irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030525

00:00.51Twiunapmd wasn't the culprit
00:01.01Twiunbloody lcd still switches off
00:01.11mickeylhmm... IIRC this is built in the kernel
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00:01.18mickeylyou can switch it off
00:01.24Twiunalready switched off the LCD_BLANK config
00:01.28mickeyloh you did?
00:01.39mickeylstrange then
00:01.47Twiunwith it on, the green led blinks, with it off, no green led blinking
00:02.01Twiunand off, it seems to take longer to switch the lcd off
00:02.13mickeylwhat processes are you running
00:02.32Twiunkernel or non?
00:02.48mickeylps -ef
00:03.02Twiunlemme ssh in
00:04.22Twiuneverything else is sh/sshd/ps
00:04.30mickeyltry setterm -blank 0
00:04.49Twiunno such file or dir
00:05.30mickeylhmm... pity. that's how it works on a full-fledged linux console
00:05.41mickeylit's in the linux terminal code
00:06.55killefizmickeyl: works now - thanks for your patience
00:07.27mickeyltouchscreen calibration with tslib did work in opie or did you have to use tslib-calibrate?
00:07.57killefizworked under opie
00:08.02mickeylvery good.
00:08.11mickeylswitches now also work?
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00:08.41killefizyes - the simpad now has everything i wanted it for
00:09.08mickeylwell... for me there are a few showstoppers left
00:09.35mickeylsound and microphone is not working properly yet, battery reading, etc.
00:09.38killefizright - it's not ready for prime time
00:09.42mickeylbut we'll come to that
00:09.46killefizbut wireless browsing works ;)
00:10.07mickeylif we are to fix the suspend/resume issues we can release the image.
00:10.18mickeylif we have even
00:11.25mickeylTwiun: hmm... setterm belongs to util-linux
00:11.43mickeylyou might want to check if that's in, if not we should add util-linux-setterm to buildroot
00:12.22Twiunmickeyl: ah, no, it wasn't in the image
00:12.29mickeylwe already have a bunch of other util-linux subpackages built
00:12.29killefizthe switches need a repeat function
00:12.49mickeylkillefiz: right
00:13.07mickeylnot a big deal ...
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00:14.18mickeylkillefiz: i suspect they don't work nicely with rotation yet
00:14.35mickeylalso rotation goes in the wrong direction hehe
00:14.38mickeylwill have to change that
00:15.03killefizhmm - is the direction really wrong?
00:15.25mickeylkillefiz: no idea... but for reading a book i'd rather have the switches below the display not above them
00:15.28mickeylwhat do you think?
00:15.52killefizi'd leave it as it is now - pcmcia slot pointing to the right
00:16.31mickeylhmm... we'll make a vote on that :)
00:17.03killefizone can use the switches with the right thumb then
00:17.41mickeylwell... best would be to have this customizable
00:18.04killefizof course
00:19.14mickeylnow i see why autorepeat is not working
00:19.22mickeylwill take a bit of work
00:19.29mickeylbut i will do
00:19.41killefizso it was too easy ;)
00:21.14Twiuncya killefiz
00:21.38mickeyllooks like a cut'n'paste job hehe
00:26.08mickeylTwiun: d'oh. util-linux-setterm already is in buildroot. should be in a feed so
00:27.23Twiunmickeyl: I had just left it out of the image :)
00:27.38mickeylinstall it afterwards ?
00:27.41Twiunmickeyl: whilst trying to remove everything I didn't need
00:27.48Twiunnah, just added it and reflash :)
00:27.52mickeylhehe good
00:28.19TwiunI should keep track of how many flashes I do :)
00:28.45mickeylNah - don't make yourself nervous :)
00:30.34TwiunI'll code a counter in the fbcon code... "999972 flashes left"
00:30.41Twiunin the upper right corner :)
00:31.05Twiunwas it 1m or 100k max flashes?
00:31.31mickeylabout 100k iirc
00:32.28Twiunso... "99972 flashes left"
00:32.39Twiun71.... 70.... 69...
00:33.18Twiunok, testing setterm :)
00:33.36Twiunnow to read keyboard.c - see if I can finally make sense of this issue
00:40.27Twiunsetterm seems to be working :)
00:40.58Twiunkeyboard.c wasn't such an interesting read - I still don't know what to modify to change the console keyboard behaviour
00:41.19Twiunand is... erm... uninformative
00:46.17mickeylfbcon.c should more informative
00:46.34mickeylas the distributions are patching these (and maybe something else) to get that behaviour
00:47.20mickeylbut that's no problem - we can patch our kernel also :)
00:47.35TwiunI've put the logo stuff on hold for noe
00:47.56Twiuntrying to figure out why the menu button behaves like the power button
00:48.15mickeylok, but if you ever try to make that logo stuff i have the link
00:48.27Twiunthanks :)
00:48.30mickeylthere is everything you need
00:48.31TwiunI'll bookmark that
00:49.11mickeylsince that is so cool i might try it first on the simpad which has the right display size for that fun stuff :-D
00:49.27mickeylnot that i should do more serious stuff first...
00:50.36Twiunit definately would be _very_ cool
00:50.52mickeylwhat do you like more? verbose or standard look?
00:51.00mickeylverbose or silent event
00:51.16Twiunhmmm. silent, but with progress
00:51.23mickeylme too
00:51.42Twiunif I want verbose, I'm happy to go that extra length to enable it
01:03.17Twiunright, I'd best be off to bed... g'night guys
01:04.59mickeyltreke: still here?
01:11.07chouimat|cookingbye mickeyl|away
01:17.58sonix`how can I install linux on a computer that doesnt have a cdrom or floppy drive
01:18.02sonix`it has windaz on it righ tnow tho
01:19.23ljp_laptopshove a drive in it that has linux on it
01:22.16*** join/#openembedded Umaro (~sasquatch@
01:22.39Umarohmm.. can't get to too bad.
01:23.21chouimat|eatmmmmm that breaded salmon is great
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01:43.34chouimat|tvljp_laptop: ?
01:43.52treke|homemickeyl|away: I am now
01:44.05treke|homeljp_laptop: start living on aussie time
01:44.18chouimat|tvfuck! my cat is on the stove eating the salmon left over .... here goes my tomorrow lunch
01:44.19treke|homeI believe this is the time of the day they call "get wasted time"
01:44.32treke|homechouimat|tv: two words.
01:44.35treke|homechouimat|tv: roast cat
01:44.52chouimat|tvtreke|home: nah!
01:45.34chouimat|tvtreke|home: no more fish here
01:46.19chouimat|tvhe's two rooms away and I'm hearing him purring
01:46.25ljp_laptopI was zzz'ing cause this dl is taking forever on this modem
01:48.09chouimat|tvljp_laptop: yup get DSL
01:48.25ljp_laptopoh ya
01:48.44ljp_laptopif I ever get there
01:49.16ljp_laptop'sorry you cant work here, cause you once owned a 1957 chevy bus'
01:50.14chouimat|tvljp_laptop: you don't have a criminal record?
01:50.51chouimat|tvljp_laptop: that will take time but you will have it
01:51.06chouimat|tvjust like this download take time :)
01:51.10ljp_laptopi want to go NOW
01:51.32ljp_laptopi need to get a tan before I start working!
01:52.02ljp_laptop'ahhh. sorry, warwick, I'm at the beach'
01:52.13chouimat|tvljp_laptop: hehe
01:52.14ljp_laptop'cant come in today'
01:52.18treke|home<ljp_laptop> I didnt know you still needed one
01:52.53ljp_laptop'but I have alaptop, cant I work from here?'
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03:00.13*** join/#openembedded sonix` (
03:01.41sonix`NOTICE: We repeat: Do NOT put questions which are not frequently asked (and most preferably answered) on this page. You are one person -- just because you asked it doesn't mean it's frequently asked. Use your judgemen
03:01.48sonix`Actually, don't use your judgement. It's probably wrong. Be certain that you know you are submitting this to a faq system and not a support forum. If you don't understand something, you don't qualify.
03:02.26Speedy2Ok, thanks for the warning.
03:03.20treke|homewe really do appreciate it
03:04.58chouimatthis warning is from?
03:05.46treke|homeand your point was?
03:05.59sonix`who's point?
03:06.07treke|homeI thought so
03:06.12chouimattreke|home: me? or sonix`?
03:10.51treke|homeso now you can autologin to opie, hit the logout button, and get a login prompt
03:10.56treke|homeinstead of autologging in again
03:11.38treke|homeor maybe not
03:22.24treke|homeapparently killing qpe and logout out are the same
03:23.14treke|homenm. I had an assignment I should have had
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03:54.51absentiaSok, just lobotomized my freebsd laptop to put more mem into the winderz so I can run virt pc to run a debian to buildroot.
03:55.44absentiaSI use
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04:14.56chouimat|Zzzzztreke|home: fixed autologin?
04:15.05treke|homeactually yes. More or less
04:15.23treke|homeanything that linux sees as a "normal" termination triggers the login prompt
04:15.33chouimat|Zzzzzok ... I managed to got a DC linux and  DC Kos toolchain
04:15.49treke|homenow I need to go and clean
04:15.58treke|homeI was going to start that first thing this morning :p
04:16.21chouimat|Zzzzzhave fun ... I need to clean my appartment too ::)
04:17.48chouimat|Zzzzztreke|home: for what?
04:19.15chouimat|Zzzzztreke|home: I had signed for one here, but since I applied to some jobs far away I don't know if I will live there or for how long
04:20.28chouimat|Zzzzzok I'm off
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06:01.05*** join/#openembedded Twiun (
06:02.16treke|homenice job on the boot screen. the package count is handy
06:02.22treke|hometo bad it does them all 3-4 times
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06:04.14Twiuntreke|home: aye, the code's in there to remove that duplication but I need to clear it with kergoth first
06:04.25Twiuntreke|home: as that's the default behaviour
06:04.52Twiunremoving the duplication saves about 30s on average with 91 packages
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06:41.15Speedy2ibot seen timriker
06:41.15timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #zaurus, 4h 43m 28s ago, saying: 'cool.'.
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07:43.48Twiunhey zecke
07:44.00zeckehi Twiun
07:45.28zeckehi bipolar
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07:56.04*** join/#openembedded killefiz|simpad (~killefiz|
07:56.52Twiunhey killefiz
07:58.49killefiz|simpadhi twiun
08:07.53djrkillefiz|simpad: you run the killefiz zaurus site?
08:10.04*** join/#openembedded TheMasterMind1 (
08:12.34Twiunhey tmm
08:14.50TheMasterMind1whats up
08:15.56killefiz|simpaddjr: yes i do
08:17.59djrkillefiz|simpad: cool, then thanks for the site =)
08:19.38killefiz|simpadyou're welcome
08:22.47killefizahh - much better
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09:20.30Twiunis there any way of converting busybox's binary dumpkmap output to something human-readable?
09:22.59TheMasterMind1use a hex editor?
09:24.30scanlinespeaking of human-readable...
09:24.46scanlinedid anyone decide on an OE logo yet? :)
09:25.17scanlinethat's the impression I got too
09:51.52*** join/#openembedded heatxsink (
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10:20.28mickeylmorsche carsten
10:20.36Twiunhey mickeyl
10:20.39killefizhi mickeyl
10:21.00carstenin which package is the opie-start-script /etc/init.d/opie ?
10:21.01mickeylhi all
10:21.02Twiunmickeyl: I'm getting closer... managed to get all the keys in the Z's keybad to output 'b' ;)
10:21.14Twiuncarsten: opie-common iirc
10:21.26mickeylcarsten: yup, iirc Twiun is right
10:21.35mickeylTwiun: hehe, that's quite an achievement :-D
10:22.24carstenmmh, strange that I can install opie-today but opie-common is not a dep of it ...
10:26.24carstenok, I installed more or less everyting including opie-task* and opie-common. I still don't have the opie-start-skript....
10:27.04mickeyllemme check
10:27.54mickeylcarsten: it belongs to opie-taskbar
10:29.11carstenthanks :)
10:29.12carstenworks now
10:35.48mickeyl|flashunbelievable... it's booting...
10:36.14mickeyl|flasha kernel panic would have surprised me less given what i had to do to get the patch applied
10:37.37yeiazelnow, the question is... do you see any difference (is it faster ?) with the patch ?
10:37.47mickeyl|flashwaiting to boot opie....
10:37.52yeiazelhaha, ok :)
10:37.59mickeyl|flashstill in progress...
10:39.15mickeyl|flashit was impressive for 5 seconds
10:39.30mickeyl|flashfeelt smooth
10:39.32mickeyl|flashbut crashed
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10:44.02yeiazelon your Z ? :)
10:44.10scanlinehehe, nope
10:44.18Twiunhey pb_
10:44.28scanlineon my Athlon XP with two 19" monitors connected to a 0.5TB RAID
10:44.42pb_Twiun: morning
10:48.20heatxsinkcrazy scanline
10:48.26heatxsinkhow ya been scanline?
10:48.32scanlineah, I'm doin fine
10:48.39scanlineworking on my new build system :)
10:49.13scanlineit's a layer on top of SCons that handles package downloading and configuration
10:49.24heatxsinkI've been distracted by this new bluetooth xmms plugin i've been screwing with...
10:49.33scanlinebluetooth xmms?
10:49.47heatxsinkmany people have tried......
10:50.05heatxsinkI saw how Apple used bluetooth to control iTunes
10:50.09heatxsinkand I have to have it like that...
10:50.16Twiunthe collie keymapping is screwed
10:50.21heatxsinkI'm almost there..
10:50.40killefizheatxsink: including an opie-app as a remote?
10:51.04heatxsinkkillefiz: the idea is....when I can get the xmms...stuff going..then I can approach my Z and start that sucker up
10:51.25heatxsinkkillefiz: but I have been stuck trying to complie build-root
10:51.30heatxsinkit just won't work on my machine
10:51.40killefizheatxsink: sounds neat - but why xmms? The downside is that it needs X
10:51.57heatxsinkkillefiz: I've always wanted to make a plugin...
10:52.11heatxsinkkillefiz: getting it out of my system now!
10:52.12scanlinexmms visualization plugins are fun to write =)
10:52.22heatxsinkscanline: it seems like it
10:52.31killefizi'm trying juk right now - but it seems to take a while to import 13000 mp3s
10:52.32mickeylkillefiz: ever tried how far you can get with the simpad's ir transmitter? I heard its pretty strong compared to the Z and iPAQ...
10:52.55mickeylsimpad would make a luxury remote control for my audio/video system :-D
10:53.00Twiunanyone know why although I got the menu key map to say "space", it prints spaces (autorepeat) until eventually, the Z switches off. Because for some bizarre reason, menu-press-and-hold mimics the power button
10:53.05heatxsinkprobably cause they didn't restrict the power on the simpad
10:53.05killefizmickeyl: no - i tried installing opie-remote but as there is no lirc package that failed
10:53.19killefizbtw: opera6 runs fine on simpad!
10:53.24heatxsinkit's like what they did with the Palm's IR
10:53.25mickeyldoes it ? cool
10:54.24heatxsinkthey use a chip that has the capability to go great distances..but for operating purposes they restrict it
10:54.37killefizand it's greets you with "Welcome to Sharp PDA World" ;)
10:54.41heatxsinkcause of the power consumption...
10:54.56killefizdoes opie-remote work on Z?
10:55.13mickeylnever tried
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11:03.15killefizmickeyl: i hate you - i have to try getting lirc to work now ;)
11:03.53mickeylplease do - i'm interested in that
11:04.02mickeylcouldn't get it to compile last time though
11:04.06mickeylmaybe you can
11:04.41killefizit's not out of the box - lirc from buildroot tries to compile it's modules agains the kernel in /usr/src/linux
11:04.50killefizbut i'll fiddle with it some more
11:05.01mickeylnice. please send me a bk patch if you got it
11:05.19killefizhehe - as if i knew how to generate a bk patch ;)
11:05.55Twiunthis damn battery cover's redundant!
11:12.54mickeylnice. now i have a getty _and_ a serial debug console. no idea how i achieved that but it works :D
11:14.03Twiunwhy is it everything works for other people, but not for me?
11:14.32heatxsinkTwiun: you're not alone!
11:14.36heatxsinkI can't even complie
11:14.41joejoeMcgeehey does anyone know a good vendor for small lcd screens like 7.5 inch and smaller
11:14.41heatxsinki mean compile
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11:31.21mickeyla c700 user out there ?
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11:34.10tronicalmickeyl: found time to try out prelink, yet?
11:34.40mickeylno. too busy with OE on SIMpad. you?
11:34.55tronicalnot, yet :(
11:35.30killefizwhat kind of archive are ipks?
11:35.55mickeyltronical: do you know
11:36.13heatxsink[zzz]killefiz: they are tar.gz's
11:36.31mickeylolder ones are tar
11:36.35mickeylnewer ones are ar
11:36.41heatxsink[zzz]there's my knowledge..hahaha
11:37.17mickeylman ar
11:37.18tronicalmickeyl: yes, saw it a couple of days ago when I think kergoth posted the url
11:38.58heatxsink[zzz]back to sleep now
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11:53.18mickeylmorgen !
11:53.46mickeylanyone ever tried the low-latency patches on a rmk-kernel ?
11:54.44zeckemickeyl: preempt?
11:54.51mickeylno - low-latency
11:54.51zeckemickeyl: yupp liquid felt really smooth
11:54.54mickeylpreempt is another story
11:55.21zeckemickeyl: I think nobody tested it then
11:55.29mickeylhmm... I was afraid of that
11:55.45mickeylpreempt crashed here because it doesn't play well with rmk7
11:56.00mickeyli want to try low-latency now, but have no idea if that supports arm
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12:03.56killefizmickeyl: ir works well - 6m distance is no problem
12:04.40mickeylkillefiz: great!
12:04.45mickeylkillefiz: how did you got it to compile?
12:05.15killefizthe lirc-package in buildroot is zaurus only. 2.4.6-xxx kernel is hardcoded
12:05.24killefizi changed that to 2.4.19-rmkxxx (hard)
12:05.34killefizthen there is a /dev/lirc missing
12:05.52mickeylmknod ?
12:05.54killefiz(i added it with mknod - not sure what to do to make it available the "proper" way)
12:06.00mickeylwhich major/minor ?
12:06.10killefizc 61 0
12:06.37killefizand: buildroot compiles a kernelmodule - but it strips it
12:07.45mickeylwhich file is that 2.4.6 hardcoded in ?
12:07.48killefizoh - almost forgot: in buildroot lirc depends on kernel-modules - i don't know why but it's not very clever
12:07.52killefizmickeyl: Makefile
12:08.02killefizi only changed Packages/lirc/Makefile
12:09.20mickeylyou mean in $(stamp-rootinstall) ?
12:09.47mickeylmmh... too much hardcoded stuff in there
12:10.04killefizyes there are two in there and one in the configure line above that
12:14.45killefizmickeyl: there is a script zremote that is installed to /usr/bin/zremote and starts the lircd but i cannot figure out when it is supposed to be called - right now you have to start lircd manually
12:15.07mickeylok. we will have to add the device in postinst maybe
12:15.29killefizmickeyl: but then it's gone after a reboot, no?
12:15.44mickeylmore hardcoded stuff
12:17.43killefizok - it's supposed to be called when you want to use the remote
12:17.55mickeylinsmod is also ugly
12:17.59mickeylmodprobe rulez
12:18.56killefizi think zremote_gui should be removed - opie-remote is much better
12:20.40killefizhmm lirc depends on opie - i don't see a reason why it should
12:20.50killefizhow to find out who is responsible for that package?
12:21.02tronical.forward certainly doesn't work anymore ;(
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12:24.28joejoeMcgeedo you guys think a strongarm can handel divx playback?
12:24.54zecketronical: since when is .forward not working?
12:25.04zecketronical: mail the admins ;)
12:25.48tronicalzecke: my .forward points to but I get mails to my account with Delivered-To:
12:25.48mickeyljoejoeMcgee: ipkg install opie-mediaplayer2 :-D
12:26.18ljp_laptopooh new ofileselector?
12:26.41zeckeljp_laptop: bugfix from 1300 lines to roughly 700
12:27.00zeckeljp_laptop: and it could be used inside the launcher
12:27.05zeckeljp_laptop: and has support for views
12:28.39ljp_laptopnice. I'll check it out today
12:29.44joejoeMcgeedo you guys just mostly work with pda's or are any of you guys working with embedded SBCs
12:31.44yeiazelsbc ?
12:32.13mickeylsbc ?
12:32.35ljp_laptopSound Backing Controller?
12:33.22ljp_laptopSucky Bitmap Confusion?
12:33.30mickeylSophisticated Broadcast Chicks
12:34.25yeiazelSucking Bitch Crowd
12:34.28yeiazelSucking Bitches Crowd
12:35.43ljp_laptopScrunti Boot Conflaguration
12:35.45joejoeMcgeesingle board computer
12:36.11ljp_laptopsend us hardware and we will
12:36.22joejoeMcgeeopie's media player looks like it only does us mpeg
12:36.38ljp_laptoptheres plugins
12:36.41joejoeMcgeewell i think im building one, i just got a dev kit
12:37.01ljp_laptopopieplayer does tremor (vorbis), wav, mp2, mpeg, mod
12:37.37ljp_laptopoe was devised for any platform, I think
12:38.06ljp_laptopopie might need to be patched for specific device
12:38.42joejoeMcgeeare you guys running opie on top of debian?
12:39.17zeckejoejoeMcgee: developing at least...
12:40.05ljp_laptopI run opie on mandrake ;)
12:40.17mickeylhey, me too ljp
12:40.51ljp_laptopand gentoo
12:41.44ljp_laptopsomeone emaile dme about doing midi alarms
12:42.09ljp_laptoptoo bad there is no midi device on my z
12:42.42ljp_laptopcould use timidity, but I think it defeats the purpose of midi
12:44.24zeckeljp_laptop: can't we just use wav ;)
12:44.29zeckeljp_laptop: as you replyied
12:44.54mickeylljp_laptop: we could integrated a minimal modplayer in osoundserver - this is pretty small and much better than just playing wav
12:45.43ljp_laptopproblem with mod files, is there are several different kinds
12:46.35ljp_laptopuncompressed wavs are easy to shove through the device
12:47.12zeckemickeyl: osoundserver == LSD
12:47.43zeckeno kidding sandman started with LSD long time ago
12:47.54mickeylwhere is the code?
12:48.03zeckemickeyl: ask him
12:48.11mickeylhe is pretty much unavailable
12:48.20zeckemickeyl: he still replies to emails
12:48.22joejoeMcgeeim so excited im getting a strong arm sbc and im going to attempt to build a portable media jukebox/ personal server
12:48.38mickeylzecke: do you know why he's no longer with opie?
12:49.09zeckemickeyl: Ich glaub' seine Firma hat ihn irgendwo hin ausgeliehen
12:49.29mickeylpity for us
12:49.43zeckemickeyl: will mail him again
12:49.53mickeylgood. greet him
12:50.21ljp_laptopya, tell him he needs to get back to work with opie and quite fooling around with that chick!
12:50.50zecketronical: how does it come that konq/e is still not smaller than 500k with safari merged? ;)
12:51.02zeckeljp_laptop: that chick is the reason why he wouldn't work for TT
12:51.13tronicalzecke: because there is no safari code merged :)
12:51.19tronicalzecke: that's only in HEAD
12:51.43zecketronical: kleine Anstachelung.. :)
12:51.52tronicalah :)
12:52.10ljp_laptopI know
12:55.36ljp_laptopoh well. If I had one of those, I;d be less visible also ;)
13:01.12killefizmickeyl: have you finished the lirc changes?
13:04.51mickeylshould build now and the zremote script should work
13:06.08killefizanother thing is that the module should probably be in a seperate ipk?
13:06.44killefizbecause it depends on the kernel
13:06.50mickeylyes - should be splitted
13:12.08ljp_laptopI wish firebird's font selection didnt suck
13:15.39mickeylfirebird is what again?
13:15.52mickeyldamn. low-level-patches also conflict with rmk7. grrrr
13:16.47zeckemickeyl: that shiny new gecko browser
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14:15.19tronicalibot lart the usbnet crap
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14:19.39ljp_laptop~lart usb
14:20.43tronicalzecke_: hmm, ah, is it likely to be a problem with the usb hardware controller on the desktop side? (problem == complete link instability)
14:21.50zecke_tronical: ohci vs uhci
14:22.12zecke_I switched and now usbnet + usbdnet are rock solid for over 8 month now
14:22.43zecke_I'm using uhci
14:23.41tronicalhm, my /proc/bus/usb/drivers talks about uhci-alt and ehci-hcd . any idea what that means? :)
14:24.24zecke_ehci is the alternative one
14:24.51tronicalok, which one is 'good' and which one sucks? :)
14:25.15zecke_I use uhci and it works ( Intel hardware )
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16:02.19mickeyl|steuertreke: low-latency and preemptible patches don't like rmk7... did you succeed in either one?
16:02.31treke|homeNot tried rmk7
16:02.55mickeyl|steuerwhat is openIpaq currently using?
16:02.56treke|homeI've applied it to rmk6-pxa1-hh12, which needed a slight bit of patching
16:03.32treke|homeyou can try my patched version, it might work
16:03.53mickeyl|steueryeah. where can i get it?
16:04.13treke|homea label was renamed, so it stopped applying
16:04.16mickeyl|steuernote that i want to apply it to plain rmk7 - without pxa1 _and_ hh12
16:04.27mickeyl|steuerdo_IRQ ==> asm_do_IRQ ?
16:04.50mickeyl|steuerk. I've seen that too - applied it to rmk7 with some patching but got kernel oopses
16:04.54mickeyl|steuer(SIMpad here)
16:05.38treke|homethat is all that I've changed in that patch. I havent noticed any oopses though
16:16.51treke|homeah cool. that fixes icons not appearing
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17:07.58chouimatljp_laptop: ?
17:08.30treke|homeljp_laptop: I love you
17:08.35treke|homeoh so pretty
17:08.47ljp_laptopoh thats the old fileselector..
17:10.55ljp_laptopdoesnt work quite yet.
17:11.05ljp_laptopbut no scanning
17:11.14treke|homeit is still pretty
17:11.17chouimatljp_laptop: that better than nothing
17:11.41ljp_laptopI have to co 0_99 branch
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17:13.24chouimatljp_laptop: and on you fast linkk that will take eternity
17:14.17ljp_laptop:) cvs -z9 helps
17:33.37chouimatmickeyl: steuer?
17:34.06mickeylsteuer == tax
17:34.17mickeylevery year i must declare income and stuff
17:34.22mickeylto get some money back
17:34.26chouimatmickeyl: ok that I was wondering if you were driving :)
17:34.31mickeylah hehe
17:34.34mickeylyeah, same name
17:34.41treke|homemickeyl: lucky bastard :)
17:34.58mickeylwell... actually its only a few bucks... :)
17:35.24treke|homemickeyl: its better than having to declare income and stuff to have to pay more :)
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17:38.16zecke_hi mickeyl
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17:38.45chouimathi zecke_
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18:07.12ljp_laptop_try again
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18:10.15chouimat|readingljp_laptop: ?
18:11.28ljp_laptop_docs tab
18:15.48djrljp_laptop_: replacement docs page?
18:16.32djrhow do you know how to categorize files in the documents? i just put them in the documents directory... but i know things save files in image/png/something.png or so on
18:17.38ljp_laptop_doclnk files
18:17.50ljp_laptop_those .desktop files
18:18.09djrhmm ok
18:18.16djrchouimat|reading: looks like a pdf converted to html, hehe
18:21.05chouimat|readingdjr: up
18:28.57djrchouimat|reading: kinda makes me want to do some more assembly... i do mips and x86 assembly for work
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18:30.36chouimat|readingdjr: the article is quite interessting
18:36.38nodaSheesh. I leave for less than 48 hours and 69 junk mails to *one* of my email accounts. No fun :)
18:36.48chouimat|readingnoda: hehe
18:39.05djri use postfix+courierimap+spamassassin+procmail... its good at stopping spam... really good... i pretty much only get a couple a day now that slip through... before i was getting over 200 a day
18:39.33nodaI'm using Mozilla's Bayesian filter. It missed 6 total, on this account and another that had about 20.
18:39.38nodaNo false positives.
18:42.37chouimat|readingspamassassin misses a lot here
18:43.02nodaI've seen a couple of false positives, too. Nothing with a score above 10 though... but that means missing a lot of spam.
18:44.27chouimat|readingI think I will reconfigure it
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19:04.22treke|homeit misses maybe one a week, and its getting better
19:04.51ljp_laptop_treke: you see the latest screenie?
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19:08.48dashanybody know of a channel on this net for nokia or symbian development? :)
19:13.19mickeylljp_laptop_: column headers would be useful imho for sorting
19:14.46ljp_laptop_talk to zecke. thats an ofileselector
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19:15.39treke|homewhat still needs to be done?
19:18.09ljp_laptop_done to what? new docs tab?
19:19.43ljp_laptop_well, I need to connect clicking for one. and get every mimetype
19:20.48zecke_treke|home: you can clone write a different DocView
19:20.54zecke_show by storage place
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19:24.04treke|homemostly I was wondering what still needs to be done before it can be imported into cvs
19:25.12chouimat|readingljp_laptop_: or just send us the diff :)
19:26.21treke|homewould be good to at least get a patch in for OE before the next release
19:26.33chouimat|readingI'm making a coffee pot does any of you want some?
19:26.48treke|homenah I've already got a pot
19:26.59ljp_laptop_ya I need some pot
19:27.09treke|homeyou might want to make some coffee once you finish making the pot
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20:00.00chouimat|readingdi 3.9 rocks
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20:04.13treke|homeman long weekends rock
20:04.25chouimat|readingtreke|home: week off too :)
20:04.40zecke_beeing too sick for skool but ok for hacking is the best
20:06.03chouimat|reading <-- that df replacement rocks
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20:10.04zecke_ljp_laptop_: may you smoke pot at Brisbane?
20:10.27ljp_laptop_hehehe. dunno. probably not. I get exported if I get caught
20:11.21zecke_in Germany you musn't buy it.. but as a gift it would be ok... and up to 6 gramm in Berlin is ok to have...
20:11.38ljp_laptop_no, deported means you get put on plane. exported means you get put on slow boat
20:12.08zecke_ljp_laptop_: and we need a supreme court ruling on the amount you may have...
20:12.12ljp_laptop_alaska used to have laws like that. you could grow it, 4 plants, but not sell it
20:12.23chouimat|readingzecke_: with the new canadian it wouldn't be a criminal offence if you get caught with 15 grams or less, you will just pay a 150 $ fine
20:12.29zecke_ljp_laptop_: every state has different amount what is legal and this is illegal ;)
20:12.46zecke_chouimat|reading: and your dope is taken away :(
20:13.07ljp_laptop_I havent smoked in a long time.
20:13.23chouimat|readingzecke_: I think the fine are for 15 grams or more
20:13.52zecke_ljp_laptop_: everyone I know smokes pot.. it's like drinking bear...
20:14.22zecke_even the German Government were pot dudes back in the 60
20:14.59chouimat|readingzecke_: ewww bear (bär)
20:15.25zecke_chouimat|reading: my fscked up spelling gets worse when I'm tired
20:15.42chouimat|readingzecke_: I never drink that ... I wonder what the taste is ? :)
20:15.51zecke_we even smoked pot during breaks...
20:15.57ljp_laptop_it used to be like that when I was younger.
20:15.57zecke_chouimat|reading: Bärenstark
20:16.20ljp_laptop_I was a pizza cook, and eveyone used pot
20:16.25ljp_laptop_and in the ski industry
20:16.53ljp_laptop_all those ski list attendants are stoned
20:16.54killefizdamn - i played with netconfig and now dhcp ceased working - can anyone tell me where the network-config app stores its conf-files?
20:16.57chouimat|readingzecke_: I don't find "Bärenstark" in my german-french dict
20:17.02treke|homekillefiz: /etc/network/interfaces
20:17.42zecke_chouimat|reading: if something is really good and poweful..
20:17.48chouimat|readingzecke_: ok
20:17.50ljp_laptop_here in Boulder, every saturday at 4:20 ( 4-20 being Police code for pot smoking going on), there's a huge get together in a park and eveyone smokes up
20:18.08chouimat|readingljp_laptop_:  lol
20:18.16killefizhmm - iface wlan0 inet dhcp
20:18.22killefizis there anything wrong with that?
20:18.35treke|homeis the interface wlan0?
20:19.22killefizif works if i use ifconfig to assign an ip- but it doesn't work with dhcp anymore - since i tried adding a profile
20:20.25ljp_laptop_I keep getting my branches mixed
20:20.45zecke_have two dirs with different names help
20:21.07*** join/#openembedded Speedy2 (
20:21.12Speedy2ibot seen timriker
20:21.12timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #zaurus, 18h 23m 25s ago, saying: 'cool.'.
20:22.22cmartinkillefiz: how's the new bootloader for simpad?
20:22.30ljp_laptop_I know I definetely could not smoke if I was working at TI, they have drug tests
20:22.30cmartinit works for me
20:22.36killefizcmartin: working
20:23.04killefizi'm happy. I have a fully working simpad - wlan / opie / switches / resume / suspend
20:23.21chouimat|readingljp_laptop_: yup :(
20:24.10killefizcmartin: have you found a safe solution for using a jffs2-image withouth the new bootloader?
20:24.24cmartinkillefiz: do you use switchd for switches or does mickeys work?
20:24.24treke|homemickeyl|tv: new images are finally uploading
20:24.45killefizcmartin: mickeys qte-patch
20:25.00killefizkey repeat doesn't work yet
20:25.12treke|homemickeyl|tv: for once I have a decently working image and the patience to wait on a 70 meg upload :p
20:25.12cmartinkillefiz: does it compile automatically or do i have to apply it myself?
20:25.34treke|homeman I need a faster upstream
20:25.39killefizcmartin: it's in buildroot - so it compiles automatically if you update the opie cvs
20:25.53cmartinkillefiz: no no other way to work with jffs without first erasing flash
20:26.21killefizcmartin: too bad - so there won't be an oe-release until a bootloader with erease functionality is officially released :(
20:26.27cmartinkillefiz: the padding issue Nils mentioned isn't good - you would have to upload a ~32MB image everytime
20:26.43chouimat|readingtreke|home: 70 mb upload?
20:27.02treke|homechouimat|reading: yes. feed+images
20:27.04killefizcmartin: that can be worked around be gzipping the image
20:27.19killefizbut my impression was that flashing images bigger than 16MB would not work?
20:27.22cmartinkillefiz: i think so - but i think juergen and walti will release it to the public soon
20:27.41chouimat|readingtreke: ok
20:27.44killefizcmartin: oh - lirc and opie-remote work now too
20:27.45cmartinkillefiz: yes that's right
20:27.52treke|homea 32mb image is annoying, but far from the worst thing in the world :)
20:28.09killefizthe ir-range is very good. The simpad makes a great remote-control.
20:28.21killefizopie-remote needs some work though
20:28.58treke|homeI dont think anyone actually uses it
20:29.05treke|homesince most devices have shit range
20:29.28killefiztreke|home: right - maybe it's a good way for me to finally learn proper qt and c++
20:29.35cmartintreke|home: that's true, but as i mentioned once before padding the image didn't work anyway - and an image >16MB won't install
20:29.58treke|homekillefiz: its written in bourne shell I think
20:30.29killefiztreke|home: no - you might be referring to zremote
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20:30.50treke|homehrm. Thought opie-remote used opie-sh also
20:31.43cmartinkillefiz: what's the default orientation on your simpad? mine is 600x800 and a rotate rotates in the wrong direction
20:32.41killefizmine is 800x600
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20:32.55killefizi had that problem too - it's fixed in buildroot
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20:33.05killefiz(no more upside-down)
20:33.17Speedy2What is a simpad?
20:33.25killefizmickeyl has done a lot on everything over the last couple of days
20:33.45cmartinkillefiz: as i've noticed
20:34.01killefizSpeedy2: a webpad with hardware similar to a z or ipaq
20:34.16killefizit was a flop so it's sold for ~300 EUR now
20:34.20Speedy2killefiz: Where'd you get it?
20:34.22cmartinkillefiz: i'm thankful, since i don't have much time and knowledge to get all this working
20:34.42killefizSpeedy2: it's only available in europe
20:34.45Speedy2<-- is seeking an LCD 5-7"
20:35.09killefizSpeedy2: i think it's 8.4"
20:35.15Speedy2killefiz: This looks cool.
20:35.28killefizSpeedy2: it is really cool - esp. for the price
20:35.29Speedy2killefiz: 300 EUR is ~$150 USD? or like ~180 USD?
20:35.40treke|homeSpeedy2: its like 300 USD :)
20:35.41Speedy2StrongARM processor?
20:35.45chouimat|readingSpeedy2: more like 325 USD
20:35.48zecke_Speedy2: 320$
20:35.55Speedy2Damn. Kinda expensive.
20:35.55treke|homeSugar What is 300 EURO in USD?
20:35.59Sugar300 EUR is 351.28806 US$
20:36.16chouimat|readingsugar what is 300 eur in cad
20:36.18Speedy2killefiz: Processor is StrongARM?
20:36.18Sugar300 EUR is 474.59015 CAD
20:36.22killefizSpeedy2: yes
20:36.32Speedy2(The value of money shouldn't be fluctuating...that sux)
20:36.39ljp_laptop_when is canada going to switch to the euro?
20:36.55killefizljp_laptop_: australia is first ;)
20:36.58zecke_ljp_laptop_: the day after Texas switches
20:37.18Speedy2killefiz: So is Siemens dumping them or how are you buying these?
20:37.32killefizyep - they're selling em out
20:37.43killefizi'm already thinking of buying a 2nd one
20:38.00chouimat|readingljp_laptop_: when Canada will  be a member of the European union
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20:38.21Speedy2Hrm. $325...800x600 LCD?
20:38.21zecke_does anyone know why automounting cf cards isn't working?
20:38.39treke|homein familiar?
20:38.46treke|homeprobably because it sucks :p
20:38.46zecke_no OZ
20:38.53ljp_laptop_doesnt work here either
20:38.59nodaWorks for me
20:39.36Speedy2killefiz: Did the Simpad run Linux already or was there a port involved?
20:39.54zecke_rebuild buildroot today and it still isn't working
20:40.00killefizSpeedy2: it comes with windows ce
20:40.19killefizsome people at siemens-ch have ported the kernel (last year)
20:40.34treke|homezecke_: dunno. Works For Me
20:40.52Speedy2Ugh. I wish I could get one of those cheaply.
20:41.03killefizthen cmartin started building an opie image based on familiar and has integrated it into the oe-buildroot together with mickeyl
20:41.14Speedy2I need an LCD with touchscreen purty cheaply
20:41.21killefizSpeedy2: what for?
20:41.34Speedy2For a kinda crazy project I'm working on
20:41.51Speedy2Basically I just need to run VNC on this thing so WinCE or Linux would be fine.
20:42.18ljp_laptop_Speedy2: walgreens has very cheap pim handlelds
20:42.24ljp_laptop_like $20
20:42.32Speedy2ljp_laptop_: Yeah, but I need a largish LCD, like 6-7"
20:42.34Speedy2Color, etc
20:42.36ljp_laptop_hehe ooh
20:42.50Speedy2Maybe get one of those Lucent phone things Riker had?
20:42.55Speedy2What were they called?
20:42.55ljp_laptop_I have an old laptop I can send you
20:43.15ljp_laptop_hmm, dont know of its color
20:43.15Speedy2But the LCD on that is dual-scan if I recall correctly.
20:43.28Speedy2That == tuxscreen
20:44.49killefizcmartin: plus opera6 works well on simpad
20:45.13cmartinkillefiz: where do you get opera6? - from your Z
20:45.37killefizcmartin: yes
20:46.26cmartinkillefiz: too bad, then i can't get opera on my simpad
20:47.03killefizibot: zsi operacreator_for_linux
20:47.18cmartinkillefiz: i'll be busy the next couple of days, so if mickeyl looks for me tell him i'll be back on irc tuesday - o.k.?
20:47.27killefizcmartin: will do
20:48.32cmartinkillefiz: thanx
20:48.50cmartinkillefiz: for the url
20:49.02killefizcmartin: that's what i built the site for ;)
20:49.04Speedy2killefiz's site rox
20:49.13Speedy2Should be like the first site in any Zaurus FAQ
20:49.46cmartinand for openipaq, opensimpad .....
20:50.16treke|homemaybe some new organization would be handy
20:50.58treke|homea way to browse based on the device you have
20:51.13killefizand a rating system, comment system, a way to delete screenshots
20:51.40Speedy2Gotta jet
20:52.01treke|home30 minutes left to a new ipaq image
20:52.21killefizanyone interested in helping with approving changes / new apps on zsi?
20:52.39cmartinmickeyl: hi, man you sure have put in the turbo... - fantastic work
20:53.28cmartinmickeyl: i'll be pretty busy the next couple of days, but i'll be back to work on the simpad on tuesday
20:54.07killefizcmartin: if there is any work left by then
20:54.16killefiz;) - kidding
20:54.51killefizcmartin: how does switchd work? does it "emulate" keypresses to the kernel?
20:55.12mickeylcmartin: okay
20:55.22cmartinkillefiz: if mickeyl keeps it up then you may be right, but i think his marriage would be in danger ;)
20:55.46mickeylno joke - very true that! :)
20:56.09mickeylwas a tough weekend... did more work than planned... but you know... once you get started achieving something its pretty fun
20:57.05cmartinmickeyl: that's true, but the wife can be pretty fun too ;)
20:57.31mickeylcmartin: i have to get back to my other opie projects (camera,wellenreiter,network applet) soon - so i wanted to get a usable SIMpad state before doing that :)
20:57.53cmartingotta go take care of my wife ;)
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21:00.10mickeylkillefiz: do you like the default key mapping? (upper switch is ESCAPE, lower switch is OK)
21:00.23mickeyli think its pretty good to open/close applications with this mapping
21:00.31mickeylthe winCE mapping was just pure braindead
21:00.47killefizi think i would prefer it the other way around
21:01.00mickeylreally? hmm.... maybe make that customizable...
21:01.17killefizno - rather not
21:01.32killefizi'm used to the current setup now ;)
21:01.36mickeylhehe good.
21:01.48killefizhave you fixed the key-repeat already?
21:02.13mickeylno - but i know how to do it so it is just a matter of one or two free hours next week.
21:02.31mickeylno idea when though - will have a busy week preparing lessons for my prof
21:03.15killefizgood - it's not very convenient for browsing now
21:03.15mickeylsuspend and resume pcmcia works nicely if i manually eject my wlan card before suspending
21:03.23killefizsame for me
21:03.31mickeylnight zecke!
21:03.56zecke_mickeyl: the header is not hidden anymore
21:04.05mickeylzecke_: great. thanks - makes that more usable.
21:05.01killefizmickeyl: i haven't managed to power my pad off with the "off" button
21:05.20mickeylgood. did anything special or just so ?
21:05.39killefizdoes it work for you?
21:05.42mickeylthat's strange - it works here. did cmartin say anything about it ?
21:05.51killefizno - forgot to ask him
21:06.19mickeylkillefiz: thing is, I even can't access this switch because its connect in kernel. aaah ...
21:06.26mickeylcheck your kernel config
21:06.35mickeylmaybe you accidantly forgot SA1100 switches = y
21:06.48killefizthat's bad - i was thinking that it might be nice to have the switch configurable as a 3rd "key"
21:06.48mickeylthis would explain the behaviour
21:07.13mickeylkillefiz: it's not set in stone. we can patch it to act as a customizable key
21:07.22mickeylwill have to talk with juergen about that
21:07.31mickeylthe whole power management issue must be reworked.
21:07.42mickeylbut that's their job. /me stays away from doing more kernel work
21:07.59killefizanother problem with the keyhandling is that e.g. sdl-apps wont be able to access the keys
21:08.28mickeylthat's normal. sdl must be patched for every new supported device
21:08.38mickeylok, then it is not that
21:08.57killefizoh - i thought it would be using normal kernel keyboard-handling on the z
21:09.19*** join/#openembedded lsmith (
21:37.27*** join/#openembedded AndyQ (
21:37.45mickeylhi AndyQ - how are things going?
21:38.08AndyQgood - had a nice weekend and a bank holiday tomorrow - bit of a rest :)
21:38.21AndyQmickeyl: hows things?
21:39.00mickeylpretty cool. OE + Opie on SIMpad is nearly ready for public consumption. Opie 1.0 appearing in only a couple of weeks
21:39.24AndyQyeah - things seem to be happening quite a bit
21:39.53AndyQdon't seem to be able to keep up at the moment - too much other stuff happening
21:39.53mickeylyes - it's always in kinda wave-style... you know... some weeks nothing is happening, then some weeks pretty much
21:40.12mickeylyou will always be welcome as soon as you have more time to spend :)
21:41.54ljp_laptop_how bout me? am I always welcome too? ;)
21:41.59AndyQta - I feel a bit bad at the moment - just don't have time to even turn my Z on most days let alone consider coding :( I wish life would slow down for a bit !
21:42.16AndyQljp_laptop_: heh - don't think you would stay away anyways :)
21:42.17ljp_laptop_flow with it, dude
21:42.38AndyQljp_laptop_: have to - no other choice really
21:42.39ljp_laptop_yes, cause I have no life
21:43.01ljp_laptop_soon, though, I will
21:43.24AndyQljp_laptop_: got a girl/new job/??
21:43.37AndyQljp_laptop_: TI? ot TT?
21:43.47ljp_laptop_in brisbane australia, for TT
21:43.59ljp_laptop_waiting for work visa
21:44.01AndyQljp_laptop_: WELL DONE! I'l love to work in Aus!
21:44.13ljp_laptop_i cant wait, actually
21:44.21AndyQljp_laptop_: Yeah  - I bet
21:44.30ljp_laptop_I cant believe they are hiring me also
21:44.36AndyQljp_laptop_: doing what? Coding?
21:44.44ljp_laptop_'qtopia community liason'
21:44.55ljp_laptop_a bit of everything,  believe
21:45.09AndyQljp_laptop_: does that mean you can influence any design decisions?
21:45.09ljp_laptop_first job is to set up a community web site
21:45.28AndyQ:) at last
21:46.05ljp_laptop_depends though, I am sure they have their own ideas about how things should be
21:46.17ljp_laptop_better comm between opie and qtopia, though
21:46.34AndyQljp_laptop_: that would be good
21:46.54ljp_laptop_I just want to get there already
21:47.11AndyQljp_laptop_: how long til you get yor visa?
21:47.30ljp_laptop_dunno, they said they have seen it take 2 weeks or 16 vweeks
21:47.57AndyQand how long have you been waiting>
21:47.57ljp_laptop_new docs tab
21:48.06ljp_laptop_will be two weeks
21:48.13AndyQnew docs looks nice
21:48.18ljp_laptop_had to wait for my passport
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21:48.25AndyQhey TheMasterMind1
21:49.17TheMasterMind1hey AndyQ
21:49.46AndyQhey chouimat
21:53.58chouimathi AndyQ
21:59.41*** join/#openembedded SuKoSh| (
23:02.22*** join/#openembedded Lazerdye (
23:03.11LazerdyeHello, I can't find this in a FAQ, is there a way to change the boot logo, the instructions I found (change /opt/QtPalmtop/pics/Startup_screen.bmp) did not work for me.
23:04.27treke|homeit is part of the kernel
23:05.07Lazerdyetreke|home: Aha, needs a recompile, then?
23:05.23Lazerdyetreke|home: Thank you.
23:07.37ljp_laptop_that was easy
23:07.53ljp_laptop_leem try that one the next question
23:08.35treke|homehow do I make opie player work?
23:09.39ljp_laptop_its in the kernel
23:09.56*** part/#openembedded treke|home (
23:09.57ljp_laptop_you didnt go away
23:10.01*** join/#openembedded treke|home (
23:12.52treke|homeman  we have some great todo items for opie 1.1
23:13.02treke|home"Fix minesweeper"
23:13.14treke|home"Make everything work on the zaurus."
23:13.38ljp_laptop_'make it run on wince'
23:14.27treke|home"Timezone support for Arizona (MST in winter, PDT in summer)"
23:14.44treke|homesure are aiming for the stars
23:19.12treke|homeThis screenshot showcases PicoGUI's new compatibility layer for running Xview apps with the OpenLook interface. This ensures that PicoGUI users will always have access to the latest OpenLook-enabled desktop applications."
23:19.40treke|homeI was really worried about missing out on all those new openlook apps that are coming out
23:19.57ljp_laptop_whats openlook?
23:22.11treke|homea gui
23:23.30chouimattreke|home: new openlook (xview) application?? I thought that was dead when sun switched to motif
23:23.46treke|homechouimat: humor is lost on you
23:23.48ljp_laptop_theres a bug in the hacked 3.1 rom for 5000d, its unplugged but the battery applet still shows it charging
23:24.20chouimattreke|home: especialy when I didn't sleep the night before
23:27.09ljp_laptop_maybe it has wireless power transmission
23:28.20ljp_laptop_man, those icons are really japanese styled
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