irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030721

00:16.15*** join/#openembedded masticator (
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00:17.39masticatorI find it extremely amusing that the focus of discussion on the official sharp zaurus forums is how to get a 7xx in the US
00:17.51masticatorthat must really piss sharp USA off
01:02.03bipolarit's their own damn fault... bastards.
01:08.01treke|laptopimage building seems broken
01:20.36bipolartreke|laptop: ???
01:23.19treke|laptopbipolar: ipkg doesnt like the timezone dependencies
01:26.54bipolarI build an image on friday with no problems. hmmm
01:27.27treke|laptopmaybe I'll pull and mrproper
01:29.20bipolarI'll be updating unstable as soon as I finish building
01:29.36bipolarmy gcc3 build has been updated since friday
01:30.01bipolargot a shitload of patches to give to kergoth for buildroot though.
01:31.01ljp_laptop_patches such as?
01:33.45bipolarljp_laptop_: fixes, switches to debian source, etc...
01:33.54bipolarnothing major
01:34.13bipolar3 packages are broken so far.
01:34.38bipolarlibavcodec, libmikmod, and mikmod
01:34.46ljp_laptop_I have a bunch of stuff to add
01:35.00noidda lot is buggered
01:35.21noidda lot of the sources are just not there
01:35.33noiddwith people removing the versions we're using
01:35.35bipolarljp_laptop_: has the new buildroot gotten any packages added to it yet? I wish it was up to speed with the original one with packages.
01:36.11noiddi'm still tryinhg to understand how it builds
01:36.17ljp_laptop_there's a few packages, yes
01:36.43bipolarnoidd: yeah, me too.
01:36.52ljp_laptop_someone was going to write a script to convert makefiles.. :)
01:37.12noiddI will!
01:37.24noiddas soon as I get something to frigging compile :-D
01:37.25ljp_laptop_good luck
01:37.37noiddit odesn't actually look that hard
01:37.47ljp_laptop_soon as this build is finished, I am going to try links
01:39.34noiddI owe Jarkko (perl 5.9.0 maintainer) a new set of patches too - since OZ support is now in core perl
01:41.39noiddand the current version in CVS is completely broken for OZ now
01:43.11noiddright - i'm gonna look at oe now
01:54.03bipolarI have not been able to get perl to build at all. I don't know whats up with it, but I haven't gotten any requests for it anyway.
01:54.52noiddperl is in buildroot
01:54.58noiddwhat problems are you having?
02:04.09bipolarnoidd: it won't build. I'll get you errors when I get that far.
02:04.36bipolardamnit.... the wvlan_cs is not in buildroot, I don't think so anyway.
02:05.06bipolardoes anyone know where it is?
02:12.02noiddI got oe to do something - Yay!
02:12.22noiddwhat errors you getting?
02:17.38bipolarnoidd: I'm going to try to build perl as soon as I finish uploading the new build to unstable
02:18.34noidd5-10 mins or so?
02:18.40noiddwifey is asking me to go to bed
02:18.57treke|laptophave fun
02:19.06noiddwe intend to :-D
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02:20.18ljp_laptop_too bad she really just wants to talk tonight
02:22.26noiddi'm going toy shopping tomorrow, so she might try to convince me not to buy anything :-)
02:22.53treke|laptopthat could be good or bad
02:23.01ljp_laptop_get her some flowers while you are at it, and she wont mind
02:23.13noidddepends if i'd rather be "bribed" or get the toy
02:23.29noiddwe had visitors arrive
02:23.34noiddI buy a new gun
02:23.36treke|laptopnoidd: She might decide not to take the bribe rout :)
02:23.40noiddthese events are unrelated.
02:23.44treke|laptopthere is always blackmail
02:24.52bipolarnoidd: yeah, soon. I just hope the upload doesn't last long. In the s'es now. :)
02:27.08noiddi wnat you to maked sure you upload perl :-0
02:29.03noiddand net-snmp
02:29.57noiddalthough i do need to spli
02:30.17noiddsplit that into client/server packages before the next real OZ release
02:31.06noiddi do get a kick out of my zaurus responding to snmp requests when i'm testing my network management software
02:32.37bipolarnoidd: I got your errors
02:32.41bipolarI'll msg you
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02:34.47noiddpro blem is that you have to run native 5.8.0 on your bulld machine
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03:46.55noiddbipolar - check your messages - later
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04:57.14ljpc700 is wahhzzup
05:02.20treke|laptopsomeone get me a c700
05:05.05ljpoh man, treke. its nice
05:05.23ljpget a c760, though
05:05.48treke|homehehe. Nah. I dont need any more pdas :)
05:05.53treke|homemy 3800 is still plenty for me
05:06.05treke|homealthough an axim would be nifty
05:06.18treke|homeIt has some welcome features
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05:09.59ljpthis screen is nice, as long as you stay inside
05:15.16treke|homeljp: has anyone told bigboss that your going to be at trolltech yet?
05:15.29ljphmm, /dev/sharp_buz no such device.... I swear I can ls it
05:15.53treke|homeand he promptly switched tkc over to gtk?
05:19.39ljpwhat would cause that dev from not being seen
05:21.34ljpahh. hmmm
05:22.19ljpquite possibly
05:26.47ljpseems sharp_buz -> dsp1
05:27.49treke|homeoz turned it into a regular dsp
05:28.09treke|homepnis wrote a driver for it
05:29.57ljpaint workin here
05:30.15ljpwhats that command to make devices?
05:31.22ljpwas that ported to 2.4.18 though?
05:37.50treke|homeljp: probably not
05:38.07treke|homelast I checked. 2.4.6 is the only usable kernel
05:48.40ljpnot on c700
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08:36.06TCMANmy damn mmc card got corrupted again !!!
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10:30.59cmartinhi mickey
10:31.57mickeylhi cmartin
10:35.08Twiunhi guys
10:35.15cmartinhi Twiun
10:36.51Twiunmickeyl: almost to the testing stage with that script
10:37.22Twiunmickeyl: only need to iron out how the user will choose a preferred one from two JVMs
10:39.12mickeyla minimal GUI application for that would be nice
10:39.20mickeylbbl, time for lunch
10:40.06cmartinmickeyl: we need to get the kernel modules CONFIG_INPUT_KEYBDEV=m, CONFIG_INPUT_SERIO=m and CONFIG_INPUT_SERPORT=m setup in the kernel in order to use that newton keyboard driver
10:42.33cmartinbbl - lunch sounds good
10:44.43Twiunmickeyl|lunch: for now, I think I'll just make additional 'enabling' packages which set one JVM up as preferred
10:45.13Twiunmickeyl|lunch: haven't got the time to mess with my environment to write a GUI ;)
11:32.57mickeylcmartin: are you sure about that?
11:34.06cmartinmickeyl: looking at the webpage of the driver it says that these modules need to be modprobed - serport & keybdev
11:35.43mickeylwhat site was that agin?
11:35.58cmartinjust a second...
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11:37.33cmartinno prob
11:39.47cmartinmickeyl: if you can get that in there, i could test it this week
11:39.59mickeylcmartin: k
11:48.25cmartinmickeyl: could it be that you will have to apply the kernel patch to enable the newton keyboard in the kernel - take a look at the patch from the site above - or is it enough that the modules are built from source?
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12:01.24mickeylcmartin: the kernel patch just enables the integration into the kernel build infrastructure. I wrote a dedicated Makefile so that we can build it outside the kernel.
12:02.59Twiunmickeyl: small hurdle... prepends QPEDIR to the path...
12:03.11Twiunmickeyl: so my postinst script must modify
12:03.25Twiunmore sed magick
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12:22.58Twiunmickeyl: where do you think I should stick my symlinks? /bin /usr/bin or somewhere else?
12:23.57cmartinmickeyl: ok
12:26.42cmartinmickeyl: if a guy with the name of Roman Jordan asks you for any help setting up buildroot, help him ;-)
12:27.02cmartinthat the guy who ported the linux kernel to the skey.pad classic
12:27.27cmartini told him to contact in IRC
12:27.34cmartins/ us
12:28.49mickeylTwiun: /usr/bin sounds good.
12:28.53mickeylcmartin: ok
12:30.22Twiunmickeyl: then I'll get my postrm script to stick that back in front of $QPEDIR
12:30.38mickeylTwiun: yes.
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14:11.51ljp_laptopanyone here yet?
14:17.18Dr_Whoalive and kicking here
14:17.23absentiajust installing qt/pyqt on the DR server...
14:18.33absentiawhy are zaurus programs so large?
14:18.37absentiaterminal is 2MB ram?
14:19.04absentiaI remember running multi-user systems with a huge grapical screen... unix... with 2mb TOTAL ram.
14:19.24cyn2'huge graphical screen' ?
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14:20.39absentiawell, 1052x900x1 ....
14:20.52absentiabut the system was 2mb total.
14:21.09absentiaanyway, why does terminal take up so much of a footprint?etc.
14:21.37Dr_Whomight wanna do an ldd on the binary
14:21.41cyn2well, terminal application+bash+where are you seeing it taking 2mb
14:22.13absentiais bash the pig ?
14:23.13cyn2also: this isn't really the right chan for this
14:23.54absentiahas anyone seen/read the opendoc book on learning to program qt?
14:24.04absentiawhat is this channel for ?
14:25.06absentiaah, silence.
14:25.24cyn2this channel is for openembedded developers
14:25.38cyn2aka people doing actual shit related to the build system and the core os etc.
14:25.48cyn2it's a programming chan, not support, not questions unrelated to said programming
14:26.06Dr_Whowell footprint is sometimes a programming issue ;-)
14:26.28cyn2yes but he didn't program the program in question, don't stretch it :P
14:26.32cyn2i don't mean to get up on your case
14:26.37cyn2but you have a habit of whining a lot abs
14:26.50cyn2'why this why that wheres c700 image' etc.
14:27.03cyn2and i expect the different channels are so the core ppl can have priorities
14:27.24cyn2aka activity in this channel is given sooner attention than other chans
14:30.00absentiayou're right.... OSS = Ostrich Source Systems ....
14:30.09absentiawhich channel is a channel for whining?
14:30.34Dr_Who#wine ?
14:31.23absentianotice the h
14:31.36absentiaas a program, I tend to pay attention to details.... believe it or not.
14:32.03lsmithsometimes approaximated answers is all that you can find
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14:49.19chouimathi ljp
14:52.42chouimatljp_laptop: anything new?
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14:56.23ljp_laptopqtopia 1.6.2 c700 & 5000d rom ;)
14:57.00ljp_laptopjust a few things need tweaking, like alarm sounds and such
14:58.05chouimatljp_laptop: url?
14:58.27ljp_laptopupdating gentoo to glibc 2.3
14:58.32ljp_laptopno url yet
14:58.49ljp_laptopneed to find out sounds thing
14:58.58chouimatok ...
15:00.00ljp_laptopand networks settings have to be tweaked not via netsetup gui
15:01.21bflongI wonder if I should try gentoo. It seems to be the thing to do :)
15:02.03chouimatbipolar: try
15:02.37bipolarBTW: the unstable feed for openzaurus is update.
15:03.14ljp_laptopbipolar: its nice if you always compile stuff anyway
15:03.33ljp_laptopfinding apps is easy: emerge -s somethingerother
15:04.23chouimaterr yup
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15:07.51ljp_laptopits only mildly annoying sandbox crapola
15:08.11ljp_laptopjust frickin install that fZ*cker
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15:13.25ACTION sticks its fingers up its nose and goes "Wheeeeee!"
15:17.39djrbipolar: hey, there are no images in the gcc3-feed
15:18.07absentiathe latest oz has broken systime, etc.
15:19.14djri finally got wget and tcsh cross compiled :D
15:20.20bipolarTwiun: wasup?
15:20.44Twiunnothing... just poking for the fun of it
15:21.11djrbipolar: thanks
15:21.23bipolardjr: NP
15:21.31absentiasharp has tcsh
15:22.22djryep, but i was lazy
15:38.17*** mode/#openembedded [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
15:38.20trekehey kergoth
15:38.56trekekergoth: Man. It's scary. I'm actually agreeing with RMS about bitkeeper :)
15:39.12Twiunhey kergoth
15:39.31absentiatreke: uh huh
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15:43.01ljp_laptop_kergoth: alarm/screen/key sounds working on c700 for you?
15:43.24kergothljp_laptop_: nope, i suspect sharp changed the char device interface.
15:43.59ljp_laptop_is pnis' changes in the 2.4.18 patch?
15:44.13kergothi dont believe he's touched c7x0 kernel sources
15:44.19kergothi havent, short of the occasional patch
15:44.30kergothand afaik c7x0 has a speaker, not piezo
15:44.44ljp_laptop_ya, I can play mp3 through it
15:45.02ljp_laptop_sounds like crap.. but I can hear it
15:45.16kergothheh, lets just make opie's c7x0 odevice play it via the same way as ipaq
15:45.23kergothinstead of through the crap char device
15:45.33kergothcan do that for 5x00 as well, since buzzer is a dsp
15:46.03trekekergoth: McVoy, like BigBoss, would do a whole lot better if he didnt deal with users
15:46.10ljp_laptop_as long as sharp_buz points to something.
15:46.54kergothmy point is, we dont need to use sharp_buz at all anymore
15:47.01kergothits pointless to rely on shitty sharp interfaces
15:47.41ljp_laptop_well, qtopia at least needs something called sharp_buz that points to whatever the speaker is
15:47.42trekekergoth: Compatibility
15:47.58trekeunless it behaves just like a dsp
15:48.00kergothi'm not voting for removing the compatibility device
15:48.07kergothi'm voting for making opie not USE it
15:48.15ljp_laptop_ok, ya.
15:48.21trekeno arguments on that from me
15:48.59ljp_laptop_as long as aralm sounds still work, I'm all for it
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15:49.24trekekergoth: There is one upside to sharp's buzzer
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15:50.02trekekergoth: You can probably use it to produce alarms and keyclicks while the real audio device is open
15:50.11bipolarkergoth: yo
15:50.40kergothtreke: well, we can make the buzzer dsp support multiple opens.
15:50.46kergothin the driver
15:50.48kergothhey bipolar
15:51.28trekethat would be fine also
15:51.29bipolarkergoth: i've got buildroot patches. I've been trying to send them to myself with no luck. I never get the email.
15:51.40bipolarkergoth: it's weird
15:51.51kergothsomething's up with our 2.4.21 rmk tree, i get unhandled vector exceptions immediately upon executing init
15:52.06trekeso dont exec init
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16:01.23trekeholy crap
16:01.41trekethis dvd is ripping at about 4 times the speed and 2.6
16:01.56absentiaya, cdrs just aren't cuttin' it anymore for me
16:01.59absentiaI need capacity
16:02.07treke4 times the speed of 2.4 in 2.6
16:02.19trekeI need caffiene
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16:02.55trekewell, sleep hasnt been working for me lately :)
16:03.25chouimattreke: 2.6 is 4x faster than 2.4?
16:03.28absentiacaffeine hinders sleep.
16:04.03trekeheat hinders sleep
16:05.33ljp_laptop_rm -rf heat
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16:07.41absentiabeing in a humid place when it's > 85% humidity.. makes it difficult to sleep
16:07.50absentiaI've always said that airconditioning makes me feel rich.
16:08.14trekeoh well. It'll cool off in a few months
16:08.21absentiawhere are you ?
16:08.51absentiawhere ?
16:08.54absentiaI just got back from san fran
16:08.59absentiait was so cold, I had to buy a jacket
16:09.05trekeVentura. It's in the south
16:09.12trekeNorth of LA
16:09.22absentiaI had flight 1... out of LAX once.
16:15.57trekebipolar: making mrproper fixed my depends problem
16:17.36bipolartreke: cool
16:17.51bipolarkergoth: I just emailed you a patch
16:18.05bipolarkergoth: updates, source switches, etc...
16:18.28bipolarkergoth: all the stuff I did to get the new unstable feed built.
16:19.09trekerenicing X helped performance significantly
16:19.18chouimattreke: on 2.6?
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16:19.26trekeperceived performance
16:19.27trekechouimat: yes
16:20.17chouimatok I'm still waiting for 4.3 to compile
16:21.01trekekergoth: has never been niced
16:21.41ljp_laptop_<kergoth> damnbit! my work requires I have broadband!!
16:22.56absentiamy work doesn't require that I have any home connection
16:23.06absentiabut they will pay for it (broadband) and even give me a laptop...
16:23.09absentiacrazy place.
16:23.41ljp_laptop_oh, how horrible that must be for you
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16:29.50bipolarkergoth: would you be opposed to using glibc from debian as well? Do you know any reasons why any package we can get from debain should be dl'ed from upstream instead?
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16:30.53trekebipolar: upstream is more likely to bewhat the user expects
16:30.58chouimathow am i supposed to do palm development without one ????
16:31.42trekebipolar: debian often patches source
16:32.53bipolartreke: yeah, thats what I mean. They also make sure that there are no issues with arm or any other platform becouse it all needs to be compiled for everything.
16:34.24bipolarmost of the non-GUI stuff in buildroot comes from debian already.
16:35.08bipolarI suppose it's 6 in one hand and a half-dozen in the other.
16:35.13kergothGeneral policy, I want upstream tarballs to come from the upstream source maintainer's distribution means, unless we need the debian patch.
16:36.30tux_mikei need to get apache 1.3 and recompile ssh for my system
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16:41.18anderseekergoth: I only use the debian source tarball when I find the original tarball is too hard to find
16:41.41kergothandersee: yeah, thats a good policy.
16:41.55kergothor if the upstream mirrors suck. i'd rather use debian's than a 56k upstream :)
16:41.56trekelike apm :)
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16:43.37trekewe should just mirror all the source on sf
16:43.46bipolarsf sucks
16:43.48trekeoh wait. that would fall under the mirrors sucking
16:44.15markcvs isn't mirrored is it? thats what sucks the most abuot sf
16:44.38trekemark: you can download the nightly cvs snapshots
16:45.06trekewith a bit of work you could create your own mirrors
16:46.32Twiun[out]bittorrent with permanent seeds?
17:06.41anderseekergoth: For example, I use the debian source for iproute2, since the source, somewhere in the weeds of .ru is mostly impossible to download
17:09.13kergothhehe, understandable
17:09.40kergoth*finally* got ahold of the broadband folks.  Going to head up to fry's & pick up a cable modem, then they say they can have me up and running immeidately
17:09.47kergothone less headache
17:10.16anderseekergoth: does that mean you'll soon have net access from home?
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17:10.56absentiaanyone know of any python qt ... examples? games?
17:11.25kergothandersee: yeah
17:15.45kergothwhat the..
17:15.54kergothis anyone else having trouble connecting to via ssh?
17:22.45kergothhmm, /dev population didnt occur on the c750 at boot, interesting
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17:24.21chouimattreke: ping
17:26.18chouimattreke: I have problem with 2.6.0-test1-mm2 ... root=/dev/sda2 doesn't seem to work
17:26.31trekewhat happens?
17:27.00chouimatkernel panic can't found sda2
17:27.23trekedo you have the proper drivers compiled into the kernel or in an initrd?
17:27.45chouimattreke: yah
17:27.58trekedid the kernel see the scsi card?
17:28.20trekedid it see the devices on the card?
17:29.03trekeare you using devfs?
17:29.10chouimattreke: yes
17:29.21trekeding ding ding
17:29.30trekewe have a winner :)
17:30.21ljp_laptop_is it difficult to add a new target platform?
17:30.36trekechouimat: devfs uses different device naming
17:31.07chouimattreke: I used it with 2.4.21 without problem
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17:40.42trekesweet. someone at dell is working on axim support
17:43.08ljp_laptop_cool, lucky you
17:50.03ljp_laptop_mickeyl: was it diffucult to add simpad platform?
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17:51.42trekeljp_laptop_: its easy if you dont need to write a kernel
17:51.53trekeljp_laptop_: Or introduce a new architecture
17:52.02mickeylljp_laptop_: no - it was pretty easy since the kernel work had been already done
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17:52.27ljp_laptop_how hard would it be to add a new arch?
17:52.46mickeyli'd say straightforward. the basics are already done
17:53.05trekeit would probably be a fair amount of work though
17:53.29trekearmisms have probably snuck in by now
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17:57.25ljp_laptop_hmm, and how about if someone wanted to add a different target os?
17:57.42ljp_laptop_hehehhe :)
17:57.50Neo|Workand I'm back from restoring my broken lilo boot. Computer died friday evening
17:57.52Neo|Work(lilo got a checksum error)
17:58.05trekedid you fix it with grub? :)
17:58.06Neo|Workand the slack install disk I had couldn't see any partitiona on the harddrive
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17:58.13Neo|Workas a matter of fact, it wouldn't even start fdisk
17:58.19Neo|Workfortunately, it was all still here
17:58.30Neo|Worktreke: no, priority 1 is to get it booting. :P
17:58.41trekehehe yeah :)
17:59.38trekenot really much benefit to grub unless you fiddle with kernels often
18:00.50kergoth`lunchwhy is orinoco in our buildsystem twice?
18:01.03kergoth`lunchand why is spectrum in twice?
18:01.43mickeylspectrum is no longer twice
18:01.52mickeylschurig corrected his mistake
18:02.09kergoth`lunchbleh, i cant get into bkbits
18:02.15mickeylorinoco is twice because i didn't find the energy to make 0.13 to behave with kernel 2.4.6
18:02.16kergoth`lunchcan you, or is it something with the proxy here?
18:02.22mickeylhold on...
18:02.26trekeI couldnt either
18:03.01mickeylhmm... no go either.
18:04.15trekemcvoy must be testing 2.6.0
18:04.31mickeyloh no... not again ;)
18:05.11Neo|Workman is it nice to be back though
18:05.36Neo|Worktreke: the only reason the box was rebooted was that if got fucked up by mplayer or something else and basically locked hard
18:05.52Neo|Workkergoth: check my msgs a few lines up
18:08.23kergothmickeyl: make orinoco 0.13 depends on ! KERNEL-2.4.6 or something
18:09.48mickeylkergoth: yes
18:12.57carsten_ljp_laptop_: no idea, but I like the ones "Plus" sells (here in germany)
18:13.49ljp_laptop_theres burritos in Germany?
18:14.07cmartinthe best tacos in germany are those from Casa Fiesta ;-) - almost like home (USA)
18:14.55cmartinljp_laptop_: yep you can get'em from the Metro
18:15.12kergoththere are much better mexican food joints in tx than mn
18:15.22kergothnot surprising, but its nice
18:16.30ljp_laptop_something funny... theres mexican restaurants in Alaska
18:19.14Neo|Workanyone in the Savage (by S2 Games) beta btw?
18:19.44kergothibot: dict diuretic
18:20.15Neo|Workit's a cool game
18:20.21Neo|WorkFPS mixed with RTS
18:20.55Neo|Workand the others are the "units"
18:21.08kergothsounds like battlezone
18:21.13Neo|Workas the game progresses the commander researches more and more advanced weapons and units that you can be
18:21.14kergothever play that one?
18:21.17Neo|Workamazingly fun
18:21.25Neo|Workbut rough around the edges yet
18:21.28Neo|Worknope, I didn't
18:21.48Neo|Workit's amazing how fun it is to get orders to kill someone, build or what not. :)
18:22.02kergothsimilar style. first person commanding.  i like that interface
18:22.43cmartinmickeyl: get a chance to update the simpad-config?
18:23.12Neo|Workkergoth: this is third person commander and I think it might differ a lot
18:23.22kergothNeo|Work: ah, interesting
18:23.23mickeylcmartin: no - not yet. just do it and rebuild kernel. the new modules should be available then
18:23.23Neo|Workit's a literal RTS game
18:23.33Neo|Workfor that one person
18:24.20mickeyldon't forget shepherd ;)
18:24.26kergothand husky
18:25.32Neo|Workand you ultimately win by killing the other teams headquarters
18:26.07kergoth#openembedded is /win 23
18:26.09ljp_laptop_thats cruel
18:26.12kergothi think its time to quit some channels
18:26.21ljp_laptop_23 ?
18:26.27trekedump #openzaurus
18:26.45kergothi'll quit zynot and stay in zynot-dev
18:27.27kergothtreke: the gentoo fork
18:27.52kergothmostly idling there atm, monitoring their portage modifications
18:27.55kergothsince OE is portage based..
18:28.45treke*lart people who post plain text messages in html to mailing lists
18:28.47kergothah, i should part #zaurus
18:28.53Neo|Workthat's especially cool with savage is that it's being developed for Windows and Linux simultaneously and will be released with Linux in the box, supported
18:28.57kergothand picogui, and mtd
18:29.13Neo|Workkergoth: uh, you're in like two channels. :P
18:29.25Neo|Workunless you have many you
18:29.52kergothi'm in like 16-18 on this network, and like 4 on oftc
18:31.29kergothwhy the hell am i connected to dalnet
18:31.51kergotherr, i have 208 bytes free in /
18:34.14trekeplenty of room
18:37.22ljp_laptop_just some random box on the internet?
18:39.18cyn2Neo|Work: lotsa chans are +s, or kergoth might be invisible, so you'd only see the chans yer in with him on /whois
18:39.38cyn2kergoth is sekretive
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18:41.18kergothah yeah, i was +ei
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18:56.09chouimattreke: 2.6.0 is now working thanks
18:56.38chouimatjust need to renice X
18:57.04trekeyeah. nice it to 0
18:57.56chouimattreke: how to see his current nice level?
18:58.10pb_ps should show you
19:00.00kergothdamnit, c750 has the same 'hang in console when tab completing' bug that c700 had
19:00.18chouimatkergoth: :(
19:02.25kergothdamnit bkbits, come back
19:06.40Neo|Workcyn2: I see
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19:09.19pb_heh, just figured out that the percentage display next to the battery monitor on my laptop is actually wireless signal strength, not battery percentage.
19:09.26pb_I wondered why it kept going up and down like that.
19:09.32trekepb_: haha :)
19:09.57ljp_laptop_anyone know of a free nfs client for win2k?
19:10.22ljp_laptop_pb_: thats frickin funny
19:17.45mewynljp: free... nfs... windows..... does not compute
19:18.13ljp_laptop_it must
19:18.15chouimatljp_laptop_: easy to install samba
19:18.52ljp_laptop_but I want nfs...
19:19.25mewynwell, there is hummingbird's stuff, and MS's services for unix
19:19.53ljp_laptop_MS isnt free
19:20.09mewynnor is hummingbird
19:20.18mewyni've never seen a free NFS for windows
19:21.03ljp_laptop_hmm, how about cygwin.. they have nfs? I wonde
19:21.29pb_don't think so.  They have XFree86, but not NFS afaik.
19:22.52mewyni don't think cygwin could provide the kernel hooks
19:23.33Neo|WorkNFS doesn't have to sit in the kernel
19:23.54Neo|Workdepends on what you want it to do I guess. :)
19:24.21Neo|Workto be able to "map drive" or browse it, I suppose it might have to however
19:24.24mewynif !true false
19:24.42mewyni wonder if there's a browser for NFS for linux
19:25.04ljp_laptop_ya, ls
19:25.40fdaskoh wait, nfs
19:25.41mewyni mean to see what exported shares you can see on a server
19:26.06kergoththere is, i forget what its called though
19:27.26ljp_laptop_true grid pro?
19:28.33mewyntrue grid pro?
19:30.38kergothI wish more people would make use of bk flags to reflect merges with upstream tags
19:30.53kergothi.e. gadget tree shouldve tagged the version of 2.4.21 + the gadget bits
19:34.58mewyngadget tree? is that where you grow gadgets?
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19:35.44kergothheh, its the linux bitkeeper kernel tree for the USB Gadget stack
19:36.05kergothwhich is a clean api for handling usb gadgets, aka client/devices, like the zaurus/ipaq/etc
19:37.36mewyni wonder if i can use that for my light device i was gonna make
19:38.37kergothits far more clean than lineo's USBD
19:38.54kergothstructured more like the host side usb, as far as code structure is concerned
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19:41.17trekeyumm. new monitor
19:41.24kergothwhat monitor?
19:41.42trekeViewsonic VG800.
19:42.14trekehigher res would be nice, but I'll just have to steal a second monitor :)
19:43.39mewyndidn't AC make linux SMP?
19:43.53Neo|Worktreke: flat?
19:44.46trekemewyn: ues
19:44.50trekeNeo|Work: yes
19:45.04trekeNeo|Work: LCD
19:45.33mewynthat's what i thought
19:46.40Neo|WorkOh yeah, Unixware is not successful because of Linux. That must be it. Couldn't possibly be that it SUCKS MAJOR ASS or anything
19:47.04Neo|Workout of all the true unices I've worked, SCO is definitely the one that comes out last
19:47.18kergothopenserver is fairly solid for what its designed for
19:47.20kergothunixware is worthless
19:47.47treke"At the moment I am developing using a Caldera provided ASUS P54PNIP4 motherboard with 32Mb of RAM. This has been deliberately loaded down with as much junk hardware for testing as I can lay my hands on."
19:48.30ljp_laptop_" We didn't faill, it is Linux' fault we failed."
19:48.57trekealthough I dont think SCO owned caldera at that point
19:49.21Neo|Workactually, Caldera owns SCO not the other way around
19:49.32Neo|Workor to be exact, the old SCO is around with another name
19:49.38Neo|Workthe new SCO is caldera with a new name
19:49.42Neo|Workor something like that
19:49.58trekethat makes it even funnier
19:50.15kergothyeah, ,caldera bought sco, dropped the sco name, then changed their name to sco
19:50.22Neo|WorkCaldera bought stuff from SCO (i.e unix rights or what not) and got the name as part of the deal I'm guessing
19:50.39Neo|WorkQ: Will you adjust your earnings guidance because of this?
19:50.41Neo|WorkA: IDC says there are over 2 million 2.4 Linux kernel version servers out there. With a SCO Unixware license program in place, we are talking about a multi-billion dollar issue here. We are not willing to discuss earnings guidance at this point.
19:50.46Neo|Workyeah, good luck with that
19:51.01Neo|WorkI don't understand how they can talk like this without laughing hysterically
19:51.02kergothheh, they're dreamin
19:51.04trekeSo a company that, unless I'm mistaken, was heavily built on Linux , is now trying to claim Linux is illegal
19:51.13kergothcan we say deluded
19:51.44Neo|Worktreke: exactly so
19:51.51trekethey must have hired Al-Sahaf
19:51.54ljp_laptop_fud farmers
19:52.10Neo|Workthey are facing certain death and this is their last breath
19:52.20Neo|Workthe really scary thing is that they potentially could win
19:52.24Neo|WorkI mean everything is possible
19:52.48Neo|Workwith the support from Microsoft, they might even be able to have a prolonged battle with IBM
19:53.45treke"Q: Don't you violate the GNU license with this plan?
19:53.46trekeA: No, because we put in just a run-time only license for our Unixware product. Thus users can run both licenses at the same time and our license plan does not violate or conflict with the GPL which deals with source code licensing."
19:54.19trekeerm. The GPL also states that you can't add any additional restrictions on top of the existing license
19:54.38trekeOf course if the code is illegally licensed the point may be moot ;)
19:55.51Dr_Whohmm that makes it sounds like it's a license for the unixware ABI
20:02.16kergothwhen did i get an oz image on this 5600?
20:05.01kergothhmm, i can do http bits on bkbits now, but not ssh
20:05.59kergother, at least i can for some repositories, but not others
20:06.44ljp_laptop_flash by osmosis?
20:08.51kergother, bkbits stopped working totally again
20:20.49kergothibot: monday
20:20.50from memory, monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems it takes you until friday to get back to normal. a good reason to want to go out and kill people, or a day that no work should be performed due to this phenomenon, or a day requiring the use of large amounts of drugs
20:22.15*** part/#openembedded cmartin (
20:30.57kergothhey, Twiun's reconfiguring packages is spiffy
20:33.12ljp_laptop_damn, I spant the last hour or so googling for free windows nfs clients... there are none
20:33.38pb_ljp_laptop_: damn.
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20:38.28trekeljp_laptop_: MS Sells one
20:38.53ljp_laptop_I know
20:38.56cyn2sells != free
20:38.57ljp_laptop_Idont wanna pay
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20:45.40kergothhm, need to make 'mtd' create an ipk
20:50.21*** join/#openembedded TCMAN (
20:56.56trekeTCMAN: you ever get your watch?
20:57.34TCMANtreke: nope, amazon sent an email that they will release it on august 30 for preorders
20:57.41kergothI think i'm going to make the OZ flip sharp off using ANSI
20:58.36TCMANkergoth: is it possible that i am missing some ipk with init files ? so i dont have /etc/network/interfaces ?
20:58.45kergothinterfaces is included with ifupdown
20:59.09kergothsharp's kernel doesnt support ramfs
20:59.14kergothoh, they must prefer tmpfs
20:59.26pb_seems likely.
20:59.29TCMANhmm, there it is, sorry
20:59.49kergothwhats the difference again, tmpfs can set a max size, right?
21:01.37kergothgrr, tab completing on /etc/init.d/devices hangs tghe c750
21:02.19pb_yep.  also tmpfs is swapable, though that probably isn't too exciting on a Z.
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21:37.23TCMANhmm, shutdown->terminate opie in unstable just restarts opie
21:37.25*** join/#openembedded treke (~ggilbert@
21:37.39kergothTCMAN: only if you're using opie-login with autologin, thats true
21:39.08TCMANkergoth: what will happen if i remove opie-login ? :)
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21:41.09kergothk, there goes the glibc build.. using ccache, shouldnt be long now
21:41.16kergothlets flash that kernel..
21:41.31TCMANwireless params do not get set when i put in network card
21:41.48pb_kergoth: which glibc are you using these days?
21:41.49TCMANthey are set in networksetting but never make it to the card
21:42.20kergothpb_: i believe schurig updated us to 2.3.2 with a couple patches
21:42.46mickeylseems to be there again... lets see for how long
21:43.33mickeylnono... push, not pull ;)
21:43.51mickeylok, pull before push is necessary ;)
21:44.09kergothheheh. not much to push yet
21:44.25kergothdamnit schurig, how did that glibc patch end up acting ass binary
21:44.48mickeylyeah... pretty annoying... i ended up recloning because i didn't find the magic to resolve that conflict
21:44.55kergothyeah, thats what i'm doing as well
21:45.29kergothgrabbing our 2.4.19 collie tree as well, need that collie support patch
21:45.42mickeylwhich one
21:46.01kergoththe old linux-arm-2.4-collie tree
21:46.06kergothsince 2.4.21-rmk1 isnt liking me
21:46.16kergothdoing a 2.4.19-rmk7 tree for the moment
21:46.36mickeylyeah, didn't want to compile for me either. had errors in irda etc.
21:46.47kergothcompiles fine for me, but doesnt function
21:46.54kergothwe get vector exceptions as soon as it spawns init
21:46.56kergothquite ugly
21:46.59mickeyloh. now that's even more shitty
21:47.11kergothapparently rmk is looking into it though, so no worries
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21:47.15kergothjust backing up to something more proven :)
21:47.28kergothhey TMM1
21:47.36mickeylhi TheMasterMind1
21:47.39kergothhey mickeyl
21:47.44kergoththe c750 kernel built by buildroot is usable
21:47.50kergothso we support the c750 now
21:47.52mickeylaw cool!
21:47.58mickeylthat is pretty good news.
21:48.00kergothcourse we need more deviceisms for opie and stuff, but at least it works
21:48.07TMM1kergoth: sup
21:48.11TMM1whats new
21:48.15kergothgoing to adjust the defconfig, add ramfs and stuff
21:48.16mickeylkergoth: will you add a kernel-shepheard to bk ?
21:48.21kergothmickeyl: already did, just need to push
21:48.33kergothfyi the sharp kernel-shepherd tree supports corgi as well
21:48.38kergothso i made it buildable for that target too
21:49.01kergothcloning buildroot takes far far too long
21:49.02mickeylkergoth: pretty good news. now anything good for the SL5600 users also? what is holding back support for these?
21:49.06trekethere really is a shepard
21:49.19kergothmickeyl: turns out i already had a 5600 with an oz image on it
21:49.20kergothmickeyl: hehe
21:49.27kergothmickeyl: i forgot, but i turned it on, and there was an oz prompt
21:49.30mickeylkergoth: haha nice.....
21:49.46trekekergoth: moron
21:50.00kergothso yeah, b500/5600/c700/c750/c760 are supported now
21:50.05mickeylkergoth: now _that_ would be a good moment to show commitment on wouldn't it ;-)
21:50.24trekethe principal of the matter is that we should never post another update
21:51.04mickeyltreke: that's bs. we never should do estimations for releases, but updates are a good thing(tm). people are interested in if we still work on the project or not.
21:51.06ljp_laptopyou rebel
21:51.14kergothmickeyl: exactly.
21:51.31kergothI wish the project could be focused enough to do timely releases, but the fact is things are wayy too dynamic for that
21:52.35mickeylyup. but a small group as ours working on that much things in parallel... it's pretty surprising we get _anything_ achieved ;-)
21:52.47kergothyeah, good point
21:52.51trekeDo we get anything achieved? :)
21:52.58mickeylyeah we do
21:53.04trekeseems like most of the work is spent keeping everything working :)
21:53.19mickeylOpenIpaq, OpenSIMpad, OZ for new models... Opie 1.0... i feel that's pretty exciting stuff altogether
21:53.22kergothhehe, maintainance effort grows as we have to work around scalability problems in the system
21:53.27bipolarhmm... no complains about the feed update. That either means that no one has any problems (yeah, right) or no one tried it. :p
21:53.33trekeNow I can see why Redhat is 386 only
21:53.42kergothso we need to switch systems before the maintainance effort surpasses that of the improvement effort
21:54.13trekewhat is scary is each of the devices are so similar :)
21:54.26bipolarlater all
21:54.38kergothyeah, it is amazing how portable the user space environment is
21:55.50mickeylactually, in the future the big work really will be in libraries and GUI. Qtopia [and thus Opie] has been so tied to that 320x240...
21:56.38mickeylall we are doing currently is working around limitations in the core.
21:56.51mickeyland the time will come to change this.... imho soon.
21:57.46trekeOPIE 2 man. Opie 2 :)
21:57.47kergothtime to spend less time hacking and more time designing opie
21:58.19*** join/#openembedded JohnZ (
21:58.42JohnZwhere can i download imagepad source code?
21:59.03mickeylimagepad... imagepad... imagedpad?
21:59.04kergothand why would we know?
22:00.20JohnZi'm using tkcrom now and there is a new image viewer/editor named imagepad
22:00.52kergoththis channel is for 1) development, not user support
22:00.56kergothand 2) OZ/OE, not TKC
22:01.08kergothso this is so far off topic
22:01.26ljp_laptoptry asking in #zaurus
22:01.28chouimatkergoth: wow! this is the kergoth we know ;)
22:02.31trekeand 3) you probably cant download the source
22:04.28kenbHow do you generate CRTL sequence on the Z?
22:04.40kergothcant bk pull from gatekeeper so that i can push my shepehrd changes because of that damn binary/ascii delta
22:04.46kenbie: I wanna send crtl+a
22:05.09TMM1how do i suspend my machine with acpi in 2.6
22:05.12mickeylhehe... asynchronous email fallback
22:05.15TMM1/proc/acpi/sleep don't exist anymore
22:06.39mewynTMM: enable software suspend, then enable sleep modes
22:06.49mewyni think there are some fscked up deps in 2.6
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22:11.46kergothpb_: haha, is this _sn00p person for real?
22:12.24pb_kergoth: heh, I wonder that myself.  fwiw, he constantly /msgs me at random as well, but I just ignore him now.
22:12.39kergothk there, shepherd and husky are supported by buildroot now
22:12.40mewynwhat is he doing?
22:13.17anderseekergoth: shepherd and husky?
22:13.26kergothandersee: shepherd is c750, husky is c760
22:13.32kergothandersee: i dunno whats with sharp's dog naming :)
22:13.43pb_right, dinner time.  bbl
22:14.05kergothibot: shepherd is Sharp Zaurus SL-C750 or a dog
22:14.05okay, kergoth
22:14.13kergothibot: husky is Sharp Zaurus SL-C760 or a dog
22:14.14kergoth: okay
22:14.25mickeylibot: poodle
22:14.26i heard poodle is sharp sl-b500/5600, or a dog
22:14.32mickeylibot: corgi
22:14.32[corgi] sharp sl-c700, or a dog
22:14.38mickeylhehe, ok. all in
22:14.45trekeibot beagle
22:14.46treke: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
22:14.54trekemine sure is
22:15.13anderseekergoth: I guess they think their PDAs are dogs
22:15.18mickeylkergoth: so theoretically, I can now build a shepherd-image and flash it and it should work? ;)
22:15.29trekeandersee: sales wise, they might not be too far off
22:15.44kergothmickeyl: yeah. just use corgi-image. shepherd shares a great deal of code with corgi
22:16.00kergothmickeyl: course you need a better, i'll upload the one i'm using to
22:16.07mickeylkergoth: ah good please do so.
22:16.30kergothi'll put sashz's encoder/decoder tool there too
22:16.35kergothso you can decode it and make modifications if you like
22:16.38mickeylright. that is handy
22:16.50kergothi still vote for making the oz flip sharp off using ANSI
22:16.51mickeyli like the possibility to just open a shell and flash by hand :))
22:17.04kergothmickeyl: my for testing = #!/bin/sh .. exec /sbin/sulogin
22:17.06mickeyllol... I'd also vote for that
22:17.35kergothor we could do an easter egg. flash OZ while holding shift and it flips sharp off
22:18.47mickeylbetter make it by default :))
22:18.54mickeylso more people will see it everytime
22:22.20mickeylgreat. time to get some sleep now. tomorrow will be OZ on Shepherd Testing Day ;)
22:22.24mickeylg'night all
22:24.54TMM1kergoth: you got a c750?
22:25.02*** mode/#openembedded [+o TheMasterMind1] by ChanServ
22:25.13kergothonly for testing, its not mine
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22:25.31kergothgah that hang when tab completing bug pisses me off
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22:36.50kergothhmm, to get in my full 8 hours given my late starting time today, i need to stay here till 7:30, but the broadband place closes at 8. i think i'll bolt early and just work a couple hours late tomorrow or wednesday to make up the hours
22:37.21ljp_laptop_thats noce you can do that
22:37.46kergothyeah, flex time spoils ya
22:42.22TCMANkergoth: broadband place ???
22:42.45trekeInternational House of Broadband
22:42.58TCMANwhat is that ?
22:43.06trekea joke
22:47.01ljp_laptop_never heard of IHOB?
22:47.29chouimatwow BOOBS channel
22:48.21kergothTCMAN: the company i'm ordering cable internet from
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22:51.58TCMANkergoth: cant you just call them so they come to your home and install the stuff ?
22:52.14kergothTCMAN: yeah, but i'm going to buy a cable modem instead of renting one of theirs for $10/month
22:52.26kergothbesides, if i rent one of theirs, they ship the damn thing to me, not bring it directly
22:52.27TCMANkergoth: unless you need to select the color of your cable modem ? :)))
22:52.30kergothso its like another 7-10 days
22:52.36kergothand screw waiting another week
22:53.10TCMANkergoth`bbl: right
22:53.16TheMasterMind1ide-scsi not working in 2.6
22:53.18TheMasterMind1nor is vmware
22:53.41trekevmware works
22:53.45trekeI use it at home
22:54.01TheMasterMind1treke: with 2.6?
22:59.57ljp_laptop_kergoth`bbl: fyi, just got sharp_buz to work: mknod sharp_buz c 10 211
23:01.36TheMasterMind1treke: how'd you do that
23:02.22trekeWith style
23:02.37TheMasterMind1i try compiling modules for 2.6 and get some /proc/ksyms not found stuff, then it makes a .o and can't load it
23:02.42TheMasterMind1cuz it needs to be a .ko or whatever
23:02.52trekeyou can load .os :)
23:03.10TheMasterMind1Error inserting '/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon.o': -1 Unknown symbol in module
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23:53.42ljp_laptopwhat package supplies /etc/device_table?
23:55.50kenbanyone going to OLS this year?
23:56.34ljp_laptopnot unless you send me
23:57.45ljp_laptopnot unless TT sends me
23:58.54chouimat|tvhi kenb ljp_laptop
23:59.00ACTION is stuffing George*
23:59.51kenbhi chou

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