irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030526

00:00.44*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
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00:30.53chouimat|tvDo you get bored to wait around for your things to become obsolete... yes then buy a computer
00:31.40*** join/#openembedded decaff (
00:31.53icefoxAnyone here ran fixkdeincludes -e on opie?
00:32.03chouimat|tvno why?
00:32.37icefoxhow can I say:"No '%' found in output.  Report as a bug w/encoder command line options if progressbar does not fill." in only 80 charactors?
00:34.01icefoxchouimat|tv: it just speeds up the compile time, removes includes that arn't needed
00:35.10chouimat|tvicefox: ok, you tried it?
00:36.10icefoxI run it on all of my apps nowadays
00:36.30icefoxeven when I activly try to remove the incldues that arn't needed as I go it still finds some
00:36.31chouimat|tvicefox: ok I will try it soon
00:36.34ljp_laptopI think they did some apps with that
01:18.55*** join/#openembedded ljp_laptop (
02:20.05*** join/#openembedded beattie (
02:20.41beattiekergoth: I heard you were in the road to Texas
02:20.54treke|homehe is
02:22.11beattieso is that a phantom logged in as kergoth?
02:22.21treke|homenope. its an irc client
02:26.28beattiehmmm, irc clients that boot up a machine and login
02:30.56chouimat~lart beattie just for fun
02:57.56*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
03:29.06treke|homeso, what needs to be done for opie on first boot?
03:30.16treke|homeI know of 1) Calibrate
03:30.23treke|home2) Create new user account
03:30.30treke|home3) Choose autologin or manual login
03:30.32treke|homeanything else?
03:30.54ljp_laptopmaybe set date/time and passcode
03:31.02treke|homegood idea
03:31.14ljp_laptopnot needed
03:31.52treke|homedamn. no wizard class :p
03:32.16treke|homeoh well. easy enough to emulate
03:32.18TheMasterMind1anyone interested in working on a quick c project
03:32.27TheMasterMind1quick cash
03:33.18TheMasterMind1quote your price
03:33.25treke|home1 million dollars
03:43.24*** join/#openembedded effy-kun (
03:51.01*** join/#openembedded SuKo|Shi (
04:06.54*** join/#openembedded heatxsink (
04:09.26*** join/#openembedded treke|laptop (
04:21.45heatxsinkhi kergoth
04:25.49treke|laptophrmmm. I hate looking for code
04:27.50heatxsinkhi treke|laptop
04:28.04treke|laptopbleh its in libqpe not launcher
04:30.01heatxsinkhow do I update the buildroot source?
04:30.07heatxsinkbk -u?
04:30.22treke|laptopbk pull
04:31.12heatxsinkthanks treke
04:37.42heatxsinktreke have you built a image for a Z?
04:38.42*** join/#openembedded tiptone (
04:43.44treke|laptopcoded enough today
04:43.53heatxsinkI'm right there with ya
04:44.00heatxsinkit's a holiday weekend right?
04:44.14heatxsinkI can't even get to making an image
04:44.25heatxsinkI keep dieing on some CRC32 bs.s
04:48.05treke|laptop"it works bitchen"
04:48.13treke|laptop"bob, you can't say bitchen on tv"
04:48.45heatxsinksomeone please?
04:49.33ljp_laptoptreke: whadda lookin for?
04:49.50treke|laptopljp_laptop: found it. the properties page for applnks
04:56.24heatxsinkcan anyone help me out at all?
04:56.39chouimat|Zzzzarrrggggggg I'm  tired of that fucking Village People song!!!!!!
04:58.14chouimat|Zzzzis there a place in the world I  can shoot the guys who  listen to YMCA and In the Navy?
04:58.29treke|laptopsan fransisco
04:58.34ljp_laptopspin Rush
04:59.40chouimat|Zzzzheatxsink: funny???? 12 200lbs guy wearing woman clothing listening to village people near my appartment?????
05:00.19heatxsinkhell no that's not funny, funny you want to go somewhere and shoot those people!!! heheeh
05:00.28heatxsinkchouimat|Zzzz: I think I'd help ya if I could
05:00.46chouimat|Zzzzheatxsink: thanks
05:00.52heatxsinkchouimat|Zzzz: thanks
05:01.12heatxsinkchouimat|Zzzz: you've had to have messed with build-root right?
05:01.33chouimat|Zzzzanyway I just took a valium  and I will sleep when their party will move on another level :)
05:02.32chouimat|Zzzzljp_laptop: I just put  some Cradle of Filth
05:16.59*** join/#openembedded hunger (
05:39.50*** join/#openembedded mchang (
05:41.21heatxsinkplease someone help me out?
05:41.48heatxsinki'm getting this error when I try to just do a 'make' in build-root
05:42.13heatxsinkI did run the patch with the '-f' option
05:42.17heatxsinkand it took
05:42.21heatxsinkbut when I run make
05:42.23heatxsinkthat is what I get
05:43.11mchangheatxsink: sorry -- never tried building it before.
05:43.23heatxsinkthanks anyways mchang
05:43.46mchangheatxsink: sorry ... a bit of a n00b on oz
05:44.12heatxsinkall good
05:45.20mchangseems to me that the patch is already applied.
05:46.04heatxsinkbut when I run make it doesn't like it
05:46.06heatxsinkI have no idea
05:47.12mchangcan you take the patching line out?
05:50.41heatxsinkI thought about that..
05:50.50heatxsinkI probably will have to go in and edit the make file
05:51.07mchangyou could - or find a fresh source that isn't already patched.
06:27.48*** join/#openembedded Davv (
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06:47.07treke|homedamn. knights wont build
07:04.12*** join/#openembedded tassian (~DocG@KUMMEROG.UNI-MUENSTER.DE)
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07:38.51zecke_treke|home: quite easy to fix
08:04.10*** join/#openembedded zecke (
08:13.51*** join/#openembedded effy (
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08:30.12*** join/#openembedded schurig (
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09:02.52joejoeMcgeehas anyone used the hitachi 1.8inch hard drives used in the apple ipod for any projects?
09:05.17*** join/#openembedded heatxsink (
09:40.24effydamn, there was just a 7.0 earthquake in Japan
09:44.25*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
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10:57.49effynear Sendai
10:59.08effyshook for like a minute
11:00.48heatxsinkoh damn
11:00.51heatxsinkyou're in japan?
11:02.32effythat's how I felt it ;)
11:03.44effywhat's crazy? heh
11:03.52heatxsink[zzzz]that earthquake
11:05.49effyseems it was still 60 miles away from any large city
11:06.05effy245 miles to Tokyo, and I still felt it pretty damn good
11:06.35heatxsink[zzzz]you guys have that ring of fire that isn't quite stable..
11:06.43effywhere you from?
11:07.06effyCalifornia's a part of it, dude ;)
11:07.24heatxsink[zzzz]i know
11:07.31heatxsink[zzzz]you have more active parts...
11:08.38effyand you're supposed to be in bed ;)
11:13.36heatxsink[zzzz]I know
11:13.39heatxsink[zzzz]I can't sleep
11:13.44heatxsink[zzzz]it's 4:13 am here
11:29.42schurigeffy: hmm, 7.0 is quite strong. Fortunately your building companies aren't as corrupts as the ones in northern africa
12:01.27*** join/#openembedded decaff (
12:02.46effyschurig: well, the one in Kobe destroyed plenty. I dont think there is much scare, but as I dont have a TV I cant verify much ;)
12:18.57*** join/#openembedded [aSQUi] (
12:27.26*** join/#openembedded pb_ (
12:28.00*** join/#openembedded mickeyl (
12:36.03Twiunhey mickeyl
12:36.38Twiun... and hey pb_
12:36.42schurigTwiun: hey
12:36.48pb_hi Twiun
12:37.16mickeylhi Twiun
12:38.07Twiunschurig: hey :)
12:39.31mickeylmoin schurig. did you remember my request re. passing a fuzz parameter to patcher?
12:42.30schurigmickeyl: yeah,but so far I never needed the fuzz, so I
12:42.36schurigam probably a lazy guy
12:42.57Twiunmickeyl: trying to patch the kernel some more?
12:43.31mickeylTwiun: trying to play with preemptible and low-latency patches
12:43.42schurigmickeyl: don't hesitate to do the patch by yourself (perl is userspace :-)
12:44.00mickeylperl is a no-no for me
12:44.15schurigok, I have no problem with rewriting patcher in python :-)
12:44.25schurigas far as I don't have to do the work :-)
12:45.03mickeylwell if rewriting patcher in python would bring me to understand it, then maybe I'll do :)
12:45.38*** join/#openembedded prpplague (~joe123@
12:46.19schurigmickeyl: did you do "perldoc oz/scripts/patcher" ?
12:47.04mickeyli read a few months of arm-linux archives - partly funny stuff  
12:47.16mickeylschurig: no, not yet
12:49.16Twiunmickeyl: still haven't found out where the bloody keybindings are being overridden
12:49.37Twiunanyone know where the [home+b] key combo is defined to be reboot?
12:50.26yeiazelisn't home the sysrq key ?
12:50.35*** join/#openembedded ljp_laptop (~ljp@
12:51.25yeiazelhome seems to be the sysrq key. sysrq key combos are defined in the kernel
12:57.50mickeylany ideas how can i convert a png to something which I can 'cat > /dev/fb0' ?
12:58.06*** join/#openembedded prpplague (~joe123@
12:58.23mickeylhi prpplague
12:58.36prpplaguemickeyl: hey
12:58.57pb_mickeyl: probably need to write a small program using libpng.
13:00.03mickeylpb_: don't want to reinvent the wheel... i found a few programs (e.g. fbi) which let me display stuff in the fb, but no program to just convert it to a file which I can 'cat' later...
13:01.48*** join/#openembedded heatxsink[zzzz] (
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13:04.30schurigmickeyl: /dev/fb0 contains the raw rgb pixels of the framebuffer, it's in no particular format. It should be easy to convert this to one of the netpbm formats and vica verca
13:05.12schurigBUT BEWARE: /dev/fdx has different formats on different hardware, e.g. a monochrome framebuffer is different to a 8 bit color depht framebuffer is different ot a 16 bit depth framebuffer
13:05.46schurigthere is somewhere something like libfb that unifies access.
13:05.47Twiunyeiazel: thanks - I didn't realise it was
13:06.47schuriganyway, once you have a picture in the fb, you can cat /dev/fb0 >/tmp/pic and later cat /tmp/pic >/dev/fb/0
13:07.36yeiazelTwiun: :)
13:08.01Twiunyeiazel: I hope the other keyboard behaviour I want to change is in there too :)
13:09.34Twiunnope, it's not... but useful stuff to know regardless
13:13.10mickeylschurig: actually i just want to display a bunch of splash screens during sysinit and i think everything beyond cat'ing some prerendered pictures into fb would be overkill for that purpose
13:13.33Twiunmickeyl: not going to use the bootsplash stuff then?
13:14.49mickeylTwiun: I'm not sure yet. but 1.) it doesn't apply without patching to rmk-patches kernels and 2.) i feel it is overkill 'just' for a splash screen
13:15.34Twiunmickeyl: I suppose so :)
13:15.51Twiunmickeyl: I'll see if I can 'borrow' the relevant code just for the fb background
13:16.42mickeylTwiun: that would be spiffy!"
13:17.22Twiunmickeyl: first, let me fix this "£(*"^£$("£*&$"£ damn keyboard problem :)
13:19.21*** join/#openembedded cmartin (
13:20.16mickeylmoin cmartin
13:21.05Twiunhey cmartin
13:23.17cmartinjust bk pulled newest version of opie and qt and i get an error with stocktickerconfig ?
13:23.46mickeylalready fixed. cvs update opie
13:25.10Twiunbtw, that CF card not mounting problem - it's not hotplug, things work find if I restart pcmcia services
13:26.54cmartinTwiun: are you talking about SIMpad? - isn't there an issue with resuming and PCMCIA?
13:27.42Twiuncmartin: my issues are on the Zaurus - most likely a separate problem than the simpad ones
13:28.29mickeylcmartin: the issue is not pcmcia, the issue is lack of decent power management abstraction. manually calling all suspend scripts before suspending and after that calling manually all resume scripts works
13:28.54cmartinmickeyl: in your TODO you mention the fact that rootfs is mounted twice and you ask if that's a problem - well my iPAQ is the same and everything is fine there
13:29.19mickeylcmartin: good. then its just "cosmetics" :)
13:29.30cmartinthink so too
13:29.42mickeylcmartin: which means that the kernel folks really should settle on apm or acpi and that soon. it's pretty annoying
13:29.49Twiunlet's see what else lineo have fucked up in there
13:29.53mickeylTwiun: hehe
13:31.12cmartinmickeyl: i have a candidate for testing 16MB devices with our OE images
13:31.25cmartinmickeyl: just an info
13:33.36mickeylcmartin: that's good. I really like to release an image as soon as juergen et. al. come out with a new bootloader. i think there are no real showstoppers left. bugs and quirks yes, but imho no showstoppers. what do you think?
13:34.22cmartinmickeyl: that's my oppinion too
13:38.16cmartinmickeyl: BTW good job with the switch stuff - sorry i couldn't help you there, but after seeing your messages in the ML it was over my head anyways ;-)
13:38.56cmartinmickeyl: i'm not very firm in qt and opie
13:46.35mickeylcmartin: actually it was pretty easy once i found out (thanks to schurig) why reading /dev/switches didn't work :)
13:46.48mickeylpeter corrected the bug in the simpad-kernel yesterday.
13:51.18mickeylI'm about to integrate the current snapshot of jpm2 into buildroot
13:55.26schurighurray, suspend/resume works even with my wlan card :-)
13:55.40schurigthe little joys of a little kernel hacker
13:56.06mickeylcmartin: ah damn... once again i can't get into cvs because of's maximum anon cvs
13:56.13mickeylschurig: congrats - what did you do?
13:56.14schurigmickeyl: don't CAT them, do gzip -d <pic.gz >/dev/fd0 ...
13:56.33mickeylschurig: i would if i could convert them...
13:56.36schurigmickeyl: dig deep into the Intel PXA Develeper's Manual and do the right thing (tm)
13:57.24schurigmickeyl: hmm, you use some software to display the pics on the fb, then you save them with gzip -9 </dev/fb0 >/tmp/pic.gz
13:57.43schurigmickeyl: and so you get a bunch of simpad specific pics. And later you re-display them.
13:57.55schurigmickeyl: maybe not the best way ...  but it should work
13:58.29schurigmickeyl: if you want to write into fb or draw little graphics and you don't want to call Qt during boot, then have a look at libts. The "ts_calibrate" has some framebuffer access code
13:59.06schurigalso there is the linux-logo web site where you can easily create your own penguin bootlogo
14:00.19mickeylthat sounds doable
14:00.25ljp_laptopI can have a penguin with big boobs?
14:00.34schurigmickeyl: they don't settle on APM or ACPI ...  no one really want's ACPI, it's bureacratic overblow. Can increase the kernel by more than 80 kB. So, for small target's like us APM is the way to do the user interface
14:00.56schurigljp_laptop: go and get a decent girlfriend / wife
14:01.48schurigThis patch applied (AFAIK) plain to my -rmkX-pxaY kernel
14:01.51mickeylschurig: now if the people would be a bit more cooperative and would provide the apm-bios-less apm implementation seperated from their mega-hh-patch
14:02.24schurigmickeyl: I have this stuff for PXA, so you're not that interested in my patch :-)
14:03.00mickeylschurig: does RAMSES save the fb-memory between suspend and resume? the simpad does not
14:03.11mickeylso we have to repaint everything after resume
14:03.26Twiunmickeyl: the Z does the same thing
14:03.40mickeylTwiun: really? where is the code that does the repaint-thingy ?
14:03.41Twiunmickeyl: screen_backup() and screen_restore()
14:03.45schurigmickeyl: it doesn't need to. The framebuffer is a range of memory in SDRAM, the kernel told the LCD controller where this memory is located.
14:04.00mickeylTwiun: where can i look this up?
14:04.01schurigmickeyl: since SDRAM is preserved during suspend/resume, the image on the LCD is preserved, too
14:04.07Twiunmickeyl: let me find the sources
14:04.30Twiunmickeyl: drivers/video/colliefb.c
14:04.49mickeylschurig: well - not on the simpad. the simpad uses a mq200 graphics card which IMHO has a dedicated graphic memory
14:04.52mickeylTwiun: thanks
14:04.53schurigTwiun: that's strange. When you're in text-mode and do a suspend/resume cycle, do you then still see the image?
14:05.13Twiunschurig: I believe so
14:05.25Twiunschurig: checking now
14:05.32schurigmickeyl: okay, then you could save the framebuffer in /etc/apm/suspend.d/... and restore it in /etc/apm/resume.d/...
14:05.40schurigTwiun: bon appetit
14:06.06schurigmickeyl: or you could do this in the kernel, e.g. add proper CONFIG_PM support to drivers/video/mqwhatever.c.
14:06.50Twiunhmmm... gonna have to recompile the kernel - been pissing about with the resume key stuff :)
14:06.56Twiuncan't resume the Z atm
14:07.16schurigTwiun: smash it at the ceiling, that helps
14:07.42TwiunI'm not that desperate... I'll just reboot
14:08.50mickeylschurig: well - both options which I will delegate to the kernel folks :)
14:09.14mickeyla minimal pm helper doing this wouldn't be hard though
14:09.40schurigmickeyl: the first option is user space
14:10.30mickeylschurig: not in the current state where the on/off button is hardwired to GPIO and thus I can't do _anything_ before suspending the device.
14:12.21Twiunhrm. looks like I've truly foobar'd my linux sourcetree... thing won't resume...
14:16.24mickeylcmartin: btw., does RTC work properly yet ?
14:17.51cmartinmickeyl: what do you mean?
14:18.25cmartindo you mean the fact that the clock is reset after resetting the device?
14:19.16mickeylno. this is normal. but does the clock survive suspend and resume?
14:19.27mickeylwithout being suspended, that is :)
14:21.06cmartinoh, i forgot to take notice if this was happening when using the switchd
14:22.03mickeylok. we'll see. a related thing: hoes does one create rtc-alarms on the SIMpad?
14:22.03cmartinbut if the clock is being suspended when echoing to /proc the it would be the same with switchd
14:22.41mickeylhow do rtc-alarms work on linux in general?
14:23.05*** join/#openembedded heatxsink[zzzz] (
14:23.34cmartinmickeyl: does image making work from buildroot now?
14:24.33mickeylyou may have to manually compile scripts/pad.c if that does not work automatically yet
14:24.36cmartingreat, i'll try it right now
14:24.54cmartinhow are you padding?
14:25.11cmartinthe whole 32MB?
14:27.13mickeylno padding at all
14:27.16mickeyl32MB images don't flash yet
14:27.22cmartini noticed that your simpad-opie_image config has a "Erase block size" of 131072 - is that correct?
14:28.56cmartincmartin should go back to math class :)
14:33.37cmartinmickeyl: BTW, in case you're still not sure 0x20000 is correct - a look at /proc/misc/mtd shows that this is the correct Erase blockk size ;)
14:34.18mickeylwhat does it show?
14:34.43mickeyli believe that now
14:35.15mickeyli just still wonder why jffs2 doesn't has a special end-of-written-partition code and why all these zeros are necessary
14:37.21*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
14:39.12cmartinmickeyl: with the old image it showed:
14:39.16cmartinmtd00008000000020000SIMpad boot firmware
14:39.17cmartinmtd10010000000020000SIMpad kernel
14:39.17cmartinmtd200d8000000020000SIMpad root cramfs
14:39.18cmartinmtd30110000000020000SIMpad local jffs
14:40.29mickeylok -looks good then.
14:42.32cmartinmickeyl: should tslib-common be activated for an image?
14:43.21mickeylnot sure
14:43.43mickeylyou don't need tslib-tools, but iirc the rest of tslib
14:43.48cmartinyou did make an image with tslib, didn't you?
14:43.56mickeyli did - but hey, that was two days ago :-D
14:44.17mickeylask killefiz, he did one yesterday
14:44.18killefizcmartin: if you really care i can check my config. i'm using tslib as well
14:44.21mickeylkillefiz: ping
14:44.23mickeylah :)
14:44.41cmartinkillefiz: yes check that for me
14:44.52cmartini'm making an image now
14:45.57mickeylcmartin: you might want to remake the kernel before trying the image - i just bk pushed jpm2
14:46.08mickeyli'd like to know if that kernel works
14:46.54cmartinwill have to let you know tonight, i don't have my simpad with me at the time
14:46.59mickeylme too :)
14:47.50mickeyli used wellenreiter (wlan sniffer) with my SIMpad on weekend. It's pretty amazing because PCMCIA cards have much better range compared to CF-cards. I scanned twice the amount of networks than with my Z
14:47.52cmartini know i asked this before - how would i just pull and recompile the kernel?
14:48.21mickeylcmartin: bk pull; rm -rf build/linux* stamps/.kernel.*; make
14:48.32mickeyladd a bk -r co -q after bk pull
14:48.59cmartink, i'll try to remember that
14:49.26cmartinkillefiz: do i need tslib-common or not?
14:50.39*** join/#openembedded Sp33dy2 (
14:50.45Sp33dy2ibot seen timriker
14:50.46timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #zaurus, 1d 12h 52m 59s ago, saying: 'cool.'.
14:51.14*** join/#openembedded Piete (~abri@
14:51.23Pietehey guys :)
14:51.27cmartinmickeyl: kernel compiling now
14:51.50cmartinmickeyl: what has changed in jpm2?
14:52.00Pieteis it just me, or is the mplayer in the OZ feed rather buggy?
14:52.22TheMasterMind1it is
14:52.25Pietewhen I try to manualy (without xmms/e) play a file, i just get audio and a black screen..
14:52.33TheMasterMind1its improved since, just not in feeds yet
14:52.46Pieteand lots of errors like 'this should use swscaler' etc..
14:52.53PieteTheMasterMind1: ah, good to hear :)
14:53.09TheMasterMind1oz is due for another minor release pretty badly
14:53.22TheMasterMind1ipkg still sucks though, thats pretty much whats holding it back
14:53.34PieteI took the plunge and got  a 2.4.21-rc kernel.. usbnet is pretty nice :)
14:54.00Pietehehe, yea, I wouldn't mind a binary portage for the zaurus :)
14:54.30cmartinkillefiz: ever thought about changing "zsi" to something like "OpenEmbedded Software Index"?
14:54.54Pieteso, anyone tried the 3.10 (or whatever they call it) sharp rom?
14:55.16TheMasterMind1its not that great
14:55.19TheMasterMind1some real nice things
14:55.25TheMasterMind1but still a crappy sharp rom
14:55.44PieteI hoped they would fix it up..
14:55.46TheMasterMind1cmartin: all the software on zsi isn't openembedded compatible
14:55.56schurigcmartin: why do you have both cramfs and jffs2?
14:55.58TheMasterMind1they fixed documents tab, used 2.4.18
14:56.06TheMasterMind1updated opera and such
14:56.07PieteTheMasterMind1: aww, kewl
14:56.17TheMasterMind1but the new kernel gets load averages of 3.5
14:56.27PieteTheMasterMind1: wha:
14:56.30TheMasterMind1heh, the 2.4.18 oz rom wont' be all that great
14:56.34PieteTheMasterMind1: I thought they fixed that..
14:56.36TheMasterMind1the 2.4.19 oz rom will own
14:56.39TheMasterMind1Piete: nope
14:57.23PieteI'd love a videolan where the server-side does the decoding..
14:57.36Pietethen I can watch dvds on low-powered devices..
14:57.39cmartinschurig: cramfs was in the beginning, until we started integrating with oe - now we have jffs2 - should be the only thing we will use in the future ;)
14:57.58TheMasterMind1Piete: hehe
14:57.59cmartinschurig: at least oe-wise
14:58.23schurigcmartin: if the hex numbers in your display are start-of-image and length-of-image then it looks strange
14:58.23Pietebtw, where does ipkq save packages while they are downloaded and being installed?
14:58.40schurigit would be a VERY small jffs2
14:59.19cmartinschurig: what do you mean with "my display"?
14:59.39TheMasterMind1Piete: /tmp
14:59.49PieteTheMasterMind1: on flash? ow..
14:59.59TheMasterMind1that might not be flash
15:00.12TheMasterMind1ipkg sucks.
15:00.15TheMasterMind1a lot.
15:00.32TheMasterMind1i'm almost at the point where i'll pay someone to work on it
15:00.38killefizcmartin: sorry - some $#&^$#@!!! rebooted our firewall
15:00.41schurigwhat you pasted at 16:39 hours
15:00.47schuriginto this channel
15:01.02schurigops, it was erase-size.
15:01.03PieteTheMasterMind1: heck, even I'll pitch in :)
15:01.13killefizcmartin: i have TSLIB-COMMON and TSLIB-TOOLS
15:01.16schurigI should enter read-before-type-mode
15:01.35cmartinschurig: no that is size and eraseblock size not length
15:02.56cmartinschurig: what you see are just the partition descriptions set in the kernel - cramfs was for the original cramfs partition
15:03.21killefizcmartin: [new zsi name] - yes i have. but it needs more features first. Maybe i'll reimplement it in typo3 ;)
15:03.22cmartinschurig: we now only use 3 partitions - boot, kernel and root
15:03.50schurigcmartin: you you have the new JFFS2 code that does the fast mount?
15:05.19cmartinschurig: donno - if you're talking about a kernel patch, then it probably isn't in there, since the kernel guys still use cramfs
15:06.01cmartinschurig: maybe mickeyl knows this
15:06.49mickeylcmartin: miscellaneous minor things. the pcmcia stuff, the switches OOPS bugfix and the switches return value fix.
15:06.59mickeylschurig: jffs2 fast mount? where? :-D
15:07.43mickeylcmartin: basically jpm2 makes me drop my intermediate patches which is a good thing(TM)
15:09.35cmartinmickeyl: after rebuilding with the jpm2 patch i now have two ipks and the jpm2 version is not in the Packages file - is this normal?
15:09.46schurigmickeyl: it
15:09.59schurigmickeyl: it's in the current MTD cvs.
15:10.21schurigmickeyl: it prevents jffs from scanning all flash sectors at boot time, but instead uses a kernel thread that does this in the background
15:10.45cmartinmickeyl: could the fast mount thing be the reason why our image boots so slowly since we started using jffs2?
15:10.49schurigmickeyl: the patch is rather intrusive, patching lot's of places, e.g. a common kernel-zlib implementation
15:11.05schurigcmartin: it speeds up just the mount, not operation afterwards
15:11.51schurigcmartin: but yes, without this jffs2 is slow to mount compared with cramfs/nfs/whatever --- especially if your memory interface is slow (as on SA1110 or PXA250, PXA255 is not really good but ok)
15:11.53cmartinschurig: i'm talking about boot, not operation - it seems to me that exactly the mounting process is taking a long time
15:12.23killefizcmartin: how many seconds is a long time for you?
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15:13.04cmartinwell, my device takes about 5 minutes to boot, but that could be because i had debug stuff activated in my last image
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15:13.43killefizcmartin: yes disabling jffs2-debug brought my boot time from ~3 minutes 47 seconds
15:14.15cmartinkillefiz: ok, then that is my problem ;)
15:14.58schurigcmartin: debug stuff, it it goes out via serial cable, make things as slow as the baudrate is :-)
15:16.30mickeylit's really really slow. also booting into Opie is much slower than on the Z and I don't know wh
15:16.49mickeylbut "premature optimization is the root of all evil"
15:16.52mickeylso that can come later.
15:17.03mickeylcudos to Tanenbaum
15:17.14cmartinthis must have something to do with jffs2 though, since the cramfs image doesn't boot this slowly
15:17.30mickeylcmartin: what do you mean with two packages?
15:17.40cmartinjpm1 and jpm2
15:17.54cmartinin output/ipks
15:17.55schurigmickeyl: if operation is also slow, then you should check on your SDRAM timings (they are programmable in the SA1110)
15:18.02schurigthat's usually done in the bootloader
15:18.07mickeylcmartin: make image_clean :-D
15:18.13mickeylcmartin: that is not done automatically!
15:18.28mickeylschurig: good idea. know offhand where that's initialized in?
15:18.41schurigcmartin: jffs2 needs to know which flash sectors are used and dirty. Because the box could be switched off during an sectore erase/flash ...
15:19.13schurigcmartin: so jffs2 goes over the whole flash and looks of the sector id and CRC32. It then generates a list of free/used sectors.
15:19.19cmartinmickeyl: jpm1 and jpm2 ipks still there, but Packages gone - is that right?
15:19.30schurigcmartin: jffs2 in kernel does this at mount time, jffs2 in cvs does this in a kernel thread
15:19.30mickeylno idea.
15:19.34mickeyljpm1 shouldn't be there
15:19.48mickeylleftover of your last build maybe
15:19.53killefizhmm - zaurus: 1:05 <-> simpad 1:35
15:20.04mickeylkillefiz: 1:35?
15:20.08mickeylhmm... faster than mine
15:20.11mickeylwizard :)
15:20.12schurigcmartin: more info on #mtd :-)
15:20.37killefizmickeyl: that is the time from hitting "reboot" in opie 'til opie is back again
15:20.46mickeylpretty fast
15:20.59killefizmickeyl: jffs2-debug still on in your kernel?
15:21.07mickeylschurig: are you capable of quick-teaching me how to do rtc-alarm-wake ups?
15:21.12mickeylkillefiz: no. disable that
15:21.25schurigmickeyl: no. I don't have any idea on the RTC in the SA1110
15:21.36mickeylschurig: ok.
15:21.41schurighmm, I'm not even rtc-alarm-wakeup on Ramses right now
15:22.20schurigmickeyl: but if I had to, I would programme the RTC wakeup register and set the right bit so that I get woken up
15:22.40schurigmickeyl: I could also program my DS1337 (hardware clock) to generate an IRQ, which is probably what I will do
15:26.03pb_heh, you have a leet hardware clock?  that's cool.
15:26.40mickeylschurig: linux logo patch site looks good. will try to patch these onto rmk7
15:36.58cmartinshit! just rermoved the whole output/ipks directory - how do i get make to just rebuild the ipks?
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15:38.19cmartinmickeyl: doesn't work
15:38.42cmartin/home/simpad/opensimpad/scripts/mkipkg: line 325: /tmp/mkipkg.7188/CONTROL/ Permission denied
15:38.43cmartinmkipkg: i18n/pl/*.qm not found
15:38.43cmartinmkipkg: i18n/pl/.directory not found
15:38.43cmartinmkipkg: ERROR: missing files, not building /home/simpad/opensimpad/build/ipktemp/libts-0.0-20030404-2/CONTROL/control
15:38.44cmartinmake[1]: *** [/home/simpad/opensimpad/output/ipks/libts-0.0_20030404-2_simpad.ipk] Error 1
15:38.45cmartinmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/simpad/opensimpad/packages/tslib'
15:38.47cmartinmake: *** [packages/tslib] Error 2
15:39.08mickeyl./home/simpad/opensimpad/scripts/mkipkg: line 325: /tmp/mkipkg.7188/CONTROL/ Permission denied
15:39.17mickeylrm -rf /tmp/mkipkg*
15:39.30mickeylrm -rf stamps/*.ipk
15:41.03cmartinmickeyl: thanx - must have been old /tmp files from when i had built buildroot as root
15:41.26cmartineverything is fine now - whew
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15:44.07madcat`is there a faq for OE?
15:45.27cmartinmickeyl: even after make the opie and qt ipks aren't there
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15:46.37mickeylcmartin: delete the stamps
15:46.47mickeylrm -rf stamps/.*.ipk
15:46.52cmartinmickeyl: all of them ?
15:47.00mickeylas you like
15:47.06mickeyldoesn't hurt
15:47.45cmartinmickeyl: what's this stamps directory anyways?
15:48.07mickeylcontrols what part of a package has been built yet
15:48.28mickeylnecessary to enable fine granulary remaking
15:48.38cmartinso if i rm -rf stamps/* then everything is rebuilt?
15:49.05mickeylyes. but that won't work unless you also rm -rf build/*
15:49.42cmartinok, then what does removing only the stamps do?
15:50.11mickeyltriggers the make process
15:50.25mickeylbut it will fail because e.g. the patches have been already applied to the source tree
15:52.47cmartinand this would try to reapply the patches?
15:53.25madcat`does it matter to OE if the target platform can only run uClinux?
15:56.11mickeylcmartin: yes. please lookup Vars.make and Rules.make for further details
15:56.34mickeylit's basically all standard Makefile magic.
15:57.47cmartinmickeyl: make image asks - apmd (INSTALL_APMD) [N/y] (NEW) - y or n ?
15:59.58cmartinwhy am i being asked this stuff - i wasn't asked before
16:00.13mickeylcat def-config/simpad-opie_image output/.config
16:00.27mickeyldidn't you do this before?
16:00.56mickeylwell - then it might be that you have new packges built, which are not yet listed in .config
16:01.04mickeylthen you will be asked.
16:06.32cmartinnow a problem with hostap modules - Module installation directory not valid: '/home/simpad/opensimpad/build/ipktemp/hostap-modules-2002-09-12-7/lib/modules/2.4.19-rmk7-jpm2'
16:07.34cmartinsorry, forgot to mention that make image complained that hostap modules depended upon kernel-2.4.19-rmk7-jpm1
16:08.07cmartindid make SUBDIRS=packages/hostap mrproper;make
16:08.14mickeylcmartin: wait a minute - fixing that atm
16:08.16cmartinended with obove error
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16:09.37cmartini think i need to have the kernel and modules recompiled
16:09.58cmartinmaybe the extra patches don't apply?
16:10.15mickeyl<mickeyl> cmartin: wait a minute - fixing that atm
16:11.26mickeylbk pull; rebuild kernel and modules. i fixed the kernel build to use ccache so from now on rebuilding kernel will be a one-minute thing :)
16:12.56mickeylbbl in 1h
16:12.59tiptonemickeyl: made some progress with PyQt this weekend, thanks
16:13.08mickeyltiptone: you're welcome :)
16:13.37tiptonecmartin: you building for Simpad?
16:14.23cmartintiptone: yep
16:14.29*** part/#openembedded madcat` (
16:15.27tiptonewhat OS does the Simpad normally use? WinCE?
16:17.03lsmithholy shit .. munich is going to linux on the server and client
16:17.15lsmitheven though steve ballmer himself tried to convince them otherwise
16:21.01gruemelmonsteri love the sentence where they say that CAD-workplaces for example are not concerned right now
16:21.16gruemelmonsteras if those would mind
16:21.39gruemelmonsterthey are running unix anyways
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16:28.39TheMasterMind1so anyone planning on getting a c750?
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16:29.04Twiunnot for a good 4 or 5 months
16:29.09Twiun... might have newer devices by then
16:32.00chouimatTheMasterMind1: some day
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16:39.58chouimathi schurig
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16:43.31chouimathi treke|home
16:43.39Twiunhey treke, chouimat
16:44.09schurigchouimat: hi
16:45.03treke|homeeven though I've been awake for 10 minutes
16:45.22schurigtreke|home: power failure
16:45.36treke|homeall the clocks are right :)
16:45.37schurigthe japanese earthquake?
16:45.50schurigtimer tick overflow?
16:45.50treke|homethere was an earthquake in japan?
16:46.04schurigtreke|home: yes, about 8 hours ago
16:46.13treke|homehow big?
16:46.24schurigeffy was in this channel (he still is) and reported it
16:46.41treke|homehmmm. thats a decent size one
16:46.48schurigbut i have no clue which scale teheyre using there
16:47.22treke|homethats probably richter, since cnn is reporting 7.0
16:47.45treke|homea 7.0 would definitly wake you up :)
16:49.12chouimattreke|home: or put you definitly asleep :)
16:49.47chouimattreke|home: same here
16:50.12treke|homelast quake worth mentioning was 92
16:50.23chouimattreke|home: 1925
16:50.58treke|homehey mickey
16:52.34mickeylhi treke
16:52.50mickeylgot somewhere with that non-root stuff?
16:54.21ljp_laptopthis thing does not want to work for me
16:54.23chouimathi ljp_laptop
16:54.59ljp_laptophey choui
16:55.23chouimatljp_laptop: found something last night on a very old backup
16:56.07chouimatljp_laptop: the design document of a product I never got the founding to develop :)
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16:57.49chouimatljp_laptop: complete  with diagrams etc etc ... (formal design) but it's in french
16:57.51schurigchouimat: and, was it an open source zaurus distribution that you designed in those ye olde days?
16:58.59chouimatschurig: nah! it's was a factory display unit (a big monitor that displayed the progress of the workers team)
16:59.53schurigchouimat: sounds like in the days of socialist countries where they had whiteboards with the current percentage of planned progress
17:00.48*** part/#openembedded bobstay (
17:02.00chouimatschurig: I was a contract I applied on with some friends and we never got it, but the display unit network protocol was very generic so you can easily change the controler and the client to display any type of information you wanted ... we planned to customiser the product to every customers specific need
17:02.11chouimatfirst I == it
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17:06.49ljp_laptopsharp still hasnt grasped open source
17:07.28chouimat|workljp_laptop:  I think I will translate that doc in english
17:13.14ljp_laptopwhy? you cant read french?
17:13.42ljp_laptopwhy oh why isnt this connect working
17:14.00chouimat|workljp_laptop: I can read french but the person I have in mind can't
17:14.51mickeylschurig: did you do anything special on the linux logo patches to have them appear in arm instead of i386 or is that wurscht ?
17:14.58chouimat|workljp_laptop: because it's monday?
17:15.43ljp_laptopI command thee to actually connect!
17:15.56chouimat|workljp_laptop: haha
17:17.57ljp_laptopdamn it
17:18.14ljp_laptopI dont know why this isnt working but its pissing me off
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17:24.53Twiunmickeyl: manually patching bootsplash atm
17:25.18Twiunmickeyl: it would _never_ have applied automatically :)
17:26.56Twiunmickeyl: it clashes with the fbcon_rotate patch
17:27.05ljp_laptop*sigh* the guy from pdaudio sent me the windows drivers, not the alsa drivers
17:29.41mickeylTwiun: okay
17:29.45ljp_laptopcant do much with that
17:30.51ljp_laptopmaybe I just need to get vc++ running on linux
17:32.33mickeylkillefiz: ping
17:35.51treke|homeyou in a heep of trouble boy
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17:46.06schurigmickeyl: the SPD in Munich decided for Linux :-)
17:46.26mickeylschurig: i knew it - those bavarians are clever :)
17:46.34lsmithbecause of "qualitativ-strategisch" reasons ;-)
17:46.50lsmithwhatever that means
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17:47.02mickeylquality and strategy :)
17:47.28schurigmickeyl: you need a linux-2.4.19/arch/arm/linux_logo.ppm
17:47.48treke|homemickeyl: ok, only took two days but I finally put the new images up :)
17:48.25mickeyltreke: oh cool! what are the most important changes?
17:48.53treke|homefirst image I've released that doesnt run as root. OPIE 0.99
17:49.08treke|homebased on the hh12 image with an updated alsa build
17:49.19schurigmy linux-logo patch creates this file and touches linux-2.4.19/drivers/video/fbcon.c linux-2.4.19/scripts/tologo/* linux-2.4.19/Makefile linux-2.4.19/drivers/video/Makefile linux-2linux-2.4.19/drivers/video/newport_con.c.4.19/drivers/video/hgafb.c
17:49.21mickeylah nice. well, that means ipaq-flashing time for me again
17:49.29schuriglinux-2.4.19/Documentation/ linux-2.4.19/drivers/video/ linux-2.4.19/include/linux/sysctl.h
17:49.44mickeylok - hopefully the simpad specific patches don't interfere with that
17:51.00schuriglsmith: those are words from latin, so they are pretty the same in english
17:51.05treke|homeyes you should. It's great
17:51.15lsmithi am german
17:51.21lsmithi do know their meaning
17:51.35lsmithbut i find the way they are combined in that sentence odd
17:51.38schuriglukasschmidt: I didn't know :-)
17:51.47mickeyldidn't know either
17:51.52lsmithactually its smith
17:51.56lsmithbut i am still german :-)
17:52.14lsmithhalf german half iranian .. i just got that last name to be able to function as a sleeper
17:52.50schuriglsmith: no, it makes actually sense: quality is a notion to some parts of Linux that have a better Quality as Windows (not all of Linux, IMHO). And strategic is the decision because it has long-term influences an the whole government of the town
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18:02.23treke|homemickeylman you guys are flying on the simpad stuff :p
18:03.00mickeyltreke: hehe, thanks. it's really fun that's why I'm spending all the time on that :)
18:03.25mickeylfeeling like kergoth when he did the first public OpenZaurus image :))
18:09.44treke|homeopie builds arent getting a proper version string
18:10.45mickeyl0.99 ?
18:10.58mickeylcvs update - zecke corrected this yesterday
18:11.05treke|homeoh. :p
18:19.11mickeyljust implemented key repeat and transformation adaption for the simpad switches keyboard handler
18:19.14mickeylworky worky
18:19.21mickeylkillefiz: can you hear me ?
18:23.23treke|home.99 doesnt build today
18:24.02mickeylwhere does it crash?
18:24.27treke|homebuild system as an ofileselector include in it somewhere
18:24.42mickeyltreke: had this also. checking out a new tree helps
18:24.56treke|homeI just did, less than 10 minutes ago
18:25.10mickeylreally? cvs co, not cvs up ?
18:25.18treke|homeyup. mrpropered
18:25.31mickeylthat clears you sources directory?
18:25.42mickeylok. hmm... in HEAD it works.
18:26.08mickeylmight do a diff in libopie between HEAD and 099 and look what it is
18:26.16mickeyltreke: because we have a new one !?
18:26.26treke|homeI thought we were in feature freeze :p
18:26.44treke|homefeature chill
18:26.50mickeyltreke: this is an OSS - come on, we're not that bad as linux :-D
18:27.08treke|home"lets just replace the VM in a stable revision"
18:28.30treke|homeoh well. I suppose I'll just have to beat zecke when he shows up
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18:38.21killefizmickeyl: wow - that was fast
18:38.48mickeylas i said - took me two hours :)
18:38.55killefizin cvs already?
18:39.16mickeylyes. give it a try by updating opie cvs and rebuilding qte
18:39.37killefizhmm - i wanted to show that i knew what to do myself ;)
18:39.43mickeyloh sorry :)
18:40.42killefizdoes transformation adaption refer to the rotational transformation?
18:41.04mickeylyeah! :)
18:41.04Twiunmickeyl: wouldn't happe to know what vars I can use to refer to the in-memory kernel address start and end block?
18:41.31Twiunmickeyl: initrd_start and initrd_end aren't available without CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD
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18:41.59treke|homehey zecke
18:42.07mickeylTwiun: hmm... i read a document on that lately.... hold on
18:42.53treke|homezecke:  $(TOPDIR)/libopie/ofileselector/ needs to be removed from the .99 branch Makefile
18:42.57mickeylTwiun: ah sorry, left this in the office. google for "booting arm-linux" - i remember that i got it that way
18:43.57Twiunmickeyl: ok, I'll dig through the results. remember if it was on the first result page or further on?
18:45.00mickeylthink so. i remember it was a hostname with aleph or so in it
18:45.11mickeylwas a good document on bootloaders and the booting stage
18:46.49Twiunargh. <-- documents contain no data... looks like a google cache hunt for me :)
18:48.02Twiuntreke|home: same problem
18:48.09zecketreke|home: kconfig should ignore errors...
18:48.38treke|homezecke: with it, opie doesnt build, without it it's built so far
18:51.20Twiuntreke|home: cheers
18:51.59zecketreke|home: done
18:53.40zecketreke|home: it is slick and simple.. wait for the IConView ljp needs to clone...
18:54.25zeckeVARPOWARE :)
18:54.39zeckebut I'm confident we will have a decent doc tab for 1.0
18:54.56treke|home1.0 is going to be pretty slick
18:55.05zeckeeven if my body refuses to work correctly
18:55.08treke|home2.0 will be even slicker
18:55.15zecke1.2 will be next
18:55.16mickeyl2.0 will be coooooooooooooool
18:55.20mickeylor even 1.2
18:55.22treke|homezecke: just dont die until 1.0 is out the door
18:55.27zeckemickeyl: ;)
18:55.40zecketreke|home: that is not funny
18:55.47mickeyljust read that linuxmagazin article about gpe
18:55.58mickeylnice icons and graphix
18:56.09mickeyli like their batteryapplet icon
18:56.25treke|homeyeah they've got some pretty stuff
18:56.26zeckemickeyl: I like it hovering under mouse...
18:56.52killefizthere is a new linuxmagazin issue? damn - one of my co-workers must have seen it first.
18:57.11zeckekillefiz: linux user
18:57.16mickeylsorry, linux user
18:57.17killefizah ok
18:57.51zeckebut I doubt that teleporting is the same as Syncing ;)
18:57.53mickeylkillefiz: confirm if the switches-repeat is working please
18:57.59mickeylzecke: lol
18:58.01zeckeand there is a lot of varpoware in Nils article too
18:58.03mickeylme too
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18:58.57killefizmickeyl: i'm installing a ipk now - nut sure yet if it contains the code in question ;)
18:59.58mickeylyou must remove the old one, because libqte is still 2d for you (didn't pushed 2e yet)
19:00.27mickeylbut it's just the revision number :)
19:00.39mickeyldamn. gimp no longer finds my fonts
19:01.20killefizmickeyl: i'm confused - what is wrong with ipkg install ...?
19:01.33mickeylipkg install doesn't upgrade if the version number is the same :-D
19:01.44mickeyland the version number _is_ the same
19:01.56mickeyllibqte2-2.3.5-2d even
19:02.47mickeylbut you might just want to try my build (which actually is called -2e) which is @
19:02.51mickeylmust go - wife is coming home
19:03.46zeckemickeyl|bbl: nite
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20:03.49Speedy2ibot seen timriker
20:03.49timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #zaurus, 1d 18h 6m 2s ago, saying: 'cool.'.
20:49.13Twiunare there any websites that have lists of kernel patches?
20:54.45mickeylnot really - what are you looking for?
20:55.03Twiunsomething that isn't as intrusive as the bootsplash patch
20:55.22TwiunI've given up fitting that brick into the Z
20:56.05TwiunSpeedy2: trying to give the text console a non-scrolling background image
20:56.39mickeylTwiun: schrurig found something which applied to his own kernel
20:57.52Twiunmickeyl: the collie kernel already uses that - but the image scrolls up as text is output
20:58.13mickeyloh - that's the thing collie is using? aha
21:04.02Twiunmickeyl: hrmm... or an old, old version of that
21:24.11*** join/#openembedded cmartin (
21:25.31cmartinmickeyl: the new image works fine ;)
21:26.10mickeylcmartin: well, that's good to hear!
21:26.27cmartinmickeyl: have you noticed that the dev bootloader erases flash even without pressing "y" seperately?
21:27.03mickeylcmartin: don't have it installed - since i flashed the first working image i only use ipkg upgrade to develop :)
21:28.02cmartini just like to make sure the flashed image works - i don't want the users complaining about non-working images they download later ;)
21:28.19mickeylsure, that's important.
21:28.47mickeylby the way, i added autorepeat and rotation-compensation to the keyboard handler :)
21:30.05cmartinmickeyl: BTW, you should probably add opie-appearance to the default image config - at least until the widget bug is gone
21:30.20mickeylisn't it included? it should
21:30.35cmartinmickeyl: no, wasn't activated
21:30.47mickeylok, add it
21:30.50mickeyli'll add it
21:30.52mickeylcmartin: how long does your image take from first boot until opie appears ?
21:31.22cmartindo you mean after image install or a normal reboot?
21:31.34mickeylnormal reboot
21:31.38mickeylfirst boot is a speciality
21:31.49cmartinwait i'll check now
21:32.27mickeyldid you notice that screen blanking and stuff works now pretty well ?
21:33.02cmartinyep - but the device turns off even if AC is plugged in
21:33.14mickeylthat is configurable in opie-light-and-power
21:33.33mickeyljust check "only turn off ldc" or so
21:33.38mickeylin AC tab
21:33.47mickeyldefault is unchecked
21:36.23cmartinmickeyl: reboot = 4 min = way too long!
21:36.37mickeylbut i don't know why
21:36.48mickeylonce opie is started it feels as fast as the Zaurus
21:36.54cmartinit gets to this point and takes a while:
21:37.32cmartinthen it gets to "Starting Opie" and waits a while before this comes:
21:37.42mickeyljffs2 is scanning through the complete flash. i suspect we still have a small problem there
21:37.42cmartinmcp: write timed out
21:37.55mickeylyes. something wrong with the timing.
21:38.06mickeylno idea what in opie causes this. needs more researching
21:38.32cmartini'm left with no clue at the moment
21:38.50cmartinnormal operation seems o.k.
21:39.23cmartini sure wish the screen would refresh properly
21:39.37mickeylminor issue - i already have some ideas for that :D
21:40.10mickeylat least for the case if suspending via opie
21:40.20mickeylthen i can add a screen-save hook
21:40.24mickeyland restore afterwards
21:40.46mickeylbut not for the on/off switch - that's due to the kernel folks to get their PM implemented properly
21:41.00cmartinwe should probably add a different default background - the one used now is ok for pdas but not for 800x600
21:41.11cmartincosmetics ;)
21:41.30mickeylalready did that :)
21:41.48cmartincan't you hook the on/off switch to an opie suspend event?
21:42.50mickeylno. it's hardwired through the kernel
21:43.42mickeylibot: pester juergen
21:43.45juergen: Are we there yet?  .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
21:44.18cmartinhave you seen the latest mail from ppregler? - apm battery status, default jffs mtd partitioning ;)
21:44.49mickeylno!! so did my communicating with him (privately) help... cool.
21:46.56cmartinmickeyl: do you think it makes sense to maintain a simpad feed at
21:48.05cmartinmickeyl: or should we strive for an oe feed with some device specific extra feeds?
21:48.53mickeylcmartin: as for now i think we should upload the complete to a common feed with seperated devspecific feeds is the midterm goal but currently not that important.
21:49.30mickeylif you like to, you can update the news on opensimpad re. image making, switches, etc. :)
21:50.05cmartinyes, i'll do that tomorrow
21:50.43*** join/#openembedded decaff (
21:51.05cmartini hope we get publicly available jffs2-friendly bootloader soon
21:51.12cmartins/ a
21:51.16mickeylyeah, me too.
21:51.39mickeylhmmm. well - i think i have to update the jpm2 patch again tomorrow :)
21:51.48mickeylnice that peter feels committed to our requests!
21:52.29cmartini wonder what nils thinks about that
21:52.46mickeyli could imagine him not being so glad about all that ...
21:52.57mickeylmeans no improvement for his X and thus gpe
21:53.23cmartinwell, he should profit from jffs2 support also
21:53.28mickeyltrue that
21:53.32mickeyland from a proper power management also
21:54.43cmartini think his big drawback is not having a buildroot system
21:55.42cmartinthis is a major plus for oe
21:56.42treke|homeX is already in OE and should work fine on simpad
21:56.54treke|homehe just needs to work on GPE, which is a ton of work
21:57.04treke|homechouimat: Read
21:57.23*** join/#openembedded Davv (
21:57.30chouimattreke|home: too tired and too busy conveerting to diagram into metapost
21:57.58cmartino.k. i have to get to bed now - will update the homepage and try to get a feed up on tomorrow ;)
21:58.08mickeylcmartin: good. good n8
21:58.32*** part/#openembedded cmartin (
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22:20.41mickeylanyone know offhand the escape sequence to turn off the console cursor?
22:21.12mickeylah got it
22:21.53treke|homehehehe. nelson has got class
22:21.54*** join/#openembedded harv (
22:21.56harvsup all
22:22.21treke|homewim delvaux writes:
22:22.26harvcan anyone help here with testing of crosscompiler for the zaurus?
22:22.29treke|homeOnly way to find out is to start selling them.  Okay, so I will.
22:23.09chouimattreke|home: ?
22:23.18treke|homechouimat: read
22:23.34chouimattreke|home: I had read butt I want the original
22:23.45treke|homefamiliar mailing list
22:24.06treke|homeposted earlier today
22:24.30pb_didn't he send that yesterday?  sounds like your mail is lagging a bit.
22:24.38chouimattreke|home: ok I will go see if it's in the archive
22:24.41treke|homeah it was yesterday
22:24.58treke|homethere just inst much traffic :)
22:25.13treke|homeeither way he still rocks
22:25.22pb_sure does.
22:25.37*** join/#openembedded Twiun_ (
22:26.16treke|homeoriginal post by wim:
22:26.35Twiun_setterm should also work afaik
22:27.19chouimattreke|home: hehe
22:27.38*** join/#openembedded Twiun (
22:31.18harvis anyone familiar with crosscompiling for the zaurus  (x86->arm)?
22:31.59harvor can anyone recommend a channel that i could pose questions about this?
22:32.39Twiunask away :)
22:33.21harvok...i'm trying to compile the example application for Qtopia...i've setup for the arm as a target and i'm getting a strange linker error...
22:33.38harvthe error is: /lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
22:34.08harvi've successfully compiled/tested for the x86 arch. in the qvfb application
22:34.12Twiunshouldn't it try to link to the ARM libc6?
22:34.13harvbut on arm, i get this
22:34.27harvyeah, it probably should...good poitn
22:34.30harverrr...point :D
22:34.59harvwhere is that located?
22:35.15harvall my arm tools are installed in the default location of /opt/Embedix
22:35.23harvbut i don't see that one
22:35.53Twiunshould be underneath there... might need to use a different toolchain
22:36.05harvoh wait...i found it...
22:36.14harvi'll try again after modding the Makefile
22:37.35harvwhen i attempt to compile with that...i get linker errors with libuuid and libjpeg
22:37.47Twiunsame errors?
22:37.57harvno...undefined references...
22:38.29Twiuncould you give an example?
22:38.31harvif i add the path to those in my Makefile (i.e. -L/usr/lib), i don't get those linker errors...but I do get the error again
22:38.44harvsure...lemme quip the make results...
22:39.06Twiunin any case, you can't use any x86 libs to link against
22:39.27Twiunif it's not provided by the toolchain, you have to recompile from scratch or get arm binaries's the quip of my make results:
22:39.41harvarm-linux-g++ -c -pipe -DQT_QWS_SL5XXX -DQT_QWS_CUSTOM -DQWS -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wall -W -O2 -DNO_DEBUG -I/opt/Qtopia/sharp/include -I/opt/Qtopia/sharp/include -o moc_examplebase.o moc_examplebase.cpp
22:39.41harvarm-linux-gcc  -o example main.o example.o examplebase.o moc_example.o moc_examplebase.o  -L/opt/Embedix/tools/arm-linux/lib -L/usr/lib -L/opt/Qtopia/sharp/lib -L/opt/Qtopia/sharp/lib -lqpe -lqtopia -lqte
22:39.44harv/opt/Embedix/tools/arm-linux/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /opt/Qtopia/sharp/lib/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
22:39.44harv/opt/Embedix/tools/arm-linux/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /opt/Qtopia/sharp/lib/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
22:39.44harv/opt/Qtopia/sharp/lib/ undefined reference to `jpeg_read_scanlines'
22:39.46harv/opt/Qtopia/sharp/lib/ undefined reference to `jpeg_set_defaults'
22:39.48Twiun... or use the nicely convenient Openzaurus Buildroot
22:40.15harvTwiun: Openzaurus Buildroot?
22:40.22harvTwiun: not familiar with that one
22:40.27Twiunibot: tell harv about oz buildroot
22:40.30chouimatharv: you don't have the libjpeg for the arm  in your path
22:40.58harvtks man
22:41.06harvwill that solve my probs?
22:41.29Twiunharv: set of scripts that automate a lot of the hassle of crosscompiling everything for a zaurus rom
22:41.41Twiunharv: it also retrieves the sources for you
22:41.47harvTwiun: ok... I'll check it out...
22:41.55harvTwiun: tks for the help!
22:42.07Twiunharv: np
22:46.36Twiun<sarcasm>has anyone ever noticed how poorly documented parts of the kernel are?</sarcasm>
22:51.11chouimatTwiun: ?
22:51.34Twiunchouimat: trying to figure out how the various fb driver files interact
22:51.47pb_ah, nasty.
22:51.59Twiunno kidding
22:52.02chouimatTwiun:  ok ... need to go buy some litter for the cat
22:52.26*** join/#openembedded alexw (
22:52.57TwiunI was hoping there was a simply fb_clear function I could get to redraw the pingi logo - so we'd have a fixed background in console mode
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23:58.50chouimathey ljp_laptop
23:59.07ljp_laptophey choui
23:59.18chouimatljp_laptop: wassup?

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