irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030416

00:03.14ljpnever heard that before, eh?
00:04.20chouimat|tvljp: arrrrrrrrgggggg  RERUNS
00:04.34chouimat|tvljp: wasn't sure ...
00:04.40ljpisnt it all reruns?
00:05.21chouimat|tvljp: ok I'm away
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00:18.13bipolarOT: does anyone here run sybase SQL?
00:29.13chouimat|tvbipolar: did once
00:32.18masticatorsup homies.
00:36.26ljprain is up
00:42.34ljpoh fun
00:44.40chouimat|tvand I'm also watching my cat eatiing jalapenos and cheddar Doritos
00:47.19ljpyou have a freak cat
00:54.59bipolarchouimat|tv: on what platform?
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01:01.07chouimat|tvhe just likes chips
01:01.26ljpI need to trade two of my desktop machines for a laptop, I think
01:04.53ljpI miss having a lappie
01:05.53_Psycho_damn 231 changesets
01:06.14_Psycho_glibc didnt wanted to build, i used glib2 in the menu and look fine, its ok ?
01:06.48dcarmichhey...trying to reboot and the power/mail lights stay on...
01:08.14dcarmichlocked up
01:08.16dcarmichwhat gives?
01:08.48[aSQUi]are you flashing it or rebooting it?
01:11.59dcarmichrebooting it
01:15.12ljpI hate daylight savings time
01:16.36_Psycho_so much stuff to rebuild
01:17.04_Psycho_ljp you know if ker did a lots of update to opie ?
01:17.16ljphe has been, yes
01:17.17_Psycho_ie, do i need to rebuild opie, if like he corrected a lots of c700 stuff
01:18.19_Psycho_hmmm ok
01:18.21ljpthere has been alot of opie activity the past few days
01:18.48chouimat|tvmy brother sent me something about some american who want Compaq to change the name of the ipaq for  something else because it's soound to much like iraq
01:18.50ljplooks like kerggy worked on rotate stuff and network
01:19.08ljphehehe thats twisted
01:19.18_Psycho_how long does it take to do a opie build ?
01:19.18ljpfreedom fries!
01:19.32_Psycho_i did a full oz last time didnt checked opie only
01:19.41ljpfrom a make clean. not sure anymore
01:19.43chouimat|tvljp: hehe
01:19.56dcarmichlove oz3.2!!!
01:20.01ljpchange it to the Compaq Freedom
01:20.54ljphmm, looks like I have an interview with warwick this week. coolio
01:21.05chouimat|tvljp: ya I just bought a Compaq Freedom 5900
01:21.12_Psycho_for opie web site ?
01:21.43ljpopie web site?
01:21.59_Psycho_the interview
01:22.05_Psycho_for what site ?
01:22.10_Psycho_for what ? for a job hehe
01:22.16ljpno site, a job interview
01:22.22_Psycho_ooh cool
01:22.38_Psycho_where does it work ?
01:22.44ljpnot sure if its for qtopia developer or qtopia dev liason
01:22.48_Psycho_Im never good with name, even if i know him
01:22.53_Psycho_oh i see
01:22.57_Psycho_Trooltech ?
01:23.05ljpwarwick is head of Trolltechs qtopia div
01:23.09_Psycho_i see
01:23.25dcarmichdefine a calendar event from 1:00pm CDT-2:40pm CDT (13:00-14:40 according to qtopia desktop)...sync it up with my sl1500/ comes out as 7am-8:40am.
01:23.53_Psycho_hmm cannot apply the opie-sudo.patch thing brb
01:24.00dcarmichljp>no...I have it set to the chicago timezone.
01:24.17ljplooks like to made it gmt
01:24.36ljphmm nope too much
01:24.46dcarmichljp>what do you mean? times are same in Opie...
01:25.23ljpcomes out in qtopiadesktop as that odd time?
01:25.44dcarmichcomes out in the calendar app on the zaurus.
01:25.50_Psycho_hmm no file build/opie/.patches/opie-sudo.files
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01:34.27_Psycho_ok well removed the patch since i dont use sudo yet*
01:36.49_Psycho_ljp if you work for TT thats mean you will stop working on opie for Qtopia ?
01:37.01_Psycho_or just QT
01:37.42_Psycho_or totally something else ? :)
01:38.24ljpI'd probably end up being a named pipe between opie and qtopia :)
01:38.30_Psycho_going there tomorow or just later this week ?
01:38.39ljpirc interview
01:38.46_Psycho_i thought it was RL
01:38.56ljptoo far to fly
01:39.10_Psycho_i see
01:39.36_Psycho_you from US ?
01:39.38_Psycho_and TT too ?
01:39.49_Psycho_just other side of the countrY ?
01:39.50ljpTT qtopia is in australia
01:40.05_Psycho_my brother love australia, he was there like 9 months for work
01:40.10dcarmichljp>still here?
01:41.00[aSQUi]ljp: really?.. what part of aus is TT qtopia?
01:41.34ljpthe office is in Brisbane
01:42.16[aSQUi]interesting. I'm guessing most developers work from whatever their location?
01:43.12ljpnot TT. but OPie, yes. we have devs mostly in Germany and Europe, but US and translators all over
01:44.31_Psycho_make sure they buy you a c700 in your contract, so you can optimize opie for it *grins*
01:44.43_Psycho_australia not far from japan thought
01:44.56_Psycho_well, *not far*
01:45.26_Psycho_you coded the op2 ljp ?
01:45.54ljpyes and no. sandman totally refactored op2
01:46.01ljpop2 uses xine
01:46.01_Psycho_oh i see
01:46.12_Psycho_xmms play mp3 too slow on my machine, mplaye rjust fine, and opieplayer too fast :)
01:46.16_Psycho_yeah i know
01:46.24_Psycho_saw that when i compiled it
01:47.03ljphmm. odd
01:47.40_Psycho_probably a cpu check flag or speed something that opieplayer doesnt check or cant check ont he c700 and play at his max speed?
01:47.50_Psycho_dont know, making theory while it compile :)
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01:48.34ljpnaaa. mediaplayer dont touch cpu stuff
01:48.46[aSQUi]Is there any avantgo-esque stuff for OZ?
01:48.48_Psycho_ah ok
01:48.56[aSQUi]coulding find anything about online/offline browsing on the gaq
01:49.06[aSQUi]faq even
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01:53.32decaffif i build the collie-feed in bitkeeper then "ipkg upgrade" from that feed, does that give me the same result as building the image and reflashing?
02:07.00_Psycho_damn error buildin qte now *sigh*
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02:24.10chouimat|cookingwb masticator
02:29.38_Psycho_oh finnaly got qte lib up
02:30.17masticatorhad to reboot my friggin XP box.
02:31.02chouimat|cookingljp: sound chinese
02:31.25ljpyou havent heard of poontang?
02:32.03masticatorpoontang is good, when it isnt fishy.
02:32.06ljpTed Nugent - Wang Dang Sweet Poontang  ?
02:32.22ljpfishy... eeeewwww
02:32.46ljpchouimat|cooking: kinda looks chinese
02:33.18chouimat|cookingI think I got the idea
02:35.18masticatorgod I love acrophobia.
02:36.07chouimat|cookingmasticator: ?
02:36.53ljpwell, if you love it so much, why not marry it?
02:37.58masticatorfree game
02:38.03masticatornet play
02:38.08masticatorruns in a brower in java
02:38.24masticatorthey give you letters, you have to make up an acronym
02:38.31masticatorand people judge it by how funny it is
02:38.35masticatorsimple but very addictive
02:38.43_Psycho_damn just finished my bottle of bailey's
02:38.46masticatorthey have clean and adult rooms you can play in
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02:45.10AAAwhat is the best way to circumvent the SharpROM's 'calibrate your screen' on the initial boot?
02:45.22AAAI changed inittab, to no avail
02:48.41AAAOZ was on here......until I stepped on it :(
02:48.54AAAzapped it back to 'flashville'
02:49.10ljpmake a calibration configuration file
02:49.36ljpbroken digitizer?
02:50.13scanlineon my zaurus with a broken digitizer, I could usually get the calibrator to segfault by tapping randomly
02:50.35scanlinebut that was a while ago, so that bug might have been unfortunately fixed :)
02:53.23AAAI have tapped....oh...I have tapped :)
02:53.36AAAI am not sure I know what you mean by 'digitizer'
02:54.04AAAis that what makes the screen a 'touchscreen' then
02:54.32ljpI think so
02:54.47AAAthis would be some much easier with either a) vim b)keyboard c) working network
02:54.54AAAk, that makes sense
02:55.38AAAbut why doesn't it obey /etc/inittab?
02:55.47AAAit is still trying to boot 5
02:56.07ljpdunno. ask kergoth
02:59.14AAAhrm. maybe it is this pesky firstuse file
03:02.47AAAI think I figured out why :(
03:04.01AAAmaybe not
03:04.13AAAI thought it was reseting itself continuallly
03:04.22AAAbut last shows me the reboots
03:05.51ljpanyone test advancedfm from cvs today yet?
03:06.06_Psycho_well still building opie atm
03:06.10_Psycho_most likely will get to it
03:07.01ljpcause I changed the copy/move method to something supposed to be faster and less memory.
03:07.34ljpon my desktop, its faster on large files
03:07.47ljpcant tell on small files. :)
03:08.01_Psycho_doubt i test tonight
03:08.04_Psycho_probaly tomorow
03:08.34ljphmm, got no mail the past hour.. somethings wrong
03:08.36[aSQUi]ljp: Is there anything avant-go-like for the Z?
03:09.04ljphmm, I forgot what that was..
03:10.15ljpooh.. hmm
03:10.18[aSQUi]it's like.. synch some feeds onto your PDA and browse them on the go
03:10.41[aSQUi]like offline browser.. but avantgo pages are generally quite simple.. I know they use them on palms
03:11.06[aSQUi]just think it would be cool (if you cant already) if you could pick a few feeds that you like so that when you synch it updates them
03:11.34[aSQUi]ie. read the top slashdot stories on the go, and movie times, stuff etc
03:13.24ljphmm, dont think so. but your welcome to write something for opie :)
03:13.39[aSQUi]excellent.. I plan to :)
03:13.45[aSQUi]I was hoping there'd be room for a project like that :)
03:14.27ljpsure. thats sounds cool
03:14.45[aSQUi]I've been a PHP coder for quite sometime.. i don't know much C/CPP but enough to have modified a few KDE apps ages ago for a webtablet device.
03:15.51[aSQUi]i plan to use it as a way to learn C more and get some proper experience with widget sets
03:16.02ljpcool. we just out up opie API docs at the web site
03:17.03[aSQUi]I was thinking of writing php scripts that parse common websites into a Z-able format
03:17.25[aSQUi]on a stream by stream basis
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03:18.22[aSQUi]but i'll really have to look more into it beforehand
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03:38.54krezelseems like a better fit for Perl
03:53.01[aSQUi]I don't know perl, but it would certainly be a good opportunity to start :)
04:00.44masticatortomorrow is heartburn day.
04:00.54chouimat|afkmasticator: ?
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04:01.01masticatormother in law's cooking.
04:01.06masticatorfirst night of passover.
04:01.33masticatorI don't like most eastern european jewish cooking.
04:01.38chouimat|afkmasticator: ok ....
04:01.58masticatorthere are only a few dishes I like.
04:02.02masticatoryo goth.
04:02.03armenbIs there a place I can download a tarball of the kernel source and configuration used in openzaurus 3.2?
04:02.13kergotharmenb: search the faqs for 'source'
04:02.23armenbI'd rather not use bitkeeper, since that requires me to use software i'd probably never use
04:02.24chouimat|afkmasticator: my ex-mother-iin-law was a big zero in cooking  ,
04:02.31kergotharmenb: then get a snapshot
04:02.36kergothibot: oz snapshot
04:02.37methinks oz snapshot is or updated every 4 hours by Navi or this is a snapshot of the bk oz buildroot tree use it to compile your own OZ if you don't want to use BK
04:02.40kergotharmenb: ^^
04:02.48icefoxmorning kergoth
04:02.50masticatorchouimat: I thought all french people could cook
04:02.53kergothhey ben
04:02.56kergothwhats goin on
04:02.59armenbooh neat.
04:03.05masticatoryo ben.
04:03.07masticatorup late.
04:03.26icefoxWrote KAutoConfigDialog this weekend
04:03.27chouimat|afkkergoth: you will get late again tomorrow
04:03.30masticator1st year anniversary coming up soon right?
04:03.47kergothchouimat|afk: naw, i dont have to get to work till 10
04:04.52chouimat|afkkergoth: ok my brother is coming tomorrow and I have the impression he will be here at 9 am
04:05.04kergothchouimat|afk: ah
04:05.11kergothSugar: make me a scotch & watcher
04:05.13kergothSugar: make me a scotch & water
04:05.17[aSQUi]I get my Z in like.. 2days!
04:05.21kergothstupid bitch.
04:05.27kergoth[aSQUi]: nice
04:05.38icefoxI wonder if having KAutoConfig/KAutoConfigDialog is worth it for OE.
04:05.42[aSQUi]then I'll need accessories before i can really play..
04:05.52[aSQUi]i'll be stuck on the standard sharp rom for a little at first
04:05.59icefoxMost OE apps don't exactly have a big settings dialog to begin with
04:06.02kergothicefox: probably overkill.. /me shrugs
04:06.17icefoxone of those 'need to see the numbers' things
04:06.28icefoxdefinetly helps on the KDE side
04:06.31ljpscotch & watcher?
04:06.43ljpyou already too drunk!
04:07.10chouimat|afkspeaking of getting drunk I need another beer
04:07.23icefoxhehe MSTF is at $25
04:07.25icefoxmy my
04:07.30kergothljp: bah
04:07.39masticatorsugar: make me a mojito
04:08.21masticatorhmm, that rocked its brain.
04:08.31kergothSugar: make me a long island
04:08.40kergothguess it just ignores requests it doesnt understand.
04:08.42masticatorSugar: make me a caipirinha
04:08.46kergothibot: bitchslap Sugar
04:08.47ACTION beats the sh*t out of Sugar
04:08.56chouimat|afksugar make me a velvet pussy
04:08.56masticatorSugar: make me a tom collins
04:09.05treke|homeactually, I think I'll also add RunRoot
04:09.08armenbis there a howto on how to use the snapshots?
04:09.18masticatorsugar: make me a slippery nipple
04:09.19armenbi get errors by just running vanilla make
04:09.26kergotharmenb: cp def-config/collie-opie .config; make oldconfig; make
04:09.32kergotharmenb: the steps are the same as for a bitkeeper build
04:09.34masticatorsugar: make me a pan galactic gargle blaster
04:09.41kergotharmenb: or run make menuconfig, then make
04:10.07masticatorsugar: make me a romulan ale
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04:10.18masticatorsugar: make me a tranya
04:10.38masticatorsugar: make me a bloody bull
04:10.50kergoth'all ingredients'
04:10.57kergothlazy bitch
04:11.15masticatorsugar: make me a sloe gin fizz
04:11.41treke|homesugar, make me a working patch
04:11.42masticatorsugar: make me a sake bomber
04:11.57masticatorwhat, no sake bomber?
04:12.18kergothwhats in a sake bomber?
04:12.18masticatorsugar: make me a japanese basket trick
04:12.19chouimat|afkmasticator: don'tt drink too much you will see you mother-in-law tomorrow :)
04:12.34masticatorchou: drinking will only IMPROVE the experience
04:13.01[aSQUi]Sugar: make me a japanese slipper
04:13.06masticatorkergoth: you take a kirin ichiban beer, pour about half a glass worth into a glass, and drop a shot of sake into it
04:13.09chouimat|afkmasticator: that will be that WORSE?
04:13.25[aSQUi]as if not know a japanerse slipper
04:13.34chouimat|afkmasticator: hmmm sound good
04:13.36[aSQUi]Sugar: make me a vodka martini
04:13.43masticatorsugar: make me a black and tan
04:13.54[aSQUi]Sugar: show me the drinks list
04:14.16chouimat|afkbut i still prefer the Velvet Pussy
04:14.34[aSQUi]i prefer the cocksucking cowboys
04:15.09chouimat|afk[aSQUi]: take a guinness and drop a glass of port wine
04:15.53[aSQUi]sounds more like an old housewive's trick to induce vomiting
04:16.12mithrokergoth: havn't made much progress, been uber busy :(
04:16.15treke|homehmmm. maybe I need an x86 opie again
04:16.18kergothmithro: same.
04:16.40chouimat|afk[aSQUi]: actually it's very good
04:16.49masticatorhey, I could use a 64 bit opie.
04:16.50[aSQUi]Oh.. in case anyone is interested the offical word from sharp is that they are not releasing the 5600 in australia
04:16.59armenbi'm probably making a really stupid mistake, but I've selected a 2.4.6 kernel, but see make fetching 2.4.18 kernel headers. should i be alarmed? :)
04:17.14kergotharmenb: nope, ignore it
04:17.30[aSQUi]mix n match is always more fun anyway ;)
04:17.37kergotharmenb: it grabs an independent set of headers for the glibc build, to avoid forcing the user to select a kernel to build the rest of the buildroot.
04:17.39masticatorasqui: they arent exactly releasing the 5600 in the US either
04:17.51cynTopI still say I see no reason for the 5600 ;P
04:17.54[aSQUi]masticator: oh?
04:18.03mithrokergoth: had any chance to contact sharp about the keymap?
04:18.07[aSQUi]what's the story then?
04:18.07masticatorwell, if you can call a production run of 2000 units a release.
04:18.17cynTopwow man
04:18.26cynTop'special edition' stuff generally makes like 10,000
04:18.35[aSQUi]They realised that it was a complete flop?
04:18.39masticatorthis is not to say they wont make more, but nobody is pounding on their door to buy them
04:18.48[aSQUi]All it did was drive the price of the 5500 down..
04:18.56masticatorasqui, they have already designed its replacement
04:19.01cynTopthey need to slap 64mb ram in it and then sell it
04:19.09cynTopmasticator: any specs
04:19.13chouimat|afkkergoth: I received an email from my brother telling me that some american want Compaq to change the name of the Ipaq to something else because they think that sound a little too much like Iraq
04:19.23kergothchouimat|afk: bah.
04:19.27masticatornow as to whether that replacement will see the light of day, thats another story
04:19.28cynTopchouimat|afk: i love how stupid people can be
04:19.48[aSQUi]my theory is that the 5600 was released too late after the mark
04:19.59treke|homeput 64mb of ram, a bigger batter, and one of the new xscales into it, and I'd be all over that like shit on a hog
04:20.03chouimat|afkcynTop: yup
04:20.03mithromasticator: whats the "replacement" got?
04:20.03[aSQUi]the 5500 has a solid market and no one wants to pay an extra 50% for a unit that's slightly better
04:20.18cynToptreke|home: the 5600 has all but the ram :P
04:20.23treke|homecynTop: no
04:20.24masticatormitro: its a souped up C700
04:20.30treke|homecynTop: it doesnt have the new xscale
04:20.30masticatorthats really what it is.
04:20.37icefoxdamm jason I keep thinking that you arn't masticator
04:20.37cynTop5600 is xscale
04:20.40mithrothe C700 rocks ass
04:20.42cynTopor you mean the 55 or whatever
04:20.45cynToprevision c
04:20.46[aSQUi]the xscale in the 5600 i've heard isn't really that much faster than the 5500
04:20.52kergothicefox: i'm sure people keep thinking you arent benmeyer ;)
04:20.58masticatoricefox: who the fuck is jason
04:21.00[aSQUi]MHz from SA to xScale isnt a 1 to 1
04:21.05treke|homecynTop: ntice the "new". I 'm refering to the c model
04:21.25[aSQUi]I've heard the SA even outperforms the xScale 400 in some situations
04:21.27cynToptreke|home: "new" is "new" as "new" does - you gotta be specific, that's a revision not a new chip
04:21.32masticatorI don't know any jason
04:21.40kergothcynTop: he's referring to the C0 aka pxa255
04:21.48masticatorI am masticator, he who chews.
04:21.55treke|homewhat the fuck ever. someone get me a drink
04:22.00cynTopmmm alco
04:22.04cynTopwait I'm straight edge
04:22.04chouimat|afkmasticator: maybe he was one of you previous life :)
04:22.05masticator~lart treke
04:22.19treke|homeworthwhile tradeoff
04:22.21mithrothe screen on the c700 kicks ass
04:22.22[aSQUi]heh.. how come everyone's pissing it up tonight
04:22.26cynTopmithro: i'll agree
04:22.31treke|home[aSQUi]: crappy days
04:22.38kergothbad day
04:22.42[aSQUi]i'm still in my day
04:22.49[aSQUi]it's like 2:24 in the arvo
04:22.55kergothah, so you'll be drinking later then
04:23.14[aSQUi]nah.. not tonight
04:23.22[aSQUi]Most probably on the weekend lots
04:23.30[aSQUi]we get fri,sat, sun, mon off this weekend
04:23.46[aSQUi]and a friend from the US is arriving 9am friday morning
04:23.54kergothhave a good time
04:23.54[aSQUi]with my Zaurus :)
04:24.12[aSQUi]there will be much jubilation
04:24.24[aSQUi]and much cursing that i still have to spend more than the price of the unit on accessories
04:24.29chouimat|afk[I'm off for the weekend since 18h00EST
04:24.29masticatorwouldnt it be easier to buy a B500?
04:24.38treke|homenow at lest I get an accurate view of how fast this thing compiles qt :)
04:24.46cynToptreke|home: but yeah, the revised chipset would be nice, with modified hardware to make use of bus increase to boot
04:24.53masticatorhe's bringing you a 5600?
04:25.08masticatorah ok.
04:25.18[aSQUi]cost me about 220 USD
04:25.20chouimat|afkok shower time bb
04:26.17mithroonly problem left with opie on the c700 that i've found is that keymap is screwed... but i'm working on that...
04:26.36mithroi snapped my stylus :(
04:27.50[aSQUi]jeez.. how hard do you want to click
04:28.06[aSQUi]mithro: the c700 is the 640x480 one isnt it?
04:28.18[aSQUi]how much did you get that for?
04:28.22mithro[aSQUi]: i dropped it from about 1 meter
04:28.28mithroabout $500 US
04:28.42[aSQUi]yeah.. cant justify spending that much on a toy :)
04:28.57[aSQUi]maybe when my work stops paying me shit money
04:29.51mithrotook a year to save that up so :)
04:30.00[aSQUi]getting paid about $12 USD/hr
04:30.01treke|homehrm. that wasnt bad
04:30.10treke|home4 mintues to compile qt/e :)
04:30.33[aSQUi]to do database and PHP enterprise ecommerce solution coding
04:30.47[aSQUi]how stingy is that?!
04:30.58mithro[aSQUi]: you get paid double what i do...
04:31.10[aSQUi]mithro: oh.. what do you do?
04:31.26mithroi'm a network administrator and programmer
04:31.40[aSQUi]fuck.. really you only get like 6/hr?
04:31.47kergothi'm making $18/hr USD for unix tech support
04:31.49treke|homewhere the hell is this?
04:32.06mithroi'm in AUS so it's $10 AUS which ~= $6 US
04:32.14[aSQUi]mithro: i'min aus too
04:32.29mithrohrm the hardware clock gets reset everytime you reboot
04:32.38[aSQUi]what state you in mith?
04:32.39cynTopkergoth: hook a brother up :P
04:32.48mithrosouth australia
04:32.49treke|homemithro: you make more than that working at an in and out around here
04:32.54cynTop40k/yr ain't nothin to snuff at :)
04:32.57[aSQUi]mithro: no one's perfect ;)
04:33.07cynTop50-70'd be nice tho
04:33.09kergothtrue that. i made $9/hr working fucking retail sales for gods sake
04:33.10mithro[aSQUi]: yeah i know :)
04:33.12treke|homekergoth: did the hh guys ever come up with a work around for the clock?
04:33.15kergothcynTop: indeed
04:33.25kergothtreke|home: havent heard anything on that front
04:33.27[aSQUi]that's what pissed me off
04:33.36[aSQUi]I get paid clerk wages
04:33.45[aSQUi]I should get paid engineering wages
04:34.27[aSQUi]i know people that get paid about $20-$25 AUD/hr to do telemarketing for christs sakes
04:34.55treke|homesales people bring in money. programmers dont unless you sell software :)
04:35.09treke|homeat least from managements point of view :)
04:35.56kergothsales sells a product. engineers *create* a product
04:36.17[aSQUi]yeah.. but internal development isn't sold
04:36.23[aSQUi]it's just used
04:38.20[aSQUi]our stuff is suppoed to be gpled but it's not useful to anyone but us
04:38.37[aSQUi]it's all specialised to take data imports from our custom management apps in custom formats etc etc
04:38.48treke|homeyeah we've got some of that stuff. Some of it could actually be useful though
04:39.58chouimat~lart videotron
04:40.04chouimat~lart videotron
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04:43.57chouimatfishy: ?
04:44.46fishy* f~ibot installs PocketPC on videotron's PDA
04:45.26chouimatfishy: ok ... their mailserver seems down *again*
04:45.47chouimatfishy: my isp
04:46.16mithrokergoth: you where mentioning the fact you (used to) had a patch which imports kernel map into qt?
04:46.29fishyohh ok ;)
04:46.58mithrokergoth: how did it work? was it runtime or compile time?
04:47.50kergothmithro: runtime. it used ioctl()'s to obtain the current kernel map, and used it to create teh qt keymap (since qt opens the keyboard in raw mode to get both press and release events)
04:48.06kergothmithro: same way xfree86's kdrive keyboard driver does it
04:48.28chouimatkergoth: ck6 is out :)
04:48.35kergothchouimat: how is it/
04:52.07chouimatkergoth: I hope is better than ck5 ... I'm on ck4 now .... 512MB ramm used while I was burning a cd on ck5 no gui :(
04:52.12[aSQUi]netshit :(
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04:54.25kergothchouimat: k
04:55.03chouimatkergoth: I'm sick
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05:03.29chouimat|Zzzzwow 125KB/s on kazaa
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05:11.51dcarmichanyone here?
05:14.07dcarmichyou use qtopia desktop at all?
05:15.43dcarmichsorta found the source of my time problem.
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05:19.22mithrokergoth: did you end up answering my question about the qt-kernel-keymap stuff or did my question or you answer get lost in the void of alt-ctrl-bsp
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05:44.59dcarmichany of you use qtopia desktop 1.6.1?
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05:54.58[aSQUi]hrmm.. does the netgear CF wifi card work with OZ?
06:07.58Com[Plex]anyone know what the deal is with these new ipks?
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06:11.00Com[Plex]this is gay, I cant break apart any of these ipkgs out of the feed
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06:13.47Com[Plex]I take it back. files got corrupt.
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09:28.23noiddping mallum
09:28.42noiddyou there mallum?
09:28.44mallumhey noidd
09:28.53noiddexcellent :-)
09:28.53mallumnoidd: sorry I just missed last night :/
09:28.55noiddhows things?
09:28.58noiddno problem
09:28.59mallumgood good
09:29.03noiddah, fellow Brit
09:29.10noiddbut with a sensible bed time
09:29.18mallumnoidd: kergoth said you were having probs with X build ?
09:29.37noiddYes, I get this:
09:29.42noiddimakemdep.h:779: linux/version.h: No such file or directory
09:30.18noiddbut the file does exist in output/staging/include
09:30.32mallumnoidd: ah yes, kergoths x compiler is missing version.h - just copy that in to your xcompiler include dir
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09:31.15mallumnoidd: it should pick it up from output/staging, but the x build is really strange, and during the bootstrap of the compile it dont seem to want to check an include paths passed to it
09:31.16noiddoih, its not meant to include taht directory into the compile stuff?
09:31.25noiddaah, understood
09:31.50mallumnoidd: before you set it going again, you may want to add a little patch to ther Makefile
09:32.02mallumnoidd: I can mail you my current xfree makefile if you want
09:32.02noiddok, shoot
09:32.08noiddthat would be great
09:32.23noidddo you have buildroot access?
09:32.27mallumokey, one sec
09:34.59mallumIm not sure if I have buildroot access, kergoth was setting it up but Im not sure if he did or not :\
09:35.10mallumnoidd: me and bk dont get on very well :(
09:36.06noiddDo you want me to send this version up?
09:36.28noiddand perhaps I should add a symbolic link from the compiler directory to the header file in output
09:36.29mallumnoidd: I sent kergoth a changeset for it last night, it may already be there actually
09:36.36noiddthen it will fail if they dont have the headers there for later
09:36.55mallumnoidd: cool
09:37.06mallumnoidd: what zaurus you have ?
09:40.51mallumcool, I havn't tried X on that yet ;-)
09:41.10noiddYou want to see?
09:41.58mallumnoidd: I have a 5500 but it has a broken keyboard and since that should be the only thing that needs fixing in current packages I havn't tested as yet
09:42.11noiddah, gotcha
09:42.40mallumnoidd: see skeleton/etc/X11/kb/ and have a look at corgi.xmodmap - the collie.xmodmap needs populating
09:44.40noiddah yes
09:44.47noiddhow would you suggest doing that?
09:45.07noiddrunning xmodmap ;-)
09:46.12mallumnoidd: you can figure out the keycodes using xev
09:46.29noiddok, I can work my way through that
09:46.38noiddoh, do you have a c700 then?
09:46.53noidddamn, now i'm jelous :-)
09:46.58noiddhow you finding it?
09:47.15mallumnoidd: yeah pretty good. X is real so in lanscape though which is a pain
09:47.18scanlineI haven't seen the c700s in person yet... though I imagine such a high res screen has to be awesome :)
09:47.27mallumnoidd: fine in portrait
09:47.42scanlinemallum: does X still do rotation the slow way? :)
09:47.49mallumhey scanline, yeah the screen is pretty amzeing
09:47.56scanlinehi mallum :)
09:48.36mallumscanline: yeah, keithp said its meant to do it the fast way but he didn't have time to do it ;-(
09:48.47scanlineer, nods
09:49.39mallumscanline: its a pain :\, but lanscape is usable
09:49.53scanlineif only the X server had separated the drivers, primitives, and prococol, it would be easy to slip some code in between the protocol and the primitives to apply transformations
09:49.57mallumscanline: I've got about every trick going to make the server as fast as possible
09:50.12noiddyou can use virtual screens tho right?
09:50.48scanlinehaha.. that might use even more memory than Qt/E :)
09:50.49mallumnoidd: yeah anything that works on bigx will work on this
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09:51.21mallumnoidd: infact more, big X cant do rotations :-)
09:51.26scanlineyay for VMware.. installing QNX and FreeBSD, without leaving linux
09:52.20mallumscanline: hehe, is this the new version of vmware ?
09:52.29scanlineyeah, vmware 4.. it's really neat
09:52.42scanlineI bought a license for vmware 2 back when it was new... it's come a long way
09:52.52scanlineeven does DirectX
09:53.15mallumscanline: yeah Im thinking of buying it
09:53.41scanlineI'm only using a 30 day trial license though.. my vmware 2 key is no good for this, and I can't afford to buy it
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10:27.06slowhogHas openembedded decide which build system yet? I cannot find information at
10:34.59slowhogSeems like the new oe build system is variant of portage, am I right?
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10:42.49mallumhmm, anyone getting an error from buildroots ipkg-make-index ?
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10:43.09mallumTypeError: unsupported operand types for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
10:45.23Twiunhey Speedy2
10:45.38Speedy2Hello Twiun
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11:11.52Speedy2Hey Phil
11:12.33pb_hi Speedy2
11:13.42Speedy2Jamey never responded
11:15.46Twiungrrr... wtf won't this damn lib call _init on dlopen???
11:17.30tronicalTwiun: did you override _init yourself?
11:17.58Twiuntronical: I did
11:18.03Twiuntronical: void _init() {}
11:18.05tronicalTwiun: is it a C or a C++ library?
11:18.18Twiunit's a mongrel library
11:18.24Twiunthere's qt and C in there
11:18.42tronicalso it is linked using g++?
11:19.04TwiunI assume it does - I'm calling arm-linux-gcc to link
11:19.47Twiunor am I making a false assumption?
11:20.34tronicalok. well, if your library contains C++ code you must not override _init, because it will prevent your global ctors from being called, apart from that iirc it requires an extra flag passed at linke time to allow overriding _init/_fini (and of course _init needs to be extern "C")
11:21.21TwiunI think the flag is -nostartfiles... but I haven't tried extern "C" on it yet
11:21.50pb_Twiun: your best bet is probably to provide your own init function and mark it __attribute__ (( constructor ))
11:22.25Twiungot it working with _init - but I agree that __attr... is a better way
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11:25.10Twiunhrmph - doesn't do much. I'll stick with _init for now
11:25.42pb_You can't mix the two.  If you use the nostartfiles thing in order to make _init work, that will also prevent constructors from running.
11:27.32Twiuneven then, still doesn't work for me (using the constructor and removing -nostartfiles)
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12:41.28Speedy2kergoth: ping
12:43.02pb_Twiun: ah.
12:43.34Twiunpb_: but _init seems to do for my purposes for now... currently struggling with qt :)
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12:46.12sigmountehi ! i got a problem with usbnet , can i have some help ?
12:47.20Speedy2Ask away, but there aren't many people in here at the moment.
13:21.34sigmounteok , on the host side , the syslog show me this : (sorry for the paste )
13:21.37sigmountehub.c: new USB device 00:01.2-2, assigned address 15
13:21.37sigmounteApr 16 15:28:29 beringer kernel: CDCEther.c: Found Header descriptor, CDC version 110.
13:21.37sigmounteApr 16 15:28:29 beringer kernel: CDCEther.c: Imperfect filtering support - need sw hashing
13:21.37sigmounteApr 16 15:28:29 beringer kernel: CDCEther.c: Can't use SetEthernetMulticastFilters request
13:21.37sigmounteApr 16 15:28:29 beringer kernel: CDCEther.c: detected BULK OUT packets of size 64
13:21.38sigmounteApr 16 15:28:29 beringer kernel: CDCEther.c: eth1: Sharp SL Series
13:21.40sigmounteApr 16 15:28:29 beringer kernel: CDCEther.c: eth1: 40:00:02:00:00:01
13:21.47sigmountelook like my computer have found my Z
13:21.56ljpdont uses CDCEther
13:22.26ljpis this with OZ?
13:22.31Speedy2You're using the latest oZ?
13:23.50pHluidHow could they not even list the Zaurus 5500 in there :P
13:24.06sigmounteif i don't insmod CDCEther the interface don't appear
13:24.19ljpuse usbdnet or usbnet
13:24.24pHluidTHe wussy ass Sony Clie SJ30 made the list, but the cheaper and far more powerful 5500 doesn't
13:24.37ljpOZ wont work with that hack of a driver CDCEther
13:25.05pb_pHluid: the 5500 is discontinued now, right?
13:25.28pHluidpb: Phasing out, but there's still plenty in stores, as far as I know
13:25.38troffaskyand they're cheap!
13:25.43pHluidPeople are still buying them from retailers, so why not include them
13:25.51pHluidThe Clie SJ-30 is like, almost 2 years old
13:25.57pHluidPalm OS 4.1 w/ 16mb of RAM
13:26.02pHluidand costs more
13:26.20Speedy2I haven't seen the Zs in stores in awhile.
13:26.21pb_ah, right.
13:26.25Speedy2What stores have them?
13:26.52pHluidNot sure if any chain stores still have any stock on them, but plenty of online retailers do
13:27.01Speedy2What's the cheapest on-line?
13:27.09pHluidProbably the HSN one
13:27.25pHluidThat's where everybody seems to be buying them lately
13:27.34Speedy2They're out
13:28.44pHluidPretty pricey listings on
13:28.59Speedy2So it's not that "cheap"
13:29.32pHluidIt's inline with the other PDA's here
13:29.42pHluidThey all range from $200 to 350
13:30.00Speedy2mithro: Yeah...
13:30.05pHluidmithro: They'll just get 5600's, probably.
13:30.38pHluidOnly real reason to get a 5500 now is software availability, and that will come with time, so.
13:30.39Speedy25600 have the b0rk3d XScale
13:30.48pb_mithro: Maybe, but all the indications are that demand for the 5500 was never all that high in the first place.
13:31.01pHluidAs far as I knew the XScale prob was fixed some time ago
13:31.02pb_Speedy2: presumably they will start fitting the pxa255 soon if they haven't already.
13:31.15pHluidAnd even borked a 400mhz XScale is about as fast as a 200mhz ARM
13:31.29Speedy2Yeah, but power consumption isn't any better (is worse from what I heard)
13:31.40pb_Really?  That's the opposite to what I'd heard.
13:31.41pHluidBetter according to everybody I've talked to
13:31.42Speedy2pb_: If Sharp doesn't kill the 5600 before they get the PXA255s
13:32.12Speedy2pb_: Well the original PXA250 was supposed to run at like 1.2V but it needs at least 1.35V or more from what the erata said. It had other problems related to power management.
13:32.12mithrothe problem with xscale speed was the fact that 90% of the cache had to be disabled...
13:32.31pb_mithro: well, it had to be set to writethrough rather than writeback.
13:32.46mithrobut i've found no problems with my c700 with that hack disabled
13:32.54mithro(it definatley runs faster)
13:32.59pHluidmithro: you've got a c700?
13:33.02pHluidbastard. :P
13:33.11pHluidHow is typing on that thing??
13:33.13mithroit cost me a years worth of savings
13:33.21mithropHluid: not to bad, but not wonderful
13:33.27mithrothe screen is the best thing
13:33.32mithroit's so bloody clear
13:33.34pHluidI love the flipback design, but the clamshell keyboard thing looks awkward
13:33.39pb_Speedy2: right, but SA-1110 was only rated down to 1.47V minimum.  So even 1.35V is still an improvement.
13:33.49pHluidToo big to hold and type, too small to put down on a desk and type... is that the case?
13:33.50Speedy2pb_: But now the core is running at 400Mhz...
13:33.55mithropHluid: it's not awkard at all.. and it beats the thumb pad
13:34.11pb_Speedy2: on a smaller process though
13:34.16mithrothe keys work well as a thumbpad
13:34.30sigmountecould usbnet be in modules en not in the kernel ?
13:34.31Speedy2pb_: Cache is what blows the most power in the StrongARMs...
13:34.44Speedy2pb_: Did you ever have a chance to read the SA-110 power profile that DEC did?
13:35.04Speedy2pb_: It was pretty interesting.
13:35.28mithropHluid: it's not exactly the nice thing to type on the desk
13:35.34mithrobut in the hand it works really well
13:36.08mithroi can reach all the keys with my thumbs
13:36.20pHluidYeh? It's smaller than I thought then
13:36.34mithroyeah it was smaller then i though when i first got it
13:37.13pHluidHow much you pay for it? ~$700?
13:38.12Twiunis it possible to turn a Qt guiclient into a guiserver?
13:38.18mithroabout $500 US
13:38.46mithromaybe a bit more
13:39.00mithroi'm in AUS so ...
13:39.45mithroi got the one from conics
13:39.52mithroand been helping getting OZ onto it...
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13:40.33markTwiun: found it?
13:40.43mithroanyway i should be in bed
13:40.45pb_Speedy2: no, I never did.  I should look into that.
13:41.12mithroif people produced laptop screens with the resolution of the c700 it would KILL paper
13:41.18sigmounte--> insmod usbnet , plug the Z , have this in the syslog :Apr 16 15:42:20 beringer kernel: usb.c: registered new driver usbnet Apr 16 15:46:46 beringer kernel: hub.c: new USB device 00:01.2-2, assigned address 18
13:41.18sigmounteApr 16 15:46:46 beringer kernel: usb.c: USB device 18 (vend/prod 0x4dd/0x8004) is not claimed by any active driver. and not usb0 found with ifconfig -a
13:41.34cynTopI'm sure they're working towards that goal mithro :)
13:41.35sigmounteanyone have a solution ? thanks
13:41.39Speedy2pb_: When I get my other machine up, I'll send it. There is also a paper they all did on the design of the SA-110 which is also very interesting.
13:41.54cynTopc700 is like best of the best screen at time of inception
13:41.54markkergoth: are there any plans to produce a 3.1 qt/3.2 gcc OZ at this time?
13:41.59Speedy2pb_: They talk about the logic style they used, the new "StrongARM flip-flop", etc.
13:42.05mithroit's about 250 DPI
13:42.57mithroit's 640*400 and i measure the screen to be about 1.75 inchs accross
13:43.06cynTopyou measured wrong
13:43.08mithro(ie the 400 side..)
13:43.09cynTopits just under 4
13:43.16cynTopah thought you meant diagonal
13:43.43cynTopya still measured wrong tho
13:43.43cynTopthats clearly over 2 inches
13:43.50mithroyeah it's about 4 diagonal
13:44.19cynTopi get 2.25 inches 'tall' (480 side)
13:44.29cynTopjust shy of 3 640 side
13:44.37cynTopso yeah its in the 200s yer right
13:44.47mithroi work in cm's :)
13:44.52mithroie metric
13:45.09pb_Speedy2: sounds cool
13:47.39mithroi think about 400dpi will be the paper killer res :)
13:47.51mithronow just to get the devices thinner...
13:47.57mithroanyway i'm really off now....
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14:19.02Speedy2bbl all
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14:21.51MoliereHi guys
14:23.04pHluidFriend of mine want's to roll back to the stable feed ipkg in OZ 3.2
14:23.12pHluidCan he just do a forced reinstall with the older ver?
14:23.21pHluidHe's using the testing version no (0.99.79)
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14:41.58cynTopkergoth: Your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train.  Why are you so popular?
14:43.19pb_I suppose his sunny demeanour and constant readiness to listen to all concerns, no matter how trivial-seeming, make him a man of the people.
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15:00.58trekepHluid: probably not
15:02.37pHluidtreke: any way for him to back up, then?
15:03.16kergothpb_: aha
15:04.22trekepHluid: kergoth supposedly posted instructions on one of the mailing lists
15:04.40pHluidahh, I'll search through them forit
15:05.37pb_kergoth: ah hello
15:06.41kergothmark: re: gcc3/qt3, yes its planned, but currently opie doenst make use of any qt3 classes.. yet
15:07.39markkergoth: if any work needs to be done towards it, i'm willing to do it..
15:08.09kergothmark: well, I'll look into adding the bits in the config system to select qt2 vs qt3
15:08.22kergothmark: then you can alter .pro files to include seperate qt3 versions of the sources
15:08.25kergothmark: rather than using ifdefs
15:08.55markkergoth: doeasn't that mean a change for the qt2 version wont move across to the qt3 one?
15:09.17cynTophey what is the deal with konsole, i never saw a way to make multiple tabs
15:09.19kergothmark: yes, you'd have to keep them in sync.  but its that or ifdef madness.
15:09.22cynTopdo you just run it again or somethin
15:09.35markkergoth: and given the fact moc ignores ifdefs..
15:09.38kergothmark: holger and i discussed this previously, and we're both opposed to the use of ifdefs to handle the qt3 situation
15:09.41kergothmark: bingo
15:09.54markkergoth: which is a massive pita
15:10.04kergothindeed it is.
15:10.13treke~lart trolltech
15:10.19marknice one treke
15:10.45trekethe signals and slots are really nice in theory, but moc is a rather nasty kludge
15:12.13markdoes opie development happen inside the OE source tree or in the opie cvs now adays?
15:12.49kergothits all in opie cvs
15:13.02kergoththe only opie stuff in buildroot are patches that are highly OZ specific and dont belong upstream
15:13.32markright ok
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15:19.26markkergoth: so i should just start with opie cvs and qt/e 3?
15:19.58kergothyup, thats what i'd recommend
15:20.17markkergoth: okay
15:20.30kergothlet me know how it goes
15:20.40markthis shouldn't be too much work, qt2->3 ports are usually easy
15:21.12kergothyeah. shouldnt take much to get it building, and can start converting it to the new classes
15:21.17kergothditch the qt3 backports in libqpe
15:21.21kergothlike qlibrary
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15:29.57markkergoth: probably a silly question, but is a thread safe qt silly on a pda?
15:30.35kergothmark: this has been discussed quite a few times to no real result.. honestly its probably unnecessary.
15:33.19markkergoth: ok
15:41.08masticatorwhat the hell is the correct syntax of setting the time thru the date command?
15:42.09markmasticator: heh, yeh, i usual have to spend hours figuring it out
15:42.51masticatorI just found otu my web server is on mountain time and I forgot to set it when the dst thing changed
15:43.01masticatorI hate the date utility
15:43.08masticatorisnt there something better in redhat?
15:45.09masticatorI fucking hate man pages
15:45.17masticatorthey never use examples
15:46.11markmasticator: :)
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15:50.02kergothmasticator: read the info pages?
15:51.12kergothmy call stats are the lowest in the department
15:51.15kergothguess i better stop slackin
15:51.25markkergoth: hehe :)
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16:04.51trekekergoth: anyone else in unix support?
16:04.59trekemasticator: try info
16:07.10kergothtreke: yeah, 5 others
16:07.24markany suggestiosn for another name for 'DateFormat'?
16:08.24masticatortreke: fuck that, I just compiled and installed ntpdate
16:09.36pHluidisn't there already an ntp proggie?
16:09.43pHluidlike in the OZ distro
16:10.26trekekergoth: darn. if you were the only one, you could just claim the unix drivers were superior :)
16:12.51masticatorph: not on my redhat server there wasnt
16:14.09pHluidoh, well, no. :)
16:18.34markkergoth: hmm, i've got to change class names, thats bad
16:19.13kergothmark: ack, what classes?
16:19.33markkergoth: library has DateFormat, but qt 3 has a Qt::DateFormat enum
16:20.16kergothmark: hm, i'd say move us into a qtopia namespace
16:20.19kergothzecke: ;)
16:20.39markhmm,  yeh i suppose
16:20.39zeckemark: that is what dwmw2 and I did when forward porting Opie to Qt3
16:21.01zeckeand by an ugly
16:21.04kergothzecke: those patches available? I'm going to add qt2 vs qt3 to the config system in a few
16:21.25markzecke: ah, ok, didn't know it'd already been done :)
16:21.40zeckeusing Qtopia::DateFormat;
16:21.45zeckeyou can keep SRC compat
16:22.06zeckemark: kergoth: The problem with Qt3 is which non-existing Plugin/Component System to use?
16:22.32zeckemark: kergoth: the old backported QCOM? The hidden QCOM in Qt3.1? KLibrary? How to make old plugins work?
16:22.50zeckethat are the problems of Qt3
16:24.26kergothgood point
16:24.42markhmm indeed
16:25.05zeckeQUnknownInterface stuff is ok
16:25.16zeckebut we got a QLibrary inside libqpe
16:25.28zeckeone in Qt3
16:25.50zeckeand we need to try to stay source compat at least for the time where we want to support both
16:25.58zeckeI want to avoid #ifdefs
16:26.23zeckemark: wanna write OPIE API documetation?
16:26.31markzecke: no :)
16:26.36kergothright. seperate qt3 source files where necessary. i'll have the config system setup a qmake config item for qt3
16:27.17zeckekergoth: just like TT does qapplication_unix.cpp
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16:28.37Twiunkergoth: hey
16:28.42kergothhey Twiun
16:28.48zeckekergoth: add the target I'll make it build
16:28.58kergothwill do.
16:29.02Twiunkergoth: good news - I got a java fullscreen hack working for Jeode
16:29.07markTwiun: well done
16:29.18zeckekergoth: but no prediction on the time I need :(
16:29.34Twiunmark: just need to make a nice api for it :)
16:29.35kergothTwiun: nice.
16:30.05markzecke: a backported QCom wont work?
16:30.30Twiunkergoth: and a barebones qws server weighs in at 4k on disk and 2.7mb in ram, compared to qpe at 8mb in ram
16:30.38prpplagueibot: oe bk
16:30.39bugger all, i dunno, prpplague
16:30.58prpplagueibot: oz bk
16:30.59extra, extra, read all about it, oz bk is bk clone bk:// buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
16:31.19zeckemark: we will use the hidden QCOM inside Qt3 which may change anytime :(
16:32.21trekewoah. flood of mailing list posts :)
16:34.00markzecke: yes, they're gonna make it public API when thye think its good enough arent they
16:35.14zeckemark: Qt4 I think
16:35.24zeckemark: the point is that it is actually ok to use
16:36.08prpplagueibot: oe bk is bk clone oe;cd oe; bk -r co -q
16:36.09prpplague: okay
16:36.11zeckemark: I would like to know what TT does with Qtopia2/3...
16:36.24zeckekergoth: can I put openembedded on my iPAQ?
16:36.25Twiunzecke: whipe their backsides with it?
16:36.56zeckeTwiun: is that legal in Aussie land?
16:36.57kergothzecke: yep, talk to treke
16:37.17zecketreke: HI!
16:37.27Twiunzecke: I'm sure it is in Norway... why not down under?
16:37.43trekezecke: morning.
16:37.49zeckekergoth: Holger Schurig is maintainer of oe?
16:37.59trekezecke: theres a feed and image on the oz site. lemme get the url
16:38.06kergothzecke: he's doing the work on the new buildsystem.
16:38.30kergothzecke: I'm the maintainer of both oz and oe at the moment.
16:38.43trekeall the current working "oz/oe" stuff in in openzaurus buildroot
16:38.51zeckekergoth: OZ will vanish in the long run?
16:39.13zeckeI figure I better go study now...
16:39.26kergothzecke: no
16:39.40kergothzecke: OZ is just the name of the zaurus incarnation of the OE distro
16:39.42trekekergoth: btw, I stole bits from the oz installation docs for the oe/ipaq ones
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16:57.34prpplaguekergoth: why the hell are you putting up with that guy in #oz ?
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17:07.14lsmithresume cradle bug is fixed?
17:07.38kergothyeah, install usbd-common when it appears in the feeds
17:08.17lsmithkergoth: why not out useful hints and warnings about unstable in the news?
17:08.25lsmithlike the recent ipkg issues
17:08.30kergothevery ipkg has issues.
17:08.32lsmiththen people will stop bugging you in here about them
17:08.40lsmithok bad example :-)
17:08.41kergothif i put ipkg isssues on the news page i'll need to post every day.
17:08.54kergothgood morning, ipkg is still broken, but in new ways!
17:09.02lsmithwell the most recent work around
17:10.00kergothunstable is unstable.
17:10.10kergothi'm not going to encourage its use by posting regarding it
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17:10.20lsmithoh ok ..
17:10.22kergothif you use it, and it explodes, deal with it. such is the nature of unstable.
17:10.55lsmithah ok .. then i misunderstood the reason for unstable .. made it more clear me now
17:11.31kergothunstable is where new things go. whether they work or not, is always up in the air.
17:11.55kergothgenerally its solid
17:12.06lsmithk .. then maybe using testing more often might be a good idea?
17:12.10kergothbut occasionally problems occur, and if they do, and you're bothered by that, you shouldnt be using unstable.
17:12.20kergothtesting isnt even a seperate branch right now.
17:12.27lsmithlike for the xmms stuff
17:12.36kergothtesting = unstable righ tnow
17:12.39kergoththe packages are identical
17:12.52kergothbecause our buidl infrastructure doesnt facilitate managing the feeds automatically
17:13.05kergothand i refuse to do it manually, as it will become a nightmare to maintain. guaranteed.
17:13.22kergothno, guaranteed.
17:13.26lsmithor better sureley
17:13.27kergothfamiliar is your proof.
17:13.42kergoththey have a manually maintained feed of binary packages, and its an absolute mess.
17:14.20kergothI'll post a news item when unstable is usable again.
17:14.58trekeis omething in particular broken in unstable? or just the usual brokenness?
17:15.20kergothtreke: busybox
17:15.20kergothtreke: and ipkg
17:15.23kergothunstable needs an update with the latest ipkg
17:15.38kergothand busybox is pretty hosed atm, due to my splitting the links into seperate packages.. the upgrade path is broken
17:15.43trekewould a new build be fixed?
17:16.45kergothof busybox?
17:16.51kergothno, the upgrade path is broken
17:16.59kergothnothing depends on say for example busybox-coreutils
17:17.06kergothso if you upgrade busybox, those links never get installed.
17:17.51trekeok. maybe I'll just toss a new ipkg and opie build into the feed to keep people happy :)
17:19.32kergothyeah, thatd be best
17:20.54zeckekergoth: what is the policy of editing the OpenZaurus TODO wiki page?
17:21.20kergothzecke: if you arent a dev, prefix your additions with comments saying you added them
17:21.31kergothzecke: feel free to add items, feature requests, what have you
17:21.52zeckekergoth: if I want to add a comment to a issue?
17:21.57kergothgo right ahead
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17:25.57kergothhmm, i forgot my busybox package Depends on the busybox links
17:26.09kergothyou'll be able to upgrade busybox, but only if you use -force-overwrite
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17:34.46prpplaguekergoth: what was the last results of your mipsel work?
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17:35.02kergothnot much, i tried numerous glibc versions, but they all hated me
17:35.09kergothmaybe i'll get uclibc buliding in the oe/oz buildroot
17:35.22kergothbeen meaning to merge spiffiness from the uclibc buildroot into this one anyway
17:41.58kergothprpplague: started another toolchain build for it, we'll see how it goes
17:52.16trekegah. does this Matthew guy know how to do fucking anything?
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17:58.23prpplaguekergoth: ok
17:58.33prpplaguekergoth: i've got my vr4181 based unit in
17:58.40prpplaguekergoth: just started playing with it
17:58.53prpplaguekergoth: should have some more free time to contribute now
18:02.45kergothmy mipsel first pass gcc build isnt obeying TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS for some reason
18:03.36kergoth../../gcc/libgcc2.c:41: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
18:03.36kergoth../../gcc/libgcc2.c:42: unistd.h: No such file or directory
18:03.40prpplaguekergoth: ya well, this frellin symbol unit was put together with tamper proof torque screws :(
18:03.49kergoththat sucks.
18:04.04prpplaguekergoth: ya, probably gonna have to go for the dremel :(
18:11.06kergoth../sysdeps/mips/setjmp.S: Assembler messages:
18:11.06kergoth../sysdeps/mips/setjmp.S:43: Error: Cannot branch to undefined symbol.
18:11.31TwiunI've finally taken the time to /ignore George
18:11.36Twiunsweet silence
18:11.44pb___kergoth: ah, mips.
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18:59.57Molierewhere can i find informations about tinyx?
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19:29.26kergothtreke: opie-sudo fails to apply
19:29.35kergothtreke: looks like due to ntpsystemtime changes
19:29.45trekekergoth: yeah I know. I'm going to take that out
19:29.52trekekergoth: systemtime will just RunRoot
19:30.07kergothget anywhere with adding that to applnk?
19:35.45trekemost likely tonight. I've looked at the code, and it looks like it will be dirt simple to do.
19:36.22trekeI'd have done it this afternoon if I had an x86 opie build at work :)
19:37.13trekeqt embedded 2.3.5 is out
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19:38.08kergothtreke: cool, keep me posted
19:38.15kergothtreke: ah, there a changelog avail?
19:38.17trekethey sure snuck that one out quietly
19:39.03kergothmickeyl: networkapplet?
19:39.26trekehmmm. network settings probably needs to be runroot also
19:41.00kergothyep, it needs to write to interfaces and call ifup/ifdown
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20:21.57asys3ibot update oz
20:21.57update oz is probably
20:25.39ljp_workibot: update m bankaccount
20:25.40ljp_work: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
20:25.57ljp_workheheheh huh?
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20:26.04mickeylkergoth: yeah, networkapplet - a tiny applet for doing checking which interfaces are up and doing UP/DOWN as well as quick'n'easy change the IP address.
20:26.09ljp_workibot update my bank account
20:26.10ljp_work: bugger all, i dunno
20:26.25kergothmickeyl: cool :) will it be pluginable?
20:26.33kergothmickeyl: i.e. for wireless stats and the like
20:26.56trekewill it already know how to do sudo for me? :)
20:27.01mickeylkergoth: not yet - but this is planned. eventually, networkapplet and wireless applet will merge
20:27.09kergothmickeyl: cool, glad to hear it
20:32.22trekeI dont know why this guy is bothering me so much
20:32.29Alp0nsoHey kergoth: Is there any reason why OpenZ uses only four levels for the front-light? It's an 8-bit PWM register, right?
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20:36.55ljp_worknow there's a reason to party
20:40.56Alp0nso<-- Speedy2
20:41.27ljp_workin disquise, eh?
20:41.39Alp0nsoI was IRCing as me and a phone call came
20:41.47Alp0nsoAnd the old me is still on the server
20:41.50Alp0nso(go figure)
20:42.09ljp_workwow, you split yourself!
20:42.19prpplaguekergoth: man doesn't that guy on #oz anything better to do?
20:43.01SPeedy2kergoth: Any ideas about the PWM for the FL? That be in Locomo
20:49.29TwiunSpeedy2: why not register your nick? makes it easy to reclaim it after such a split
20:49.51Speedy2Twiun: Was unaware of that.
20:50.02ljp_workmy nick is registered, but I forgot the password
20:50.10TwiunSpeedy2: /nickserv help
20:50.38Twiunljp_work: lol, best get in touch with the powers that be to reset it
20:50.48Twiunljp_work: or wait for a nick purge
20:51.22ljp_workI keep using that nick :)
20:52.11TwiunI think the purges only purge registered nicks that haven't identified for a while
20:52.51ljp_workI could keep guessing
20:55.00ljp_workman, that guys 97. imagine your grandpa tripping..
20:56.52ljp_worksomeone is selling Paul McCartney's flu germs
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21:00.18Twiunhey noda
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21:06.29BenabikOkay, is anybody up to helping someone with a stupid newbie problem?
21:07.22Neo|WorkBenabik: kergoth is always helpful
21:07.45nodaBenabik: Just ask the frickin' question, we'll determine if we want to help you or not.
21:08.27BenabikI appear to have f'ed up my SD card.  I can't format it with mke2fs /dev/mmcda1 and fdisk /dev/mmcda just gives Bus Errors galore.  Is there any way to fix it?
21:08.43trekefdisk is broken
21:08.54BenabikWell that's non-useful then.
21:09.30BenabikSo I need to partition it with some other SD-using device?
21:09.57BenabikWhich means I need to buy an SD reader somewhere.  Great.
21:10.09nodaOr just use another version of fdisk?
21:10.30trekeI think the problem has been located
21:10.43trekemight want to try the util-linux-fdisk package from unstable.
21:10.56BenabikOooooh...  unstable packages.
21:11.15nodaBenabik: They're more stable than the 'stable' ones ;)
21:11.25nodaThe only difference is we don't know WHERE exactly they break :)
21:11.29Benabiknoda: LOL.
21:11.33nodaOnly that they break slightly less :)
21:17.58Benabiktreke: Nope.  Same thing.
21:19.39nodaBenabik: Well, if you don't mind flashing, I'd suggest trying to use an older version of OpenZaurus and see if the same thing happens. Or even use the Sharp ROM
21:20.13trekenoda: kergoth knows about the problem
21:20.24trekenoda: And I think he found the solution. Its oz 3.2
21:20.38nodatreke: The fdisk problem? I was thinking the whole SD thing in general :)
21:20.54trekesd sucks :)
21:21.35Benabiknoda: I was trying to avoid that...
21:21.58nodaBenabik: Well then, don't do it because I say so :)
21:22.02nodaI really have no clue :)
21:22.19BenabikI guess I get to hunt around campus and bug friends for an SD reader.
21:23.10trekeread the buglist
21:23.14trekesee if the solution is there
21:23.24_Psycho_hey kergoth around ?
21:23.44Benabiktreke: Where to I find the buglist?
21:23.55trekeon the website
21:25.32BenabikOh.  Under "bugs"
21:30.42_Psycho_hmmm is glibc-2.2.4 is good with 2.95.3 ? to build my image, i saw kergoth talk a lots about other version this weekend, glibc doesnt buid, well just cant find a .tar.gz, i check on the ftp...
21:39.21_Psycho_weird because the makefile look ok
21:40.36_Psycho_got it, mrproper doesnt clear the file .glibc.addons
21:42.24kergothah, should fix that
21:43.11_Psycho_i just dont know how to push it =p
21:43.21_Psycho_but at least i found the problem hehe
21:43.42_Psycho_kergoth while you around, hmm opie-sudo.files was missing on hmm forget where
21:43.51_Psycho_but didnt had time to check last night
21:43.52kergothopie-sudo.patch isnt applying atm
21:44.02kergothfeel free to remove it from Sources in packages/opie/Makefile for noe
21:44.03_Psycho_i just commented it in the Makefile
21:44.14_Psycho_already done that
21:44.42_Psycho_if i want to push something i just bk ci something then bk push or bk mail to you ?
21:45.00_Psycho_i know you explained last week but ~!
21:45.00kergotheasiest to use bk citool
21:45.07kergothX app to check files in and make changesets
21:45.25_Psycho_then just bk push ?
21:45.48_Psycho_with a comment like bk push "Remove the .glibc.addons file from the stamps"
21:45.51kergothnope, you dont have write access
21:45.55kergoththe comments go in the changeset
21:45.58_Psycho_or bk mail ?
21:45.58kergothin bk commit/citool
21:46.00kergothnot in push
21:46.09kergothto mail it to me, bk send
21:46.29_Psycho_i try that in a bit, i go buy some pepsi while that thing build
21:52.16asys3can anyone help me ? I try to install with aqpk a prog to sd: 'cannot find package...check the spelling...' - besides: installing to root works ?!
21:52.27kergothprobably an ipkg bug
21:53.03nodaWow, there must be twice as many bugs as there are lines of code in that program...
21:53.24kergothnoda: fyi those steps on the devel list are accurate
21:53.38nodakergoth: Um, I didn't read them, I don't know where to put them :)
21:53.40asys3i use ipkg 1:0.99.79-2 from unstable :-(
21:53.55nodakergoth: If it's not too much hassle, could you please edit the faq? You won't make mistakes, while I may :)
21:54.07kergothyeah, i will
21:54.12nodaThanks :)
21:54.14kergoththere are a ton of faqs that need updating
21:54.20nodaOr deleting :)
21:54.21kergothnoda: if we ever get a decent BTS
21:54.26kergothnoda: itd be cool if we could integrate
21:54.32nodakergoth: Yeah, it would
21:54.35kergothnoda: bind a bug to an faq, so it goes away when the bug closes
21:54.37kergothfor workarounds
21:54.45nodaThat would be awesome
21:54.57kergothwould really lessen the maintainance time
21:55.01nodaAnd the faq would just give a link to the bug for an faq.
21:55.04kergothheh, we need to find a BTS that doesnt suck first
21:55.18nodaWell, hell, all we'd really need to do is a UNION -- two selects, one from our FAQ an done from the bug tracking one
21:55.27nodas/an done/and one/
21:55.50nodaVery easy to integrate :)
21:56.07nodaThen we'd put all those in the "bugs" category :)
21:56.26kergothfyi i added device categories
21:56.38kergothwe need to select them on the existing faqs
21:56.43kergothwhich will take a while :)
21:56.52nodaHrm, yeah, there's no quick way to do that :(
21:57.06nodaCan you think of what a quick interface would be? I could put it in the TODO :)
21:57.22kergothyou could write a quick script to take teh existing faqs and enable sl5500 on them all
21:57.26kergothsince we know they apply to that
21:57.31kergothjust to ease the transition
21:57.35kergothcant think of anything offhand
21:57.40nodaOh shit, that's what you mean :)
21:57.51kergothwe have what, 150-200 faqs? :)
21:57.58nodaFewer I think, I'll check
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21:58.41noda100 on the nose
21:59.03nodaNetwork Setup saves DNS now, right?
21:59.03kergothregardless thats quite a few to associate with the current supported devices :)
21:59.07kergothnoda: yep
21:59.22kergothfyi i fixed up a ton of networksettings things
21:59.29nodaNice :)
21:59.33kergothit now ifdown, then ifup a device on changing network config
21:59.41*** join/#openembedded izzu (
21:59.41kergothuses interfaces for wireless instead of wireless.opts
21:59.48nodaI noticed, network config is great now -- so much faster than before!
21:59.58asys3urg: i now reinstalled ipkg from oz stable - that should work - uh ? but it doesn't - what can it be ?
22:00.01cynTop/etc/network/interfaces can hold wep keys and shit?
22:00.04kergothcynTop: yeah
22:00.05nodaI shouldn't mess around with faqs too much -- since I haven't really kept up to date
22:00.06cynTopor do you cheat and use a comment line
22:00.15kergothcynTop: theres a if-pre-up.d script with wireless-tools to make it work
22:00.18kergothcynTop: its not in comments
22:00.19kergothits like
22:00.22kergothiface eth0 static
22:00.24kergothaddress balh
22:00.27kergothwireless_essid any
22:00.30kergothwireless_mode managed
22:00.32nodaNo way! That's awesome
22:00.38kergothclean, simple
22:00.52kergothand easy to integrate wireless with profiles now
22:00.55kergothusing interfaces mappings
22:01.07cynTopso it ups the interface and sets the key before moving on
22:01.14cynTopwell, for static that wouldnt matter
22:01.17cynTopbut dhcp it would
22:01.40kergothnot if-post-up.d
22:01.44kergothit happens before bringing it up
22:02.22kergothcynTop: also, theres this cool thing called ifupdown-roaming
22:02.33kergothcynTop: it checks for a nearby access point to determine what profile/mapping to use
22:02.43kergothcynTop: so your netowrk config can automatically change when switching networks
22:02.55nodaIs that enabled by default?
22:02.58kergothnot yet
22:03.00kergothi want to test it more
22:03.03nodaThat'll be damned cool
22:03.08kergothneed a gui as well
22:03.17kergothfor adjusting automatic profile changes
22:03.20nodaThat means when I get home I'll be able to connect via WEP, and then when I walk around town I can hop onto all those non-WEP things... without hassle :)
22:03.35nodaRockin' :)
22:03.43kergothworst case you may have to down the interface and bring it back up
22:03.43nodaOut of curiosity, does WinCE have any equivalent to that?
22:04.05kergothi do know, that i love /etc/network/interfaces
22:04.11kergoth~love /etc/network/interfaces
22:04.12If you love /etc/network/interfaces so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
22:04.32nodaHrm, I'm having another one of those "I should install Debian" feelings ;)
22:04.49kergothi'm having one of those, i need to pull cool oz'isms into my deiban box
22:04.50nodaAlong with an "I should install Windows" feeling for U2. But I will be strong!
22:05.04nodakergoth: You don't run Debian?
22:05.09kergothnoda: yes i do
22:05.12nodaOh :)
22:05.16kergothnoda: i'm saying there are things in OZ that arent in debian
22:05.19kergothnoda: but i want them
22:05.22nodaOh, lol, awesome :)
22:05.31kergothdamnit i want oz on my desktop!
22:05.33kergothbut with dpkg
22:05.38nodaYeah, fuck ipkg :)
22:05.42nodaHow much smaller is it?
22:05.46kergotha lot
22:05.49cynTopnow that's goddamned handy
22:05.53kergothplus ipkg handles apt-get functionality
22:05.55nodaDamn :P
22:06.02kergothand apt-get is massive, cant handle installs in a resource constrained environment
22:06.06cynTopkergoth: that needs a plugin for kismet :P
22:06.07nodaOh crap, it's 2 big programs in one little one...
22:06.12kergothcynTop: hehe
22:06.25kergothcynTop: and wellenreiter
22:06.27nodaapt-get is SO cool though :)
22:06.31kergothcynTop: tap on the network, and boom, you' on it!
22:06.35_Psycho_ker another question, if you made a change in opie, do you commit it to opie cvs or just do a .patch ? like if you changed the on-fly rotation, will i see a opie-something on my pull, or its in the cvs and i have to rebuild opie to see it =p ?
22:06.44kergoth_Psycho_: its in cvs
22:06.47kergoth_Psycho_: you'd need to mrproper your opie
22:06.53_Psycho_ok thanks
22:06.55_Psycho_was not sure
22:06.56kergoth_Psycho_: only OZ specific things that dont belong upstream go in buildroot
22:07.05kergoth_Psycho_: and things we're testing that arent ready for public use
22:07.23_Psycho_so like its not possible to know if you made change in the opie cvs, except if i keep it on my pc ;)
22:07.36kergoth_Psycho_: subscribe to the opie cvs mailing list
22:07.41kergoth_Psycho_: then you see cvs commits
22:07.44kergothso you know whats up
22:07.51nodaI gotta get my own buildroot running :)
22:07.51_Psycho_yeah i do that later
22:07.57_Psycho_im already in the mailing list
22:08.03kergothnot opie, opie-cvs
22:08.08_Psycho_i know
22:09.12nodakergoth: ... is that up-to-date?
22:10.30kergothnoda: an item for your todo.. the ability for a user to submit an update to an existing faq, which would need approval
22:10.33kergothnoda: :)
22:10.40nodakergoth: That's been on there for AGES :)
22:11.06kergothand no, that faq isnt up to date
22:11.06nodakergoth: I may have time to work on stuff this weekend -- my weekend starts today and ends next Tuesday (inclusive) but I have tons of homework to do
22:11.35_Psycho_ok i like added $(TOPDIR)/stamps/*.*addons into the make file, i check the changeset thingie
22:15.23nodaOnly in America can a company file for bankruptcy and 2 months later get a full-page ad on a million-hit-a-day site :)
22:15.43kergothspeaking of hits, the oz sf project's rank is pretty decent nowadays
22:15.57nodakergoth: Yeah, lemme check hits :)
22:16.54_Psycho_hmm confuse, when i clicked commit, he wanted to send file top openlogging, i just quit then bk send ?
22:17.04trekenoda: from full page adds on million hit per day sites :)
22:17.07noda353550 hits in the past month
22:17.16nodatreke: of course :P
22:18.28kergoth_Psycho_: agree to send the log to openlogging, its part of the bk license
22:18.37_Psycho_oh ok
22:18.41noda8.18 hits/minute to :)
22:19.00kergothnoda: nice. things have been pretty decent since the 3.2 release
22:19.04noda31579 different IPs
22:19.08nodakergoth: Yeah, I'll say!
22:19.21nodaWhat's our rank?
22:19.52kergoth_Psycho_: test failed
22:20.02_Psycho_well still waiting here ;)
22:20.21*** join/#openembedded Speedy2 (
22:20.23_Psycho_after a send
22:20.25nodaHeh, if only we used CVS or something :)
22:20.26kergothhey speedy
22:20.29Speedy2Hi kergoth.
22:20.30_Psycho_the changeset disapear ?
22:20.32kergothnoda: yeah, thatd improve it too
22:20.43nodaHrm, 340- -- that's not all that bad
22:20.45kergoth_Psycho_: run bk changes or bk revtool
22:20.50_Psycho_ok !
22:20.52Speedy2kergoth: Any idea about the FrontLight PWM? (Is it really 2-bit or more?)
22:20.52nodaThat means 339 projects are more active than we are?
22:21.06kergothnoda: afaik yeah
22:21.06_Psycho_hmm makepatch: lots of stuff :)
22:21.23kergothSpeedy2: the driver sucked
22:21.34kergothSpeedy2: iirc the pwm supports 0-255, 8 bits, but the driver didnt
22:21.38_Psycho_patch contains 155000 revisions from 2169 files, intereresting
22:21.53kergothSpeedy2: the bl driver in our 2.4.19 tree just passes the value along
22:21.58kergothSpeedy2: so should give us more granularity
22:22.45kergothI'll be doing some more kernel dev shortly
22:22.48kergothfinishing touches on 2.4.19
22:22.52kergoththen i'll need testers
22:22.56Speedy2What rev is on 3.2?
22:23.04kergothsame as sharp.
22:23.11Speedy2Ah. Old and slow :)
22:23.21nodaYeah, well, write a new SD driver and it'll change :)
22:23.24kergothnoda: eh
22:23.26Speedy2Hopefully with the clock scaling stuff, that will reduce power consumption
22:23.31kergothnoda: sharp sent me a 2.4.18 binary module for collie
22:23.36Speedy2noda: It's not tough, but making it OpenSource suxxx
22:23.37kergothnoda: theres nothing holding us back
22:23.41nodakergoth: Really? WOOOOOO!
22:24.03Speedy2suxxx == fighting the SD people to make it OS
22:24.08nodakergoth: Would it work with 2.4.20 too? Which is the newer version that we wanted to use?
22:24.17kergothand yes itll work fine
22:24.18nodakergoth: There's nothing holding us back... when will we be seeing that then? :)
22:24.27_Psycho_I guess that worked
22:24.27noiddme-- # have a patch to apply to xfree
22:24.27noiddnot done it yet
22:24.29kergothwhenever i have time to do the finishing touches on our 2.4.19 tree
22:24.37kergothnoidd: bk pull
22:24.40nodakergoth: 2.4.19 is faster and better, right?
22:24.42kergothnoidd: mallum as push access now
22:24.53noiddah, he's probably applied that then
22:25.05kergothcheck though
22:25.16noiddpackages/xfree86/Makefile: 5 deltas ## looks promising
22:25.47kergothhey mickeyl, is there a wrapper around the use of the global message display on the taskbar?
22:26.03kergothi.e. if multiple apps send a message, it should cycle between them till a timeout
22:26.30kergothfigured you might know being you've done libopie2
22:28.43Speedy2You know Sharp's doing a pretty dangerous thing with the battery charging circuitry in the Z
22:28.53nodaWhat's that?
22:29.06Speedy2The battery gets slightly overcharged / or never gets fully charged
22:29.09mickeylkergoth: you mean beyond Global::setMessage ?
22:29.17cynTopwhy Speedy2
22:29.23Speedy2The Z's cell has voltage rating of 3.7, but they're using a part meant to charge a 4.2V Li-On cell
22:29.30Speedy2Li cells use a CC/CV charging scheme
22:29.36Speedy2With the Z's setup, it never gets to the CV part.
22:29.46mickeylkergoth: and ... by the way, libopie2 is far from being complete... it will take some time if is a replacement for libqpe and libopie1 :-D
22:29.52Speedy2That is, with the way sharp designed the charging circuitry.
22:30.20Speedy2I've used the part they're using for charging Li-On cells
22:30.51kergothmickeyl: yes i mean beyond setMessage
22:30.55Speedy2They ain't doin' it right.
22:31.07kergothmickeyl: if not, i'll write one
22:31.17mickeylkergoth: ah ok. no there isn't something like that - but it would be pretty easy to add such a thing.
22:31.22kergothmickeyl: yep
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22:31.36kergothmickeyl: was doing the 'please wait' thing in networksettings while restarting and interface and figured it may be a good idea
22:32.10mickeylkergoth: aaah that reminds me of something... didn't have the chance to see your revamped networksettings... doing now
22:32.59kergothnot much changed
22:33.09kergothjust hte ui for wireless and it no longer parses wireless.opts
22:33.26kergothand the damn thing finally restarts the interface when you change settings for interfaces other than wireless
22:33.29kergothwhich drove me nuts
22:34.28nodanetwork settings is great now IMO. I can find absolutely nothing wrong with it, or even slightly confusing.
22:34.42kergothwell, its profiles arent implemented well
22:35.01kergothand it could use pluginable support for mapping scripts other than its own
22:35.05kergoth(i.e. for ifupdown-roaming)
22:35.07_Psycho_ker, if mad updated from 0.14.2v-6 to -8 i just edit that in the makefile too ?
22:35.13nodaAh -- well, I don't use that stuff :)
22:35.25kergothnoda: but you will, once it works :)
22:35.43mickeylkergoth: did ben comment on your changes yet?
22:35.50kergothmickeyl: nope
22:36.12kergothmickeyl: I think I may add the implementation to his base outlined ppp module one of these days
22:36.18kergoththe lack of a ppp module is a huge support issue
22:36.22kergothi get asked about that constantly
22:36.27mickeylkergoth: yeah true
22:37.21mickeylkergoth: btw., i think sharp sending you a new collie SD module deservs a news entry @ please do it, our users will freak out of happyness :)
22:37.28kergothgood point
22:37.32nodaYeah! :)
22:38.06noiddbk ooh
22:38.11noiddthey did? :-)
22:38.47nodaWoo! Bitstream Vera fonts are almost ready :)
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22:38.54noiddnice shiny new kernel incomming then :0-)
22:38.58mickeylnoda: "almost"?
22:39.12nodamickeyl: -- apparently, "today or tomorrow"
22:39.31mickeylnoda: ah cool!!. been using them on my desktop since the first beta
22:39.41pb_apparently the fonts themselves are done, just waiting on the release notes.
22:39.51Speedy2Hey Phil.
22:39.55pb_hi Speedy2
22:40.04kergoththere we go, got the news item up
22:40.06nodaI'm waiting for release :)
22:40.13Speedy2I take it TrueType fonts don't work on Opie...
22:40.16_Psycho_ok well i summit patch later ;)
22:40.25mickeylSpeedy2: they dol
22:40.27kergothSpeedy2: yes they do, with opie-freetpye
22:40.27mickeyldo even
22:40.37kergothdont exactly make the most efficient use of resources, but it works
22:40.57markhwo do I set watchpoints in gdb? watch 'expr' from the manual doesn't help me much
22:41.07kergothworks fine for me here mark
22:41.13kergothwatch functionname for example
22:41.20_Psycho_kergoth, it is easier for you to get all changeset in 1 send or, i can do like 50 send back to back and it doesnt matter, same for you ?
22:41.28kergoth_Psycho_: doesnt matter to me
22:41.33pb_mm, wouldn't you normally set a watch on a variable rather than a function?
22:41.39nodakergoth: Erm, watch <expression>, no? Wouldn't it be break <function>?
22:41.47kergothyou can watch a function execution as well
22:41.47nodamark: What's the error message?
22:41.49kergothpb_: normally yeah
22:42.02marknoda: well, i just want to watch a private variable of an instance of a class
22:42.15kergothpb_: but once in a while i find it useful, i.e. to see if a certain codepath is being hit at all
22:42.24nodaWhoosh, way over my head. My only attempts at using gdb end in either failures or shoddy hacks :)
22:42.24kergothpb_: course printfs work too ;)
22:42.34markso, guessing its like break, I'm doing: 'watch CardDesk::CardElement::_storedHeight'
22:42.40pb_kergoth: ah, right.  what's the difference between a watch on a function and a break, or isn't there one?
22:42.41markkergoth: i'm trying to give up printfs :)
22:42.48Speedy2Here is an interesting question: What is the size of a "dot" when referring to "DPI"
22:42.50kergothpb_: doesnt stop execution, dumps a message that it was run
22:42.56pb_kergoth: aha, gotcha
22:43.05pb_sounds like a useful trick.
22:43.20kergothhandy once in a while. particularly if i'm in a foreign codebase
22:43.23kergothtrying to figure out whats going on :)
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23:02.23_Psychoopie take so long to compile, ker you have any hint to speed that up other than mrproper ;) ? like once its build i just remove everything in menuconfig and just add patched stuff hehe
23:04.17kergothuse ccache
23:04.24kergothits amazing
23:04.32kergoththings in opie that havent changed wont be recompiled
23:04.36kergothit'll grab the cached objects
23:04.51kergothjust install it on your box
23:04.55kergothbuildroot will use it if its in the path
23:04.59_Psychosound good
23:05.04_Psychothen when i do a make clean it keep it ?
23:05.19_Psychoor mrproper he will cache the objects
23:05.20_Psychoi see
23:05.21_Psychoi try that
23:05.22kergoth_Psycho: your compiler cache is in $HOME
23:05.28kergoth_Psycho: seperate from all build trees
23:05.30kergoth_Psycho: :)
23:05.32_Psychoah ok
23:05.40_Psychowill save me 3 hours =p
23:05.46kergothit is amazxing
23:05.56kergothespecially with buildroot, when you often have to clean or mrpoper something
23:06.02_Psychowell anyway opie should be almost done
23:06.02kergothkeep in mind, the cache gets large
23:06.08kergothi have a 2.5gb compiler cache atm
23:06.17_Psychoi had some depencie problem doing make image last night so i just clearer everything and i rebuild now
23:06.29_Psychowell i can always resize my partition again
23:06.49_Psychohey my first patch to oz
23:06.54_Psychoi think i go buy a pack of 12 =p
23:07.15_Psychoits not much, i guess its better than nothing
23:07.29_Psychowhen i do a send, you do a retrieve or something before you resolve / push ?
23:07.56kergothbk receive -avv, runs bk resolve for me
23:07.59kergoththen i push it to bkbits
23:08.00kergothfrom my tree
23:08.11_Psychoah ok
23:08.24kergothsince i have push access
23:08.35_Psychoomg for real !
23:08.39kergothonce you prove yourself, that you wont break anything, i'll giv eyou push access
23:08.44kergothuntil then the changesets go through me
23:08.50_Psychohehe i rather send them to you really
23:09.04_Psychoi still dont know half of the buildroot files still
23:09.05kergothdont want the responsibility? :)
23:09.49_Psychonah i just dont know what files i can edit, what files are made by scripts, what files do what etc. like dependency for the make image, if i want to fix them i dont know where so i can edit the wrongt hing /shrug
23:11.23_Psychognuboy was not compiling last week i might check that if  i got time
23:11.35_Psychobut i never have much time like 2 hours by night or so
23:14.06greearbanyone know size of perl-core v/s perl-micro ?
23:21.41_Psychogeesh, i was short in cash to pay my taxes, i when to my bank web site, clicked for asking cash, typed my account and they gave it to me right away. thats not a small ammount, im impress
23:22.01kergothi havent done my taxes
23:22.07_Psycho14 days left
23:22.14_Psychoit was 4k$
23:22.25kergothvery cool
23:22.45trekekergoth: did you at least get your extension filed?
23:22.52_Psychoi thought it would take like a week before i get anything or i would have to go to my bank hehe
23:22.59markkergoth: i think OZ may be about to ruin your life
23:23.19kergothtreke: no. the deadline was yesterday, right?
23:23.25cynTophah bad kergoth
23:23.25trekekergoth: yeah :)
23:23.27trekeI think
23:23.30cynTopmoney man no likey you
23:23.35kergothtreke: i'm certain I dont have to pay this year, so hopefully its not a huge deal
23:23.37trekeI'd ask my father, but he's on the plain to hawaii atm :)
23:25.29trekekergoth: break even, or do they owe you?
23:26.03kergothowe me
23:26.07kergothdont recall how much though
23:26.36_Psychohmm stopped at libsdl-qte. sdl-qtopia.files doesnt exist i think its easy to fix ? ( i check now thought)
23:27.11kergoththat error doesnt mean a file is missing
23:27.16kergothit just means that sdl-qtopia failed to apply
23:27.38_Psychoyeah well the make stop, maybe its just a bad clean or something
23:29.42*** join/#openembedded mdz (
23:29.54kergothhey mdz, hows it goin?
23:30.03_Psychooh well just removed it from the makefile
23:30.12mdzjust trying to beat this new xchat into submission
23:30.33mdzsomebody thought it would be a bright idea to change the key bindings
23:30.40mdzso that control-w, instead of deleting a word like in every sane application
23:30.48mdzinstead quits the channel
23:31.06kergoththats annoying
23:31.20mdzI've been quitting channels left and right for days
23:31.23mdzjust found where it's setting the binding
23:31.28yeiazel^W is the gnome/gtk shortcut for "close window"
23:31.48mdzyeiazel: not when focus is in a text entry box
23:31.54yeiazelit's the same in galeon, abiword, and so...
23:31.55pb_I keep finding with xchat2 that I accidentally detach a tab into its own window, and can't figure out how to put it back.
23:32.05mdzin xchat's case it's definitely a binding set in xchat, not in gtk
23:32.07yeiazelmdz: yeah...
23:32.17mdzthis happens when I'm typing in text, which is infuriating
23:32.30mdzand for some reason I can't change it at runtime
23:32.39mdzI set gtk-can-change-accels = 1 in ~/.gtkrc-2.0
23:32.50mdzbut still I can't change the accelerator by pressing a key combination when hovering over the menu item
23:33.08mdzbut enough off-topic ranting
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23:45.33greearbcd /home/greear/bk/buildroot-oz/output/ipks; /home/greear/bk/buildroot-oz/scripts/mkipkg --strip=arm-linux-strip /home/greear/bk/buildroot-oz/build/ipktemp/libc6-2.2.4-11
23:45.34greearb/home/greear/bk/buildroot-oz/scripts/mkipkg: cannot find ipkg-build, exiting...
23:45.34greearbmake[1]: *** [/home/greear/bk/buildroot-oz/output/ipks/libc6_2.2.4-11_armv4l-strongarm.ipk] Error 1
23:45.34greearbmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/greear/bk/buildroot-oz/packages/glibc'
23:45.34greearbmake: *** [packages/glibc] Error 2
23:45.47kergothgreearb: you're using a semiold tree
23:45.48kergothgreearb: do this
23:45.57greearbI just pulled fresh?
23:46.00kergothgreearb: rm -rf stamps/.*staging* output/staging/*
23:46.03kergothgreearb: pull means nothing.
23:46.05kergothgreearb: heh
23:46.10kergothgreearb: point is, your tree -started- old ;)
23:46.23kergothgreearb: wipe staging with that commadn, then run make
23:46.26kergothgreearb: then you should be ok
23:46.27greearboh :) build
23:47.37greearbgot my zauri and a 64MB flash card now...about ready to raise hell :)
23:47.47greearbor at least attempt :P
23:48.01kergothremember, that when source version changes of packages, you need to mrproper them so they obtain newer versions
23:48.09kergothand when packages change in other ways, they should be cleaned
23:48.13kergothwith SUBDIRS=packages/blah of course
23:48.36kergothunfortunately the current system isnt powerful enough to automatically clean and rebuild when things change do I tell this the bk pull ?
23:48.50kergoththats about the only way
23:48.59kergothwhen a makefile has been touched, its a good idea to rebuild it
23:49.02kergothi'd advise using ccache
23:49.08kergoththen compile times will be cut down
23:49.11greearbcouldn't we echo the version to the dir, and have the make file check each time to see if it changed?
23:49.17kergothyes, it could
23:49.33kergothbut i may leave version the same, and change something in staginginstall that only affects builds but not the new ipk
23:49.41kergothso we'd need a crc of the commands in each target
23:49.47kergothstaging, binary, rootinstall
23:49.56kergothand the way we handle it now doesnt easily facilitate that
23:50.02greearbI have a fast build machine...but the downloads kill me...
23:50.22kergothdont mrproper unless you have to
23:50.28kergothclean doesnt wipe sources, only mrproper does
23:50.57kergothno matter how fast your build machine is, i'd recommend installing ccache :)
23:51.02greearbso, maybe we could at least automate the need for mrproper?
23:51.08greearbyeah, will look at ccache
23:51.10kergothyeah, that we coudl do fairly easily
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.