irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030611

00:05.48kergothibot: nslookup
00:06.24chouimatfuck! montreal -> prague is expensive ...
00:07.02joejoeMcgeeanytime you hop the pond it get expensive
00:07.53chouimatjoejoeMcgee: I'm going to a travel agency tomorrow
00:08.39joejoeMcgeehmm, yeah sometimes they have good deals went from tucson to amsterdam for 300 last fall
00:11.14chouimatjoejoeMcgee: exactly ... because 2000cad is a little expensive if I can get it for 1200cad that would be ok
00:12.19joejoeMcgeewhat is the usd->ca exchange rate right now, just currious?
00:12.25*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
00:13.01trekesigar what is 1 CAD in USD
00:13.05trekesugar what is 1 CAD in USD
00:13.08Sugar1 CAD is 0.729927 US$
00:13.13TheMasterMind1treke: what happened to the build
00:13.16trekeTheMasterMind1: it built
00:13.36TheMasterMind1treke: sweet. upload feed and image somewhere would ya
00:14.00TheMasterMind1i prolly shouldn't update ipkg
00:14.11TheMasterMind1treke: do you have sf access? put it in experimenta/
00:14.15TheMasterMind1kergoth: wahts new
00:14.28kergothTheMasterMind1: working on teh new buildsystem
00:14.33kergothTheMasterMind1: it can pull shit from cvs now
00:14.44trekeTheMasterMind1: it's gonna take a while but it'll work. My dsl sucks ass
00:14.50kergoththe ipkg and ipkg-x86 .oe's start building, but fail due to my old ass autoconf on this box
00:14.59kergothneed to add more host build tools
00:15.17TheMasterMind1treke: thanks. do you have a 5x50?
00:15.56kergothnext step is handling per package variable overrides, and FILES and ipk creation
00:16.04kergoththen we'll actually be able to build ipks with the new system
00:16.09kergoth*then* I'll start working on oemake
00:16.47kergothits coming along, still a lot to be done though
00:17.11kergothbut you can already see all the cool shit it can do that the old one never came anywhere near
00:17.38trekedoes it do mirrors yet? :P
00:18.13kergothdoesnt do md5 checking for downloads or signature checking yet either
00:18.21kergothbut the system is extensible enough that adding it wont take much
00:18.58TheMasterMind1wow, md5 checksums for downloads
00:18.59TheMasterMind1theres an idea
00:19.12kergothI already implemented a test case cvs autoupdater
00:19.20TheMasterMind1cvs autoupdated..
00:19.29kergothyou add 'inherit cvsupdate' to any .oe file, and it'll try to update prior to the next compile
00:19.34kergothfucking smooth.
00:19.51TheMasterMind1beh, this laptop is pissing me off
00:19.58TheMasterMind1time to compile 21-rc7 with ck7
00:20.08trekeTheMasterMind1: did you get it to apply?
00:20.10kergothck7 applies to the 21 rcs?
00:20.18trekekergoth: there is a -21 patch
00:20.23TheMasterMind1kergoth: yea, theres a link to patches for -21rc7
00:20.24trekebut it conflicted in the vm
00:20.32TheMasterMind1in the vm?
00:20.43TheMasterMind1oh, did you use the mega patch?
00:20.55TheMasterMind1i just did it the other day at school with all the broken up patches and it worked fine
00:21.05TheMasterMind1grsecurity bootsplash and everything
00:21.16trekeTheMasterMind1: yeah
00:23.11trekehrm. a bunch of stuff didnt build
00:23.46TheMasterMind1ooh, ogg theora
00:25.24TheMasterMind1very familiar looking webdesign =)
00:25.44TheMasterMind1from opensource webdesign.. i used that one for a school project site
00:26.03treke6ah pkgconfig was disabled
00:28.40trekebleh pkg config doesnt build
00:29.01TheMasterMind1stuff needs fixing
00:29.15TheMasterMind1we need a buildroot that can fix itself
00:29.33trekewe need a maintainer with no life
00:29.42TheMasterMind1or that
00:30.32Neo|WorkTheMasterMind1: opensource webdesign?
00:30.43TheMasterMind1Neo|Work: yea,
00:30.43*** topic/#openembedded by beattie -> OpenEmbedded - It Sucks Less!(tm) | News at | User support questions in #openzaurus | OE Buildroot devs in #buildroot-oe | <- cheap c7x0 with warrantya world that only changes in sync with us
00:31.11beattieWTF I didn't mean to do that
00:31.16TheMasterMind1kergoth: oh.. any suggestions on the best way to add mithro's compat stuff to the buildroot. basically need someway to build copies of qte/opie with gcc2
00:31.18TheMasterMind1beattie: fix it
00:31.22Neo|WorkTheMasterMind1: that's a pretty cool idea
00:31.36beattieTheMasterMind1: how I don't know how I did it
00:31.55*** topic/#openembedded by TheMasterMind1 -> OpenEmbedded - It Sucks Less!(tm) | News at | User support questions in #openzaurus | OE Buildroot devs in #buildroot-oe | <- cheap c7x0 with warranty
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00:37.12kergothTheMasterMind1: well, i'd say create new packages/blah dirs
00:37.18fishy2what ipkg do I have to install to get opera onto openzaurus?
00:37.40kergothTheMasterMind1: and have those Makefiles set GCCVER, and include the other makefiles
00:37.44kergothTheMasterMind1: so that they share the same base code
00:37.49TheMasterMind1kergoth: hmm, that makes sense
00:37.55kergothTheMasterMind1: kinda like how i did the cross-gcc stuff, with a base
00:38.01kergoththat way its not a nightmare to keep them in sync
00:40.28fishy2any answers to my question?
00:40.38TheMasterMind1fishy2: um, the opera ipk?
00:40.48trekesounds like a good guess
00:41.07TheMasterMind1ibot botmail for mithro has opie been changed yet so it looks for gcc2 compat libs if a proggie doesn't start?
00:41.32fishy2TheMasterMind1: and where would that be?
00:41.33kergothTheMasterMind1: i tried it, but never tested it
00:42.01TheMasterMind1treke|home: how's Twiun's libfb/slideshow coming
00:42.16trekeno idea
00:42.17TheMasterMind1kergoth: ok, i guess i'll test it
00:42.48TheMasterMind1ibot botmail for bipolar update the unstable feeds please. affix has new version, mplayer builds, all the sdl packages were updated etc
00:43.10fishy2opera does has been "ported" to OZ, right?
00:43.15TheMasterMind1kergoth: though, i don't see how trying and testing are different
00:43.17trekefishy2: no
00:43.23TheMasterMind1fishy2: search zsi. you have to create your own ipk
00:43.24trekefishy2: opera is a closed source ap
00:43.37TheMasterMind1or get the one from the sharp 3.1 rom
00:43.38TheMasterMind1ibot zsi
00:43.54TheMasterMind1ooh, videolan
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00:44.39TheMasterMind1 <-- very nice
00:44.40kergothTheMasterMind1: i added the code, just never tested it ;)
00:45.33TheMasterMind1kergoth: where does it look for the libs
00:45.50TheMasterMind1/usr/lib/compat or something?
00:46.14kergothmithro's? not sure
00:46.20kergothi was planning on something like that, yeah
00:46.30kergothmore like /usr/lib/gcc2/lib or something
00:46.36TeaXTheMasterMind1: i coded tximage
00:46.49kergothTeaX: nice, harlekin was wondering about it the other day
00:46.54kergothTeaX: what formats does it support?
00:47.08TeaXkergoth: only jpeg
00:47.19kergothhows it compare to mooview?
00:47.46kergothyou should add some other formats.. talk to Twiun[Zzzzz], who's been hacking on th e use of libpng lately..
00:47.48TheMasterMind1TeaX: good job, looks very nice
00:48.27TeaXit's fast like mooview
00:48.41TeaXi use jpeg pre-scaling
00:48.50*** part/#openembedded slowhog (
00:48.52TeaXlike in mooview
00:49.02TheMasterMind1looks nicer than mooview
00:49.09TeaXTheMasterMind1: have you tried it?
00:49.13TheMasterMind1i hated mooview's file open dialog
00:49.23TheMasterMind1TeaX: no, just saw the screenshot :)
00:49.26TheMasterMind1you should add it to opie
00:49.37Neo|Workok, how can you write a image viewer for Qtopia that only supports jpeg? that's braindead
00:49.57Neo|WorkTeaX: no offense to you that is. :P
00:50.07Neo|WorkTeaX: hint: Qtopia can out-of-the-box decode AT LEAST png and jpeg
00:50.39Neo|Workit probably has bmp, pnm and other stuff too but I don't know about that
00:50.39TeaXdo you know if png support prescaling?
00:50.47TheMasterMind1heh, that said, opie fails to use jpegs as backgrounds
00:50.50TheMasterMind1or maybe it was pngs
00:50.54trekeit was pngs
00:50.56trekeits been fixed
00:51.00Neo|Workactually, that is a good question, I don't know. if it does I'm sure qtopia doesn't support it
00:51.13TheMasterMind1treke: thats good
00:51.25Neo|WorkI doubt it since there's no benefit to it in PNG in the way it's a benefit in jpeg
00:51.50Neo|Worksince png is a lossless each-pixel-stored kind of format
00:51.50kergothNeo|Work: the way qt/e loads images seems to be crap.
00:51.58kergothNeo|Work: i believe thats why people avoided its use
00:52.03Neo|Workkergoth: actually, from my experience it works great
00:52.11Neo|Workwhat DOESN'T work great is converting to 16 bpp
00:52.17kergothNeo|Work: even for say, images that are 8000x4000?
00:52.19Neo|Workthat seems to be EXTREMELY slow
00:52.25kergothNeo|Work: i mean memory usage wrt large images
00:52.26Neo|Workkergoth: well, it uses libpng
00:52.52kergothibot: nslookup
00:53.07Neo|Workto load huge images you would need smarter loading
00:53.21Neo|Workthat said, being able to load "normal" png images for "free" so to speak isn't shabby
00:53.49Neo|Workkergoth: to load such a huge image you'd have to load and scale in a "streaming" manner
00:53.52beattieNo such file `ncurses_5.3.20021109.orig.tar.gz'. phooey
00:54.02kergothbeattie: your tree is old
00:54.31beattieI just did  bk pull;bk -r co
00:54.38kergothwell i fixed that last week.
00:55.03kergothit pulls 20030510 as things stand today.
00:55.07kergothnot 20021109
00:55.34beattiemake mrproper ?
00:56.33TheMasterMind1make SUBDIRS=packages/ncurses mrproper
00:57.13trekekergoth: can the new buildroot deal with building multiple copies of the same app with different configs from one make file?
00:57.41beattiedid it globaly
00:58.04kergothibot: nslookup
00:59.39TheMasterMind1treke: what're you trying to do
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01:00.05trekeTheMasterMind1: a nicer way of dealing with packages that are compiled more than one way
01:00.25trekeTheMasterMind1: like sdl, scummvm, and xmms
01:00.55kergothtreke: well, it will be able to, yes. it loads conf/auto.conf at build time
01:01.12fishy2whats the SCP command to upload a file to a remote location
01:01.18kergothtreke: you'd just have to figure out how to reflect that a given package depends on being built w/ differing configuration
01:01.23kergothtreke: not sure how we'd implement.
01:01.29TheMasterMind1fishy2: man scp
01:02.09chouimatkergoth: do you experience some freeze with the ck  kernel?
01:02.19kergothtim gave me a little tool to do the pserver checkouts via the http proxy
01:02.33kergothso i'm doing a make sources with everything enabled so i can do a build when i get home
01:02.36fishy2TheMasterMind1: unfortuanly OZ dosent have man
01:02.46kergothfishy2: google for linux man pages scp
01:04.44ljp_laptoptoo bad kdevelop does not highlight qt words
01:04.50kergothibot: nslookup
01:05.07chouimatljp_laptop: we are working on this
01:05.35ljp_laptoptkc's studio editor does.
01:06.16ljp_laptopI think its amazing. I used kdevelop since .54 and it stilldoesnt highlight qt words
01:07.17chouimatljp_laptop: posted your request to #kdevelop
01:07.27TheMasterMind1kergoth: broken dns?
01:07.42kergothTheMasterMind1: our dns has to go through the http proxy too
01:07.57kergothTheMasterMind1: but you cant do udp dns requests as they are through a tcp proxy CONNECT
01:08.01TheMasterMind1kergoth: jesus
01:08.06kergothyeah, i know
01:08.14TheMasterMind1no internal dns server?
01:08.23kergothsure there is, it just doesnt resolve anything external
01:08.58kergothibot: nslookup
01:09.31TheMasterMind1what a pain in the arse
01:09.37kergothno kidding
01:09.37fishy2howcome everytime I turn off my Z? wifi gets screwed up, and dosent reconnect when I turn it back on.
01:10.01kergothfishy2: do you have wireless_* entries in /etc/network/interfaces?
01:11.13fishy2kergoth: YES
01:11.19fishy2whoops caps
01:11.31kergothfishy2: comment out all the lines in /etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts
01:11.41kergothfishy2: then it'll obey those wireless_ entries
01:11.51kergothmake sure you're on the latest wireless-tools package
01:12.01kergothibot: nslookup
01:12.17kergothman, i'm going to write a gateway bot that interfaces between my buildroot and ibot for dns requests
01:13.56chouimatkergoth: lol
01:14.16fishy2whats the command to eject/mount a card?
01:14.33kergotheject != mount
01:14.35kergotheject = eject
01:14.42chouimatljp_laptop: you're using  kdevelop with which editor?
01:14.45fishy2well i mean eject then mount
01:14.45kergotheject != umount as well, for pcmcia/cf
01:14.58fishy2cardctl something
01:15.01kergothcardctl eject
01:15.04kergothcardctl insert
01:15.43fishy2cardctl eject cf?
01:15.52kergothcardctl eject
01:16.04kergothcardctl controls pcmcia/cf, thats what it does
01:16.11fishy2thanks :P
01:16.25ljp_laptopembedded advanced text editor
01:16.33kergothljp_laptop: ?
01:17.21kergothibot: nslookup
01:17.47kergothgod we have a lot of packages.
01:18.10chouimatljp_laptop: then you just need to tweak the xml file
01:18.42kergothhm, need to teach vim to syntax highlight .oe files
01:18.44ljp_laptopI dont want to tweak., it should come tweaked already ;)
01:18.57ljp_laptopkergoth: kdevelop
01:19.07chouimatljp_laptop: I will tweak it for you
01:23.28treke|homescrew kdevelop
01:23.31treke|homevim vim vim
01:24.35chouimatnow who's talking about sex
01:24.45ljp_laptopI prefer emacs really
01:26.29kergothibot: nslookup
01:26.44TheMasterMind1kergoth: adding these to your /etc/hosts or what?
01:26.56kergothTheMasterMind1: nah, worse, hacking each Sources
01:26.59kergothTheMasterMind1: hehe
01:28.59treke|homevtun man. vtun
01:29.05kergothmmm vtun
01:29.10kergothi dont have a box to vtun into yet
01:29.24ljp_laptopuse trekes
01:29.45kergothshit that reminds me
01:29.55kergothi forgot to call and order cable & broadband today
01:30.08kergothits gonna be weeks at this rate, due to my being a lazy ass
01:32.09kergothon the plus side, its amazing how much coding i can get done at home when i dont go out, and with no IRC to distract me
01:32.44treke|home<kergoth> absolutly none
01:32.49fishy2IRC always distracts me :/
01:33.19treke|homewhen i get distracted I find something to do whether its irc, tv, reading, or cleaning
01:33.46kergothirc qualifies as something to do?
01:33.54fraggletkind of
01:34.50ljp_laptopI know people that consider it a waste
01:35.44kergothirc is how i got in touch w/ Z people, which is how i ended up doing OZ, which is how i got out of tech support
01:35.49kergothirc a waste, i think not!
01:37.20fishy2well you still do tech support on irc ;)
01:37.36kergoth~lart fishy2
01:37.39kergothdont remind me
01:37.41ljp_laptopI know. I like irc, it is distracting though. but very useful
01:37.49kergothljp_laptop: yeah
01:38.04cleverdraljp - how do those people communicate their considerances to you?  Do they draw a mystical 'waste' line between electronically-facilitated (oops, that includes phones) communication and non-EF communication?
01:38.50ljp_laptopno. they are hard core audio/video codecs coders
01:39.08chouimatfuck! I forgot to call to say I'm moving the 24th
01:39.54chouimatand I didn't finish packing
01:40.24fishy2kergoth: wifi resumes now :) it just takes ~10 seconds
01:40.33kergothfishy2: k
01:44.49kergothibot: nslookup
01:45.34ljp_laptopwhat are you doing?
01:45.51chouimatarrrgggg air france website sucks ... they don't give the price just the schedule
01:46.28ljp_laptopits never a set price, it depends on who you are, where you go, when you go, and for how long you go for
01:46.47kergothcvs -z0 -d:pserver:anonymous@ co xmms-embedded
01:46.50kergothcvs [checkout aborted]: recv() from server EOF
01:46.53kergothstupid sourceforge
01:48.29fishy2wow my zaurus gets hot
01:48.54cleverdrafishy - I haven't noticed that.  Odd.
01:49.42fishy2are you sure?
01:49.58fishy2i dont mean just warm
01:49.59chouimatljp_laptop: they give no price at all
01:50.04fishy2I mean HOT
01:50.16fishy2and wifi card
01:51.23TheMasterMind1kergoth: change the -z
01:51.31kergothTheMasterMind1: yep, stupid thing
01:51.41kergothibot: nslookup
01:52.15kergothyou know
01:52.22kergothwe never did pick a color scheme for the OE logso
01:52.29kergothgotta do that
01:53.10TheMasterMind1scanline: here?
01:53.21ljp_laptoppick the purple one
01:53.23kergothibot: nslookup
01:53.59kergothfinally! got all the damn sources
01:54.04kergothnow i can go home and hack on things
01:55.33TheMasterMind1kergoth: have fun
01:55.37kergothyou know, hte oz buildroot downloads 600 megs of shit
01:55.41kergoththats nuts
01:55.45TheMasterMind1i need to add .18 collie to the buildroot
01:56.04kergothTheMasterMind1: the c700 tree supports collir
01:56.06ljp_laptopget a parabolic wifi antennea at work and point it at your place
01:56.07kergothTheMasterMind1: collie
01:56.09TheMasterMind1kergoth: wha??
01:56.15kergothTheMasterMind1: just edit packages/kernel-c700/stuff
01:56.24kergothTheMasterMind1: yeah, it always did. they just pushed their crap drivers forward
01:56.26TheMasterMind1kergoth: really.. hmm. thats rather interesting
01:56.30kergothTheMasterMind1: in fact, the uname -a version is identical
01:56.34ljp_laptopya, oe is huge
01:56.36kergothTheMasterMind1: so i doubt they even did any changes
01:56.43TheMasterMind1so i just need to build a c700 kernel.. and use it?
01:56.48kergothwell, change the defconfig
01:56.51kergothcollie, not corgi
01:56.56kergoththat sort of thing
01:56.57kergothbut yeah
01:57.09kergothbut its got all their worthless drivers
01:57.12kergothwe need to finish our tree
01:57.20TheMasterMind1yea, we do
01:57.31chouimatkergoth: got a cube?
01:57.37TheMasterMind1can i do something like setup a new makefile, change vars in there, then include the c700 one
01:57.39kergothTheMasterMind1: i left my Z serial cable in my damn cube in Digi
01:57.42kergothTheMasterMind1: yeah
01:58.02kergothTheMasterMind1: so i gotta get a coworker to send it.. until i have it, i cant do a whole lot of kernel dev.. any oopses and i'm screwed :)
01:58.20TheMasterMind1kergoth: yea, but it doesn't oops that often now anyway
01:58.28kergothin fact, it hasnt in a very long time
01:58.32kergoththeres one elusive pcmcia one
01:58.36kergoththats hard as fuck to reproduce
01:58.42kergothbut thats it
01:58.48kergothmaybe i'll hack on it some at home tonight
01:58.57kergothTheMasterMind1: thing is, cant test ts
01:59.04kergothTheMasterMind1: cause i cracked the ts digitizer on my 5500
01:59.20kergothi'll hack on the finishing touches for shit like the battery switch though
02:01.40TheMasterMind1you cracked it?!!?
02:01.54treke|homehes cracked two touch screens
02:02.45TheMasterMind1tsk tsk
02:04.48fishy2under the package manager, root is ROM right?
02:08.02fishy2pkgmanager complains about symlinks when I try to install packages onto ram.
02:08.12fishy2anything I need to fix?
02:09.13treke|homeTheMasterMind1: lets see if your collie build is done
02:12.55icefoxback from the mall
02:12.57icefoxwhat hell
02:14.40ljp_laptopheheh malls are hell
02:34.00chouimat|outicefox: I managed to get a ticket for 1200cad
02:34.12TheMasterMind1treke|home: built?
02:34.56treke|homestill building
02:35.01treke|homeit died looking for texinfo
02:38.24ljp_laptopchouimat: where ya going?
02:45.40chouimatljp_laptop: maybe there :
02:49.16chouimatljp_laptop: if I can get an affordable ticket
02:51.02chouimatljp_laptop: the conference fee are good
02:52.12ljp_laptopgood.. you can tell the kdevelop guys that it needs qt highlight words
02:52.36chouimatljp_laptop: I'm on it I will send you the patch tomorrow
02:57.21chouimatljp_laptop: I'm looking at my cat and he give me an idea
03:00.57ljp_laptophmm, to eat a bird?
03:02.07chouimatno sleep
03:02.50TheMasterMind1treke|home: making progress?
03:10.14treke|homeit has to be getting close
03:10.31chouimattreke|home: building what?
03:11.30ljp_laptopa pron bar
03:11.51treke|homeok. it seems to be done
03:12.25chouimatan opie porn fetcher???
03:13.58chouimat|showerljp_laptop: the book was useful?
03:17.13treke|homeTheMasterMind1: its uploading
03:22.25chouimat|showerljp_laptop: accept dcc
03:23.30TheMasterMind1treke|home: cool
03:34.57chouimatljp_laptop: ping
03:38.13ljp_laptopmy cat is debugging again
03:47.57ljp_laptopchouimat: ping
03:51.07chouimatljp_laptop: sorry was outside
03:51.39chouimatljp_laptop: ping
03:54.32ljp_laptopisnt it snowing up there or something?
03:54.44chouimatljp_laptop: not in june
03:55.24chouimatljp_laptop: copy it to $KDEDIR/share/apps/katepart/syntax
03:59.41chouimatljp_laptop: is it working?
04:05.04ljp_laptopit is if I use th qt designer based editor
04:05.30chouimatljp_laptop: ok I will  check that tomorrow
04:05.40chouimathuh? V is coming back??
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05:15.26TMM1treke|home: finished?
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05:18.19Theloniusare there any pics of the latest build?
05:18.49TMM1hmm, don't think so
05:19.06TMM1ibot treke
05:19.07treke is, like, Greg Gilbert <>, or a goon, or a goon with no life, and no neck
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06:16.05TheloniusTMM1, thanks, that is cool
06:16.19Theloniushas anyone gotten a good im going in openembedded?
06:18.20schurigThelonius: what you mean?  Using the toolkit from
06:22.44Theloniuslike gaim
06:22.51Theloniusor everybuddy
06:23.24schurigAhh, you are not talking about openembedded, you're talking about chat clients on a PDA ..
06:24.07Theloniusmy bad
06:24.19schurigmaybe you find something on killefiz. Or you have to code it by yourself, contributions to Opie are welcome
06:24.33schurigibot: killefiz
06:24.34extra, extra, read all about it, killefiz is the guy running the zsi (zaurus software index) at you can email him:
06:26.01Theloniusare there any good faqs/docs on the buildroot?
06:26.19Theloniuslike can i build a complete cross compiling environment from scratch
06:26.30schurigThelonius: start to get Bitkeeper
06:26.33schurigibot: bk
06:26.34methinks bk is see bitkeeper or under a really crappy license
06:26.42schurigibot: oz bk
06:26.43i guess oz bk is bk clone bk:// buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
06:27.21schurigThelonius: then do download the buildroot as noted above (be sure to have lots of free space, that will later be needed at compile time)
06:27.47schurigThelonius: then you will see a docs/ directory.
06:28.02schurigThelonius: I also heard that stuff is documented inside the FAQ on
06:28.12schurigThelonius: hang around in the channel and ask question
06:28.38schurigThelonius: btw, I found it easier to use a pre-compiled crosscompiler, I'm using gcc-2.95.3 from
06:28.59schurigThelonius: compiling your own with the buildroot seems to work only on Debian (I have Mdk82)
06:31.39TheloniusI had built a complete cross compiling enivronment before
06:32.06Theloniuswhat would i neeed to alter to integrate it with opie
06:33.00Theloniusso that I can just select an arch and go forth
06:34.43schurigok, now you're talking about opie and not about openzaurus?
06:35.00schurigfor opie, you just need to set the PATH correctly, assuming the crosscompiler is named  arm-linux-gcc
06:35.48schurigand then set HOSTQTDIR=/ is and do a "make xconfig".
06:45.24Theloniusok, i may have it confused
06:45.48Theloniusibot: oz
06:45.48i guess oz is see openzaurus or or /join #openzaurus
06:45.53Theloniusibot: opie
06:45.54opie is probably the Open Palmtop Integrated Environment. More info at or in the #opie channel. Installation instructions at or respect
06:46.05anderseeibot: 6*9?
06:46.06i heard 6*9 is 42
06:46.06Theloniuswhat is the difference between oz and opie/
06:46.39Thelonius6 x 9 = 54
06:46.50Theloniusunless i am not getting the joke...
06:47.18anderseeThelonius: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...
06:49.18Theloniusoh ok
06:49.33Theloniusbut what is the difference between oz and opie?
07:00.55schurigThelonius: OZ is a Linux distribution for PDAs from Sharp, IPAQ, M&N, Siemens etc
07:01.11schurigThelonius: OZ consists of kernel, tools like "more" or a shell and opie
07:01.38schurigThelonius: Opie is one of several graphical environments. It runs on top of OZ, but also on top of other distros (like Familiar, Intimate)
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08:34.25schuriganybody of you worked with dumpkmap / loadkmap from busybox?
08:37.11TwiunI've used it
08:37.20schurigTwiun: moin!
08:37.24Twiunhey schurig :)
08:37.30schurigTwiun: how do you create a keymap that you can load into the PDA?
08:37.51schurigTwiun: dumpkeys on my Mdk82 box creates some ascii file, dumpkmap from busybox creates some binary blob
08:37.55Twiunyou'd be better off using the human-readable ones dumpkeymap and loadkeymap
08:38.17TwiunI've used the ones from hh successfully
08:39.03schurigTwiun: hmm, they are not in my busybox executable
08:39.18Twiunno, they're separate binaries
08:39.25Twiunbb only understands the binary format
08:40.55schurigTwiun: I'd rather add a package to OZ than to install some random ipk files (I know, it's more work, but it's cleaner. And I don't like to violate GPL when we sell Ramses, we have to give the source, too)
08:42.19Twiunoh, sorry - I thought you just needed a quick fix :)
08:42.32TwiunI'm sure there are sources for these tools
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09:18.42Twiunhey mickeyl
09:18.55mickeylhiho Twiun
09:19.08mickeylgetting further with that lib?
09:19.28Twiunyup, almost got the png loading figured out
09:19.56TwiunI've got the decoded bitmap in memory, just need to figure out its exact encoding so I can dump it to the fb
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09:21.12mickeylhi cmartin
09:21.40mickeylcmartin: that touchscreen-on-restarting-opie-bug is killing me... i seem to have a workaround though
09:22.21mickeylcmartin: after initial calibration do a "echo >> /etc/pointercal" which appends a line feed to that file. interestingly restarting opie works then - at least for me - please test for yourself
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09:24.55cmartinmickeyl: yes that works
09:25.32cmartinthanx, for the tip about the missing bc - how did you find that out?
09:26.52cmartindoes make image work for you? - when I run it your simpad-make-images script bails out with a syntax error in "find"
09:27.19cmartinif i manually set TOPDIR and OUTPUT_DIR I can run it manually without problems
09:27.49cmartinit seems the variables are not set within your script
09:31.39mickeylcmartin: hehe, i had the same effect on my laptop and i inspected the output where i found "bc: command not found" :D
09:31.53mickeylcmartin: i corrected that yesterday nite. bk pull
09:32.48mickeylthe variables are set, but find needs "
09:34.27schurigmickeyl: you could change the kernel build script to not use bc, but perl.
09:34.38schurigmickeyl: it's just used for some hex math
09:35.18cmartinbc is easily installed ;)
09:35.31mickeylschurig: hehe, no - i won't touch that piece of code... did you take a look at it? sed is scaring me away
09:35.45mickeylschurig: btw. - did my first successful use of patcher last weekend
09:35.52mickeylschurig: pretty good work
09:36.17schurigmickeyl: I tried kergoth from continueing his shell script talents in buildroot-oe
09:36.35mickeylschurig: good approach :))
09:36.38schurigmickeyl: the file base.oeclass was already looking very kergothic
09:38.33mickeylschurig: do you have _any_ clue what could cause the following behaviour:
09:39.06mickeylschurig: rm /etc/pointercal; start opie and calibrate with it; restart opie and calibration is totally off
09:39.36mickeylschurig: rm /etc/pointercal; calibrate with ts_calibrate; start opie; restart it as often as you like... no problem
09:40.08mickeyladditionally, i get sometimes "QSocketNotifier: Multiple reads for 5' ... I'm lost there
09:40.48mickeylsometimes appending a line feed on /etc/pointercal seems to help also
09:40.51mickeylisn't that odd ?
09:41.02mickeyland i could swear that that used to work a few weeks before
09:45.02schurigmickeyl: i had the same problem. When I calibrated with qt, then x/y axis was swapped. You can verify this easily by not starting opie, but running opt/QtPalmtop/bin/scribble -qws
09:45.39schurigin scribble, you can easily see the correlation between your pen position and the recognized position
09:46.01schurigalso, when I have /etc/pointercal made by ts_calibrate and I start then qt-calibrate, then Opie coredumps.
09:46.57mickeylwow. so there is indeed something buggy in qte's tslib support
09:49.28mickeylqwsmouse.cpp is ugly.
09:49.31mickeylso full of #ifdef
09:49.33mickeyli hate that
09:56.59schurigmickeyl: you need to look at one object only, ignore the rest
10:00.09cmartinmickeyl: so how do we get this fixed in order to release some new images?
10:00.24mickeylcmartin: no idea - i'm open for suggestions :)
10:01.07mickeylcmartin: someone... (not me atm) could do a detailed debugging session with qwsmouse and opie
10:01.15mickeyland find out where the problem is
10:02.44cmartinbut why didn't this appear a week ago when building images?
10:02.52mickeylas the first step we should find out if that broke by switching from proprietary ucb1x00 handling to tslib or if that broke _after_ we switched to using tslib
10:02.56cmartinthis must be caused by recent changes
10:03.48mickeyli think it broke afterwards but I'M not sure
10:08.39schurigmickeyl: i have it since about a week, but it was not important to me. Our Ramses' get a preinstalled pointercal ...
10:10.38cmartinschurig: yes but what happens when a user recalibrates?
10:12.12schurigcmartin: he doesn't. Opie is just a demo for the sales people. No one will run Opie on a Ramses, they have some warehouse logistics software on it, or a TN5250 connection to an AS/400 or a connation to SAP.
10:12.50schurigcmartin: What might be uses are the settings, e.g. energy-and-light, but even they get called from the main app and not via qpe
10:13.02schurigactually, the main app is Qt3 ...
10:15.02cmartinmickeyl: here's another suggestion - we should build an initial combined image without the mem= option set at all
10:16.17mickeylhmm... why?
10:16.50cmartinsince offers 128MB RAM upgrades for SL4 and SLC this would not cause them to be slowed down
10:18.23mickeylslow down?
10:18.25mickeylin how far?
10:18.37mickeylwhy not just adding a target for those upgraded models?
10:19.55cmartinsounds reasonable, but it would save me a couple of kernel builds when making all the images for all models
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10:20.37cmartinleaving the mem= option wouldn't hurt anybody as an initial combined image
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10:20.53cmartinthat's my opinion at least
10:20.58mickeylcmartin: are you sure that autodetect works for all models?
10:21.20cmartinnot sure - it does on my SL4 though
10:22.17mickeylwell... it's okay for me... adding a target and fiddleing on the memory options seems to be the same amount of work for me
10:23.17cmartinok, it may be better to just add an new target - "Upraded SL4 (128MB RAM)" or something
10:23.25mickeylgood. will do that
10:23.53mickeylcmartin: good news by the way...
10:24.12mickeylcmartin: the june 10th kernel compiles fine and has the apm implementation
10:24.16cmartinwhat about automatically removing the zImage under /boot in the rootfs - or should I just remove that manually myself before building the images
10:24.21mickeylcmartin: that means the opie batteryapplet works out of the box
10:25.13cmartinso the kernel I built yesterday should have that included?
10:25.26schurigmickeyl: batteryapplet worked for me out of the box, too
10:25.37mickeylno. i didn't switch to that kernel yet in bk
10:25.53mickeylschurig: hehe, yeah, but we didn't have an apm implementation since a few days ago
10:27.34cmartinmickeyl: it would be nice to include that in the official image release ;)
10:28.04cmartinwould i only have to recompile the kernel after cleaning it?
10:28.35mickeylthink so
10:28.42mickeyldo oznew kernel-simpad
10:28.52mickeylyou did copy my scripts which i posted here?
10:29.38cmartinsorry, i forgot - I wasn't sure if those were actual scripts or just suggestions
10:29.59cmartindid you already push the new kernel changes?
10:30.14cmartinif so i will bk pull now
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10:31.15mickeylhold on
10:33.41cmartinmickeyl: now for those scripts....please ;-)
10:36.50mickeylfunction ozclean() { rm -rf $stamps/.$1.*; make SUBDIRS=packages/$1 clean-sources; make SUBDIRS=packages/$1 clean-sourcetrees; }
10:36.52mickeylfunction ozmake() { make SUBDIRS=packages/$1; }
10:36.54mickeylfunction oznew() { ozclean $1 && ozmake $1; }
10:37.11mickeylvery handy. just one thing to remember. be always in rootdir before calling one of these
10:37.20mickeylthat way you can use them for all your buildroot trees
10:37.34mickeylbbl - food hunting
10:38.01cmartinmickeyl|mensa: guten appetit
10:38.12mithroibot, seen themastermind1
10:38.12themastermind1 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 7h 14m 42s ago, saying: 'treke|home: cool'.
10:38.21mithromickeyl|mensa: why are you going to mensa?
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10:46.17mithroanyone else alive today?
10:47.04cmartinyes, but starving
10:47.20mithrogo and eat something then :)
11:08.13mithrozecke_: whats that?
11:08.49schurigis CF Automounting a "showstopper"?
11:09.11zecke_schurig: if it is not working yes ;)
11:09.14mithrowhats wrong with CF automounting?
11:09.23mithroi havn't had any problems?
11:10.08zecke_it's not working with my image ;) ( )
11:10.23schurigmaybe it's broken on some hardware things. Anyway, if has NOTHING to do with opie, so if OZ is broken, it should be in OZ's todo or bugtracking system, but not at
11:11.06schurigui, Opie makes OZ images?  Didn't knew that.
11:11.10mithroi have to agree with schurig
11:11.20zecke_schurig: yupp but it is release critical for Opie as well cause we supply images for the 1.0 release ;)
11:12.36schurigzecke_: ok, if it isn't working for you: can you login to your system, do insert the card, do then "cardctl eject" and "cardctl insert" by hand and look at the output?  this would give us a hint on what is going wrong.
11:12.54mithrozecke_: Model?
11:13.01mithroschurig: the c700 has an internal speaker
11:14.26zecke_# cardctl eject
11:14.26zecke_# cardctl insert
11:14.46mithroplus i had sound working with the last image i built
11:15.07schurigzecke_: so you don't see anything?
11:15.14zecke_Jun 11 11:14:45 openzaurus klogd:  hda1
11:15.14zecke_Jun 11 11:14:45 openzaurus cardmgr[390]: + Warning... fsck.msdos for device /dev/hda1 exited with signal 7.
11:15.16schurigzecke_: try "dmesg"
11:15.16zecke_Jun 11 11:14:45 openzaurus cardmgr[390]: start cmd exited with status 1
11:15.24zecke_did logread
11:15.32Twiunfinally cracked that libpng loading problem
11:15.49zecke_yuhu dosutils are broken :)
11:15.58schurigzecke_: -7 is SIGBUS
11:16.09schurigzecke_: or your CF card is borked
11:16.11mithroTwiun: hey how are you?
11:16.21Twiunmithro: I'm good :)
11:16.28Twiunmithro: finally tamed that lib
11:16.34mithroTwiun: thats good :)
11:16.47mithroi'm pretty good apart from my looming exams
11:16.50Twiunmithro: fbshowimg can now show jpegs _and_ pngs direct to the framebuffer
11:17.09Twiunmithro: heavy revision or procrastinating?
11:17.37schurigzecke_: as a tempory test, go and edit /etc/pcmcia/ide.opts, set DO_FSCK to "n"
11:17.42schurigzecke_: what happens now?
11:18.12mithroTwiun: both :)
11:18.19zecke_schurig: manually mounting the cf works and the cf is working in my laptop as well
11:18.21Twiunmithro: lol
11:18.30mithrocan anyone check the scummvm patch i did the otherday?
11:18.45schurigzecke_: you could first try to reformat you CF and then look if fsck.msdos still terminates
11:18.56mithrowhats the diffrence between Opie head and Opie 0-99 ?
11:19.54schurigzecke_: hmm, do you really have "dostools" installed?  In OZ the package is named "dosfstools"
11:19.59zecke_schurig: did reformat yesterday
11:21.26schurigzecke_: i have dosfstools 2.8-2, what yours ?
11:22.39zecke_schurig: reformatted and and fsck is still sigbussing ( what does that mean on arm? man 7 signal says nothing on my x86 )
11:23.23zecke_dosfstools 2.8-2
11:24.23schurigok, the same. Btw, on debian there's a dosfstools 2.9, I'm trying this now
11:25.09zecke_schurig: what is a SIGBUS?
11:25.46schurignot sure
11:25.53schurigmaybe google knows
11:26.44schurigzecke_: do you have OZ' buildroot installed?  Does it help you if I "bk push" my changes or do you want the IPK file with 2.9?
11:27.21zecke_schurig: I can build it on a different machine but for now a ipk would be easier
11:28.24zecke_Now for user space applications, it is possible to configure the alignment
11:28.24zecke_trap to SIGBUS any code performing unaligned access (good for debugging bad
11:28.27zecke_code), or even fixup the access by software like for kernel code.  The later
11:28.30zecke_mode isn't recommended for performance reasons (just think about the
11:28.32zecke_floating point emulation that works about the same way).  Fix your code
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11:29.39schurigzecke_: ok, I "bk push"ed it. So, your kernel does not have CONFIG_ALIGNMENT_TRAP=y set?
11:30.10zecke_arg echo 0 > /proc/sys/debug/alignment
11:30.18zecke_'fixes' the sigbus
11:30.23schurigzecke_: try
11:30.48schurigzecke_: my kernel doesn't have anything in /proc/sys/debug, it's empty
11:31.06schurigzecke_: just the file above, this is no feed
11:31.38mithroQTe doesn't run on anything apart from framebuffer right?
11:32.04zecke_schurig: buserror unaligned access
11:32.17Twiunmithro: there's a virtual fb tool qvfb for use on desktops
11:32.51mithrobut it's intreicatly tied to a framebuffer type device?
11:33.25zecke_mithro: it can run on anything you want
11:35.01mithrozecke_: but not without alot of work?
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11:35.33Twiunmithro: a framebuffer is only a block of memory - it doesn't take a lot of work to write a virtual one
11:35.58zecke_mithro: dive deeper into the source
11:36.13mithroi'm reading doco and waiting for it to download :)
11:36.36Twiunpb_: fun begins again... now going to use function pointers with libpng instead of linking with it
11:37.33schurigzecke_: ok, then it's not because of the tool version. I guess that it might be something inside the kernel. You should refer this problem the the guy that is responsible for your kernel.
11:37.36pb_Twiun: ah, joy.
11:38.03Twiunpb_: hopefully this time I'll know enough not to pester too much :)
11:38.26mithroi'm looking at this currently
11:38.28mithro** $Id: qt/src/kernel/qgfxlinuxfb_qws.cpp   2.3.5   edited 2003-02-27 $
11:38.28mithro** Implementation of QLinuxFbScreen (unaccelerated Linux framebuffer) class for
11:38.47schurigmithro: QTe is suppsed to run on X11, too. Althought I got nothing but error messages when I selected this in make xconfig
11:39.08zecke_schurig: QTe or Opie?
11:39.11schurigmithro: ah, sorry, not Qte, but Opie
11:39.23zecke_schurig: it is needing Qt/X11
11:39.36schurigzecke_: I know, I have this on my x86-box in /usr/lib/qt2
11:40.04zecke_will check after 1.0
11:40.07mithrozecke_: so the qws stuff is specific to qte? or?
11:40.10schurigzecke_: and I set QTDIR and HOSTQTDIR to that
11:40.24zecke_qws yes
11:40.32zecke_Q Window System
11:40.42schurigzecke_: actually, designer-qt2 works under X11, so I know that my qt2/X11 installation is ok (and besides, it's a Mdk RPM anyway)
11:41.04mithrohow does it talk to the Q Window System?
11:42.40mithroi'm getting a picture of how the qws system works, but i'm still very fuzzy about how it links to the rest of qt
11:45.27zecke_Qt == platform independant
11:45.52zecke_files inside a QWS #ifdef or with the name _qws _x11 _win _mac are platform sepecefic
11:47.12mithrozecke_: yeah i get that part
11:47.51mithrothe qws must start some type of server right? (just like under windows/mac/x11 there already exists a server)
11:48.10mithrohow does qt interact with these servers?
11:49.20zecke_mithro: it does two things open up /dev/fb0
11:49.25zecke_mithro: mmaping it for screen access
11:49.38zecke_mithro: and then have a) socket communication and b) shared memory
11:49.58mithrookay, this is what i'm looking for :)
11:50.20zecke_QWSServerSocket for socket communication
11:50.31zecke_and somewehre in linuxfb is the shmget and such stuff
11:51.11mithrofrom what i'm understanding the stuff which does the mmaping and opening is the qgfxlinuxfb_qws and it's accelerated deriviates?
11:51.50mithroand it's the region manager which manages access to it?
11:53.47mithrozecke_: or do i need to look at bit harder?
11:54.41zecke_tronical: ping
11:57.03zecke_tronical: I've a problem with a define in applnk.h
11:57.10mithrolook it's a tronical :)
11:57.57zecke_tronical: the assignment operator is autogenerated if not not available but I need to copy contents out of a d pointer over...
11:58.14zecke_otherwise I will have some sort of mem corruption when the original applnk is deleted..
11:58.43zecke_the question is can I remove the QTOPIA_INTERNAL_ASSIGNMENT #ifdef ...
11:59.04tronicalyou're wondering if it breaks binary compatibility?
11:59.31mithrohrm inside the qws-linuxfb file there is a "setMode" function which resize the framebuffer...
11:59.32zecke_tronical: it shouldn't old apps will call the old one but I want to be safe...
12:03.11tronicalzecke_: for me gcc2 does not generate a symbol by default for the assignment operator
12:04.07zecke_tronical: but it should?
12:05.09tronicalzecke_: I'm not sure if the standard requires putting a symbol for it or if compilers are allowed to do it like gcc2 does: copy the data directly on the caller side
12:05.40tronicalzecke_: but the way I observe it gcc2 does the latter (which the obvious conclusion)
12:06.17zecke_so it performs a memcpy
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12:12.52mithrozecke_: what was your problem with changing screen resolutions on the fly?
12:18.06schurigzecke_: in your comment, the echo 0 >/proc/sys/debug is borked
12:18.40schurigzecke_: on the referred web size: "Therefore I enforced a kernel oops if ever this happens
12:18.40schurigagain with the kernel alignment trap configured out
12:18.57schurigso, that means that you get the SIGBUS because CONFIG_KERNEL_TRAP is configured out
12:20.06schurigor do I miss something?
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12:20.43schurigzecke_: anyway, in 2.4.19-rmk7-pxa1 (also from Nicolas Pitre) the behavior is like "echo 2 >/proc/sys/debug/alignment"
12:20.46zecke_schurig: I get SIGBUS cause fsck does unaligned memaccess and I can decide on the strategy the kernel takes
12:20.57zecke_ok so it's fixing it up
12:23.44zecke_tronical: damn I can not simply remove that #ifdef... would break compat with sharp
12:23.50tronicalzecke_: yeah :-(
12:24.26zecke_tronical: but TT removed the #ifdef in Qtopia1.6
12:24.39zecke_tronical: but the symbol is only defined in libqtopia
12:43.03Twiunmickeyl,pb_: ok, that's done - fbshowimage now doesn't link against libpng, libjpeg or libz... I'll remove the ncurses dep later
12:57.13pb_Twiun: ah, cool.
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13:19.48Twiunhey chouimat
13:20.05Twiunchouimat: cracked that nut - png/jpg loading works great
13:20.13Twiunchouimat: the binary is 5k stripped :)
13:20.36chouimatTwiun: and 12345k stripped if wrote in C++ ;)
13:20.53Twiunyeah, most likely
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13:23.38mickeyl|mensaTwiun: nice. how do we get the fonts?
13:25.06Twiunmickeyl: depends - I was thinking of making a separate binary for text output to keep it simple
13:25.16Twiunmickeyl: as well as one that only does the progress bar
13:25.57chouimatgrrr I hate those days  where you need to turn on the lamp at 9h24 am
13:27.42mickeylokay, good.
13:27.54mickeylhope we have big fonts also - not only tiny ones
13:28.06mickeyl(remember that on SIMpad we have 800x600 to fill :)
13:28.28chouimattodo list for today: make some coffee, call telephone,electricity,cable co, goo see a travel agency, works, packing ...
13:29.34Twiunmickeyl: it uses pcf fonts, so get something the right size for your resolution :)
13:30.24chouimatTwiun: we want type1 and truetype
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13:32.02Twiunchouimat: not really needed though - remember this'll run before freetype would even be installed
13:33.53chouimatTwiun: was joking
13:34.13Twiunchouimat: you may have been, but I'd considered it seriously a while back :)
13:34.58chouimatTwiun: thoses ones are the better jokes ;)
13:35.19chouimathi zecke
13:40.10zeckemickeyl: maybe we could sell the additional space to an add company... ;)
13:40.28mickeylzecke: yeah, we planned to do "buy tkc applications" billboards ;)
13:41.02schurigchouimat: again packing?  Where do you go this time?  Switzerland again?  Visiting the nice nurses there?
13:41.21chouimatschurig: I'm moving
13:41.28schurigchouimat: new job?
13:41.46chouimatschurig: no new appartment (sort of)
13:42.59cmartinmickeyl: just about to upload images to SF, any suggestions?
13:43.18cmartinmickeyl: BTW: I added a pointercal in the rootdisk
13:44.31schurigcmartin: maybe you upload an image from me?  Wait, I'm adjusting my web camera   (laught)
13:45.53mickeylcmartin: did you add a line feed after /etc/pointercal ? you should.
13:46.08cmartinmickeyl: yep
13:46.24chouimatschurig: I'm moving back to my mother's house for a while ... to think about my future
13:46.42mickeylschurig: no really, i would find it totally coolness if we had one billboard where all the developers are listed (maybe with fotos :)
13:47.01schurigmickeyl: as soon as you setup the Zope base CMF ...   (laugh again)
13:47.25schurigmickeyl: btw, in typo3 it would be easy, they have a nice extension for this
13:47.38cmartini second that
13:47.51chouimatschurig: don't put to much job on mickeyl :)
13:48.12mickeylthanks :))
13:52.18chouimat <--- picture of me :)
13:52.53mickeyli knew it :))
13:53.29mickeylschurig: btw. - i was referring to the developer-billboards in the first OZ boot, not on the website :)
13:53.55chouimatmickeyl: <--- that one is better
13:55.20cynCompUSA has the Linksys WCF12 Instant Wireless? Wireless CompactFlash Card selling for $69.99 with a $40 rebate (exp. 6/14/03) making your cost $29.99.  Add $5 for shipping.  Search for 298210.
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13:56.39chouimatwho is
13:57.18ljp_laptopyo momma domain name pointer
13:57.45cynperson:         Stephane Meslin-Weber
13:57.49cynsome londoner
13:58.15Twiunchouimat: Yup, 'tis me
13:58.26chouimatcyn: the server is close now :)
13:58.45chouimatTwiun: server is down :)
13:58.52chouimatcyn: down
13:58.53Twiunyeah, lots of jpegs all over the place
13:59.17cynweb server on that machine isn't down
13:59.57chouimatTwiun: so very nice ... like yeah-down-there-dont-you-see-it?
14:00.08Twiunchouimat: Yeah, I was curious about that one :)
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14:02.10chouimatTwiun: I like that poing of view (the jpg)
14:03.02Twiunchouimat: it's certainly one of the better alternatives :)
14:08.47mickeylcontinuing work @ home
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14:20.57schurigchouimat: you find a picture of me on the web!
14:21.14chouimatschurig: the one on my site?
14:21.42schurigthat's me
14:22.04chouimatschurig: lol
14:22.32schurigthe problem is that I don't get the joke with my limited english
14:23.30chouimatschurig: Martha Steward initial are MS and she  wonder why geeks doesn't like her
14:24.06schurigchouimat: I didn't know her surname
14:24.13schurigit's not in the picture
14:24.14chouimatschurig: my german is probably more limited than your english
14:24.46chouimatschurig: no need because the annoy us with that on the news
14:36.17treke|homekergoth: xstroke ish port is back under way :p
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14:42.42ljp_laptopxstroke for qte?
14:46.37kergothglad to hear it
14:47.09treke|homeI've got a couple ideas for full screen mode. if they dont work I'll fall back to little box mode for the time being
14:47.31treke|homebut at least I can get the libstroke->character part working
14:50.13masticator_morning dudes.
14:50.58chouimat|phonehi masticator_
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15:45.13kergothbe nice to the buildroot
15:45.56HClits like... the 20th broken package..
15:47.57kergothHCl: shit happens
15:48.08kergothpeople change things upstream that break the build. nature of the system
15:48.13HClkergoth: i havent had it compile/work right even once x.x
15:48.30HCland it takes like 2 days to compile everything
15:48.41kergothodd, mine builds fine pretty often
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15:52.01cynHCl: you been keepin a list?
15:52.19HClcyn: no, more like keep going back to menuconfig and disabling the broken packages
15:52.28cyni did that for gcc
15:52.39cynwhich, I'm fairly certain I can't do
15:52.52HCli'll just destroy the entire buildroot *AGAIN*
15:52.57HClor is there a way to update it?
15:53.02kergothupdate what?
15:53.07cynthe faq tells ya
15:53.12kergoththe tree? bk pull
15:53.13HClthe version of the buildroot i have on my hdd
15:53.14cynbk pull
15:53.20cynbk -r co -1
15:53.24cynbk -r co -q
15:53.43kergothi forgot, our cool thing where it autochecks files out when you ci them and stuff doesnt apply to pulls
15:53.52kergoththeres gotta be a way to fix that
15:54.21cyn'ci' them ?
15:54.27cyncheck in
15:54.36kergothwhen you check changes in, the files no longer exist
15:54.38cynso you can check stuff in and keep working
15:54.40kergothand then you need to check em back out
15:54.48cynthat's a big aggravation in some ways
15:54.51kergoththe change makes them get checked out automatically
15:54.54cynbut, if it's just a quick change etc.
15:55.02cynmakes sense in a large scale
15:55.07kergothyeah, but its just due to the fact that the local bk dir isnt a checked out dir
15:55.10cynppl shouldn't have stuff checked out indefinitely
15:55.11kergothits  a repository itself
15:55.13kergothso things are different
15:55.22kergothbk clone isnt like cvs co
15:55.27kergothits like tarring up the whole remote cvs repos
15:55.29kergothdownloading it
15:55.32kergothincluding all history
15:56.02cynMakefile:linkpath:=$(shell $(CC)
15:56.02HClis there a make clean or sth to clear the entire buildroot and start from scratch? *sigh*
15:56.21kergothHCl: read docs/BUILD
15:56.27kergothHCl: it lists the available targets
15:56.35HCli'll take that as a yes
15:56.53cynthat var's comin up blank, I assume that CC's a var assigned at a top level somewhere [prolly gcc path], and the other piece prints the path to the object or somethin?
15:57.16cynoh that'd be the arm cross compiler duh
15:58.17cynit's time to try this with screen or more than one term, hopping in and out isn't getting anywhere
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16:18.39chouimat <--- not porn ... just an example of bad naming
16:22.17kergothchouimat: I have the package oeclass working, it takes a dir that you did a 'make install' into, reads your FILES variables, and copies the files into the dir for each package you want to build :)
16:22.25kergothchouimat: so in other words, we almost have the new system building ipks
16:24.02kergothi'll add a cool rpm spec generator and stuff too
16:24.14chouimatkergoth: bah rpm
16:24.22kergothi agree, but people will want it
16:24.47trekean ext2 generator would be cook :p
16:25.04chouimatkergoth: I managed to get a zaurus toolchain for *BSD ...
16:25.12kergothchouimat: nice
16:25.18kergothchouimat: native?
16:25.26cynabsentiaS might like that
16:25.31kergothchouimat: (not through the linux compat stuff)
16:25.39kergothyeah i'm sure he will
16:25.39chouimatkergoth: native
16:25.48kergothchouimat: cool
16:27.11chouimatkergoth: need some extensive testing but ... will be fun to use with distcc since I only have 1 linux  box
16:27.33Theloniuskergoth, do you have an ipaq and a zaurus?
16:28.12cynok I'm sick of looking for jobs, I'm going to become an assassin-for-hire
16:28.25kergothThelonius: nope, dont own an ipaq
16:28.26trekecyn: start with big boss
16:28.29cynsince I'm noob I'll offer a 2 for 1
16:28.52bipolarcyn: i know some peopke who are in the market...
16:29.14cynbipolar: is their market slow too?
16:29.27cynor is it a growth industry right now
16:29.37bipolarcyn: yes... sorry. Unless your palisinian :)
16:33.10Theloniusdo you guys know what environment is being used in this screen shot?
16:33.32pb_that's GPE.
16:33.32cyna most unpleasant one
16:33.48pb_I'm not sure which icon theme it is though.
16:33.56trekegpe isnt that bad
16:34.12chouimatno gtk+ is bad
16:34.15cynoh wait that's a PDA
16:34.28cyntotally wrong context - thought this was a diff channel heh
16:34.34trekekergoth: ping
16:34.36bipolargpe is what you get when people just won't let go of X... :)
16:34.54trekeX rocks
16:34.56cynwell, if you wanna run remote X apps, you need some manner of X
16:35.06bipolarcyn: or VNC. :)
16:35.19trekebipolar: can you say non shitty looking fonts?
16:35.21cynbut with vnc you need to either x0rfbserve or have a second instance of X running just for it
16:35.59trekekergoth: is there a way to check what is going to be pushed in a check in?
16:36.00cynbesides, X was made to have its SHIZ run remotely, so I like to bask in the glory of it
16:36.27bipolarcyn: nonono... I mean you can use VNC to control a remote X server. You *can* do the Xvnc thing....
16:36.55bipolaryouknow... I've never seen what the XFree 4.x based xvnc server looked like
16:37.15chouimatbipolar: the vnc driver?
16:37.32trekeX also supports multiple users on a screen much easier also :p
16:37.36bipolarchouimat: no... xvnc, the server. I think it's based on Xfree4 now.
16:37.58kergothtreke: you mean what checked in changes will go into the changeset you create when you run bk commit?
16:38.02kergothtreke: thats bk pending
16:38.12kergothtreke: if you mean, what changesets will go up when i run bk push, thats bk superset
16:38.16cynbipolar: but you have to run vnc when starting an x session - you can't just fire it up and run with it
16:38.27trekebk superset is what I want then
16:38.30kergothtreke: bk superset will tell you if deleting this tree is a lossless event.. are there any changesets that arent upstream, changes that arent checked in, etc
16:38.31bipolarcyn: true
16:38.36kergothquite handy
16:38.40cynand that can mess up all sorts of other things you might want to do
16:39.00trekekergoth: its been a couple of weeks since I pushed, so I want to be sure I dont break anything by pushin unexpected changes
16:39.44bipolaris buildroot set to cvs co the .99 branch or HEAD of opie
16:43.54HCllibFB is broken
16:44.06trekedefine broken
16:44.17HClwont compile.
16:44.25HClFBkeyb.c:15:21: ncurses.h: No such file or directory
16:44.25HClFBkeyb.c: In function `FB_kb_init':
16:44.25HClFBkeyb.c:27: `stdscr' undeclared (first use in this function)
16:44.25HClFBkeyb.c:27: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
16:44.25HClFBkeyb.c:27: for each function it appears in.)
16:44.27HClFBkeyb.c:27: `TRUE' undeclared (first use in this function)
16:44.29HClFBkeyb.c: In function `FB_get_key':
16:44.32HClFBkeyb.c:37: `ERR' undeclared (first use in this function)
16:44.32trekeHCl: compile curses
16:44.35HClmake[1]: *** [/tmp/buildroot-oz/stamps/.libfb.binary] Error 1
16:44.35cynwhy would FB need ncurses
16:44.37HClmake[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/buildroot-oz/packages/libFB'
16:44.40HClmake: *** [packages/libFB] Error 2
16:44.41trekeand dont spam the channel
16:44.42HCldepends on ncurses, which gets compiled afterwards
16:44.44cynthat seems illogical
16:44.57HCltreke: shouldnt ncurses be built BEFORE libFB then?
16:44.58cynHCl: it depends on a curses header - which isn't a compiled file :)
16:45.10trekeHCl: yes.
16:45.14HClwell it isnt.
16:45.34trekeHCl: So run make SUBDIRS=packages/ncurses
16:53.32kergoth'well it isnt.'
16:53.37kergothso fucking deal with it.
16:54.06trekelibfb is still being worked on
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16:55.16beattieafter a make mrproper: No such file `ncurses_5.3.20021109.orig.tar.gz'
16:56.34cynare there more errors than that
16:56.37cynperhaps a failed wget
16:56.39cynabove it
16:56.46beattiecould this be affected by th e.config file?
16:57.24beattiecyn: right it't trying to wget a file that does not exist
16:57.27cynwithout more errors all I can tell you is that the .tar.gz wasn't placed in the directory, whatever point it was supposed to - but most if not all things use cvs or wget to put it
16:57.35cynso go browse around, it prolly moved
16:57.41beattieResolving done.
16:57.42beattieConnecting to[]:21... connected.
16:57.42beattieLogging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
16:57.42beattie==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
16:57.42beattie==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD /debian/pool/main/n/ncurses ... done.
16:57.42beattie==> PASV ... done.    ==> RETR ncurses_5.3.20021109.orig.tar.gz ...
16:57.44beattieNo such file `ncurses_5.3.20021109.orig.tar.gz'.
16:57.46beattieWGET returned an error
16:57.55trekebeattie: wait until someone fixes ncurses
16:58.02trekedebian took down the file
16:58.11beattiekergoth said her had  days ago
16:58.34cynis the file now
16:58.44cynif you browse around elsewhere you can prolly find the url for the file you wanted
16:58.52cynwhich would likely be safer as far as building goes
16:59.10beattieyes but how to I get buildroot to get th eright file
16:59.17kergothvi the makefile
16:59.29kergothor download it manually and drop it into sources
16:59.48cynI'm pretty pathetic with this buildroot stuff and even I can manage that much
17:00.09kergothI wont be spending much time on buildroot going forward
17:00.27cynyou mean on the openembedded buildroot factor
17:00.37cynyou'll mainly be poking and tweaking and getting stuff working?
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17:01.43beattiehey cyn your real cute and helpful, now cma
17:02.15cynwhat about concert multithread architecture
17:02.19cynDEC isn't very relevant to this room
17:02.30cyntry #dec
17:02.32trekekergoth: bad news on the non compete frunt?
17:06.25cynman that would be decimation
17:06.51kergothcyn: I mean i'll spend less time keeping the old buildroot up to date, and more time on the new infrastructure
17:06.54cynbut OZ doesn't get bundled with anything so it's hardly compete
17:07.05kergothtreke: no news at all, i'm still contributing to existing gpl codebases
17:07.12trekekergoth: ah thats good to here
17:07.14kergothtreke: so that even if TI gets the copyright on my code, they're bound
17:07.37cynif they were smart they wouldn't tie you down like that anyway
17:08.10cyni mean, if you want to do something, and it doesn't really hurt 'em (they're selling hardware not the software) it's just bad sense to stop ya etc.
17:08.15trekethats usually a good thing to check on befor signing it :p
17:08.20cynoh definitely
17:08.40beattiecompanies are often shortsighted in the way
17:08.55cynit's less the company and more the specific manager wanting to cover his butt
17:09.01kergothtreke: I needed the job, couldnt afford to push the issue
17:09.02cynbut he speaks for the company
17:09.12trekekergoth: fair enough
17:09.20cynyea I mean a good job shows up yer pretty much screwed in negotiations
17:09.41cyndamned employers market
17:10.25trekecyn: Embedded linux kernel developers arent quite as easy to come by as web designers :p
17:10.42cynthat's true enough
17:10.50beattiebut right now easy enough
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17:14.27beattiekergoth: you might check with a lawyer, some provisions in the non-compete may be unenforceable, though you might not want to piss of a new employer
17:14.42beattieby pointing that out to them
17:17.55cynanyway, you never know until it goes to court :(
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17:21.15trekelawyers cost money :p
17:22.27chouimat|awaytreke: yup they cost money ... I spent 200cad  yesterday
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17:24.24beattieyeah but the legal advice is better than what you get on the net :)
17:24.52chouimat|awaybeattie: exactly ...
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17:37.50mickeylhi andersee
17:41.23anderseemickeyl: morning
17:42.47mickeylwhat's that fuzz about ncurses? builds pretty good here from scratch
17:43.06Twiunmickeyl: mrproper'd or clean?
17:43.43beattieI redcloned and am trying again
17:44.05mickeyla bk pull may have been sufficient - no need for recloning if you don't fsck up your tree
17:44.14beattiemickeyl: I did
17:45.54beattiesince I don't really know where the fsckup is, and don't want to have to keep tweaking it, I'm starting over
17:46.36mickeylknow what you mean. since i joined OZ i may have b0rke my tree around 10 times or so :D
17:47.08Twiunyeah, it's one of them there learning processes...
17:47.30beattiesince I tend to work on it in spurts, I forget things, so I just start over
17:47.30Twiun... I've got about 3 or 4 defunct oz trees lying around my fs
17:53.36Twiunmickeyl: question: libFB doesn't bundle any fonts, should I add default ones or stick the fonts in a standalone package?
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17:55.00mickeylTwiun: i would favour two standalone packages, one for small fonts, one for large fonts
17:55.55Twiunmickeyl: sounds good
17:56.03mickeylipaq & 5x00 models will need the small fonts, c7x0 and SIMpad will need large fonts
17:56.12Twiunfonts are about 2k each
17:56.37Twiun9x16 is 1.3k
17:56.57chouimat|awayTwiun: and pfaedit can convert TTF/PFB to pcf
17:57.12Twiunchouimat|away: good point
17:57.44Twiunchouimat|away: mind you, we can't use antialiasing, so I don't think vera would be a good start font
17:57.57Twiunthat and we need monospaced
17:58.03chouimat|awayTwiun:  :)
17:58.11Twiunwe don't necessarily need monospaced
17:58.21mickeyldoesn't even
17:58.30Twiunit's not as if we're writing a term emu anyway
17:58.30mickeylonly if i'm programming :)
17:58.53Twiunok, I'll whip up some fonts
17:59.05mickeylcool. do you have any example progs ready yet?
17:59.24Twiunmickeyl: fbshowimg runs, I'm adding it to the buildroot atm
17:59.41Twiunmickeyl: I'll put all these additional programs under libFB-utils
18:00.25Twiunhaven't yet removed the ncurses depend yet
18:00.30Twiunbut that's not as urgent
18:00.49mickeylnot necessary - we want to use it as bootmenu later and we need keyboard control therefore
18:02.09mickeylWe could include that in the next OZ release. while we're at it - if i were to decide we would release OZ 3.3 with Kernel 2.4.6 and Opie 1.0 - that way we were consistent with the roadmap posted on Then a couple of weeks later OZ 3.3.1 with 2.4.19 and Opie 1.0.1 - what do you think?
18:02.32Twiunright - I was only thinking of doing the same for ncurses that I did for libjpeg and libpng - make them usable, but fail gracefully if they're not there
18:02.48mickeylah ok, you're right on that one
18:03.04Twiunwho knows, someone may make an image without curses
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18:07.11mickeylkergoth: what do you think of that plan? (re releasing 3.3 + Opie 1.0)
18:08.39cynhaha some dude was in here complaining about ncurses with fb Twiun :)
18:08.51cynnot why was it there, but that it was built after
18:09.00cyntho from his error that didn't seem to matter to me, it was a header he needed
18:09.11Twiuncyn: how long ago? and why did he enable libFB anyway?
18:09.22TwiunlibFB is disabled by default
18:09.35cynhours ago heh
18:09.46cyn<HCl> libFB is broken
18:09.56cyn<HCl> FBkeyb.c:15:21: ncurses.h: No such file or directory
18:10.07HClthat reminds me
18:10.12HCli should reenable it..
18:10.16cynTHERE he is
18:10.40Twiunwell, I've written the files that specify it depends on ncurses
18:10.54Twiunwhy it doesn't get built first, I have no idea
18:11.14Twiunwouldn't happen to have a stale ncurses stampfile by any chance?
18:11.34HCli did a mkproper before i did a make..
18:11.54Twiunand libFB uses ncurses because it is capable of using the keyboard
18:14.48mickeyli hate my computer
18:14.50mickeylspontaneous reboots are fun
18:15.46Theloniusanyone using OE on an ipaq with a thumboard/snap on keyboard?
18:16.05beattiemickeyl: it's saves you the effort of hitting th ereset button
18:16.23mickeylbeattie: well... but i'd never hit the reset button more than once in an hour
18:16.41beattiesee it saves you all that time
18:16.44Twiunmickeyl: is this a valid depends you stuck in?
18:16.47Twiunmickeyl:   depends on LIBC && NCURSES-LIBNCURSES5
18:17.07mickeylTwiun: i think so. we depend on the lib, not on the term packages etc.
18:17.09Twiunshouldn't that be LIBC && (NCURSES || LIBNCURSES5)
18:17.23mickeylno, NCURSES-LIBNCURSES5 is the subpackage
18:17.57mickeylconfig NCURSES-LIBNCURSES5
18:18.09mickeylthat is from ncurses/
18:18.11Twiunyeah, I just read that
18:18.27TwiunHCl: do you have that enabled?
18:20.16Twiunmickeyl: first pass at libFB-utils pushed in the buildroot
18:20.37Twiunmickeyl: can you give it a go on your simpad? (with appropriate rotation+image)
18:21.16mickeylTwiun: can't do that know, but i will do later tonite
18:21.40Twiunmickeyl: ok, let me know when you're about to start - I'll help you set it up
18:22.05Twiunhrm... the simpad's 800x600 you said?
18:22.18mickeyland zero rotation
18:22.27Twiuncool, that's the lib default
18:22.51Twiunwe need a bitblt routine - drawing an image that size a pixel at a time will take ages
18:30.16beattiedoes anybody know if def-configs/collie-minimal works for building
18:30.28mickeylmaybe out of date
18:30.47beattieI wonder if that was the ncurses problem
18:31.06beattieI'm trying with collie-opie right now
18:31.17Twiunwtf? libFB-utils depends on LIBFB, but... libFB doesn't get built first...
18:32.30mickeylrm .depends ?
18:32.34Twiunjust did
18:32.37Twiunno effect
18:32.44mickeyltypo ?
18:32.48mickeylCONFIG- versus CONFIG_
18:32.53mickeylhad that more than one time...
18:32.56Twiunis the stamp checking case sensitive?
18:33.08Twiunbecause my stamps are created all in lowercase
18:37.12mickeylhmm...indeed... our packages are all lowercase
18:37.21mickeylnever noticed
18:37.35Twiunand that doesn't appear to have been the problem
18:37.51mickeyldo you have used _tabs_ in pkg.conf as opposed to spaces ?
18:38.36Twiunnah... found the mistake :)
18:39.26mickeylframepuffer utilities
18:39.34mickeyldid i say its a typo
18:39.45Twiunyup. you were right
18:40.05TwiunI'm puzzled why the .binary and .staginginstall stamps don't get removed with a make mrproper
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19:12.12trekeafternoon tim
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19:14.45kergothTwiun: doesnt matter, since sourcetree is removed and they depend on sourcetree
19:15.55treketechnically it's probably right since mrproper doesnt uninstall the staging install
19:16.13kergothyeah, the stamps should reflect reality
19:16.30kergothremoving .binary would be good though, since obviuosly its not compiled if sourcetree's gone :)
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19:17.57kergothi'm already getting spoiled by the new system
19:18.11trekeit getting close to usable?
19:18.47kergothtreke: i'm almost done with the package oeclass.. when i'm done with that, i'll write the ipkg oeclass for ipk production
19:18.53kergoththen individual package builds are pretty much set to go
19:19.05kergothjust interpackage dependencies to call them in the right order w/ oemake is left
19:19.10kergothand of course the config tool
19:19.18Twiuncan't wait to convert to the oe built system :)
19:19.32trekecool. when the indivial packages are good to go let us know
19:19.39trekeI'd be glad to start on converting
19:19.42kergothyeah, at that point we need to start conversion
19:19.48kergothwe need a perl or python conversion script
19:20.00kergothreally basic, get the data over.. then a human reviews and alters to make it work
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19:20.53kergothtreke: taken a look at the glibc and ipkg .oe's in the new system yet?
19:21.08trekenope. I havent looked at oe in a long while
19:24.00kergothtreke: the package metadata is in a seperate repository from the base buildsystem
19:24.15kergothtreke: I expect once we have the basic work done, the base system wont need to be touched much, if at all
19:24.46trekekergoth: I really like that :)
19:26.05trekeeasier for people to send us packages.
19:26.16kergothand tighter access control
19:27.08kergothtreke: adding packages is a breeze, we're abstracting anything common into oeclasses that you can 'inherit' in your package .oe file
19:27.24kergothtreke: which ofttimes will only need to hold your package's metadata.. description, etc
19:35.58Twiunhrmph. undefined ref to stdscr
19:37.25Twiuncan't I define function pointers *outside* a function?
19:37.49TwiunI need to use the same function pointers in a few functions
19:40.57Twiunbut as soon as I put the definitions outside the function blocks, I get "blah blah redefined..."
19:45.23trekeTwiun: sure youc an
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19:47.36Twiunin this case, the compiler complains of a previous definition in one of the headers I include
19:47.47Twiunhmmm... maybe I should call my pointers something else
19:48.03trekeare you calling your pointers the same thing as another function?
19:49.09Twiunyeah, I'm working on converting a compile-time link to a dlopen set of calls
19:49.36Twiunok, renaming them worked. now to find out where stdscr is defined...
19:53.07Twiuncool, that built
19:59.35bipolarwhat size in pixles is the standard opie icon? 32x32?
20:02.29Twiunsounds about right
20:02.30treke24x24 I think
20:02.52Twiun32x32, with most only using 28x28+ border for shadow
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20:26.22TMM1treke: howd that build go
20:26.28trekeTMM1: uploaded
20:26.33TMM1where to
20:28.10TMM1i check there
20:28.24TMM1ah, its there now
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20:31.39trekethat reminds me, I need to finish seeding the source archive
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20:33.50Neo|Work  <-- spam level from Spamassassin on some 1500 emails sent to
20:35.08TMM1alright, time to test this build
20:35.11TMM1hopefully it'll work
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20:42.28TMM1why does umounting my CF crash the laptp
20:46.00ljp_laptopdont you hate when you fix one thing, it breaks something else?
20:46.11TMM1kergoth: hows oebuild coming
20:46.24kergothTMM1: good, i'm almost done with generic package output handling, and the ipkg generator
20:46.32kergothTMM1: then individual package builds are pretty much set
20:46.53pb_hi kergoth
20:47.34kergothhey pb.
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20:51.51TMM1the new reconfiguring stuff
20:51.53kergothlike Twiun's first boot status?
20:54.09TMM1its damn sexy
20:54.15TMM1stopped at 99 out of 100 though
20:54.33TMM1opie didn't start
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20:54.56TMM1treke: was opie in the image?
20:55.05TMM1kergoth: its /etc/init.d/opie isn' tit?
20:57.33kergothTMM1: yep
20:57.39TMM1yea, not on the image
20:57.53TMM1i guess i should install from feed then
20:59.06fishy-how can I update all the ipkgs on my system?
21:00.07mickeylfishy: ipkg update; ipkg upgrade - but you don't want to do that
21:00.20trekeTMM1: yes it was
21:00.46trekeAt least it should be, I used the opie def-config
21:01.22TwiunTMM1: yeah, the first boot has an off-by-one error :/
21:02.55TMM1treke: thats weird, its not on the image at all
21:02.56TMM1qte is
21:03.00TMM1but no opie libs or binaires
21:03.35trekeits a 15 meg image, so *something* is there
21:03.45TMM1its padded
21:04.13trekeipaq images are just padded to the nearest block
21:05.52TMM1ok lemme see if i can get net access on here and download
21:05.57TMM1not sure if ipkg will cooperate
21:06.33TMM1pcmcia stuff isn't doing anything.. wifi isn't detected, lights won't go on
21:06.55TMM1well, cardctl ident shows it
21:07.17TMM1heh, modprobe orinoco  = segfault
21:07.37fishy-TMM1: does /etc/init.d/pcmcia restart
21:07.49TMM1fishy-: no
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21:08.50TMM1depmod segfaults too
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21:09.47fishy-ya annoying
21:09.54pb_hm, which notices are those?  I haven't seen any lately.
21:09.59HClthey make my window beep..
21:10.03fishy-you shouldent notice people unless something happens
21:10.04TMM1hrm, if i run through gdb, it gets a sigsgv and says this program no longer exists
21:10.05TMM1no bt
21:10.07HCl23:09 -lilo(levin@lilo.staff.freenode)- [Global Notice] Hi all.  News up on the
21:10.10HCletc etc
21:10.23pb_weird.  I must have managed to configure my client with some kind of super-ignore.
21:10.46pb_oh, no, my mistake.  seems it just ended up in a random channel window :-}
21:10.57TMM1strace does a little better..
21:11.23TMM1dies on query_module
21:11.26pb_TMM1: if modprobe is segfaulting, check dmesg for oops messages.
21:12.00TMM1never seen so many oopses
21:12.10pb_fwiw, loading pcmcia driver modules manually is seldom a fruitful endeavour.
21:12.25TMM1i see
21:12.27pb_cardmgr does some special coaxing to make them work right.
21:12.34TMM1treke: you built a kernel too right?
21:13.02trekeTMM1: yes
21:13.12TMM1treke: can you upload it :)
21:13.21trekeTMM1: be there in a couple hours
21:14.30TMM1how do i kill a umount
21:14.57pb_may not be possible, if it's stuck in state D and the kernel is confused.
21:16.19trekeTMM1: the shutdown command can do it
21:16.25trekeTMM1: pas it the -r flag
21:16.54TMM1treke: heh
21:16.57TMM1its in state R
21:17.15pb_oh, then should be able to kill -9 it.
21:17.23TMM1i tried
21:17.29pb_try stracing it, see if that helps.
21:19.52TMM1does .21-rc7 have the new wireless tools stuff?
21:21.44trekequite spreading the love
21:21.49trekewe dont know where you have been
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21:44.56mickeylTwiun: ping
21:45.24mickeylTwiun: did some cleanups. libfb-utils doesn't link here. i think you missed passing -ldl
21:46.52kergothalways be careful about exporting the flag vars
21:46.58kergoththats why they arent exported by default
21:47.04kergothsome buildsystems get very unhappy :)
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21:49.36kergothhey _ibz
21:51.24Twiunmickeyl: yeah, fixes waiting to be pushed on my end too
21:51.35mickeyloh damn
21:51.44mickeylwell we may conflict then :)
21:53.17_Psychoyou guys pushing it now ?
21:53.37chouimatmickeyl: does the simpad price drop?
21:54.08mickeylchouimat: you mean even below the 300 EUR... i doubt that. most likely is they are all sold out until that drops
21:54.11Twiunmickeyl: no worries
21:54.24Twiunmickeyl: I also removed the ncurses dep
21:54.29mickeylTwiun: ok. it compiles and links here now.
21:54.33chouimatmickeyl: ok I'm in europe at the end of august ...
21:54.50TMM1i want a simpad if its even cheaper now
21:55.07Twiunmickeyl: it does? good - commit your changes, I'll resolve conflicts on my end
21:55.25chouimatTMM1: how much?
21:55.28TMM1chouimat: dunno
21:56.20mickeylTwiun: done
21:56.38mickeylTwiun: i didn't add -ldl and -lFB to the LDFLAGS - those are better done in your Makefile
21:57.06Twiunmickeyl: yup
21:57.14chouimatmickeyl: the simpad is at 300 eur?
21:57.18mickeylchouimat: yeah
21:57.26chouimatmickeyl: that 475 cad !!!!
21:57.29mickeyli know
21:57.49mickeylthe last in stock are sold now
21:57.53mickeylare on sale even
21:57.59Twiunmickeyl: going to start developing something like ink for it?
21:58.18mickeylTwiun: not me I'm afraid :D
21:58.26mickeyltoo much jobs
21:58.31mickeylnot going to need another one :)
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21:58.59TMM1ibot convert 300 eur to usd
21:59.08TMM1sugar what is 300 eur in usd
21:59.10Sugar300 EUR is 352.52646 US$
21:59.22pb_wow, the dollar is slipping these days.
21:59.35chouimatsugar what is 300 eur in cad
21:59.38Sugar300 EUR is 482.96124 CAD
21:59.48zaurusloverhey there can anyone help me with my Netgear MA701 Wi-Fi card and C750 ?
21:59.53chouimatsugar what is 1 cad in usd
21:59.56Sugar1 CAD is 0.729927 US$
21:59.57zaurusloverI am unable to get it to connect
22:00.16pb_sugar what is 1 gbp in usd
22:00.19Sugar1 GBP is 1.6393442 US$
22:00.19chouimatsugar what is 1 cad in czk
22:00.21Sugarchouimat: in what?
22:00.35chouimatsugar what is 1 gbp in cad
22:00.37Sugar1 GBP is 2.2459016 CAD
22:00.44zaurusloversugar what is 1 usd in inr
22:00.46Sugarzauruslover: 1 US$ is 47.183998 INR
22:02.00zaurusloveronly currecny convertors here ? No real tech geeks ? :)
22:02.04TMM1zauruslover: where'd you live
22:02.12TMM1where do you live rather
22:02.23zaurusloverTMM1 : CA
22:02.25zaurusloverand you ?
22:02.32zaurusloveraah :)
22:02.33TMM1why the conversion to INR?
22:02.45zauruslover:)) just to see the rate :)
22:04.08bishomsg Sugar what is 300 eur in PTA
22:04.22kergothmsg bisho you forgot a slash
22:04.51TMM1msg nickserv myp4s$w0rD
22:05.01bishoI'm on exams and my mind is not working....
22:06.33bishokergoth: how is your work going???
22:06.46bishoIt should be nice to work on embedded linux...
22:07.23bishoIn which company are you working (If you don't mind to tell me)?
22:08.14mickeylsweet. is that now really you ?
22:08.36chouimatmickeyl: yup
22:08.46mickeylnice cat. what's her/his name ?
22:08.50Neo|Workmickeyl: no, it's his cat
22:08.59chouimatmickeyl: bob
22:09.08mickeylah well.. could've figured that :)
22:10.54Twiunmickeyl: ok, changes pushed
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22:11.11Twiunmickeyl: should build cleanly && not link against ncurses at compile time
22:11.32ljp_laptophmm more pron?
22:11.32mickeylTwiun: ok - trying. did you add -ldl and -lFB to your makefile?
22:11.55Twiunmickeyl: they were there - just not working
22:12.08mickeylhmm... libFB-dlopen-ncurses
22:12.08Twiunmickeyl: make mrproper libfb+utils
22:12.11mickeylnot there
22:12.15mickeyldid add that new file?
22:12.24Twiunmickeyl: on the web - it's there
22:12.29TMM1i love wikis
22:13.25mickeylTwiun: great. we're there. what now?
22:13.30mickeyl(booting SIMpad....)
22:13.53Twiunmickeyl: install the ipks onto your simpad :)
22:14.06mickeylbooting-over-nfs... takes a while...
22:14.28Twiunmickeyl: then "fbshowimg animage.png_or.jpg"
22:14.52Twiungranted... not many images on a typical oz image will be 800x600 ;)
22:15.01Twiunso your image will be in the upper-left corner
22:15.17TMM1i tried out bootsplash yesterday
22:15.17zaurusloverwhile we wait for OZ for the C750, I'd like to know if there is something similar to the Drawpad for Sharp ROM ?
22:15.19TMM1so very awesome
22:15.27TMM1zauruslover: there is
22:15.32zaurusloverwhich could take handwritten notes ?
22:15.35zaurusloverwow where ?
22:15.35TwiunTMM1: yeah, but so very messy
22:15.44TMM1Twiun: eh, how so
22:15.50TMM1apply a patch, load an initrd
22:15.53zaurusloveruh so there is OZ for the C750 now ?
22:16.03zaurusloveror Drawpad ?
22:16.07TMM1zauruslover: um, not yet. probably not until i get myself a c750
22:16.11TMM1zauruslover: opie has a drawpad
22:16.20TwiunTMM1: on a desktop kernel or our lovely rotated fbcon-enabled-kernel?
22:16.23zauruslover:) and until Sharp releases the sources right ?
22:16.32TMM1Twiun: oh, desktop =D
22:16.40zaurusloverright opie does but I would need OZ for that right ?
22:16.43TwiunTMM1: hehe
22:16.48TMM1zauruslover: hmm, maybe. the c700 kernel should work fine imho
22:16.55TMM1zauruslover: uname -a on the 750
22:16.56TMM1whats it say
22:17.09TMM1Twiun: getting the progress bar to work in debian is tricky though
22:17.24TwiunTMM1: mickeyl and I looked at it for OZ, but we thought it was too intrusive
22:17.26TMM1i can't figure out why it drops from the progress bar screen to the verbose screen automatically
22:17.45TMM1zauruslover: huh? oz uses opie
22:17.48TwiunTMM1: it's also easier to do everything in userspace
22:18.01zaurusloverhmmm yup ... so I can't use Drawpad with the Sharp ROM ... right ?
22:18.10TMM1zauruslover: prolly not
22:18.14TMM1zauruslover: gimme a uname -a output
22:18.17TMM1i'd be interested in seeing that
22:18.41TMM1kergoth: chances that the oz c700 rom+kernel will work on the c750?
22:18.59Twiunmickeyl: still booting?
22:19.09TMM1Twiun: so you guys actually making progress?
22:19.15mickeyldoing three things simultaneousl
22:19.21mickeylTwiun: installed.
22:19.23kergothTMM1: depends on whether the c700 kernel supports it
22:19.28kergothTMM1: all depends on how similar the hardware is
22:19.40zaurusloverTMM1 : uname -a : Linux zaurus 2.4.18-rmk7-pxa3-embedix #1 Sat, 10 May 2003 14:51:36 +0900 armv5tel unknown
22:19.49TMM1kergoth: is that same kernel as c700?
22:19.58TwiunTMM1: yeah, this libfb stuff contains the basics for framebuffer graphics at boot time
22:20.04TMM1Twiun: nice nice
22:20.07mickeylTwiun: ready steady go. how shall i test?
22:20.09kergothTMM1: yep, same version
22:20.18Twiunmickeyl: have opie installed?
22:20.22zaurusloverTMM1/kergoth : I guess the apps would need to be recompiled correct ?
22:20.24mickeylTwiun: exiting opie seems to be a good thing for a start
22:20.27kergothzauruslover: why?
22:20.34kergothzauruslover: of course not. even 5500 apps run on the c700
22:20.53zaurusloverkergoth: to take advantage of speed/no cache bug etc ?
22:20.55TMM1zauruslover: you feeling daring?
22:21.01kergothzauruslover: irrelevent
22:21.09TMM1zauruslover: you could flash the c700 image onto your 750
22:21.10kergothzauruslover: compilation isnt what does that
22:21.10zaurusloverkergoth : aah i c ! ok
22:21.13TMM1it'll probably work
22:21.19Twiunmickeyl: fbshowimg /opt/QtPalmtop/pics/launcher/opie-background.jpg
22:21.22zaurusloverTMM1 : Dont want a brick :)
22:21.28kergothTMM1, zauruslover: is a c750 image available online?
22:21.39kergothTMM1, zauruslover: if not, you dont have anything to fall back on
22:21.44Twiunmickeyl: although I haven't got that to work from an ssh session yet
22:21.44TMM1hmm right
22:21.46kergothso if it doesnt work, he's hose
22:21.46TMM1that'd be bad
22:21.58Twiunmickeyl: so that has to be from the main console
22:22.07TMM1check that sharp japan site that releases sources and stuff
22:22.10zaurusloverkergoth/TMM1 : exactly .. I don't have an image for the Sharp ROM to fall back on yet ... initrd zImage etc
22:22.28mickeylTwiun: *cough*
22:22.37mickeylTwiun: you know that the SIMpad has no keyboard
22:22.43Twiunmickeyl: I do now :)
22:22.49Twiunmickeyl: do it from within opie
22:22.59Twiunmickeyl: it won't hurt opie - just mess the display a bit
22:23.25TMM1zauruslover: look through archives and find the sharp site where they release stuf
22:23.28zaurusloverwhat site is that ? or the site ?
22:23.35zaurusloverok looking
22:24.17mickeylargh that calibration and touchscreen bug is killing me
22:25.11TMM1Twiun, mickeyl: doing all this on .19?
22:25.25TwiunTMM1: kernel version independent
22:25.38TwiunTMM1: best feature of it
22:26.02mickeylTMM: yes
22:26.10mickeylTMM: Me at least
22:26.14mickeyl(SIMpad = .19)
22:26.28TwiunI go between .6 and .19
22:26.48kergothzauruslover: .. click on the sharp zaurus spacetown link
22:27.01Twiunmickeyl: any joy?
22:27.39mickeylTwiun: fblib_ioctl: VB_GETMODE failed
22:27.43mickeylsegmentation fault
22:27.56mickeylVT_GETMODE even
22:28.22TMM1kergoth: so how can we fix this ts issue without you having a working ts digitizer
22:28.22Twiunmickeyl: hrm. perhaps I should try it from within a console too :)
22:28.42Twiunok, leave it for now, I'll track that bug down and fix it tomorrow
22:28.43kergothTMM1: good question
22:29.21kergothTMM1: wonder if we can build the ts support as a moduel
22:29.22kergothTMM1: module
22:29.36kergothTMM1: then you could give me ssh access to your Z, and we just load and unload the modules and do tslib tests
22:30.03zaurusloveranyone here has the C700 and OpenSSH running on it ?
22:30.08kergothuh, yes
22:30.11kergothin OZ :)
22:30.18zaurusloveroh ok
22:30.37zauruslovercuz with the Sharp ROM, this causes the month view in Calendar to crash
22:30.51TMM1kergoth: joy.
22:30.53kergothzauruslover: weird
22:31.07kergothTMM1: hehe. i can see it now.. me: "hey aman, start tapping!"
22:31.10zaurusloverthe moment I remove OpenSSH, that does not happen ... this is on the C750 though ... don't know about the C700
22:31.20TMM1kergoth: yea, really
22:31.38TMM1prolly be better to do that over phone if we end up having to do that
22:31.55kergothTMM1: yeah. gotta love free long distance cell plans, just use minutes, no biggie
22:33.31TMM1heh yep
22:34.24TMM1no, rc8
22:34.34TMM1but too bad i can't use desktop performance patches
22:34.37TMM1since it breaks pcmcia
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22:39.10TMM1why oh why
22:39.35*** part/#openembedded zauruslover (~zaurus@
22:48.49ljp_laptopthe guy with his own tinykate version still hasnt emailed me patches
22:49.05TMM1don't you hate that
22:49.27trekefuck him
22:49.50trekehe's the one that bitches about the bugs in opies version, right?
22:50.40ljp_laptopprobably. I have asked about 4 times for patch
22:50.49ljp_laptopthere's no code for dl either
22:51.02trekesick the fsf on him
22:53.41ljp_laptophe's not selling it
22:54.03pb_you can only really sick the fsf on him if it's code that the fsf holds copyright in, anyway.
22:54.30trekeyeah but they like being pig fuckers
22:54.51TMM1hes providing a binary/
22:54.54pb_treke: oh yeah has poisonous snails?!?
22:58.36TMM1what doesn't au have
22:58.36chouimatljp_laptop: I have 7 hours to spent in amsterdam
22:58.42ljp_laptopman, they probably have poisonous moths
22:58.51ljp_laptopcool. fun ride
22:59.54chouimatljp_laptop: I wonder if I have enouht of 64mb for my digital cam ... 1239 cad for the ticket
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23:01.02chouimatljp_laptop: montreal-amsterdam-prague
23:01.30TMM1they have poisonous females
23:02.06chouimatTMM1: I will bring you some photo of the dutch chicks and the czech oones ok :)
23:02.16Solar[X]And they charge for transferring a STD.
23:03.28TMM1chouimat: great
23:04.22_Psychooh god, that damn buildroot c700 kernel still not building on my pc :/
23:08.20treke_Psycho: I'd be willing to be there has not been a single change to it in a month
23:08.27_Psychoi know
23:08.43chouimatfuck! the Alexander  Keith's India Pale ale 6 pack don't last very long
23:09.20_PsychoIm getting a : Error: internal_relocation (type: OFFSET__IMM) not fixed up in the file getuser.S under /usr/src/oz/oz/build/arch/arm/lub
23:09.25ljp_laptophopefully, you have a 6 hour layover in amsterdam :D
23:09.26_Psychoany suggestion ?
23:09.33treke_Psycho: get a nonbroken toolchain
23:09.41trekechouimat: no alcohol lasts long around you
23:09.50_PsychoI deleted my /usr/calo/arm rebuild it, i updated my local gcc, i redid a french bk clone
23:09.56_Psychogcc 3.2
23:09.58_Psychohmmm well
23:10.01_Psychoi guess i try that
23:10.04trekedownload one
23:10.10_Psychoeverything else was building fine ;)
23:10.18_Psychoopenzaurus ?
23:10.23*** join/#openembedded Namapoos (
23:11.43_Psychohmm cross-3.2.-oz-3.tar.bz2 47 megs, i guess i try that 6 april
23:30.52*** join/#openembedded Namapoos (
23:34.08*** join/#openembedded tzanger (~andrew@
23:34.17chouimathey tzanger
23:34.18tzangeris there an equivalent to Magic SysRq when over serial?
23:34.20tzangerhey chouimat
23:35.06tzangerspendign too much time fighting the online fileserving crowd
23:35.35chouimattzanger: now I buy it for 12cad I will sell it for 5 cad tomorrow
23:35.44tzangeryeah that is what sucks
23:36.08chouimattzanger: know newsted their ex-bass player ?
23:37.37chouimattzanger: he's playing now in a canadian band called voivod
23:37.47tzangerthat's kind of cool
23:37.52tzangerhe left metallica or was kicked out
23:38.20chouimattzanger: was the metal head of the band
23:41.17_Psychotreke you around ?
23:45.10_Psychook i think i got it, i install the new gcc 3.2
23:45.24_Psychobut binutisl and stuff was removing it everytime
23:45.36trekewait... you should be use gcc 2 for the kernel :p
23:45.50_Psychogah really ?
23:47.52tzangernow I have to go in to work to reboot hte bugger
23:48.04tzangerhardlock... magicsysrq don't work over serial either
23:48.44tzangerI think this acenic card and mobo just are not compatible
23:56.24*** join/#openembedded thMachine (

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