irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030608

00:00.25chouimat|awaynot so sure mess with windows and found out that the last crash wiped out the corporate database and it's backup :)
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00:05.42beattieanybody who keeps the backup on the same windows machine(s) as the primary gets what they deserve
00:06.36beattietrue backups go on secondary media
00:07.02Twiunand usually a second backup goes in a firesafe offsite
00:07.34Twiunor at the very least gets ssh'd onto a dev's home machine :)
00:07.39beattieif you are serious about it they do
00:08.35chouimat|awayTwiun: I saw that last  week
00:08.44beattieany afe place where one disaster won't take both sets of backups out, (baring the sun going nova :) )
00:10.28chouimat|awaybeattie: getting caught in the explosion of the  building while taking the backups out?
00:12.03beattiewell keeping you backups in the basement of the World Trade Center for your data center on the 100th floor woudl not have done much good :)
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00:48.17TheMasterMind1ibot seen effy
00:48.17effy is currently on #zaurus (34m 59s) #openembedded (34m 59s) #openzaurus (34m 59s)
00:48.19TheMasterMind1ibot seen effy-kun
00:48.20effy-kun <> was last seen on IRC in channel #zaurus, 1d 15h 51m 47s ago, saying: 'I don't run OZ, but the default C700 ROM.'.
00:50.20TwiunTheMasterMind1: adding libfb to the buildroot
01:02.34Twiunbut, first, some sleep :)
01:07.56beattieI seem to recall a mailing list for all the oz checkin notices, anybody know what that is
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01:13.41zaurus_loverhi there ... anyone got the MA701 card working with the C750 ? need tips if you have ...
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01:37.11TheMasterMind1beattie: its on sourceforge
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01:44.39TheMasterMind1is the warranty on the c750 worth 100 bucks?
01:46.14TheMasterMind1actually, no.
01:46.18TheMasterMind1worth $40?
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02:31.14thMachinei'm trying to format my SD card, but mkfs.vfat is giving me an error, Attempting to create a too large file system, is there a workaround to this?
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03:06.51mithroTheMasterMind1: you alive?
03:07.20mithrowell i have no idea how to build these compat packages by hand
03:08.04TheMasterMind1how do you do them currently
03:08.19TheMasterMind1what do they consist of
03:08.28mithroi currently have a seperate buildroot
03:09.15mithroand i build qpe and opie and libqte
03:09.29TheMasterMind1with gcc2?
03:09.47TheMasterMind1and then how do you package them so that they're used if an app doesn't open with gcc3
03:09.51mithrothen i copy them out of the output directory by a script and build a package of them
03:10.11mithroTheMasterMind1: currently it's manual, you run a "makecompat <gcc2 app>"
03:10.33mithroi plan to intergrate with the lanucher when i get around to it...
03:11.42TheMasterMind1i'll need to ask kergoth about the best way to do that since we have to build seperate copies of qte and opie and what not with gcc2
03:11.55mithrowhich is the problem
03:12.04mithrowhich is why i do em by hand atm :)
03:17.06TheMasterMind1gaim died
03:18.04mithroahh okay
03:18.24mithrois libsidplay a c or c++ lib?
03:46.57mithrobah i'm still getting
03:47.01mithro/opt/arm/toolchains/3.2/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.2.3/../../../../arm-linux/bin/ld: undefined versioned symbol name std::time_put_w@@GLIBCPP_3.2
03:47.01mithro/opt/arm/toolchains/3.2/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.2.3/../../../../arm-linux/bin/ld: failed to set dynamic section sizes: Bad value
03:47.01mithrocollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
03:48.09mithroany ideas?
03:50.03TheMasterMind1are you not linking in libstd++ or something
03:50.56mithroarm-linux-gcc -L/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/build/opie/lib -L/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/build/qt-2.3.5/lib -L/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/output/staging/target/lib -L/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/output/staging/usr/X11R6/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/output/staging/target/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/output/staging/usr/X11R6/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/ar
03:50.57mithrom/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/output/staging/target/lib -Wl,-rpath=/opt/QtPalmtop/lib -shared -Wl,-soname, -Wl,-rpath,/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/build/opie/plugins/inputmethods -o keyview.o keyboardimpl.o moc_keyview.o   -Wl,-rpath,/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/build/opie/lib -L/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/build/opie/lib  -Wl,-rpath,/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/build/qt-2.
03:50.57mithro3.5/lib -L/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/build/qt-2.3.5/lib -lsupc++ -lqpe -lstdc++ -lqte
03:51.04mithrothats the line which causes it...
03:51.15mithroas you can see it links against alot of stuff...
03:53.23mithrohowever i can't see why i can't find the symbol :(
03:55.44mithroshouldn't there be a in the toolchain?
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03:58.15treke|homemithro: use the toolchains
03:58.19mithroi am
03:58.39treke|homeI built opie with it less than a week ago
03:59.33mithrowell there must be something diffrent between your toolchain an mine...
04:00.10mithrowhich bz did you use?
04:00.30mithroi'm using cross-3.2-oz-3.tar.bz2
04:01.03treke|homebeats me. I've got oz-3 sitting in my home directory, so probably it
04:03.12mithrocould you send me a "find <directory which toolchain is in>" ?
04:20.26*** part/#openembedded brainless_afk (cbca@
04:24.32mithrowhat lib defined theat std::time_put_w ? stdc++?
04:29.02mithrohrm this doesn't make any sense... when i remove the -lstdc++ from the above it stops dieing
04:32.02mithroand now it continues to compile...
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04:43.01mantusis there a linux distro for the ipaq 3955?
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09:44.13dqpjust noticed that cvs-client in buildroot is out of sync has switched to 1.11.6
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12:20.05dqptrying to compile buildroot for simpad, I get:
12:20.13dqplight.cpp:67: `GroupLight_ac' undeclared (first use this function)
12:20.19dqpany pointers?
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12:22.48*** join/#openembedded Fare (
12:23.24FareI was trying to build OZ with uclibc, and it croaked and died with this weird error:
12:23.57Fare/usr/src/arm/buildroot-oz/build/uClibc-0.9.19\" -I. -I./arm -I../libdl -c ldso.c -o ldso.o
12:23.57FareIn file included from ldso.c:1377:
12:23.57Farereadelflib1.c: In function `_dl_load_elf_shared_library':
12:23.57Farereadelflib1.c:631: internal error--unrecognizable insn:
12:23.57Fare(insn 2247 2244 71 (set (reg:QI 0 r0)
12:24.15Farewhat does that mean?
12:24.20pb_need a better compiler.
12:24.36Farewhich do you recommend?
12:25.01pb_do you care about c++ binary compatibility?  if not, I recommend gcc 3.3.
12:25.19FareI don't personally care, but maybe opie does?
12:25.42Farethat said, I'm not sure I care about opie, if X works.
12:25.42mithrowhats the diffrence between 3.3 and 3.2? are they abi compatible?
12:25.48pb_mostly, yes.
12:26.04Farewill the kernel compile with 3.3 ?
12:26.30pb_Fare: the only place it matters is if you want to run binary-only C++ applications that were built with 2.95.3 (eg the ones from the sharp ROM).
12:26.52pb_yeah, the kernel will build with 3.3.  It needs a couple of patches, but you can pick them up from
12:27.03Fareibot: toolchain?
12:27.04toolchain is probably at, or see factoid other-toolchains
12:27.54mithroi've got compat packages if you have to space for em
12:28.24chouimatibot other-toolchains
12:28.25other-toolchains are at, or, or at which can be modified to work with Zaurus cross development, or can be found at
12:28.56Farethe OZ url given above is mostly empty - obsolete?
12:29.31Fareoh, ok. what kind of compat adapter is needed?
12:30.35mithrothey are basicly all of libqte and libqpe compiled with 2.95.3
12:30.51mithrothey are needed to run apps compiled for 2.95.3
12:31.11mithro(is using a gcc 3.2 or 3.3 compiled opie)
12:32.45FareI think I'll have to recompile parts of opie
12:32.57Fare(the keyboard support for my machine is deficient)
12:34.22mithrowhat is your machine?
12:39.12mithrothats what i've got
12:39.29mithroyou using the images from /official/experimental/C700/ ?
12:45.37mithroi'm currently trying to build uptodate version of that image (ie Opie 0.99 and a few of the newer fixes)
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12:53.31mithroanyone know a good way to make a backup of your current install?
12:56.44Fareyes I am
12:56.58Farethings like, there is no control key, the right shift doesn't work, etc.
12:57.14Faremithro: backup of which machine?
12:57.20mithrothe zaurus
12:57.32Farethere's a backup/restore utility already
12:57.38mithroFare: the kernel is what needs to be updated, Opie pulls it's data from the kernel
12:57.44mithroFare: no i mean make a raw image
12:57.45Fare(looks like all it does is tar, though)
12:57.49mithroi'm thinking dd style
12:57.56Farewell, use dd then
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12:58.38Faremithro: then why does opie fail whereas qtopia works, on the same kernel?
12:59.03Fare(to acknowledge keys like right shift, etc.)
13:00.07mithroqtopia uses a diffrent scheme
13:01.07Fareoh, well
13:01.07mithrothe scheme that opie uses works with alot of devices, ie Zauruses, IPaq's, SimPad's etc...
13:01.27Fareso what should I do to get opie working on the C700 ?
13:01.50Farebtw, is there a mailing-list or discussion forum where there are *developers* for OZ on the C700?
13:03.15mithronot that i know off :)
13:03.25mithrobtw i'm not a main developer at all...
13:04.37Farewhat about adding bigger fonts to the konsole?
13:07.25mithrofeel free to dive in and try and figure out how to do it :)
13:09.42mithropersonally my biggest beef with opie is the today program
13:10.17SuKoShiFare: check out
13:13.04mithrowell here goes nothing...
13:13.24mithroibot: seen twuin
13:13.24i haven't seen 'twuin', mithro
13:13.31mithroibot: seen Twuin
13:13.31mithro: i haven't seen 'twuin'
13:17.48mithrowoot cool new process dialog
13:19.50mithrohey mickeyl
13:20.18mithroi should soon have an opie 0.99 zaurus :) yay! :)
13:20.29mickeylhi mithro
13:20.39mickeylyou mean on your c700 ?
13:20.50mickeylnice. built it on your own ?
13:21.00mithrofinnaly manage to convince opie to build
13:21.02mickeylgood. now you are an expert and can help us :D
13:21.18mithronah, i'll need to get it to build a few more times before i'm an expert :)
13:22.03mithrowhy doesn't OZ install samba server by default?
13:23.11mickeylwell... because we only have 16mb flash and a samba server is not needed by that much people
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13:23.57mithroahh while i have 64mb of it :)
13:24.41Faremithro: I'm jealous
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13:26.08mithroFare: i'll upload the images in a couple of hours
13:26.19mithroFare: the key arrows are fixed, yay :)
13:27.54kollasay... where's portmapper for OZ?
13:28.16yeiazelI haven't found it
13:30.01Faremithro: which arrows?
13:30.03kollaneed it for nfs :P
13:30.24Faremithro: which machine do you have?
13:30.30mickeylanyone familiar with ramfs ?
13:30.46mickeylwell... tmpfs even
13:30.52mithrowoot i have sound! :)
13:31.04Faremithro: what did you do?
13:31.08mickeylwe need it to get fixed not to report 0 free bytes or otherwise we can't use that as a destination for ipkg
13:31.25Faremithro: what cross-compiler/options do you use?
13:32.26mithrogcc 3.2
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13:39.20kollaso anyone have an idea on wether NFS mounting should work or not, considering that portmatter isnt avaible?
13:40.35mithronfs can work very well without port mapper
13:41.24kollaso why does it just hang when I try to mount? :)
13:41.36mickeylbecause you're not using the proper options?
13:41.45kollano options should be needed
13:41.53mickeylbs. options are needed.
13:41.53Faremithro: did you start from the def-configs/corgi-opie ?
13:42.07kollamickeyl: then make the needed options default, duh :)
13:42.45kolladefault behaviour should never be "hang" :)
13:43.05mithroFare: yeah
13:43.11mickeylkolla: it is NOT a hang - it just takes 5 minutes to mount.
13:43.26Faremithro: using glibc or uclibc?
13:43.42mithroglibc 2.3.*
13:43.52Farewill uclibc work and save me memory?
13:44.01mickeylfare: yes
13:44.09mithronever used uclibc
13:44.10Fareor are important things incompatible with it?
13:44.23mickeylfare: opie doesn't compile yet
13:44.29mickeylfare: support for uclibc it is not yet completed in buildroot.
13:44.34mickeylyou volunteer?
13:44.44mickeylplease look into cross-gcc/Makefile
13:44.46Farenot yet
13:45.00Faremaybe I'll volunteer after I get something working at all
13:45.02mickeylwe need to teach cross-gcc how to build a uclibc based toolchain - that's all
13:45.12FareI prefer starting from a working setup and replace pieces
13:45.17mithrohow much is the size diffrence between uclibc and glibc?
13:45.25Farethat have to crawl in a bunch of non-working gear
13:45.49kollamickeyl: nonsense, it hangs here :)
13:46.11mickeylkolla: then you have other problems as well.
13:46.12kollamount never exits, and stalls
13:46.43Faremickeyl: where is cross-gcc ?
13:46.55Fare(I'm in buildroot-oz, shouldn't I be?)
13:47.46mickeylwell.... rather cross-gcc/<version>/Makefile
13:47.58FareIt's almost empty
13:48.11Fareare there docs as to what kind of stuff to put there?
13:48.18mickeyl<buildroot>/packages/cross-gcc/ is the important file
13:48.21mickeylno docs
13:49.10mickeyl"just" add a bunch of rules and an option to create a gcc 2.9x toolchain using uclibc. there is more docs in uclibc cvs
13:49.30mickeylhalf of buildroot compiles with uclibc without a dedicated toolchain
13:49.39mickeylthe other half needs a toolchain because of STL
13:50.30kollamithro: with the options it worked fine :)
13:50.32Farewhat's the difference between a dedicated toolchain and a non-dedicated toolchain?
13:51.26mickeylevery toolchain is dedicated to a runtime library
13:51.34mickeylthe connection between a compiler and the runtime library is _very_ strong
13:51.44mickeylbecause e.g. you never need to do -lc
13:51.47mickeylthat is done _automatically_
13:51.59mickeylgcc is tied to glibc (normally)
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13:52.46Fareyou mean it's more difficult than just changing the crt0.o and ?
13:53.26Fare(which is what happens when you upgrade your glibc, btw)
13:53.57mickeylthe proble e.g. are the _headers_
13:54.13mickeyluclibc contains other headers, because it includes not everything-but-the-kitchen-sink
13:54.52mickeylwell... not really - but you get the picture
13:55.54mickeyli took a the larger part of last weekend to get buildroot to use uclibc if available,
13:56.09mickeylnow whats missing is just the toolchain building support
13:56.22mickeylif that is done, i expect to can build the whole buildroot against uclibc.
14:24.13*** join/#openembedded nobse (
14:30.31mickeylhey nobse
14:30.36mickeylwie läufts
14:30.38mickeylhow are things
14:31.50nobsemickeyl: fine, since I replaced the 3.10 sr with oz :)
14:33.21mickeyl3.1 is definitly cool, but a lot of things are ... well... as dumb as on earlier versions
14:48.53ljp_laptopsuch as?
14:49.35mickeylfilesystem structure, memory partition, kernel configuration, drivers
14:49.41mickeylhmm.... what did i forget
14:49.43nobseljp_laptop: Documents tab, new kernel, well working backup tool
14:49.43mickeylah yeah preloaded apps
14:54.02ljp_laptopwhats wrong with their docs tab?
14:54.29mickeylljp_laptop: nobse answered the good things
14:54.32mickeyli answered the bad things
14:57.15*** join/#openembedded heatxsink (
15:01.55mickeylwhat is the magic shell variable for <number of arguments given to a script> ?
15:02.21heatxsinkmickeyl: no idea
15:02.33tronicalmickeyl: $#
15:02.42mickeyltronical: thanks.
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15:36.58chouimathey ljp_laptop
15:37.17chouimatok anyone know where I can find an external torx plus screwdriver?
15:39.00ljp_laptopya, in my toolbox
15:39.40chouimatljp_laptop: how much $$$?
15:41.19ljp_laptopits free. just go out to my van, open the door. its right there in the toolbox. ;)
15:41.54chouimatljp_laptop: ok :) I try to find one of those here but without success
15:42.06ljp_laptoptorx are usually only a bit more expensive than other tools like that
15:42.25ljp_laptoptorx _plus_?
15:42.42chouimatljp_laptop: <--- bottom of the page
15:43.04heatxsinkchouimat: try an autoparts store
15:44.16chouimatheatxsink: ok I will ask one of  my uncle if I know where to find that kind of screwdriver .... and I want to know which kind of moron put that on an electronic appliance
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15:45.06chouimathey zecke
15:45.08ljp_laptophey zecke, how goes it?
15:47.02heatxsinkchouimat: even hardware stores carry the bit
15:47.09heatxsinkso if you had a power drill you could use it
15:47.22ljp_laptopchouimat: ya, it's call 'vise grip' ;) or pliers
15:47.28heatxsinkor even like a screwdriver that uses bits
15:48.01ljp_laptoponce you get it off, change it to a regular bolt
15:48.12chouimatheatxsink: I was thinked to convert them to standard screws using a dremel or a metal saw
15:48.44heatxsinkif you get a small enough flathead screwdriver
15:48.53heatxsinkyou could just use that
15:49.00ljp_laptopdremel would work
15:49.09pb_that'd work for regular torx, but not the "inside out" version that chouimat seems to be faced with.
15:49.25pb_dremel or pliers sound like the best bet.
15:50.01chouimatpb_: those screws are nasty
15:50.02ljp_laptopI would recommend something you can clamp down on it, like a vise grip tool
15:50.59pb_chouimat: yeah.  they're usually used as moderately tamper-proof fittings, precisely because they're awkward to remove with ordinary tools.
15:51.02chouimatthe problem  is the screw are 1/8" wide
15:52.05pb_wow, kernel 2.5 xconfig requires qt?
15:52.27tronicalif using the qt config frontend, yes
15:52.34chouimatpb_: yup but here is a gconf that require ggnome errr gtk+
15:52.35tronical(if QTDIR is set)
15:52.54pb_oh well.
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15:57.01chouimatwb ljp
15:58.30mickeylpfff... shell help needed
15:58.42mickeylhow can i get the last part of /bla/blub/filename
15:59.11chouimatmickeyl: use cut or awk :)
15:59.26mickeylcut doesn't work, because i don't know the numer of /
15:59.35mickeylawk = please help
15:59.54zeckehi mickeyl
15:59.58mickeylhi zecke!
15:59.59chouimatmickeyl: basename
16:00.01mickeylhow are you?
16:00.20ljp_laptopthe signal out here isnt too strong
16:00.21chouimatbasename /bla/blub/filename
16:00.21mickeylchouimat: pretty good - thanks
16:00.30chouimatmickeyl: nm
16:00.57mickeylljp_laptop: it is. that's totally openembedded related if you would know what i'm working on :D
16:01.29zeckemickeyl: QFileInfo basename
16:01.51ljp_laptopI was commenting offtopic about my signal out here on the patio ;)
16:02.41mickeyli thought you were referring to the current signal/noise ration in this #
16:02.58mickeylsee what... i'm always expecting sarcastic comments from you...
16:03.03ljp_laptopdiffiuclt to see the lcd screen in the sun though
16:04.13ljp_laptopI dont mind the noise ratio in here. its not too bad, anyway
16:04.21chouimatmickeyl: the screw discussion was openembedded oriented ... how can I port openembedded to the device if I can't open it?
16:04.36mickeylhehe, true that
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16:05.17mickeylso much for the signal being to low...
16:06.59chouimatok bbl I need to do some cleaning here and last week dishes
16:07.05ljp_laptopheh. I need a hook up a bigger antennea down there
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17:01.56ljp_laptopI am in limbo
17:05.33mithroi have mp3 playing!
17:05.55ljp_laptopwhat app?
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17:08.27mithroopie-mediaplayer doesn't play mp3's correctly atm
17:08.34mithroand xmms won't compile with gcc3
17:08.52ljp_laptopahh. there's also an ogg plugin for opieplayer
17:10.25mithroi wish i could get xmms to wokr
17:10.38cynwhy won't it fscking compile
17:11.43mithrocyn: what are you trying to compile?
17:11.57cynno, why won't xmms :P
17:12.44mithroahh :)
17:13.09mithro[23:53:01] <mithro> /opt/arm/toolchains/3.2/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.2.3/../../../../arm-linux/bin/ld: undefined versioned symbol name std::time_put_w@@GLIBCPP_3.2
17:13.10mithro[23:53:01] <mithro> /opt/arm/toolchains/3.2/bin/../lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.2.3/../../../../arm-linux/bin/ld: failed to set dynamic section sizes: Bad value
17:16.42mithrocyn: any ideas?
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17:17.54cynmithro: no clue, it would seem like there's a missing lib or header - but if it compiles fine under 2.95 that shouldn't be the case
17:18.02mithroyeah, i know
17:18.16mithroi've found hundreds of similar problems, but nobody knows how to fix
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17:33.40treke|laptopdownload the -2 toolchain
17:33.53Ociociois there a distro for the ipaq 3955 yet?
17:34.15treke|laptopyou are free to try building images for it, it shouldnt take much work
17:34.41mithrotreke -2 toolchain?
17:34.53treke|laptopmithro: hes
17:35.00mithrofrom oz?
17:36.23mithrobah, 15 minutes wait :(
17:39.25treke|laptopmorning mickeyl
17:41.40mickeylhi treke|laptop
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17:54.19mickeylibot: seen andersee
17:54.20andersee <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 1d 13h 5m 26s ago, saying: ''.
17:54.45mickeylnow gcc 3.3 won't compile because of that damn "clobber list" even with uclibc
17:55.08Twiunmithro: thanks for the heads up on the bug
17:55.14ljp_laptopisnt 3.4 released?
17:55.23Twiunmithro: is it +1 or -1?
17:55.33mithrotreke|laptop: still getting the same problem
17:55.47mickeylljp_laptop: maybe - but andersee didn't release a makefile for 3.4 yet
17:55.50mithroTwiun: ie 181 of 182 -> Completed
17:56.13mickeylljp_laptop: and i don't feel like adapting that makefile... major parts of it feel like magic to me
17:56.32ljp_laptopuse a pro file ;)
17:56.39mickeylhehe i would if i could :))
17:57.28Twiunmithro: k... I'll fix that
18:00.38mickeylwhat should i remove again?
18:00.50mickeyltronical,pb_: ?
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18:00.56pb_the last "a1".
18:01.14mickeylpretty good. thanks.
18:01.19mithrotreke|laptop: any other ideas?
18:01.40mickeylpb: also uclibc headers have to be corrected to support 3.3
18:01.52mickeylso that problem is definitly not glibc specific :D
18:01.54pb_aha.  what's wrong with them?
18:02.00pb_oh, the same thing?
18:02.03mickeylpb_: same thing
18:02.13pb_heh.  I guess the uclibc dudes copied the buggy code from glibc.
18:02.19mickeylhehe, yeah
18:04.14mickeylibot: botmail for andersee: uclibc suffers from the same "a1" problem in syscalls.h as glibc when building with gcc 3.3. please correct.
18:05.00mithrowhy are compilers and c++ libraries to complicated :)
18:06.13mithromickeyl: i'm a python zealot to :)
18:07.21mickeylfunny thing is... i may hve overlooked it if it has't been tought as part of a software engineering class i used to attend
18:07.31mickeylbut then again maybe i would have met it later
18:07.44mickeylgrammar sucks
18:09.47mickeyl"A hand-written recursive-descent C++ parser has replaced the YACC-derived C++ parser from previous GCC releases."
18:10.02mickeylwho writes hand-written c++ parsers ?
18:10.06mickeylcrazy dudes
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18:23.09Twiunmickeyl: probably the same people who hand write java bytecode
18:23.48mickeylhehe, yeah
18:24.10mickeyld'oh - the toolchain build seems to have finished
18:24.22Twiuncool :)
18:25.06Twiunbtw, pushed libFB, so I'll be starting on that todo list
18:26.04mickeylhey nice. can't wait to see that advertising splash-screens boot :-D
18:27.28Twiunbillboards on OZ firstboot#
18:27.31mickeylljp_laptop: yeah, like when you are installing mandrake or so
18:27.34ljp_laptopwhat, like 'buy tkc apps!' advertising boot screen?
18:27.35Twiunbut reall, anything goes
18:27.36mickeylbillboards - that's the word
18:27.53Twiunmickeyl: gonna make that 64k intro for us?
18:28.13Twiunmickeyl: we just need hardwire to make us a 3d mesh of Pingi and the OE logo
18:28.29mickeylahaha... we'll see... :)
18:29.44Twiunmickeyl: think I can depend on libpng being available?
18:30.48mickeylTwiun: i'd say yes, but please prepare for a non-crashing fallback situation
18:31.15mickeylTwiun: that is, open it via dlopen and _not_ link directly to it
18:31.33Twiunmickeyl: right
18:32.20Twiunmickeyl: first, hacking rotation support into libfb
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19:13.18mithrowhat has QWidget in it?
19:14.18mithroi mean which library
19:14.26Twiunlibqt I'd imagine
19:14.32mithroqte, qpe, opie?
19:15.44mithro: undefined reference to `main'
19:15.44mithro/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/output/staging/target/lib/ undefined reference to `typeinfo for QWidget'
19:25.08*** part/#openembedded Ociocio (
19:36.39mithrobah i can't get this stupid thing to find the QWidget
19:36.57mickeylwhy don't people read *sigh*
19:37.03mickeyllets get through this:
19:37.07mickeylundefined reference to `typeinfo for QWidget'
19:37.13mickeylyou know what typeinfo means?
19:37.17mickeylR T T I
19:37.53mithroi know what it means
19:37.56mickeylseems it wants to link against a library built _with_ rtti
19:38.00mickeylbut you don't have one in -L
19:38.21mithrobut i do have one in -l and it was build with -rtti
19:38.45mickeylobviously not because of the error message.
19:39.29mickeylor it finds another one which you have left somewhere accidantly ?
19:39.45mithrookay so how do i either figure out why it thinks it doesn't have rtti or why it needs it...
19:40.26mickeylpretty easy. don't link non-rtti stuff to rtti stuff
19:40.29mickeylthat's the basic rule
19:40.55mithrookay so how do i make this stuff non-rtti :)
19:41.14mickeylmake it use -fno-rtti
19:41.41mithrowhat does rtti actually do?
19:41.57mickeylRun Time Type Information
19:42.09mickeylappends objects to contain a type string
19:42.13mithroahh okay
19:42.17mickeylfor use with dynamic_cast<bla>
19:42.30mithroso some things need it?
19:42.45mickeylwe compile qte to not use it
19:42.52mithroahh okay :)
19:43.11mithrothats where i got confused as i saw the rtti flag when compiling qte
19:43.28mithroit's 5:00 am here so i'm a little tired :)
19:43.55mithroi did try and google for information about that error
19:45.47mickeylgood good... /me gets unpatient at times... nothing personal
19:45.50mithroso in theory if i just compiled with -fno-rtti it should link?
19:46.03mithrowell it doesn't like me :(
19:46.18mickeylwhat are u trying to compile?
19:46.20mithroit's still doing the same thing
19:46.27mickeylin buildroot ?
19:46.48mithroyeah, only i've modified it so it should work with libsdl-qte
19:47.04mithrothis is the last bit remaining before it should work
19:47.06mickeylaha. and you checked that libsdl-qte was compiled with -fno-rtti ?
19:48.14mithrofrom the config file
19:49.22mickeyldon't look at the config flags, look at the compilation process. sometimes ./configure scripts add -rtti
19:49.36mickeylno idea what doing -fno-rtti and -frtti does
19:49.45pb_run-time type information.
19:49.53mickeylscroll up
19:49.57mickeyli know about that
19:50.05pb_ah, heh
19:50.09mickeylno idea what giving -fno-rtti and -frtti at the same time to gcc does
19:50.17pb_oh, I see.  it'll act on the last one.
19:50.25mickeylmost likely yeah
19:50.25mithrobah :)
19:50.32pb_it just scans options left to right, so the flag will get cleared and then set again.
19:50.39mickeylah right.
19:50.41mithrocc1: unrecognized option `-fno-rtti'
19:51.02pb_should be using cc1plus, not cc1.
19:51.17pb_for some reason it seems to think you are trying to compile C source.
19:52.01pb_course, if you really _are_ trying to compile C source, you just need to stop using that option.
19:52.34mithrohrm... i wonder
19:52.42mithroqte is C++ but sdl is C
19:52.56mithrowhich is why i'm guessing this problem is occuring
19:53.09mickeylsdl instanciates a QPEApplication so i'd think something of it _is_ c++
19:55.13mithroyeah it's trying to use a gcc compile on that source file
19:55.29pb_ah, that'd lose.
20:00.19Twiunmithro: yeah, there's good fun to be had doing that
20:00.52Twiunmithro: fancy tweaking the hh kernel patch by hand now you're into this kind of stuff?
20:03.29mithroarm-linux-g++ -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"\" -DPACKAGE_STRING=\"\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"SDL\" -DVERSION=\"1.2.6\" -DHAVE_ALLOCA_H=1 -DHAVE_ALLOCA=1 -I. -I. -I/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/output/staging/include -I/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/output/staging/usr/X11R6/include -I/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/output/staging/target/include -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-
20:03.29mithroframe-pointer -O2 -march=armv4 -mtune=xscale -mapcs-32 -fexpensive-optimizations -Wall -DUSE_DLOPEN -DOSS_SUPPORT -DENABLE_QTOPIA -DQT_QWS_EBX -DQT_QWS_CUSTOM -DQWS -I/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/build/opie/include -I/opt/arm/openzaurus/3.2/buildroot-oz/build/qt-2.3.5/include/ -DNO_DEBUG -DUSE_INPUT_EVENTS -D_REENTRANT -DSDL_USE_PTHREADS -DPTHREAD_NO_RECURSIVE_MUTEX -I../../../include -I../../../include/SDL -I../../../src -I../../.
20:03.30mithro./src/linux -I../../../src/main -I../../../src/audio -I../../../src/video -I../../../src/video/XFree86/extensions -I../../../src/events -I../../../src/joystick -I../../../src/cdrom -I../../../src/thread -I../../../src/timer -I../../../src/endian -I../../../src/file -MT SDL_sysvideo.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/SDL_sysvideo.Tpo -c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/SDL_sysvideo.lo
20:03.39mithrocan anyone see a -fno-rtti in that mess?
20:04.58pb_me neither
20:05.16mithrookay so it's ignore my CXXFLAGS
20:05.18pb_sounds like there probably isn't one there :-)
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20:10.56TwiunLook! we broke its ribs!
20:13.08mithrowoot it's finnaly compiling with no-rtti
20:13.40mithrothe sun is coming up outside....
20:14.53Twiunclose the curtains and get back to work :)
20:18.59mithroi made sure libsdl compiled with -fno-rtti this time and it's still complaining about the same thing
20:19.34mithroi saw it scroll paste with my very own eyes
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20:27.53Twiunwb TMM1
20:33.24TMM1how goes libfb
20:34.17Twiunquite well, hacking rotation support into it
20:35.30mithrowhen you say rotation support you mean?
20:35.50TwiunI mean not having to feed it a sideways bitmap the way we do for the kernel
20:35.57Twiun0,0 is upper left
20:36.20mithroahh okay
20:36.24TwiunI'm adding 0,90,180 and 270 degree rotation support
20:36.26mickeylreconfiguring packages...
20:36.44mickeylTwiun: good job on packages. its really faster - i'd say more than 1 minute faster
20:36.54Twiunmickeyl: cool :)
20:37.02Twiunmickeyl: question now is... did it break anything?
20:38.30mickeylas far as i can see no
20:38.35TMM1i want a new collie image!!
20:39.27mithroi've only got a corgi so i can't help you there
20:39.32Twiunmickeyl: lol, I just checked the algo libfb uses to draw circles
20:39.42TMM1someone gimme a fast machine i can compile on
20:39.49Twiunmickeyl: sin/cos instead of sqrt based
20:39.59Twiunmickeyl: no wonder that function is so slow
20:40.59mithroWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! scummvm compiled
20:41.02mithronow to test :)
20:41.25Twiunso, what will be the end result of the compat stuff you're doing mithro?
20:41.53pb_enhanced compatibility?  just a guess.
20:41.56mithroi'm not actually doing compat stuff atm...
20:42.01mickeylucb1x00-audio is not in category sound-modules
20:42.32Twiunmithro: lol, ok, when you get back to it :)
20:44.24mithroTwiun: ability to run 2.95.3 compiled packages on a 3.2 compiled system
20:45.03Twiunmithro: very useful!
20:45.14Twiunis the reverse a possibility?
20:48.17mithroyeah i suppose
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20:49.04Twiunmithro: I'm thinking of all those nifty OZ apps the people using the Sharp ROM will be _dying_ to try out :)
20:50.53TMM1Twiun: and thats why they'll switch to oz
20:51.53TwiunTMM1: yup, get 'em hooked any way we can
20:52.46mithro# scummvm
20:52.46mithroscummvm: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZTI7QWidget
20:53.13Twiunstill a problem with name mangling then
20:53.19TMM1looks like you didn't link some thing in
20:53.22treke|laptopTwiun: I dont see why you'd need the reverse
20:53.28treke|laptopTwiun: just compile it for 2.95
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20:54.04Theloniushi guys
20:54.15Twiuntreke|laptop: to stop all the bitching from people who download the wrong gcc-compiled version - simply tell em "use this to fix"
20:54.30Twiuntreke|laptop: one-stop fix for all 3.2 compiled apps
20:54.31treke|laptopTwiun: tell them to download the right version
20:54.46Twiuntreke|laptop: I'd rather just stop the bitching :)
20:55.00Theloniusdo you think it would be possible to find the CAD/CAM breakout of the new zaurus c7x0's?
20:55.01treke|laptopTwiun: that sems like a better choice then wasting 3 or four megs of space
20:55.20Twiuntreke|laptop: but the waste is their own fault - they'll learn quickly
20:55.32Twiuntreke|laptop: and not every package will have a 2.95.3 version
20:55.35treke|laptopTwiun: no. they'll bitch at us for the bloat
20:56.09treke|laptopTwiun: why wouldnt it. There are only two or three packages that arent built from source. I dont forsee that changing
20:57.02Twiuntreke|laptop: you're limitting yourself to buildroot packages - what about future ones - which may not be in there?
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20:58.31mithrookay how do i fix the reloaction error?
20:58.33Theloniusheck even really detailed pictures of how the zaurus is put together
20:58.39Twiuntreke|laptop: this of course supposes that commercial apps never get built using 3.2
20:59.15TwiunThelonius: doesn't have links to dissassembled Z's?
20:59.26Theloniusdunno, lemme look
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21:00.00treke|laptopTwiun: Commercial packages are generally going to be built for gcc 2.95, thats where a large portion of the market is
21:00.11TheloniusTwiun, where would i look?
21:00.26TwiunThelonius: I'd imagine on their Zaurus pages?
21:00.35treke|laptopTwiun: because qtopia on gcc 2.95 is where the commercial SDK is available
21:00.45Twiuntreke|laptop: I'd rather not bank on that being fixed forever though
21:00.56TwiunTMM1: I completely agree... good point!
21:02.51treke|laptopI dont imagine 5500 compatibility is going to be an issue forever
21:03.10mithrobah! why is sdl picking up this weird symbol...
21:03.12treke|laptopparticularly if OPIE decides to break qtopia compatibility
21:04.29cyn5500 compat? what?
21:04.42cyn5500 isn't gunna go away just coz there are newer models
21:05.15TMM1yes it is
21:05.19treke|laptopcyn: the issue is handling compatibility with it
21:05.42cynyou mean gcc compat or oz images
21:06.02cyni don't see the gcc part as a model specific issue
21:06.08cynis why i ask
21:06.17treke|laptopCompatibility in general between apps running on OE and apps running on the 5500 stock ROM
21:06.44ljp_laptoppatch patch patch
21:06.50cynagain, don't see that as model specific
21:06.58cynit's not the 5500 stock rom, it's the sharp rom's @ releases
21:07.35cyn5000 5500 a300 b500(?)/5600 c700 c750 c760
21:07.37treke|laptopcyn: It is model specific since there is a specific glibc, gcc version, qpe version, and qt version used on that device
21:07.52TMM1cyn: and the processors change from model to model.
21:07.52cynas there are with all the other devices
21:08.10cynmy point is why are we talking about just the one model
21:08.11treke|laptopcyn: right. THe other devices have their own issues
21:08.12TMM1(what are we arguing about?)
21:08.29cynTMM1: ssdd
21:08.52cynso we aren't, it was just an example :) ok, carry on - sorry to interrupt
21:08.57cynchouimat: same shit, different day
21:09.24chouimatok I will go back to that palmos app then
21:09.52chouimatcyn: $$$$$$$$$$ :)
21:10.15cynno yeah money is all good
21:10.20cynmoney lets us get newer zaurii
21:10.51chouimatcyn: ok get a nice chick in your bed :)
21:11.10mithrookay anyone know how the SDL could be picking up a symbol not defined anywhere in my buildroot?
21:11.27cynI already have a nice chick who sleeps with me every night, she's called my wife, so money lets us get newer zaurii :P
21:11.46cynmithro: env flags letting it slip past/outside?
21:11.57chouimatcyn: it's not my case since I divorced 3 years ago
21:12.10cynchouimat: sorry (or happy, depending) to hear that
21:12.35cynwell then I'm happy to hear that!
21:13.16cynman, this apartment seemed really cool with its 11ft ceilings and essentially full-window exterior walls on living and second bedroom
21:13.24cynbut damn those windows are a pain to clean
21:14.06ljp_laptoppatch man
21:14.17chouimatcyn: I don't have an appartment for july :(
21:14.44ljp_laptophmhmm, is a wife anything like a wifi?!?
21:14.58chouimatljp_laptop: <--- this the right  tool for the external torx plus screws
21:15.17ljp_laptopI hate those things, man
21:15.57TMM1where do i set the default values for ulimit?
21:16.53cynljp_laptop: yeah wife is very similar to wifi, with them, you're always connected - and they both really drain your batteries
21:17.44ljp_laptopand take all your money
21:18.03ljp_laptopisnt ulimit set in the kernel?
21:18.07treke|laptopcyn: its easy to get our of range of wifi though
21:21.12mithrohow does the linker figure out the mangled names of stuff?
21:22.26pb_the linker doesn't really need to.  all the names it sees are already mangled.
21:22.50mithrowhen/where does that happen?
21:22.54pb_in the compiler.
21:23.09mithroie i'm trying to figure out where SDL is getting this name from
21:23.10NonToxicHi all - is there a really teeny image of OE that I casn grab that has at a minimum 1) matchbox, 2) xkbd, and 3) xterm? (as in the screenshots from mallum's page)
21:23.17mithroany hints?
21:23.44pb_which name?
21:24.12mithroit's somehow being linked to "_ZTI7QWidget" when the actual name is "_ZTV7QWidget"
21:25.03pb_the former is typeinfo for QWidget; the latter is vtable for QWidget.
21:25.08pb_so, two different things.
21:25.33mithroso i'm being confused
21:26.00mithrowhy can't it find "_ZTI7QWidget" ? this has something to do with -no-rtti doesn't it?
21:27.04pb_yeah, if it wants the typeinfo that would suggest that it was built with rtti on.
21:27.40mickeylmickeyl@gandalf:/usr/local/projects/openzaurus$ c++filt _ZTI7QWidget
21:27.40mickeyltypeinfo for QWidget
21:28.15pb_you might need to drill down into SDL and find out which particular object file contains the offending reference.
21:28.21TwiunNonToxic: no, but it shouldn't be hard to put one together using the OZ buildroot (precursor to OE)
21:29.01NonToxicTwiun: 'k, how small do you expect it'd be?
21:29.19mithrohow would i do that?
21:29.19TwiunNonToxic: image size or used space?
21:29.28TwiunNonToxic: remember that images are fixed sizes
21:29.28NonToxicTwiun: image size
21:29.31treke|laptopsounds like what happens when you run a gcc 2.95 app against a 3.2 qt
21:29.43NonToxicTwiun: I mean, how small of an image do you think I could put it in?
21:30.10NonToxicTwiun: I'm looking to do something like this: (about that functionality and that size
21:30.31pb_treke|laptop: really?  I thought the 2.95/3.2 incompatibilities were much larger.
21:30.54treke|laptoppb_: might be
21:30.59mithrotreke|laptop: this is totally diffrent problem to 2.95/3.2 incompats
21:31.01TwiunNonToxic: that screenshot says it took 2.6mb - so, at a wild guess, that's roughly how big it'd be
21:31.18treke|laptoppb_: but thats the error I've always gotten
21:31.18NonToxicTwiun: yeah, I was just wondering if buildroot would do something about that size. thanks
21:31.34TwiunNonToxic: possibly compiling with gcc 3.2 could make it smaller
21:31.36mithropb_: how would i find out which part of SDL is refrencing that bit?
21:31.41NonToxicTwiun: 'k
21:31.44pb_treke|laptop: ah ok.  I'm not really 1337 c++ dude.
21:31.54pb_mithro: check object files with nm, I imagine.
21:32.03mithroi've never used nm
21:32.29treke|laptoppb_: I'm sure there are more differences, it probably just dies at that first one :p
21:34.01NonToxicibot, buildroot?
21:34.02[buildroot] a cool system for building embedded root file systems and can be found at or a heavily modified version used by the OpenZaurus project, or see oz buildroot
21:34.10NonToxicibot, oz buildroot?
21:34.11i guess oz bk is bk clone bk:// buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
21:34.24NonToxicibot, oz snapshot?
21:34.24extra, extra, read all about it, oz snapshot is or updated every 4 hours by Navi or this is a snapshot of the bk oz buildroot tree use it to compile your own OZ if you don't want to use BK
21:35.47mithroa "arm-linux-nm `find -name \*.o` | grep _ZTI7QWidget" turns up nothing
21:35.56chouimatcan someone tell me how is it related to embedded linux?
21:36.12treke|laptopchouimat: fuck
21:36.13Twiunmithro: what about searching for just QWidget?
21:36.21treke|laptopchouimat: I'm fucking eating lunch here you bastard
21:36.27treke|laptopchouimat: warn us before posting that shit
21:36.44chouimattreke|laptop: was eating too when I saw that ...
21:36.56Twiunchouimat: no need to impose it on us without warning though
21:36.57treke|laptopchouimat: so you just go and blindly post it here for the rest of us
21:37.15chouimattreke|laptop: sorry
21:37.43treke|laptopfor the rest of the channel. that was the image. Dont look
21:38.10cynI'm very familiar with the top 10% of that image by now
21:38.23cynctrl-w easily slaps it out of my face before 20%
21:38.24TwiunNonToxic: thanks
21:38.30NonToxicall: fixed
21:38.42NonToxicTwiun: np
21:38.45mithroit's very easy to put a ban in your local proxy for that image :)
21:38.52treke|laptopNonToxic: thanks
21:38.59NonToxictreke: np
21:39.02mithropb_: using nm i can't find any refrence to it....
21:39.18chouimatNonToxic: thankss now I need the info that was there before
21:39.31chouimattthe  image
21:40.59NonToxicchouimat: don't know how to fix that.. sorry..
21:41.22chouimatNonToxic: willl ask timriker later
21:41.28NonToxicchouimat: 'k
21:41.54mithrobahh i give up
21:41.57mithroi'm off to bed
21:42.02Twiung'night mithro
21:42.17mithromaybe i can figure it out later
21:45.02*** join/#openembedded bipolar_Z (
21:45.45bipolar_Zok, my wifi card works
21:45.52treke|laptopwhich card?
21:46.11bipolar_Zd-link 650w
21:46.35treke|laptopwhat did you do to make it work/
21:46.36bipolar_Zi'm logged in from my parents house
21:46.53NonToxicbuildroot is taking too long
21:46.59treke|laptopbuildroot takes a while :p
21:47.37bipolar_Ztreke|laptop: nothing. I just made sure the module was available
21:48.15bipolar_Zhost_ap is the one im using
21:49.05bipolar_Zi doubt the signal will reach to the shop though :)
21:51.01bipolar_Zok, i'm going to walk over to the shop. i'll probbly lose signal.
21:52.55bipolar_Zhalfway there ;)
21:57.33ljp_laptop'can you hear me now?'
22:01.43TMM1beh, i need a new collie image.
22:01.53TMM1i was so close to having one built too
22:01.58TMM1but the damn machine had to die
22:03.05*** join/#openembedded drw (
22:18.25*** join/#openembedded bipolar_Z (
22:19.09TMM1welcome back
22:25.41bipolar_ZI can hear  this card sucking the juice out of the battery...  *slurrrrrrrp*
22:26.02ljp_laptopget a wireless power supply sd card
22:27.28*** join/#openembedded mchang (
22:28.16bipolar_Zmaybe the old iPaq "8 C batterys" trick will work :)
22:28.30ljp_laptopsolar battery charger pack
22:29.27bipolar_ZCF fuel cell
22:29.42TMM1battery juice.. yum
22:34.12bipolar_Zlater... :)
23:21.03*** join/#openembedded Solar[X] (
23:24.19*** join/#openembedded ljp_laptop (
23:34.01*** join/#openembedded joejoeMcgee (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.