irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030522

00:01.52Neo|Work  <- such an amazing screenshot. :P
00:02.51hunterkllchouimat: seriously?
00:03.24chouimathunterkll: yup
00:16.51treke|homealsa is already in there
00:17.13treke|homeand every day you yell ADD GPE I add one day onto the count down before I push
00:17.27ljp_laptopoh. cool. who's going to write the zaurus driver?
00:17.39ljp_laptopI told him no caps
00:18.04treke|homeok. then I will only add 6 hours
00:23.37chouimathmmmm my cat found my dct5000 ...
00:25.38hunterklltreke|home: would you take me on as a student/
00:25.55treke|homea student as the fine art of assholism?
00:26.17hunterkllcoding and stuffs
00:26.24treke|homefind a better teacher
00:26.38hunterklllike who?
00:26.44treke|homeljp is good
00:26.46chouimathunterkll: ask kergoth or masticator
00:26.55ljp_laptopnope. i dont code
00:26.59treke|homedont ask kergoth
00:27.00chouimathunterkll: but don't ask me
00:27.06ljp_laptopmy job is now hype
00:27.18treke|homehe'll just yell at ^Uyeah kergoth is a good choice
00:27.36chouimatljp_laptop: bah! I can teacj hunterkll how to do computing naked
00:27.51hunterklli do that sometimes...
00:28.04hunterkllalthou...usually with another naked body of the female type
00:28.05treke|homejust dont solder naked
00:28.19hunterkllwhilst the computer us just sittingh there doing nothin
00:28.49chouimatljp_laptop: right the only time you're naked is in the back of your van :)
00:29.32hunterkllporn heh
00:29.44hunterkllthat's the 1/8 of the time i'm not with a girl and naked at the comp
00:29.54chouimathunterkll: ljp_laptop is the guy behing
00:29.59hunterkllok..... so 7/8 is in the same room as the computer... but... that still counts
00:30.18hunterkllmy main comp is in my bedroom :)
00:31.57hunterkllwe drifted off my topic!
00:32.41treke|homevery very far off topic
00:34.16TheMasterMind1too far
00:35.13hunterklli'd like to help wit this linux stuff :)
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00:38.53TheMasterMind1this is sad
00:39.01TheMasterMind1i've been working with the buildroot for so long
00:39.07TheMasterMind1and i can't write a simple makefile for this program..
00:43.00chouimatTheMasterMind1: who can ? :)
00:43.26treke|homeTheMasterMind1: what progam?
00:43.39chouimattreke|home: buildroot
00:44.01treke|homechouimat: bastard
00:47.06TheMasterMind1all: jsnakeserver SDLjsnake
00:47.07TheMasterMind1jsnakeserver: jsnakeserver.cpp
00:47.07TheMasterMind1SDLsnake: SDLsnake.cpp
00:47.07TheMasterMind1LDFLAGS=-lGLU -lGL -lSDL -lpthread
00:47.09TheMasterMind1i got that much
00:47.32TheMasterMind1i'm trying to also make it check timestamp or whatever of jsnake.h cuz thats included by both of the cpp files.. if jsnake.h has changed it needs to rebuild both of those
00:49.47TheMasterMind1help help help
00:52.41TheMasterMind1fine, dont' help
00:53.09chouimatTheMasterMind1: wtf is jsnake?
00:55.10TheMasterMind1chouimat: a game i wrote
00:55.25hunterkllTheMasterMind1: do you have an ipaq?
00:55.35TheMasterMind1hunterkll: no, a zaurus
00:55.41hunterkllwith opie?
00:56.01kenbTheMasterMind1: what's the deal on the C700?
00:56.10hunterkllcode me a good game :)
00:56.29TheMasterMind1i suck at game writing
00:56.34TheMasterMind1i just wrote the networking for this game
00:56.46TheMasterMind1kenb: special deal from dynamism.. full warranty and all, $520 shipped
00:56.53kenbnot bad.
00:56.55treke|homegood good deal
00:57.02kenbeven to canada? :)
00:57.06TheMasterMind1kenb: waiting on hearing back if its cheaper now and what prices on the new C7x0's are since this quote was from before the annoucnement of the new ones
00:57.08TheMasterMind1kenb: prolly
00:57.25kenbkeep me posted on final price.  I'm definatly interested.
00:57.56kenbAs long as OZ runs on it's, it's all good :)
00:58.15chouimatTheMasterMind1: if it get cheaper and if the cad climb over 0.75usd I will interested
00:58.40kenbchouimat: hehe
00:58.50kenbSugar: convert 520 USD to CAD
00:59.29treke|homehas anyone fixed fsck yet?
00:59.41chouimatSugar: what is 1 cad in usd
00:59.43Sugar1 CAD is 0.74019247 US$
00:59.55chouimatSugar: what is 520 usd to cad
01:00.07kenbSugar: what is 520 usd in cad
01:00.09Sugar520 US$ is 702.51996 CAD
01:00.29kenbhm.  still pricy for a toy
01:00.38kenbthat's more than I paid for my laptop :)
01:00.46treke|homecheap laptop :)
01:00.46chouimatkenb: at 0.75 it's 693 :)
01:01.04hunterklli paid 20 bux for my p3 laptop
01:01.05kenbtreke: p3 650, 128MB, 12GB, DVD
01:01.09TheMasterMind1i dunno if i wanna get a c700 though
01:01.15hunterkll667 laptop :)
01:01.17treke|homekenb: still a good price
01:01.18TheMasterMind1since the c760 has the fixed processor
01:01.22TheMasterMind1i wanna be able to use cache
01:01.40chouimatSugar: what is 77000 jpy in cad
01:01.42Sugar77000 JPY is 890.87091 CAD
01:02.01chouimatthat cheaper than an ipaq
01:05.17TheMasterMind1Sugar: what is 890 cad in usd
01:05.20Sugar890 CAD is 658.7713 US$
01:06.57chouimatbrb must fix syslog
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01:11.40chouimatSugar: what is 199 usd to cad
01:12.01chouimatSugar: what is 199 usd in cad
01:12.03Sugar199 US$ is 268.849 CAD
01:12.59hunterkllSugar: what is 150 usd in
01:13.01hunterkllaww screw it
01:13.14hunterklli forget what the russian currency is called in the 3 lett abbreviation
01:15.38chouimathunterkll: rur
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01:17.01chouimatSugar: what is 150 usd in rur
01:17.03SugarIn what?
01:25.37chouimathunterkll: even sugar don't want any rouble
01:48.51*** join/#openembedded treke|home (
01:51.16treke|homehunterkll: another thing you can do is start adding the gpe dependencies to buildroot
01:55.10treke|homegood god there are a lot of packages that I will need
01:55.30TheMasterMind1having fun eh
01:55.56treke|homeTheMasterMind1: I'm installing the familiar gpe on oe. And looking at all the packages yet to be packaged
01:57.09treke|homeTheMasterMind1: every time I try packaging it I get the urge to use opie again instead of fuck with it :)
01:57.10chouimattreke|home: hours or days of fun?
01:57.28treke|homechouimat: at least a dozen libs needed
01:57.45chouimattreke|home: fun
01:59.00treke|homegstremer, libxsettings, libdm, librootimage, libdotdesktop, xcalibrate
01:59.30treke|homeI domtdont have a clue where to find some of this stuff
01:59.44chouimattreke|home: gnome
02:02.38treke|homeback to opie
02:03.29chouimatwhat is error 500 on a webserver?
02:03.39treke|homeforbidden, I think
02:04.10chouimattreke|home: can you try ?
02:04.22treke|homeno good
02:04.27treke|homeHTTP Error 500-12 Application Restarting
02:05.01chouimattreke|home: same here :( damn! I don't want to order my dreamcast stuff from lik-sang
02:18.20*** join/#openembedded ljp_laptop (
02:20.52ljp_laptopseems to work
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02:24.40ljp_laptophmm something is very wrong with that kde
02:25.08djrits kde
02:25.47ljp_laptopcause it works fine on my other boxes
02:26.09ljp_laptopjust the keyboard input dissapears
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02:32.21ljp_laptophmm, maybe gpm is farking it
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02:42.52*** join/#openembedded bipolar (
02:47.49ljp_laptophey bipolar
02:50.45bipolarI'm back home
02:50.51bipolarwhats up?
02:51.14ljp_laptopwhere were you?
02:51.19ljp_laptopback woods?
02:52.38bipolarI was in St. Louis visiting inlaws
02:53.10bipolarI logged in twice over modem while out there, but did not stay on long.
02:53.28ljp_laptopI hate that frickin caps lock key
02:53.47bipolar~lart caps lock
02:54.49bipolarI sure hope that 2.4 19 is released soon :)
02:55.27bipolarand now that opie is in feature freze, I guess all the builds will start to really stablize.
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02:56.17bipolarkergoth: wb
02:56.28bipolarkergoth: hows the new job
02:56.34kergothhavent started it
02:56.39kergothstart date is tuesday
02:56.44kergothheading out to tx friday morning
02:56.45bipolaroh... heh
02:57.57bipolarkergoth: i'm syncing my buildroot now.
02:58.13kergothsynced mine earlier.. 80 revisions
02:58.19kergothhavent done much in a while :)
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02:58.43bipolarkergoth: is the opie control file set to download the feature frozen tree?
02:58.55kergoths/control files/makefile/
02:59.16treke|homehead vs tag
02:59.21kergothyep, good idea
02:59.21chouimatdamn! gocybershop is down
02:59.24kergotheasy enough
02:59.50bipolarkergoth: does that mean you are going to do it now? :)
02:59.50kergothtreke|home: glibc 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 for arm dont build with gcc 3.3 :\
02:59.56treke|homefuck :)
03:00.14treke|homekergoth: you hear that prelink works?
03:00.16bipolardamn... thats right. I need to update my gcc buildtool
03:00.34kergothtreke|home: yeah, thats great. we need some good scripts to do the prelinking though
03:00.41kergothtreke|home: i.e. when installing new shit
03:00.45treke|homekergoth: its like an extra 4mb :)
03:01.10treke|homekergoth: yup
03:01.31bipolaryou mean it uses 4MB of ram to prelink or the libs take 4MB of flash?
03:01.32kergothwhy? libelf lib and prelink binary?
03:01.41kergothor prelink itself takes 4mb
03:02.02treke|homeI imagine binary growth
03:02.05treke|homegotta go bb
03:02.22kergothwell we'll include it, we wont necessarily run it in its postinst
03:02.29kergothmaybe force user intervention for its use
03:02.34ljp_laptopkergoth: you gots a c'boy hat, yet?
03:02.40kergothheh, noo
03:02.47ljp_laptopyer gonna needs it
03:03.50chouimatljp_laptop: let him begin with the boots :)
03:06.00bipolarok, I'm going to bed. :)
03:06.04bipolargnight all!
03:07.30kergothI should abstract out the core kernel build stuff, the way i did the cross-gcc
03:07.34kergothah well
03:07.57ljp_laptopnope. dress from the top down!
03:08.06ljp_laptophat on first!
03:09.23ljp_laptopthis D-Link card uses a lot more power than the crappy Belkin one
03:27.35ljp_laptoptoo quiet
03:31.15ljp_laptopso you dont need a work visa to work in texas, eh?
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03:54.43kergothfinally fixed the damn iptables tools compile
03:54.48kergothwas a 12 character fix
03:56.54_Psycho_ever got the gcc3 toolchain prelink thingie not sure what, corrected ?
03:57.09kergothtreke tested prelink
03:57.10kergothit worked
03:58.13_Psycho_ah cool
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04:35.00masticatorkergoth, any progress on the 56
04:35.48kergothno progress on anything
04:35.53kergothother than moving
04:36.17masticatorwell, we are making progress here
04:36.28masticatorwill know more stuff in a day or two
04:36.38masticatortakes more than a day to hear back from japan
04:37.39masticatorfreakin star trek
04:37.45masticatorI hope it gets better from here
04:38.04masticatorthe vulcan chick needs to show more skin
04:38.15ljp_laptopshe did
04:38.30masticatorshe was such a tease the previous episode
04:38.36ljp_laptopgot a virus that makes her all horney
04:40.14masticatordid anyone watch that hitler miniseries?
04:40.20ljp_laptopwonder if vulcan poon tastes like fish
04:40.26masticatorall that time I kept thinking, SCO is exactly like the Nazis
04:40.30ljp_laptopI did yesterday
04:40.43ljp_laptopit really bothered my that hilter had an english accent
04:40.49chouimat|Zzzzon which channel?
04:40.57masticatorljp: well, when vulcan chicks menstruate it comes out green
04:41.07masticatorit copper based other than iron
04:41.16masticatorso their pussy secretions must taste different
04:41.23ljp_laptopcopper cant hold as much oxygen as iron
04:41.41ljp_laptopthats why octopus' get tired easily
04:41.56masticatorwe shoukd post that on the official Trek website
04:42.01kergothchouimat|Zzzz: thats what i was thinking
04:42.05masticator"What does Vulcan pussy taste like?"
04:42.16ljp_laptoplike a penny
04:42.23masticatorrusted pennies
04:42.32masticatorlike battery acid
04:42.38ljp_laptoptastes like the statue of liberty
04:42.53chouimat|Zzzzmasticator: and for the masochist: What does a Klingon pussy taste like?
04:42.57masticatorhowever vulcans have an entirely vegetarian diet
04:43.07masticatorso they probably taste pretty clean I imagine
04:43.22masticatorklingon pussy? probably really nasty
04:43.36ljp_laptopI was disapointed that Enterprise has early borg in it
04:43.54chouimat|Zzzzljp_laptop: I don't get it here
04:44.10ljp_laptopi think its good
04:44.26chouimat|Zzzzljp_laptop: I don't have digital cable so I can't have scifi channel
04:44.30kergothi like it too
04:44.48masticatorI like it in concept
04:44.53masticatorbut a lot of episodes have sucked
04:45.03ljp_laptopits on upn
04:45.03ljp_laptopI dont have cable either
04:45.12kergothno cable here either
04:45.33masticatorkergoth: well you can afford it now
04:46.06masticatorhell if you get DirectTV you will be able to get PERFECT reception in texas
04:46.13masticatorthe satellites are right over texas
04:46.21ljp_laptopI cant wait till I have dsl again
04:46.22kergoththankfully i'm young and have few expenses, particularly once i get my credit cards taken care of.. should be able to do some saving
04:46.38ljp_laptophehe. same here
04:46.54masticatorI only get like 75 percent signal strength
04:47.00masticatorwhich is very good
04:47.08masticatorbut like 90 to 100 percent is perfect
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05:05.17ljp_laptopsomeone should send a c'boy hat to kergoth
05:05.20kergothhaving openzaurus-cvslog actually show bk activity rocks
05:05.31kergothcan actually watch whats going on without bk pull'ing constantly
05:05.33treke|laptopwhy is it called cvslog?
05:05.41kergothcause it was for the old repos
05:05.45kergothand i never bothered to create a new list
05:05.59kergothits still used for the cvs activity on our website cvs repos, actually
05:06.06kergothshould create a bklogs list
05:06.45kergothfirebird's nice
05:06.51kergothyou tried links?
05:06.53treke|laptopdamn nice
05:06.56treke|laptopkergoth: I tried it
05:06.57kergothif it supported CSS, i'd be in heaven
05:07.00treke|laptopkergoth: no css
05:07.07kergothyou see how *fast* that shit loads though?
05:07.09kergothits nuts
05:07.10treke|laptopsince dillo sucks ass
05:07.32treke|laptopI was looking for X browsers for the ipaq
05:07.42treke|laptopuntil I got fed up with gpe dependencies
05:09.28kergothid like to contribute to links
05:09.35kergothi like the concept, so minimal and quick
05:09.44kergothit needs keyboard bindings for web page navigation
05:09.50kergothand css
05:09.58treke|laptopand a qt/e backend
05:10.12treke|laptopand scaling
05:10.16treke|laptopbut nothing else
05:10.34treke|laptopexcept tabs. tabs also
05:10.38treke|laptopbut nothing else
05:10.55kergothi've having good results with this gcc3 toolchain, may actually be able to keep it around for builds
05:11.17treke|laptopI used your 1.4 toolchain when I did the prelink build
05:12.17kergoththe way docwhat did the vim packaging blows
05:12.27kergothkeeps rebuilding the ipks every time you run make, driving me nuts
05:12.54treke|laptopyeah. kernel-ipaq does that also. I need to figure out how to stop it
05:13.24treke|laptopit doesnt rebuild all the modules, but it rebuilds nvrd-* and usbnet each time
05:14.10ljp_laptopand flash. links needs flash
05:14.20kergoth~kill ljp_laptop
05:14.25ACTION executes killall -9 ljp_laptop
05:15.54ljp_laptopand realplayer plugins
05:17.02kergothyour opie app launcher is a machanism, it shouldnt decide policy
05:17.16kergothw100fb.c: In function `w100_hw_init':
05:17.17kergothw100fb.c:368: Internal compiler error in do_SUBST, at combine.c:439
05:17.17kergothPlease submit a full bug report,
05:17.17kergothwith preprocessed source if appropriate.
05:17.17kergothSee <URL:> for instructions.
05:17.22ljp_laptopnor should it cook pizza
05:17.44treke|laptopkergoth: Yeah, I'm mostly trying to figure out how to keep it from being a root hole :p
05:18.19kergothtreke|laptop: as long as the file that sets what apps are run as root has appropriate perms, it should be ok
05:18.27kergoththat file is the real hole
05:19.24treke|laptopkergoth: the question is how to determine if the app is the one being run as root. maybe we should just try and use a .something section of the binary
05:19.36kergothI like that method, myself
05:19.42treke|laptopbut then it has to be reset after every update
05:19.58kergothbut then the ipk can decide, its no different from suid in that way
05:20.08kergothwhich is consistent
05:20.35treke|laptopmaybe we should just do it the gpe way. prompt for the password :)
05:20.50kergothwell, sudo can prompt for pass
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05:21.21kergothit'd be in its control, or in the control of that which spawns sudo, to be *able* to prompt, but not if it doesnt
05:21.26treke|laptopkergoth: I've been ditching sudo since it forces us to open it up to let anything be run as root ( as far as I can tell)
05:22.01kergothyou can allow any app, but lock down to user
05:22.15kergothi dont see how su would solve that problem any differently..
05:22.40treke|laptopI guess qt/e could be further patched to elimitate that issue by looking for /tmp/qt-embeddded instead of /tmp/qt-embedded/$user
05:23.22kergothqt/e uses fb, fb is global, hence the qt/e ipc neednt be anything but
05:23.33treke|laptopkergoth: I'm not using su at the moment, just an app that forks(), setuid()'s to the proper user, and execs() the app
05:23.50kergothah, so you rely on that which launches the apps being run as root
05:23.56kergothso the qws or launcher
05:24.03treke|laptopkergoth: it's setuid root
05:24.28treke|laptopbut it would work just as well if the qws server was root
05:24.39kergothif you have a suid app launcher, thats a accident waiting to happen
05:24.53kergothat least using sudo you *can* exert control, even if we dont by default
05:25.12treke|laptopthis does exert control, its just a matter of fine tuning how it does
05:25.15kergothwell, as long as you're careful about ensuring you're calling what you think you're calling..
05:25.30treke|laptopkergoth: thats why I was going to restrict it to absolute paths
05:25.32kergothjust a different form of control. but sudo gives you per app control as well
05:26.01treke|laptopkergoth: it checks a file to see if the app is on the list of approved apps
05:26.29treke|laptopkergoth: Currently it just compares basename, but I realized that you can easilly ln /bin/sh $HOME/aqpkg and bingo root shell
05:26.47treke|laptopwhich wouldnt work if it was looking at /opt/QtPalmtop/bin/aqpkg
05:26.57treke|laptopinstead of just aqpkg
05:27.57treke|laptopthe problem with sudo is that we need a script that sets $USER ( as qt/e currently is written)
05:29.22treke|laptopkergoth: I was talking to guardian, and the 3.1 rom apparently doesnt store which apps are run as root
05:29.30treke|laptopkergoth: you have to specify it every time you launch it
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05:47.38*** topic/#openembedded by kergoth -> OpenEmbedded - It Sucks Less!(tm) | News at | User support questions in #openzaurus | OE Buildroot devs in #buildroot-oe | OZ/OE devs interested in buying C-C700's for $520 shipped from Dynamism talk to TMM1
05:47.53*** topic/#openembedded by kergoth -> OpenEmbedded - It Sucks Less!(tm) | News at | User support questions in #openzaurus | OE Buildroot devs in #buildroot-oe | OZ/OE devs interested in buying C-700's for $520 shipped from Dynamism talk to TMM1
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10:40.39TwiunSpeedy2: how's your project going? done any more work?
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10:42.02Twiunkergoth: you're up early today
11:00.23*** join/#openembedded schurig (
11:00.29Twiunhey schurig!
11:01.20schurigjust stumbled across
11:01.24schurigTwiun: hey!
11:03.15Twiunthat's an interesting prospect
11:07.02Speedy2True. But GCC should strip dead-code anyway
11:07.09Speedy2at least from statically compiled files
11:07.47schurigSpeedy2: this is for embedded devices, where GNU GCC dies not strip away the sin() implementation in glibc if it is not needed. But for your washing machine with only 16 MB RAM you won't need this in the library
11:08.13schurig(keep in mind that this channel is #openembedded, OpenZaurus is just one of the many possible implementations made with OpenEmbedded)
11:09.29Speedy2schurig: Thanks.
11:09.34Speedy2<-- does embedded systems
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11:31.08*** join/#openembedded LordVan (~lordvan@
11:46.22mickeylkergoth`zzz: ping
11:49.29Twiunhey mickeyl
11:50.04Twiunmickeyl: I'm putting that first boot message in the banner script - makes more sense
11:53.48mickeylTwiun: cool - appreciating this.
11:57.15mickeylTwiun: eeh... just a moment
11:57.30mickeylTwiun: in the banner script? Ah, but then you check for .configured right?
11:59.44Twiunmickeyl: of course :)
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12:57.31schurigjust installed .. cool & fast
12:58.09Speedy2schurig: Is your first name Alex?
12:58.37schurigno, Holger
12:59.30Speedy2Ah. I once knew a Holger
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13:23.21mickeylcmartin: hiho
13:23.31mickeylcmartin: news.
13:23.51cmartinmickeyl: hi
13:24.21cmartini'm biting my teeth out on jffs2 root
13:24.39mickeylcmartin: still not working?
13:24.52cmartinwell, somewhat
13:24.53mickeylcmartin: i will try it myself. i built a first complete image yesterday nite
13:25.08mickeylcmartin: no idea if this will even boot hehe, but I'll see
13:25.33cmartini can boot a jffs2 image if the partitions are left the same as with cram
13:25.46cmartinbut, i may have some success now
13:26.15mickeylIf I didn't make errors, then OE can now build a serload-image
13:26.31cmartini am booting an image with one jffs2 partition and it seems to work - looking "Reconfiguring...Progress" now
13:26.41mickeylcmartin: great! What did you change?
13:27.49cmartini used mtdparts=sa1100:512k(boot),1m(kernel),-(root)
13:28.22mickeylcmartin: did you apply your JFFS2 patch or not this time?
13:28.40mickeylthen we have success now
13:29.03cmartinoh yeah, i changed the erasesize of mkfs.jffs2 also
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13:30.11mickeylwhy that?
13:30.49mickeylwhat is the semantics of the eraseblock??
13:31.07mickeyltreke: ping
13:32.26cmartinmickeyl: one of the guys on the list mentioned that some time ago, when killefiz was trying to get a jffs2 image working
13:32.38mickeylhehe, so you don't know what it does?
13:32.52mickeylsometimes :)
13:33.05cmartinmickeyl: did you change something to make opie boot into 90 degreed rotated mode?
13:34.06cmartinmickeyl: i just know that different devices have different blocksizes - take a look at
13:36.02mickeylcmartin: Hehe, happened to me also. No idea why - yet. I did add stuff to identify the SIMpad (have a look at sysinfo) which obviuosly triggered that behaviour.
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13:36.35mickeylcmartin: play with display brightness in light-and-power settings :)
13:36.40mickeylshould work :)
13:36.50cmartinmickeyl: it looks good with the on jffs partition - Size=30.5M Used=13.1M Available=17.4M
13:37.58mickeylvery good. now if i can reproduce this I'll be happy...
13:38.05mickeylcan't wait to flash my own image later tonite
13:38.25cmartinflashing is a pain in the A.. at the time
13:38.27mickeylcmartin: can you please (again) mail me the .config you used for your working image
13:38.34mickeylcmartin: especially for me
13:40.50cmartinjust sent
13:42.11cmartinmickeyl: i do have some noise in the speaker when touching the touchscreen - strange
13:44.20cmartinmickeyl: we need to add the simpad to /etc/init.d/opie there's were the orientation is set
13:44.28zeckemickeyl: does your commit to qpeapp has influence on OPIE 1.0?
13:45.43mickeylzecke: influence in how far? it is totally non-intrusive and should be backported to 0.9.9
13:46.18mickeylcmartin: sound is broken and i have an idea why
13:46.25zeckemickeyl: I meant as of SimPAD will be an official target for OPIE1.0..
13:46.31zeckemickeyl: ok will mark it for backporting
13:47.50mickeylzecke: if things go well (and I have high hopes that they do), I really would like to get the few things which are missing in Opie 1.0 to get Opie fully supported on SIMpad.
13:48.14mickeylI will promise that they are non-intrusive for all other devices.
13:48.24mickeylnot only will I promise but I will make sure hehe :)
13:48.33zeckemickeyl: no need to promise ;)
13:48.42zeckemickeyl: just sign this agreement...
13:49.00ljp_laptopwe need to rethink odevice. imagine it with 20 devices....
13:49.18zeckemickeyl: "Ich verkaufe meine Seele für einen Rennwagen" "Bart man spielt nicht mit dem Teufel"
13:49.28mickeylhehe, genau
13:49.36ljp_laptopI was thinking we might have a device interface plugin
13:50.13mickeylwe should have one, yes.
13:50.48mickeylcmartin: opie opens /dev/dsp, plays the sounds and immediately closes /dev/dsp - i think the ucb1x00 sound chokes on that. we need to to patches for the simpad there
13:50.57mickeylor get the kernel folks to improve their driver
13:51.57cmartinmy image survives reboot - it reboots back into opie, but the boot process is very slow
13:52.43ljp_laptopthere used to be be a DSP_KEEP_OPEN or something like that
13:52.44cmartinit takes about 5 minutes
13:53.15ljp_laptopperhaps we need a sound server
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13:56.26ljp_laptopwm zecke_
13:57.14cmartinwhy do i get "mcp: write timed out" on the console when starting opie?
13:57.28mickeylcmartin: no idea what opie is doing there
13:57.45mickeylljp_laptop: DSP_KEEP_OPEN sounds like a good idea - will look into this, thanks
14:01.51cmartinmickeyl: would it be possible to have the kernel erase flash? i could then make a kernel image that erases flash, so that a full image can safely be installed
14:03.02cmartinthe bootloader is causing some major problems because it's only overwriting changed blocks on flash
14:03.07ljp_laptopthere was something like that a long time ago
14:03.24mickeylcmartin: this should be possible - however i dunno how to do that
14:03.46mickeylljp_laptop: the ipaq has the same problem but its much more audible on the simpad. i will try this
14:03.55zecke_cmartin: that would be the job of the bootloader
14:04.44cmartinzecke_: i know, but i need this now and i don't know if the guys at siemens are going to realise this for me
14:04.49mickeylzecke: yes, but as for now we are bound to a closed source proprietary bootloader
14:05.12mickeylljp_laptop: remember how the flag exactly is named? can't find anything on DSP_KEEP_OPEN
14:05.42ljp_laptophang on. it was something like that..
14:05.58zecke_mickeyl: I wonder how Nils Faerber can use a device with a closed source bootloader
14:06.10mickeylzecke: why? tell me more about him
14:06.20mickeylzecke,cmartin: having crl bootldr on the SIMpad would be spiffy
14:07.38zecke_mickeyl: founder of GPE ;) and OPIE is incomplete cause of the GPL toolkit
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14:11.06ljp_laptopmickeyl: oh, it was in mediaplayer and it's KEEP_DEVICE_OPEN
14:11.25mickeylljp_laptop: very good. i will test if this improves behaviour on ipaq and simpad. thanx
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14:13.21mickeylljp_laptop: eh... this is not an OSS flag but just a open/close convention
14:14.47mickeyli thought there would be a flags which triggers OSS to stay open until all sound buffers are played
14:16.44ljp_laptopthere is an OSS call, if built into the driver that does that
14:18.28ljp_laptopSNDCTL_DSP_SYNC will close it after all bytes are written
14:19.13ljp_laptopclose() should call that SYNC call automatically
14:19.23mickeylljp_laptop: but that means the program might lag
14:19.28mickeylif its synchronous
14:19.42ljp_laptopmake sure it uses ::close() actually
14:19.59mickeylit is in odevice.cpp... checking
14:20.33cmartinmickeyl: if leave my simpad on the backlight is turned on and off every minute or so
14:21.51ljp_laptopon the zaurus, using close() instead of ::close() can crash it
14:22.08mickeylcmartin: yeah - this might be because i didn't implement switching it completely off yet.
14:22.19mickeylcmartin: i spent only 1h on opie adaption yet
14:23.48cmartingood job anyway
14:24.38mickeylcmartin: btw., i found and corrected the big icons bug
14:24.58mickeyld'oh. we're actually using qsound to play a sound...
14:25.04mickeylnever looked into that class
14:29.52zecke_mickeyl: how did you update the Packages file on the server?
14:31.56mickeylzecke_: i used the script ipkg-make-index which can be found in ..
14:32.18mickeylrm Packages before to make sure it is updated and not merged
14:34.24cmartinmickeyl: what big icons bug do you mean?
14:34.53mickeylcmartin: the icons and the taskbar were much too big and looked horrible in horizontal mode
14:34.58mickeyldidn't you notice that??
14:35.28cmartinok i see, yes i noticed that the taskbar was smaller
14:36.15mickeylit worked in 600x800 but not in 800x600 - this was due to an ugly sharp-sl-c700-only hack in opie which i corrected in cvs a few hours ago
14:36.54mickeylcmartin: can you patch /etc/init.d/opie for simpad specifica please
14:41.11schurigljp_laptop: odevice should contain some #ifdef ...   so that only the needed one is compiled in
14:42.10cmartinmickeyl: where in /proc did read the model information from?
14:42.22schurighmm, sound server would be cool.
14:42.36mickeylcmartin: check oz buildroot sysvinit/identify.simpad
14:42.37schurigI need one so that opie and my barcode scannerd don't interfere
14:42.57mickeylactually, qt contains a sound server skeleton - i wonder why this isn't used
14:43.29mickeylschurig: odevice is a runtime abstraction device - so it needs all possible devices compiled in
14:43.44zecke_mickeyl: not necessary all
14:44.02schurigmickeyl: it ends up in libopie?
14:44.03masticatorkergoth: you hammering monster?
14:44.08mickeylzecke_: but all where a certain libopie package can be installed to
14:44.10mickeylschurig: yeah
14:44.30zecke_mickeyl: you won't install iPAQ libopie and Z and it won't work
14:44.31schurigmickeyl: so I could live with a libopie that has only the ramses stuff in it installed on the ramses
14:44.37zecke_mickeyl: so there you could #ifdef
14:44.58mickeylzecke_: why shouldn't a libopie for the ipaq work on the Z ?
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14:45.10mickeyli see no reason for that
14:45.21mickeylno reason
14:45.22zecke_mickeyl: it's not compiled with the sharp flags
14:45.30schurigyeah, installing ramses libopie on ipaq/zaurus/whatever would then break those systems ... but who wouldn't do that?  Especially now that we have the architecture in ipkg ...
14:45.30ljp_laptoptheres differening functiuons
14:45.46mickeylthen it was pointless to write odevice as it is anyway.
14:45.54mickeylwonder why sandman did this
14:46.12zecke_mickeyl: no it is not. You get generic access to available leds, apm...
14:46.12ljp_laptopthats why I think we need a plugin for device
14:46.13cmartinmickeyl: you meant oz-base ;)
14:46.15schurigthe reason is that with 20 devices supported by opie libopie will be bigger and bigger ...
14:46.21mickeylcmartin: yup
14:46.21zecke_mickeyl: you can get the distribution and so on
14:46.35zecke_mickeyl: check light-and-settings for usefullness of ODevice
14:46.53mickeylzecke_: i don't question the use a device abstraction
14:47.04schurigit sounded so
14:47.11zecke_schurig: yupp we will #ifdef and put ramses stuff into odevice_ramses.cpp
14:47.14mickeylhey, i am a computer scientist
14:47.19mickeyli love abstractions
14:48.06zecke_mickeyl: the reality is your feed. image... targets a device
14:48.16schurigzecke_: I first need opie cvs access sometime ...    my ramses-for-opie patches are rather crude now, just to get things running (not working correctly). Too much kernel programming ...
14:48.17mickeyli questioned why it wasn't split in _real_ device dependent stuff (the one which only can compiled with #ifdef) and in 'pseudo' device dependent sutff
14:48.20mickeylstuff even
14:48.20zecke_mickeyl: and it is unlikely that core libs will be used across devices
14:48.51schurigmickeyl: is there any pseude-device depended stuff in odevice?
14:48.56zecke_schurig: ask Harlekin about CVS access
14:49.18zecke_schurig: handling of h3800 rotated keyboard
14:49.33mickeylschurig: sure - all the stuff which just returns device capabilities is pseudo-device dependent in the sense that you can compile it everywhere
14:49.43ljp_laptoppersonally, I think we need a device plugin. ipaq gets its own, zaurus gets its own
14:49.52mickeylkergoth also recommended to split odevice in ODeviceCapabilities and ODevice
14:49.59mickeylthat's what makes sense imho
14:50.30mickeylI'm driving home... bbl
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15:00.50zecke_mickeyl|bbl|away: ping?!
15:01.49ljp_laptopwow, firebird is fast
15:03.27cmartinwhich kernel command line options are available for mtd?
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15:07.52masticatorljp: yeah its a nice browser
15:08.02masticatorits what netscape should have been
15:08.34ljp_laptopfaster than phoenix
15:09.00chouimatI'm doing a coffee pot any taker?
15:12.00chouimatwow! I coded inform6 support for kdevelop last night
15:12.16ljp_laptophmm. whats that?
15:13.42chouimatljp_laptop: remember the old infocom games?
15:14.26chouimatljp_laptop: text adventure of the 80 ... inform6 is a compiler that produce such games
15:14.33chouimatljp_laptop: wasn't able to sleep
15:16.12ljp_laptophmm. cool
15:17.48chouimatljp_laptop: yeah! but the new neightbourg with a washing machine in the stairs at 8h30 wasn't cool
15:18.16schurigzecke_: ping
15:29.54mickeylcmartin: is the erase image really really necessary before flashing a jffs2 image?
15:31.09schurigmickeyl: on my ramses I can just copy stuff to /dev/mtdblock/1 (for Linux kernel), without erasing first
15:31.57cmartinmickeyl: it doesn't work correctly
15:32.04mickeylcmartin: *sigh* ok, can you post the link for your image, please?
15:32.26mickeylschurig: yeah, but you might don't have to cope with a closed-source proprietary bootloader
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15:33.27mickeylcmartin: ok, but i meant the erase imag
15:33.37cmartindon't use it
15:33.50cmartinuse your CE image instead
15:33.59mickeyli don't have a CE image
15:34.07cmartinthis makes sure that all blocks are changed
15:34.42cmartinok you can get one from walti, but i'll send you a link to mine in the meantime ;)
15:34.59mickeylcmartin: thanks. via pm please as this is copyrighted material
15:35.54mickeylcmartin: i will inspect the CE image because i think its just the arnold boot header which is different there and we can use their header
15:37.33prpplaguemickeyl: which bootloader?
15:37.47mickeylprpplague: siemens switzerland proprietary bootloader :(
15:38.10prpplaguemickeyl: ahh, fun fun
15:38.19prpplaguemickeyl: love those proprietary loaders
15:38.22mickeylmmh... yeah
15:39.02prpplaguemickeyl: arm based?
15:39.09cmartinmickeyl: just loading it up now, i will delete it tonight though
15:39.14mickeylcmartin: thanks
15:39.15mickeylpersonally i think they just copied the keith and koep arnold bootloader but that is a corporate secret...
15:39.44schurigmickeyl: go and get u-boot, blob or, if you have the time, redboot.
15:39.48prpplaguemickeyl: when using a propreitary bootloader on arm, i usually just configure blob to chain boot
15:40.04prpplaguemickeyl: that way i get a true linux friendly bootloader
15:40.19mickeylschurig,prpplague: hows that? i can't just use another bootloader for a proprietary device??
15:40.19prpplaguemickeyl: ya i lose about 16k of flash, but it can be worth it
15:40.41schurigmickeyl: sure. A bootloader does so little things, it's easy to replace the bootloader
15:41.00schurigmickeyl: mostly, the bootloader needs just to setup the memory and gpio's alternate functions
15:41.03chouimatschurig: thanks you gave me and idea for  a morning and a night script :)
15:41.04prpplaguemickeyl: if you can jtag or reflash you can replace the exist bootloader, however some companies often fix the bootloader in flash and write protect it
15:41.12schurigmickeyl: for Linux, the bootloader does not even do anything with virtual memory
15:41.15prpplaguemickeyl: or often will no release the specs on timing
15:41.48mickeylwell... i don't have access to a jtag prommer (the SIMpad has a jtag interface) and i guess that's too dangerous for me
15:42.04prpplaguemickeyl: then i'd stick with chain booting blob
15:42.04schurigprpplague: but you can --- at runtime of linux --- look into all SA1110/PXA registers to find out the correct timing :-)
15:42.20prpplagueschurig: assuming you can get linux booting
15:42.27schurigmickeyl: a slow jtag prommer is quite easy to make via the parallel port
15:42.38prpplagueschurig: alot of the devices i work on never ship with linux
15:42.40cmartinmickeyl: BTW you only need to load that CE image after installing a jffs2 image
15:42.41schurigprpplague: of course. But they have linux running already.
15:43.02cmartinif you haven't had a jffs2 image on flash, then you could just install one.
15:43.03prpplagueschurig: right, i was just stating in general
15:43.12chouimatprpplague: got time to play with the gp32?
15:43.15mickeylcmartin: understood. hopefully joerg will improve the bootloader as announced
15:43.18schurigprpplague: Hehe, there is a tool for the IPAQ that they use to install the bootloader. This tool can be compiled to put all the SA1110 internal registers into some file.
15:43.30cmartinyes, definately
15:43.32prpplaguechouimat: only a little, i got the external connector in to interface with the jtag
15:43.34schurigThat tool runs unmodified on any SA1110 WinCE PDA
15:44.00prpplagueschurig: nice, i'll have to look for it
15:44.03mickeylschurig: that sounds pretty interesting. i'd wish i had CRL bootldr on the SIMpad
15:44.06prpplagueschurig: any idea on a name?
15:45.19mickeylcmartin: the jffs2 issue is the one-and-only showstopper for us releasing the first image
15:45.31chouimatprpplague: cool, I have 2 new toys to play with .... one based on the SH4 (dreamcast) and one on the Nec VR5432 (dct5000)
15:45.39cmartinmickeyl: yes
15:45.41mickeylthere are a couple of minor issues but that can be corrected later - incrementally
15:45.56prpplaguechouimat: ya, i've still been tinkering with this symbol vr4181 based unit
15:46.13prpplaguechouimat: not done anything with the sh series yet
15:46.43prpplaguemickeyl: blob is easy to configure, might look into it
15:46.49cmartinmickeyl: like i said my major problem is with the bootloader - if it wasn't for that i could have worked on some thing other than this mtd partitioning stuff
15:46.56mickeylprpplague: will do. good idea
15:46.59chouimatschurig: look at the new feature of :)) they replaced autoconf :)
15:47.05mickeylcmartin: clear
15:48.06schurigprpplague: look at
15:48.43killefizcmartin: do you have a newer "unreleased" image?
15:48.50schurigprpplague: they have some function DumpRegisters somewhere
15:49.18cmartinkillefiz: ;-)
15:49.22schurigchouimat: if just the build files would be readable ...
15:49.34killefizor rather - is it already possible to get an image with "make image"?
15:49.50killefizcmartin: 220403 - looks fresh
15:49.55killefizi'll try it at home - thanks
15:50.15cmartinkillefiz: 220503 !
15:50.33killefizyeah - sorry typo - i meant to type 05
15:50.56prpplagueschurig: thanks, will make getting winblows ce of more devices
15:51.06cmartinkillefiz: "make image" doesn't make an image yet, but mickeyl is working on it i think
15:51.22mickeylkillefiz,cmartin: it now is possible to get an image using make image, but the various parameters are not tested yet, though it is not advices. please wait until after weekend.
15:51.24chouimatschurig: yup
15:51.50mickeylgrammar sucks
15:51.59cmartinmickeyl: are you removing zImage from /boot to save space?
15:52.16killefizok. i'll create a buildroot for simpad on my machine - compiling will probably take till after the weekend ;)
15:52.16schurigchouimat: I actually think that if you start a new project (may it be C, or C++) then you just use scons instead of make/autoconf/automake. But using scons to compile EXISTING make/automake/autoconf based stuff is suboptimal
15:52.21mickeylcmartin: not yet... optimizations really come later :)
15:52.22schurig(i like this word)
15:52.28mickeylkillefiz: hehe
15:52.52cmartinmickeyl: what about switchd?
15:52.59schurigkillefiz: not if you already compiled for something different and have most stuff in the ccache.
15:53.07schurigkillefiz: you are using ccache, don't you?
15:53.10killefizis there a way to use the downloaded sources from my ipaq-compile in the simpad-buildroot?
15:53.26mickeylkillefiz: sure
15:53.29killefizschurig: yes i am
15:53.31cmartinkillefiz: yes try making Vars.local
15:53.39mickeylkillefiz: create Vars.local in buildroot and overwrite SOURCES_DIR
15:53.43chouimatschurig: I have some project that were converted and ...
15:53.50schurigkillefiz: just move the files from ipaq-oz/sources simpad-oz/sources. Or symlink these dirs.
15:54.12cmartinkillefiz: something like this - export SOURCE_DIR=/home/simpad/oe-sources
15:55.07cmartinkillefiz: i do that with my iPAQ and SIMpad too
15:55.40killefizdoes one of the methods (linking || SOURCE_DIR) have advantages over the other?
15:55.56schurigkillefiz: they are equal.
15:56.08trekewell SOURCE_DIR has one advantage
15:56.23schurigmaybe with symlinks you can, while staying in oz-simpad, easier have a look into the downloaded sources
15:56.27trekegimme coffee
15:56.54killefizi'll give it a try
15:57.19cmartinkillefiz: you could run "make image", then remove "/boot/zImage*", fireup simpadtools/flashimg (remember to point the rootdisk and kernel variables in the right places:
15:57.30killefizit's probably best to bk clone everything again for the simpad-buildroot, right?
15:57.35mickeyltreke: awaken enough for a question?
15:57.59killefizcmartin: ok - i'm especially interested in getting my prism-pcmcia card to work.
15:58.06schurigok, I have to go. I'll have to learn how to feed a baby (our little one is comping early August ...)
15:58.19killefizschurig: have fun ;)
15:58.34cmartinkillefiz: rootdisk=$OEHOME/output/images/initrd.bin, kernel=$OEHOME/build/linux-2.4.19/arch/arm/boot/zImage
15:58.45mickeylschurig: have fun .))
15:59.26trekemickeyl: yeah
15:59.32mickeylcmartin: give him your .config and don't forget the eraseblock when using mk.jffs2
15:59.43cmartinkillefiz: sorry after removing zImage from /boot you would have to run "make image" again
15:59.44killefizcmartin: cool - so i could replace the kernel with one that has hostap compiled in - that should solve my wlan troubles
16:00.02mickeyltreke: cool. do you know if the kernel commandline cares about devfs or not? e.g. is it legal to say "rootfs=/dev/mtdblock/2" or must i use "/dev/mtdblock2" even when using devfs ?
16:00.11cmartinmickeyl, killefiz: oh yeah, of course
16:00.33trekemickeyl: You know, I'm not sure on that one. I've seen it work both ways
16:00.39mickeyleven better, ok
16:00.39cmartinmy .config has hostap compiled in
16:00.51cmartinas a module of course
16:01.06mickeylcmartin: we have a special hostap-modules packages in OZ because we need to patch them
16:01.13mickeylfor using monitor mode :-D
16:01.23mickeylso it is ok to say "n" to hostap-modules
16:01.25mickeylin kernel.config
16:01.43mickeylsame goes for orinoco and spectrum == hermes
16:02.04killefizcmartin: wlan works using your old "opie" image which (IIRC) had the driver compiled _into_ the kernel
16:03.21killefizcmartin: does the simpad kernel contain the recent patch to make pcmcia survive a suspend/resume cycle?
16:04.33mickeylibot: seen dmwm
16:04.34i haven't seen 'dmwm', mickeyl
16:04.35mickeylibot: seen dwmw2
16:04.35dwmw2 <~dwmw2@> was last seen on IRC in channel #opie, 1d 1h 37m 52s ago, saying: 'the concept is'.
16:05.44cmartinmickeyl: ok, but the kernel needs module support?
16:06.29cmartinkillefiz: i think this too new
16:06.39mickeylcmartin: no. only generic wavelan etc. is needed. have a look at the .config in kernel-collie or kernel-ipaq
16:06.56mickeyl(it needs to can load modules, of course)
16:07.34mickeylcmartin,killefiz: i have added the pcmcia patch already to buildroot :)
16:07.39cmartinis it a problem when the .config file has hostap etc. built as modules?
16:08.01mickeylcmartin: no problem - doesn't hurt. hostap-modules will be built later and then override the other modules
16:08.44killefizmickeyl, cmartin: i'm impressed how fast you two got from "kernel working - cramfs" to (nearly) full oe-support
16:10.06mickeylthanks. it is pretty much the work of all the OE people and especially kergoth. the buildroot may be a hack as it is in its current form but nevertheless it is pretty good :) as i've said the real work is the opie adaption, but that can come later and incrementally
16:12.23mickeylok. now i get it. the eraseblock is just a _size_.
16:12.50mickeyland that size must match the mtd structure size. i wonder if that is hardcoded or tweakable
16:13.29mickeylcode even
16:14.16mickeylkergoth: pong me if you're ready for the first question :-D
16:14.24Twiunget kergoth`zzz some caffeine. stat.
16:14.58mickeylhey that is rude. be nice to the wizard of oe
16:16.42trekechouimat: no... we want him out of bed
16:17.01chouimattreke: those are  sado-maso type :)
16:17.20kergoth`zzztille checked in an implementation to the networksettings ppp module? smooth
16:17.46mickeylthat would be like the most requested feature in the last months
16:17.54mickeylhope it works :)
16:18.18trekedoes anything in network settings work? :p
16:21.54kergothbah to fix that stupid ipkg-make-kernel-packages bug i need to revamp its logic complely
16:21.58kergothtreke: kindasorta :)
16:22.04kergothmickeyl: err pong
16:22.10mickeylkergoth: two questions. 1.) i need pad during make image. does this get compiled automatically somewhere or must i do it manually? 2.) please tell me all you know about jffs2-eraseblock-sizes :))
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16:23.05kergotherase block size is just what it sounds like, the size of the block that must be erased.  flash erases an entire block at a time. afaik this is determined by the flash chips, nothing you would decide on
16:23.22kergothpad should be compiled, its just a teeny app to append some 0xffs.. lemme check the makefile
16:23.52mickeylkergoth: ok. i need pad for generating a SIMpad image (bootloaderheader+kernel+pad+initrd)
16:24.28mickeylkergoth: so i just need to figure out the eraseblocksize of the flash chips. is there a list anywhere?
16:24.38kergothfind the specs on the flash chips
16:24.40kergothgoogle it
16:24.51mickeylsounds good
16:25.19mickeyli already know the eraseblocksize for SIMpad i just wanted to see if it is correct and how one comes to know it :)
16:25.58mickeylso ipaq and zaurus are using the same?
16:26.12mickeylbecause there's no ifdef in make image for jffs2image
16:26.21kergothmickeyl: it does compile pad automatically
16:26.26kergothmickeyl: if pad size isnt 0
16:26.44trekekergoth: shouldnt it compile pad anyways if pad is 0?
16:26.46mickeylkergoth: ah... hmm... i need it to compile anyway, because i need to pad the kernel, not the initrd
16:27.03cmartinmickeyl: i'm not really sure if the size i used for my simpad image is correct - it's what Nils Faerber said in the list though
16:27.04kergothnah, if pad size is 0 we dont pad it to a certain size, but instead to the next erase block boundary
16:27.08kergothand mkfs.jffs2 does that for us
16:27.09trekekergoth: since pad=0 doesnt mean dont pad, it means pad to the nearest block
16:27.15kergothmkfs.jffs2 does that
16:27.20trekeoh ok.
16:27.26kergothwhat we actually do is
16:27.30mickeylcmartin: well... you have it booting without the jffs2 warnings don't you?
16:27.33kergothmkfs.jffs2 pads us to the highest erase block boundry
16:27.41kergoth'pad' is only used to pad anythign beyond the block boundry
16:28.00kergothnote the math higher up in output/Makefile, it figures out the sizes to pass to mkfs.jffs2
16:28.02cmartinmickeyl: let's say less warnings ;)
16:28.19trekekergoth: have you ever seen behavior with mkfs.jffs2 where it magically turns files into directories?
16:28.25trekeseemingly at random
16:28.30kergothhmm nope cant say that i have
16:28.45trekeits been annoying the fuck out of me since it keeps happening with the ipaq
16:28.51trekebut not always
16:29.02kergothmickeyl: so you'll want to add appropriate logic to pad kernel to a given size to both the and makefile for output
16:29.31mickeylkergoth: exactly. which package compiles itß
16:29.50kergoththere isnt a package
16:29.57mickeyli'll find it
16:30.02kergothif your makefile target has $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/pad as a prerequisite
16:30.13kergothgnu make uses its implicit rules for linking and compiling pad.c -> pad
16:30.22kergothyou dont need anything explicit.
16:30.24cmartingotta go now
16:30.26mickeylkergoth: slick. will use this. thanks
16:30.28mickeylcmartin: see you
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16:49.53masticatorkergoth: I am going to bring monster down for a few days probably tomorrow and replace it with an Itanium 2 that I am evaling
16:50.02masticatorso you might want do download your home directory, etc
16:50.13trekeno mo monster?
16:50.14kergothk, thanks
16:50.17masticatornew monster
16:50.20masticatordual itanium 2
16:50.22zecke_is ':' somehow a reserved char for ipkg?
16:50.33kergothzecke_: : in a version field denotes 'epoch'
16:50.37masticatorthe old monster will be turned back on after I send the itanium back
16:50.39kergothzecke_: so yes
16:50.43masticatorthe AMD one is on permanaent loan
16:50.46zecke_kergoth: shit
16:50.48trekemasticator: ah cool
16:51.12masticatorHP sent me a z2600
16:51.17masticatordual Itanium 2U unit
16:51.21trekezecke_: BRANCH_0_99 is lookin cool
16:51.25masticatoronly 2GB of ram though
16:51.38trekezecke_: built it last night for OE
16:51.59masticatorwe got prelink working?
16:52.06masticatordoes that break zaurus compatability?
16:52.09chouimatmasticator: if you are not happy to have it send it to me :)
16:52.11kergothtreke: note the shell script for prelinking that does a dry run, and prelinks it in /var/tmp
16:52.18trekemasticator: you need gcc 3 iirc
16:52.19zecke_treke: I've problems with make image for  iPAQ target
16:52.29masticatorchou: the HP is worth about 15 grand, I doubt they will let me keep it
16:52.33trekemasticator: But yes I did  build a image that prelinked successfully
16:52.38trekezecke_: what problem?
16:52.40pb_treke: shouldn't need gcc3 for prelink, just modern binutils.
16:52.41chouimatmasticator: ok
16:52.47trekepb_: oh?
16:52.54trekeI'll try with 2.95 then
16:52.59chouimatmasticator: how much for the amd?
16:53.03masticatordoes the prelink add execution speed or just startup speed of the apps?
16:53.09masticatorchou: about 8 grand
16:53.14kergothtreke: i have a recent 2.95.4 w/ cvs binutils chain here if you want it. hasnt been tested thoroughly
16:53.25chouimatmasticator: hmmmm
16:53.25trekekergoth: what is on that page? dns is fucked here
16:53.27zecke_treke: I will re run and give you the output in a second
16:53.33pb_treke: gcc doesn't have to do anything special to make prelink work.  Max was making noises at one time about 2.95 bugs that were getting in the way, but they didn't sound all that hard to fix.
16:54.50trekepb_: cool. I'll give it a shot then
16:55.49kergothtreke: note that it isnt quite what we need, we probably want to do the prelinking of a given file _in_ /var, due to flash performance
17:06.06zecke_kergoth: where does mkipkg grab the version number of OPIE?
17:06.53kergothzecke_: it gets substituted by scripts/subst, which is a sed script produced by Rules.make for variable replacements in control files
17:07.04kergothfar more flexible than the old mkipks hardcoded means
17:08.08zecke_kergoth: but it mis interprets our version.h 0.9.A gets 0.9.
17:08.21kergoththen its a bug in Rules.makme
17:14.27zecke_treke: make image created an image
17:15.00pb_sounds like all you could ask of it.
17:15.49zecke_pb_: yupp
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17:20.12Dessimat0rlo all
17:26.15kergothhey dess
17:26.54Com[Plex]hey guys, with wget, is there any way to force the server to give me a REal new copy of the file instead of a cached copy?
17:27.22Com[Plex]friggin sitting here wracking my brain trying to fiigure out what Im doin wrong, turns out im not downloading a fixed copy, im downloading the old one..
17:28.47Com[Plex]-C. ahh
17:28.55Com[Plex]if all else fails, --help
17:33.07Dessimat0rHeh, I was riding on 1% battery before, trying to play mp3s in XMMS ;) Had to disable the LCD screen to keep it running
17:33.30mickeylhow come the opie docs directory is in my rootfs
17:33.30mickeyland lots of CVS directories
17:35.41kergothCVS dirs are there due to mkipkg's exclude mask not taking into account the possibility of a path being './././blah'
17:35.46kergothdunno about the docs, that shouldnt have been pulled in
17:36.48mickeylstrange strange... any idea what else can clunk up my rootfs ? i get a 19MB rootimage but have nothing special except a base system and some opie packages enabled...
17:37.33kergothhmmm, kernel-image will take up 800-1000k
17:37.40kergothls -l output/rootfs/boot
17:37.41mickeyldeleted this already
17:38.57Twiunmickeyl: navigated the rootfs using du ?
17:39.19mickeylyes but this is hardly usable because i can't turn off parsing symlinks
17:39.29mickeyldu -h -s shows 44MB for my rootfs
17:39.42kergothit probably *is* 44MB
17:39.46kergothyou're using jffs2 remember
17:40.17mickeyld'oh. then wtf is taking so much space....
17:40.17Twiunmine's 24mb
17:42.00mickeylmickeyl@gandalf:/usr/local/projects/opensimpad/output/rootfs/lib$ file ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, version 1 (ARM), not stripped
17:42.04mickeyl_NOT_ STRIPPED_
17:42.21mickeylnow wtf...
17:42.22kergothnot surprising, its not executable
17:42.35kergothits only about 3 small libs in the libc6 package
17:42.38kergothi fixed it in 2.3.1
17:42.41kergothnever got around to fixing it in 2.2.4
17:42.59kergothcause i'm going to be using a gcc3 built base system regardless of whether i use gcc2 or gcc3 for opie in the future
17:43.16mickeylgood i strip manually then
17:44.57Com[Plex]uh.. how come when I install to SD using "ipkg -d sd install opera6.0.ipk" tjhe end result is different  than when I install using aqpkg?
17:45.05Com[Plex]symlinks arent made to / and stuff.
17:45.31kergothCom[Plex]: this has been mentioned on the mailing lists, oh, about 23 times or so.
17:45.38kergothCom[Plex]: but i'm probably *understating* it
17:45.44kergothnot to mention its in the faqs
17:45.46Com[Plex]ah. right.
17:45.46kergothipkg-link add packagename
17:46.41Com[Plex]I just screwed up my /mnt/card/opt folder. lol
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17:47.15Com[Plex]ttrying to delete /mnt/card/opt/Qtpalmtop/opera, and deleted /mnt/card/opt/QtPalmtop
17:47.31Com[Plex]I caught it before it finished, but most of my icons are gone.
17:52.32kergothtreke: current toolchains are up
17:52.42kergothtreke: should be able to use that 2.95.4 to test a gcc2 prelink image
17:52.49kergothtreke: due to the cvs binutils
17:52.54trekekergoth: cool
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17:55.11mickeyli have 12 MB modules and only enabled a few packages - is this normal?
17:56.56mickeylaaargh ok. the modules aren't stripped either... whoms fault is this? mine in kernel-simpad or anyone elses?
17:57.33djri like strippers
17:57.37pb_you can't strip modules, really.
17:57.42mickeyl1.2MB now - feels better
17:57.53pb_they're object files, they still have relocs in them.  if you strip the symbol table, they won't load.
17:58.21pb_can probably strip them with --strip-unneeded though.
18:02.03killefizmickeyl: can you help me out again? Which config belongs where? (simpad-feed / simpad-opie / simpad-opie_image)
18:04.04mickeylkillefiz: the ones with _image belong into output, the ones without image belong into root - choose one here
18:04.10mickeylroot=OZ buildroot
18:04.42mickeylyou have to play around with opie_image though - its much too large... we need cmartin to send us his
18:05.08mickeyloh this is getting ridiculous
18:05.21mickeyl17MB image and nearly _nothing_ choosen
18:05.34kergoth`bblyou do realize that it doesnt erase teh rootfs *for* you, right?
18:05.39kergoth`bblmake image_clean is your friend
18:05.43mickeyli know of mrproper, thanks
18:05.50killefizisn't there 32MB flash available?
18:06.06mickeylyes, but that damn bootloader somehow doesn't want to flash images >16MB
18:07.24killefizhow do simpad-feed and simpad-opie differ then? Does -feed contain everything?
18:08.29bipolardo de do de do
18:10.56mickeylcan't get it below 17MB
18:11.00mickeylthat is killing me
18:11.12kergothdisable kernel-modules and enable the individual module ipks you need
18:11.18kergothotherwise itll grab all the modules
18:11.45kergothconsider kernel-modules to be, essentially, task-modules
18:11.49kergothjust a virtual package
18:11.49mickeylwould have been fine to know that earlier though
18:12.07kergothlog the make image process, watch what packages get installed via dependency paths
18:12.11kergoththen you know exactly what went in.
18:13.50mickeylsurprise. disabling kernel-modules makes it 15MB
18:13.57trekedoes the simpad have a keyboard?
18:14.10killefiztreke: nope
18:14.20trekekillefiz: then dont plan on playing much of it :)
18:14.22mickeyltreke: no. for some images
18:14.28trekeneed a keyboard to save games :p
18:15.00killefiztreke: hmm - no opie on-screen-keyboard in scummvm-games?
18:15.06trekekillefiz: nope
18:15.14trekekillefiz: its sdl. full screen.
18:15.25trekekillefiz: I tried a qtopia port, it didnt get along with opie
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18:28.02mickeyl|flashprpplague: ping
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18:37.33prpplaguemickeyl|flash: hey
18:37.36prpplaguemickeyl|flash: what up?
18:37.40mickeyl|flashprpplague: do you have any special source of information except google for using blob as chain-bootloader? I might want to try that - this SIMpad bootloader is really crap and i need something better...
18:37.41prpplaguemickeyl|flash: blob fun?
18:37.57prpplaguemickeyl|flash: go to the lart pages
18:38.01prpplagueibot: blob
18:38.02it has been said that blob is the Boot Loader OBject, or
18:38.03mickeyl|flashk - i know these
18:38.32prpplaguemickeyl|flash: on there is a #blob where the primary author erikm hangs out
18:38.53mickeyl|flashah nice. thanx
18:44.59prpplaguemickeyl|flash: i'm a little swampped at the momment, but as soon as i get a free moment, i'll be available for questions
18:46.50mickeyl|flashFreeing init memory: 80K
18:46.50mickeyl|flashKernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.
18:47.06kergothforgot sysvinit? :)
18:47.19mickeyl|flashhehe, no it is there, but something wrong with jffs2/mtd
18:47.27trekekillefiz: ddoes simpleinit work yet?
18:47.29mickeyl|flashjffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x00d60000: 0xebff instead
18:47.29mickeyl|flashjffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x00d60004: 0x4b03 instead
18:47.29mickeyl|flashjffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x00d60008: 0x406e instead
18:47.37kergothyeah, wrong erase block size most likely.
18:47.39mickeyl|flashand then lots of
18:47.39mickeyl|flashChild dir "sysinfo" (ino #408) of dir ino #293 appears to be a hard link
18:47.40mickeyl|flashChild dir "appearance" (ino #416) of dir ino #293 appears to be a hard link
18:47.59killefiztreke: i "guess" that this question was directed at kergoth?
18:48.10kergothtreke: never bothered creating a oz-base-simpleinit package.. without that, we dont have the base startup scripts :)
18:48.13kergothso never tested
18:48.24trekekergoth: :p
18:48.39mickeyl|flashkillefiz: did you try cmartins recent image yet?
18:49.01killefizmickeyl|flash: i'm still flashing the "empty" jffs2
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18:49.11killefiz(over serial)
18:49.21mickeyl|flashah ok, i didn't flash the empty jffs2 before - maybe that has something to do with it
18:49.41killefizmickeyl|flash: what is you kernel-commandline?
18:49.46mantusis familiar the current ipaq distro or is there an OE release?
18:49.54mickeyl|flashkillefiz: i used noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock2 console=ttySA mem=64M rootfstype=jffs2
18:49.58mickeyl|flashbut that apparently does not work
18:52.08killefizmickeyl|flash: hmm - i had a similar problem weeks ago - but back then i tried withouth rootfstype=jffs2 which was probably the fault
18:52.55mickeyl|flashproblem is i don't know if its the command line or the static flash partitioning
18:53.15mickeyl|flashand i can't _just_ set another commandline because of that dumb bootloader - must flash a new kernel
18:54.32killefizi know - but hey - at least there _is_ a bootloader ;)
18:57.52mickeyl|flashkillefiz: do you have the link for chris' latest image handy?
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19:26.39masticatorso whats new dudes
19:26.43masticatorI have been out of it for a few days
19:27.19kergothdunno, ive been out of it too
19:27.29chouimatmasticator: nothing ... playing with inform
19:29.33masticatorI've been totally concentrating on the world domination plan
19:29.56Dessimat0rmasticator: does it conflict with mine?
19:30.32masticatorprobably not
19:30.49chouimatmasticator: first be the only Pringles  Provider of America?
19:30.57masticatordamn you chouimat
19:30.59Dessimat0rgood, I would have hated to include a fellow dominator in the master plan
19:31.17chouimatmasticator: hehe
19:31.55Dessimat0rw00, this hole where the ingrown toenail root was growing is finally healing
19:31.56masticatoractually I am working on a "how to please your Vulcan lover" video
19:32.27Dessimat0rit had an infection rate of every 30 mins
19:32.38Dessimat0rbut TCP cured that
19:32.49chouimatoops I have to go or I will be late to my appointment with the optometrist
19:33.03Dessimat0rchouimat: does he optimise you?
19:33.18chouimatDessimat0r: :-P yup new glasses
19:33.26Dessimat0roptician! ;)
19:33.53chouimatDessimat0r: that too but I need to see the doctor before
19:34.08Dessimat0rso this is an eye doctor? Never knew they existed ;)
19:34.21Dessimat0ri thought that a normal doctor was an eye doctor too
19:34.41masticatordamn spencer is geting desperate
19:34.52masticatorIn celebration of the new Community website relaunch
19:34.52masticator, I'd like to announce a set of prize giveaways.
19:34.52masticatorThe prizes will consist of SL-5x00s, WIFI cards, Shirts, Posters, Zaurus
19:34.52masticatorBags, Software, and other stuff found in my bottom right desk drawer.
19:35.05chouimatmasticator: ?
19:35.17masticatorhe just posted that on the devleoper list
19:35.23Dessimat0rWhat we need is a new OpenZaurus
19:35.38masticatorlol kergoth is judging
19:35.43kergothibot: botmail for noda: take a look at 'RT' as a possible issue/bug/task tracking system for oz/oe when you have a chance
19:35.49kergothyeah, i guess i didnt have enough shit on my plate
19:35.54kenbyea, saw that.
19:36.02kenbI should enter FreeS/WAN for Zaurus :)
19:37.47chouimatok I will enter my gaydar 3000 :)
19:39.31masticatorthat is FREAKY
19:40.01chouimat|awaymasticator: yup
19:40.10chouimat|awayok bb in about 3  to 4 hours
19:42.46tiptoneanybody care to field a PyQt question?
19:46.42masticatorgood morning ben
19:46.56masticatorwhat, did you just wake up now
19:47.06masticatorat 4 oclock in the afternoon, lol
19:49.00masticatoryo bi
19:50.04bipolarlooks like glib 2.3 does not like gcc 3.3
19:50.35masticatoryet again the GNU guys have their heads up their asses
19:51.03bipolarI just ran another bk pull that had a lot of changesets. I'll see if it fixed it.
19:51.09kergothbipolar: let me guess, __a1 register in the clobber list? i tried a build the other day :\
19:51.23kergothsomething like that anyway
19:51.27kergothbrb, food.
19:51.36bipolar../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/sigaction.c: In function `__libc_sigaction':
19:51.37bipolar../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/arm/sigaction.c:100: error: asm-specifier for variable `_a1' conflicts with asm clobber list
19:51.47bipolar~lart clobber
19:51.58bipolarthat just looked funny
19:55.46bipolarkergoth: does 2.4.19 work (with sd support) in buildroot yet?
19:59.01bipolarI meant can buildroot build a funtional 2.4.19 w/ SD support. :)
20:05.24Dessimat0rI think that OZ was going to use the 2.4.18 kernel to maintain compatability with the SD module that Sharp from Japan gave kergoth
20:06.11kergoththe 2.4.18 module will work fine in 2.4.19
20:06.17kergothi havent bothered adding it to buildroot yet
20:06.18Dessimat0rgood ;)
20:06.51Dessimat0rwhat is the 'maximum' kernel that the SD module maintains compatibility with?
20:07.00Dessimat0rthe highest version
20:07.03bipolarkergoth: but, technicly, thats just a matter of packaging the module? 2.4.19 works properly?
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20:13.57masticatorgoing forward I doubt the 2.4.18 module will work in a 2.6 kernel
20:14.09masticatorat best we can keep it within the 2.4 tree
20:14.41masticatorthis is why going forward we need to develop our own SD code
20:14.54masticatorwhich of course, will cost a substantial amount of money
20:15.02masticatorand will require private investment.
20:16.25trekemasticator: have you ever contacted the SD Org about the actuall licensing  options?
20:16.32masticatorno point yet.
20:16.43masticatorwe know it costs like 10 grand
20:17.23trekeyou know if its flat rate or if there is a recurring fee/royalties?
20:17.39masticatorI think it depends on the level of membership
20:21.21killefizlets face it: if (when) sharp drops the linux-zauri noone will invest in a membership - that has to be done by the next company releasing a linux pda with sd-slot
20:22.44masticatorhere is the problem with that.
20:22.52masticatorwe will just face the same problem with another vendor.
20:23.08masticatorwe need an independent SD implementation that can be adapted to different PDA architectures.
20:23.10masticatorsomething modular.
20:23.48killefizmasticator: that is what we would need - but do you think it's realistic?
20:23.57killefizi do not
20:25.05trekeif its per device, it probably isnt. If one license could be used by all involved ports you might be able to make it work. Particularly if you get someone like HP using it as a base for some kind of device
20:25.26bipolarI don't see why the SD org would have any problem with a GPL implimentation that does not touch any of the DRM shit. The more devices/OS's that can use SD the better off is, right?
20:27.39masticatorHP doesnt pay per device
20:27.45masticatorthey pay for SD org membership
20:28.02trekemasticator: I mean per model.
20:28.05bipolarso could do the same?
20:28.16masticatorI beleive we can realistically have an independent SD stack that is modular provided OE.ORG is financed.
20:28.21masticatorthat is what I am working on.
20:28.44masticatorthey dont license per model
20:29.02masticatorI think its 10 grand inital fees
20:29.08masticatorplus like 5 grand per year maintenance
20:29.24masticatorthats how I beleive Lineo was able to build its driver
20:30.42masticatorultimately I think the whole industry should fuck off SD.
20:30.57masticatorwe should look at stuff like the Fujitsu xD card and the Sony memory stick
20:31.13masticatorFujitsu from what I understand is completely open
20:31.36masticatorand so is Sony's standard
20:33.15mickeyl|flashtiptone: ask right away
20:33.46trekesony do something open?
20:34.53masticatorwell, aside from the fact that their hardware is proprietary, the access methods to the memory stick are open
20:35.18masticatorthats the only thing developers care about
20:37.10bipolarwhats the probbibility of reverse enginering the SD interface?
20:37.50trekethe problem is you'd be on shaky ground using the reverse engineered driver
20:40.14masticatorbipolar: doable and puts us on questionable legal ground.
20:40.37masticatorthere is a leaked toshiba document that enumerates all the SD signals
20:40.43bipolarya' know.... I was having a good day...
20:40.45masticatorbut we could never use that to write a open driver
20:40.55masticatorwe would have to use clean room techniques
20:40.57masticatorvery expensive
20:41.01masticatorhard to document
20:41.10masticatorit would be cheaper to license SD.
20:41.14trekeeven then most people wouldnt want to touch it with a 10 foot pole
20:41.17masticatorand just provide new binaries with new kernels.
20:42.36bipolarWhy would it be shaky to R/E it, if the rights management stuff, attackable via DMCA, was not touched?
20:42.40trekebasically a closed source library/object file
20:43.00trekethat is linked angainst something else that deals with the kernel
20:43.10masticatorwe couldnt do it in this country for sure
20:43.35trekebipolar: because your have to be able to prove that you did it legally
20:43.45bipolarwhat exactly would make it illegal?
20:44.42bipolarit's just a driver for a device. We're not breaking into anything to get it to work.
20:45.07trekebipolar: proving that you didnt break into anything. proving you didnt use the leaked toshiba documentation
20:45.25masticatoror decompile the existing driver
20:45.32trekeas it is kergoth couldnt touch it because he has looked through the documentation
20:46.06bipolarHas US law gotten that stupid? Toshiba leaked the document on purpose if thats all it takes.
20:46.22trekebipolar: Toshiba didnt leak it. Cal Poly did
20:48.16*** join/#openembedded AndyQ (
20:48.55bipolarlibgcc1 needs fixing. It's not getting passed the path for the compiler, so you get 'arm-linux-gcc: command not found' errors.
20:48.59bipolarAndyQ: yo
20:49.41trekebipolar: in the end whether its legal or not isnt it's what matters, it's that it looks like more legal hassles than the X thousand dollars for the license
20:50.17mickeyl|flashhi AndyQ
20:50.22trekehey AndyQ
20:51.12tiptonemicky|flash: thanks for the offer, i was having setup probs, got it fixed
20:51.25tiptonei was fishing for you when i asked =)
20:52.53mickeyl|flashhehe, ok
20:53.20trekeibot, pester icefox
20:53.21icefox: Are we there yet?  .. Are we there yet? .. Are we there yet?
21:03.02*** join/#openembedded cmartin (
21:03.54*** join/#openembedded Dessimat0r (
21:03.59Dessimat0rSD does my fucking head in
21:09.42cmartinmickeyl|flash: ping
21:09.51cmartinkillefiz: ping
21:11.16mickeyl|flashcmartin: :(
21:11.23mickeylcmartin: can't get anything done
21:11.45mickeylcmartin: tried to flash my image after your cramfs image and this won't boot
21:12.22mickeylcmartin: the bootloader is killing me... what's your status?
21:12.45Dessimat0risn't messing with bootloaders dangerous? heh
21:13.05trekeonly if you dont know what you are doing :)
21:13.32mickeylcmartin: the wince image has a totally different structure ... Base    : 0x1080014 Size 25866243 entry:0x4081000
21:14.00mickeylcmartin: now i flashed wince again and at the moment, I'm reflash my image hoping it will boot this time
21:14.05Dessimat0rHow long does it take to flash the data required for reflashing? (the unsafe period)
21:14.30Dessimat0rWinCE on the Zaurus?
21:14.41mickeylDessimat0r: talking about the SIMpad here
21:15.08trekewhy does everyone always assume the topic of discussion in here is the zaurus?
21:15.24Dessimat0ri see
21:15.24mickeylmaybe because we have openzaurus in the topic :))
21:15.29cmartinmickeyl: did you get the CE image flashed?
21:15.35Dessimat0rI forgot, heh
21:15.46mickeylcmartin: yes. i bootet it and then reset again to start reflashing my image
21:15.57mickeylwhich is what i'm waiting for now.... serial line
21:16.06mickeylcmartin: does this sound familiar to you:
21:16.07cmartinhow big is your image?
21:16.27mickeylcmartin: after i realized that serload or bootloader chokes on everything > 16MB i now have a 15MB image
21:17.03mickeylcmartin: i had lots of eraseblock and then "directory bla inode blub is hard link" failures before it kernel-panicked
21:17.12cmartini must have flashed my simpad 100+ times inthe last couple of weeks
21:17.46cmartinyes i had that too - this means that some stuff is still left from the last image
21:17.58mickeylcmartin: this is ridiculous. should i ask juergen if he will provide us with the necessary information to get redboot or bootldr running?
21:18.03cmartinthis is what i meant with the bootloader
21:18.10mickeylcmartin: yeah, _now_ i understand.
21:18.34mickeylcmartin: just can't get it. even if it would only flash different sectors, then it should overwrite the new stuff - don't get it.
21:18.36trekethe limit is something like 10,000 erases, right?
21:19.24trekehrmmm. at my current usage I should be good for 10 years :)
21:20.20cmartinmickeyl: i don't understand it either
21:21.18cmartinmickeyl: either juergen has to put erase functions in or he should get another bootldr for the simpad
21:21.28mickeylcmartin: yes.
21:22.19mickeylok once again
21:22.20mickeylSuccessfully written !
21:22.27mickeylcrossing fingers...
21:23.29mickeylouch ouch
21:23.39cmartinmickeyl: you will probably still get some of those "hard linked" messages, but hopefully it starts up into opie
21:23.50mickeylJFFS2: Erase block at 0x00d60000 is not formatted. It will be erased
21:23.50mickeylJFFS2: Erase block at 0x00d80000 is not formatted. It will be erased
21:23.50mickeylJFFS2: Erase block at 0x00da0000 is not formatted. It will be erased
21:24.13mickeylJFFS2: Erase block at 0x017a0000 is not formatted. It will be erased
21:24.13mickeylChild dir "python2.2" (ino #5) of dir ino #4 appears to be a hard link
21:24.13mickeylChild dir "lib-dynload" (ino #9) of dir ino #5 appears to be a hard link
21:24.13mickeylChild dir "site-packages" (ino #37) of dir ino #5 appears to be a hard link
21:24.19mickeylthis is from your first image. i never installed python2.2
21:24.57mickeyllots of hard links...
21:25.51cmartinhopefully not too many
21:26.24mickeylVFS: Mounted root (jffs2 filesystem) readonly.
21:26.24mickeylMounted devfs on /dev
21:26.24mickeylFreeing init memory: 80K
21:26.24mickeylKernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.
21:26.39cmartini had that often
21:26.53mickeylwhat did you do to get that crap to an end
21:27.07cmartinit's really too bad that you only have serial :(
21:27.09mickeylI'm not very patient... i could have get lots of user-level work done in that time :(
21:28.12mickeylonly option i have is to once again boot over nfs to get _something_ running
21:28.47cmartindid you flash with my latest image - or your own?
21:29.01mickeylmy own image - but i used your kernel command line
21:29.35cmartinwhat about the mkfs.jffs2 --eraseblocksize
21:29.45mickeyli used 0x20000
21:30.13mickeylbut that doesn't make much of a difference .. apparently the jffs2 partition doesn't know where it ends!
21:30.29mickeylah not the partition but the filesystem on it
21:30.48mickeylbecause it scans over beyond the 15 MB
21:33.36mickeylcmartin: any idea why the bootloader doesn't accept images >15 MB? IMHO it would be a solution to pad the image to 32MB
21:33.42cmartinif you used --pad without defining a size the manpage says: If SIZE is not specified, the output is padded to the end of the final erase block.
21:34.08mickeylsounds good but such a large image can't be flashed - at least serload doesn't accept it.
21:34.45cmartinthe 15MB limit seems to be hardcoded in the bootloader to stay compatible to the 16MB devices
21:36.46cmartinyou could try padding to 32MB using the "loader_bl" and not the "loader_bl.alt", since it allows the CE image to be flashed (>20MB)
21:37.28mickeylcmartin: hmmm - hey but I did write the CE image some hours ago with my current bootloader (2.4)
21:39.57*** join/#openembedded ljp_laptop (
21:41.26cmartinok 2.4 worked fine - just no NE2K support, sorry
21:44.34cmartinmickeyl: now do you believe me that we have a bootloader problem? I think the guys on the list aren't taking seriously on this.
21:45.42mickeyli now booted with nfs - thank god at least this is working. i will try to format the jffs2 partition 'by hand' - we'll see if this works.
21:46.09cmartinyes, that would be nice to know
21:46.57cmartinif that works, then i'll have to set up nfs root too, but this is not acceptable for the users
21:48.06mickeylok trying to mount it brings the same messages up as usual...
21:48.15mickeylhard links all over the place
21:48.17mickeylbut its done!
21:48.32mickeylthe image is mounted.
21:48.42mickeyland looks good
21:48.43mickeylnow why doesn't it boot for me?
21:49.03mickeylah forget it
21:49.06mickeyldoesn't look good
21:49.07cmartindo you see any of that python stuff onit?
21:49.22mickeyli have files where directories should be
21:49.27mickeyltreke: does that sound familiar to you?
21:49.33mickeylusr is a file haha
21:49.37mickeylno wonder it doesn't boot
21:49.41trekemickeyl: nope
21:49.48cmartinthose were the mentioned hard links
21:49.50trekemickeyl: I have directories where files should be :)
21:49.54mickeyltreke: haha
21:50.12treke/opt/QtPalmtop/bin/qpe/h3600_hal.o :p
21:50.19mickeylnice directory :))
21:50.41mickeylok, now how can i delete the jffs2 stuff by hand and format it clean?
21:50.41trekemickeyl: as you can guess, opie did not load on first boot :)
21:50.53mickeyltreke: hehe, yeah not surprising
21:51.26cmartinmy /opt/QtPalmtop/plugins/applets was a file and that's why my orientation was set wrong earlier today
21:52.54cmartintry something like this - /sbin/erase /dev/mtd/2 0 20000
21:53.20mickeylsbin/erase ? what does this do?
21:53.53mickeyli need a mkjffs2 for arm
21:54.19mickeylgood shot
21:56.57bipolarAnyone know how to set $SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR in buildroot? It keeps trying a mirror that does not have freetype mirrored.
21:56.59cmartinmickeyl: wait i'll send you "eraseall" from mtd-tools for arm
21:57.16mickeylcmartin: ok
21:57.31mickeylbipolar: echo "export SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR"  >Vars.local
21:57.38mickeylexport = bla bla even
21:58.00killefizcmartin: i tried your image
21:58.12killefizi get the same error that mickeyl gets: hardlinks and then no init found
21:58.14cmartinkillefiz: any luck?
21:59.15cmartinmickeyl: when you get my mail, move it to your nfs-root and run "eraseall /dev/mtd2" - or similar
21:59.26killefizcmartin: what is your solution? flash ce over, reflash linux and pray that it works?
21:59.42mickeylkillefiz: didn't for me
22:01.07cmartinkillefiz: just got a mail from a friend that did that - it didn't work
22:01.17killefizmickeyl: i have found my ne2k card at the office - i'll try it again tomorrow
22:01.27killefizcmartin: hmm - but the 1705 image worked - pure luck?
22:01.52mickeylcmartin: /dev/mtdblock/2 unable to get MTD device info
22:02.41cmartinmickeyl: what does "ls /dev/mtd*" give you?
22:03.34mickeylah sorry - used mtdblock instead of mtd
22:03.39mickeylerasing ...
22:03.44*** join/#openembedded c0rnholio (
22:03.46cmartinsounds good
22:03.53cmartinhi c0rnholio
22:03.54c0rnholiohi there
22:04.16c0rnholiodidnt know that u r online at this time ;o)
22:04.26cmartinc0rnholio: mickeyl , killefiz and i are discussing jffs2 image for the simpad
22:04.50c0rnholioi will lurk
22:05.25cmartinmickeyl: how's your eraseall working?
22:05.31mickeylcmartin: 58 % complete
22:06.10mickeylcmartin: do you think its sufficient to just 'dd' the initrd over it now? or should i mkfs.jffs2 and copy file by file?
22:07.00cmartindd should do
22:07.04mickeylit is also pretty annoying having to flash another kernel just to change cmdline arguments ....
22:07.52cmartinwell you cann just flash the kernel with the kernelflash script from simpadtools
22:08.18cmartinyou don't have to flash a whole image just because you changed the kernel
22:08.44mickeylthis is clear - but its more annoying than "set linuxargs bla bla"
22:09.34cmartinwhere we're back to the bootloader ;)
22:09.52killefizas there is no information on the hardware available we're stuck with the current loader, right?
22:10.06mickeylwell, schurig said something interesting
22:10.24mickeylhe said the handhelds folks have a script which gathers memory timing etc. information off a running system.
22:10.37cmartinmaybe juergen can help here - he mentioned wanting to get blob on the simpad
22:10.46mickeylthis could be used to "port" a generic bootloader like redboot, blob or bootldr onto the simpad
22:11.19mickeylcmartin: you know him longer than I - please pester him a bit...
22:11.28mickeyldd'ing now
22:11.33cmartini will
22:12.16killefizbut do we really need a different bootloader? Isn't all thats needed a way to erase the flash and a way to set the kernel commandline?
22:12.18cmartinok, that will be interesting to see if the flash is erased enough to flash an image onto it
22:12.34mickeylwhat's the correct of? is it /dev/mtdblock2 or /dev/mtd/2 ?
22:12.51cmartinkillefiz: yes, but who knows how long it's going to take juergen to work that in
22:13.50cmartinmickeyl:just a moment i'll check...
22:14.25c0rnholiomikeyl: isnt it /dev/mtdblock/2 ?
22:15.00mickeylyup it is
22:16.18mickeylhmmm.... takes a bit
22:16.35mickeylah well its over nfs-over-usb...
22:18.20cmartinc0rnholio: depends if devfs is used - /dev/mtdblock2 (no devfs) /dev/mtdblock/2 (devfs)
22:19.03cmartinthe mtd-jffs howto says - /dev/mtd/#
22:19.19c0rnholioah, ok...i will need some time to fully understand what you're doing there, but i have hope ;o)
22:19.42mickeylnow onto flashing another kernel and crossing fingers once again (they start to hurt now...)
22:19.45cmartinwhich dev?
22:20.22cmartinmickeyl:how did you do nfs-root over usb?
22:21.09mickeylpretty easy. compiled the kernel with the proper config, flashed it, resetting and then pushing the usb-cable in - done.
22:21.15mickeylthe .config is in bitkeeper
22:21.51c0rnholiocmartin: quick Q about the buildroot: is it updated frequently?
22:22.30mickeylc0rnholio: take a peek into
22:22.31cmartinmaybe even hourly ;)
22:22.54c0rnholio*g*, thx i will do so
22:24.08killefizspeaking of which: buildroot tells me that patch-2.4.19-rmk7-jpm1.patch does not apply
22:24.38trekebecause it doesnt apply?
22:25.00killefizPatch had errors
22:25.09mickeylhmm.... works here
22:25.34mickeylbk pull to see if you're on the latest version
22:25.45mickeylrather to make your version to the latest version :)
22:26.12killefiznothing to pull
22:27.16killefizahh - the patch is not there
22:27.41mickeylpatch is not there???
22:28.01mickeylkillefiz: remember to bk -r co -q after a bk pull
22:28.16killefizsh: line 1: /home/sven/simpad/buildroot-oz/sources/patch-2.4.19-rmk7.bz2: No such file or directory
22:28.30killefizmickeyl: even if it prints "nothing to pull"?
22:28.34cmartinmickeyl: didn't that "chmod" line in $(stamp-binary) have to be commented out?
22:28.35mickeylkillefiz: rm -rf stamps/.kernel-*
22:28.42mickeylcmartin: which file?
22:29.04mickeylcmartin: it is commented out here
22:29.26cmartinyes here too, but i had to comment it out
22:29.50mickeylthe version in bk has it commented outl.
22:29.52killefizmickeyl: still nothing - it doesn't pull patch-2.4.19-rmk7.bz2
22:29.59killefiz-rmk6.bz2 is there
22:30.12mickeylcan't do anything about it. upstream maybe unreachable.
22:30.38mickeylyou do have clean all stamps didn't you? and you didn't use that bk tree for another target?
22:30.46mickeylrm -rf stamps/.kernel-*; make
22:30.56killefizmickeyl: yes and no
22:31.08mickeylthen the problem is the upstream.
22:31.13killefizi'm downloading the patch manually
22:31.31cmartinmickeyl:with flashed simpad?
22:32.13mickeylit hangs
22:32.44mickeylnothing more
22:32.54cmartinwait, it's not done
22:33.05cmartinthat is normal...patience
22:33.05killefizok - it compiles now with the manually downloaded patch
22:33.46mickeylVFS: Mounted root (jffs2 filesystem) readonly.
22:33.46mickeylMounted devfs on /dev
22:33.46mickeylFreeing init memory: 80K
22:33.46mickeylINIT: version 2.84 booting
22:33.46mickeylSetting up device links for devfs: Setting up some devices
22:33.48mickeylActivating swap
22:33.50mickeylCalculating module dependencies ...
22:33.52mickeylLoading modules:
22:33.54mickeylChecking all filesystems...
22:33.56mickeylfsck 1.33 (21-Apr-2003)
22:33.58mickeylMounting local filesystems...
22:34.00mickeylPopulating /var filesystem: done
22:34.02mickeylCleaning: /etc/network/ifstate.
22:34.04mickeylInitializing random number generator...
22:34.06mickeylReconfiguring all packages!
22:34.12cmartinlooks good
22:34.45cmartinthe readonly part is strange, but i had that too and the rootfs was still rw
22:34.50mickeylnow this is a user friendly procedure.... "hey folks, you just have to install an nfs server, patch kernel, boot over nfs-over-usb, clean mtdblocks, reboot, reflash, fscking cross your finger and your done"
22:35.43cmartinthis is the proof that the missing erase procedure in the bootloader is the problem ;)
22:36.13mickeylwould you be so kind and write this (once again) to the mailing list?
22:36.21cmartinman i said this a week ago and noone on the list believed me
22:36.54cmartinyes, you too and killefiz too - maybe then it will be understood
22:37.00killefizwe could always switch to cramfs
22:37.04mickeylyeah - we will confirm then
22:37.09mickeylcramfs is dumb
22:37.11mickeyli hate it
22:37.25cmartinyou better hide
22:37.27mickeylthis is the number one reason why i flashed OZ on my Zaurus
22:37.50mickeylespecially when you only have a serial line....
22:38.16cmartinmickeyl: get a cheap NE2K Card and you'll be happy ;-)
22:38.33cmartinmine is an old 10Mbit Card
22:38.44mickeylcmartin: but then i need to flash another bootloader.... this is like... crossing fingers hardcore...
22:38.51killefizcmartin: not necessarily
22:38.57cmartinno that works fine
22:39.06killefizyou'll also have to know where your cheap ne2k is ;)
22:39.17cmartinnever had a problem with flashing the bootloader
22:39.20c0rnholioi can confirm, that flashing the other bootloader works great without problems
22:40.05mickeylmight be - it may go faster, but it won't work either.
22:40.16mickeylthe problem is the bootloader in itself, not the speed.
22:40.35mickeyli'm happy with the serial line because once i got this running, i do all upgrades incrementally and will rarely flash completely new
22:40.46cmartinok, but when that's fixed it's better for development
22:41.24mickeylalso, i don't know why this has to be kept secret.
22:41.40mickeylit's obvious who the SIMpad ancestors are
22:41.50mickeylno need trying to hide that
22:41.57mickeylby closing source
22:43.43mickeylman i am so tired... i was in the matrix 1 + matrix 2 nite yesterday ... got to bed 04:00... and now its late again .... aargh... i wanted to go to bed early tonite
22:44.15killefiz;) have you ordered tickets for the long lotr night already?
22:44.23mickeylah lotr
22:44.25mickeylno not yet
22:44.36mickeylthat will be hard... 9 hours
22:44.39killefiz9 hours
22:44.49mickeylI'm too old for 9 hours kino
22:45.12mickeyl102/112 -
22:45.13mickeyl10 to go
22:46.26mickeylcmartin: recapitulation. the three MUST-HAVE features for the bootloader: 1.) Erase flash 2.) Set Linuxargs 3.) Boot Kernel From peripheral devices.
22:47.08mickeylINIT: Entering runlevel: 2
22:47.08mickeylStarting advanced power management daemon: No APM support in kernel
22:47.08mickeylStarting PCMCIA services: cardmgr[21175]: watching 2 sockets
22:47.08mickeylcardmgr[21176]: starting, version is 3.2.3
22:47.10mickeylStarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
22:47.12mickeylStarting internet superserver: inetd.
22:47.14mickeylStarting Opie....
22:47.40mickeylno touchscreen
22:49.10mickeyloh boy
22:49.22mickeylcan't login, no touchscreen
22:49.30mickeyli'm going to get some sleep
22:49.38mickeylmaybe tomorrow things get better
22:50.40pb_ljp_laptop: let me guess, things getting better is not a possibility you are prepared to entertain.
22:51.05ljp_laptopno, just hmmmm'ing
22:52.11cmartinmickeyl: just posted to the list
22:52.30trekepb_: back to work on gpe :)
22:52.43pb_treke: aha, excellent.
22:52.51trekepb_: no. you back to work :p
22:52.52pb_what's the status at the moment?
22:52.53cmartinim gonna get some sleep too
22:53.02mickeylcmartin: thanks.
22:53.11trekepb_: current status is i'm frightened by the number of dependencies
22:53.20cmartinsee ya tomorrow
22:53.27c0rnholiog'night! see you the next days...
22:54.14pb_treke: only dependencies I can think of offhand are gtk (+fontconfig, atk etc), sqlite, gcrypt.  no doubt there are others though.
22:54.54trekepb_: went through trying to install it on oe from familiar feeds, had to move all kinds of libs in
22:55.15pb_ah, right.  did you happen to make a list of them?
22:55.50ljp_laptopI tried to install gpe on my 5000d once. ran out of room
22:55.51trekenope :) probably this weekend
22:58.00*** join/#openembedded beattie (
22:59.39pb_treke: righto :-)
23:11.09trekeI figure if I can at least put together a list of what needs adding maybe it will get done
23:11.25trekeright now X is still a bit of a nebulous blob of "tons of stuff" that is needed
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23:44.11ljp_laptopwhy would blob need x?
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23:54.02kergothhey noda
23:54.15nodakergoth: Heya
23:54.22kergothgah, sitting on hold for 20 minutes, and the stupid voice system hangs up on me
23:54.51trekekergoth: lemme guess
23:54.53trekecable company?
23:54.58kergothnah, mortgage company
23:55.12kergothtrying to hold off the forclosure while i get my ass down to texas making $$
23:55.16trekeyou'd think they would be dying to talk to you
23:55.19nodakergoth: Mortgage company != bank?
23:58.08kergothhm, they make you enter your social security number twice on two independent menus in the same sequence
23:58.32trekekergoth: I always love when they have you dial your account number on the menus
23:58.44trekekergoth: then the first thing they do is ask you for it when a person picks up
23:58.50treke"can I have your account number?"
23:58.51kergoththat pisses me off too
23:58.56treke"why dont you already have it."
23:59.23kergothits funny navigating a system like this on a cell
23:59.27nodaOr you call the phone providor and they ask for your telephone number -- encouraging...
23:59.30kergothso you can see all the digits you had to punch in the display

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