XX  entries
15:04.44absentiaif I miss the current screen, I miss new apps!
15:05.02absentiaI try to go their daily, and most of the time apps appear every other day or third day, but then sometimes, it seems like 15 appear at once
15:05.10killefizadd your wishes here:
15:05.29absentiait would also be good, I think, to have a reviewers paragraph... and or icons for 700 comat, 750 comat, 760 compat
15:05.37absentiaalso, a lot of directions just don't seem complete.
15:05.55absentialike the xu4 and exult...  some of the instructions are VERY details, and yet still miss information.
15:06.38CAMCAMkillefiz: Most applications from work for Sharp ROM or OE ?
15:06.40killefizabsentia: click on "edit entry" and add the missing information
15:06.58absentiagoing there now.
15:06.59killefizCAMCAM: you'll have to try
15:07.11absentiaI run twiki here at work... and use the wiki at extensively.
15:07.15absentiasee me page:
15:07.57killefizCAMCAM: the plan is to have a new csi code that lists working hardware/software combinations
15:08.12absentiaim editing that right now
15:08.18absentiakille: great!
15:08.24absentiakill: what is the code? perl, php? python?
15:10.44killefizabsentia: php
15:12.27gb2oh cool.  new uClibc version
15:12.38kergothdid busybox pre3 release also?
15:13.14absentiaI don't know php
15:13.40Twiunhey kergoth
15:14.19gb2kergoth: doesn't look like it
15:14.51mulewhy doesnt 'auto lo' in /etc/network/interfaces bring the loopback device up on boot in oz?
15:14.57absentiashould'nt the openzaurus refs all be changed to openembedded?
15:15.22kergothabsentia: no.
15:15.43kergothopenzaurus is just hte zaurus incarnation of oe, and its name is well knwon enough that itd be foolish to ditch
15:16.01muleis that a known problem that lo doesnt come up on the first oz boot after flashing?
15:16.24kergothmule: only first boot?
15:16.31mulethen I run ifup
15:16.40muleand reboot, then it's fine
15:16.47kergothmule: must be something that happens in the package reconfiguring that interferes or something
15:16.59kergothif you flash, dont bring it up manually ,and reboot, does it come up fine?
15:17.08muleermm..I will test that
15:17.19koyoteI've got problems with occasional power cycling. but I think I need to not worry about that until I've got something more stable.
15:18.07absentiakergoth: is there any way I can help with the openzaurus stuff? pages?
15:18.22absentiaI find it... disappointing that it seems so idle, up front.
15:19.05kergothdocs need writing, faqs need updating, packages need converting to the new system
15:19.11kergothi could go on
15:20.12absentiaI know.... I know more about the system now so, unlike before where I felt it was wrong for me to wrote docs, I feel that now I can at least start to contribute
15:20.21koyotekergoth: so, what's the order? I'm not sure how the new system works, but what part of install doc needs to wait, what needs to be updated now?
15:20.23absentiaand the more I do, the closer I would become to the system and thus the better the documentation and info would be, etc.
15:20.37prhkergoth: what new system?
15:21.17gb2so, the next OZ is going to use the OE build system?
15:22.37absentiakille: check the page -- are my edits ok ?
15:22.52absentiayes, converting....
15:22.56absentiaprh: from sharp to oz.
15:23.10absentiafor instance, I still don't know the difference between a NAND backup and the "backup" option.
15:23.16absentiait's not clearly explained.
15:23.34absentiaI have a fresh 760 now... I want to backup the ENTIRE THING... shouldn't I go NAND?  is that too low level?
15:23.37prhabsentia: uhh
15:23.50killefizabsentia: what did you edit?
15:23.57absentianow I'm comfortable trashign my 700 .... I don't have to have it be "usable" anymore.
15:24.03absentiathe doneright url
15:24.27killefizahh ok - i'll check it later
15:24.58absentiaI notice thw first word or so was "whishlist" .. was that supposed to be "wishlist" ?  I changed that.
15:26.49absentiakille: how stable/secure is the file area there? I see a lot of places that all seem to link back to your site... are there any mirrors in the workings?
15:27.02CAMCAMabsentia: The NAND backup save the entire 128 Mo flash. All partitions and also the bootloader... ;) (wih Sharp secret tools)
15:27.28kergothgb2: yes.  we'll probably do one more release with the current system, then its 100% focus on the transition
15:27.34absentiaaha, found zsi2
15:27.37kergothgb2: it'll take time to get all the packages con0verted
15:27.59kergothbrb, need to drop by starbucks before i fall asleep
15:28.14absentiacamcam: yes...  but what are the steps to do so on a 700? what about on a 760? is there a difference?  how do you restore? etc.
15:28.38absentiaseems to me that people should take the extra step to md5sum the files... write them out to cd with checksum, etc.
15:29.04absentiaok, zsi2 has top 25 and top 100
15:29.18absentiaer, most recent 25 and most recent 100
15:30.36prhgb2: is he talking about moving away from ipkg?
15:31.01mulekergoth: the loopback is up after reboot without doing anything
15:31.29mulekergoth: cant a postinst script just run ifup?
15:31.36muleor ifconfig
15:33.01absentiakergoth, do you realize that the openzaurus site doesn't even render correctly on the netfront 3.0 on the 760 ?
15:33.33koyotethat's not good
15:35.19absentiait's not a big thing -- the buttons on the left come up ove the text and boxes (tables?) ...
15:35.35absentiathe oz site is updated once every 4 months, so I was just doing a periodic check.
15:35.49*** join/#openembedded cmartin (
15:36.01absentiazsi2 doesn't seem to be as nicely displayed under opera7 ... as under mozilla
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15:36.17absentiathe date at the right comes out on 3 lines.. under opera, which makes the software list VERY vertical.
15:37.56absentiawow... just found a new url:
15:38.51trekehmmm. I dont freaking get this
15:38.56absentiaah, but doesn't know about zaurus ipkgs
15:39.01absentiatoo bad.
15:39.16trekeWhy is it that plucker hauls ass when I'm looking at it, but when I go home it makes NO progress
15:40.41trekekergoth: Hah. ljp commited something to head that you should like :)
15:40.58absentiahow close is famailiar to oz? zdebian?
15:41.01trekeabsentia: Netfront probably doesnt do css properly
15:41.05absentiacan familiar ipkgs be used for oz or zdebian ?
15:41.11trekesome can
15:41.13trekesome can't
15:41.15cmartinabsentia: is for familiar linux - check out
15:41.16absentiatreke: undoubtedly.
15:41.19trekedepends on the age of the package
15:41.24treke~lart glibc
15:42.49absentiais killefiz the only site like that for oz/zaurus proggies?
15:43.04trekegood ole glibc 2.3.2 has symbol version in it, so apps wont work on oz with glibc 2.2 :)
15:45.09cmartinmickeyl: a few comments to the new image...
15:46.01cmartinmickeyl: the console is still behind opie - the cursor blinks in the lower-left corner and when inserting a PC-Card the screen is garbled by messages
15:46.27cmartinmickeyl: and like i mentioned yesterday - the keyboard spans the whole screen agyin
15:46.57*** join/#openembedded SuKoShi (
15:47.16mickeylcmartin: keyboard issue is expected. they overwrote my changes
15:47.20absentiahey sukoshi ....
15:47.37absentiawere you looking for c700 or c760 testers ?
15:47.41trekemickeyl: The change should probably be done someplace else
15:47.57trekemickeyl: If it does what I think it does
15:48.26mickeyltreke: the change was appropriate in inputmethods.cpp. they just overwrote it by blindly applying the new trolltech launcher :(
15:48.34trekeinput methods are pretty horribly broken on the c700
15:49.41trekerendering wise
15:50.10mickeyldon't know what you mean
15:50.12mickeylseems ok here
15:50.42prhhas anyone worked on mapping the jappanese keys to ctrl and alt yet?
15:50.57mickeylprh: finished
15:51.08prhmickeyl: ooh! presumably done in the kernel?
15:51.25prhcool - got any build images around (for 750)
15:52.06cmartingoing home
15:53.12SuKoShiabsentia: hey
15:53.38kergothmule: chances are one of the postinsts or something included in an ipk is interfering with bringup
15:54.00kergothmule: possibly the ipk includes an ifstate that throws off the state of the universe, then one of the startup scripts removes it
15:54.03kergoththat sort of hting
15:54.07kergothabsentia: report it to the webmaster
15:54.12*** part/#openembedded cmartin (
15:54.25kergothtreke: saw that, nice :) I still want a net hosted DB ala cddb, but for drinks :)
15:54.28absentiak: k
15:54.46trekesounds like a debugger
15:55.10kergothwould be cool though
15:55.25kergothyou could submit tons of variations on drinks, could even submit votes on their quality
15:55.29trekea web based debugger
15:55.44trekeyou turn it on and anyone browsing the page can debug your app for you
15:58.42kergothhm, need to alter OE to choose staging_dir/build/* instead of staging_dir/target/* when arch=build_arch
15:59.39mickeylkergoth: finally got rid of the orinoco oops by downgrading pcmcia-modules to the OZ 3.2 version.
15:59.49mickeylkergoth: (in my testing image)
16:00.03kergothmickeyl: the pcmcia _modules_, from the kernel? how the hell did that change
16:00.05mickeylkergoth: don't ask me what we changed in pcmcia-modules...
16:00.08kergothmickeyl: are you using a 3x chain or something?
16:00.10kergothfor kernel
16:00.13mickeylkergoth: no way
16:00.16mickeylkergoth: 2.95.3
16:00.26kergoththats what we always use
16:00.32kergoththat doesnt make any sense
16:00.48kergothmickeyl: added pcre, expat, and apache to OE last night
16:00.56kergothmickeyl: its so easy for autotools based packages..
16:01.02kergothset S and SRC_URI and start the build
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16:01.07kergothhey bipolar
16:04.24kergothwe need a better way to build a package for the build machine
16:04.41kergothmaybe make the tools automatically change ARCH and OS to match the build ones prior to executing it
16:05.18kergothsince really you can build anything we know how to build for native..
16:05.33kergothjust need 1) a way to reflect build dependency on the native build
16:05.41kergothand 2) necessary bits to make OE do it for you
16:05.57trekehmmm. all the suddent opie rotates the screen the wrong way
16:06.11mickeyland have it in _one_ package. i always find it cumbersume to maintain host-xxx and build-xxx packages.
16:06.22treke<treke> sudden
16:06.23mickeylor don't you think?
16:06.25kergothmickeyl: right
16:06.32kergothmickeyl: they share the same build steps, generally
16:06.39kergothnow, the way i do it now is pretty clean
16:06.52kergothipkg-x86's .oe sets ARCH and OS and 'include's the ipkg .oe
16:07.09kergothactually i put that in a class
16:07.11kergothso ipkg-x86 does
16:07.15kergothinherit noncross
16:07.19kergothinclude ipkg-${PV}.oe
16:07.30kergothstill a pain to do it for every oe though
16:07.38kergothcourse not every package needs it.. but..
16:08.56kergothbuildarch build shouldnt do any packaging
16:09.11kergothwonder how to override that. maybe make the noncross class remove the do_install and do_package tasks
16:11.16mickeylsounds sane. we may need special handling for wicked packages like python who use need their host-tools during the build stage anyway.
16:11.36kergothlike i said, we just need a way to express dependency on the build version
16:11.42kergoththen oemake will ensure those tools exist prior to execution
16:12.08kergothright now its a differnet package name, just like buidlroot
16:12.15kergoth(note its not x86.. hehe)
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16:12.33mickeylvery good :)
16:15.10kergothcourse there are things like libtool which are arch independent
16:15.14kergothso a buildarch version isnt necessary
16:15.18kergothso not sure how to handle that.
16:16.10koyotebk really doesn't 'support' os X all that much
16:16.17kergothkoyote: no gui? or .. ?
16:16.27trekewho needs a gui?
16:17.15prhwhy is it some Z kernels don't seem to put any output to the screen when booting (just flashing cursor) others do, but then they keep spouting stuff even opie is running... >
16:17.38mickeylbecause different people are using different kernel configurations
16:17.52prhwhat config option is causing that?
16:17.58mickeyle.g. our current shepherd kernel spits out debugging on console, because we _need_ that info
16:17.58kergoththe kernel commandline
16:18.10prh(I'd _like_ output during boot, but not scribbling over my GUI :O)
16:18.13koyotekergoth: mostly it's gui related.
16:18.21prhand where does the commandline get set?
16:18.21mickeylprh: can't have both atm.
16:18.23koyotejsut not set up to dela with the unix behind os X
16:18.40mickeylnot until we have console redirection in opie
16:18.44mickeyllike in X...
16:18.45koyotemaybe if I set up x...
16:18.50mickeylI though about an applet for that
16:18.51prhmickeyl: Ahhh
16:19.08prhbut where is the kernel command line set?
16:19.10koyotehow long is that likely to take?
16:19.20kergothkoyote: heh, i never use those anyway :)
16:19.25mickeylprh: packages/kernel-shepherd/shepherd
16:19.26koyoteI seem to recall the one install of the 750 working fine that way.
16:19.36prhmickeyl: ta
16:19.40koyotekergoth: *shrug* I just want to compile.
16:19.55kergothyou dont need the gui
16:20.06kergothwe can walk you through anything you need to do with bk
16:20.59koyotewell, ho about getting the buildroot for starters :)
16:21.06prhmickeyl: on the kernels that don't output to the screen - what is console= normally set to?
16:21.11koyoteactually, I think I must eat lunch first.
16:21.39mickeylprh: console=null
16:21.48mickeylprh: or serial: console=ttyS0
16:22.33prhright. ooh thats a good point - is there a joint usb/serial cable for the Z anywhere?
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16:23.01bipolar_testing kopete...
16:23.13prhfor dev it would seem really handy to be using a serial console and still be able to use usb for ssh/samba
16:23.14kergothkoyote: read the faqs.
16:23.22bipolar~bitchslap bipolar_
16:23.24ACTION beats the sh*t out of bipolar_
16:23.35koyotekergoth: will do. I also need to make sure I've got both GCCs working, right?
16:23.47kergothi'd like libtool to install a task that affects every package
16:23.50kergoththats not possible.
16:23.53kergothkoyote: "both"?
16:24.08koyotei've gathered I need 2.95.3 and 3.x both...
16:24.18kergothkoyote: only if you want a 3.x userspace. its your decision.
16:24.23koyoteI'd be glad to be wrong
16:25.25koyoteanyway, food first.
16:27.00kergoththere we go
16:27.10kergothautomatically searches for's and replaces them all at configure time
16:27.27kergothnow to patch our libtool and from our libtool package so it actually does something useful
16:29.22kergothoh there it is
16:29.26kergothit was in buildroot
16:29.28kergothbut unused
16:32.14mickeylbbl in a few h
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16:35.53kergothhey pb_
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16:36.16icefoxAnyone know what -noquicklaunch is for qtopia?
16:36.45pb_kergoth: yo
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16:39.04kergothpb_: beating up libtool. fun fun.
16:39.17pb_kergoth: hah.
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16:47.27kergothnote to self: you cant choke a laptop.
16:48.01absentiaI always threaten my unix boxes (ie: laptops) with installing windows on them
16:48.09absentiaI note that my issues quickly go away like magic
16:48.16kergothi should try that.
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16:48.44kergothyou know what bothers me
16:48.47kergothis when packages include sources to other packages
16:48.48kergothand build them
16:49.05kergoththat pisses me off. why cant you just link in the .a from it assuming its available like everybody else
16:49.56kergothpatching wasnt sufficient
16:49.57kergothI need to patch the m4 macros used to generate libtool from it
16:50.17kergoththe patch makes it no longer pick up libdir from .la files
16:50.20kergothwhich is useful
16:50.30kergothbut libtool still contains its default lib path vars
16:50.45kergothwhich we normally sed out, but i dont want to have to do that for every single package that builds itself a libtool
16:51.04pb_btw, I made a new release of libgpewidget with the right makefile gunk so that it plays nicely with buildroot's pkgconfig.  so, if you bump the version number up to 0.68, it should compile out of the box.  kind of a minor victory in the grand scheme of things, but one step at a time.
16:51.15kergothpb_: glad to hear it
16:51.18trekekergoth: I generally have been patching the ltmain script
16:51.39kergothlike i said, patching ltmain isnt enough :)
16:51.46kergothnot all builds obey the LIBTOOL var to use ours
16:51.51kergotheither we make them all obey that
16:51.53trekeI wasnt reading far enough up :)
16:52.01kergothor we modify the macros so that every libtool that gets built is correct
16:52.11pb_I think making all builds obey LIBTOOL is probably the right thing.
16:52.13trekeor we kill the authors of libtool
16:52.20kergothpb_: probably
16:52.26pb_treke: that's not exclusive to the other options though
16:52.34kergothpb_: but thats decidedly not the easy way
16:52.51pb_hrm, right.
16:52.57kergothbtw, making builds automatically obey our vars is a pain
16:52.58pb_fixing the macros doesn't sound that easy either, though
16:53.04kergothi tried make -e to get it to obey all our vars from the env
16:53.12muleis the hotplug package for pcmcia and usb?
16:53.19kergothbut then if the toplevel build modifies or appends to them, the -e goes down into the submakes
16:53.22kergothwhich undoes that
16:53.35pb_ugh, right
16:53.43kergothif you make -e MAKEFLAGS="", you not only undo any other vars you set on the make commandline, you also assume that the build's toplevel touches the var
16:53.53kergothbecause if it doesnt, and only a submake does, the submake wont have -e
16:53.56kergothso wont obey it
16:54.12kergothif you pass them all on the cmdline, make pukes because it dislikes var sets on the cmdline with spaces or dashes in them
16:54.20kergothare we having fun yet?
16:54.37kergothmake recursion--
16:56.11kergotha good example of this is gcc
16:56.18kergothgcc's submake for the libstdc++ build uses libtool
16:56.21kergothgood luck getting it to obey it.
16:56.27trekegcc is a good example of something? Wow
16:56.30kergothmaking that happy was a pain in the ass
16:56.38kergothtreke: yes, a good example of how to breakl us
16:57.39kergothhmm, we could output a makefile containing the sets of our exported variables
16:57.47kergoththen, when we call their make, we use make -f to load ours too
16:57.50kergothbefore theirs
16:58.04kergothi bet thatd be a clean way to do it
17:00.15icefoxmoc_examplebase.o(.gnu.linkonce.d._ZTV11ExampleBase+0x13c): undefined reference to `QWidget::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent*)'  <- would that be a link error from qpe or qte
17:00.46kergothits a link error from moc_examplebase
17:00.52kergothif you mean what provides that symbol, thats a different question
17:01.03icefoxyah, sorry
17:01.32kergothi would have to assume its qte.
17:02.03icefoxdang it was the includes I was using
17:02.05icefoxqt vs qte
17:03.09icefoxfor some reason talking it out loud solves half of your problems
17:03.29icefoxeven if you sound stupid in the process :0)
17:03.41kergothhmm, /me writes a convenience function for outputting makefile-format metadata
17:04.15mulehotplug, what does it do?
17:04.24kergothgo read the documentation
17:04.39mulebut in a line?
17:04.57kergothhotplug is a userspace tool that handles hotplug events.
17:05.07kergoththings like usb device insertion or removal for example
17:05.09icefoxcp -L $SDK/$QT/include/*.h ./
17:05.16icefoxshould have been cp -L $SDK/$QTE/include/*.h ./
17:05.21muleso it should fire when you connect to usb?
17:05.26kergothmule: yes.
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17:05.42mulehm...well that is not working on poodle
17:05.52muleI am told
17:06.05mulewho uses usb anyway ;/
17:06.20kergothusbdmonitor generates the hotplug events
17:06.55muleok thanks, sorry to bother you
17:08.12kergothoh, that solution doesnt work because our priority is the same as that of vars the buildsystem sets itself
17:08.20kergothi wish i could _change_ where a var comes from
17:08.26kergothso make things it came from the cmdline when it didnt
17:08.30kergothjust so its givne higher priority
17:09.09kergothguess there is no clean solution, except hacks on a per build basis
17:09.13kergothwhat a pain.
17:09.30kergothguess make -e MAKEFLAGS="" is the best solution for the moment, despite its problems
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17:15.11absentiayou know, I don't know what's up with these aterms, eterm, zterms.. whatever... xterms just work.  
17:15.28absentiasimple vt terminal.. and these stupid terms can't even get that straight.
17:21.44absentiaanyone know how to switch tabs in opera7? (when in full screen?)
17:24.03kergothhmm, if i output a whose sole job is to export our variables, then if i use make -e only at toplevel, they'll still get passed into the submakes!
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17:28.56kergothit doesnt work :(
17:29.20kergothwonder why.
17:30.10kergothyep, the toplevel takes it from the env, but subs dont get it
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17:32.05kergothokay, thats expected
17:32.23kergothi'd have to not export it, but append it to MAKEOVERRIDES!
17:32.25kergoththats the key
17:32.31absentiahey, anyone who has kept a connection here, could you do a last "doneright" and give me the url fmor killefiz? thanks
17:33.08kergothdamnit, that didnt work either.
17:33.46kergothoh well
17:35.57W8TVIabsentia: what?
17:37.58trekekergoth: what is it with people that think 3 months without a new release is a dead project
17:38.21kergothheh, they assume we're just sitting on our asses doing nothing
17:38.31kergothapparently nobody looks at say, bitkeeper changelogs for example
17:38.39trekefamiliar goes on about a 3 month release cycle. Redhat does 6 months. Debian releases every 2 years
17:39.08kergothserver/.libs/ undefined reference to `ap_get_module_config'
17:39.11kergothserver/.libs/ undefined reference to `ap_set_module_config'
17:40.06W8TVItreke: lol
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17:42.37kergothoh crap, thats why its failing
17:42.55absentiaw8: nevemrind, I found it.
17:42.56kergothit needs the arm version of util_debug for the lib, but we need the x86 one for a build tool
17:43.00kergothi HATE that
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17:49.48kergothdamn you apache buildsystem.
17:49.59kergothit used to build.. sniffle.
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17:56.32absentiaah, nethack into buildroot
17:56.33absentiaamen to that
17:58.52absentiacall me a heretic, but I actually enjoy the qt nethack on the zaurus.
17:59.10absentiasince I leraned that clicking where there isn't a passageway near the char is search
17:59.24koyoteI really like nethack, but angband is just a touch better for me
17:59.28absentiabut I don't like playing the qt nethack under pc ... or here at work, under linux.
17:59.47absentiaalthough, the qt seems to be lacking a few things.... text overlaps... etc.  but over all, it's fun.
17:59.50trekethe tiny tiles are too small
18:00.00absentiawhat is better about angband? ever play...  omega?
18:00.12absentiatreke: yes, that's another thing... it doesn't rmember the qt settings
18:00.21absentiago under the first menu... play in landscape mode, not enlarged
18:00.28absentiaselect 24 x 28 with "medium" font
18:00.29absentiait's perfect
18:00.40absentiaif you go any larger than 28, you get horizontal lines, like underscores
18:00.44absentiabut 24x28 is quite nice, really.
18:00.44trekelandscape mode not enlarged?
18:00.54absentiaya, with the keyboard there, not in pda mode....
18:01.02absentiaand not in 320x240, but in 640x480 ...
18:01.10trekeWhat 320x240?
18:01.27absentiaby default, it launches in magnified mode?
18:02.06absentiaI should upload an image to killefiz... with those settings.
18:02.25trekeoh yes. Sharp rom had that zoom thing
18:02.52kergothokay, oe_runconf now seds up the outputted libtool binaries
18:02.56kergothto empty the lib search vars
18:02.59kergothlife is good.
18:03.05trekekergoth: no it isnt
18:03.22kergothwell, better.
18:03.28kergothlife Sucks Less(tm)
18:03.31absentiaer, sorry, yes... I'm not in oz yet because of netfront.
18:03.43kergothibot: life
18:03.43[life] like a box of chocolates.
18:03.59absentiaalthough now that I have the 760, I'll be more up to experimenting... as i can keep one in decent order as I royally screw up te other.
18:04.05kergothibot: no, life is <reply> This just in.. life Sucks Less(tm)!
18:04.06kergoth: okay
18:04.40pb_wow, an unusually sunny outlook from kergoth
18:05.17kergothpb_: defeating libtool has that affect
18:05.51kergothor, maybe i should call it a stalemate
18:06.20pb_I suspect it's just a tactical withdrawal on libtool's part.
18:06.32pb_I fear it will be back with renewed force when we expect it least.
18:06.33trekeit's really regrouping
18:06.48trekeit'll strike when we least expect it
18:07.19pb_yeah, libtool's a bastard for that.
18:07.21trekepb_: The solution to that problem is to always expect it. Then it will keep on waiting to strike
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18:07.57pb_ah yes, good plan.
18:08.25pb_though it strikes me that something might be wrong when we're reduced to the level of conducting psychological warfare against libtool.
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18:17.07trekehmmm. time for the ugly techsupport part of my week
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18:23.23trekew00t. Down to 10 pages to process in plucker
18:24.07kergothzsh finds termcap.h, but still doesnt -ltermcap in its link
18:24.10trekeyeiazel: You would die before you finished
18:24.14yeiazeltreke: :)
18:25.18trekewoooot. It's now moved on to converting data!
18:31.23trekesadly it's running the same speed as the first part did
18:31.47trekeso assuming it has th same ammount of data to process, it should be done on monday
18:33.11kergothwe should update to the new uclibc release in buildroot.
18:33.14kergothor just add it to OE
18:33.28trekemaybe we should freeze buildroot
18:34.06kergothtreke: not a bad idea.  need to decide whether we do a new release of the universe before we do so though.
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18:34.19kergothor perhaps we just upload a set of experimentals for all targets just to hold users over
18:34.25kergoththat might be best
18:35.15trekeUse the conversion as an opportunity to prune or fix the stuff that's been broken for a while
18:35.58kergothkill unmaintained packages, or mark them as unmaintained
18:36.13koyotethis might work better for me
18:37.28trekekergoth: sadly the switchover means I need to use my ipaq again :)
18:38.06kergothtreke: hehe
18:38.59trekethe hardware isnt bad, but the screen just looks nasty after the c700 :)
18:39.07trekeunless I'm outdoors
18:39.08kergothc7x0 rocks
18:39.09kergoththat reminds me
18:39.14kergothdouglas is probably waiting for their c700 back
18:39.19kergothneed to drop by mail boxes etc or something
18:39.29trekehehe. When did they ask for it?
18:39.38treketi probably has a mailroom
18:40.38kergothgood point
18:40.51kergoththey asked for it like two weeks ago or something
18:40.57kergothkeep forgetting
18:42.22kergothzsh finally builds
18:42.36koyotehrm, will this actuall work to compile oz, though?
18:43.37kergothOE can build _anything-
18:43.42kergothits just a matter of adding the builds
18:44.06koyoteI mean my corss compiler setup instructions
18:44.34kergoth.. what?
18:44.47pb_coarse compiler?  cool.
18:45.03TimRikerHome~spell corss
18:45.07possible spellings for corss: Coors Cross cross Coriss cords Cos cos coarse course Cass Co's cars coos cows coys curs cuss joss cores corks corms corns corps Car's Coy's car's cow's cur's curse gorse coses criss Coors's Cora's Cord's Corissa coeds cord's courses corsair Ross coarser cods cots courser crass cress Cora Cord Cs Orsa cord cs
18:45.29TimRikerHomesure it's not a Coors compiler? ;-)
18:45.33koyotea joss compiler could be useful, though.
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18:50.34trekew00t it's done
18:50.48kergothzsh and dropbear build
18:50.53kergothback to apache
18:51.17kergothopie-reader can read those right?
18:51.47trekehmmm/ Tht reminds me. The scrollbar in opie-reader is a joke
18:53.01trekea 4 pixel scroll box does not work well on a 3.5inch 640x480 screen
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18:54.28kergothoh, i should convert sysvinit and oz-base
18:54.45kergothoz-base needs a better name
18:55.06chouimatkergoth: basecrap?
18:55.32kergothtreke: whats debian call their package with the default sysvinit scripts?
18:56.08kergothtreke: and have you looked at OE yet?
18:56.27pb_kergoth: initscripts, I think
18:56.40trekewhat pb_ said
18:56.52kergothk, lets split that out of oz-base into initscripts then
18:58.26kergothwe also need to think about the best way to handle distributionisms
18:58.39kergothjust on the off chance somebody wants redhatish for example
18:59.47kergothalso need to think about how to handle configurations of things that affect size
18:59.58kergothi.e. an OE config opt to select just how small we need shit
19:00.04kergothsize vs functionality
19:02.01kergothwell, those items cant be completed until we have more extensive variable set conditionals anyway
19:02.52kergothhmm, wonder why i never finished hacking the build of glibc to get nptl to build
19:03.37trekewhat is nptl good for?
19:03.59kergothits an alternative to linuxthreads. as to the specific benefits, i honestly dont know offhand.
19:04.26trekeyeah I know its an alternative. Just wasnt sure why it was written
19:04.43kergothpb_: would you happen to know offhand?
19:10.20pb_sorry, what was the question?
19:10.22pb_oh, nptl?
19:12.25pb_I think the problem with linuxthreads is really that it's just inefficient.
19:13.07pb_have a look in Uli's directory on, I think there's some documentation there.
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19:48.05james_lananything known wrong with mknod on busybox v0.61pre?
19:48.29james_lantrying to mknod lirc c 62 0 and it gives me major = 0 and minor = 0
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19:49.55kergothwonder if we're up to 50 times thats been asked.
19:50.01kergothcheck the mailing list archives.
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19:50.35trekewhat good is lirc anyways? isnt range on the zaurus a foot? maybe 2?
19:51.15james_lantreke|home: $5.50 keyboards :)
19:51.16kergothtreke: its used for those irda keyboards too, since theres no kernel driver for most
19:51.59trekelike the pocketop?
19:52.00kergothtreke: hehe, nice reply on that oz dead thread
19:52.19james_lanyep, via irk
19:52.25trekekergoth: Yeah. I'm beginning to get mildly pissed
19:54.53trekekergoth: His comment on it being dead from reading that page just boggles my mind
19:59.25koyotemaybe you should put a post july entry up on the site :)
20:01.25kergoth~/coding/projects/user/oe/packages$ bkdiffs
20:01.26kergothEmpty p.file content/SCCS/p.apache-2.0.47.oe - aborted.
20:01.26kergothEmpty p.file content/SCCS/p.libjpeg-6b.oe - aborted.
20:01.26kergothEmpty p.file content/SCCS/p.libpng-1.2.5.oe - aborted.
20:01.26kergothEmpty p.file content/SCCS/p.ncurses-5.3.oe - aborted.
20:01.28kergothEmpty p.file content/SCCS/p.zsh-4.1.1.oe - aborted.
20:02.05trekethat means bad news
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20:04.25absentiawhere is the url to oz is dead thread :->
20:06.46koyoteapparently, i have a working cross compiler on os X.
20:06.55kergothkoyote: spiffy. build it or find it?
20:06.57koyotehell if I know how, thoug
20:07.06koyotefound one to build, actually
20:07.27killefiztreke: should oz/ipaq use/compile alsa?
20:07.35kergothkoyote: tried making buildroot build yet?
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20:08.30koyotenope, just got the helloworld app done. I'm not sure yet how to do the building for buildroot, gotta grab that after this meeting
20:08.32killefizhmm - it's bailing out compiling backpaq-uda1341.c
20:08.59kergothkoyote: cool, keep me posted
20:09.06trekekillefiz: Try setting a cvsdate
20:09.22killefiztreke: for alsa? is that fetched from cvs?
20:09.40killefizok ... do you have a known-to-work date?
20:10.40kergothheh, could setup a class in OE that updates a cvsdate file with the checkout date at build completion automatically
20:10.47kergothso every time it doesnt freak, it updates it
20:10.59kergothwould be better than just a striaght up HEAD build
20:11.14trekekillefiz: try july
20:11.38trekethe driver isnt changed very often :)
20:12.02kergothhey Twiun
20:12.08kergothput libfb in OE
20:13.01kergothqte 2.3.7 in OE builds now
20:13.21kergothobviously missing lots of device specific alterations like the buildroot build, but progress.
20:13.44trekehmmm. that could be a problem with qte :)
20:14.05kergothit has a few
20:14.12kergothbut none of hte opie and qtopia bits
20:14.16Twiunkergoth: was that put a request or an accomplished act?
20:14.20kergothTwiun: request
20:14.33kergothcheck it out, play with it, get a feel for it
20:14.36kergothtreke: yeah me too
20:14.38Twiunkergoth: ok, I'll pull oe and work on it
20:14.49kergothI think we should put the patches into our repos rather than relying on teh opie checkout to build qte
20:14.55kergoththe interdependency just pisses me off
20:14.58Twiunljp: any idea when qt will support namespaces?
20:15.07Twiunkergoth: likewise
20:15.22kergothi forgot to check in that fix
20:15.25kergothi fixed that stupid patcher bug
20:15.33kergothwhere it aborts if the patch is already applied
20:15.37kergothcause it just pissed me off
20:15.44kergothibot: seen schurig
20:15.44schurig <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 6h 58m ago, saying: 'hehe, everyone has his private pet'.
20:15.59trekeand make them provide libqte0 and conflict
20:16.10kergothyay, more multiple provides issues
20:16.10Twiunkergoth: sounds like a sound fix
20:16.16kergothcourse as long as they arent in the same repos, we'd be fine
20:16.50trekemuch better would be to get trolltech to accept enough of the patches that we could build either against the same source
20:16.53kergothTwiun: yeah, i was adding the glibc 2.3.2 build.. which i pulled debian's patchset over to.. so itsl ike 30 patches.. and i didnt know the pnums for them..
20:16.59kergothTwiun: didnt feel like cleaning between each patch
20:18.10Twiunyeah, those multiple patches are painful
20:18.14trekekergoth: uhm stupid question, but
20:18.39trekekergoth: why not just set part of the SOURCES variable in qte to point to the opie patches in cvs
20:18.44mulecan I ask a newbie c question? :)
20:18.51kergothibot: botmail for schurig: you should put patcher in a source control system other than buildroot :)
20:18.54kergothtreke: oh, good point
20:18.56trekeso you'd checkout opie/qt/ for the qtebuild
20:18.59kergothtreke: i almost forgot that it can do that
20:19.14trekeljp would have to make his own damn patch archive
20:19.18kergothi've even done things like, include cvs://blahblah/this/that/that.oe
20:19.41kergothglibc takes way too damn long to build even with ccache.
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20:19.58muleI use popen() to run a shell command and get a pipe from it, now how can I stop my program from halting until that shell command is over...just conceptually
20:20.46mulelike is there a way of checking for signals in a loop?
20:20.48kergothheh, couldnt you just wait for EOF?
20:20.59kergothread from the pipe until you end end of file
20:21.01kergothor something
20:21.06muleyes, but EOF happens after 8 minutes
20:21.19trekekergoth: blocking io is his prolem I think
20:21.32muleI want my app to do stuff in the meantime
20:21.41muletreke: that sounds right
20:21.55kergothmain loop + select()
20:22.20muleermm...what? shall I just look up select()?
20:22.27kergothhm, wonder how to make libtoolize grab the bits from our staging area's share
20:22.30kergothmule: yes
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20:37.32muleok this select() (if it even exists) what library or class or whatever is it in?
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20:39.18absentiaok, I just can't take it any more is just too slow to use.
20:42.06Twiunabsentia: what's in your wiki?
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20:49.52kergothserver/.libs/ undefined reference to `ap_get_module_config'
20:53.07ljphahahha "How can we run a batch file in a iPAQ on windows CE platform." on opie ml
20:53.36kergothwonder if thats the same guy that bid on the "New Folder" on ebay yesterday
20:58.49killefiztreke: cvsdate of july did not work but removing the backpaq "card" did. It's compiling now
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21:00.41trekehmmm. I did a build in july
21:04.02kergoth~/coding/projects/user/oe/packages$ nm tmp/base/apache-2.0.47-r0/httpd-2.0.47/server/.libs/|grep util
21:04.05kergothnm: util_debug.lo: File format not recognized
21:04.07kergothah ha!
21:04.10kergoththeres the problem
21:06.03kergothmy attempt to cheat apache's buildsystem rather than finding a way to correct it properly has failed
21:06.24ljphmm, apache, eh
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21:28.32gb2kergoth: how much work would it be to implement building a toolchain installed into staging for building all the rest of the packages?
21:28.39gb2i assume that's what the [ ] add gcc
21:28.41gb2and friends in the todo are
21:28.55Twiunkergoth: trying to recruit a documenter for us
21:29.01kergothgb2: eh?
21:29.08kergothgb2: oh, buildroot already has that
21:29.13kergothgb2: just a matter of bringing them over
21:29.16kergothTwiun: cool
21:29.19gb2ah, ok
21:29.54gb2kergoth: i didn't realize the buildroot could entirely bootstrap the toolchain too
21:29.55Twiunkergoth: he looks to be a Java guy with a dust collecting iPAQ... he sounds like ideal material for all that beginner's documentation
21:30.12kergothgb2: yeah, we use it to build the toolchains we put on
21:30.15kergothgb2: works pretty ewll
21:30.17kergothwell rather
21:30.19kergothTwiun: nice.
21:40.00Twiunkergoth: drat, only managed to get a 'I'll send myself an email to remind me' commitment :(
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21:40.22kergothTwiun: damn. good try though.
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21:45.49mulewhat beginner documentation?
21:46.04koyoteI'd love some beginner documentation :)
21:46.39Twiunexactly - we had a prospective beginner who said he prefers documenting to coding!?!?!
21:46.44Twiuna very rare breed
21:47.15koyoteum, hi.
21:47.41kergothconfigure: error: C preprocessor "arm-linux-cpp" fails sanity check
21:47.41kergothconfigure failed for srclib/apr
21:47.42koyoteI'd much rather document, right now, myself
21:47.43kergothgee thats helpful
21:47.51kergothwould be nice if itd actually give me the fucking error.
21:48.19koyoteof course, I also want to be able to recompile anything i need to onboard, but I'm admittedly strange
21:49.10gb2kergoth: config.log ?
21:49.16kergothgb2: nothing useful :\
21:49.29gb2look through the M4 for what the sanity check is?
21:49.33kergothonly happened after ip opulated staging with the glibc headers
21:49.36kergothso it must be failing there
21:49.39kergothyeah, thats the next option
21:49.41kergothi hate m4.
21:51.11gb2ah.  uclibc's buildroot has a uclibc_toolcahin package
21:51.28kergothwonder if mickey ever got our uclibc toolhcain build ini buildroot working
21:51.30gb2that's how it handles the knotted build dependencies
21:52.00gb2i've always wondered how to create separated binutils, gcc, libc packages which were bootstrappable
21:52.22gb2and i have s suspicion nobody has solveed that
21:52.22kergothOZ has them seperate, but they're highly interdependent :)
21:52.30mickeylkergoth: no. didn't attempt to do that. i used andersee's toolchain buildscript, but as of 3.3, it creates a non-working g++ regarding STL. been waiting for him to fix that for weeks ;)
21:52.35kergothyou build binutils, then gcc pass one, then glibc, then gcc pass 2
21:52.41kergothmickeyl: ah, gotcha.
21:52.45kergothmickeyl: did you see a new uclibc released today?
21:52.47anderseemickeyl: eh?
21:52.48kergothmickeyl: hint hint.
21:53.03gb2kergoth: yeah, i've got a big shell script i used to use that does that
21:53.17gb2so you just have 2 gcc packages in that model?
21:53.25mickeylandersee: hey :)
21:53.31kergothgb2: in buildroot yeah. they share a common makefile actually
21:53.37kergothgb2: for the core bits to reduce duplication
21:53.40mickeylandersee: remember my little problem?
21:53.41kergothgb2: see packages/cross-gcc/
21:53.59gb2yeah, i was looking at that before i went looking at how uclibc buildroot does it.
21:54.01anderseemickeyl: refresh my memory
21:54.42mickeylandersee: arm-uclibc-g++ has a wrong search path for C++ headers prohibiting the compilation of programs using the STL.
21:54.52kergothi dont want to start up X
21:54.59trekehmmm. Looks like I get to go home early today :)
21:54.59anderseemickeyl: tried recently?
21:55.18anderseemickeyl: mjn3 and I have done a _lot_ of work on uclibc and buildroot recently
21:55.20mickeylandersee: i tried building a 3.3 toolchain, but thati failed
21:55.34mickeylandersee: yesterday
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21:55.57mickeylandersee: i don't have the logs ready but the toolchain build didn't finish
21:56.25kergothandersee: remember he's probably using our buildroot, not yours. so any changes there wont propogate short of manual intervention
21:56.36anderseekergoth: ahhh
21:56.44mickeylusing the toolchain buildscript from uclibc cvs
21:56.56kergothk, nm
21:57.08trekeour buildroot can kick your buildroots ass
21:57.51kergothtreke: get oe. convert packages.
21:58.02trekeAfter work.
21:58.14kergothgah, i'm lazy
21:58.18kergothanyone know what AC_PROG_CPP does?
21:58.31trekechecks for the C preprocessor?
21:58.43kergothdefine checks
21:58.46kergothoh fuck it
21:59.18trekekergoth: good question. It's probably in TFM
21:59.53gb2looks like it attempts to include assert.h
21:59.58mickeylah i never have seen such an ugly overusage of #ifdef
22:00.01mickeyl_is_ that ugly
22:00.42kergothgb2: thanks.
22:02.52mickeyli like #ifdefs
22:02.56mickeyli just don't like overusage of them
22:03.25mickeylhmmm... damn. not _that_ simple like i thought...
22:03.27Twiung'night folks
22:03.34trekeit's easy for #ifdefs to make a mess of things
22:03.50kergothmickeyl: why not just console=tty1, and run opie on tty2?
22:03.54kergothmickeyl: instead of console=tty0
22:04.03kergothmickeyl: then it'll only go to one vt, not all
22:04.04gb2kergoth: newer autocrap checks for more sanity than older versions did ti seems
22:04.37mickeylkergoth: that is not sufficient. a lot of kernel messages always go to all active consoles
22:04.59kergothmickeyl: eh?
22:05.05kergothmickeyl: that shouldnt be the case.
22:05.17gb2it also tries to include <ac_nonexistant.h>
22:05.21gb2to make sure that fails
22:05.22kergothconsole=null kills all messages, right?
22:05.27mickeylkergoth: right.
22:05.30kergoththat implies that all messages go to console
22:05.36kergothso if you set to tty1, all messages go to tty1.
22:05.44kergothisnt logic great? ;)
22:05.54mickeylkergoth: sorry, but I have enough examples to counterproof.
22:06.09kergoththen fix the problem.
22:06.13kergothdont hack around it.
22:06.17gb2and the newer version does: #ifdef __STDC__ #include <limits.h> #else #include <assert.h> #endif
22:06.22gb2rather than just assert.h
22:07.13mickeylwell, i wouldn't call redirection of /dev/console a hack.
22:07.20trekemickeyl: are you actually remembering to change virtual terminals?
22:07.24mickeyltreke: yes.
22:07.47mickeyltreke: i can show it to you. console=tty1, chvt 2, start opie, boom: i have kernel messages appearing on vt2.
22:07.52kergothi would call it not obeying console=tty1 bad brokenness
22:08.16kergothand fuser /dev/tty1 shows the qpe process?
22:09.22mickeylno idea offhand - must test that.
22:09.33kergothsanity check, confirm its on vt2.
22:09.51W8TVIhow do I get out of the diag mode on the sl-5500?
22:09.58kergothclear the diag flag
22:09.59kergoththen reset
22:10.08W8TVIoh  ok :)
22:10.21kergothits just that, a flag that makes the bootloader launch diags instead of the linux kernel
22:10.33W8TVIis there any other cool stuff I can look at?
22:10.41kergothnot really
22:10.46mickeylthat said, i'd wish we had a bootloader which at _least_ could change the kernel command line
22:10.50W8TVIah... :(
22:10.52mickeyl~lart angel
22:10.58kergothi'll port blob or u-boot one of these days
22:11.01kergothpretty low priority really
22:11.09kergothheh, or that
22:11.23mickeylthat is too good
22:12.08trekehehe. if he didnt I could have sent him an ipaq at some point
22:12.27kergothcalculates an md5 sum on the contents of flash maybe?
22:12.55W8TVIflash check sum
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22:13.21bobbydit appears this link no longer works:
22:13.22W8TVING. csum=2f1b, sum=e6a7
22:13.34kergothbobbyd: its in old/ iirc
22:14.06bobbydok and is that the toolchain to get if I just want to compile the current buildroot?
22:14.15kergothif you want gcc2.x, yes
22:14.15mickeyldepends on your target
22:14.30bobbydtarget is a c700
22:14.36mickeylthen yes.
22:14.45mickeylyou may choose to do a combined image though
22:14.46bobbydkergoth: is there a version of gcc3.x
22:14.49kergothpersonally i use a gcc3 userspace on my c7x0
22:14.51kergothbobbyd: ?
22:14.55kergoththere are like 8 gcc3 chains out there
22:14.58kergothyou want 3.3.1
22:15.06W8TVIyou can tap on the diag menu!
22:15.28kergoththey bothered putting TS support in diags?
22:15.41W8TVIhmmm... version list
22:15.46bobbydan is there a build of that on the OZ site, of do I just compile one myself?
22:15.59W8TVIsa1110 b5
22:16.15W8TVIboard: 01
22:16.31bobbydkergoth: it was a simple question, you dont have to get annoyed
22:16.31W8TVIsays the rom is USA 2.38
22:16.49kergothbobbyd: i dunno, personally when i see a file, i assume there may also be other files there.
22:16.53kergothbobbyd: but hey, maybe thats just me.
22:17.00W8TVIbobbyd: if you would just look at the OZwebsite you would see your answer!
22:17.17bobbydW8TVI: i searched the faq, and I didnt find anything
22:17.28W8TVI"model"?  0002
22:17.34bobbydI'm sorry if that annoyed you
22:17.45kergothdamnit glibc, go.
22:18.10W8TVIsays collie in the version menu
22:19.10bobbydW8TVI: ok I'm obviously an idiot, I dont see any links to the toolchain from the main site. I've got it now though so thanks for your help
22:19.28W8TVIits in the FAQ
22:20.03bobbydW8TVI: Where can I get OZ's source code (buildroot) and how do I compile it?
22:20.13bobbydthe link there didnt work, it's not like I didnt try to find it myself
22:20.41bobbydit's this kind of attitude that makes me not even want to bother wasting my time trying to help make OZ better
22:21.11bobbydI ask a simple question and get an arsey answer when I've just spent 12 hours at work fixing bugs and now I'm trying to help the OZ project
22:21.49bobbydanyway, I'll go awany and compile this stuff and see if I can fix a few bugs that have been annoying me. thanks for the help
22:22.08mickeylbobbyd: good luck
22:22.09fdaskcheck the faq dude
22:22.36mickeylbobbyd: and have a look @ OzTODO in the wiki, if you have spare time
22:23.27bobbydfdask: the link there doesnt work, that's the problem
22:23.41trekebobbyd: Use bitkeeper
22:23.50fdaskoh...  do you have buildroot?
22:24.07kergothbuildroot can build you a toolchain if you're patient
22:24.09bobbydfdask: yes
22:24.10fdaskthe docs/BUILD txt has a link to an alternative toolchain
22:24.37kergothfdask: reading docs. you and your extreme ideas
22:24.50fdaski like to shake up the establishment
22:25.38anderseefdask: I read some docs one.  Was the worst 2 minutes of my life.
22:26.49bobbydkergoth: ok, imagine you were someone who wanted to help on a project and get started. you go to the website, you read the faq, you try the link. it doesnt work. so you go to IRC and ask why the link is broken and what you need to do to get the toolchain. you then get ridiculed and sworn at for being an idiot.
22:27.33mickeyl*cough* would someone please correct the link and then lets get over that issue
22:27.38bobbydit's a great welcome to the development of OZ, i hope you're all really happy that you've made someone who was enthusiastic and willing to help not want to bother
22:27.53kergothapparently `ls` is quite a bother
22:28.01kergothwouldnt want to see that docs dir or anything
22:28.09kergothmickeyl: yeah, i'll take care of it
22:28.22trekekergoth: probably should just move 2.95.3 back into the direcoty
22:28.30trekesince husky and shepherd need it
22:28.33mickeylyeah, since it's still needed
22:28.35bobbydif this is how you treat potential new developers I'm shocked
22:28.37W8TVII guess it would help if I put the files to flash in the root dir of the CF card :)
22:28.59bobbydthis is my first attempt at helping on an open source project, I assumed it would be a friendly environment
22:29.02mickeylbobbyd: call it initiation ritus, lough about it, and keep cool )
22:29.24mickeylwe all have had that :D
22:29.37mickeylwell - maybe except our project leader ;)
22:29.51kergothI have, not in this particular project, however
22:29.54W8TVIbobbyd, then you haven't dealt with linux geeks then
22:30.14bobbydnope, I'm a games programmer
22:30.17kergothbobbyd: do read that url on how to ask questions, it would be beneficial
22:30.33bobbydkergoth: i've already read it about 5 years ago
22:30.40W8TVIkergoth, we need that URL in the topic
22:30.44kergothbobbyd: read it again.
22:30.47kergothW8TVI: indeed.
22:30.56W8TVIbobbyd, then read it again and listen this time :P
22:31.21bobbydi dont see how my question was at all ambiguous
22:31.22kergothcome on apache, you can build.
22:31.41bobbydI think you need to gain some social skills
22:31.52kergothI have social skills when I choose to exercise them
22:31.55kergothor when you're paying me for support.
22:31.59kergothso fork over some cash
22:32.06W8TVIbobbyd, I think you need to gain linux social skills
22:32.18mickeylbetter not )
22:32.49kergothbobbyd: once you've proven yourself to be semicompetent, I wont fuck with you anymore
22:32.52kergothask anyone around here
22:33.02kergothor rather, not very often :P
22:33.12W8TVIkergoth: am I semicompetent yet?
22:33.27kergothno comment
22:33.32bobbydI dont want to be fucked with at all thanks, I'd rather just get on with some coding
22:33.51kergothaww thats so cute
22:33.57kergothhow he assumes his opinion matters
22:34.10bobbydkergoth: i'm probably old enough to be your dad
22:34.29bobbydI dont assume anything, everyones opinion matters ;)
22:34.34kergothrespect is earned, age doesnt help.
22:34.45bobbydit would seem so
22:35.06kergothnow, to figure out why apache is exploding again
22:35.16kergoth/home/kergoth/coding/projects/user/oe/packages/tmp/base/apache-2.0.47-r0/httpd-2.0.47/srclib/apr/configure:Error: decision on anonymous shared memory allocation method failed
22:35.49bobbydI've got the stuff now, hope I can help in the future.
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22:52.15stiggerWhat scripts get run when I drop the z in the cradle
22:52.35kergothls /etc/hotplug
22:53.22stiggerall of them
22:54.20trekemickeyl: you tried op2 on shepherd?
22:54.44stiggerI'm tring to make sure that sa1100_bi gets loaded
22:54.58mickeyltreke: no. but I heard it fails due to the embedix sound driver
22:55.51trekeIt doesnt seem to play anything, but it doesnt crash.
22:56.01trekeThe driver works somewhat since keyclicks work
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22:56.34W8TVIhmmm... this time the upgrade seems to be going ok...
22:56.41kergoth/usr/local/arm/3.3/lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.3.1/../../../../arm-linux/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /lib/ when searching for /lib/
22:56.44kergothwhat the hell.
22:56.47kergoth/usr/local/arm/3.3/lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.3.1/../../../../arm-linux/bin/ld: cannot find /lib/
22:56.50kergothcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status is in the lib path..
22:57.00kergothbut its not '/lib/'
22:58.47W8TVIdependincys suck
22:59.34W8TVIdependencies even
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23:01.17W8TVIroot@miskatonic tmp]# rpm -i mplayer-gui-0.90rc4-2.i386.rpm
23:01.17W8TVIerror: failed dependencies:
23:01.17W8TVImplayer-skin is needed by mplayer-gui-0.90rc4-2
23:01.17W8TVI[root@miskatonic tmp]# rpm -i mplayer-skin-default-1.6-3.noarch.rpm
23:01.17W8TVIerror: failed dependencies:
23:01.17W8TVImplayer-gui is needed by mplayer-skin-default-1.6-3
23:01.49kergothinstall them in one cmdline
23:02.02W8TVIbut still
23:02.15W8TVIIt's a bit stupid that the skin has a dependency on the gui. Sure, the skin is useless without the gui, but it doesn't _require_ it. Silly pacakgers, IMHO :)
23:02.15W8TVIRichard Jones - 2nd March 2003 20:51
23:02.58kergothheh, but the gui shoudltn depend ont he skin either.
23:03.36W8TVIit should have the skin built in
23:03.44kergoththats less flexible
23:03.52kergoththough it _is_ the default one we're talking about
23:03.55kergotheven so.
23:04.24W8TVIopieplayer has its defualt skin built in
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23:05.38kergothsuppose the skins should Recommends the gui
23:05.42kergothand nothing in the other direction
23:06.27W8TVIhave the program complain about the defualt skin not being installed
23:06.34kergothyeah, thats much cleaner
23:06.38W8TVIdon't have the depend on each other
23:06.39kergothand retains flexibility
23:07.21W8TVI"Hey stupid! you forgot to install a skin!"
23:08.41W8TVIdang that vera font...
23:09.05W8TVIit seems to slow ipkg down to a crawl everytime!
23:09.25kergothits regenerating the qt fontdir file in its postinst
23:09.30kergothto ensure it matches what fonts really exist
23:09.44muleyes it definitely pauses for a while on vera
23:09.59kergothshould make that script faster
23:10.06kergothdamnit damnit damnit
23:10.08muleits fine
23:10.10kergothwhy the hell is this failing
23:10.25kergothdont look for /lib/, bastard.
23:10.28kergothlook for
23:10.58W8TVImule: not when it hangs on that file for 30mins or more on half of the upgrade runs
23:11.10kergothuh, that isnt the script
23:11.14kergoththats probably jffs2 hanging
23:11.17kergothwhich has nothing to do with vera
23:11.22mickeyl2.4.6 strikes again
23:11.28muleyou wat 30 minutes?
23:11.54W8TVII have had it not hang on that package 2 times
23:12.24W8TVImost of the time, I ctrl-c it and install that file by it self
23:12.33W8TVIthen restart upgrade
23:14.55mickeylusr/local/arm/3.3.1-uclibc/bin/arm-uclibc-gcc  -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -fno-strict-aliasing  -fstrict-aliasing -Os    -mlittle-endian -mtune=strongarm1100 -march=armv4 -fno-builtin -nostdinc -D_LIBC -I../../include -I. -I/usr/local/arm/3.3.1-uclibc/lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.3.1/include -DNDEBUG -fPIC -I../../libpthread/linuxthreads/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux -I../../libpthread/linuxthreads/sysdeps/pthread -I../../li
23:14.55mickeylIn file included from signals.c:24:
23:14.55mickeyl../../include/bits/sigcontextinfo.h:21:29: kernel-features.h: No such file or directory
23:14.55mickeylmake[3]: *** [signals.o] Error 1
23:15.04mickeylkernel-features ?
23:15.04kergothah ha! /me found the problem
23:15.23mickeylandersee: this is where the gcc 3.3.1-uclibc toolchain build stops at
23:15.42mickeylis my glibc too old?
23:15.46mickeylkergoth: what was it?
23:16.24kergothat leeast, i can make it go away.. but only by removing the -pthread cflag
23:17.04mickeylthen download it
23:17.09anderseemickeyl: I fixed that before the release
23:17.17W8TVII've tried it and it don't work...
23:17.21mickeylandersee: aah, ok - that was the build from yesterday.
23:17.34anderseemickeyl: You seem to have a uClibc snapshot from a couple days ago
23:17.39kergothheh, -lpthread fails in the same way
23:17.45kergothdamn you gcc.
23:17.50kergothfind it in my lib path, not in /lib.
23:18.38mickeylibot: botmail for cmartin: rebuild your kernel to let the VT problems go away. inputmethod size is fixed.
23:20.33kergoththis is so strange.
23:21.00kergothi'm an idiot.
23:21.59pb_kergoth: oh dear
23:22.40kergothuhm, nevermind.
23:23.48kergothis there a way to reference the dir the script is in, from the script?
23:23.53kergothso i can have it check in the damn dir its in :)
23:24.15pb_dirname $0, I guess
23:24.35kergothW8TVI: ./ is probably pwd, the dir the user's buliding in, not the dir the script resides in.
23:24.37pb_. would be your cwd, which might be different.
23:25.26pb_in the degenerate case, $0 would be ./myscript and the directory would indeed be .
23:32.26CIA07ChangeSet@1.1313 Makefile:   version bump due to enhanced model support ;)
23:32.39kergothmickeyl: avoid using commit -d
23:32.43mickeylthat was hours away
23:32.43kergothmickeyl: the messages arent very useful
23:32.47kergothcia was offline
23:32.51kergothnavi was down
23:33.00mickeylhmm - i never used bk commit -d
23:33.06mickeyljust using bk commit here
23:33.12kergothyou arent specifying changeset comments then
23:33.16kergothnote Makefile:
23:33.20kergothis that toplevel?
23:33.34mickeyli see
23:33.40kergothit doesnt hsow the path when using the default changeset comments
23:33.45kergoth(aka commit -d)
23:34.01mickeylhow can i create a changeset comment via command line (always created them via citool)
23:34.04kergothso i've been avoiding its use, doing commit -y"bleh"
23:34.33kergothci accepts -y too
23:34.38kergothits the equiv of cvs's -m
23:35.04muleyes!! I forked a process
23:35.09mickeylbed time
23:35.12mickeylg'night all
23:35.17kergothnight mickeyl
23:38.13muleIf I know a process id, is it possible to send something to that process's stdin ?
23:38.40W8TVIthat was werid... I had opie shut down to do the update, and I wanted to shut off the backlight, so I held down the menu button for a sec and the zaurus shut off
23:48.32kergothpb_: its a linker script, looks like just changing /lib/ to was sufficient
23:48.39*** join/#openembedded SuKoShi (
23:48.43kergothcourse now i'm getting undefined references, but thats unrelated
23:50.11chouimathmmmm who is sending me a 50MB email
23:50.59_PsychoWow, thats it i just quit EQ
23:51.05_Psychothat was had to leave all the friends there
23:51.10_Psychocanceled account
23:51.12_Psychoselling them
23:51.20_PsychoGonna have time for stuff now !
23:52.11_PsychoI have been playing that game mostly everynight for 4 years
23:54.54kergothme neither. i get bored
23:55.09kergothchouimat: everquest
23:55.46kergothmost games i play last about an hour
23:56.15kergothtreke: you know any decent rpgs for ps2?
23:58.41chouimatkergoth: the upcoming Final Fantasy?
23:59.54trekekergoth: Nope. Not much of an rpg person
23:59.58trekekergoth: I know I hated FFX

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