irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030711

00:13.47*** join/#openembedded TimRiker (
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00:17.16ekkisanyone know where I could get arm-elf-gcc in rpm for RH7.3?
00:17.27ekkisor even what the rpm name would be?
00:17.56treke|whereveryou probably wont find one
00:18.03treke|whereverjust download the tarbal from
00:18.29ekkisok. thx.
00:19.47chouimat~lart buildroot
00:38.55icefoxNeo|Work: playing with KDE and finding a job :)
00:39.42TimRikerNeo|Work: did you get a call today or not?
00:40.47icefoxTimRiker: last I was told not till September
00:43.04chouimathey icefox
00:43.53chouimaticefox: managed to have a working version of the palm support for gideon and I got my visa for nove hrady
00:44.18icefoxI have the pasport forms... hehe
00:44.33icefoxmight move depending on my next job so I am waiting on  filing them out
00:45.05chouimaticefox: where?
00:45.25chouimatTimRiker: any job for a frenchy?
00:45.29icefoxI have a few posibilities, but they are all "soon". :)
00:45.44chouimaticefox: I moved out of Quebec City
00:45.50TimRikerchouimat: these are all temp positions so we are not likely to move folks.
00:46.14chouimatTimRiker: ok :(
00:46.18TimRikersome might end up being permanent... who knows.
00:46.44icefoxTimRiker: the job you were looking me to do, was that temp or perm?
00:46.46chouimatTimRiker: if you have a telecomute one it's ok for me ;)
00:47.20*** part/#openembedded ekkis (
01:42.26*** join/#openembedded ljp_laptop (
01:43.51*** join/#openembedded treke|wherever (~ggilbert@
02:21.03TimRikerno telecommute openings at present. just dallas contract tester positions
02:21.21treke|whereverhow do you test a contract?
02:21.27treke|wherevershow up and do no work?
02:27.53ljp_laptopif I ever find a telecommute job, I am moving to Anguilla.
02:28.13treke|wherevercant you telecommute for some of this trolltech shit?
02:28.25ljp_laptopget a beach house, set up wifi and a gazebo....
02:28.27treke|whereverat least you can do something other than sit on your ass and wait for the australians
02:29.01ljp_laptopdunno. I suppose I could, really. but TT doesn't do that.
02:29.34ljp_laptopI am. I am trying to add qtopia to buildroot, so I can do a c700 image for them
02:29.58ljp_laptopI just want to get it working on 5000d before I puch changes
02:31.22ljp_laptopcant get the ts to work
02:33.21icefoxTelecommuting works, but it only works for 4 out of 5 days of the week at the most
02:33.24icefoxyou have to have presense
02:33.38icefoxa place where people can come and bug you
02:33.43icefoxdrag you to meetings etc
02:34.20icefoxalso you then get to know others there and can bug them and get to know more then just what is said on the mailinglist, but the water cooler rumor of new stuff and when stuff is imploding
02:35.33ljp_laptopdepends on the job also. mine will involve communications between everyone, so being there with the developers I will be able to get things to them quicker
02:37.05icefoxFor me I choose going to work 99 times out of 100 simply because it gets me in the "work" mood.  There isn't the fridge, phone, tv, mailman, tivo, wife calling from the other room :)
02:37.24icefoxand my work computer only has "work", it doesn't have all my home fun stuff too
02:39.00ljp_laptopwhere are you working now?
02:39.44icefoxI currently am not :)  (unless you count hacking on kde and collecting transformers)
02:39.56icefoxpersuing jobs
02:40.13ljp_laptopTI is hiring :)
02:40.20icefoxyah, in september
02:40.35icefoxand if I still don't have a job then
02:40.41icefoxit sounds cool
02:40.51icefoxbut being out of work for 6 months isn't very cool
02:40.59ljp_laptopI have been waiting now 8 weeks to get to my job
02:42.42icefoxI have come to expect that it takes 1-2 months to find the job and another 1-2 months to actually get it (interviews, more interviews, contract reviews, etc infinitam)
02:43.51ljp_laptopheh, try an overseas job. you have an added immigration issue
02:46.16icefoxanother 3 months?
02:46.30icefoxljp_laptop: where are you now?  Where are you going to?
02:47.19ljp_laptopcolorado. going to Brisbane, Australia to work for trolltech
02:47.41icefoxon qtopia?
02:48.12icefoxHopefully you can help them get to qt3 faster :)
02:48.12ljp_laptop'Qtopia COmmunity Liason" is my title
02:48.21ljp_laptopwont happen.
02:48.28ljp_laptoptry qte4
02:53.31*** join/#openembedded LordVan|Mobile (~lordvan@
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02:55.28treke|whereveraxim is in transit
03:21.59TheMasterMind1treke|wherever: you suck
03:23.35*** join/#openembedded ekkis (
03:25.17ekkisI have a flexROM loader... what software can I use in linux for it? I'm following docs for loading an image onto a device but the final step just says "load blah.blah at 0x6000" without any explanation as to what that means!
03:26.20*** join/#openembedded tgall (~tgall@
03:31.39*** join/#openembedded Bala (
03:34.20*** part/#openembedded TimRiker (
03:37.34ekkisdon't everybody answer all at once! :)
03:41.41ljp_laptopno ones here at night lately
03:41.55ekkisI noticed
03:42.07ekkisgot a clue for me?
03:42.26ljp_laptoponce kergoth gets web access at home it will liven up
03:42.31ljp_laptopI have no idea
03:42.45ekkishe's living in Texas now?
03:45.21ljp_laptophes been out rustlin the doggies at night
03:45.47ljp_laptopand probably some cow tippin too
03:46.15ekkiswell... hope he's happier in his new job (which isn't really so new by now)
03:48.13ljp_laptopI am sure he is. tech support is the bottom of the heap
03:50.08ljp_laptophmm, the ts patches aren't being applied... dratsab..
03:50.16ekkiswell, I'm off to Zs
03:50.23ekkisthx for hlp
03:53.48treke|whereverTheMasterMind1: if it makes you feel better, I'll probably only have it couple days
03:55.15ljp_laptophave what? chiggers?
03:56.36TheMasterMind1treke|wherever: how come
03:57.01treke|whereverTheMasterMind1: it's gonna take a flight to england where pb is gonna try massaging a bootloader on
03:57.22ljp_laptopehh bootloaders are overrated
04:00.49ljp_laptopmy head hurts
04:00.57treke|wherevertry more rum
04:01.58ljp_laptopless soda pop
04:05.32*** join/#openembedded cyn (
04:08.16ljp_laptopmore ts action
04:16.50*** join/#openembedded tgall (~tgall@
04:35.11*** join/#openembedded W8TVI (
04:36.03ljp_laptopsoo. who is going to port xstroke to opie?
04:38.16*** part/#openembedded W8TVI (
05:00.04*** join/#openembedded hunger- (
07:30.36*** join/#openembedded cmartin (~cmartin@
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08:36.35cmartinhi mickeyl
08:37.49cmartinjust building a new image from HEAD - when i go to the Communications next week, then I want to have wellenreiter ;)
08:39.23cmartinmickeyl: will the PIM apps from BRANCH run on HEAD? - would be nice to have those PIM fixes on the pad
08:41.32mickeylcmartin: it all goes down to if the libopie from BRANCH is BC with the libopie from HEAD. If it is not, you will notice and I fill fix HEAD accordingly, ok? ;)
08:48.34cmartinare the fixes in BRANCH very noticable or can they only be seen at second sight?
08:49.49cmartini want to install as much software as i can get on the device, so that those guys at skeye can see as much as possible - maybe they get thursty for more ;)
08:51.09cmartinBTW: check out the KFZ-Halterung for the skeye.pad. it has two serial ports. this would be a perfect wardriving combination - two cards and a GPS on serial - WOW
08:51.53cmartini'm getting pretty anxious to get my hands on this device
08:52.50mickeylcmartin: the fixes in BRANCH are mainly to the PIM applications - very much bugfixes. But for demo'ing HEAD will be enough...
08:53.06mickeylwhich link to see the KFZ-Halterung?
08:53.46cmartingo to the website and click on the link for the skeye.pad SL and then "Zubehör"
08:54.44cmartinforget it - there's no Beschreibung there - only a picture
08:55.15cmartini either read that in the forums or on the handbook i downloaded
08:56.21*** join/#openembedded pb_ (
08:56.34mickeylhi pb_
08:57.13pb_hi mickeyl
08:57.57*** join/#openembedded LordVan|Mobile (~lordvan@
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08:58.17cmartinmickeyl: no it's in the Produktinformation PDF - it says "zwei serielle Schnittstellen für den Anschluss von Druckern, GPS-Empfängern usw."
08:59.49mickeylcmartin: that really sounds like _the_ device for wardriving or whatever. if they would have a reasonable price, this could be a killer product. but as it stands, imho it will share the fate of the SIMpad sooner or later.
09:00.36mickeylaargh... some people...
09:00.48mickeylI am Using PXA255 for an embedded I kindly request you to provide this information as early as possible.
09:00.59mickeylnothing more nothing less...
09:01.06cmartinyes, but we shouldn't say that too loud - maybe they don't like us anymore then ;)
09:01.52mickeyl"as early as possible" - this kind of thinking all participants of a mailing list are hired support slaves kills me... grrr
09:01.52cmartinmickeyl: ?
09:01.56mickeylcmartin: true
09:02.16mickeylcmartin: (ah that just came in through arm linux kernel mailing list)
09:04.45cmartinmickeyl: do you know if that timezones split is still causing problems - if so then i'll just put in the single ipk right away
09:06.54mickeylcmartin: no idea - I didn't build HEAD for quite a while...
09:10.09*** join/#openembedded kolla (
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09:18.41*** join/#openembedded Twiun[Zzzzz] (
09:26.13*** join/#openembedded kurre (
09:26.35cmartintimezones split still causes problems for me when running "make image"
09:29.37mickeylstill building here...
09:31.49*** join/#openembedded mithro (
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09:39.55cmartintrying to upload a 19MB image - i'll cross my fingers
09:43.30*** join/#openembedded bisho (~bisho@
09:43.34cmartinmickeyl: FYI - image >14 MB work with the 2.5.3 bootloader and our partitioning !!
09:51.58mickeylah nice!
09:53.31cmartinmickeyl: of sorry, wrong - the packages init script seems to write a lot to flash - it runs out of memory and terminates
09:54.26mickeylhmm... CL4 ?
09:54.39cmartinno SL4
09:54.51mickeylhmm... how big was that image?
09:55.19cmartinimage was 64/0 and 19 MB in size - it terminated at package 90 (mailit)
09:55.57cmartini removed mailit and the zimage i forgot to remove from /boot - now it is 18MB
09:56.16cmartintry that
09:58.43cmartini have to hurry - we're having a Kundenevent (starts at 12:30) at work and i want to be wireless ;)
09:59.31*** join/#openembedded kurre (
09:59.42cmartin18MB image is downloading over net now
10:00.25cmartinnow it's writing to flash - this is really much faster over the net than serial ;)
10:02.16mickeylbut then again, i boot the simpad mostly over usb ;)
10:02.29mickeylI'm also on bootloader 2.4 yet
10:02.34mickeylbeen waiting for redboot
10:02.59cmartindownload over net takes ~ 1 minute - serial ~ 25 minutes (write to flash is the same)
10:04.11cmartin2.4! - then you have never flashed a jffs2 image?
10:04.27cmartinalways just updating?
10:04.44mickeylcmartin: that is true. not over the "regular" way
10:05.05mickeyli boot via usb and then i flash via command line
10:05.12mickeyleraseall and then dd
10:05.55cmartinthe real hardcore method
10:07.14cmartinpackages are being configured now - cmartin crosses his fingers again
10:09.10*** join/#openembedded kurre (
10:11.53cmartini'll make a smaller image and just install the ipks seperately
10:12.24mickeylmost probably a bootloader problem
10:12.59cmartinmemory is enough there i would think
10:14.15cmartinnew image = 13.2 MB with wellenreiter and a couple of others for starters
10:14.52cmartinbefore you ask - yes libopie2 and libpcap are there ;-)
10:15.04mickeylgood ;)
10:15.19cmartinbut i think ipkg would terminated if they weren't though
10:15.26mickeylyes it would
10:15.44mickeylas soon as binutils becomes compilable again, i will take a new shot @ compiling a uclibc-based image
10:16.08cmartinhow much space do we win with that?
10:16.12mickeylno idea
10:16.21mickeylbut i hope it to be around 2M
10:16.37cmartinthis would be great
10:18.58cmartinbooting new image now
10:19.28cmartin121 packages as opposed to 141 before to be reconfigured
10:20.39mickeylfor debugging purposes it would be good if one could login into the pad already in the configuration phase
10:20.58cmartinyes it would
10:50.59*** join/#openembedded bflong (
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11:23.00pb_hi Twiun
11:24.05*** join/#openembedded effy-kun (
11:44.09*** join/#openembedded ljp_laptop (
11:47.32*** join/#openembedded Stew_ (
11:49.15*** join/#openembedded Piete (~abri@
11:49.17PieteHey guys
11:50.25Pietewhats this? I join and people start quitting..
11:51.26effy-kunthat's right buddy, and you're going to have to learn to like it
11:55.37*** join/#openembedded Stew_ (
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12:17.06mickeyldo we have a C750 user here?
12:18.34Twiunlooks like Sharp UK is killing off the Z too
12:19.31Pieteare there any distributors in Europe left?
12:19.58Twiuneffy-kun: Sharp UK and Sharp DE are bailing out of the linux pda market it seems
12:20.15Twiuneffy-kun: the 5500 has been discontinued and the *laugh* 5600 has no chance
12:20.30mickeylwell... i have been in contact with the german distributor
12:20.38*** join/#openembedded ljp_laptop (
12:20.42mickeyli will have a c750 next week
12:21.03ljp_laptopwell, hmm
12:21.31Twiunmickeyl: how much?
12:21.34ljp_laptopI get a c700 loaner
12:21.46Twiunljp_laptop: from TT?
12:21.55mickeylTwiun: 750EUR
12:22.13mickeylTwiun: (minus a small discount because I'm an opie member ;)
12:22.27mickeyli know it is pricey... but the unit is too sexy
12:22.50mickeylI always wanted to have a Psion 5mx or a Revo and now... i soon have something which is better ;)
12:22.51ljp_laptopopie discounts?
12:23.03effy-kunIm still confused as to how Sharo UK is trying to kill off the Z
12:23.08PieteI have a 5500 neener neener
12:23.09mickeylljp_laptop: for the german developers.
12:23.25mickeylljp_laptop: you might be able to make a discount with an australian distributor? ;)
12:23.31ljp_laptopseems a bit 'country-ist' to me. :)
12:23.32mickeyl(well... trolltech will give you one)
13:37.55*** join/#openembedded ibot (ibot@
13:37.55*** topic/#openembedded is OpenEmbedded - It Sucks Less!(tm) | News at | User support questions in #openzaurus | OE Buildroot devs in #buildroot-oe | <- cheap c7x0 with warranty
13:39.42bipolarbach: yeah... probbly some undocumented 'feature' :)
13:40.10bipolarwhat version of kismet are you running?
13:40.55bachbipolar: undocumented? what are u talking about?
13:41.20bipolarbach: I'm installing it now.
13:41.43bachgood luck
13:45.25bipolarbach: what happens when you run kismet_monitor?
13:45.57bachlooks fine
13:46.37bipolarhmm.. my version is really borked. kismet_wireless garbles my screen. I'm running a gcc3 dist though.
14:01.45*** join/#openembedded SuKoShi (
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15:10.06pb_morning kergoth
15:36.52bipolarkergoth: what make command would I use if I just wanted to checkout the source of a program without trying to apply any of the patches?
15:38.13kergothdoc/BUILD outlines the make targets
15:38.21kergothdocs rather
15:40.55bipolarkergoth: I already checked them. There's nothing there about getting sources, just cleaning them up.
15:41.25kergothsources obtains sources
15:41.30kergothsourcetrees extracts & patches
15:41.37bipolarcool, thanks. ;)
15:44.40*** join/#openembedded treke (~ggilbert@
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15:48.49kergothibot: friday
15:48.49Friday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
15:49.54bipolarIt looks like libavcodec has taken the patch we have in buildroot into the main dist, so it isn't needed anymore.
15:51.36kergoth~$ . .bashrc
15:51.37kergothFriday sucks
15:51.37kergothIt should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
15:51.40kergoththere we go
16:17.29Dr_Whoo well least the cries from your co-works tends to start to die down in direct relation to the weather on friday
16:20.01absentiadid anyone read the paper from mitch kapor on linux on the desktops... he mentioned the zaurus :-)
16:44.34bipolarkergoth: what would cause a package to not get passed the path to the toolchain, etc? libgcc1 won't build unless I put the bin dir in my path.
16:44.48bipolarmake[1]: arm-linux-gcc: Command not found
16:45.40kergoththe include of Vars.make is probably happening after it does expansion on that target
16:46.35bipolarkergoth: expansion? I'm not exactly sure what that means, but the Vars.make include is right after the package discription in the makefile.
16:47.14kergothjust move the PATH set outside of the if block based on $(Name) in Vars.make
16:48.32bipolarkergoth: you lost me, sorry
16:48.52kergothvi Vars.make
16:48.57kergothfind where it sets PATH
16:49.13kergothits doing so inside of an if block. like ifneq ($(Name),)
16:49.19kergothmove it before the ifneq or after the endif
16:49.24kergoth'outside the block'
16:50.42bipolarkergoth: ok, I didn't realize you were talking about Vars.make. THought we were still in libgcc1 Makefile.
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16:52.52bipolarkergoth: there is the line:
16:52.53bipolarexport PATH:=$(if $(CROSS),$(CROSS_DIR)/bin:)$(SCRIPTS_DIR):$(STAGING_BINDIR):$(PATH)
16:53.04bipolarbut it does not seem to be in an if block
16:53.22kergothare CROSS and CROSS_DIR outside the if block as well?
16:55.11*** join/#openembedded XavierXeon (
16:55.19bipolarCROSS is in an ifeq, I think. this file is confusing. :p
16:56.17kergothyeah it is
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16:57.01bipolarI just wonder why it would only fail for libgcc1 and not anything else.
16:57.09kergothbecause of the way gnu make parses makefiles
16:57.36kergothI gave you the short explanation which you didnt understand, I dont have the time to go into detail on how gnu parses makefiles
16:57.44kergothhit up gnu's online docs if you're really that interested
16:58.18kergothbipolar: and you're wrong
16:58.25kergothbipolar: PATH is within a 'ifdef Name' block
16:58.30kergothbipolar: the indentation of this file isnt perfect.
16:58.36kergothmove PATH out of the ifdef name blcok
16:59.31mewynyay.  my memory is going to come in today
17:00.22*** join/#openembedded carsten (
17:04.04bipolarI hate it when I just can't frickin see things
17:10.50*** join/#openembedded XavierXeon (
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17:29.17ljp_laptopmmmmm banana popcicle
17:30.17bipolarkergoth`food: ok, I found what you were talking about (ifdef Name). I put the PATH line in front and in back of that block, but it still won't find the toolchain.
17:32.13ljp_laptopin a is it ok to do something like depends on OPIE || QTOPIA
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18:00.05ljp_laptophow come kinkatta lite isnt in buildroot?
18:07.12ljp_laptopand how about <insert zsi entry here> ? :)
18:07.56trekego ahead and add it
18:08.14ljp_laptopyou always say that
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18:14.42ljp_laptophey kergoth,. how goes it for friday?
18:15.03trekeafternoon kergoth
18:15.42ljp_laptopI like compiling...
18:16.12mewynhey kerg
18:20.59ljp_laptopdoes tslib work with 5000d as well?
18:21.14kergothset the ts device env var to COLLIE
18:21.52kergothit should grab the proper tslib sh script and stuff it into /etc/profile.d/ in the tslib ipk creation
18:21.55kergothso it should 'just work'
18:22.01trekeljp_laptop: Well. Figure out when hell will freeze over, then add a week
18:22.58ljp_laptopwell, I think hell must be freezing, then
18:23.32Neo|Workgiven byte[] is there a finished way in JAva to get a hex encoded string from that?
18:24.10ljp_laptopkergoth: where do I set that? or is it set by the build?
18:24.55ljp_laptopnm, I see
18:25.04kergothljp_laptop: the build puts the tslib script into place so that it gets sourced by a login shell and the vars get set
18:25.20TwiunNeo|Work: yup
18:25.58TwiunNeo|Work: although you may need to it byte by byte - are you doing this to output something?
18:26.33Neo|WorkI want a MD5 digest in hexadecimal format
18:27.48Neo|Workand by the way, doing it byte per byte is not really a "finished way" but rather a low level hack
18:28.07Neo|Workstupid java
18:28.17TwiunI wasn't suggesting otherwise ;) although I think there's a class for md5 hashes
18:28.18Twiunone sec
18:28.57ljp_laptophmm, konq e compile doesnt like me. oh well.
18:29.13Neo|Workwell, I have the hash but a digest is typically binary
18:30.43Twiunthe problem really is that you can't easily swap from a byte[] representation to another
18:31.24Neo|Workbyte == 0-255 no?
18:31.33Neo|WorkI mean, like always
18:32.17Twiunbyte[] not byte
18:32.50Twiunconverting an array of bytes into something else invariably needs iterating through each member
18:32.53Twiununlike C/C++
18:33.47Neo|Workbyte[] is just an array of byte...
18:34.06Neo|Workand of course, to convert to hex SOMETHING has to iterate through it, just like in C/C++
18:34.15Neo|Workhowever I wondered if that SOMETHING already existed
18:34.30Twiunyou were looking for something that operated on the whole array - I couldn't find something in the existing apis
18:34.38Neo|Worki.e String hex = MagicClass.ByteArrayToHexString(bytearr);
18:34.47Neo|Worknothing more than that
18:34.55Neo|Workbasic functionality if you work with message digest
18:35.15Twiunonly if you need the digest output somewhere for a human to read, surely?
18:35.38Neo|Workor need to transport it with higher safety or..
18:35.44Neo|Workit's a very basic function to have, really
18:36.10Neo|Workanyhow, I am skipping it using urlencoding instead
18:36.51Neo|Workit's used in a cookie value
18:37.01Neo|WorkURL encoding is pretty much it except with extra % in there
18:38.01Neo|Worksometimes the lack of basic functionality in Java still baffles me
18:38.16Neo|Workthe fact that there's no (standard) sprintf type functionality is mindboggling
18:38.26Neo|Workor sscanf for that matter
18:38.34Twiuntrue - the TextFormat stuff is too clunky
18:39.21Neo|Workto say the least
18:39.32Neo|Worka lot of stuff in Java, even when it's actually there, is clunky
18:39.33Twiunit gets worse with ChoiceFormat, much worse
18:40.02TwiunI'm still not completely won over by the "design-by-committee" approach
18:40.48TwiunI'm getting into C++ anyway - going to de-emphasise java
18:41.57ljp_laptopbut.. you're the java guy!!
18:42.12Twiuncorrection... I'm a _jobless_ java guy
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18:42.21ljp_laptopwho am I going to send people too that ask for java help? ;)
18:42.29Twiunljp_laptop: how about we swap?
18:42.31Neo|WorkI'm sure rnwk would hire you. :P
18:42.57ljp_laptopthe only thing I know about java is that it tastes best with lots of cream
18:43.09ljp_laptopreal networks
18:44.04TwiunNeo|Work: funny thing is, I'm a company director - but still jobless
18:46.22kergothsharp writes some pretty shitty shell scripts
18:47.27Twiunthat's not news!
18:47.39TwiunNow, if they'd written something well...
18:47.57kergoththatd definately be news
18:49.23Twiunso anyway... what did you find in the script?
18:50.13kergothpretty much what was expected, it just parses /proc/mtd and calls out commands to write the bits into flash
18:50.29kergothhardcoded values for the device in question
18:59.20Neo|Workkergoth: you got a decoded version of it?
18:59.32kergothNeo|Work: he wrote a decoder/encoder
18:59.40kergothsashz in #zaurus
18:59.41Neo|Workuseful eh?
18:59.52Neo|Workhow was it encoded?
19:00.13kergothhe didnt know, i havent bothered to look. he just has a table of values to do the translation
19:00.22kergothdidnt actually discover any algorithm
19:00.40Neo|Workso it's a fixed this char -> this char type decoding?
19:01.09Twiunthat's pretty weak security
19:01.24Twiunalso completely unnecessary
19:01.25kergothNeo|Work: from what i can see, yeah
19:01.28kergothTwiun: exactly
19:01.30kergoththere's no motivation
19:01.41kergothi mean my god, do you want to hide your calls to expr and nandcp and shit?
19:03.21Neo|Workl00k, it's l33t santa!
19:03.41Twiunkergoth: seems to me to be purely a "management wants everything secured" -> "developer doesn't give a shit, makes them happy with least possible effort"
19:04.19cynhe should've just named the c source files .jpg
19:04.28cynwhen they double clicked it it would error and they'd nod approvingly
19:04.39cynah, script, same thing tho
19:05.23Twiunmanagement does all kinds of weird things
19:05.35TheMasterMind1Twiun should know
19:06.06TwiunTheMasterMind1: not yet - the company doesn't employ me
19:07.08TwiunTheMasterMind1: payroll, taxes, insurance are way too much hassle to get into atm
19:08.54pb_mmm.  inland revenue sent me another tax bill yesterday.  suck.
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20:43.14pb_he said "grr."
20:43.45pb_because nobody responded to his earlier "hmm", I suppose
20:43.58kergothpb_: would you happen to know what the beginning of an arm zimage looks like?
20:44.05kergothinitial bytes of the file
20:44.46TheMasterMind1i'm just guessing, but maybe its 3 4 2 4 3 6 5 9 5 2 3 5 2
20:45.10pb_kergoth: the thing that identifies it as a zImage is 0x16f2818 at offset 0x24.
20:45.49pb_they generally start with eight nops (0xe1a00000) and then a branch (0xea000002)
20:46.35pb_then the word at 0x28 is the address it wants to be loaded at (which I think is always zero nowadays) and the word at 0x2c is the length.
20:47.00pb_you get bonus points for guessing where 0x16f2818 comes from.
20:48.26pb_TheMasterMind1: so your guess was close
20:48.44TheMasterMind1wow, it was?
20:49.23kergothpb_: thanks, I appreciate it.  I suppose I should get around to reading about the kernel's initial boot stuff one of these days
20:49.57pb_kergoth: you're welcome.
20:51.48pb_out of interest, why did you want to know?
20:55.40kergothpb_: needed to figure out where in the c750's flash the zimage resides.
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20:59.10kergoth:) or more specifically, if the address i had for it was correct. it was.
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21:04.11TheMasterMind1LordVan|Mobile: what kind of mobile?
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21:06.29funkyjoehello, I have a question about sysvinit in buildroot-oz. could somebody help me?
21:08.20kergothdont ask to ask, ask.
21:09.28funkyjoeso got most of the things compiled in the buildroot-oz. except sysvinit
21:09.55funkyjoethe problem is that it gets the sysvinit_2.84.orig.tar.gz
21:10.04kergoththats a problem how?
21:10.46funkyjoebut cant get sysvinit_2.84-3.diff.gz, it looks like that only the newer 2.85 version is available.
21:11.08funkyjoethats the prob.
21:11.49kergothyeah, that happens regularly
21:11.51funkyjoein google etc. were a lot of 2.84-3.diff's listed but they're not downloadable.
21:12.10kergothgo ahead and bk vi packages/sysvinit/Makefile and s/2.84/2.85/, and chagne teh debian revision appropriately
21:12.17kergoththen mrproper sysvinit and try it againm
21:13.23funkyjoei played around with the makefile, it tried too. set it to 2.85 and revision 4.1 but with no success. it downloads the files,but than i get stuck with compiler errors.
21:13.48kergothdunno what to tell you then.
21:13.54kergothwait for someone to fix it, or fix it yourself.
21:13.57kergoththere are your options.
21:14.39funkyjoeand how do you get a new running version??? could perhaps someone here send me the "old" source files?
21:16.44kergothif it fails to compile, someone will figure out why and fix it.
21:17.22kergothanyone know what 'logical' means in context of nand flash? sharp has two tools for writing a file into flash in their initial ramdisk, one is nandcp, one is nandlogical
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21:26.59kergoththe c750 wont boot this kernel, and i have no idea why
21:27.07kergothand i cant debug, because i forgot my serial cable in minnesota
21:27.21cynthe c7x0's use the same connector?/
21:27.25kergothyeah, its identical
21:27.30cynwow that i knew not
21:27.39ljp_laptopanyway to tell if ts is getting anything on the console?
21:27.50kergothljp_laptop: if you're using tslib, use ts_print or ts_print_raw
21:27.55kergothljp_laptop: if not, cat < /dev/ts
21:28.01cynI just assumed the normal connector was bigger and bulkier than the c7x0s
21:28.10ljp_laptophow can I tell which runtime I am booted into?
21:28.23kergothfrom the commandline it wont matter
21:28.28kergothif you have tslib installed, use its tools
21:28.29kergothits easier
21:31.24ljp_laptophmm. look slike qtopia/calibrate isnt receiving anything
21:31.34kergothdoes ts_print show the events?
21:32.16ljp_laptopI am going to rebuild qte/qtopia without ts, though
21:32.24ljp_laptoptill I can calibrate
21:38.27kergothljp_laptop: do me a favor, do a ts_calibrate, then a ts_test. make sure the cross follows your cursor
21:41.12ljp_laptopts_calibrate failed.. determinant too small
21:41.24ljp_laptopand its rotated
21:41.31kergothyeah, rotation is to be expected
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21:48.35ljp_laptopmight be nice to be able to compile opie apps for qtopia..
21:48.55ljp_laptoplike an opie-apps package
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21:51.41kergothI hate it when something is going wrong, and you know it must be something incredibly simple you're missing, and yet it continues to waste your time
21:52.39ljp_laptopI know the feeling
21:53.00ljp_laptopgood news is I get a c700 loaner. woot!
21:53.13kergothnice. tt?
21:53.39ljp_laptop'uhh, Aron, I bricked your c700. can I keep it?'
21:55.18ljp_laptopI am lucky I have two z's. it has saved me many times.
21:55.40ljp_laptopsuppose I could have gotten a cf reader
21:57.02tiptoneoops, good weekend all...
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22:25.38treke|wh1reverafternoon kergoth
22:28.33kergothwhat the ..
22:28.35kergothokay get this
22:28.39kergothi run this tool on the initrd on the c750
22:28.50kergothnandlogical /dev/mtd1 WRITE 882696 1294336 /mnt/cf/zimage.bin
22:29.07kergoththat zimage ends up in the mtd1 alright, at location 0x5F7790
22:29.19kergothtell me, how the fuck does that work?
22:29.52W8TVIHey kergoth: the the Is the 24/40 split the best to use?
22:30.04kergothW8TVI: its a personal decision, and #openzaurus would be the place to ask
22:30.20W8TVII askedd there...
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22:30.33W8TVINo one answered
22:31.22W8TVILet me ask you this: how much free space is left in the flash after a fresh install?
22:31.59mickeyldepends on your device
22:32.25W8TVIOh.. duh
22:32.30W8TVIIts the sl-550
22:32.36mickeyliirc approx. 3MB then
22:32.59W8TVIHmm... that might be enough then
22:33.42W8TVIDo they have top and things like that on there? I couldn't find anything that said what was included
22:34.07mickeylyes. a lot of normal shell stuff is already in. others can be installed later.
22:34.16mickeyla list is missing, you're right.
22:34.46W8TVII had to install a bunch of stuff to bring the sharp one up o snuff
22:36.11kergothson of a bitch
22:36.42kergothmy mtd1 had a ton of shit overwritten, if i'm not careful i'll have a bricked c750 on my hands here
22:37.00mickeyldamn... caution
22:37.24mickeylhow's c750 progressing? i just ordered one which will be there next week
22:40.01Neo|Workkergoth: uh oh. :P
22:41.20mickeylkergoth: could you please reserve update the OZ news page before you leave for weekend? I'm getting pestered with questions re. future oz releases or if the project is dead or what etc... a small news entry stating "it's in progress - have patience" would be nice. especially for the 5600 and c7x0 users which are really longing to get away from Sharp OS ;))
22:43.35kergothyeah, i'm sure the sharp press release re: european support makes people want an upgrade path, as well
22:43.46mickeylexactly. t'would be important
22:44.05mickeylfor them to get an official statement from you as the project leader
22:46.55Twiun..." When it's ready dammit!"
22:47.15TwiunI fondly remember the queries leading to the 3.2 release
22:47.52mickeylmmh... but frankly, during the 3.1 series there was a lot more "visible" activity in the project
22:47.58Twiunyou should start keeping a blog, kergoth
22:48.16kergothyep, we're in a definate dead zone right now wrt OZ, due to my focus on the new build infrastructure and lacking internet at home
22:48.29kergoththese tools can kiss my ass
22:48.35kergothstupid fucking .. grr
22:48.42Twiunit's also the summer and a lot of developers are on holiday too
22:48.51Twiunseeing as most of them are in Uni
22:50.45TwiunI don't suppose there's any interest in TI to take credit for supporting the continuing development of the oz/oe stuff?
22:53.07Twiunmickeyl: You could also get some info about opensimpad up on the oz news site
22:53.17Twiunmickeyl: show that the community is also still alive
22:54.10mickeylTwiun: yeah, right. that sounds good. however the 5600 and c7x0 users have been waiting really long now...
22:54.20mickeyland considered that i'm soon among them ;))
22:55.42Twiunmickeyl: ok then, just get a one-liner at the bottom of kergoth's quick post ;)
22:55.56mickeyloh did he already post something?
22:56.09mickeylTwiun: what's the status of that libfb stuff btw.?
22:57.19Twiunmickeyl: stagnant at the moment
22:57.41mickeylstill busy with that server?
22:57.51Twiunmickeyl: yup
22:57.53Neo|Work<KergothWillMurderCustomers> cube borgs
22:57.53Neo|Work<KergothWillMurderCustomers> i hate cubicles
22:58.11kergothwhen's that from?
22:58.13Twiunmickeyl: alsp, Daniele isn't happy about the performance hit the rotation code added to libFB so that probably won't get added any time soon
22:58.27Twiunmickeyl: and the other patches aren't really quality code ;)
22:58.42Twiunmickeyl: but yeah, the server is still occupying my attention
22:59.00Neo|Workkergoth: Tim's Henry's irc log
22:59.02mickeylTwiun: i see. did you ever take a look into directFB? this is a helluva library... fast and capable... and did i say alphablending? :D
22:59.16Neo|Workso my kids were 10 months old at the time - quite a while ago
22:59.33Twiunmickeyl: I've spent 3 days evaluating different website content management tools/framework lately and I'm getting to the stage that I think I'm going to have to roll my own
23:00.03mickeylTwiun: hmm... yeah i know this situation... nothing really fits
23:00.04Twiunmickeyl: yeah, I had a quick look at directFB - it seemed big last I checked, but considering how much we were adding to libFB, I think I'll revesit it
23:00.31Twiunmickeyl: it's amazing that I can't find a simple tool for creating corpporate public sites
23:00.47Twiunmickeyl: it's not as if it's all that complicated
23:01.15Twiunmickeyl: but I'd rather spend time tweaking a solution than writing one from scratch
23:01.30Twiunmickeyl: and even better if I can give it to my web designer without tweaking
23:01.32mickeylTwiun: yes.... if the times are really comparable
23:01.50Twiunmickeyl: true, it's a time/effort compromise
23:04.19kergothwhat am i missing.
23:04.29kergothits gotta be something simple
23:05.09W8TVIDid you guys use the ipk creator of jeode and opera b4 upgrading to Oz?
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23:07.48kergothwhat the fuck is going on here
23:08.33Neo|Worksomething fishy
23:09.01Twiunhopefully not at work
23:09.36TwiunW8TVI: nope - don't use Opera on OZ and Sharp's 3.10 ROM has an application zip which includes a jeode ipk
23:09.49fishysomething fishy eh?
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23:10.10Neo|Workfishy: indeed. Now it talks too
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23:11.42W8TVITwiun: what browser do you use? and does it work better than opera?
23:12.03Neo|Workfishy: indeed. and now it talks too
23:12.07Neo|Workin case you missed that
23:12.24Neo|Workbtw, I completely failed to "remotely" launch embedded konq with a specified URL
23:13.37TwiunW8TVI: My Z isn't connected to the web, so no web browser
23:14.09Twiunkonq/e's command line support is severly crippled
23:14.19Twiunconfiguration oops?
23:20.58W8TVIFlashing to OZ rom :)
23:22.21W8TVIIts not easy to pres those 3 keys all at once!
23:22.30W8TVIBut I guess thats the udea
23:23.06W8TVIThe lights want off, press the fullreser buttont now?
23:23.13W8TVIWant = went
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23:23.43kergoththis channel is for developer discussion and offtopic BS, not user support
23:24.18ljp_laptopts hates me
23:24.23kergothnand flash hates me
23:24.25ljp_laptophates me!
23:24.34W8TVIWell.. when I asked a question in ther before no one answered... and I knew that you were here
23:24.36ljp_laptopso I flashed tkc rom
23:24.40W8TVIThanks kergoth
23:26.05kergothjeeze, doing a nanddump of mtd1 takes a long fucking time
23:26.50ljp_laptopI am really wondering why ts isnt working.
23:27.21ljp_laptopI wonder if qtopia needs-a-fixin'
23:31.43Neo|Workwe all know Qtopia sux0rs!!! ;-)
23:32.17ljp_laptopmore like the rom guy thats trying it sux0rs
23:33.51ljp_laptophmm, maybe time for tempest game
23:34.43kergothI need to time the next nanddump i do

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