irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030830

00:00.18mickeylk, it isn't about _your_ time zone
00:00.21mickeylabout foreign ones
00:01.10Speedy2Well, I was moving about
00:01.13Speedy2And I didn't know
00:01.25Speedy2Anyway, it could be better
00:01.27Speedy2Hehe ljp :)
00:02.18mickeylcmartin: zecke will work on the "bigScreen" problem in the next days
00:02.29ljpmickeyl: there was a recent fix for some qcop problems with the quicklauncher, it may be in a qtopia snapshot
00:02.53mickeylljp: good to know. thanks.
00:03.03ljpsomeone may want to look at that, as qcop calls were being dropped in certain situations
00:03.22mickeylplease remember to tell zecke and Harlekin if i forget
00:03.42mickeyli wonder why the snapshots are version 1.6.2
00:03.59cmartinmickeyl: did you see him in another chanel?
00:04.12mickeylno we talked about that a few days ago
00:04.22mickeyltreke: where did you learn ::ioctl(fd, APM_IOCGEVTSRC, 0);  from ?
00:04.33mickeylthat is way cool
00:04.44cmartinmickeyl: which "bigScreen" problem do you mean?
00:04.59trekemickeyl: where did you find that?
00:05.04mickeylcmartin: well - applications which look shitty on big screens because they're not using the real estate
00:05.16mickeyltreke: ah it was already in
00:05.25mickeyl@@ -2184,7 +2262,6 @@
00:05.35trekeah :p
00:05.45mickeylwe need to patch that embedix kernel
00:05.51mickeylthe brightness resolution sucks!
00:06.07cmartinmickeyl: like the clock-change-information after reboot?
00:06.12Speedy2Will the Z be able to turn off more quickly with Opie 1.0 ?
00:06.23Speedy2mickeyl: You mean the brightness setting on the LCD needs more levels?
00:06.39trekeSpeedy2: Nope
00:07.10mickeylcmartin: no no, i don't mean problems ... i mean more like "they could look better", e.g. advancedfm could display both tabs simultaneously
00:07.36mickeylSpeedy2: more as in a more fine grained resolution. more steps.
00:07.44Speedy2On the Z or Simpad?
00:07.56mickeylkergoth already managed that on collie
00:07.57Speedy2PWM resolution is 8-bits
00:08.00Speedy2There should be 256 levels.
00:08.04Speedy2or 255 and off ;)
00:08.20cmartinmickeyl: do you have any idea, why that Information message is shown fine the first time the image is booted, but after that only the title bar is shown?
00:08.59mickeylcmartin: not really. it is for sure a race condition in the qt event loop and I hate fiddling around race conditions... but i will look at it
00:10.23mickeyltreke: just built a combined shepherd image gcc2/gcc3. the keyboard patch is also in. will flash that tomorrow and report...
00:10.27mickeylnow is bed time for me
00:10.30mickeylg'night all
00:10.38Speedy2Knight ;)
00:12.10cmartinme too
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00:37.46Ronnybfai have an ipaq 3970 (PXA) with opie 1 and fam .7 i want to have a webserver with php on it, anyone has a particular package to recommend ??
00:39.48Taekerothats it, i'm deleting that script... its just too annoying
00:39.54Taekerosorry about htat
00:57.29Taekerowell, i'm gonna try the unofficial 5600 image, using the Q+T key method, (it dosen't rely on flash, aka, maintenance menu, from what i read)
00:58.09Taekeroit was a big plus to find the 5600 flash contents
00:59.30Taekerosomeone has to try it -_-
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01:14.14heatxsinkopie keeps kicking me out to the "tiny login" !
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01:15.57heatxsinkcan anyone help?
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02:43.39W8TVIm00 noda
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03:47.48stiggerhi all I'm trying to compile the buildroot and keep getting this error Generating dependency information...
03:47.50stiggerpanic: end_shift at /home/jeff/buildroot-oz/scripts/ line 22, <FILE> line 18.
03:47.50stiggermake: *** [/home/jeff/buildroot-oz/.depends] Error 25
03:47.53stiggerany ideas
03:53.19tiptonedo you happen to be using RedHat 9 ?
03:54.14stiggerstrangly enough yes
03:54.29tiptoneyou're problem is with RH's Perl package
03:54.37tiptonei had the same thing earlier this week
03:54.57stiggerany pointers on ow to fix
03:55.05tiptoneit works on a rawhide machine (perl5.8.1-blah.rc2.rpm)
03:55.18tiptonei had to do the build on a Debian install
03:55.29tiptonei couldn't get it to work with any RH 9 box
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03:59.02stiggerok I'll have a look
04:14.53W8TVIthat interesting...
04:15.12W8TVIlsusb reports the interface for the zaurus as:
04:20.32heatxsinkopie keeps kicking me out to the "tiny login" !
04:20.48W8TVIheatxsink: just uninstall it
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04:21.07heatxsinkuninstall what?
04:21.20heatxsinki mean..
04:21.24heatxsinkwhat happens is..
04:21.32heatxsinkso I reset the zaurus
04:21.40heatxsinkand it just boot to the tinylogin
04:25.41W8TVIits too bad that the opie programs dont have multi user support
04:26.14W8TVIheatxsink: do you have an sl-5500?
04:31.35treke|ho1eW8TVI: You are free to finish support
04:31.54treke|ho1eIt causes more problems than it solves
04:33.00W8TVItreke|ho1e: hows that?
04:34.05treke|ho1eW8TVI: Qtopia was not designed to run as a non root user
04:34.22treke|ho1eW8TVI: Shoe horning support in calls for nasty hacks
04:35.56W8TVIdoesn't Qtopia run as user zaurus on sharp rom 3.10?
04:36.07treke|ho1eYes it does
04:36.24treke|ho1eSharp is the definition of nasty hacks
04:36.47W8TVIhow hard would it be to make the pims save in a users home dir and not the root one?
04:36.57treke|ho1eThey already do
04:37.28W8TVIthen why does the pims show me my info from root, when I log in as another user?
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04:38.09treke|ho1eBeats me
04:38.22treke|ho1eThey do the right thing
04:43.53W8TVIhmmm... none of the programs I have started have made thier own dirs in the users home dir
04:44.24W8TVIthe only thing in there is ~/Applications/qimpen
04:45.29W8TVIlooks like opie is a hack of a bad hack
04:45.57W8TVIjust a better writen hack than most
04:46.01treke|ho1elooks like your home directory is not where you think it is
04:46.16W8TVII made a new user called zaurus
04:46.22W8TVIand I loged on to it
04:46.25treke|ho1eLike I said. The apps do the right thing.
04:46.26W8TVIin opie
04:46.43W8TVIthe apps are using the data in root
04:47.15treke|ho1eAnd where is $HOME
04:50.32W8TVIunder root $HOME = /root
04:50.40W8TVIsame thing under the zaurus user
04:50.49treke|ho1eSo you see the apps are doing the right thing
04:51.02W8TVInow why isn't it setting $HOME to the user home dir?
04:51.09nodaW8TVI: It is. The user is root.
04:51.52nodaInstall opie-login and try logging in as another user. Until it crashes, try adding calendar items, etc. Then watch that user's home directory.
04:52.16W8TVII have opie-login installed
04:52.20treke|ho1enoda: Eh/ Shouldnt crash
04:52.27nodatreke|ho1e: Oh, n/m then :)
04:52.34W8TVIand I'm under the user zaurus
04:52.40treke|ho1eW8TVI: echo $LOGNAME
04:52.45W8TVIbut $HOME is /root
04:52.48W8TVIholdo n
04:53.19treke|ho1enoda: Core opie will work fine with the nonroot patch applied
04:53.20W8TVIgrrr! $LOGNAME = root
04:53.28treke|ho1eW8TVI: So apparently you arent root
04:53.47TheMasterMind1noda: sup
04:53.51nodaTheMasterMind1: Heya
04:53.53W8TVInot loged on as root, or loged on as root
04:54.06nodaW8TVI: Look up "sarcasm" in the dictionary :)
04:54.59treke|ho1eW8TVI: Apparently your are logged in as root
04:55.03TheMasterMind1noda: so tell me.. in css... i have a table.something td {} which means it'll apply to all tables of style something, but how do i make it not apply to td's inside of tables inside of tables of style something
04:55.09treke|ho1eW8TVI: run ps aux | grep qpe
04:55.33nodaTheMasterMind1: 1. s/style/class/g
04:55.58TheMasterMind1i knew that
04:56.01nodaTheMasterMind1: 2. table.something table td { background: transparent; other-thing: not-what-you-did-before; etc }
04:56.09W8TVItreke|ho1e: what info are you looking for from that
04:56.19TheMasterMind1noda: ah, cool
04:56.22treke|ho1eW8TVI: I'm looking for the process onwner of qpe
04:56.30nodaTheMasterMind1: IDEALLY you'd just use "table.something > td {}" and it'd only apply to direct children. However, IE doesn't support this selector.
04:57.38W8TVI8747 root       8924 S    /opt/QtPalmtop/bin/qpe
04:57.46treke|ho1eYou are logged in as root
04:57.53treke|ho1eplain and simple
04:58.04W8TVIit sucks not having a wireless card
04:58.13W8TVIgot to try everything out
04:58.21W8TVItry = type
04:59.11nodaI wish I had debian on my main box.
04:59.21nodaCompiling from source is great and all, but... it sucks :P
04:59.35treke|ho1ewhat distro is on your main box?
04:59.47W8TVIdang it... quiting opie loging messes up the keyboard
05:00.06nodaUm. It used to be slackware 8 or so. It can now only be referred to as "noda's mad distro"
05:00.06treke|ho1eknown bug
05:00.11W8TVIhasn't anyone fixed that yet?
05:00.13nodaAll programs compiled from source.
05:00.20treke|ho1eW8TVI: No.
05:00.24nodaJust look at the time saved. "Preparing to replace perl 5.6.1-8.2 (using .../perl_5.8.0-18_i386.deb) ..."
05:00.41W8TVIguess I'll have to go in there and fix my copy
05:00.53treke|ho1efeel free
05:00.56W8TVIif I can find that file that has the problem...
05:02.37W8TVIhmmm... they did fix that one
05:02.48treke|ho1eyou can't restart opie after logging out and be able to log back in
05:02.54treke|ho1ethe getty takes control of the keyboard
05:03.44treke|ho1esomeone needs to get opie to start on a new virtual terminal
05:04.03treke|ho1enoda: This damn gentoo box is annoying the hell out of me :)
05:04.19W8TVIhmm... the first line of /etc/init.d/opie has [ -z $LOGNAME ] && export LOGNAME=root && export HOME=/root
05:04.25nodatreke|ho1e: I was annoyed by Gentoo within about a day. As long as it took to compile for the first time :)
05:06.14W8TVIwoulnd removing "&& export LOGNAME=root && export HOME=/root" stop it from calling the user root if you loged in as some other user?
05:06.40nodaYou're not asking yourself why the author did it like that? :)
05:06.41W8TVIdoes anyone know the perpous of that line?
05:06.53nodaW8TVI: To disable the effects of opie-login :)
05:07.23treke|ho1eW8TVI: No that wouldnt do it
05:07.29W8TVIok, I'll ask this: If I comment out that line, will it break opie?
05:10.04W8TVII"m looking at the CVS for opie and I dont see opie-login
05:10.48W8TVIits too bad I run RH9, I'd go download the buildroot
05:12.05W8TVItreke|ho1e: FYI its core/opie-login/
05:26.37W8TVIso what programing language is all this stuff writen in?
05:27.45W8TVIah ok
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05:28.03W8TVIwhy does X-Chat show pluses as commas?
05:28.05Taekerowell... the unofficial poodle runs... opie does not, and there is a bug that exists in sharp's rom still... you hold the right direction pad/arrow for an extended period of time, and the zaurus suspends, but it is more serious... it dosen't wake back up
05:28.38W8TVIdang... got to charge my mouse
05:28.57TaekeroW8TVI: as commas?
05:29.25Taekeroits fine here... win32 build
05:29.30W8TVIsome one forgot to put the mouse on the charge stand >:-(
05:31.09W8TVIthe only bad thing about a wireless mouse
05:31.32W8TVInot commas
05:31.37W8TVIbut something like them
05:33.15Taekeroi guess i'll try tkc on my 5600.. cant hurt...
05:36.12W8TVIyeah it can hurt
05:36.26W8TVIits just as bad as the sharp fom
05:36.31W8TVIrom, even
05:37.25Taekerowell... gotta look, heh
05:41.13Taekeroi was hoping that oz on the 5600 was functional enough to be able to use my wireless adapter... wlan-ng and my prism2 card do not get along well
05:45.10W8TVIuntill my wireless card went south on me, it worked right out of the box on both the sharp rom and OZ
05:45.20W8TVIits a prism2 card
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05:53.14TaekeroW8TVI: well, my probelm might be related to my SSID also.. "ICC Student"
05:54.02Taekeroi fixed /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng a few times to accomidate for spaces in the SSID, but I still could not get it working
05:54.19W8TVII dont use spaces
05:54.22W8TVII just use W8TVI :)
05:54.35Taekeroi cant help it... maybe i can complain to the college ;)
05:55.30Taekeroit works with kismet great though... pretec wlan... good on battery also
05:56.07Taekerobrb, gotta dump the sharp rom back on my cf card, tkc wont even boot
06:01.27Taekeroah, the familiar sharp splash
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08:35.50prhbah perl wont build
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12:23.12*** topic/#openembedded by mickeyl -> Developer Lounge - User support in #openzaurus, #openembedded-ipaq and (if applicable) #opie
12:31.52Ronnybfai cant seem to figure out how to save my current linux image before restoring my wince, in case i want to switch back .
12:34.08*** join/#openembedded cmartin (
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12:59.08cmartinOT-Question - anybody here familiar with apt-get?
12:59.44_Yog_cmartin: a little bit ... what's the problem
13:00.21cmartinwhen running apt-get upgrade I get a lot of packages that are held back
13:00.45cmartinif i run apt-get install PACKAGE i see why
13:01.34cmartinbut running apt-cache show DEP_PACKAGE and i see that a package that fulfills the dep is there (in my list)
13:02.21_Yog_try apt-get dist-upgrade ... then all pending packages are installed ... however some may be removed or replaced ... so better try apt-get -u dist-upgrade
13:03.14cmartin-u makes sure that other packages aren't removed that wouldn't be upgraded ?
13:03.49_Yog_-u just shows you what apt-get will do, so you can confirm it.
13:04.20cmartinbut, before i do something really wrong let me tell you what i've done:
13:04.34_Yog_sometimes packages are removed, because they are replaced by others ... in that case you need dist-upgrade
13:05.34_Yog_are you using sid ?
13:06.02cmartinin order to get a running debian system fast i installed knoppix to hd and now i want to upgrade that
13:07.35cmartinknoppix is a mix between woody, sarge and sid
13:08.19cmartini changed my default system to sid in /etc/apt/apt.conf
13:08.40cmartinand added sid to the trees in the mirror lists
13:08.44_Yog_I don't know much about Knoppix ... does the dist-upgrade want to remove crucial packages, which are not listed under "will be installed" ?
13:09.09cmartini'll check, wait
13:10.22cmartinThe following packages will be REMOVED:
13:10.34_Yog_If you have a decend connection the net-install is pretty fast as well (and also works perfectly within vmware)
13:13.05_Yog_except  console-tools-libs this doesn't sound that bad ... just the development-packages, which are probably (or can be) replaced by newer ones.
13:13.29cmartinwell dist-upgrade looks good - only this is kept back now:
13:13.33cmartinThe following packages have been kept back
13:13.34_Yog_I'm not sure if you really need  console-tools-libs (dpkg -L  console-tools-libs shows you the contents of the package)
13:14.56_Yog_under sid there are always some packages which can not be installed, because some dependencies are not yet uploaded ... it's the unstable branch ! ;-)
13:16.00cmartinthose are the libs in  console-tools-libs
13:17.23cmartinhow can i say like, make sarge my default, but i want kde from sid - or something like that
13:20.02_Yog_that doesn't really work that well. There are unofficial back-ports for kde3 for sarge and woody. But mixing directly wouldn't work, as you need to much new libraries for kde, which are not yet in sarge. You can somehow select which package should be from what branch, but I don't know how to do this ... anyway sid is pretty usable and stable. Never had too much trouble with it.
13:22.03cmartini've used a lot of dists and wanted to give debian a try for some time now
13:22.16cmartini'm a little sick of RPM
13:22.27cmartinjigdo is cool too
13:24.33_Yog_if you know what vi is, and what files life under /etc/ , debian is one of the best things imho.
13:25.41cmartinoh that's no problem for me - i've never really been the "point-and-klick" type of person
13:26.14cmartinand i've been using linux for some time now
13:27.00cmartinfirst suse, then Redhat, then MDK - (all RPM-based)
13:27.27cmartinoh and i almost forgot gentoo also
13:28.16cmartingentoo was nice, but i don't really all my packages to be built from source everytime i want to update it - binary packages are fine for me
13:28.45_Yog_package-handling is much better in debian (gentoo comes close to this). Normally you never have to care for dependencies. everything is done automatic.
13:29.04cmartinyes that's why i wanted to switch
13:29.19_Yog_yeah ... 20 hours for kde in gentoo ... I once tried it within vmware.
13:29.46cmartinpackage management under gentoo was nice, but exerything is built from source - takes a lot of time
13:29.57cmartinhi mickeyl
13:30.02mickeylhi cmartin
13:31.17cmartinmickeyl: i now have debian running and since i just bought a DVD recorder i'm gonna try building a debian DVD from jigdo - jigdo is cool
13:32.52cmartinwith jigdo you can build your own debian dist CDs or DVDs and even just update those images without having to download a complete iso
13:33.06mickeylsounds good
13:33.09mickeylwhich dvdr did you buy?
13:33.57cmartinthe one on sale at MediaMarkt - BTC - never heard of it
13:34.12_Yog_what do you want with a debian DVD ? debian lives from updates from the net ... and you normally just install the packages you want, and nothing more (unlike these other bloated distros)
13:35.07cmartin_Yog_: just for first-time installations
13:35.51cmartinmickeyl: it supports DVD+R, -R, +RW, -RW and CD-R/RW
13:36.20_Yog_there are minimal cds with the base system, which are just about 60MB or so ;-)
13:36.22cmartinmickeyl: i also bought a DVD-ROM Drive - so now i can make direct copies of DVDs
13:36.54cmartinmickeyl: oh, i forgot the DVD recorder only costs 169 EUR
13:40.10mickeylto late
13:40.15mickeyli already have one :)
13:44.17cmartin_Yog_: maybe you're right, i'm just used to those dists where you download iso images usually in order to update - except for gentoo of course
13:45.40_Yog_that's imho the strength of debian ... you just install what you really need, and you can keep everything up to date with a simple apt-get update.
13:48.02_Yog_but mandrake uses rpms ... debs are much better. ;-)
13:48.39mickeyli don't see that
13:51.34_Yog_I don't know to much about rpms ... but do they contain scripts ? Debs can contain scripts, which are executed during the installation (pre-install, port-install ...). So the packages can try to update configs if anything has changed, or rearrange directory layouts (of course the user has to confirm this, debian will never overwrite any user-modifictaions automatically like SuSe).
13:52.40mickeylof course rpm contain pre/post/install/remove
13:52.49mickeyland SuSE is a bad example because it plain sucks :)
13:52.56mickeylMandrake doesn't overwrite user changes
13:53.06mickeyldon't see why germany is so fond of SuSE
13:53.16_Yog_ack ;-)
13:54.34cmartinsecond that
13:55.30_Yog_Suse is nice for first-time users ... but using it in a professional way, it is next to useless. Yast makes this possible. ;-)
13:56.38cmartinbut, redhat splits off of main stream with a lot of packages and MDK still has financial problems, so that the future is not predictable there
13:57.03mickeylmandrake did cancel the bankrupcy protection lately
13:57.12mickeylthey are in good shape again as i can see
13:57.25cmartinthey did? that's good
13:57.29_Yog_mmmh ... to be a little more on topic: is the next opie1.0 simpad release fast than the current image ? That's why I still stick to the (unsupported) X11-Image. VNC is just *much* faster than keypebble under opie.
13:57.58cmartin_Yog_:  it will be since it's going to include 1.0.2
13:58.19mickeylYog: yes and no.
13:58.31mickeylit will launch applications faster, but it won't draw faster
13:58.55mickeylas I predict now, first bunch of faster drawing will be made in OpenSIMpad 0.9 w/ Kernel 2.6
13:59.08mickeylsecond bunch of faster drawing will come when Opie bases on Qt/Embedded 4
13:59.13_Yog_mmh ... I don't know if the speed issue comes from opie or from keypebble.
13:59.44cmartinopie does draw slow at the moment on the SIMpad
14:00.13mickeylopie draws slow everywhere but it isn't noticable
14:00.22mickeyl800x600 is way more pixels than 320x240
14:00.24cmartin_Yog_: but mickeyl did fix that destroyed screen problem after resume ;-)
14:00.31mickeylhah! :D
14:00.57cmartinyes, I'm impressed
14:01.02mickeylwhen there is a sucky kernel... just fix it in userspace *lol*
14:01.14_Yog_well ... under vnc this makes a big difference ... as it draws all the time ! ;-)
14:01.31mickeylcmartin: you wouldn't anymore if you'd see the oneliner ;)
14:01.40mickeylbut it's the idea which counts :)
14:02.44cmartinwhat did you do?
14:02.51mickeylreally want to know?
14:03.15mickeylokay... promise to not lough on me
14:03.23cmartini thought opie couldn't notice the resume since it the power button is setup in the kernel
14:03.49cmartinor are you always refreshing?
14:04.20mickeyli'll get you the oneliner
14:04.56mickeylres = ( ::system ( "cat /dev/fb/0 >/tmp/.buffer; echo > /proc/sys/pm/suspend; cat /tmp/.buffer >/dev/fb/0" ) == 0
14:06.18mickeyldon't tell anyone :)
14:06.20cmartininteresting way to work that out - ROFL
14:07.28_Yog_mmmh ... that should work for my x11 display as well ! ;-)))
14:07.37mickeylwe will soon see the GPE folks copying that idea :)
14:13.45_Yog_another silly question: how can I convince depmod to build a dependency-file when cross-compiling the kernel ? It complains about that the module xyz is not this architecture (x86 and arm) ?
14:13.55mickeylyou can't.
14:14.23mickeylyou patch your Makefile so that it doesn't call depmod.
14:16.18_Yog_and how do i get the modules.dep then ?
14:17.11mickeylyou get that on the target system
14:17.19mickeylwe call depmod -ae in the postinst script
14:17.46_Yog_bad thing if you have a ro fs. ;-)
14:18.06mickeylread only rootfs is a bad thing anyway :)
14:18.13mickeyl~lart cromfs
14:19.08mickeylwell, if there is no other option you can generate a depmod on a writable fs and copy it back, but that's cumbersume.
14:19.29cmartin_Yog_: are you using the X11 image from SF or the newer GPE image from
14:20.13_Yog_the SF-Image .... the never got the GPE-Image to boot beyond the kernel init.
14:20.34_Yog_s/the never/I never/
14:20.47cmartin_Yog_: they didn't - i thought it works, but only on the SL4
14:23.42_Yog_yes ... and I have a CL4 ... and GPE is bloated again ... all I want to have is a thinclient, which uses vnc/rdesktop/x11 to connect to the server.
14:24.05mickeylopie-rdesktop will come with OpenSIMpad 0.8.1
14:25.41_Yog_as I said ... when it's fast enough I'm more than happy to get rid of this fiddling around with the x11-image.
14:26.27_Yog_is opie-rdesktop  the cvs-version ? Because the stable release does not support rdp 5.x ... hence no true colour when using it with xp.
14:29.19mickeylhmm... no idea
14:29.25mickeyli just tried once
14:29.30mickeyland it looked colorful :)
14:29.39mickeylyou won't get true color anyway on a 65535 color device
14:30.53mickeylmust run now
14:31.00mickeylmother-in-law has birthday
14:31.07mickeylbbl later tonite
14:31.11_Yog_yes ... but rdp4 is 256 colors ... and that looks awful ! ;-)
14:31.27mickeyl_Yog_: i'll build you an ipkg and you test ok?
14:38.55_Yog_I think my simpad as spent more time with flashing new images than with normal user operation. ;-)
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14:46.29cmartin_Yog_: what about mine - i'm testing new images all the time
14:47.42_Yog_;-) how many times can you flash a flash before it fails ? ;-)
14:47.54_Yog_are you using a network card for flashing ?
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14:51.03cmartinnot sure how many flashes the flash can handle, but if i remember correctly you could flash a few times a day for the rest of your life
14:51.13_Yog_should try to get one ... is there a list which one works ? I only found the reference for the Ositech 4 of Diamonds ... besides I never heard of this manufacturer, it is out of production.
14:52.33pb_Flash memory is usually good for 100,000 erase/write cycles.
14:52.40cmartin_Yog_:  4 of diamonds was only supported in the first bootloader versions
14:53.08cmartin_Yog_:  starting with i think 2.5.1 only NE2K Cards are supported
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14:53.56cmartinpb_: thanx - that should be enough to flash the thing for the rest of my life ;-)
14:54.52pb_cmartin: yeah, if you live for more than 300 years you'll probably have time to save up for a new Zaurus.
14:57.06cmartinpb_: i could even walk over to Japan in that time, since the Z is no longer distributed in Germany ;)
14:57.39pb_cmartin: hehe, indeed
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17:21.32pb_hi treke|home
17:22.16treke|homemornin pb
17:22.47Bernardohi treke|home, pb_
17:25.21pb_hrm, the mains adapter on my laptop has quit working.
17:33.06treke|homewhy did gentoo go and overwrite my groups files
17:41.46*** part/#openembedded cmartin (
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18:24.20nightfirewhat is it that causes applications to switch to 320x240 in the sharp rom, on the c7x0 series?
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19:12.26killefiztreke: around?
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19:29.13Masticatorhey homeez
19:33.06bipolarMasticator: yo
19:33.38Masticatorsup bp
19:34.13Masticatorferschizzle my bizzle
19:34.24bipolarJust got my Z back from service yeseterday
19:34.31Masticatorah so
19:34.35bipolarnow I'm trying to catch up on stuff
19:34.45bipolarTime for a new OZ build :)
19:35.06Masticatorwaiting on a check, gonna pick up a 760
19:35.12bipolarwish there was a 2.4.21 kernel with sd support. :p
19:35.23bipolarMasticator: I wish I could afford to buy one of those.
19:35.33Masticatoralthough, I may go the cheapo route and get a softfield
19:35.49Masticatorkergoth still has my 5600
19:35.54Masticatorbut he can keep it
19:36.01Masticatorits practially a useless PDA
19:36.15bipolarI was thinking I could buy a laptop for the price of a c760, but it wouldn't be as cool. :)
19:38.00Masticatormy ideal handheld would be intel compatible
19:38.13Masticatorits too bad nobody adopted the Transmeta
19:38.24bipolarMasticator: why do you say that?
19:38.37Masticatoreasier to deal with from a developer standpoint
19:39.11Masticatorpersonally though I prefer the PowerPC architecture
19:39.26Masticatorif we are to totally fuck compatability you might as well get additional benefits
19:39.31MasticatorI dont see much benefit in ARM
19:39.45Masticatorthe AMD architecture, the Alchemy, has some nice benefits
19:39.48Masticatorits highly integrated
19:40.37bipolaribot: oz bk
19:40.37[oz bk] bk clone bk:// buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
19:41.55Masticatorman did you see madonna toungue britney
19:42.00Masticatorthat was awesome
19:42.21bipolarI missed that... darn
19:42.24Masticatordamn I would pay serious bank to see those two go at it in a porn video
19:46.05bipolarpersonaly... I would pay serious bank if they, and all the clones that look like them, would just drop dead. The world would be a better place.
19:46.39Masticatorspeak for yourself dude
19:46.49Masticatorthe more lesbian porn, the better
19:47.08bipolarI'll put that as the wallpaper on my wifes PC. :)
19:47.21bipolarShe would love it... heh
19:48.33Masticatorsure puts the "bi" in bipolar
19:48.43bipolarthat doesn't look like tounge to me....
19:48.53Masticatoryeah thats not one of the racier shots
19:48.57bipolarthats got "screen kiss" all over it.
19:49.21Masticatorhey when did you get married
19:49.38bipolarover a year ago :)
19:49.47Masticatorah ok
19:49.58bipolarlate june 02
19:50.02Masticatorso you found a chick that would put up with your insanity then
19:50.53Masticatorcoming up on my 8th anniversary myself
19:51.16bipolarthis last year has just flown
19:52.15bipolarI wonder how stable is
19:54.26nightfireis there any fix for the shepherd/husky console fb locking bug in 2.4.18
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20:57.20mickeylbipolar: rock solid
20:57.25mickeylnightfire: what locking bug?
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21:08.47bipolaris anyone having kernel build errors in checksum.h with 2.4.6?
21:08.59mickeylwhich toolchain?
21:09.04mickeyl(no, btw.)
21:09.23bipolarwell.... the kernel for collie needs to be built with 2.95
21:09.33bipolarI think I'm using 2.95.3...
21:09.35bipolarlet me check
21:09.41mickeylright. its just that you asked about 3.3.1-pre ...
21:10.09bipolaroh, I'm using 2.95.4
21:10.52mickeyl2.95.4 does all kind of strange things
21:10.55mickeylto me, that is.
21:12.54bipolarok... I'll switch compilers
21:13.07mickeylor fix up 2.4.21 and stick with gcc 3.3.1 ;)
21:13.47bipolar2.4.21 just needs SD support.
21:14.02mickeylno, it's not only that
21:14.07mickeyl- suspend/resume
21:14.10mickeyl- battery loading
21:14.14mickeyl- keyboard
21:16.49bipolaroh.. I thought the apm stuff was done.
21:17.36mickeylbut if it was only SD support we had released that already
21:18.28bipolarhmmm... 2.95.4 is the only 2.X toolchain on
21:19.28bipolarshould I use 2.95.3?
21:19.44mickeyli had the best results with erikm's stock 2.95.3
21:21.46treke|z-hmmm. still ticking after 2 hours of wireless
21:22.03mickeylc760 battery life is cool, eh?
21:22.23treke|z-mickey, order one for your 750 :p
21:22.29mickeylcan't afford
21:23.02treke|z-think it even -omes with a black cover
21:23.16mickeylhmm... matches my ugly black top ;)
21:25.00mickeylhey, i built a mixed image (gcc2/gcc3) and it just worked! :D
21:25.40mickeylcheck "have gcc2 toolchain"
21:25.43mickeylcheck "have gcc3 toolchain"
21:25.47mickeylcheck "use gcc2 for kernel"
21:25.50mickeylthat's all
21:26.04treke|z-you sure its really a gcc3 image
21:26.16treke|z-try running a gcc2 app
21:26.16mickeylgood question
21:26.34mickeylhold on
21:26.44treke|z-when  I tried this last, it wasnt working properly
21:27.18mickeylwell... it shouldn't work properly if it is a gcc3 image :D
21:27.28mickeyloh you mean the mix itself
21:28.42treke|z-i am saying that it might be a full gcc2 imagel
21:28.51mickeyli'm testing
21:29.21treke|z-i hope I brought my new cf card home from work
21:29.54bipolarI'm just glad I got my Z back.
21:30.07treke|z-need to reflash the sharp rom so I can check zooming
21:30.10bipolarThis palm is cool and all, but it's braindead when it comes to networking.
21:30.32mickeyl# ./calculator
21:30.32mickeyl./calculator: relocation error: ./calculator: undefined symbol: _7QString.shared_null
21:31.30mickeyl-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        88076 Jan  1  1970
21:31.37mickeyl-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      1219256 Jan  1  1970
21:31.44mickeylI'd say that can't be a 2.95 image :D
21:32.09treke|z-now we just need a way to build everything with gcc3 except kernel and opie apps
21:32.23mickeylopie apps build fine with gcc3
21:32.37mickeylyou don't want to start with the compatibility argument again, would you?
21:32.38treke|z-I know
21:32.47mickeylI'd say fuck compatibility.
21:33.05treke|z-there is no argumennt :) most users wouldnt
21:33.49treke|z-break compatibility and most people will say fuck openzaurus
21:34.02mickeyli don't believe that. our users don't want to use the old, non-xscale-optimized stuff. it is up to our marketing
21:34.20pb_well, y'know, it has to happen sooner or later.  you can't go on living in 1999 indefinitely.
21:34.30fdask5500 users won't care about xscale :p
21:34.50pb_surely modern machines have enough flash that you can ship both sets of libraries and not have to worry about it.
21:34.56mickeylhell, sharp is breaking compatibility with every ROM. not only app but also data. now i don't care any longer about compatibilty.
21:35.05treke|z-people will care more about not being able to run their apps
21:35.21mickeylthey will be able. they will ask us to add apps to the OZ feed.
21:35.41pb_people should be asking their vendors to provide gcc3 builds of their favourite apps.
21:36.09treke|z-how do you plan to do that with java or neos games or tkc apps
21:36.19mickeylneo is openminded
21:36.22bipolarI had the gcc2 verison set to 2.95.3 and it wasn't even installed.
21:36.22treke|z-tkc will do it over their dead bodies
21:36.27mickeyltkc... who is tkc.
21:36.30bipolarno wonder it was not building.
21:36.43mickeyland java.... well... kaffe is progressing nice
21:37.09treke|z-progressing nicely and usable are completely different stories
21:37.28pb_treke|z-: clinging to gcc2 indefinitely is not something that I'd consider a tenable option.  it is buggy, it has no upstream support, and its generated code runs like a blocked drain on xscale.
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21:38.23treke|z-hopefully mithro can get the compatibility stuff
21:38.29pb_like I say, where you have binary compatibility issues, either you need to lean on the vendors to recompile, or you need to ship dual libs.
21:38.43pb_it's probably only a couple of megs of code, shouldn't be a big deal in this day and age.
21:39.15treke|z-vendors wont switch, many of them arent even around at this pointl
21:39.56pb_if their paying customers demand it, the vendors will switch.  obviously you can't do anything about those that have folded, but c'est la vie.
21:40.02treke|z-tkc would probably charge for the gcc3 versions
21:40.22treke|z-they already decided to stop doing fee updates
21:40.31bipolartkc might. I don't think they provide source for their embedded apps, do they?
21:41.17bipolarI only have experiance with Kapital, which they do provide source to.
21:41.42treke|z-they dont for their embedded releases
21:42.45treke|z-pb: i am just looking at it from a user point of view. I think most people would just switch to one of the compatible roms
21:43.42treke|z-I want gcc3, the only reason i am running a gcc2 image is because the gcc 3 image was unusable
21:45.16mickeyltreke: got further with the rotation stuff yet?
21:46.03treke|z-havent done anything this morning. been reinstalling debian
21:46.34treke|z-which one
21:46.38mickeylno no i keep quiet on that...
21:46.58mickeyli just say... i like the french for three reasons
21:47.15mickeyl1.) they brought us jean-michel-jarre
21:47.22mickeyl2.) they brought us Vue D'Esprit
21:47.28mickeyl3.) they brought us Mandrake Linux
21:47.43treke|z-damn the french
21:47.57mickeylnot to speak about their wine and their cheese
21:48.21fdaskgirls with hairy armpits  :)
21:49.09treke|z-ok. 25% time to charge
21:49.32bipolarbuilding the kernel tells me that my binutils is too old
21:49.39mickeylah damn
21:49.49bipolarbut I've got 2.12.90
21:49.49mickeylsure the kernel or glib ?
21:50.02treke|z-oh shit thanks for reminding me
21:50.06bipolar*** 2.4 kernels no longer build correctly with old versions of binutils.
21:50.06bipolar*** Please upgrade your binutils to 2.9.5.
21:50.22treke|z-i need to reinstall module-init-tools
21:50.39treke|z-damn pcmcia not building with them
21:50.57mickeylbipolar: strange.... then you might need 2.95.3-oz1 or -oz1.2 to do the ancient kernel build
21:51.00mickeyltreke: you're on 2.6 ?
21:52.08bipolarmickeyl: thats what I'm using. 2.95.3-oz1.2
21:52.30bipolarI could try with 2.95.4.
21:52.32mickeyltry updating your local binutils
21:52.37mickeylhost, that is
21:53.01bipolarmickeyl: this is debian stable, and a server to boot. :)
21:53.20mickeyldebian stable?
21:53.32mickeylold linux... i know.
21:53.50bipolarand dpkg reports that I'm running version of binutils
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21:58.07bipolarDoes kergoth or any oe people get invited to the confrence calls each week?
22:04.08bipolarrun make SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-collie once....
22:04.23bipolarwatch it build over and over and over and over....
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22:04.42mickeylyes - for every kernel you did chose.
22:04.45bipolarI hate it when this happens.... there goes oldconfig for the fourth time...
22:04.46mickeylthis is expected.
22:04.58bipolarI never noticed that before...
22:04.59mickeylchoose less storage configurations
22:05.04mickeylyou never paid attention :)
22:05.11bipolarhmmm.... learn something every day. :)
22:05.37bipolarlooks like it builds fine with 2.95.4 now that I have the proper version set in config.
22:08.22Dr_Whobipolar: I haven't been invited to the conf calls....
22:08.37treke|z-mickeyl: yes
22:08.42bipolarwho are you? :)
22:08.51treke|z-mickeyl: have been for a while
22:08.55Dr_Whohacking on the ppc version
22:09.26bipolarI've been on the invite list since my work on the iPaq about 2 years ago.
22:09.45Dr_WhoI work on embedded linux for IBM ... least that's my day job....
22:10.15bipolarIs IBM working on a handheld with the Power5 chip yet? :-D
22:10.25Dr_Whonaw 405lp
22:12.21bipolarhmmm... handheld with 5 min of battery life the doubles as a portable grill....
22:12.41Dr_Whoobviously there *MUST* be a market
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22:13.30Dr_Whohere's a picture ...
22:13.53Dr_Whoforgive the fact I haven't properly filed it in it's own dir
22:14.29bipolarcute kid
22:15.10bipolarso is IBM looking at using openembedded for the OS?
22:16.13Dr_Whowell with the oe stuff I've been porting it over, it's not done obviously but makes for good demo-ware
22:16.14mickeylnoone knows
22:16.44Dr_Whobasically I figured it'd be a nice to thing to do and have and am working on it in my spare time
22:17.06Dr_Whoso it's not an "official" ibm thing in the least ... but it did get me free hardware which of course increased my motivation
22:17.40bipolarbbl, movie is on
22:17.46Dr_Whothe nice thing too is that actually you don't really need one of these pdas to do the work
22:18.15Dr_Whosince ppc is compatible across all the chips...  I could build all of this on power4 and then just scp over the images...
22:18.19treke|z-mickeyl, you looked at the keymap patch yet?
22:19.05mickeyltreke: yeah, it is already in. it does crap under opie but that is maybe normal. must try on the console yet.
22:19.20mickeylopie is not yet prepared for the complete kernel keymap iirc
22:19.23treke|z-no the qte patch
22:19.38mickeylthat's what i meant
22:20.15treke|z-well read the comments, it needs finishi g:)
22:24.35mickeyli know
22:24.42mickeylbut i have enough stuff to do
22:24.56mickeylwe need more devels.
22:33.28mickeylmmh... can you feel the silence after whenever we claim that...
22:38.12treke|z-just watching tv
22:38.30w8tvi_Dr_Who: what are those?
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23:18.00mickeylpb_: what's wrong?
23:21.31pb_mickeyl: "You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has been automatically rejected"
23:21.41mickeylsender mismatches?
23:21.45pb_guess so
23:22.21mickeylandersee seems pretty busy... i'd hope that he could look into that toolchain issue...
23:22.31mickeyls/i'd/i did
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