irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030519

01:19.44Twiunhmmm... 2m40s without duplicating dependencies and 3m15s if they're duplicated...
01:19.51Twiunnot a whole lot of difference
01:21.34treke|homewhen will this build ever end
01:22.47treke|homefirst gcc3 build I've gone with this ccache
01:22.54treke|homeso none of its cached :
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01:27.08Twiunhey mewyn`
01:27.18mewyn`so beat
01:35.13Twiunis it possible to have the equivalent of globals in a shell script (when using functions)
01:36.48treke|homehrrm. before I waste time, I bet QT has a tree class
01:37.21*** join/#openembedded sl5500 (
01:37.34treke|homenope. nm
01:38.20sl5500Hello all, where may I ask questions re the current buildroot for OZ from bitkeeper?
01:38.47*** join/#openembedded bipolar (
01:39.24sl5500ahh.. ok I have tried building the current build root, and I have tried numerous thing but I keep getting the same error:
01:39.54sl5500ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kernel-modules: vfat-modules (=2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix-5a) vfat-modules...
01:40.16sl5500in the make image step as per faq #84
01:40.27sl5500thanks for any help in advance btw
01:40.35_Psychothing you have to remove the depencie in hmm
01:41.00_Psychowhat the name again /something/packages forget where
01:41.02_Psychotreke know ;)
01:41.19sl5500buildroot-oz/packages is where the packages r
01:41.30_Psychoi think its in some sub dir
01:41.37sl5500with a make file in each directory
01:41.55sl5500for each program
01:42.32_Psychosorry forgot the dir, someone asked the same question last night
01:42.52sl5500really ?
01:43.02sl5500is the answer archive ne where?
01:43.09_Psychoi doubt
01:43.24_Psychoits probably something someone added into the buildroot that messed it up ;)
01:43.30_Psychoand this part is not fixed yet :)
01:43.34_Psychohappen a lots
01:43.45sl5500yeah, I noticed :P
01:44.00sl5500when does it move over 2 openembedded?
01:44.09_Psychonot sure at all
01:44.13_Psychobut its gonna be a while imo
01:46.21treke|home_Psycho: its not broken :)
01:46.25treke|home_Psycho: Works fine on ipaq
01:46.43_Psychodidnt you said to someone last night
01:46.44bipolarohhhh... new zaurii comming out. cool!
01:46.52_Psychoto remove it in packages somewhere ;)
01:47.02_Psychothe c764 you mean ?
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01:47.41sl5500I have the humm...what was it again....oh sl5500 :P
01:47.56_Psychoim quite happy with my c700
01:47.58armenbdoes openzaurus maintain the crosscompiler?
01:48.03_Psychonot sure im gonna change it for jsut 32 megs and the cpu
01:48.04armenbthat is to say
01:48.18bipolar_Psycho: I'm happy with my 5500... :)
01:48.48armenbbecause I'm having a problem regarding a symbol that is in my library
01:48.49bipolarI still give people the ohhs and ahhs with the slideout keyboard. heh...
01:48.59chouimat|tvarmenb: update to glibc 2.3.1
01:49.38armenbhm. chou, is this an update on my zaurus? or the crosscompiler?
01:50.20armenbbasically, it is a kernel module (that I didn't write), but it is complaining about this one symbol every time I try to insmod it
01:52.33sl5500well if ne 1 knows of/can remember the fix 4 the sl5500 OZ- buildroot re err vfat-modules (=2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix-5a) please let me know.thanks
01:56.15bipolarsl5500: I doo
01:56.44bipolarsl5500: you need to edit buildroot-oz/output/ipks/Packages and remove the dependancy manualy.
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02:01.59sl5500thanks for the help bipolar, the error has changed to qpf-bitstream-vera now, I am just removing that bit too...
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02:02.43hunterkllanyone here?
02:04.46treke|homeTwiun: At least with the progress bar there is some clue how far from being done we are
02:05.15hunterklltreke|home: are you good with opie??
02:05.35hunterklli have a thing here on dual booting for a cf card
02:05.40hunterkllwhere i have gpe on ipaq
02:05.45hunterklland i want opie on the card
02:06.07hunterklli have instructions here -->
02:06.10treke|homeyou've already asked in 3 other channels i'm in
02:06.15hunterkllbut, it has gpe on the card :)
02:06.23treke|homeif i havent answered yet, I probably wont answer now
02:06.32hunterklland i need to figure out how to work it to get opie on the card
02:06.43hunterkllthis is a diffrent question :)
02:07.13treke|homethe answer stands
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02:09.08Twiuntreke|home: you mean with my progress stuff or referring to the original?
02:09.22ninnywhat is a "shotgun wedding"
02:09.32treke|homeninny: ?
02:09.51treke|homea marraige because of a pregnancy
02:10.15treke|homeTwiun: I'm still using the original
02:10.26Twiuntreke|home: ah
02:10.30ninnyahh piss. that means i was wrong.
02:10.40treke|homeTwiun: Still better than nothing
02:10.59Twiuntreke|home: bk pull, cp packages/oz-base/sysinit/packages <to wherever> :)
02:11.45treke|homeninny: what was your guess?
02:12.02Twiuntreke|home: mine provides a percentage... I'm even thinking of doing a 'proper' progress bar
02:12.18Twiuntreke|home: starting to get fancy with escape sequences :)
02:12.40treke|homeframebuffer animation :)(
02:14.31Twiunjust text-mode for now :)
02:15.04treke|homeno fun
02:19.13treke|homeuhm holy crap
02:19.16treke|homethat is fast
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02:30.03*** kick/#openembedded [treke|home!] by chouimat|tv (really?)
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02:31.55chouimat|tvdamn! it's so hot in here
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03:12.06Twiunnever realised truly how expensive `expr x / y` can be on the Z
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04:11.10armenbdo i need to upgrade anything on my zaurus to start using gcc3.2?
04:12.20treke|homeall of qtopia
04:12.30treke|homeand you can no longer run binary only apps
04:14.56armenbhmm, i dont care about qtopia
04:15.18armenbwhat about regular binaries that only make use of system libraries
04:15.33armenbwhat do you mean by binary only app?
04:16.13treke|homearmenb: C Apps will work. C++ apps that only use C Libraries will work. C++ apps that use C++ libaries that you do not have the source to recompile will not owrk
04:16.39armenbthanks :)
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04:22.45armenbhmm, even with a new toolchain, i seem to be getting this annoying error when trying to insmod this kernel module: route_check.o: unresolved symbol _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
04:23.12armenbi dont have a problem when insmod'ing it natively on my x86 box
04:23.42armenbi googled and found that this was an error found back in 1999. is there anything that OpenZaurus uses that is ancient enough to contain this error?
04:23.53armenbi.e. I'm not sure what to do to fix this problem.
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04:35.58anderseearmenb: you are tyrying to load a kernel module that you apparently have dynamically linked vs a shared library....
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06:30.33BowserHi ppl
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11:02.24killefizcmartin|work: i got your image from mickeyl yesterday. It flashed okay and it boots right into opie. Only problem is that I get a kernel oops when inserting my wlan-card.
11:22.21cmartin|workkillefiz: as i told mickeyl - it's pretty unstable and needs some kernel and mudules tuning, but it's not "readonly" ;-)
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11:24.45cmartin|workkillefiz: if you're using an hostap device, try the following in modules.conf:
11:25.11cmartin|workoptions hostap_cs ignore_cis_vcc=1
11:26.22schurighmm, has anybody a Symbol CF card that works reliably on the Z?
11:26.44Twiunschurig: hey schurig!
11:27.20schurigTwiun: hi!   How's your java stuff going?
11:27.23Twiunschurig: question for you: on first boot, quite a few packages have their prerm/postinst scripts run multiple times, is that necessary?
11:27.49Twiunschurig: the java stuff is stuck atm - I need info and I can't find it
11:28.18schurigTwiun: java: that's bad ---   good is that I don't need java :-)
11:28.28schurigTwiun: which one get's called several times?
11:28.49Twiunschurig: kernel-image, libc6, the font ones, etc, etc
11:29.14Twiunschurig: I've made changes that guarantee them running only once, but I need to know it's not going to break anything
11:29.39schurigTwiun: when you create an image, you have some directory that will be processed by mkfs.jffs2. Go into this directory, I think into usr/lib/ipkg/info. See for all the *.postinst files, those are the ones that get executed
11:30.02Twiunschurig: yes, the duplicate runs are because of the nested dependencies
11:30.18Twiunschurig: every single dependency gets run - regardless of wether it's been run before
11:30.21schurigTwiun: I never realized that some of them get executed several times. Maybe because I had VERBOSE=no in my /etc/default/rcS ...
11:30.42schurigTwiun: hmm, so it's an IPKG bug then?
11:30.53schurigIf so, it should be fixed in ipkg.
11:31.01Twiunit's not ipkg
11:31.17Twiunit's the packages script - but I need to know if that behaviour was intended
11:31.28schurigHmm, but other tools besided ipkg don't know about dependencies, don't they?
11:31.28Twiunbefore I fix it
11:31.44Twiunpackages greps for Depends :)
11:31.49Twiundoes it manually
11:31.50schurigTwiun: i GUESS it was not intended. But maybe Kergoth knowns ...
11:32.13Twiunok, I'll definately wait for him
11:32.26Twiundoing a timing test atm, to see how much time we'd save
11:32.32schurighmm, on the over side: the execution in dependency order was intended, I would have do it too. But the re-execution of stuff twice was not.
11:32.57TwiunI didn't think it was, but you know how things go
11:33.09schurigTwiun: not necessarily :-)
11:33.35schurigs/over/other/. Hmm, too fast fingers today.
11:33.43Twiunschurig: well, all I'm preventing is a package having their scripts run more than once - not changing anything else
11:33.51Twiunschurig: apart from a few display improvements
11:36.35schurigTwiun: I just moved $(TOPDIR)/build to $(TOPDIR)/../build and added BUILD_DIR=$(TOPDIR)/../build to my Vars.local ----  now "bk pull", "bk push" are fast again
11:36.59schurigbefore, the "bk check" subcommand of push/pull was descenting into build and that took ages
11:37.06Twiungood :)
11:37.33Twiunhmmm... without multiple runs, I save about 30s
11:38.41schurigthat's good
11:38.42Twiundoesn't seem worth it
11:39.00Twiunstill takes my image 4 minutes
11:39.14schurigI guess you install lot's of IPK files?
11:39.20Twiun91 packages
11:39.34Twiunbut most of opie is stripped out
11:39.37schurigSo /etc/default/functions (or whatever is named) get's sourced 91 times
11:40.03Twiundoes it get sourced inside the prerm/postinst scripts then?
11:40.45schurigNot regularly, but many *.postinst source other files
11:41.13Twiunthe slowest packages though are the fonts and ssh-server (understandably)
11:41.21schurigI install 65 packages on Ramses. I haven't measured it, but it doesn't take 4 minutes. Maybe 2 or so.
11:42.01schurigfor ssh-server we can fix this up. The key could be generated at /etc/init.d/ssh start time. Or it could be generated in the background.
11:42.46Twiunthink there's anyway the dependencies could be parallelised?
11:44.24killefizcmartin|work: i'll try that tonight
11:56.35TwiunI wonder if 91 cuts are faster than 91 seds
12:46.03*** join/#openembedded mark (
12:48.30Twiunhey mark
12:48.43markheya Twiun
12:48.47markTwiun: i just fscked up a maths exam :(
12:48.53Twiunmark: ack
12:48.59Twiunmark: how come?
12:49.17markyeh. misread one of the questions, and a moment of stupidity will have cost me a shite load of marks on another
12:50.00TwiunI've done that as well :)
12:50.29markits not good :)
12:53.51markTwiun: and that was an easy paper too :(
12:54.28Twiunmark: oh dear
12:54.36Twiunmark: can you resit it?
12:56.28markTwiun: yeh, i think so.  its not a disaster, just meanas i've ogt to do well in the others
12:59.40Twiunmark: lol, going to have to put some real effort into the rest then :)
12:59.55markTwiun: yep, thats why i'm sitting round on irc and hacking wine :)
13:02.26markTwiun: :)
13:02.47Twiunlike I should be getting my suit ready for tomorrow
13:02.58Twiuninstead of hacking the 'first boot' process
13:03.13markTwiun: you know what the accepted best way of writing a config dialog is?
13:03.20markTwiun: ie somehow keeping track of what stetings are changed
13:04.28markor do I store a copy of the settings at the outset and then compare
13:04.50Twiunit's one of those 'it depends' thing
13:05.05markTwiun: hmm.  
13:05.09markwell that helps ;)
13:06.52Twiunreally, as long as it's clean code, I doubt it matters
13:11.05markwhats the point of MFC? it doesn't seem to make things any easier at all
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13:25.21markgod win32 is horrid
13:25.58markTwiun: i seem to be getting more and more code in DlgProc CALLBACKS.. :/
13:46.15markTwiun: does keeping two configuration objects around (one for load, one for save) sound a bad move to you?
13:46.24Twiunmark: you make me happy I don't do win32 stuff
13:46.42Twiunmark: it depends on how big the config objects are
13:46.55Twiunwoohoo! managed to get rid of the cursor in console mode
13:47.25markTwiun: hmm, shouldn't be big.  i'll go for this for the moment, can always cange it
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13:59.41Twiunanyone have a good look at the diag mode of the Z - or have docs?
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14:43.19zecke|aw1yhi ljp_laptop
14:43.50Twiunhey ljp, zecke
14:46.46ljp_laptophey zecke- my cat showed up after two weeks!
14:46.58ljp_laptopskinny as hell
14:47.22zecke|aw1yoh didn't know it was lost
14:48.14Twiunljp_laptop: keeping it locked up in your place now?
14:49.45ljp_laptopyes, she is banned from outside...
14:50.11beattieis she going to be a mommy?
14:51.30ljp_laptopno, she has been altered
14:51.56ljp_laptopshe must have gotten stuck in someones garage over their vacation or something
14:52.03ljp_laptopcause she is also very talkative
14:52.22beattiesome siamese blood eh?
14:52.29ljp_laptopand... my family got me a digital camera as a going away present
14:53.02ljp_laptopno. she wasnt this talkitive before she left. It seems like she was alone for two weeks
14:55.48Twiunanyone wanna have a look at the new firstboot progress display?
14:56.35Twiunhey chouimat
14:56.53ljp_laptophey choui
14:59.29beattieanybody know how to enable the serial console?
15:00.12schurigljp_laptop: can you take your cat downunder?
15:00.20schurigchouimat: moin
15:00.49ljp_laptopI could. there is a 30 quarenteen, though. so I am going to leave her with my neice
15:01.41ljp_laptopcats dont travel well.
15:03.07chouimatljp_laptop: bah! what is a month for the pleasure of having a claw in your face when you forget to feed her :)
15:03.53ljp_laptopwell. suppose I am only there for 6 months
15:06.06Twiunschurig: right, I've pushed the latest version of my script - I've left the dependency stripping commented out until we know for sure
15:07.02chouimatlol gcc 3.3 need to be patched to work on arm
15:07.12schurigTwiun: sounds good
15:07.35schurigchouimat: yes, but Russel King and Nicolas Pitre are now chasing the gcc developers to get the patch in
15:08.09chouimatschurig: just saw that on gcc-patches
15:08.11schurigThose silly gcc people did not add the working patch at the last two bug fix releases. Wonder for what bugfix releases are good for ...
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15:10.40mallumtreke|home: ping
15:10.48mallumtreke|laptop: ping
15:11.20schurigmallum: bounce
15:11.39schurigmallum's ball bounced against the border and dropped onto the floor
15:12.09chouimatschurig: that patch seem to be applied to the mainline
15:12.44schurigchouimat: mainline of what?
15:13.35chouimatschurig: gcc 3.4
15:14.00schurigohhhh. Version numbers are increasing rapidly.
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15:28.20mickeylcmartin: ping
15:35.11Twiunmickeyl: 'nother update of that script waiting for your approval :)
15:35.50mickeylTwiun: great - let it show please :)
15:39.12mickeylor did you push already?
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15:42.53markTwiun: think its better design to have many small config objects, and each configuration 'page' in charge of one of them rather tha ntrying to use one big onfig object?
15:43.43beattieanybody here know how to enable the serial console?
15:45.35cmartin|workmickeyl: pong
15:45.57mickeylcmartin|work: hiho. had my simpad booting yesterday with root-over-nfs-over-usb :))
15:46.00mickeylpretty cool
15:46.05mickeylit bootet right into opie
15:46.07mickeylwithout problems
15:46.43mickeylcmartin|work: so now we have to wait for peter to do the cvs restructuration and then we can release a first testing image
15:47.01mickeylcmartin|work: I already started with more Opie adaptions re: battery etc.
15:47.05cmartin|workdid you try my image?
15:47.26mickeylcmartin|work: no - made a fresh one
15:47.34mickeylbut no image, just a rootfs on my laptop :)
15:48.03mickeylcmartin|work: question: how do you handle suspend/awake on the simpad? suspend is echo > /proc/sys/pm/suspend, but how do you awake?
15:48.14schurigmickeyl: congrats!
15:48.21mickeylschurig: thanks
15:48.44mickeylschurig: rootnfs is just plain cool for developing
15:48.51schurigmickeyl: i know :-)
15:49.42cmartin|workmickeyl: awake is done the same way
15:51.30schurigmickeyl: normally you program the CPU that it should awake on some GPIO interrupts
15:51.33chouimatmickeyl: rootnfs on the simpad?
15:51.43schurigat least that is the way on the PXA250.
15:51.52schurigI guess it's similar on SA1110
15:52.05cmartin|workchouimat: yes
15:52.29schurigI think the registers are named PFER, PRER etc (Power management falling edge register, Power management rising edge register)
15:52.56schurigchouimat: yes, rootfs on simpad
15:53.22chouimatI need to get one of those
15:53.27schurigcmartin|work: awake can't be the same way, because while sleeping no one can do an echo 0 > /proc/sys/pm/suspend :-)
15:53.54schurigchouimat: it would work on the Z as well --- however, it's just good for developing purposes
15:54.43chouimatschurig: on for use with a webpal
15:55.53cmartin|workschurig: well then I don't really know how it works on the SIMpad, because echo > /proc/sys/pm/suspend is the only thing we have set for switch one in the switchd
15:56.14mickeylcmartin|work: how is that switch thing done anyway?
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15:56.32mickeyldidn't understand it yet and we have to integrate it into buildroot anyhow
15:57.15mickeylcmartin|work: e.g. the power led didn't go off when i echo > /proc/sys/pm/suspend
15:57.24mickeyland i can't turn it on again
15:57.27cmartin|workwe have a program /sbin/switchd with configuration in /etc/switches/
15:58.02cmartin|worki had that problem before too
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15:59.44cmartin|workyou have to set console=ttySA in the kernel command line options
16:00.51mickeylyou mean /dev/ttySA or ttySA?
16:01.22cmartin|workwait i'll check that...
16:03.10cmartin|workthe problem seems to be that logging is going to the screen and this is being turned off before logging can take place, causing the process to crash
16:04.11cmartin|workif i remember correctly, waking is hardcoded somewhere - you would have to ask juergen about that
16:04.53mickeylhmm... ok - that may the reason why console=/dev/ttySA0 didn't work properly for me :)
16:06.37mickeylah, yes I remember having seen "can't open initial console" in dmesg
16:06.42mickeylwhich process is dying there?
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16:08.39mickeylcmartin: did you notice that life rotation works? :-D
16:08.49mickeylpretty cool - rotating to 600x800
16:10.47cmartin|workno, how
16:10.55mickeylstart menu-->rotate
16:11.55mickeylthis also shows the decoration bug in opie, because the decorations work properly in 600x800 while they don't in 800x600 :)
16:12.23Twiunmark: I have no preference :)
16:14.36cmartin|workthat's why only the Flat theme works
16:14.43markTwiun: ok, cheers
16:15.05cmartin|workmickeyl: just sent you the files associated with the switchd ;-)
16:16.01cmartin|workmickeyl: BTW killefiz booted my image fine
16:19.30Twiunhrmph. now oz won't mount my cf card on first boot... cardmgr needs to be killed and restarted
16:19.33cmartin|workmickeyl: the suspend process seems to be crashing
16:21.01cmartin|workmickeyl: juergen never tracked this problem down, so i never found out the real explaination - it just worked after the console was set correctly
16:22.33mickeylbtw. cmartin|work, vera 12 pt looks pretty good together with liquid style on the simpad.
16:24.43cmartin|workyes, i agree
16:25.24cmartin|workmickeyl: isn't this great that we got this working so fast ;)
16:27.03cmartin|workwell i have to go now, bbl
16:27.39mickeylk cu
16:27.46mickeylyes it is really great
16:28.30cmartin|workwe just need to work how we can build everything from buildroot, incl. image creation ;)
16:28.52mickeylcmartin|work: that is no problem, i did a quick look into simpadtools - pretty easy stuff :)
16:29.21mickeylcmartin|work: ARNOLDBOOT is a good documented format :)
16:29.33mickeylmy grammar sucks today
16:29.39mickeylgoing home - bbl
16:29.41cmartin|worki thought so too, just put in my initrd.bin where cram was expected
16:30.01beattieanybody here know anything about building kernels for OZ?
16:30.21mickeylbeattie: depends... what exactly do you want to know except how to build 2.4.19 ?
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16:30.35beattiehow to enable the serial console
16:31.05mickeylhmm... that should be giving the console argument to the kernel
16:31.29mickeylchange the kernel .config for 2.4.19
16:31.52beattiemickeyl: right, I tried console=ttyS0,9600n8 in .config
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16:32.01chouimathi noda
16:32.17Twiunhey noda
16:32.29mickeylbeattie: and that doesn't work? (btw., shouldn't it be ttySA ? i'm not familiar with that device stuff)
16:32.40nodaTwiun: I think my cousin'll be lending me his 3C1 tomorrow :)
16:32.57beattiewhen it is runing it is ttyS0, that works
16:33.08beattieI'll try SA
16:33.25Twiunnoda: Woohoo!
16:33.32nodamickeyl: Only ttyS0-ttyS31 can possibly exist :)
16:33.59mickeylnoda: ok, frankly, i just started fighting with kernels... I'm more into userland...
16:34.03mickeylbut i learn quick
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16:43.16Twiunwhoa. my ipkg is a little foobar'd
16:43.27Twiun# ipkg --help
16:43.27Twiunipkg: unrecognized option `--help'
16:43.27TwiunĀ áðß-éXĄå°LâT1åb-command
16:43.27Twiun āĀįÐMâ
16:43.27Twiunipkg version 0.99.83
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16:57.29Twiunhey pb_
16:57.46pb_yo Twiun
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17:18.25mallumtreke: hey
17:19.05mallumtreke: any joy with OZ/X/ipaq ?
17:19.48trekedidnt end up building images. Got side tracked on gtk2 to work on xstroke and xkbd
17:20.41mallumtreke: ah cool, adding xkbd to buildroot ?
17:21.03trekethat was the plan. Need some way out sending input to it :)
17:21.25trekeit builds, just needs packaging into an ipk
17:21.42trekexstroke doesnt build yet
17:21.51mallumtreke: did you grab it from here : ?
17:22.20mallumtreke: cool, it has a 'make ipkg' target which may help
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17:22.33trekeI didnt think of trying that :p
17:23.11mallumtreke: did it build ok with xft2 , I need to update the autogubbins to use pkg-config rather than xft-config
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17:31.48trekemallum: not sure I need to look
17:38.25chouimat|lunchi think I will do the unthinkable .... will go buy some clothes
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18:10.50trekekergoth`bbl: prelink works
18:11.24tronicaltreke: oh oz/ipaq?
18:11.42tronicalwhat did you do? did you try the new prelink release?
18:11.48chouimat|awaykergoth`bbl: still alive?
18:11.54treketronical: I just built current buildroot with gcc3 and ran it
18:12.04kergoth`bblchouimat|away: barely :)
18:12.10beattiekergoth`bbl: how do I enable the serial console?
18:12.13kergoth`bbl_ton_ of shit to do.
18:12.16pb_treke: heh, that's cool.
18:12.19kergoth`bblconsole= is your friend
18:12.30trekeat least one thing I did yesterday worked :p
18:12.32beattieCONFIG_CMDLINE="noinitrd console=ttyS0,9600n8 console=tty0 root=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=jffs2 ucbts=sync"
18:12.36beattieno luck
18:12.41tronicaltreke: very cool. looks like the cause for it failing bacak then was a compiler/binutils bug.
18:12.44kergoth`bbluh, why do you have two console= lines?
18:12.44Twiunhey kergoth
18:13.04treketronical: of course it might not be working right, but it *looks* like it is to me
18:13.28tronicaltreke: but the apps don't just crash right away, do they? :)
18:13.34trekenope they dont crash
18:13.35beattienormally both take output the second take input, just trying to get someting in the port
18:13.42tronicaltreke: great. noticable difference?
18:14.01kergoth`bblbeattie: seems pointless to introduce additional complexity trying to get functionality.
18:14.05trekeseemed snappier. Hard to tell since I compared gcc 2 -> prelink + gcc3
18:14.33beattiekergoth`bbl: making the smallest change :)
18:14.41tronicaltreke: what do you see if you execute LD_DEBUG=statistics /opt/QtPalmtop/opie-todo for example?
18:14.48trekelemme check
18:15.08beattiekergoth`bbl: is console=ttyS0,9600n8 correct?
18:15.37chouimat|awaykergoth`bbl: moved yet?
18:15.41kergoth`bblbeattie: looks fine, unless you're hacking on 2.4.6 embedix, in which case it could very well need to be ttySA0
18:15.51kergoth`bblchouimat|away: leaving wednesday morning most likely
18:15.55kergoth`bblchouimat|away: still a ton of things to do
18:15.58beattiekergoth`bbl: 2.4.19
18:16.10kergoth`bblbeattie: then that is correct.
18:16.17chouimat|awaykergoth`bbl: ok ... now I'm going to buy  some clothes :(
18:16.54kergoth`bblclothes shopping .. bleh
18:16.57beattieI'll remove the second console= and see if that works
18:17.28chouimat|awaykergoth`bbl: yup alone ... maybe I will have some fun with the chicks in the stores
18:17.45chouimat|awaywhat is the  status of 2.4.19 on the collie?
18:18.11kergoth`bblhasnt been touched by me in a very very long time
18:18.37chouimat|awayok I'm out
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19:05.07zecke|aw1ytronical: did treke post the statistics?
19:06.48trekenot yet
19:06.57trekeits been very "monday
19:07.16trekegoing to do it right now
19:12.29beattiehmmmmm, can't get the serial console working, makes bringing up a new kernel kinda hard :(
19:17.50beattiehmmm I removed the CF from my laptop without umounting, now I can't mount again
19:21.42beattielhp_laptop should be glad he has a job and should be seeing how he can pay more taxes!
19:23.59ljp_laptopwell, I do not want to be double taxed and have up to 50% of my income go elsewhere
19:25.16beattiewell it's people like you that cost the top 1% of the nation so much trouble and expense
19:26.03beattiedo you really get taxed twice? or is it 1.5 times, either way sucks
19:26.31trekeyes because they dont pay 30-40% of their income already
19:26.36ljp_laptopwell, I will pay Au income taxes, and if this bill passes, I would also pay US income taxes
19:27.00ljp_laptopthe US is the only nation that taxes its citizens that work elsewhere
19:27.10beattieare taxes paid on the full gross income in both cases?
19:27.19ljp_laptopright now, I am exempt up to $80,000/yr
19:27.31ljp_laptopin th eUS
19:30.03ljp_laptopI believe so.
19:30.35trekeljp_laptop: find a good accountant before you leave
19:31.30treketronical: what parts of the output are useful?
19:31.52treke01686:                   number of relocations: 0                              
19:31.55treke01686:        number of relocations from cache: 13759  
19:32.56zecke|aw1y~ # LD_DEBUG=statistics /opt/QtPalmtop/bin/todolist
19:33.10ljp_laptopmy accountant is bc
19:33.20treke# LD_DEBUG=statistics /opt/QtPalmtop/bin/todolist                              
19:33.24treke01692:                   number of relocations: 0                              
19:33.27treke01692:        number of relocations from cache: 13915
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19:56.12tronicaltreke: excellent. those are the right numbers. cool cool
19:57.57trekeprelink make thes the binaries larger, right?
19:59.49pb_only very slightly.
20:00.03pb_and runtime memory footprint is less.
20:02.30mickeylTwiun: ping
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20:06.38mickeyltreke: can you explain something to me - in oz-base/sysvinit/devices-h3600 we have a script which says "devfs handling script. since we arent running devfsd due to various reasons... wee need to create some links for compatibility." - what is this script for?
20:07.21*** mode/#openembedded [+o kenb] by ChanServ
20:07.34trekemickeyl: creating symlinks for devices that are expected in different places
20:07.52trekesuch as ope
20:08.00trekeit expects to open /dev/h3600_ts
20:08.17pb_doesn't it use tslib nowadays?
20:08.30mickeyltreke: aah - this is just to cope with programs which doesn't know or care about devfs ?
20:08.36mickeylpb_: optionally, but yes
20:09.03trekepb_: kerogth has some patches for that
20:09.59Twiunmickeyl: pong
20:10.16mickeylTwiun: didn't you want to show me something in sysvinit earlier today?
20:10.55Twiunmickeyl: yeah, it's pushed into the buildroot
20:11.07mickeylah nice - sysvinit/packages ?
20:11.14mickeylok - reading that now
20:11.25Twiunmuch better to watch :)
20:11.47trekepb_: If I used it we'd be more incompatible with the curremt opie builds from hh.o
20:12.07trekeas it is any of their packages work except for opie-login
20:12.14mickeylTwiun: hehe, ok - now if i could recall how oz checks for a full reset....
20:12.18Twiunmickeyl: copy it to /etc/init.d on your device, rm -f /etc/.configured ; /etc/init.d/packages
20:12.32mickeylTwiun: ah cool - will do
20:14.47mickeylnow THAT is pretty well cool :)
20:14.54mickeylTwiun: however I'd like to have my percentage back :)
20:15.06mickeylmaybe after 20 of 210 (5%)
20:15.15Twiunmickeyl: did you read the changelog for that file?
20:15.37Twiunmickeyl: calculating the percentages is just too slow :(
20:16.02mickeylTwiun: really? hey it is one div or isn't it?
20:16.20Twiunmickeyl: it is a div - but I think it's more the expr call that costs
20:16.35Twiunmickeyl: bbl dinner :)
20:16.53mickeyldefinitly much better than before.
20:17.16mickeylanyone knowing offhand if  '#' in /etc/modules are allowed ?
20:18.03mickeylnevermind - they are
20:20.40mickeyli suppose in modules.conf then also
20:28.49trekehrm,why does this keep happening with my images
20:28.57trekeipkg: /opt/QtPalmtop/pics/addressbook/AddressBook.png: Is a directory          
20:29.59trekemickeyl: it keeps happening, various items are corrupt
20:30.17mickeylHEAD or BRANCH
20:30.25trekeits not OPIE
20:31.37trekeits a problem with my jffs2 file system
20:56.52ljp_laptopM$ licensed SCO unix
20:57.17mickeyl./etc/rcS.d/S01banner: cannot create /dev/tty0: Permission denied
21:04.31Twiunmickeyl: so, yeah, percentages I'm going to have a good think about - going to try to see if I can do them without using expr and division
21:05.15mickeylanyway its definitly much more user friendly now
21:06.14Twiunglad you like it :)
21:06.28TwiunI'm happy I found those ANSI sequences
21:06.36Twiunmakes the display much neater
21:06.42Twiun(and the script simpler)
21:06.55mickeylhehe, yeah
21:07.06mickeylI think you should add some lines though
21:07.09mickeylin the line o
21:07.58mickeyl"Welcome to OpenZaurus\nThis seems to be the first time you activated your device after a hard reset or a distribution upgrade\nWe're going to reconfigure all install packages. This will happen only once."
21:08.04mickeylor something like that...
21:08.11mickeyljust to be friendly and verbose to the user
21:08.30mickeylThis will take a while but happen only once
21:08.34Twiunyah, that's a good idea
21:08.57Twiunshould I bother with i18n functionality for this?
21:09.47Twiunok, I'll put that in soon
21:10.49ljp_laptopnote to self: make clean is _not_ make install
21:11.20mickeylnot quiet
21:11.26mickeylquite even
21:14.11ljp_laptopmy fingers think faster than my brain
21:17.52djrwhat would the correct memory usage be? used - buffers - cached?
21:33.07Twiunright, I'm out... g'night guys :)
21:33.16mickeylg'night Twiun
21:33.22mickeylibot: botmail for schurig: patcher quits on previously applied patches - it shouldn't or should it?
21:33.46Twiun[Zzzzz]goes to catch some Zzzz's
21:45.01mickeylanyone having a link to a large opiezilla picture? (preferably in the glas bowl) like 800x600 or so ?
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21:45.31mickeylhi drw
21:45.40drwhey mickeyl
21:45.47mickeyldrw: having a link to a large opiezilla picture? (preferably in the glas bowl) like 800x600 or so ?
21:46.38drwhmmm...have one w/a penguin, but not opiezilla
21:47.11mickeylhmm.... looking for a backdrop picture for the standard opie installation on SIMpad
21:48.46drwmickey: hang I will look on my other comp and see if I have anything useful
21:52.09mickeylthis is cool
21:53.36killefizyes - i always wanted oz boxershorts
21:53.50mickeylgets the ladies
21:54.05killefizhard to believe ;)
21:54.16mickeyl"ooh is this cute.... can i take a closer look"
21:54.22mickeylyou can darling
21:54.38drwmickeyl: I don't have any pics like that right now, wasn't there a big logo used on at one time?
21:54.39tronicalthe logo is misplaced on the boxershort tho ;)
21:54.49tronicalfor further investigations by female visitors ;)
21:54.56mickeyldrw: yeah, but its not looking that good...
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21:56.11mickeylthe one in the orb does look way better as a backdrop
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21:56.55mickeylwould be gool if it was a bit larger
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21:57.36mickeyland I like the aqua-like background - no idea who did this for the current opie default look
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21:58.16drwyeah, no idea
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21:58.36drwwasn't me, I have no graphic artist ability in me
21:58.43mickeylme neither
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22:06.53drwmickeyl: how about ? it's not aqua style, but better
22:08.20mickeylthis one is relatively big, yeah
22:34.49Neo|Worksugar what is 2350 sqft in m2
22:34.51Sugar2350 sqft is 218.32214 mē
22:35.35mickeylyour new villa ? :-D
22:40.35kenbSugar: what is 1627 sqft in m2
22:40.38Sugar1627 sqft is 151.15324 mē
22:40.48kenbhm.  sounds good.
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.