irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030823

00:13.19treke|ho1eso. 750 or 760
00:13.22treke|ho1etough question
00:13.55anderseeonly difference is battry size, right?
00:14.05treke|ho1eand flash space iirc
00:14.30treke|ho1etkc is claiming 128MB flash
00:14.59treke|ho1eas much as I dislike shawn gordon, I dont like him enough to pay 50 bucks more :p
00:15.35anderseeshawn gordon?
00:15.36treke|ho1eand flash space is a non issue, so it really boils down to battery
00:15.46treke|ho1e64MB of flash is plenty
00:15.50treke|ho1eandersee: owner of tkc
00:16.06treke|ho1e64MB of storage is about 4 times what he has now
00:16.32anderseeand numerous CF cards
00:16.33treke|ho1ethat too
00:16.39treke|ho1eso it buils down to the battery
00:16.49ljpyes, 128 flash
00:16.52anderseebattery size difference?
00:17.02anderseemuch much difference is there?
00:17.12dotPixeli compared the 750 to the 760 in japan, and end up buying the 750 because th e760 was too big
00:17.24dotPixelthe battery makes the machine bigger
00:17.27treke|ho1eandersee: 950 vs 1800
00:17.45treke|ho1eso its a significant difference in size. Dont know about life though
00:17.56treke|ho1edotPixel: How long does your battery usually last?
00:18.43treke|ho1ehehe. That is good enough for me :p
00:18.55dotPixelcan't watch a fulllength mpg movie with full backlightning on one charge
00:19.18dotPixelbut i use it to read docs and i think it's good enough for that
00:19.27dotPixeli don't either, jus thad to try it
00:20.23treke|ho1emy peak usage would be 2 hours of wireless
00:20.35dotPixeldonno about wireless time
00:21.09dotPixelhaven't got my 802.11 CF card yet
00:21.32treke|ho1eI wonder if the discount for tkc kicks in
00:21.37treke|ho1eI might buy more apps if it does :p
00:22.40anderseetkc url?
00:26.05dotPixelWhats the difference between opie and qtopia ?
00:26.19absentiaopen source and not ?
00:26.33anderseeand tkc sells the 750?
00:26.52treke|ho1edotPixel: OPIE is based off of an older qtopia
00:26.55treke|ho1eandersee: they do now
00:27.03treke|ho1eand for about 50 bucks cheaper than dynamism
00:27.15absentiabut I just ordered from dynamism
00:27.15dotPixelWhats best then ?
00:27.26treke|ho1edotPixel: Since then there have been improvements to both, but they are still fairly similar
00:27.29treke|ho1eandersee: 650
00:27.30absentiawhy? only $50 more... 2-3 day delivery, not 2-3 weeks... and english conversion .. and 1 year warranty.
00:27.32kergothis tkc waranteeing it? if not, i'd say go with brando.
00:27.42treke|ho1eabsentia: which did you get
00:27.44treke|ho1ekergoth: they are
00:27.46absentiait's 2 clicks
00:27.48absentiakergoth: not that I see
00:28.10treke|ho1eunless I'm misreading it
00:28.17absentiaI found I can put in a normal battery and not have it be thick.. so I"m happy.
00:29.37treke|ho1eibot, brando?
00:29.37well, brando is sells/exports the Sharp Zaurus and other electronics or  C700 $500, C750 $525, C760 $610 USD, (and $45 shipping via fedex) use email for zaurus orders, or plus shipping, or no warranty and japanese sortware.
00:29.47treke|ho1ekergoth: what kind of battery life do you get on the c750?
00:30.02kergothdunno, i'm almost always tethered to a wall
00:30.52treke|ho1enow that I've seen brando I'm torn on the warranty
00:33.15treke|ho1eexcept I dont see it on his site
00:34.57dotPixelkergoth,  got a c750 ?
00:35.32treke|ho1ehmmm. didnt dynamism have some kind of developer discount? :P
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00:44.03treke|ho1eabsentia: does dynamism do online ordering?
00:44.28absentiaI Think so
00:44.30absentiabut I like to call in
00:45.48absentiaoh ya, that's the one she pole dances to... :-)
00:46.02absentiahmmm, wrong channel.
00:47.03absentiapaul cole... feelin' love... ever heard it ?
00:47.40treke|ho1eok. so I'm 40 minutes late to order, so I guess I'll order monday
00:49.25ljpthis c700 battery life far exceeds the 5000d
00:49.41treke|ho1eljp: From what I've heard, that isnt saying much
00:50.06treke|ho1e"being shot in the head is less painful than being burned alive"
00:51.38ljphehe, I was just going to say that
00:53.16treke|ho1ehopefully SD performance is improved over the 3800
01:15.53*** join/#openembedded drw-ipaq (
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01:28.03treke|ho1eljp: stupid question, but what type of physical buttons does the C700 have?
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01:35.44treke|ho1ehmmm. the 750 seems to be cable only. no cradle
01:36.23kergoththats true of all the c7x0
01:36.36treke|ho1eyeah. Just surprising
01:36.50treke|ho1ewouldnt keep me from buying one
01:37.16treke|ho1eno more games from neo though :p
01:38.07treke|ho1elack of arrow keys seems detrimental to games
01:38.42anderseetreke|ho1e: you can still play nethack with the 'vi' keys...
01:38.52kergothlack of arrow keys?
01:39.04treke|ho1ekergoth: I'm talking about in view mode
01:39.14kergothoh, portrait orientation
01:39.17kergothyeah, its not a gaming device
01:40.28kergothheh, if i want portable games i'll dig out my dust covered gba
01:40.42treke|ho1ejust as long as opiereader works
01:41.36ljpyou read a lot on your zaurus?
01:41.50treke|ho1ewell no
01:41.54absentiaI do
01:41.54treke|ho1eI read a lot on my ipaq
01:41.56ljpis that uncomfortable?
01:42.03treke|ho1eljp: no
01:42.20ljpdoes opiereader have a full screen mode?
01:42.28treke|ho1ebut I dont use it
01:42.57treke|ho1ethe lack of arrow keys in view mode does concern be regarding that
01:43.38kergothtreke|ho1e: jog dial
01:43.42kergothtreke|ho1e: just fine for scrolling
01:43.58treke|ho1ethats even better
01:44.11treke|ho1ethe one thing that is uncomfortable about ipaq reading is the lack of a jog dial
01:46.24cynabsentia: quotes
01:46.49absentiascp user@remote:/full path/with spaces/to file (1) with more crap
01:46.55absentiahow do I quote that?
01:47.01absentiaif I use quotes locally, they are dropped remote...
01:47.07absentiaif I use them remote, it takes them as part of the file name!
01:48.30ljpdont use spaces in filenames
01:48.47absentiathat doesn't help me.
01:55.22treke|ho1ecan I hurthim?
01:55.37Masticatordamn ESR is such an immature dumbass
01:55.49Masticatordid anyone read his mouth foaming rant on
01:58.48kergothabsentia: escape the spaces then.
01:59.23Masticatorwussp kergie
01:59.30kergothscp '/path/to/my\ file' u@remote:/path/ oughtta work
01:59.37kergothbeen sick as a dog for days
01:59.43kergothstarting to improve though
01:59.46Masticatorfood poisoning?
01:59.58kergothnah, probably just flu
02:00.11Masticatorshit, you havent been having sex with chinese chicks have you?
02:00.19kergothsurprised me, normally only get sick once every few years
02:00.37ljpnew place, you tend to get sick
02:00.43Masticatordont eat that chinese pussy
02:00.51*** join/#openembedded W8TVI (
02:01.04ljpbut if you do, spread MSG on it
02:01.19ljpthat'll make it taste better
02:01.20Masticatorljp: yes, solid advice
02:01.40Masticatorand after eating it you'll want more an hour later
02:02.52ljphmmm, perhaps
02:03.03ljpor, you will want a pizza
02:08.07Masticatorwhat an ass he is
02:08.11Masticatorhe makes us all look bad
02:08.28Masticatormakes us all look socially inept and uncivilized
02:08.45Masticatorno "leader" should ever stoop to the level he is at
02:09.07Masticatorreal leaders like Mad Dog don't act like that
02:09.19MasticatorMad Dog earns your respect, he does not command it
02:09.37Masticatoror throw his weight around for the purpose of "impressing" the linux masses
02:09.41Masticatorwhat ESR does is sophomoric
02:10.50Masticatorall he is doing is make a bad situation worse
02:11.04Masticatorlet SCO hang itself without us acting like a bunch of 10 year olds
02:11.11Masticatorand let IBM do its job
02:15.34absentiagot it
02:15.39absentia(had to go eat dinner first)
02:16.22absentiaa little perl magic
02:18.14treke|ho1eman. perl is ugly
02:18.35absentiagot the job done
02:18.43absentia2 lines.... worked right away... etc.
02:18.53absentiabut, ya, it's fugly.
02:19.32absentiathis is one of my favorites... I did this for unix config files:
02:19.35absentia("@_" =~ m@(?:^|\n)\s*\b$pat\b\s+(?:[^\n]*?)\s*([^\n\s]+?)\s*(?:#[^\n]*?)?\s*
02:20.35absentiaparses  apache config files... and returns the first word on the line and the next... and skips comments... and does it in 1 pass... etc.
02:21.40Masticatorperl is evil
02:21.48MasticatorI try never to use it for web applications
02:21.52treke|ho1eabout the only thing you cant accuse perl of is not getting the job done
02:21.58absentiamerlyn says my code scares'm
02:22.13Masticatorperl uses up serious CPU
02:22.15absentiaactually, perl once told me that my regexp was too complicated for it (perl) and gave up.
02:22.40MasticatorI had a bbs system that ran on perl... when I converted to a php based system I gained like 60 percent of my cpu cycles back
02:22.55Masticatorright now my site's CMS system is perl based
02:22.58absentiabut that's lame perl execs
02:23.03Masticatorwaiting to go to something that is PHP and decent
02:23.04absentiaif you wrote a perl web server
02:23.06absentia(like I did
02:23.10absentia) ... then it was very fast.
02:23.14absentiaalways in memory, etc.
02:23.29absentiayou know
02:23.29Masticatornot when you have 500 users executing it at once
02:23.35absentiafor a while.. I did my cgis in java.
02:23.37Masticatorfor small tasks its fine
02:23.46Masticatorcgi is horrendous with large traffic servers
02:23.51absentianice 200byte class... w/ a 50mb runtime library attached
02:24.01absentiamasticator: 1 cgi image
02:24.04absentiathat servers all 500
02:24.16Masticatorperl to mysql connectivity is kludgy too
02:24.24absentiaI stay far away fro mthat.
02:24.24Masticatorphp is way way faster
02:24.26absentiaI"m learning python
02:24.34absentiaphp is evil.
02:24.42Masticatorphp is awesome
02:24.48treke|ho1ephp is also a much nastier langauage to develop in
02:25.02Masticatordude you can develop a LOT faster in php
02:25.26Masticatordatabase apps are much easier to build with php
02:25.33treke|ho1eyou can also end up with nasty hacks of programs faster withphp
02:25.59Masticatorpython is good but its overhead is almost as nasty as perl's
02:26.25Masticatorphython is totally friggin impractical for embedded development too
02:26.26treke|ho1eMasticator: I suspect a lot of the overhead will go away with a mod_python or mod_perl
02:26.54Masticatorpython is slow as shit on handhelds
02:27.03absentiatreke: listen to what I said... do the whole thing in one image...
02:27.16absentianot al these multi execs of the interpreter... for each call.. etc.
02:28.19treke|ho1eyeah. cgi is the problem not perl :P
02:29.36treke|ho1eunless i misread what you said
02:29.57absentiacgi is a protocol
02:29.59absentiait's not bad
02:30.01absentiaperl is not bad
02:30.20absentiacalling java 500 times.. ( a sec? ) or c, or sh... or python.... is rough.
02:30.29absentiabut if you don't have that initial start up hit, it's much better.
02:30.50absentiahence, I wrote a server in perl and did what I needed....  it was sufficient.
02:31.23absentiaI'll try to learn twisted .... just to save the low level dev time...
02:31.38treke|ho1edidnt redhat 8 ship php running in CGI mode?
02:31.44absentianot sure
02:31.51absentiaI first used red hat with redhat 9
02:31.56absentiaand only then I've just installed it.
02:32.17treke|ho1eabsentia: they swtiched to apache 2 with redhat 8
02:32.29treke|ho1ebut they shipped it before mod_php and mod_perl were considered safe on apache2
02:36.28kergothtreke|ho1e: heh, i say that with every rh .0 release
02:36.47treke|ho1eoddly enough, so do I
02:36.55treke|ho1eI liked 6.0
02:37.00treke|ho1ebut I didnt know any better at the time
02:37.10treke|ho1eand I think it had gnome
02:37.13treke|ho1eso I was happy
02:38.33treke|ho1ekergoth: took a while before I was willing to upgrade from 6.2 :p
02:38.40kergothyeah, 6.2 was solid.
02:39.19treke|ho1esame is happening with 7.3
02:39.31treke|ho1eI still dont feel good about using 9.0 or even 8.1
02:44.35treke|ho1eI never get that feeling with debian, but its much more work when you want something like php upgraded quicker
02:47.43MasticatorSuSE is now my server OS of choice
02:51.15ljpI have suse 8.2 here at work.
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02:56.28ljpI need a money app that does international conversions  on the fly
02:56.57ljpwell, if they use all 4 channels on the c7xx it would be improved
02:57.23treke|ho1ethe "if" is the important part :p
02:58.16ljptake it apart and check
02:58.39treke|ho1ehow about you do it
02:58.42treke|ho1eyou are on the clock
03:00.47ljpthere is no clock
03:01.04treke|ho1eit's the round thing on the wall
03:01.08ljpand I only have access to a c700
03:01.17ljphmm.. no round thing on the wall
03:01.31*** join/#openembedded W8TVI (~W8TVI@
03:02.16ljpcool, I took out $200 AUD from an ATM, and it withdrew $137
03:02.29ljpfrom my US account
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03:04.02treke|ho1efunny. same thing happened when I took 200 AUD out of your US bank account
03:05.19ljpibot: 145 *.65
03:05.30ljpibot: 94.24 *4
03:05.42ljpthats my rent
03:12.07treke|ho1emine is a bit higher :p
03:12.17kergoth"a bit"
03:12.21imk$1200/mo here
03:12.27imkbut its a 3 bedroom house
03:12.27treke|ho1e950 here
03:12.32imknot an apartment
03:14.18ljpmine is a 'granny flat', or 'mother-in-law' its like a small house on the side of a house
03:16.09ljpI have been doing php all week
03:16.23treke|ho1epoor guy
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03:55.35mithrohello everyone...
04:09.16ljpcan anyone access
04:13.44mewynwoo.  i've got copies of SoBig
04:15.47ljpwhere? in your src directory?
04:22.58*** join/#openembedded Shdwdrgn (
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04:27.05nightfirewell, i've almost got debian as my primary OS on my c760 now.
04:27.05mewynljp: inbox
04:27.13nightfirewrong channel i guess :P
04:27.23mewynsome guy from florida has my email address in their inbox, and fucking clicked on sobig
04:28.02mewyni want to know who the hell in florida has my email
04:34.58W8TVImy mom got like 7 e-mails of that... but our mail server scrubs the messages
04:35.18W8TVIand I only download my e-mail under linux anyway
04:36.10mewynmy email server is marking them as spam because of the poorly forged headers
04:41.39W8TVIif it wasn't for the drm junk it'd VERY COOL
04:41.58W8TVIToshiba HDD MP3 player
04:42.07W8TVI20GB 1.8in hard drive.
04:42.24W8TVIUSB 2.0
04:53.09*** part/#openembedded ChipX86 (
05:03.01kergothPendalar: eh, problems?
05:03.07kergothi think we know you're back.
05:03.20W8TVI~lart Pendalar
05:21.08imkW8TVI: archos has had mp3 players like that forever
05:21.13imki have an older model with a 6gb hdd in it
05:21.23imki use it to transfer files around too (not just mp3s)
05:22.11imkwell i dunno if its 1.8in but its pretty fuckin small
05:24.32W8TVI<Gepeto> W8TVI: trolling and flamewars are cool
05:25.01treke|ho1ekergoth: zstyle has been updated
05:25.13treke|ho1ekergoth: perhaps this means sandman has returned to life
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05:50.51W8TVIimk: just before my zaurus was killed I exported my favorites from my browser and made them how home page on my zaurus
05:51.59W8TVIused my bookmarks from my desktop as a start page for opera on my zaurus
05:52.21imki have opera6 on my Z but pngs dont load in it
05:52.25imkso i use konqueror
05:52.30imki like konq better anyway
05:52.41W8TVII think you need to install the lib for pngs
05:53.22imkyeah, specifically to opera, though
06:01.05*** join/#openembedded HeatxSink (~hsink@
06:01.23HeatxSinkTCMAN-nap: what up?
06:01.28HeatxSinkTCMAN-nap: i guess your napping
06:04.28W8TVIthose morons
06:04.41W8TVIwhy were they using windows servers?!@
06:09.36W8TVI~lart Davis-Besse nuclear power for running windows servers
06:14.30HeatxSinkW8TVI: hey did you see that one article with Torvolds being quoted that SCO is on crack?
06:14.32HeatxSinkit's cool
06:14.37HeatxSinkopps I mean smoking crack
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07:08.33W8TVIAirMagnet Wireless LAN Handheld Analyzer
07:08.33W8TVI: ($2,495 MSRP)
07:08.36W8TVI"The standard product currently includes software (Version 1.20) supporting Pocket PC 2002, one AirMagnet 802.11b PC Card, and three months toll free telephone technical support. The standard pricing of $2,495 does not include the actual Pocket PC hardware, however.
07:09.24W8TVIdang... Id rather get a zaurus or ipaq and a $75 802.11 card and run kismit
07:11.18W8TVI"Something else that goes with testing in highly populated, public areas is the attention you receive. At first, we were strongly aware of people staring at us while performing the testing. Our strange contraptions were obviously not what passengers were expecting to see at the airport. The common question was "what is that thing?" Our standard response was "we're testing for aliens." It's amazing how many people appeared to believe us"
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12:57.43mickeylwhat's new?
12:59.04Twiungot back into developing fbawt, you?
12:59.10Twiunhow was your break?
12:59.22mickeylnice - could've been longer though ;)
13:00.10mickeyljust did a big python + py*** upgrade in buildroot
13:00.23Twiungreat :)
13:00.37Twiuntime to update mine :)
13:01.05mickeylwill do a bit more work on wellenreiter in the next days. this project has been stalled a bit, so I'm going to revive :)
13:04.43Twiunoh, and I finally placed the order for my laptop :)
13:04.55TwiunI'll be able to do lots more dev while commuting
13:05.10mickeylhah that's nice
13:05.17mickeylwhich one did you order?
13:06.15TwiunI went for a thinkpad, the 2.2GHz r40e
13:06.45mickeyli have a T22
13:07.26TwiunI've been told they're pretty rugged
13:07.56mickeylyep -
13:08.10mickeylsolid thing - no plastic feel
13:08.18mickeylmaybe not the lightest though
13:08.36Twiun2.7kg - but that's ok, I need to do some exercise
13:09.01TwiunI'll also need to get hold of case for it, something to carry it in
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14:12.05mithrohow is everyone today?
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14:18.46mithroadrift: was it you who worked at TrollTech?
14:22.41adriftstill do
14:22.48mithrodo you work on qt/e - qtopia?
14:23.04adriftand you worked for sharp-usa?
14:24.33adriftOkay, just Jason did
14:24.34mithroi'm a student at Adelaide University and owner of a C700 :)
14:25.32mithroi wanted to ask some questions about Qt/E and res changing
14:26.04mithrothere seem to be facitilies in the code for it, and i produced a patch which kinda works fairly well
14:26.13mithrobut is there an "offical" way to do it?
14:26.39adriftwell we didn't implement the res-change thing on the C700, Sharp or Lineo must have done that bit
14:27.17mithroyeah - i figure as much
14:27.36adriftWhat we are trying to do in newer versions of Qtopia is make it such that an app should resize to different screen sizes
14:28.11adriftThere are some hints with AppLnk pixmap sizes
14:28.33mithro\fn void QLinuxFbScreen::setMode(int nw,int nh,int nd)
14:28.48mithroi'm using that function to do the actual resolution changing
14:29.02mithroand i've kinda figure out how to invalidate all surfaces + fonts
14:29.10mithrobut it has some bugs
14:29.11adriftwhat is your goal?
14:29.19mithroon the fly resolution changing
14:29.45mithrobecause 320x240 resolution has some advantages
14:30.02mithroie 60fps video's + better for some games
14:30.23adriftdo you mean on the C700 going from 640x480 -> 320x240?
14:30.30mithroyeah and back again
14:30.35mithrowithout restarting qtopia desktop
14:30.45pb_hi mickeyl
14:30.46adriftI think the LCD is fixed in the pixels it has
14:30.52mickeylhi pb_ - how are u?
14:30.56mithroadrift: nope
14:31.10mithrothe C700 works wonderfully on the 640x480
14:31.12adriftthe driver on the c700 just pixel doubles so you still are writing same amout of bytes
14:31.21mithroand 320x240
14:31.21pb_adrift: the LCD is fixed, but you can get 320x240 by just displaying every pixel four times.
14:31.36adriftyeah, so what's the point?
14:31.38mithroadrift: actually from what i've seen you dont
14:31.59mithroas far as everything is concerned you have a 320x240 fb
14:32.00pb_mickeyl: pretty good.  you?
14:32.12adriftI think there are ATI linux drivers, but underneth it is doing that
14:32.27mithrothe w100 actually has inbuilt resolution upsizing
14:32.39mithro(it's in there "features" list)
14:33.11pb_mithro: yep, that's right.
14:33.16mithroplus there are some times when having a 320x240 is nice - like some stupid apps which havn't be updated
14:33.31mickeylpb_: just returned from vacation with a slight bit of a fever - catched a cold in the plane i suppose - nothing serious though
14:33.43mickeylpb_: you didn't have a chance to try an image on c7x0 yet or did you?
14:33.48pb_mickeyl: let's hope SARS isn't spreading to germany :-)
14:33.52mithroso i just kinda poking it a bit
14:34.00adriftis really the right solution to cripple that beautiful display and change res?
14:34.11pb_mickeyl: no, not yet, been flat out with other stuff the past couple of weeks.
14:34.14pb_mickeyl: I do have a SIMpad now, though.
14:34.15mithroactually it still looks brillent at 320x240
14:34.29mithroi have no idea why, but it's still killer sharp
14:34.48mickeylpb_: aah nice :) flashed OpenSIMpad yet?
14:34.55adriftimho I was very disappointed with the speed of the shipped c700
14:35.09mithroadrift: yeah the speed was a bit slow
14:35.19pb_mickeyl: nope, haven't even taken it out of the box yet.  It's at my office.  I'll set it up and reflash on Tuesday probably (public holiday here on Monday)
14:35.31mithrobut i was on a 103 SH3 with Pocket PC on it so i started from a slow platform :)
14:36.09mickeylpb_: you might wait until next week - we are preparing a new image with Opie 1.0 and a few core bugfixes
14:36.13mithrogot an average of 40fps in ScummVM and about 35fps for gameboy games
14:36.20pb_mickeyl: righto, cool
14:36.52pb_sounds like I will need to have a flashing-fest to install new OSs on all these machines :-)
14:37.06mithromp3s played fine + video was good in 320x240 mode...
14:37.22adriftmithro: which player?
14:37.26mithrothe PIM apps where disappointing
14:37.52mithroyou have to run it in compatibility mode
14:37.55adriftDoes DoctorZ use ffmpeg?
14:38.10mithrodunno but it has XScale optimizations :)
14:38.32adriftyeah, that's why I asked, if it is ffmpeg based, source for that should be available
14:38.36mithroi got about 45fps with a 200mb Stargate on Compact Flash
14:38.51mithroadrift: it's a commercial app
14:39.01adriftffmpeg is LGPL
14:39.10mithroit sooooo clear
14:39.17mithroto bad it's only 4 inchs
14:39.28mithroa TV with that type of screen would blow my mind :)
14:39.35adriftbut modifications of the libraries in ffmpeg need to be released
14:40.58mithroi have no idea go to there site and find out :)
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14:44.06mithromy patch works very well, except i can't get the applications which are already started to redraw their surfaces with the new fonts
14:45.57adriftAt Handango it says: For MS-MPEG4 video decoding, Dr.Z Video Player integrates ffmpeg's libavcodec library.
14:46.22adriftStandard MPEG4 video and MPEG Layer 3 audio decodings are powered by Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives -Intel(R) IPP
14:46.55adriftBut the libavcodec source for ffmpeg does not have IPP optimizations that I am aware of
14:48.00mithrohrm - well it worked so i didn't ask any questions :)
14:50.26adriftIt looks like the DrZ player is by PalmPalm, I should be able to find out more. I'll also ask on the ffmpeg mailing list next week
14:55.40mithrohrm i having trouble finding there site again
14:56.40adriftmost of the info was at -> linux, then most popular download
14:57.14adriftthe company is but that site doesn't mention it
14:59.47adriftmaybe there are two decoders for MS-MPEG4 and MPEG4. The MS-MPEG4 is libavcodec based and the IPP optimizaed one is there own
15:01.14adriftI wonder if Qtopiadesktop should have a virtualdub plugin or something to scale mpegs when you sync them to the pda
15:02.21mithroadrift: so you wouldn't happen to know a generic way to get applications to redraw all the surfaces with the new fonts?
15:02.54adriftstyleChanged() ??
15:03.04mithrohrm... that might work
15:03.07adriftmight be a system wide QCop
15:03.23adriftqcop "QPE/System" "styleChanged"
15:03.30adriftqcop "QPE/System" "styleChanged()"
15:04.01adriftit would get handled in qpeapplication.cpp
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15:08.42adriftwait a sec
15:08.44mithroi think i already tried that - but that might have been before i got the gfx invalidation bit working
15:09.01adriftI just checked and the qcop is called "applyStyle"
15:09.31adriftqcop "QPE/System" "applyStyle()"
15:09.54Twiunhrmph... now to find some examples on polygon filling algorithms...
15:09.57mithrothese changes arn't actually in Qt/E they are in Opie
15:11.00adriftmithro: I'm looking at the Qtopia1.7 code. It gets handled in src/libraries/qtopia/qpeapplication.cpp
15:12.14Twiunkergoth: yo
15:12.14adriftmithro: the applyStyle() function in there reads in the qpe.conf file and will read in the FontSize setting
15:12.25Twiunkergoth: how's your fixedpt lib going?
15:12.36kergothhey mithro, what ya workin on?
15:12.56kergothTwiun: works pretty well. got negative scaling behaving
15:13.07mewynhey kergoth
15:13.22mickeylhi kergoth
15:13.22mithrokergoth: importing gaim into buildroot
15:13.30kergothTwiun: so you can do 50000 * -50000.5 for example, which would normally not fit in an int
15:13.33kergothmithro: ah, nice.
15:13.36mithrothen i'm going to work a bit more on my res changing stuff
15:13.37kergothhey mewyn, mithro
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15:14.11Twiunkergoth: nice going
15:14.22kergothugh, still sick
15:14.53mithrokergoth: i had an idea - could we map the kana and zahan keys to ctrl and alt?
15:15.06kergothof course
15:15.24kergothalter the keymap and use loadkeys to pull it in
15:15.57mithroi thought loadkeys didn't work yet
15:16.22kergothof course it does.
15:16.36mithrogb2 was working on something to make it work in qtopia/opie
15:16.46kergothno, no, no
15:16.54kergothloadkeys is the ability to change the kernel keymap at runtime
15:17.05kergothhe's fixing a bug i left in the qt/e keyboard handler that makes qt obey the kernel keymap
15:17.15kergothregardless of whther you loaded it now at runtime or at compiletime
15:17.55mithroso qt/e will obey the loadkeys keymap?
15:18.08kergothqt/e obeys the kernel keymap.
15:18.18kergothloadkeys is just a way of changing that map at runtime.
15:18.54mithroso gb2 must have been confused
15:19.25mithroso now how do i create a keymap :) i know the SL_ code of the keys and i've looked into
15:19.28kergothdepends on when you talked to him. last time i talked to him about it he had a clear understanding of the bug and how to fix it
15:19.45kergothmithro: man keymaps
15:19.50mithroyesterday or the day before i think :)
15:21.12mithrodo we have a copy of dumpkeys/loadkeys for the Z in buildroot?
15:27.25kergothmithro: console-tools is what provides them, and thats in buildroot, eys
15:27.29kergothyes rather
15:30.47mithrokergoth: do you know if the SL_ * defines map to the actually keycodes on the lefthand side of the keymap?
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15:34.34mithroit appears they do...
15:42.55treke|ho1ecool. heard back from demo
15:44.01treke|ho1ehe's still working on the axim
15:44.56treke|ho1ehe's been taking a vacation
15:46.09hmm... brando is sells/exports the Sharp Zaurus and other electronics or  C700 $500, C750 $525, C760 $610 USD, (and $45 shipping via fedex) use email for zaurus orders, or plus shipping, or no warranty and japanese sortware.
15:46.43treke|ho1eanyone ordered through him yet?
15:48.24pb_treke|ho1e: yeah, I bought my c750 from brando
15:48.41treke|ho1e525 is a hell of a deal
15:53.31mithrosorry it was actually $545
15:53.39mickeyli paid 630 EUR for my C750... but that was in germany
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15:54.30mickeyl* 1.16 of course (because of damn german tax)
16:02.46mithrokergoth: know where i could get a list of keymap ksyms?
16:05.54mewynkergoth: next year you should try to go and do the linux pda seminar on the geek cruise
16:07.05kergothmithro: fyi,,
16:07.26mithrokergoth: thanks
16:07.38mithroi found an older version of that HOWTO
16:07.43kergothnp. there are some useful links like that that help one understand how the keyboard handling works in general
16:08.45kergoththe bug gb2 is trying to fix is that we need a new table to translate from keysyms to qt keycodes, rather than keycodes (pre-keymap) to qt keycodes
16:09.02kergothwhich is why things like right shift dont work, since that only becomes shift after the map is applied
16:10.21mithroahh okay...
16:10.40mithrohrm that still doesn't have a list of valid "keysyms" used on the right hand side
16:11.42kergothhmm, not sure where that would be
16:12.52mithroyeah - because i dont seem to think "Home/End/Page Up/Down" don't appear in my local keymap - so i'm assuming that they have a diffrent name
16:14.39kergothmithro: check the console-tools source
16:14.57kergothmithro: even for the compiled in maps it calls loadkeys --mktable to generate something the kernel can use
16:15.04kergothso the syms wont be in kernel space
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16:19.30mithro_okay - it's a bad idea to run showkeys from X
16:20.57mithro_found the syms for pageup/down
16:28.52treke|ho1eman nwn is such a time waster
16:31.14Twiuntreke|ho1e: haven't you finished the original yet?
16:31.22treke|ho1eTwiun: nope
16:31.22Twiuntreke|ho1e: or is it all those side quests?
16:31.49treke|ho1eTwiun: i uninstalled it a few months ago and though it erased my save games
16:31.51Twiuntreke|ho1e: I personally got bored of the hack 'n' fetch stuff
16:31.53mithro_okay now to load this keymap and see if it works
16:31.55treke|ho1eso I just reinstlled it last week
16:32.18treke|ho1eTwiun: hoping it improves, the first level was a bit boring
16:33.31Twiuntreke|ho1e: they get progressively shorter
16:33.40Twiuntreke|ho1e: the fourth was astonishingly short
16:34.20Twiuntreke|ho1e: although apparently you want to reach level 14+ before getting to the end
16:36.48mithro_kergoth: you still about?
16:58.05Twiunhe must be pretty ill not to have pounced on anyone in #zaurus yet
16:59.42kergothi'm not in #zaurus
16:59.46kergothmithro_: whats up?
16:59.52kergothi'll be around for a few minutes anyway
16:59.52mithro_well i got the keymap
16:59.58mithro_it works nicely in the console
17:00.05mithro_but not workies in Opie
17:00.10kergoththats expected.
17:00.16kergoththe bug i mentioned that gb2 is trying to fix.
17:00.28mithro_okay :)
17:00.54mithro_so opie doesn't dynamicly use the kernel's keymap?
17:00.57kergothfeel free to take a look yourself. src/kernel/qkeyboard_qws.cpp, the TODO list shows what needs doing in comments at the top of the file
17:01.02kergothyes, it does
17:01.05kergothhow many times do i need to explain this?
17:01.27kergothits obtaining the proper unicode value from the kernel keymap, but the translation to a qt keycode value is happening pre-map, not post
17:01.31kergothits not complete.
17:01.41kergoththe todo shows the items left to finish it
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17:02.31kergothfeel free to complete it. the main item is creating a table to translate keysyms to qt keycodes
17:02.41kergothcurrently its kenrel keycodes, not keysyms, to qt keycodes
17:03.04mithro_so loadkeys has no effect to opie - as i first thought?
17:04.04mithro_okay so where can i find a list of qt keycodes :)
17:05.52mithro_just create a table like this one -> static const QWSServer::KeyMap keyM[] = { only with keysyms on the other side?
17:06.03kergothother side?
17:06.38kergothwe need a table to translate from keysyms to qt keycodes. so table[keysym] = qtkeycode;
17:06.59kergothwhat is 00?
17:07.15kergothits table[0] = Qt::KeyForKeySymZero
17:07.44mithro_ahh okay
17:07.59mithro_i could do that fairly easily...
17:08.07kergothits not hard, just drudge work
17:08.13kergothtaking the time to create the table
17:08.43mithro_well i'm okay to do drudge work :)
17:09.08kergothgreat. having that will fix opie keyboard issues on .. well all our devices, just about.
17:09.39mithro_okay - i'll start on it now :)
17:10.02mithro_now to find out a reference for that table :)
17:11.04mithro_X normally does this for you I'm assuming...
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17:11.38mithro_that keyboard pagee is intresting
17:15.12kergothmithro_: feel free to read the keyboard handling bits in kdrive in the X sources
17:15.21kergothmithro_: it loads the kernel keymap as well
17:15.38mithro_okay i'll look at it
17:15.55kergothhelps get an understanding of how it works, obviously doesnt help create that qt specific table :)
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17:16.50mithro_if i can get a list for the table[keysym] side i can create the QT side fairly easy
17:17.36kergothyeah, you still need your list of keysyms
17:18.24mithro_ie i need to know that keycode 0 == Number 0 etc
17:19.15kergothyou have the keyboard handler in front of you, are we only using ksyms that are of type KT_LETTER?
17:19.19kergothor what?
17:19.30kergothas you can see in the LJ article, half the word is type, the other half is value
17:19.39kergothso the question is, how do we index the translation table to qt keycodes
17:19.50kergothby just the value, or by the keysym proper?
17:20.17kergothwe coudl do it the way the kernel does, which has a table of function pointers to handle a given type of key
17:20.23kergothwhich may do something special
17:21.39mithro_yeah i suppose...
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17:21.58kergothi guess it depends on whether we _can_ handle certain types of mapped keys in qt
17:22.09kergothlike, is there even a way to map a key to a string the way you can in kernel?
17:22.17kergothif not, there's no point in handling those keysyms
17:23.56mithro_most of the time key==string make no sense
17:24.12kergothF keys are the only real use of that, iirc
17:24.14mithro_althought it is used for special keys like home etc
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17:24.35kergothwell, we want qt/e to work on all devices, so we cant make the assumption that the device wont have those keyhs
17:24.58kergothbbl, need to run some errands
17:25.08mithro_yeah but the Home should most proberly be mapped to a Qt::Home key
17:25.49mithro_not to a string
17:26.00kergoth`bblyeah, there isnt always a one to one mapping, so .. dunno. maybe we need a set of function pointers, with the default handler for a given type being the one that indexes into keytable[type][value]
17:26.07kergoth`bblk bbl
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17:53.04NeoTronkergoth`bbl: yo. We already found a house in which I'll be living w/o furniture for a month
17:54.17Twiunusing your boxes as temp furniture?
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18:13.13treke|ho1emickeyl: welcome back
18:13.24mickeylthanks treke
18:14.07Twiunanyone ever implemented a polygon filling algo?
18:14.59treke|ho1emickeyl: Is the c750 at all usable out doors? I've seen mixed answers on that question :)
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18:15.53mickeyltreke: no idea - never tried that... mine is unusable atm, but i will report as soon as i have revived it
18:16.07treke|ho1ehehe. what did you do to it?
18:16.33mickeyltreke: well... just flashed our experimental shepherd image... which doesn't resume after suspend
18:16.58mickeyltreke: and apparantly I'm unable to compile a working image for it :(
18:17.05mickeyltreke: so i'm depending on kergoths images
18:17.52treke|ho1ethat seems like the last sticking point for me
18:18.44mickeylyah... drives me crazy but i can't find out why my image halts after "Booting... please wait"
18:19.03treke|ho1esounds like it's running out of memory
18:19.08mickeyland i didn't get that sucker to emit _any_ kernel debug messages. neither on serial no on console
18:19.10treke|ho1eyou have a ram disk configured?
18:19.28mickeylno idea - 32/32 config iirc
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18:28.22treke|ho1ealso looks like I can use my old palm Vx styluses with it
18:28.24treke|ho1erocking :P
18:30.00treke|ho1eI wont give up on oe-ipaq though. I still have friends who use it :p
18:30.26mickeyltreke: I use it
18:30.56mickeyltreke: what would be necessary to extend oe-ipaq to the other familiar-supported ipaqs?
18:31.20treke|ho1emickeyl: Not a whole lot. Most of the work is done on my hard drive, but I need to fix a buildroot bug first
18:31.35mickeyltreke: ah great
18:31.40treke|ho1eI havent gotten a kernel for the pxa ipaqs to compile with gcc2
18:32.24treke|ho1ebuildroot no longer adds the path to your toolchain to gcc calls, so I cant compile a gcc3 kernel with a gcc2 userlans
18:32.35treke|ho1eand of course, I cant test it since I dont have a pxa ipaq
18:38.19mickeyltreke: nice. i pretty much have given up on shepherd right now... because of frustration
18:38.35mickeyltreke: maybe you can shed more light on the problems :)
18:39.03treke|ho1ethats good to hear right after sending an email to brando :p
18:39.18mickeylwell... i'm sure it is a minimal thing but i can't find it.
18:39.23mickeyland this is killing me
18:39.52mickeylalso OZ on collie is stalled which is also a bit frustrating...
18:43.25mickeylI wonder how large the user community of OZ really is... and where the developers amongst the community are
18:45.58treke|ho1ethe entire zaurus community has taken a dip lately
18:46.09treke|ho1epeople have been switching away
18:49.05mickeylwhich is why attracting more people to oe-ipaq seems to be a good thing (TM ) :)
18:49.37mickeylOpenSIMpad progresses nice but then again this is also for a retired device
18:51.49mickeylbut then again it might be just the summer...
18:52.00mickeylin germany we call this a "Sommerloch"
18:59.36pb_hi kergoth
19:19.36Twiunhey pb_
19:19.43pb_hi Twiun
19:21.01Twiunjust rediscovered the Hugo Elias graphics pages - gotta keep that treasure bookmarked
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19:30.01NeoTronTwiun: I have no boxes or anything since alas, that is not being moved till october
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19:50.58nightfireis it safe/possible to use jffs2 on mmc?
19:51.42mickeylnot possible
19:52.00nightfirehmm.. is it safe to use ext2 on that?
19:52.06nightfirei guess the blocks go bad pretty frequently..
19:52.21mickeyldidn't see one yet
19:52.26nightfirei've got a few :/
19:52.40mickeylget another brand ;)
19:52.43nightfireit's a lexar!
19:53.31nightfirewonder if ext2/reiserfs/xfs does bad block remapping :/
19:55.30treke|ho1eit can
19:57.23nightfiregod sd is slow.
19:58.24treke|ho1epoor zaurus users with only a single cf slot
19:59.00nightfireindeed. :(
19:59.25kergothmickeyl|tv: its possible, but pointless and possibly harmful
19:59.45kergothblkmtd driver allows you to run jffs2 on a block device
20:00.08treke|ho1ewhole lot less explaining why you dont want to do it
20:00.40kergotheasier, but if i were them i'd want to know the reality
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20:02.09W8TVIthe zaurus SD slot is fast enough for me
20:02.19W8TVII can play mp3s off it
20:02.45treke|ho1eI just hope it is faster than the ipaqs
20:02.50treke|ho1ethazat thing is fricken slow
20:05.24nightfireseems to be about 750k/sec.
20:05.55treke|ho1enightfire: which device?
20:06.07nightfirelexar 256M sd
20:06.13treke|ho1eno. what type of zaurus
20:06.20treke|ho1efuck yeah
20:06.29nightfirerunning debian now :P
20:06.29treke|ho1eipaq topped out at aound 80k
20:07.02nightfirei really like this d-link 802.11 card
20:07.13nightfirestreaming now i have a $1500 walkman
20:07.45treke|ho1eI've got a crapy wcf12
20:08.02treke|ho1ewyes. linksys
20:08.16nightfirei can't believe the battery life on this thing
20:08.32nightfirestreaming mp3's over 802.11, with an SD card, screen at 0x177, and i still get about 5 hours
20:09.17treke|ho1enightfire: Thinking of ordering one on monday. Still torn on 750 or 760, leaning towards the 60 though
20:09.25nightfiregod, get the 760.
20:09.32nightfirei mean for an extra hundred bucks it's so worth it.
20:09.37nightfireand the white screen looks nicer too :)
20:09.50treke|ho1eyeah the black looks like ass in all the pictures
20:11.56kergothlooks like ass in person too. i dunno what they were thinking with the two tone
20:12.09nightfirewell the white/silver isn't *that* bad
20:12.25nightfirebut i bet it'll go offwhite in a few years :(
20:13.36nightfiredoes the compression bit actually work on an ext2 filesystem/
20:15.59kergoth'compression bit'?
20:16.10nightfirechattr +c
20:19.21treke|ho1eI dont think it does what you think it does
20:19.37nightfireisn't it on-the-fly compression?
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20:21.22nightfirei've never actually /seen/ it do anything though :)
20:22.26treke|ho1eah but it is transparent
20:22.45treke|ho1eso yo wont do anything and there is no need to actually implement compression
20:22.52nightfirewell i've never actually seen my disk space go up after +c'ing a large directory
20:23.16nightfirei'm just trying to figure out how to get jffs's inline compression on my mmc without using jffs :)
20:23.18treke|ho1efiles are decompressed before the kernel calculates disk space :p
20:23.29nightfirethat doesn't make sense..
20:23.49treke|ho1eI'm using the chewbacca defense
20:24.57nightfirethat's brilliant.
20:28.06nightfirejesus christ badblocks is thorough
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21:25.46nightfire2.4.21 run on corgi/shepherd yet?
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23:19.25nightfirei'm getting a ton of errors on heavy I/O to this sd card
23:19.39nightfirei mapped out the bad blocks and passed them to mke2fs
23:19.48nightfirejesus christ man
23:22.11NeoTronkergoth: I heard that cricket season is coming to here
23:23.19nightfireis that something sharp added?
23:24.04nodaIt's not in my 2.4.21 .config...
23:24.30nightfireit seems to make reference to major 60 block devices in the code i've looked at
23:24.31nightfirewhich is mmc
23:24.37nightfireso maybe that's my problem... i had turned it off
23:24.52nodanightfire: There's an option in /etc/fstab for mounting your SD card synced. I think it's "sync"... try turning it off maybe?
23:25.03nodaOr on if it's not on? :)
23:25.09nightfirei think this is unrelated
23:25.14nightfirei tried with both though, at the fs level
23:25.19nodaHeh, cool :)
23:25.39nightfirei think the sync fs option just means that system calls won't return until they've been flushed to disk
23:25.40noda'cuz if sync is off, there's no such thing as "heavy I/O", it's either full-speed or nothing, I thought.
23:26.02nightfirewell it looks like it's only under heavy file access, if that makes sense
23:26.10nightfirelike, writing a 128M file is no problem
23:26.15nodaStrange. What kernel? I'd blame the card.
23:26.17nightfirewriting 10,000 files is where it bombs
23:26.25nightfireon a c7x0
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23:26.37nodaHrm. Do you have any others to test with? :)
23:26.43nightfirebut like, i ran a very thorough badblock check with no problems (except 4 bad blocks)
23:26.49nightfirenot yet :(
23:26.56nodaI've been using 2.4.6 on my SD card for ages, no problems.
23:27.09nightfireyeah, i think it was turning off that option that broke it :P
23:27.18nightfirei'll find out in a reboot :)
23:27.23nodaThe kernel option? Oh good :)
23:27.32nodaWhat's the help say about it? :)
23:27.45nodaAh, I love it when that happens.
23:27.55nightfirethese sharp patches are attrocious
23:28.07nodaSo Sharp adds a kernel *option* which is *required* but has no documentation. Nice.
23:28.21nightfirewell, we'll see in a minute :/
23:28.21noda"FS_SYNC" - very descriptive, too :)
23:28.26nightfirei'm like... wtf
23:28.34nightfirei start looking through the code, and it seems to be MMC specific
23:28.44nightfireand in other stuff than vfs code
23:29.02nodaSD and MMC are very similar. If Sharp added a patch, it most likely would have cared much more about SD than MMC.
23:29.03nightfirebut when building my kernel i saw it and said.. "sync eh... i don't like the sound of /that/"
23:29.18nightfirewell, i mean major device 60
23:29.21nightfirewhich is SD/MMC
23:29.40nightfireok.. time to play pcmcia swap... brb. :)
23:29.50nodaHave fun :)
23:30.57NeoTronhrm. Can't get cable without getting digital cable? Hmm. I don't want digital cable...
23:31.21nodaNeoTron: Sucks to be you -- here in Montreal we can get cable without even getting cable TV at all :)
23:31.33NeoTronwell, I am looking online
23:31.50NeoTronthey WANT to sell you digital cable but I would be surprised if it's REALLY requires
23:31.53*** join/#openembedded tgall (~tgall@
23:32.00nightfireoh how i long for onboard ethernet :(
23:32.04nodaYeah, they probably awnt to trick you :)
23:32.06nodanightfire: Heh
23:32.07nightfirenoda: you're in mtl?
23:32.12nodanightfire: Yep, downtown :)
23:32.15nightfiresame here
23:32.24nodaCool! Where? :)
23:32.28nightfirela cite
23:32.37NeoTronof course, with the tivo  the box isn't so annoying
23:32.39nodaI'm across from the AMC :)
23:32.46nightfirethought your ping was a little low
23:34.04nightfireaight.. let's see if this new kernel does the trick.
23:34.11nodaGood luck!
23:35.21nightfireman i dunno what i'd do without 802.11
23:35.32nightfirewhat card do you have?
23:35.43nodaSMC 8462 or 6482 or whatever it is :)
23:35.59nightfirethe new d-link
23:36.04nightfirepretty sweet :)
23:36.11nightfirebut the range is downright embarassing
23:36.17nightfirebearly lasts to the elevator
23:36.34nodaMine is too, I lose signals in my brother's room at the other end of the apartment.
23:36.43nightfiremust be the little antenna
23:36.46nodaThen again, I don't have an access point, I'm just using a regular Linksys PCI card for the other end :)
23:37.12nightfiresomeone should make a CF 802.11 adapter with an external antenna
23:37.14nightfirefor the truly hardcore.
23:40.13nightfirei wonder why opie takes so damned long to rescan for "documents".
23:40.28nodaIt must be reading the entire contents or something, I find it annoying too
23:40.42nodaMaybe to find the MIME types....
23:40.50nightfirei wonder if it can be disabled
23:40.50pb_maybe you have too many documents.
23:40.57nightfirepb_: i have nothing :)
23:41.15nightfirealthough i guess i do have 30gb nfs mounted
23:41.15pb_nightfire: long scanning does seem unreasonable then.
23:41.18nightfirebut it's not hitting that.
23:41.43nightfireah well i'm switching to kde anyway, once i get this stupid mmc set up :)
23:41.43pb_I suppose not having any documents might be causing opie to try even harder to find some, but maybe that's a little far-fetched.
23:41.51nodalol, I love the idea of having 30 gigabytes readily available in my pocket :)
23:42.12pb_noda: just carry around a hard disk :-)
23:42.31nightfiresweet mother of god  SD is slow now.
23:42.42nodanightfire: Is sync off?
23:42.48nightfireat the FS level yeah
23:42.54nodaAh well, was worth a shot :)
23:42.55nightfirebut now it's on in the kernel
23:42.59nodaOh, ick
23:43.02nightfireoh, well hey it's not crashing..
23:43.26nightfirebut i swear i could crash, reboot, and rewrite whatever i was working on once a day faster than waiting for this thing in sync mode
23:45.05nightfirethe other day i remotely installed debian onto my PDA at home, from work, onto a loopback filesystem pointing to a file over NFS, itself running over UDP/IP/ethernet, encapsulated over USB.
23:45.20nodaWheeee :)
23:45.24nodaI love doing that kinda thing :)
23:45.45nightfirepraise sco for writing the code that let me do all that.
23:46.16nodaI suppose you've read Bruce Peren's paper dissecting the code they've revealed? :)
23:46.30nightfireit was written by dennis richie wasn't it?
23:46.30mewynnoda: you read the esr paper?
23:46.43nodamewyn: Lemme check
23:46.44mewynnightfire: or ken thompson
23:46.52nightfirethis whole thing reminds me of my personal lawsuit
23:46.59nightfireit reaks of horseshit
23:47.05nightfirewell i got sued for quitting a company
23:47.13nightfireand while it never made it to court, it still cost me $30k in legal fees :(
23:47.16nightfireso "they won".
23:47.49nodamewyn: Bruce Perens:
23:48.00nodaReally quite funny :)
23:49.03mewynseen it
23:49.13mewyni keep up very well on this
23:49.31nodaDitto - if SCO wins... aargh.
23:49.39nodaI'd say it's impossible, but they're in the States. Anything's possible.
23:49.50nightfirei can just imagine those moron sharp "engineers" discussing it right now... "So we've got a race condition somewhere in our SD driver... but we wrote a little workaround that just makes all file access synchronous."
23:49.55mewynIBM has more money
23:50.00mewynand they are wrong
23:50.02nodanightfire: rofl
23:50.04mewynthat's a loosing combination
23:50.23nodamewyn: I suppose. Though I don't think the right/wrong will really factor in, it'll just save them some money.
23:50.50mewynnightfire: isn't the SD made by lineo?
23:51.06nightfireis it? :)
23:51.13nodaI think so. Lineo's dead now though.
23:51.19nightfiregood.. bastards.
23:51.22pb_mewyn: no doubt there were plenty of morons at lineo also.
23:51.32mewynwasn't lineo related to caldera somehow?
23:51.35mewynor canopy
23:51.36nodaThere's an open-source driver on It's not quite ready to be used though.
23:51.56nightfirebackported to 2.4.18?
23:52.02pb_seems to be working OK with the latest round of patches.  someone just needs to write a driver for the sharp asic.
23:52.08nodamewyn: They were bought by Metrowerks.
23:52.29nodanightfire: Dunno, but why stick with 2.4.18 if openembedded's kernel will support your pda? :)
23:52.31anderseemewyn: both lineo and caldera Intl were branched out of Caldera Inc.
23:52.36nightfirechris is working on the SD/sharp code isn't he?
23:52.44mewynandersee: ah.  right
23:52.52nightfirenoda: well, i'm runnign OE's kernel
23:52.54anderseemewyn: Caldera Inc. was dissolved when it won the antitrust lawsuit vs MS
23:52.58nightfireit's 2.4.18 for the c7x0
23:53.04nodaAnd Caldera Intl is now the SCO group?
23:53.16nodanightfire: Well then, there you go. Ask kergoth, he's in charge of that I think :)
23:53.39mewynnoda: correct
23:53.39nightfirenoda: the less i bug him the faster he'll finish.. hopefully :P
23:53.52nightfirethis channel must feel like unix support to him sometimes.
23:53.53nodanightfire: lol, who told you *that*? :P
23:54.02nodanightfire: Nah, that's #openzaurus :)
23:54.12nightfirewell people still ask questions here..
23:54.17nodaEVERYBODY knows the MORE you bug someone the faster he'll finish! :)
23:54.31nightfiremy boss knows that.
23:55.45nightfirewhere's thie sd/mmc project @
23:56.00nodaNo clue. I just pick up rumours on here and ICQ
23:56.21mewyni still wanna know what TI is doing
23:56.32nodakergoth's their buildmonkey :)
23:56.37mewyni know
23:56.45mewynbut he won't say anything!
23:56.52pb_nightfire: the sd code at is just part of the kernel
23:56.56TheMasterMind1noda: sup
23:57.14nodaTheMasterMind1: heya, long time :)
23:57.28TheMasterMind1whats new?
23:57.37nightfirehas anyone tried 2.4.21 on corgi/husky/shepherd?
23:57.45nodaSchool starts next week, and I've got a 4-day weekend. Every weekend.
23:57.57NeoTronmewyn: it's called NDA
23:58.02nodaHell yeah. I've never had 4-day weekends.
23:58.26nodaIn all my life...
23:58.42TheMasterMind1i'm using classes in my php sites now
23:58.45nodaI took a 1-week vacation too. Though I haven't had two weeks off anything in years.
23:58.47TheMasterMind1you made me go over to the dark side
23:58.48mewynNeoTron: i know :)
23:58.58mewyni'm just impatient
23:59.04nodaTheMasterMind1: Great! Wanna go over to the REAL dark side? Make the new download page on :)
23:59.21mewyni wouldn't bug someone if i knew it would crack them

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