irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030802

00:00.02TwiunOk, making clean had no effect
00:05.04TheMasterMind1whats wrong
00:05.52Twiunthe mkdeps call in the 2.4.21 makefile is choking with too many arguments
00:06.26Twiunquestion now is... is the problem due to long names or too many names
00:07.26TwiunI'll try moving the build dir closer to /
00:10.34Twiunthat worked
00:10.49Twiunit's because the find command assiciated with mkdeps doesn't use relative paths
00:11.27pb_oh, yeah, I get that a lot.
00:11.36pb_I think you can break it up into lots of smaller commands if need be.
00:11.50Twiunwhat would the implications be of modifying the FINDHPATH to use relative paths?
00:12.03Twiunas that would seem cleaner
00:12.07Soopamanwhere i lay my hat is my home, i'm a rolling stone
00:12.20pb_no real implications, afaik.
00:12.36pb_to be honest, that whole "make dep" business is a crock.
00:12.46Twiunno flipping kidding
00:14.12pb_maybe it made sense back in 1993 when computers were slow, kernel hackers were macho and it was cool to shave five seconds of the dependency generation time compared to gcc, but this is the 21st century.
00:15.29pb_I think kernel 2.6 has something better, though.
00:19.25Twiunthank god for that
00:19.35Twiunkergoth: So... when's the 2.6 move happening?
00:20.05Twiunhmm, gotta love how the kernel compiles with all those nice warnings
00:22.08Twiung'night mickeyl|away
00:23.26Twiunis there a tool for producing the dawg dictionary that the scrabble game uses?
00:23.51Twiunwanna get the gutenberg webster in there :)
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00:27.38Twiundidn't someone say 2.4.21 needed to be compiled with gcc3?
00:32.10pb_if they did, I think they were mistaken.
00:32.57Twiunright, what would cause this error?
00:33.05Twiunarm-linux-ld: Error: time.o uses hard floating point, whereas kernel.o uses soft floating point
00:33.46pb_oh, that.  check for -msoft-float in CFLAGS and AFLAGS, and expunge any that you find there.
00:34.05pb_(particularly in arch/arm/Makefile)
00:37.17nodaAAAARGH! My damned laptop crashes when the modem driver is loaded :(
00:38.50chouimathi noda
00:39.32Twiunpb_: expunge as in replace for -mhard-float or just remove?
00:39.38Twiunwb noda
00:39.38nodaNO CARRIER? ***NO CARRIER***?
00:39.45nodaDammit, anybody know pppd? :)
00:42.11TwiunGoogle -> Server Error
00:42.14Twiunthat's a new one
00:42.24nodaYou're alone on that :)
00:42.36nodaWorks fine for me :)
00:43.09Twiunyeah, and for me now too
00:43.30Twiunnoda! stop fiddling with google's datawarehousing already
00:43.45Twiunbtw, started on the 3c1 stuff?
00:44.28nodaTwiun: I'm going on vacation and plan to take a look. Oh shit, just forgot - nothing to try and plug into :P
00:45.11nodaFuck... I NEED to get my laptop's modem working in like the next 2 hours -- I've gotta register for university with this thing and if I can't connect to the 'net...
00:45.18nodaAargh... maybe I'll have to use... WINDOWS.
00:45.49Twiunhehe, it's what I'm using atm
00:46.12chouimatnoda: use windows like the rest of the world
00:46.50nodaI'm getting "RING BACK"... what on earth is that?
00:46.52Twiunnoda: Join us!
00:47.08anderseeTimRiker: BZFlag is LGPL'd?
00:47.11chouimatTwiun: I'm on linux ;)
00:47.41Twiunchouimat: well, ok, truth be told, so am I... irssi->screen->ssh->winxp
00:47.59TwiunI'm not brave enough to try the cygwin option in the buildroot yet
00:52.58pb_Twiun: just remove
00:53.09Twiunpb_: ok, compiling
00:53.12pb_you can put -mhard-float, but that's the default anyway
00:55.45TimRikerandersee: now, yes.
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01:07.33TimRikerandersee: I changed the license on the latest bzflag release from gpl to lgpl
01:09.59chouimatTimRiker: everyone?
01:10.22Neo|WorkTimRiker: so it seems. :)
01:10.30TimRikerchouimat: heh
01:10.36kergothNeo|Work: congrats ;)
01:10.54Neo|Worknow to work out the move, timing and crap like that. hrm
01:11.08anderseeTimRiker: why?
01:11.15anderseeTimRiker: turning bzflag into a library?
01:11.28TimRikerandersee: had some interest from others in using some of the components in other games.
01:11.51TimRikerwanted to make it easier for them so they could clean up the interfaces for the rest of us. ;-)
01:12.27pb_andersee: surely "turning bzflag into a lesser entity?".
01:12.31chouimatkergoth: I will probably go do a master degree if I can get an interesting job in the next year
01:12.36TimRikeroh... and to see if anyone would notice. ;-)
01:13.00TimRikerpb_: well, demoting the license anyway. ;-)
01:13.09TimRiker~dict demote
01:14.20chouimatbye TimRiker
01:15.25*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
01:19.19noda~dict noda
01:19.28somebody said noda was Adam Hooper, webmaster <>
01:19.44noda~dict annoying
01:23.38Twiunpb_: still having that problem, even after removing those msofts
01:24.10pb_oh, hm.  what object does it say is built with soft fp?
01:25.06Twiungrr. wish I could tell you, but the stuff's just scrolled out of the buffer, doing another make clean
01:26.49pb_oh, hm, in it looks like we use -msoft-float for everything.
01:26.56pb_I guess that works too.
01:27.44Twiunshould I be looking for -mhard-float and replace to soft instead?
01:28.05pb_you probably won't find any -mhard-float.  what we actually have is:
01:28.09pb_CFLAGS_BOOT:=$(apcs-y) $(arch-y) $(tune-y) -mshort-load-bytes -msoft-float -Uarm
01:28.10pb_CFLAGS+=$(apcs-y) $(arch-y) $(tune-y) -mshort-load-bytes -msoft-float -Uarm
01:28.10pb_AFLAGS+=$(apcs-y) $(arch-y) -msoft-float
01:28.21Twiunyeah, those are the three I found too
01:28.28Twiunthe others are in ppc makefiles
01:29.30pb_I wonder what's the matter then.
01:30.32Twiunhopefully this make clean will work
01:31.11Twiunwouldn't be the first time something fixed itself ;)
01:31.23chouimatkergoth: the fasttrack plugin for gift is cool
01:33.37Twiunpb_: looks to be all the .o files in arch/arm/kernel, here's a snippet
01:33.50Twiunarm-linux-ld: Error: irq.o uses hard floating point, whereas kernel.o uses soft floating point
01:33.54TwiunFile format not recognized: failed to merge target specific data of file irq.o
01:34.11Twiunwhere they all compare against kernel.o
01:38.20kergothchouimat: fasttrack plugin?
01:38.25kergothchouimat: is that in giFT cvs?
01:38.35nodakergoth: No, google for gift-fasttrak
01:39.14chouimatkergoth: nope
01:39.23nodaErm, with a C that is :)
01:41.39pb_Twiun: that's weird.  do you have -msoft-float in or out at this point?
01:42.12Twiunpb_: completely out
01:42.18Twiunpb_: but I've scanned my irclogs
01:42.32Twiunpb_: and TMM1 says gcc3.3 is _required_ for the .21 kernel on oz
01:42.40Twiunlemme get the snippet
01:42.57Twiun#openembedded.log:24987:23:25 < noidd> arm-linux-ld: ERROR: irq.o uses hardware FP, whereas kernel.o uses software FP
01:43.01Twiun#openembedded.log-24988-23:25 < noidd> arse
01:43.03Twiun#openembedded.log-24989-23:25 < noidd> thats beyond my ability
01:43.06Twiun#openembedded.log-24990-23:25 < TheMasterMind1> noda: gcc 3.3
01:43.09Twiun#openembedded.log-24991-23:25 < TheMasterMind1> needed
01:43.11Twiun#openembedded.log-24992-23:25 < TheMasterMind1> for kernel
01:43.51Twiunquestion now is... can 2.95.3-compiled software live with a 3.3-compiled kernel?
01:44.08kergothI applied the current gcc3.3 patches from the patch system
01:44.16kergothsee the LAK archives for posts from schurig
01:44.26kergothhe posted changes to make it compile with 2.95.3 as well, iirc
01:44.26pb_Twiun: yes, kernel and userspace are completely decoupled, they don't need to have the same gcc version.
01:44.34Twiunpb_: good
01:44.45Twiunkergoth: ok, I'll google
01:46.31*** join/#openembedded tgall (~tgall@
01:48.39_Psychokergoth you started a c700 build earlier ?
01:48.58_Psychojust curious
01:51.34Twiunkergoth: searching for schurig, 2.4.21 or 2.95.3 hasn't really turned up anything useful so far
01:53.22Twiunkergoth: btw, the problem with mkdeps I had earlier was fixed by moving the buildroot dir closer to /
01:54.21kergothTwiun: aha
01:54.40Twiunkergoth: it's because all the paths are absolute
01:54.59Twiunkergoth: anyway, still not having any luck finding that info
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02:18.43Twiunwill the buildroot only use the 3.3 toolchain for the kernel, or for everything?
02:20.43Twiung'night chouimat
02:22.53kergothTwiun: you can select whether to use it for user or kernel independently
02:27.26Twiunkergoth: yeah, read the log of TheMasterMind1 find that out ;)
02:28.27Twiunextracting it now - I'll start it running for the rest of the evening
02:28.34Twiunor morning should I say
02:30.12NeoTronabout 2300 miles
02:30.22NeoTronalthough I guess it might be a fun roadtrip
02:30.32Twiunonly if you're not by yourself ;)
02:30.39NeoTronI won't be
02:30.42Twiunshacking up with TI too?
02:33.03Twiunnice one :)
02:33.20NeoTrondoing stuff above the stuff kergoth does
02:33.26NeoTroni.e application level stuff I presume
02:33.35Twiunright, not grubbing with the ants
02:33.42Twiunproper work ;)
02:34.00NeoTronindeed. :)
02:34.19Twiunso your flat is next door to kergoth's then?
02:34.27NeoTrongetting a rental house
02:34.38NeoTrongot 2 kids and a wife and currently living in 2300 sqft. :P
02:34.56NeoTronspeaking of kids, should go down to them
02:35.42Twiunyeah, abandon us :)
02:35.51TwiunI'll be off to sleep soon anyway
03:43.01fishywhats the command line ipkg param to tell the ipkg to install to SD?
03:48.28*** join/#openembedded bisho (
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04:10.14kergothhmm, i should go to bed
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04:54.14_Psychogetting late
04:54.23_Psychowodner if i should go take a beer still
05:06.53treke|ho1ethere is no place like home
05:07.05treke|ho1e_Psycho: Yes you should
05:07.50_Psychohehe i was putting my shoe atm
05:07.55treke|ho1eI would like to inform you about important information regarding your
05:07.55treke|ho1eemail address. This email address will be expiring.
05:07.56treke|ho1ePlease read attachment for details.
05:08.44treke|ho1eSince he apparently works for free I ought to get him to manage my other servers
05:09.19_Psychook 1h30 left for beer, so im better get going :)
05:15.21*** join/#openembedded Soopaman (
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05:30.13SoopaTRONerr evening/night
06:00.33*** join/#openembedded W8TVI (
06:01.30W8TVIhow hard would it be to set up a sl-5500 to replace my dial-up router using an external modem and the z??
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06:57.02heatxsinkyo yo yo!
06:57.17SuKoShiyeah yeah yeah !
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07:58.03_Psychobeer was good
07:58.05_Psychonight guys
08:04.54SuKoShi_Psycho: bye :)
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11:38.56SuKoShisomeone other there?
11:43.14SuKoShi_Psycho: there?
11:43.37SuKoShigcc3 il compile pas (arm-linux)
11:43.40SuKoShifait chier
11:49.53*** join/#openembedded BadCode_ (
12:04.12mickeylhmm.... anyone flashed collie-2.4.21 yet?
12:07.16Twiun[Zzzzz]moderately? it all depends on the support for your modem, and your knowledge of linux I suppose
12:07.30Twiunmickeyl: still trying to build it :)
12:08.53mickeylTwiun: good. I flashed the one built by themastermind1 and just wondered, where angelboot,diagnostics and cf updater went
12:09.13mickeylbut the new kernel defines another mtd partition table and hides the mentioned just under "bootloader"
12:09.16mickeylso it is ok.
12:10.19mickeyldoesn't seem to survive suspend/resume though :D
12:10.27mickeylbut that's okay... it's alpha - we're getting there
12:11.03TwiunI can't wait to get my buildroot working again on the new server
12:11.10Twiunthen I can continue developing
12:12.25mickeylafter resume it totally freaks out
12:12.30mickeylmcp read time out
12:12.32mickeylmcp write time out
12:12.36mickeylbattery led flashing
12:12.59mickeylwonder if it reboots at least...
12:14.31Twiunthat's a good question
12:14.45mickeylit does.
12:14.49mickeyland it is faaaaast
12:14.57TwiunI'm also keen on starting to take a closer look at directfb
12:15.03Twiunfast is good!
12:16.13TwiunI really can't wait to see for myself
12:21.37mickeylSuKoShi: no personal mail please
12:21.46mickeylSuKoShi: check
12:22.58SuKoShimickeyl: thanks
12:23.23SuKoShiarm-linux cross compiler doesn't compile through the buildroot on my machine
12:24.47TwiunI've never bothered to try - takes too long :)
12:25.25Twiunmickeyl: too much mail to sift through already?
12:27.25mickeylTwiun: yeah, it's getting ridiculous. I have been offering oz-snapshots since several weeks for people not wanting to start with oz 3.2 and upgrade to opie1pre.... Now I'm getting hammered with questions re: where is an official 3.2.5 release, why does reconfiguring packages takes 15 minutes, etc...
12:27.51mickeylnot to talk that I'm on 6 mailing lists... but that's ok, because i have folders ;)
12:28.31mickeyland on IRC, more and more people start /querying me for support...
12:32.32Twiunmickeyl: /mode mickel +E
12:32.36Twiunmickeyl: very useful
12:33.34mickeylTwiun: can't find +E - what does it do?
12:33.54Harlekinmickeyl: hehe
12:34.23mickeylHarlekin: don't lough - that's really annyoing ;)
12:34.31mickeyllaugh even
12:34.57Harlekintime to get c700 image and feed ready .)
12:35.14Twiunmickeyl: stop non-registered users from private messaging you
12:35.25Harlekinmickeyl: currently building oz
12:35.29Harlekinmickeyl: so image soon after
12:35.35Harlekinmaybe tonight or tomorrow
12:35.38mickeylTwiun: ah that may be handy - thanks
12:35.40Twiunmickeyl: I'd be happy to mirror files for you
12:35.48mickeylHarlekin: good!
12:36.22mickeylTwiun: thanks for the offer, but now that Opie 1 is out, I'll resign doing those snapshots because kergoth will make a release in the next few weeks.
12:36.33Twiunmickeyl: ok
12:37.39mickeylTwiun: if you have a 5500, you can take a look @ though. the last snapshot seems pretty good. it stalls 15 minutes during reconfiguring packages and it contains a non-working hostap package - but other than that - it works :)
12:38.28Twiunmickeyl: I wish I did - still 5000d for poor old me
12:38.48mickeylhmm... what was the difference again?
12:39.21Harlekinmickeyl: ah it only stalls for fonts?
12:39.49mickeylyo - and a few unneded recursions for opie-login i noticed
12:39.53mickeylunneeded even
12:42.36Twiundifference is the memory layout afaik, that's it
12:43.43mickeylhmm.... i did kernels for all models, so you may use a 5000d kernel and give it a try anyway
12:45.03Twiuncool - I'll do that
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12:54.05mickeylk - i'll be off for today. my mum has 62th anniversary... we're going to a Shakespear theather event... bbl late tonite.
12:54.48*** join/#openembedded pb_ (
13:07.38Twiunhey pb_
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13:16.07pb_Twiun: yo
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13:43.35effy-kunanyone know what .mpc files are?
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15:20.39SoopaTRONare there any proper ways of building a x86 arch opie image?
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15:58.44SoopaTRONanyone else having problems reaching
15:59.14pb_doesn't seem to be working for me either.
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15:59.54SoopaTRONdamn, and my build was going so well
16:00.02SoopaTRONor so it seemed
16:05.08kergothchouimat: you're right, gift-fasttrack rocks.
16:08.01SuKoShiSoopaTRON: there are mirrors
16:08.53SuKoShikergoth: hi
16:09.19kergothhey SuKoShi
16:10.08SuKoShikergoth: i tried to build a 3.3 toolchain but had troubles while compiling (something related about assembly stuff) have you ever heard about this?
16:10.35_Psycho_kernel part sukoshi ?
16:10.58SuKoShi_Psycho_: no, i wanted to build arm-linux etc etc
16:11.15SuKoShiso i stopped, and download the toolchain from
16:11.24kergothI build 3.3.1 last night
16:11.30SuKoShikergoth: can i dcc youi stuff related to sd driver?
16:11.41_Psycho_its on kergoth ?
16:11.43kergothuse email instead
16:11.48kergoth_Psycho_: not yet, i'll upload it in a few
16:12.01_Psycho_maybe thats will fix my problem who know ! hehe
16:12.35kergothpeople always report problems that i cant reproduce
16:12.37kergothits uncanny
16:13.35SuKoShidoes anyone has ever wrote a Lamer (like me) HOWTO OZ's buildroot ?
16:13.36noiddhey kergoth
16:13.52kergoththe closest thing to a lamer howto is docs/BUILD
16:14.32*** join/#openembedded SuKoSh| (
16:16.04noiddgot our visitors leaving today
16:16.27noiddwhich is a little strange, but i think everyone is glad to be parting company :-/
16:22.43fishyhow do I change my $path?
16:23.18SuKoSh|export PATH=/xxxx/xxx/lolo:$PATH
16:23.49SuKoSh|for example : export PATH=/usr/local/arm/3.3/bin:$PATH
16:23.50yeiazel"lolo" ?
16:23.56SuKoSh|yeiazel: gnarf
16:24.03SuKoSh|yeiazel: c moa lolo
16:24.12yeiazelhehe :)
16:24.18SuKoSh|yeiazel: susu ct moyen
16:24.39SuKoSh|allez bosse sur le Wiki rogntudjhjuu
16:24.47yeiazelc ce que je fais
16:24.48yeiazelil marche
16:24.50yeiazel(le nouveau)
16:24.54yeiazelj'ajoute des fct
16:25.03yeiazelc trop de la grosse balle atomique
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16:32.58chouimatc trop de la grosse balle atomique?????
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16:34.08yeiazelchouimat: expression purement française, pour dire que c'est vraiment super bien :)
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16:34.18yeiazel'lo tgall
16:34.22chouimatyeiazel: hostie de francais ;)
16:34.40yeiazelchouimat: tabarnac de québécois
16:34.49yeiazelchouimat: épais
16:34.52yeiazelchouimat: :p
16:35.20chouimatyeiazel: bah ok je doit allez porter 5 caisses de 24 au depanneur
16:35.46yeiazelon est pas dans un chan anglophone ? :)
16:36.53yeiazelchouimat: SPEAK ENGLISH HERE, GODDAM CANADIAN
16:37.05yeiazel0 :)
16:47.24SuKoSh|tabarnaque !
16:47.33SuKoSh|ok ->[]
16:54.03_Psycho_C'est tellement dit avec amour
16:54.22yeiazelARGH mais tout le monde parle français ici !
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17:39.46absentiakergoth here?
17:46.40SuKoSh|does anyone recently tried ton copmpile packages/qte?
17:56.09Masticatorwussup homeez
17:56.45*** join/#openembedded james_lan-me (
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18:21.00Pendalarso what's new?
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18:47.18Pendalaropieplayer makes me ill =-/
18:53.33Pendalardunno I can't get it to add a group of mp3 that is NFS'd off my box
18:53.52PendalarI can do it one by one, but not as a URL (which file://nexus/mp3) should work
18:53.59Pendalarnor does it find it by the automatic search
18:54.17Pendalarand to boot it doesn't understand my playlist format that I made from xmms
18:54.42PendalarI should go to the website and see what it's search path is
18:54.48Pendalarprobably just /Document/ areas
18:57.29*** join/#openembedded Omnifarious (~ehopper@3ffe:2900:c00f:10:205:5dff:fe32:f0c6)
18:57.37OmnifariousHi all.
18:57.48OmnifariousAnybody here have some idea of how long flash memory will hold its contents if it isn't accessed?
18:58.09yeiazelflash ?
18:58.14yeiazel9999999 centuries
18:58.23OmnifariousArbitrarily long.  Good.
18:58.50OmnifariousI'm designing a cryptographic system, and I want a secure place to store unencrypted keys.
18:59.11Pendalardepends on how many magnets you pile around it ;-0
18:59.16OmnifariousAnd I figure one of those tiny USB dongles would be great.  But the cryptographic keys have a lifetime of decades.
18:59.40OmnifariousIs Flash susceptible to magnetic fields?
18:59.51yeiazelit's fragile
19:00.10Pendalaroh and I wouldn't let it swim long
19:00.13OmnifariousCompared to a 3.5" floppy?
19:00.41OmnifariousYeah, water would be bad, that's a given, unless the device was designed to be waterproof in the first place.  :-)
19:03.55OmnifariousI hope the IU for handling USB storage devices improves immensely in the next 2-8 months.
19:04.53OmnifariousThanks all.  :-)
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19:24.32kergothi dunno what ts problems tmm1 seems to be encountering
19:24.43kergothi just flashed my c750 with an oz opie image including my tslib patches and its working flawlessly
19:24.47kergothout of hte box
19:26.23Pendalarno but you can bet it's some renegade pointer to blame
19:26.32Pendalaralways, without fail
19:26.44Pendalaroh I hate pointers ^_^
19:26.55kergothi love pointers, dont run into problems with them very often
19:27.14Pendalaryes but your coding skill is a 'bit' above mine apparently
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19:29.52SuKoSh|kergoth: i would like to be able to help testing oz, but i still have troubles with qte
19:30.01SuKoSh|(samba also doesn't compile)
19:31.17kergothqte built for me about 20 minutes ago
19:32.20SuKoSh|what do you think it should be?
19:33.08SuKoSh|i continue compilation of everything else but qte, and i'll try again.
19:34.49kergothSuKoSh|: i'm not fucking psychic here
19:34.54kergothSuKoSh|: why dont you try actually giving me an error.
19:35.17Pendalarso do you guys more or less have designated areas for working now?
19:36.17SuKoSh|kergoth: mplayer :codecs.patch did not apply, try again with force (-f ...)
19:36.32SuKoSh|that's for the one i'm trying to compile :)
19:37.00kergothPendalar: ?
19:40.08Pendalarwell like if TMM1 keeps having problems
19:40.41Pendalaris he in charge of collie images, or is that just what he's doing for the moment
19:41.55kergothhe just happens to be working on collie 2.4.21 at the moment
19:42.06kergothand so am i, i do its kernel development
19:42.21kergothits not a question of delegated responsibility, just a question of what people happen to be working on
19:44.52PendalarI was just curious if there was hammered out 'jobs' yet
19:48.20kergothnot really.  people still work on what they want to work on, which is hopefully also what they're best at
19:48.29kergothas things stand now anyway
19:49.18PendalarI tried to crosscompile LTP and it laughed, I think I seriously need to redo my cross compiler
19:49.31PendalarI also tried to compile on the zaurus, that was funny as well
19:49.41Pendalartook like 1.5 hours and failed at that
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20:00.47PendalarI didn't know ltp had gotten so big
20:01.00PendalarI saw the tar.gz was under 2mb and was like hmm this won't be bad
20:01.08Pendalarbut after uncompressing it's almost 20mb
20:04.30anderseeMy 256MB SD left Salt lake an hour ago.  I hope they deliver it today
20:05.15anderseeOne it arrives, I will be forced to make SD work on my Z
20:05.35anderseeThen I will be forced to get nethack merged into oz
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20:21.50SuKoSh|chouimat: serais tu la?
20:22.02SuKoSh|_Psycho_: pareil pour toi, camarade francophone
20:22.20_Psycho_je joue a EQ
20:22.21chouimatde kosse?
20:22.23_Psycho_pas mal occuper ;)
20:23.47SuKoSh|_Psycho_: eheh
20:24.01_Psycho_demande si c pas trop long ;)
20:24.27SuKoSh|chouimat: tu sais comment on change temporairement l'environnement pour avoir des messages en anglais?
20:25.32SuKoSh|Pas re r?gle pour fabriquer la cible "sourcetrees". Arret.
20:30.36*** join/#openembedded Pendalar (Pendalar@
20:30.49_Psycho_aucune idee :)
20:30.57_Psycho_locale.conf quelque part fait un find ? sinon je sias pas
20:31.08SuKoSh|merci ;)
20:32.42SuKoSh|export LANG=C et hop
20:32.57SuKoSh|*** No rule to make target "sourcetrees"
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21:41.28absentiasukoshi: is that your scumvm link from killefiz?
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22:00.10SuKoSh|absentia: no he's another french guy
22:00.41absentiasuk: I didn't think there were than many frenchies
22:02.22SuKoSh|absentia: sorry ;)
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22:31.14treke|ho1ekergoth: bleh. It's more than just a broken wcf12
22:31.29treke|ho1eoh wait
22:31.32treke|ho1eI have mac filtering on
22:32.48treke|ho1ecool. Workin WCF12
22:35.56treke|ho1eNow to send in the rebate shit
22:42.56PendalarI'm not impressed with wcf11
22:43.05Pendalarhope wcf12 is much better for you
22:43.17treke|ho1ePendalar: I loved the wcf11
22:43.26treke|ho1eI've had a very bad experience with the 12 so far
22:43.44Pendalarit's pretty high drain and runs horrible (if at all) under sharp rom
22:44.00Pendalarwell I can't speak for sharp latest as I don't plan to venture back that way
22:44.05treke|ho1esince I dont have a zaurus
22:44.16PendalarI don't either but it shouldn't have worked so poorly anyways
22:44.38treke|ho1ethat would be sharps fuck up
22:44.39kergothhmm, opie's screensaver needs to swallow events
22:44.44kergoththe first event that is
22:45.17Pendalarwhy do we need a screensaver?
22:45.23Pendalaralthough I guess couldn't hurt
22:45.31Pendalarseti@home client would be nice
22:45.47absentiaI thought about that too.. I agree.
22:45.56kergothit blanks instead of suspending when you're on AC
22:45.59treke|ho1ePendalar: Screen blanking
22:46.10kergothhit enter, it comes back adn then runs an app cause the enter went to the launcher
22:46.43PendalarI pictured some silly opengl style color morphing nonsense in about .05% speed
22:47.08kergothsharp rom on c7x0 floats a text clock around iirc
22:47.33treke|ho1ethats not a horrible idea
22:48.31Pendalarjust make it call the matrix thing
22:48.36Pendalarbe done with it
22:50.11kergoththatd be spiffy
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22:50.23kergothprelink fails
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22:50.41treke|ho1eis flyfucker still banned?
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22:58.48micky|shakespearkergoth: do you have a shepherd image + opie? if so, could you upload to experimental? wanted to compile my own but having trouble with my linux machine (again, grr)
22:59.07kergothmickeyl: already done
22:59.11kergothmickeyl: threw it up earlier today
22:59.14treke|ho1ekergoth: looks like zecke is starting to merge stuff
22:59.19mickeylkergoth: great - thanks.
22:59.59kergothtreke|ho1e: yeah, eilers merged some sections as well. there are still a lot of areas involved.  Need to track what things have been merged and what havent.
23:00.21kergothmickeyl: qte-fonts sure takes a long fucking time on first boot, dunno whats up with that
23:00.26mickeylkergoth: btw., just flashed a 2.4.21 image for collie. it's impressive! it 'feels' so much more smooth than 2.4.6... we're getting there - it's really great.
23:00.39mickeylkergoth: yeah - kind of 15 minutes or so
23:00.50kergothmickeyl: I removed the depmod -ae calls in the kernel module postinsts, cuts the first boot time big time, dont lose anything since we depmod on boot.
23:01.12mickeylkergoth: good, that speeds things up.
23:01.16kergothi'll check on qte-fonts
23:01.21kergothsomething weird going on there
23:01.31mickeylkergoth: ok. the problem seemed to have creeped in since 29th july and 1th august
23:01.42mickeyl29th july snapshots didn't expose this behaviour
23:02.01kergothodd, i havent changed the script at all since then, and i dont think fonts have changed substantially
23:02.02PendalarI had a snapshot on my birthday? aw how special
23:02.19mickeylhehe. late congratulations Pendalar
23:03.00kergothmickeyl: do you know if theres a clean test harness for python, to use for running tests and handling results?
23:03.32kergothnot necessarily testing blocks of python code, which you can do in a limited fashion with doctest, but also spawning external applications as a test and checking for failure
23:03.41mickeylkergoth: iirc yes. there is the python unit test framework. dunno offhand if that is in the main distribution or an extra module, but its a standard
23:03.49kergothhmm cool
23:03.54kergothshould take a look at that
23:04.16mickeylyeah, it has a good reputation from what I've heard. never used on my own, though
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23:04.50kergothmickeyl: looking to put into place a test plan and framework for testing OZ releases.
23:05.16mickeylkergoth: aaah that would be so cool to have a such thing.
23:05.39mickeylkergoth: btw., when PyQt 3.8 is out, I will take the time (*sigh*) and update Python in the buildroot to 2.3 and PyQt to 3.8. It's a bit of handwork to adapt all the crosscompile-patches, so can't do it in a few minutes.
23:05.52kergothyep. LTP provides some things, but I dont know if it fits  all of our needs
23:05.56kergothah, k
23:06.59PendalarI'm trying =-/
23:09.40SoopaTRONkergoth, have you had problems with at all?
23:10.15mickeylgawd, how i love that c750 screen...
23:10.48SuKoSh|mickeyl: so do i
23:11.03SuKoSh|SoopaTRON: did you try the mirror i gave you?
23:11.20SoopaTRONsuko,  sorry no, i think i was afk
23:11.27SoopaTRONcan you re-post please
23:11.31SuKoSh|change glibc
23:11.45SuKoSh|by what you're looking for
23:11.46SoopaTRONis there a way I can edit the build root to use that mirror?
23:11.51SuKoSh|yes, for sure
23:12.00SuKoSh|edit packages/xxx/Makefile
23:12.12SuKoSh|take care of the variables
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23:13.40mickeylkergoth: any objection to raising the version number in oz-base to 3.3.2 or 3.3.3? there has been so much progress in the last weeks, I'd think it's justified...
23:14.32kergothmickeyl: feel free.
23:14.49mickeylkergoth: ok :D /me loves increasing version numbers.... [if it's justified ;)]
23:14.54kergothSoopaTRON: vi Vars.make
23:15.03kergothsukosh|, SoopaTRON: change GNU_MIRROR
23:18.56SoopaTRONsuko, worked so far ;)
23:19.06SoopaTRONkergoth, oh ok, i'll change that instead
23:19.27SoopaTRONnow automake messed up
23:25.00SuKoSh|SoopaTRON: what's the problem?
23:25.24SoopaTRONmirror thing
23:25.33SoopaTRONso i am trying kergoth's method
23:25.39SoopaTRONand hoping it works
23:25.40SuKoSh|yes, you'd better
23:25.43SuKoSh|it will
23:27.14SoopaTRONit didn't
23:27.22SoopaTRONit seems as though the gnu packages are hard coded
23:29.55mickeylkergoth: is this a 2.9x or a 3.3 image you built?
23:30.35treke|homewho has the repository locked?
23:30.47mickeylnot me... waiting also
23:32.40treke|homeoh well. I fixed glibc, just cant push
23:32.49treke|homelooks like the reorganized the ftp server
23:33.07treke|homethey removed /pub
23:34.08mickeylumm.... that might break a few of our packages
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23:35.07treke|homeyeah. We'll see I'm doing a full build
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23:35.17kergothmickeyl: allthe packages shoudl be obeying GNU_MIRROR
23:35.20treke|homeTCMAN: hey
23:35.22kergothmickeyl: GNU_MIRROR contains pub
23:35.27treke|homeTCMAN: Turns out my wcf12 was broken
23:35.28kergothany packages that dont obey it need fixing
23:35.53TCMANtreke: what was broken ? did you fix it or what ?
23:36.17treke|homeTCMAN: bought a new one
23:36.17kergothfinally got all the dependencies for RT installed in my homedir
23:36.33kergothnow to figure out how to use it
23:36.43mickeylkergoth: the latest shepherd-image, is this made with 2.9x or 3.3 (or both)?
23:37.16TCMANtreke: i think i will buy another netgear maybe
23:38.02TCMANwhat is the /experimental/collie image from july 26th ? should i try it ?
23:38.05treke|homeTCMAN: It looks like a bad connection between the card and the antenna
23:38.06kergothmickeyl: 3.3.1pre
23:38.14kergothTCMAN: has opie in it, no sdmmc
23:38.17treke|homeTCMAN: If I pushed the antenna forward while holding it, it would sometimes work
23:38.28TCMANtreke: interesting
23:38.38TCMANtreke: mine just seem to die sometimes after it gets hot
23:38.56TCMANand it gets seriously hot
23:39.04mickeylkergoth: k.
23:39.06TCMANmy cassiopeia never got that hot
23:39.10TCMANkergoth: thanks
23:39.22treke|homeTCMAN: only bought another WCF12 since there was a 40 dollar rebate for it :)
23:39.42treke|homekergoth: Can you start kicking people from #zaurus
23:39.43TCMANtreke: cool, where did you buy it ?
23:39.48treke|homethis religious rant is getting old :)
23:39.50treke|homeTCMAN: Compusa
23:39.58treke|homeTCMAN: Today is the last day to go for the deal though
23:43.23treke|homehmmm. I hate it when I start up xmms. Hit play and then an hour later realise there is only one song in my playlist
23:44.20pb_sounds like you need to get some more music.
23:44.44TCMANwhy do i get only some stupid kitchen and house wares in my goldbox on amazon
23:44.51TCMANinstead of electronics ?
23:45.13treke|homepb_: hehe
23:45.25TCMANits like amazon decided that i bought too much electronics there?
23:45.53treke|homedo amazon still put "clean underwear" on the things other people bought list?
23:47.08mewyni need to get myself a good workshop
23:48.07TCMANhehe, windows xp :)
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23:48.38treke|homeTCMAN: hopefully not under linux :)
23:48.43treke|homeit's a piece of crap there
23:49.51TCMANthats why i bought it :)
23:49.59treke|homeTCMAN: Hope you didnt pay much :)
23:50.08TCMANlike $20
23:50.25treke|homeIt's more or less unsupported, and there were some big sound issues :)
23:50.38TCMANwe'll see
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23:52.11TCMANi am buying only linux games now
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23:52.23treke|homeYou will be saving a lot of money
23:52.28TCMANbut i think i will make an exception for hl2 :)
23:52.28aguptakergoth sup
23:53.24kergothagupta: nothing. unable to repro any ts problems, just built and flashed an opie shepherd image using all my tslib alterations without problems.
23:53.40aguptathats weird
23:54.10aguptaborrow a collie from tim
23:54.12treke|homeok. No more #zaurus for me
23:54.29treke|homeabsentia, ogmo, and cleverdra are getting tiring
23:54.40TCMANtreke: more religious crap ??
23:54.41Balareligious "debate" not your thing??
23:54.45aguptatreke|home ??
23:55.02TCMANlinux is my religion and google is my god :)
23:55.14treke|homeBala: Not when the participants are mostly repeating the same thing over and over
23:55.51Balatreke: thus the quotes around debate...
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23:57.03SoopaTRONdamn gaim
23:57.58treke|home~lart gnu
23:58.19treke|homethis is going to be a very long build
23:58.38SoopaTRONwhat is the proper way to setup an x86 compile of opie from the buildroot?
23:58.53kergoththere is no setup.
23:58.57kergothits self contained
23:59.14SoopaTRONcp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for a SL-5000d/5500 Zaurus)
23:59.18SoopaTRONstuff like that
23:59.34SoopaTRONcould that somehow mess up me trying to build and x86 image
23:59.44treke|homeSoopaTRON: Read the buildroot documentation
23:59.58SoopaTRONtreke, that is where i pasted it from

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