irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030627

00:00.04ljp_laptopto opierec
00:00.30anderseekergoth: you are using my kernel headers tarball, yes?
00:00.56kergoththe one, any particular mirror you want me to use by default?
00:01.34anderseekergoth: is fine.  Just don't use!  :-)
00:01.45anderseeThats an alias for my home machine
00:02.17trekeall the more reason to use it
00:02.24trekeit should be lightly loaded 2/3 of the day is hosted at an telco with redundant sonet...  :-) (my home box) is at the end of a DSL soda straw
00:04.21ljp_laptopI thought dsl was more like a slurpie
00:05.04trekewhy does it look obscene when chouimat  types it
00:05.12kergothcause we know him too well
00:05.43chouimattreke: why you always think that? I'm drinking a very cold coke here
00:07.20ljp_laptopmight be easier and faster just to rip apart a c700 image, stick qtopia1.6.2 on it,
00:08.52ljp_laptopoz using uclibc?
00:10.24ljp_laptoponly thing stopping me from taking that shortcut is keyboard handling
00:12.00trekeand the fact that you would be branded as a lazy bastard?
00:12.08kergothhe's already branded as a lazy bastard
00:12.23trekewell then, carry on
00:12.52ljp_laptopyes, admitted lazy bastard
00:13.29trekelike that's a bad thing
00:13.31ljp_laptophey, I dont rememebr qtopia compile last time...
00:14.31trekeyou were prboably drunk
00:14.48chouimattreke: ljp_laptop drunk? impossible
00:15.09kergothwhat the fuck
00:15.14kergothif i select gcc 2.95 in buildroot
00:15.17kergothand exit and savee
00:15.21kergothand run menuconfig again
00:15.24kergothits deselected
00:15.35ljp_laptopit knows better
00:15.48chouimatok I'm off for now laterz
00:16.04ljp_laptopb bye
00:16.20ljp_laptopdont let the door hit you on the ass on the way out
00:17.47ljp_laptopI need to get drunk
00:18.17andersee2.4.21-pre2 didn't include my i386 math-emu fix for gcc 3.3
00:23.53kergothibot: nslookup
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00:27.59Neo|Workscanline: yes. linux kernel bug which gives you root access when you run the exploit
00:40.27*** join/#openembedded ljp_laptop (
01:04.14scanlineNeo|Work: ooh fun.. is there a fix yet?
01:05.37ljp_laptopopie patches applied farily well to qte 2.3.6
01:05.46treke|homescanline: There has been a fix for months
01:08.57Neo|Workscanline: yes
01:09.01ljp_laptoptoo bad it doesnt compile cleanly
01:09.02Neo|Workscanline: none of my boxes are affected
01:14.05ljp_laptoplemme try again
01:15.22scanlineNeo|Work: just wondering if it was an excuse to upgrade my server that's still running 2.4.18 :)
01:16.58*** join/#openembedded treke|home (
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01:30.26Neo|Workscanline: google for "ptrace exploit" and try yourself
01:32.47scanlinewow... it works on my fairly recent gentoo box
01:33.05*** join/#openembedded Thelonious (
01:33.36Neo|Workdepends on the kernel
01:33.44Neo|Worklike vanilla kernel < 2.4.21 I think is affected
01:33.46Neo|WorkI think
01:33.47Neo|Worknot sure
01:33.56scanlineah.. this is only running 2.4.19
01:34.03scanlineguess I'll need to upgrade both boxen
01:34.07Neo|Workthat's.. not new
01:34.14scanlineyeah, I thought it was newer
01:35.29Neo|WorkAug 2002 it seems
01:35.51scanlineno, I mean I thought the kernel on the box was newer... I know 2.4.19 is old
01:38.08scanlineluckily all the local users on these machines either have my trust, or wouldn't know about such an exploit :)
01:38.19Neo|Workhandy if you lose the root password on a box where you have no console access or can't reboot
01:38.25scanlineso I can probably wait until some planned hardware upgrades instead of causing extra downtime...
01:38.26Neo|Worknot to mention if you "need" root on some box. :-)
02:18.05*** join/#openembedded chouimat (
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02:39.08chouimathey ljp_laptop
02:45.57ljp_laptopwhat up
02:46.25chouimatljp_laptop: I'm steam cooking  slowly
02:48.47*** join/#openembedded zar (
02:48.53zarhy all
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03:06.25zarhey whats the cvs fer the buildroot?
03:09.50zarnevermind i found it
03:10.34ljp_laptopbuildroot uses bk
03:11.10zarya I found it, it seems slow
03:15.29treke|laptopbuildroot is big
03:22.44*** join/#openembedded ljp_laptop (
03:27.11zardammit now I gotta copy it to my compiling machine :/
03:49.06ljp_laptopibot test
03:50.06treke|laptopibot, die?
03:50.08ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
04:06.47ljp_laptopI must be dreaming scripts that dont exist
04:07.48ljp_laptopcould have sworn there was a qtopia-to-sdk script
04:16.30zaranyone alive
04:16.48zaruclib says 404 on the kernel headers
04:23.55ljp_laptopchange the packages/kernel-headers/Makefile to 2.4.21
04:26.55zarcool thanx
04:27.42zarnow its cookin
04:38.30zarumm where libvncserver under?
04:39.59zarnevermind I found it
04:43.22*** join/#openembedded jmhodges (
04:47.09*** join/#openembedded Piete (~abri@
04:47.13PieteHello :)
04:47.43Pietewhat happened to xmms/e in 'stable'?
04:47.49*** join/#openembedded bach (
04:48.43Pietewell, i synced, and now its gone :/
04:49.40Pieteand quite a few apps (like opie-qpdf and opiemedia player) needs a newer libstdc++
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04:50.45Pieteheya jmhodges
04:52.01bachcan anyone suggest me a good cf wireless card?
04:53.02bachdoes it have an external antenna?
04:53.58Pietethis simpad thing looks really nice
04:54.58zarya sort off
04:55.14zarthey have them on tigerdirect for like 49 bucks
04:55.59PieteI just love the 800x600 screen, thats all
04:56.30zarya i bet it beats lookin at pron then on a 320x200 screen lol
04:56.36PieteI just found out about them a few minutes ago, when I went to the openembedeed wiki
04:57.12PieteI mean, just look at this : javascript:close();
04:57.36bachzar: thanks... i will check it out
04:57.37Pietethe apps1 one
04:59.08Pietezar: any ideas about whats going on with the feeds?
04:59.39*** join/#openembedded hunger- (
04:59.40zari reinstalled and a whole bunch of the where fucked up
04:59.45jmhodgesPiete: heya :)
05:00.23Pietemaybe I should just sell my zaurus and get a 12" powerbook, Ericsson T68i, and flat-rate GPRS...
05:00.27Piete*ahh, bliss*
05:01.07zarcvs -z0 co mtd
05:01.07zarcvs checkout: authorization failed: server rejected access to /home/cvs for user anoncvs
05:03.10Pietethis sucks. I'm media-player-less :(
05:05.01Pietemaybe I should try sharp-rom until oz 3.3 or whatever comes out..
05:15.14*** join/#openembedded Bala (
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05:23.08*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
05:24.03TheMasterMind1i got my new laptop!
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05:25.01zarare there some issues with mtd its not compilin
05:27.40*** join/#openembedded djr (
05:35.45treke|homezar: no
05:40.39zarwierd Im gettin a error when compilin it
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09:00.34TheMasterMind1auto-apt is AWESOME
09:21.11*** join/#openembedded mickeyl (
09:24.03schurigmickeyl: moin!
09:24.12schurigoder für Frankfurter: Ei gude, wie?
09:25.11mickeylschurig: pretty good. our faculty just switched to our brand new gigabit ethernet router... and it works!
09:25.19mickeylschurig: how 'bout you? everything fine? how's your wife?
09:25.54schurigmickeyl: she can't sleep at night ... and it's not just the new Harry Potter book ...   otherwise she's fine!
09:28.05mickeylschurig: when is the scheduled magic date?
09:28.15schurigfirst week of August
09:28.27mickeylk, then that's not very far away...
09:31.43*** join/#openembedded zecke (
09:38.47mickeylTheMasterMind1: ping
09:38.50mickeylibot: seen TheMasterMind1
09:38.51themastermind1 is currently on #opie (2h 21m) #gct (2h 21m) #uclibc (2h 21m) #gpe (2h 21m) #zaurus (2h 21m) #elinux (2h 21m) #openembedded (2h 21m) (2h 21m) #openzaurus (2h 21m).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 38m 17s
09:40.11TheMasterMind1mickeyl: wassup
09:41.02mickeylTheMasterMind1: did you read my botmail? I need a matching zImage for 3.2.5rc1. Could you please upload one (or more, if you build more)?
09:43.05TheMasterMind1whats wrong with the ones on the oz download site?
09:47.10mickeylTheMasterMind1: the modules don't load because of unresolved symbols.
09:47.33mickeylTheMasterMind1: so we need the kernel which matches to your image, i.e. the modules
09:53.55mickeylhey Twiun - how's your health?
09:54.18Twiunyup, not as bad as the other night though
09:54.57pb_morning Twiun
09:56.04Twiunhiya pb_
10:18.05*** join/#openembedded bisho (~bisho@
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11:33.03*** join/#openembedded gruemelmonster (
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11:54.00gruemelmonsterhas anyone managed to mount a fat formatted cf-card with mickeys oz3.2.5rc1?
11:54.45gruemelmonsteror did he really forget to compile the kernel with vfat support?
11:55.44gruemelmonsterljp_laptop: ;)
11:58.02*** join/#openembedded gruemelmonster (
12:02.07ljp_laptopcant imagine he would do that on purpose
12:03.41schuriggruemelmonster: do modprobe vfat; cat /proc/filesystems ... doesn't vfat show up?
12:12.04gruemelmonsterschurig: no it does not;)
12:12.49gruemelmonsterwhere shall i report bugs? to mickey himself or just as normal?
12:13.53schuriggruemelmonster: to the one responsible for your kernel is best, I guess
12:13.58gruemelmonsterby the way usbd is not found either
12:15.14mickeyl|lunchgruemelmonster: modules don't work due a not matching zImage. the proper zImage will be uploaded today. just flash the kernel image and that should work
12:15.31mickeyl|lunchi'll keep you posted on that.
12:15.36mickeyl|lunchmust leave now
12:45.45*** join/#openembedded LordVan (~lordvan@
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12:57.44TwiunOT: anyone use phpwiki?
12:58.33schurigTwiun: we're using phpwiki on Opie's and OE's wiki
12:58.55ljp_laptopya, phpwiki is ok.
12:59.25schurigminimalistic & fast
12:59.27ljp_laptopphpwiki lacks user logins
12:59.52TwiunI've just set it up, had the index.php show me what categories it was generating and now all I get output is garbage
12:59.56Twiunno html
12:59.58ljp_laptopor, rather. when a user is 'admin', they dont have admin access
13:00.34ljp_laptopdid you configure it?
13:00.48Twiunyup, using mysql
13:00.54Twiuntables are created just fine
13:01.31Twiunljp_laptop: try
13:02.08Twiunlooks fine in links
13:03.00Twiunthat's really odd
13:03.15Twiuncould be an encoding issue I suppose
13:03.42ljp_laptopopera doesnt like it
13:05.08Twiunyeah... and comparing with other phpwiki sites, it looks like charset= server responses shouldn't be there
13:06.48schurigTwiun: gives me binary data
13:07.03schurigTwiun: somethng like   < ´ZysÛ6ÿß?åö?µyè
13:08.24Twiunschurig: yeah, same here - but if I browse using links, it looks fine
13:08.47schurigTwiun: could it the the case that the page is compressed, but has the wrong mime type?
13:08.57schurigif yes, then just remove apache_mod_gzip
13:09.19schurig gives garbage, too
13:09.36Twiunahhh, ok, I'll disable that
13:09.37scanlinemicah@yoshi micah $ file index.php
13:09.37scanlineindex.php: gzip compressed data, from Unix
13:09.52schurigor make sure that the mime-header is right
13:10.29ljp_laptopI need to get out more.... I think I dreamed about a shell script, and was looking for it, but cant find it.. hmmm
13:10.46ljp_laptopwas named qtopia-to-sdk
13:10.57ljp_laptopI swear I looked at that
13:11.14ljp_laptopI was going to adapt it to opie
13:11.46schurigljp_laptop: ~/buildroot-oz/scripts is the location
13:12.11schurigfor scripts: yes   :-)
13:12.28ljp_laptopnot there here
13:12.59ljp_laptopand I swear it was in the qtopia bin
13:13.20schurigljp_laptop: just bk pull. Maybe you wrote it in your dream and bk pushed it ....       :-)
13:13.39ljp_laptopI dont have write access yet
13:14.07ljp_laptopwould be weird of TT actually had a script like that
13:14.45schurigljp_laptop: ah, btw, you could someday have a word at TT that they should start to sell Qt for WinCE. We'd like to buy it and use it.
13:15.09schurigthey even demoed it at exhibitions here in Germany ...
13:15.37schurigTwiun: you page is still borked
13:16.33ljp_laptopinteresting, I did have a word with warwick about qtopia on other os'.
13:17.16ljp_laptopqte makes more sense on other os' though
13:17.17Twiunschurig: I know, I know... trying to figure out why the server's throwing up gzipped data, but only for that dir - and not for links
13:17.36ljp_laptopmaybe links unzips it
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13:18.18Twiunwget reports the right mimetype though
13:18.26ljp_laptopI have started a list of items to bring to TT when I get there...
13:18.39Twiunand wget'd files are fine too
13:19.04chouimatljp_laptop: item 1) yourself
13:23.12schurigljp_laptop: maybe links does the equivalent of file on the input ...
13:23.23Twiunwget too?
13:23.27schurigljp_laptop: anyway, you could go per telnet to you port 8080 and issue a HEAD request
13:23.49schurigljp_laptop: then you see only the HTTP-header that your apache is sending and you could immediately see if everything is well
13:24.23schurigljp_laptop: lynx also has a -head option, if you don't speak http-protocol natively :-)
13:24.45Twiunschurig: I'm the one with problems, ljp_laptop is helping ;)
13:24.54schurigups, sorry
13:25.35*** join/#openembedded yakito (~ircap72@
13:25.43schurigTwiun: ahh, your http header is wrong. It says:
13:25.46schurigHTTP/1.0 200 OK
13:25.46schurigDate: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:22:47 GMT
13:25.46schurigServer: Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/1.3.22 (Linux-Mandrake/10.1mdk) PHP/3.0.18
13:25.47schurigContent-Type: text/html
13:25.47schurigX-Cache: MISS from localhost
13:25.48schurigProxy-Connection: close
13:25.48chouimathhi Twiun schurig
13:26.03schurigthe "Content-Type: text/html" doesn't look right
13:26.34schurigchouimat: moin!
13:26.41Twiunschurig: but that's also what other phpwiki servers are spweing
13:27.03Twiunchouimat: hey :)
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13:27.55schurigTwiun: yeah, but they send plain html text, not gzipped files
13:29.14Twiunschurig: problem is finding out wtf it's being told to gzip them
13:29.36schurigTwiun: rpm -qa | grep apache
13:30.23schurigTwiun: no, the gzip module is not an extra rpm.
13:30.45Twiunschurig: there's no mod_gzip directive in the conf files though
13:31.20ljp_laptophmmmm, sharks eatting more australians
13:32.03schurigTwiun: look into /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, the lines LoadModule and AddModule ...
13:32.13Twiunschurig: hmmm, phpwiki has gzip functionality...
13:33.50Twiunschurig: and mod_deflate in httpd2.conf is disabled (no mod_gzip entries at all)
13:34.00Twiunschurig: I'm going to investigate phpwiki some more
13:48.24Twiunschurig: you know, this only happens after the index configures itself once - beforehand, the index page is properly encoded and not gzipped
13:50.25Twiunhrm. and there aren't any other changes in the index.php file...
13:50.29Twiunmust be a bug in phpwiki
13:58.34chouimathmmm sourcefarce cvs still  sucks
14:06.34ljp_laptopchouimat: you expected it to change?
14:07.44chouimatljp_laptop: noot reaally
14:07.51*** join/#openembedded LordVan (~lordvan@
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14:09.20HClhow can you build only one of the packages?
14:09.23HClsay xmms-e
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14:10.13mickeylmake SUBDIRS=packages/xmms-e
14:15.24HClthats what i thought..
14:15.55HClbut it builds libsidtune instead,which is broken.
14:16.43mickeylit builds all necessary dependencies
14:16.59mickeylwhat is with libsidplayer?
14:17.14HClundefined stuff.. its totally broken..
14:17.53HClsigh... and the sourceforge cvs server is broken too
14:17.54mickeylbuilds perfectly here.
14:18.10HCllet me try again..
14:18.12mickeylsf cvs server is mostly not broken but limited in number of concurrent anonymous connections
14:18.20mickeyljust try again until it works.
14:19.14bachHCl: you are trying to rebuild xmms-e?
14:19.25HCljust build it from the buildroot
14:21.42HCli'll look at it later
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14:57.03djris ipkg still unsafe? 0.99.84
14:57.14kergothHCl: try changing the compression (-z value, in scripts/getsource)
14:57.15trekedefine unsafe
14:57.44djrtreke: last time i upgraded ipkg, i couldnt upgrade anything or something
14:58.17kergothi've heard that report
14:58.20kergothbut havent seen it myself
14:58.21trekewith whatever the kernel ipkg is
14:58.29djryoure using 0.99.84 just fine?
14:59.28trekeno. I'm using whatever the current buildroot spits out
15:00.03djrhmm ok
15:01.10schurigdjr: I changed the buildroot some days ago to use ipkg from CVSDATE 20030623. Works great for me and I haven't heard any problem on this IRC channel
15:01.23schurigaccording to the ChangeLog it was worth the update ....
15:01.42schurigdjr: what did you mean with " is ipkg still unsafe?", to what unsafeness are you referring?
15:02.32djrim still hung on it from like a month or two ago... when ipkg was broke in the unstable feed
15:03.11schurigkergoth: hmm, might be true. Actually, I used ipkg two days before I bk pushed. But I agree. I hang too little time in around ...
15:03.25djri dont have my own buildroot going because i never got it going so im using
15:04.04schurigkergoth: oh, btw, I changed the file. It now considers the mtime as well. And it has now "dupecheck" built in. I uploaded it to, same path
15:04.10trekeis it 5 yet?
15:04.30kergothnote thats unofficial, there is no official 3.2.5rc1 yet
15:04.35kergothschurig: nice work :)
15:04.38djrkergoth: yep, i know
15:04.41bachis qtopia currently working on OZ?
15:05.08kergothdjr: just making sure, dont want any incorrect impressions amongst the users
15:05.46trekebach: no. oz has opie in it
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15:06.19bachtreke: yes, but i thought that Qtopia was ported to it
15:06.28bachto have the choice
15:06.47djri just need to get a linux box going so i can use buildroot... just having difficulties deciding with dist... i dont want gentoo because i think it sucks and theyre gonna be switching to rpm eventually and dropping portage... and slackware is nice but i want something like freebsd's ports
15:06.51trekebach: not yet
15:06.52mewynwoo! national do not call registry is up
15:07.07kergothbach: ljp is working on adding qtopia to our buildsystem
15:07.16bachok great
15:07.20trekemewyn: I've decided to use the local do not answer the phone registry
15:07.26trekemewyn: much simpler
15:08.17mewyni personally use the cell phone method
15:08.26trekeyeah. I do answer that
15:08.37mewynbut i'm sick of the calls on my parent's land line
15:09.02trekescrath that
15:09.10djrhehe, i have a phone system that detects spam phone calls and sends the disconnected sound to them... and the software the company is using thinks the line is disconnected and they remove me from their list
15:09.21trekemore than 3 people have the number associated with me. Apparently Armando Gomez didnt pay his bills
15:09.24djrsince 99% of the software the companies use have that feature
15:10.25kergothstupid automatic outlook grammar checker
15:10.35kergothdont fucking underline my shit with red just cause its not a sentence goddamnit
15:10.36mewynstupid outlook
15:10.40mewynevolution better
15:11.11kergothmewyn: need the calander shit interacting w/ exchange, otherwise i'd use evo
15:11.31bachkergoth: sashz just wrote me that he managed to get qtopia  working in oz, but opera is not working. Do u know if opera is working in OZ right now?
15:11.32trekekergoth: use evolution
15:11.32mewyni thought with the evo plugin it does calander
15:11.35trekekergoth: :p
15:11.50kergothbach: no idea
15:11.51trekethey are a bunch of ass muppets, but their software works
15:12.17kergothbach: all 3 pdas i have here are paperweights. i have no idea
15:12.20kergothi should flash them with something useful
15:12.38bachdid anyone here try to run opera?
15:12.40bachkergoth: :-)
15:13.33djri had opera working fine... but then i broke a png lib somewhere and now opera doesnt load pngs
15:13.44djrbut i like konqeuror more anyway
15:14.11bachdjr: that is on OZ right? what version of opera and OZ?
15:14.32djri dunno the version of opera... theres no about box or version number listed... its the one from the latest sharp rom
15:14.38djrand the oz version is like 3.3.1 or something
15:16.06ljp_laptopodd. make from buildroot in qtopia leads to odd error, make from the qtopia dir does not.. hmppft
15:16.34trekewgat error?
15:18.38ljp_laptopcompile error
15:18.48trekewhat compile error
15:19.06ljp_laptopbad relocations
15:22.05kergothljp_laptop: could be something with that toolchain. the 2.95.4 appears to exhibit odd compile failures on certain applications like konq and php as well
15:23.33*** part/#openembedded yakito (~ircap72@
15:23.38ljp_laptopthis one was compiling gsmlib in qtopia
15:25.42ljp_laptoponly fails when I run make in buildroot, not when I cd to qtopia and run make
15:25.49kergothusing the same toolchain?
15:25.56kergothmaybe its one of the options we're passing in
15:26.00kergothoptimizations perhaps
15:27.37ljp_laptophmm, and this kernel want to use gcc, not arm-linux-gcc. somethings broked here
15:28.01masticator_setting up the new Itanium2 for you guys now
15:28.08masticator_boy does that fucker install linux SLOW
15:30.26masticator_HP is supposed to be sending me Madison chips in a week or two
15:30.35masticator_right now its got dual 900mhz I2
15:30.40masticator_with 3mb cache on each chip
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15:32.44ljp_laptopdrw ever make it down to dallas?
15:33.08masticator_loading SusE on this thing now
15:33.12masticator_it had RHAS 2.0
15:33.16masticator_was outdated as all hell
15:34.23kergothljp_laptop: good question
15:34.49_PsyJobChatZilla is quite rusty
15:34.55_PsyJobNot sure how to quit a channel ;)
15:35.14noiddkill the process ;-)
15:35.28_PsyJobWindowsXp !
15:35.44_PsyJobIm at work too !
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15:39.39*** join/#openembedded apache444 (~me@
15:40.03apache444treke: you there?  Got a question about a wireless card on my Ipaq which I can't seem to get working... I'm using your feed.
15:41.44ljp_laptopmaybe drw doesnt start till the 1st
15:41.49kergothyou know, when you havent had a mt dew in a long time
15:41.51kergothand then you have one
15:41.57kergothit really hits the spot
15:42.46apache444"It's VERY refreshing!"
15:43.07apache444I forgot to add "-- Kramer".
15:43.32trekeapache444: which card
15:43.41apache444Linksys WCF11
15:43.50ljp_laptopewww I dont drink mt dew
15:43.59apache444I have a message from my console which my shed some light
15:44.01trekethat card works fine in my feed/images
15:44.17apache444Sorry, WCF12
15:44.21trekethat card doesbt
15:44.25apache444Ah ha.
15:44.29*** join/#openembedded Thelonius (
15:44.43apache444This card works on Noda's Zaurus.
15:44.54trekebut it doesnt work on ipaq
15:45.10masticator_I think we had to do something special to make that work on a Zaurus
15:45.13apache444OK... is there something I can do to make it work?  is it a driver issue or a tweak?
15:45.16Theloniusyet another eBay success!
15:45.18trekeapache444: No clue
15:45.25trekeapache444: If you figure it out, let me know
15:45.32masticator_as I recall it was some kind of driver issue
15:45.36apache444masticator_: Do you have an idea what you had to do to make it work on Zaurus?
15:45.38masticator_some configuration thingy too
15:45.40ljp_laptophmm, now I cant even make kernel
15:45.53apache444Noda's SMC2462W doesn't work on my Ipaq either.
15:45.56trekemasticator_: The driver loads, it just doesnt associate with an access point
15:46.04masticator_thats weird
15:46.13masticator_this is using OE for Ipaq?
15:46.18apache444Yeah OE for Ipaq
15:46.19trekesame with familiar
15:46.28apache444Error is "cardmgr[378]: get dev info on socket 0 failed: Resource temporarily unavailable"
15:46.36trekeapache444: Not seen that one
15:46.39apache444it finds the card, starts up hostap_cs and then dies with that.
15:46.42masticator_for the most part OE for IPAQ is fairly close in software revision to OZ 3.2 right
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15:46.47masticator_or is it even more bleeding edge
15:46.55apache444with both the SMC and the Linksys
15:47.06trekemasticator_: Much newer
15:47.10apache444maybe I have something running that I need to kill?
15:47.53trekemasticator_: other than the kernel and some config files it's identical to a build on the same day of openzaurus
15:47.54ljp_laptopthere is no bleeding edge. bleeding edge implies that there is a stable release of some sort
15:48.06trekeljp_laptop: There are stable releases
15:48.17trekeljp_laptop: Openzaurus 3.2
15:48.26kergothand they're even fairly stable! 3.2 was solid minus busybox mknod and a couple opie bugs
15:48.47trekeapache444: You can try the new images I built. It seems to do "better" with the wcf12
15:48.49apache444Hmmm... so what could this be?  It sounds like it's only my problem...
15:48.55trekeapache444: The card is still a paperweight
15:49.02apache444Are they on your feed?
15:49.08trekeother than that. I dont have a clue what the problem is
15:49.14apache444Should the SMC2462W also be a paperweight?
15:49.20trekehmmm. I dont think I updated it
15:49.28trekeapache444: I dont know what the SMC2462W is
15:50.04apache444Well, the SMC2462W is a Prism2 and it works right away on Noda's Zaurus...  but maybe it's not supposed to work on Ipaq.
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15:51.02trekeAll I know about is the hardware I own
15:51.10trekeand things testers tell me
15:51.12apache444Which wireless card do you have?
15:51.17trekea WCF12
15:51.30apache444Oh, and you haven't gotten it working on your Ipaq... gotcha.
15:52.07apache444treke: I guess you have a Zaurus as well?
15:52.32apache444Oh, ok.
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15:55.32mickeylkergoth: any idea why make oldconfig trashes the .config? e.g. it overrides with the default values
15:55.43mickeylkergoth: you can see this in build/opie
15:55.55trekeapache444: I'd be all to happy to make the wcf12 work :p
15:55.58mickeylkergoth: i copy a defconfig in it, i do make oldconfig and the .config is totally off
15:56.21apache444Well, I'm gonna try some stuff.  Thing is, I don't think we're getting the same error message.
15:56.57kergothmickeyl: not sure, I'm having the same problem with OZ buildroot, except that even a menuconfig loses my config values
15:57.44apache444Well, if you ever get a chance to let me know, that would be nice...  I want to make sure something else isn't wrong before I try stuff.
15:58.10mickeylkergoth: ok - seems to be a bug in the new lkconf then?
15:58.12trekeapache444: It's really annoying having a 70 dollar paperweight
15:58.21trekeapache444: The strange thing is it actually has worked
15:58.32trekeapache444: So it isn't a hardware incompatibility
15:58.39apache444It's driver/config then?
15:58.51trekeOr hh.o kernel
15:59.14trekeIt's something in software, somewhere
15:59.14apache444Yikes, don't know what that is. :)  Maybe noda can shed some light.
15:59.30trekeIt was working the day I bought it
15:59.44trekewhich is why I didnt just return the piece of crap ;p
15:59.57apache444I think it's a good card.  I got good signal when my Ipaq was running Windows.
16:00.09*** part/#openembedded rwillen (
16:00.15trekethe wcf11 was a good card
16:00.24apache444And the fact that the SMC doesn't work either and works great in Noda's is an indication.  And I think I had the SMC running before I switched back to Windows.
16:00.27trekeapache444: my general opinion of linksys wireless isn't to hot
16:00.30ljp_laptopdo these people really think I need viagra?
16:00.43trekeljp_laptop: If they do, they are very mistaken
16:00.49trekeljp_laptop: You'd need a woman first
16:01.23ljp_laptopha ha ha
16:04.10bachsince we are thinking about wireless card, does anyone know if this card works fine: D-Link - DCF-660W ?
16:04.30bach$59.99 - 30$ rebate
16:04.47*** part/#openembedded mordel (
16:07.35trekemy biggest problem with most consumer wireless cards  is that they swap hardware so much
16:07.56trekeone version has chipset x in it. the next has chipset y. But they both have the same model number
16:08.19ljp_laptopdlink works out of the box fine. on my laptop also
16:09.03ljp_laptopI just bought mine a few weeks ago
16:10.05bachljp_laptop: which one/how much?
16:10.20trekedlink did the same thing, so check around
16:10.49bachcheck around?
16:10.56trekebach: yes
16:11.23trekeMake sure that whichever card you get hasnt had it's chipset changed.
16:11.26bachanyway would this card allow me to use wireless only at home on a private lan and in something like a sturbuck, or somethign more wide?
16:11.43bachtreke: how to check that? where do i find the list of the good chipsets?
16:12.08trekebach: google is a good place to start. And buy the card from some place you can return
16:12.58bachok... but when i test it, how to make sure it works? (i don't have anything wireless at home)
16:13.26ljp_laptopI dont think that the cf card would change chips as much as pc cards do
16:13.49ljp_laptopdo lsmod after you stick it in
16:14.28ljp_laptopor when you try to configure a network, if it says there's no card
16:15.00bachokie thanks
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16:30.03ljp_laptopits hot outside
16:30.07ljp_laptopneed to paint this lappie white
16:30.09apache444crazy hot
16:33.59kergothscanline: you know any way to track failures inside of an exec()'d code block?
16:34.20kergothscanline: the traceback doesnt seem to filter into those blocks of code, makes debugging a bitch
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16:55.00TMM1ibot seen noda
16:55.05noda <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 2d 19h 6m 25s ago, saying: 'Hehehe'.
16:58.00kergothhey TMM1
16:58.49TMM1this new laptop is so damn sexy
16:59.20Theloniusoh yeah
16:59.27Theloniusis that your chembook?
17:00.22Theloniusdigicam it for us ;)
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17:05.45TMM1whats a good cd burner for linux
17:07.38Neo|Workor cdrdao
17:07.44Neo|Workdepending on what you want to burn
17:08.21yeiazelgcombust :)
17:08.24TMM1i built ide-scsi and all
17:08.34ljp_laptopfunny how the free embedix sdk doesnt have pthread
17:09.36ljp_laptopI dont like burning my cd's, I like putting them in the microwave
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17:13.07TMM1i *could* use the linux packet code for cdrw
17:13.21TMM1already have the patched kernel.. but its superprebeta
17:15.59Neo|Workif it's superprebeta it must mean prealpha :-))
17:20.11TMM1its so awsome to be able to use mplayer in console to watch movies via fbdev
17:21.03scanlinekergoth: I thought that tracebacks did work inside exec()'ed code.. but I don't remember anything specific about it because I've never had any problems with it
17:21.09TMM1ibot botmail for noda you were saying i can use gnome2/nautilus to burn cdrw and change resolutions and such, how?
17:21.13scanlinekergoth: SCons does a lot of exec()'ing and exceptions seem to work fine
17:22.06kergothhmmm, must be something i'm doing wrong
17:22.25scanlineer... I guess it's exec not exec() since it's not a function :)
17:23.40scanlineexec is a statement not a function last time I checked
17:25.31scanlineyep.. section 6.14 in the language spec
17:32.53kergothah, gotcah
17:32.55kergothgotcha rather
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17:40.58kergothfinally, package, package_tarball, and package_ipkg are up to par again
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17:56.07TMM1eroaster works
17:56.09TMM1anyone know how i get that cool preview window type thing in xchat
17:56.11TMM1that shows whats going on in all channels
17:57.37TMM1blah, i need to get gnome to understand fluxbox type keycombos
17:57.40TMM1they're etched into my brain
18:18.54*** join/#openembedded bipolar (~bflong@
18:24.01Theloniushmm.. anyone know how to calculate available wattage from a psu?
18:24.14Theloniusie 19x, 3.16a would equal XXX watts?
18:26.12TMM1whats 19x
18:26.31trekeTMM1: the product of 19 and some number x
18:28.25TMM1kergoth: i used auto-apt with mplayer yesterday, its amazing!
18:33.19Theloniussorry, typo
18:33.26Thelonius19volts, 3.16 amps
18:33.39TMM1p = iv
18:33.50TMM1power ( watts ) = i (amps) x v (volts)
18:33.56TMM1so just multiply them two numbers
18:34.47treke~kill TMM1
18:34.49ACTION executes killall -9 TMM1
18:34.55treke~shoot TMM1
18:34.56ACTION shoots TMM1 in the head.
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18:37.11TheloniusTMM1, thought so
18:38.08Theloniusis it safe to assume that aslong as my psu supplies more watts than the device requires, then i should be good in terms of power
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18:38.57TMM1it'll take as much current as it needs
18:39.02TMM1as long as theres enough
18:40.22Thelonius24 minutes left on my latest auction...
18:46.19anderseeThelonius: which auction (so I can snipe and win)?
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18:50.14Theloniusi am sniping right now...
18:50.34Theloniuscxxxx PDA ;)
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18:57.18Neo|Workhrm, why isnt' ccache working correctly..
19:01.08Neo|Workit leaves temporary files but doesn't seem to update the stats or anything
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19:03.53Neo|Workok, so it looks like it IS working but not updating the cahd
19:11.54ljp_laptoptoo hot out
19:14.44kergothTMM1: yes, auto-apt rocks. you can also use it just for simply searching the files of things. auto-apt update; auto-apt search /bin/bash.. or you can do the builds within its env. quite cool.
19:15.16ljp_laptopauto-apt swimming pool
19:15.43*** join/#openembedded LordVan (~lordvan@
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19:27.52TMM1vmware4 is shweet
19:29.10anderseeTMM1: how so different from vmware 3.2.0?
19:30.43kergothNOTE: package metadata/backpack-1.0_cvs-r0: build started
19:30.43kergothNOTE: package metadata/backpack-1.0_cvs-r0: build succeeded
19:30.43kergothNOTE: build 200306271428 completed
19:30.51kergothdate/time stamped build runs. fun.
19:31.19mickeylTheMasterMind1: did you upload the kernel yet?
19:31.27mickeylkergoth: nice!
19:32.54kergothmickeyl: adding a build completion evfent handler that copies the tarballs, ipks, logs, etc from a given build run out to a useful place
19:32.58kergothTI needed that capability
19:33.59mickeylkergoth: good stuff... while you're deep in the new buildsystem, we at least should fix the old one to get a usable state ;) any idea 'bout that make oldconfig problem?
19:34.00cmartinmickeyl: just answering a message in the forum about ttf fonts in qpdf. Where should i tell the person turn for this qt/e issue?
19:34.12kergothmickeyl: no idea.. maybe its a bug in the new lkc?
19:34.31mickeylkergoth: maybe. how can i check?
19:34.40mickeylkergoth: when did you upgrade?
19:35.34kergothquite a while ago
19:35.36kergothdont recall
19:35.41kergoth1-2 weeks?
19:37.40cmartinmickeyl: have you built an image from BRANCH for the simpad?
19:38.08cmartinmickeyl: mine doesn't calibrate on first boot - it seems the launcher isn't started at all
19:38.48mickeylcmartin: can't build an image right now - we have severe problems with make oldconfig in the buildroot
19:38.59mickeylcmartin: check for the existance of /etc/pointercal
19:39.09cmartinmickeyl: it' not there
19:40.01mickeylcmartin: no surprise - the .config is totally off because of that make oldconfig bug
19:40.36kergothits not just oldconfig
19:40.39kergothmenuconfig fucks up too
19:40.43cmartinwhat a coinsidence
19:41.31kergothits like it isnt loading .config at all
19:41.37kergothit writes it, but doesnt read it
19:41.41kergothi'll look into it
19:41.51kergothI patched it to maek it stop loading the config form /boot
19:41.58kergothremember, it used to read /boot/config-kernelver?
19:42.06kergothmaybe that patch hosed loading CWD/.config too
19:42.11mickeylaah could be
19:43.50cmartinmickeyl: is this the reason why opie-opiealarm doesn't build too?
19:45.19mickeylcmartin: yes
19:45.34mickeylthat's how i found out that we have a problem, anyway
19:45.34kergothyep, opie suffers from teh same bug
19:46.49ljp_laptopbbl - party weekend...
19:48.19mickeyldamn... menuconfig grew a bit since i last compiled an own kernel (2.4.8 or so...)
19:48.25mickeylpfff... lots of options
19:48.42cmartinnice, ne
19:48.54kergothmenuconfig rocks
19:51.12kergothya gotta love an Xm radio station entitled "SquiZZ"
19:53.41TMM1i wonder if i can install to hda3 from inside vmware
19:53.52TMM1don't particularly feel like rebooting and sitting through an xp install
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19:57.06*** mode/#openembedded [+o masticator] by ChanServ
19:57.23masticatorthis is frickin weird
19:57.40masticatorthis new Itanium server is showing REALLY show screen refreshes with VNC
19:57.55masticatorand it is talking on teh same switchport my previous server was
19:58.07masticatorcant figure out why
19:59.07masticatoris there a way to benchmark the ethernet connection?
19:59.17masticatorlike tell how the driver is talking to the switch?
20:00.01pb_miitool can tell you what port settings it negotiated with the switch, like duplex and bitrate.
20:00.48pb_yep, miitool
20:00.58masticatordont think it comes with suse
20:01.01pb_oh, actually no, mii-tool
20:01.07pb_it's part of net-tools
20:01.22masticatoreth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok
20:02.13pb_well, that looks ok
20:02.25masticatoreth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD flow-control, link ok
20:07.18TMM1damned ati radeon drivers
20:08.07kergothlets see, time to add qt/e 2.3.6 and qtopia 1.6.1 .oe files
20:08.21masticatornow that is weird.
20:08.30masticatorI forced VNC into 16 bit mode and its flying.
20:08.36masticatorin regular default mode it creeps
20:08.59masticatorcould it be KDE running on top of it in 16 bit is faster than running in 8 bit?
20:09.49trekemickeyl: Probably a better encoding
20:11.10masticatorcould also have something to do with the vnc implementation on itanium
20:11.12masticatorit could suck
20:11.27trekeits probably the same one as on anything else
20:11.30masticatorI wonder if the one I have is even native
20:11.57trekevnc is a rather lightweight app
20:16.56TMM1masticator: so you got the itanium eh
20:20.19masticatoryeah not sure if I like it or not
20:20.26masticatorI think I want my opteron back!
20:20.37masticatorguess I will live with this for a month
20:20.54masticatorAMD is supposed to get me a faster opteron in august
20:23.18kergothi liked the opteron
20:25.51masticatorhmm maybe it was my tightvnc client for windows
20:26.02masticatorcause realvnc for windows seems a lot faster
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20:26.38masticatoryeah it was the fuckin client
20:26.43masticatorgoddamn it
20:30.11ociocioanyone know how to save files in links?
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20:32.14masticatorcool, segfaults when I run YAST2 now
20:40.22masticatorhow the hell do you set a cvsroot variable in linux?
20:40.30masticatorI'm trying friggin grab mozilla cvs
20:41.00masticatorsetenv CVSROOT
20:41.08masticatorwhy the fuck doesnt that work in linux
20:41.23kergothwrong shell?
20:41.37kergothexport CVSROOT
20:41.57trekemasticator: export
20:42.20trekemasticator: setenv works just fine if you are using a csh-like shell
20:43.11masticatoryeah I am using whatever suse uses
20:43.20masticatorsh whatever is friggin slashdotted
20:49.45kergothrealized my implementation of something didnt take something into account, so now have to hack something horrendous or rearchitect it
20:49.48kergothi hate that.
20:49.57pb_ah, sucks
20:51.37trekehow big of a reachitecture?
20:52.42kergothanalyzing it now
20:53.04trekesometimes it ends up not being as bad as you first suspect
20:53.06kergothits isolated to the event handling core in OE, so at absolute worst i'd only be reachitecting the event handling
21:00.28kergothturns out the system was sufficiently flexible it can do something I didnt think would be possible
21:00.33kergothand thereby solve the problem
21:00.42trekekergoth: :)
21:03.51masticatorI cant beleive the default suse itanium install includes no developer tools
21:04.08trekeI can.
21:04.12masticatorhave to install gcc after the fact
21:04.15masticatorfuckin stupid
21:04.17trekeredhat 7.3 is the same way
21:04.33kergothfucking sweet. it works
21:05.06masticatorthese itaniums have weird ass bioses
21:05.10kergothand is populated with information about that build
21:05.11masticatorits not even a bios
21:05.19masticatorits like some wacked out boot menu thing
21:05.50trekesounds like an alpha
21:08.01pb_that's the EFI thing, right?
21:08.19kergothhmm, wonder how to gather the logs from this build run, currently they're stamped with the process id, but thats less than useful. maybe i'll just swipe all the logs from that particular oedir.. but that doesnt seem efficient either. hmmmm
21:09.28kergothah, i'll just stamp the log files for a given task with the BUILDNAME if its defined, thats easy enough
21:11.00trekepb_: EFI?
21:11.07trekepb_: I only used srm and AlphaBios
21:11.12pb_treke: embedded firmware interface, I think.
21:11.31pb_if I remember right, that's the boot monitor you get on ia64.
21:11.37trekeon the ia6
21:16.01masticatorits the EFI thing yeah
21:16.05masticatorits very similar to an alpha
21:17.35masticatorwerid, friggin .configure script says it cant find gtk on this box
21:17.39masticatorand I know it does have it
21:17.47trekeit probably isnt lookin in /opt
21:18.10trekethe configure script
21:18.21trekethose germans like /opt for some reason
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21:19.55masticatoryou be right
21:20.51masticatorbut libgtk isnt in there
21:20.57masticatorbut gnome and gnome2 is
21:22.12masticatorthis makes no sense
21:22.18masticatortheres no lib64 on this thing
21:22.20masticatorjust /lib
21:24.48pb_are the binaries in /lib 64-bit?
21:25.06masticatorI'd assume so, or this friggin box wouldnt boot
21:25.22pb_maybe you just don't have any 32-bit runtime installed then.
21:25.46pb_("file" will tell you which architecture a binary is for, incidentally)
21:25.47masticatorits an itanium, why the fuck would I need one?
21:26.09pb_well, if you don't want 32-bit runtime, why were you expecting /lib/lib64?
21:26.31pb_the only reason for lib64 is if you want to parallel install the two userspace environments and stop them running into each other.
21:27.56masticatordependency hell
21:28.16masticatorok, yeah, that would explain why I had it on the opteron
21:28.20masticatorthat can run 32 bit shit
21:29.10trekecan't the itanium run 32bit stuff also?
21:29.14trekejust hideously slow
21:30.35pb_yeah, that's what I thought also, but I'm not that well up on itanium.
21:31.06pb_still, even if the hardware can do it, no reason why suse should ship the runtime as standard.
21:33.16masticatorI just wanna build mozilla damn it
21:33.31masticatormaybe its on the cd
21:33.37trekesuse should have it on cd
21:36.55masticatoryeah but just my luck it will probably be ancient version
21:39.03masticatornope no mozilla
21:43.18masticatorlast IA64 build on was for 1.2 on HPUX
21:43.40masticatorI WANT MY OPTERON BACK!
21:45.32*** part/#openembedded cmartin (
21:47.10trekeliked the opteron?
21:48.43masticatorfound that
21:48.45masticatordownloading it
21:48.56masticatorcourse its a redhat rpm
21:49.00masticatorshould work
21:49.36trekeshould work
21:52.48kergoth~/oe/oe$ bk push
21:52.49kergothProxy could not open connnection to  Server Error
21:52.49kergothssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
21:53.57masticatorwwwohoo. I found a native version of SETI
21:54.06masticatormaybe I can find some aliens when this thing is doing nothing
21:54.12masticatorwhich should be 90 percent of the time
21:54.24trekewhen does the opteron come back?
21:58.47masticatorwhen I get a new one
21:58.59masticatorI sent the 1U back, they are sending me a quad proc one later in the summer
21:59.56masticatorI'm really gonna be pissed if I have to start building everything for this itanium
22:01.21masticatorlol sco built the IA64 seti client
22:01.34masticatorhey, maybe thats where all the linux code came frrom!
22:01.55masticatorwait, maybe SCO was taken over by aliens after they were discovered
22:01.59masticatorthis would explain a lot
22:13.14*** join/#openembedded JohnZ (
22:22.08Neo|Workkergoth: DSL?!
22:25.48Neo|Workmasticator: as for no GTK - sure you have dev packages installed and crap like that?
22:26.04*** join/#openembedded Thelonius (
22:41.35*** join/#openembedded IRCMonkey_ (
22:44.54*** join/#openembedded ociocio (
22:56.11ociocioim trying to get a keyboard working but the how-to im reading references /dev/microkbd/foldable which is not on the system even after installing the required ipks. any ideas how i would create these?
22:56.31kergoththis isnt the appropriate place for the question
23:02.58*** part/#openembedded ociocio (
23:27.21*** join/#openembedded huhnl (
23:31.36TMM1whats the nick of the mplayer/xmms-e guy
23:31.41TMM1ibot seen pnis
23:31.44pnis <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 21d 47m 46s ago, saying: 'time to gofor me too - goodnight all'.
23:33.38*** mode/#openembedded [+o TheMasterMind1] by ChanServ
23:39.15TheMasterMind1ibot pnis
23:39.16hmm... pnis is an ingenious young man, respected by all mortals on earth
23:39.25TheMasterMind1ibot xmms-e
23:39.26bugger all, i dunno, TheMasterMind1

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