irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030409

00:00.35ljpoh. well. it was warth a try
00:04.36djrsomeone enlighten me on how i can get memory used... is it buffers+cached+free+inactive - total ?
00:07.32Dessimat0rThe speaker thing on the new version of XMMS is damn nice ;)
00:07.46Dessimat0r*buzzer without headphones, sorry
00:11.50ljpI think thats oz
00:12.51Dessimat0rpnis said that he interfaced with the new speaker dsp, or something, in his new version of XMMS ;)
00:13.16Dessimat0rWonder if the sound quality can still be improved
00:13.24Dessimat0rNot very likely, however
00:13.51Dessimat0ras it is a piezeo
00:16.54ljpheh headline, "to stay slim, stop watching tv".. heh.. duh
01:03.29treke|homenot exactly brain surgery :)
01:04.44Dessimat0rwonder what would happen if you put a CPU into your brain, would your brain adapt to using it?
01:05.25Dessimat0ror what would happen if you touched two people's brains together
01:08.39*** join/#openembedded icefox (
01:10.50treke|homewhat would happen if I wired your brain to a tactical nuclear weapon
01:10.56treke|homeand detonated it
01:12.07icefoxit would be like the 1974 movie
01:13.04ljpicefox: so what are you doing now you are free?
01:13.41ljpyou are a web page?
01:13.59icefoxupdated my resume, website, working on apps, vistied old firends, working on networksettings in opie, wrote an essay and that was just this week
01:14.02Dessimat0rtreke: my brain would be annihilated, along with the area around my brain
01:14.09Dessimat0rhowever, i would have ejected my body
01:14.28kenbicefox: nice icons.  You make them yourself?
01:15.08icefoxthe ones at the top?
01:15.23icefoxonly the transformers one, the rest were from kde
01:15.36kenbthought they looked familar :)
01:17.26ljpnice essay. ;)
01:19.41ljpsome developers notice early on that a company might not understand open source.
01:20.32icefoxas one person said my essay is the cathedral and the bazzar for dummies
01:21.58djrhow is the used memory obtained? "(total) - (cached + free + buffers)" ?
01:25.08ivanicefox: your essay is flawed
01:26.18ivanyou're assuming people want to work on commercial software and that providing full access to everything will not damage the company's reputation
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01:27.26ljpyo G
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01:28.01icefoxivan: I do say if possible you should provide
01:28.19ivanyes, but who would want to work on something with a very restricted open source license?
01:28.24icefox...are all very easy things that can be provided in most cases.
01:28.26ivanyou /are/ trying to make money of off it, right?
01:28.37icefoxa lot of companies arn't
01:28.40ivanopen source is only a solution for huge companies that have other sources of revenue
01:28.48icefoxthey are simply utilizing the open source to fill a gap
01:28.52icefoxthey sell something else
01:29.00kenbYou can open source non-essential programs.
01:29.02icefoxgoverment contracts for state services
01:29.08icefoxthey sell the hardware
01:29.11kenbMy employer is looking at doing that now.
01:29.14icefoxservice contracts
01:29.21ivanwell i guess if you're talking about software meant for internal tasks then yes, open source could help
01:29.32ivanlike "let's make some accounting software and we'll use it"
01:29.37kenbOpenSource some non-business related (ie: infrastructure management) software
01:30.00icefoxivan: it isn't supost to convice them to open source current close source, but more talks about when using already open sourced software what shoudl be done
01:30.10chouimatkenb: I maybe able to port linux on Philips Trimedia cpu soon (about 50% chance)
01:30.16kenbchouimat: nice
01:30.29kenbchouimat: did you start anything on the webpals?
01:30.46chouimatkenb: still need to do the serial port to flash it
01:31.04kenbchouimat: ah.  Mine are still boxed at the moment.  I used one for a demo last week
01:31.14icefoxivan: how would I be able to better express that in my essay?
01:31.17kenbbut I don't have easy access to a TV anymore, so it's on hold.
01:31.26ljpya, they can open source the updater program
01:32.27Dessimat0rbetter sleep now
01:32.33Dessimat0rgn someone wrote an os there (shagos or something like that)
01:33.27icefoxit is a requirment of os2
01:33.33icefoxeveryone writes there own os
01:33.48chouimaticefox: ok better that at ulaval ... they removed os2
01:33.51icefoxweekendOS is my favorite :0)
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01:34.25chouimaticefox: when I did that class I had the choice: 2 exams and 3 homeworks or 1 exams and a project ...
01:34.45chouimatso I took the second options ... and I wrote mk/2
01:35.12icefoxwell I havn't gotten to that class yet...
01:35.32chouimaticefox: they replace it with a parallel programmation class
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01:39.24NetNut404_PDAhmm buzzer is different in oz 3.2?  cant get it to make a sound
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01:46.00thMachinesysvinit or the other one?
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01:48.34ljpmy cat brought in a stick and is playing with it
01:50.07ljpwho's doing that camera app?
01:50.24chouimatljp: my cat is trying to open the cat treat box
01:50.56chouimatljp: yup ... and me I will go out buy some beers a little later
01:51.37thMachineok, i'm trying to do make image.. i go through the config creation script and when it finally starts doing stuff it dies after:
01:52.27thMachinesigh, of course copy paste decides not work
01:52.51thMachineit dies after attempting to install ipkg to root
01:59.30caffeineam i missing something? flashed to 3.2 but can't upgrade to new packages in unstable
02:00.16kergoth`bblcaffeine: read the mailing list archives
02:03.32thMachinekergoth`bbl: any idea why make image would die after the attempting to install ipkg?
02:03.49kergoth`bbldie in what way?
02:03.57kergoth`bblwhat error?
02:05.39thMachinemake[1]:*** ..... ipkg.control] Error 1
02:06.04kergoththats not the real error. anything else?
02:06.08thMachineconveniately my comp decides to not like copy/pastes currently...
02:06.52kergothhmmk i'll update and build and image, see if i see the problem here
02:06.57kergothwaiting for opie to recompile atm
02:08.00thMachineit does the Installing ipkg to root thing, then the next error is a long line with that beginning and end... with the path to ipkg.control inside []'s... along the lines of output/rootfs/usr/lib/ipkg/info/ipkg.control
02:08.18kergothits hiding the real error messages
02:08.46thMachinei just did a bk pull to make sure i had the latest
02:08.59kergothbk vi Rules.make
02:09.03kergothfind the %.control rule
02:09.11kergothremove the >/dev/null or whatever after the ipkg line
02:09.19kergoththen you'll see the messages it outputs
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02:12.37magicsofa------------------------------DOOM ROLEPLAY, GO TO #STATIONALPHA !!!!!!!!
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02:13.12thMachineno such file: output/staging/-linux/bin/ipkg
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02:38.13kergoth/usr/src/collie$ OPIEDIR=/usr/src/collie/build/opie scripts/mkipkg --destdir=build/opie --control=build/opie/library/libqpe1.control --ipkgbuild=output/staging/i386-linux/bin/ipkg-build --mkfsjffs2=output/staging/i386-linux/bin/mkfs.jffs2 --strip=/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/bin/arm-linux-strip --filesubst=./test --subst=./subst
02:38.19kergothtar: Removing leading `/' from member names
02:38.21kergothPackaged contents of /tmp/mkipkg.15811 into ./libqpe1_1.5.0-1.1_arm.ipk
02:38.29kergothi can kill of mkipks, thank god
02:39.20ivani hope i won't have to deal with all that ugly stuff
02:39.31kergothheh, no
02:39.34ivani'm such a stoopit mac os x user now
02:40.02Balagrrr.. i hate it when you rm -rf a directory of desired files accidently :(
02:40.05icefoxso perty
02:40.32ivani often accidently do rm -r dir-to-copy/ ~/backups/
02:40.38ljpheh no such domain
02:41.02Balai lost all my backup ipks.. :(
02:41.02ivanWelcome to
02:41.10kergothnow i need a way to do variable substitution within my sed filesubst script
02:41.17thMachinei think my problem might have been forgetting to make after i switched to the _image config.. instead i went straight to doing make image
02:41.25kergoththMachine: uhh
02:41.30kergoththMachine: the faq is wrong.
02:41.36kergothcp def-configs/collie-opie .config
02:41.37kergothmake oldconfig
02:41.57kergothcp def-configs/collie-opie_image output/.config
02:42.00kergothmake image_oldconfig
02:42.01kergothmake image
02:42.05kergothis the correct steps
02:42.09kergothneed to update the docs
02:47.40treke|homekergoth: you pester jamey today?
02:52.09chouimatkergoth: just heard something not bad on tv
02:52.20ljpnot bad?
02:52.53chouimatljp: an opera the only thing I don't like it's the pseudo dance beat in it
02:53.12chouimatsound too much electronic for my taste
02:54.07*** join/#openembedded Speedy2 (
02:54.13chouimatljp: beside that the music is good but I'm not a fan of ambient techno
02:54.17Speedy2Kergoth, you be here?
02:55.53Speedy2Becareful or it might fire back.
02:56.14chouimatSpeedy2: hehe
02:56.48chouimatljp: just download "La Disoa Fredda" from the album atylantos
02:57.13ljpnever heard ofit
02:57.22kergothSpeedy2: yeah
02:57.22chouimatljp: modern opera
02:57.29Speedy2I wish buying a used car weren't such a PITA.
02:57.46ljpoh, like The WHo: Tommy? ;)
02:58.00chouimatSpeedy2: finding a new gf is too
02:58.05chouimatljp: more techno
02:58.06ljpSpeedy2: just pick one!
02:58.12Speedy2chouimat: Yeah, no joke.
02:58.21Speedy2ljp: Yeah, a bunch of loser wholesalers trying to cheat me. I don't think so.
02:58.29ljpchouimat: you also, just pick one!
02:58.48ljpoh, get it from a person, not a dealer
02:59.05chouimatSpeedy2: I know I just met a girl two weeks ago, I knew her for a long time because she work at the grocery I got but she's only 18 ...
02:59.19Speedy2ljp: No shit. Except in all the classifieds the postings are by wholesaler/dealers, NOT individuals.
02:59.31Speedy2chouimat: How old are you?
02:59.46chouimatSpeedy2: 29
03:00.00chouimatSpeedy2: and divorced
03:00.28Speedy2Hilary Duff is the next Melissa Joan Hart.
03:00.30chouimatljp: and the song I told you to download is in italian
03:00.39chouimatSpeedy2: who?
03:00.48chouimathmmmmm Duff Stout
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03:01.11treke|homehrmm. what should I do about OE tonight
03:01.24Speedy2And for that matter, Angie Harmon is a copy of Ali MacGraw (a bad one)
03:01.32ljpman, these monks are freakin me out
03:01.47ljptreke: kick its ass
03:01.59chouimatljp: monks?
03:02.27chouimatok Bob is here
03:02.56ljpya, those weird monks that sing that generate two tones
03:03.32chouimatljp: ok they're able to double their voices ... that like king diamon
03:04.23ljpbob the cat
03:04.43chouimatljp: yup ... i find Robert too long
03:05.39chouimatljp: I think bob is better than the name my sister give to her cat: toffu
03:06.16ljphmmm... perhaps
03:06.43ljpI had a boss once that had a dog named Matt
03:07.20ljpactually, it was Mathew
03:07.34chouimatljp: I hate toffu as food imagine a cat named that ... and it's a very agressive one
03:07.51Speedy2Then name is "Lion"
03:08.09chouimatSpeedy2: my sister is a soy addict
03:08.10Speedy2How about that? Giving one species of cat a name for another?
03:08.16Speedy2chouimat: Soy is good stuff.
03:08.17masticatortofu is good when firm, and stir fried with meat and lots of chiles
03:08.26ljpchouimat: is she a vegetarian?
03:08.32chouimatljp: yes
03:08.44Speedy2chouimat: Cool. How old is she? :)
03:08.53chouimatljp: not really she ate chicken and fish
03:08.58chouimatljp: nope
03:08.59masticatorthe chinese and thai do amazing stuff with tofu.
03:09.11icefoxHow do you tell if you are compiling for DEBIAN or REd Hat?
03:09.23chouimatSpeedy2: 27 April 17th
03:09.23ljpuname -a
03:09.34kergothI should name my next dog, cat, and my next cat, dog.
03:09.38Speedy2Hrm. A bit too old
03:09.50Speedy2(I mean not really, but you know what I mean)
03:10.09ljpeatting checken is not a vegetarian
03:10.12masticatorkergoth: only if your cat licks his balls and your dog doesnt give a shit when you ask him to come
03:10.15ljpchicken even
03:10.16chouimatmasticator: true but when they started to talk about it in Quebec the recipes tasted very very bad ... I prefer to do my own toffu
03:11.13Speedy2ljp: Agreed
03:11.31ljpooohh.. hmmm. my eyes wide open!
03:12.02ljpI bet I could unpatch the new vercel keyboard driver and make my old keybaord work again
03:12.03chouimatI remember that one aunt of my ex-wife had cat and a "furet", and the "furet" like to chew the cat's balls
03:12.42chouimatljp:  yes
03:12.58chouimatI didn't recalled the exact word
03:13.00ljpsounds painful
03:13.34kergothibot: spell furet
03:13.35possible spellings for furet: fret fur et fur-et fruit ferret fired furred Fred frat fared firer fuhrer furry fried fruity Frey faired feet fire frets fury Freda Fredi Freud Frito forte freed fut cruet Forest farer floret forest furor Furies faucet fires first fleet forget fruiter furies furled surety turret
03:13.35ljpI know your english sucks.. thats ok ;)
03:13.38chouimatljp: the cat was an Hymalayan but the ferret menaged to find them
03:13.49chouimatkergoth: ferret
03:13.58kergothi know how its spelled
03:14.07kergothi was seeing if ibot could figure out that 'furet' was ferret
03:14.28chouimatfuck! Bob is drinking my beer
03:14.41chouimatljp: I bought a grammar today :)
03:15.40ljpyou'd think bob was a dog cause he likes beer
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03:16.57masticatorljp: does Vercel actually exist as an entity anymore?
03:17.16chouimatvercel the fabled vaporware?
03:17.45Speedy2Vercel is ??
03:17.51Speedy2The laser/infrared keyboard?
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03:18.11kergothvercel is a pda, or was going to be
03:18.13treke|homehmmm. ipkg hasnt been touched for a couple days
03:18.14chouimatSpeedy2: last time I heard about it a vaporware (how is that sentence?)
03:18.34Speedy2I heard about it, ^ "it was still vaporware"
03:18.39kergothchouimat: s/a vaporware/, it was vaporware/;
03:18.46kergothor that
03:18.57ljpdont know. the web address still exists
03:19.08chouimatguys ... I'm trying to improve it but you don't want me to talk :)
03:19.19kergothchouimat: ?
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03:19.34masticatorljp: the last time I talked to the CEO, he needed 2 million bucks in cash to go forward
03:19.41masticatorthat was like 8 months ago
03:19.45ljpvercel is this thingy I have collecting dust on my desk
03:19.58chouimatkergoth: you don't want to ear my talk in english :)
03:20.18kergothwhat ever happened to than indian one?
03:20.22kergothkaii or whatever?
03:20.38ljpya, by the time vercel gets funded (if ever) the vercel will be outdated already. oh it alreaady id
03:20.52chouimatmasticator: just find 20 000 geeks who want to pay 100$ and it's ok :)
03:21.06ljpkaii, not sure Riker would know about that
03:21.16kergothibot: seen timriker
03:21.21timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 4h 29m 57s ago, saying: 'back in a bit...'.
03:21.23masticatorkaii was never a device
03:21.28masticatorit was a design
03:21.33masticatorthat they were supposed to OEM
03:21.40masticatorto various manufacturers
03:21.46masticatorand that never took off
03:21.52ljpaah another vaproware
03:22.02masticatorthe TI, however, is quite real.
03:22.06ljpTI is going to come out with a qtopia/linux device
03:22.07treke|homeall linux pdas are desitned to be vaperware
03:22.23treke|homehopefully ti handles things better than sharp
03:22.30chouimatkergoth: I maybe able to port linux to the Philips Trimedia cpu/dsp this summer
03:22.31masticatortreke: lets hope they do.
03:23.07treke|homealthough frankly, with qtopia, I think they are on to a lose
03:24.50masticatortreke: at the moment, there isnt anything better than Qtopia or OPIE.
03:24.54ljphaha! I found it!
03:24.57treke|homemasticator: nope
03:25.01chouimatljp: ?
03:25.01kergothljp: keyboard patch?
03:25.16ljpya, so I can use this thing again
03:25.50chouimathahaha.... Timmy and the Lord of the Underworld
03:25.55kergothanyone in here have a tuxscreen? somebody should test the OE support for it
03:25.59ljpis riker still in utah?
03:26.27kergothljp: well, he was making his office more comfortable today at ti
03:27.40chouimatljp: 514 DVDA songs on kazaa
03:28.10ljpoh cool. he got hired
03:28.26Speedy2No more Tux Screens, eh?
03:28.26kergothlook at the hostname in ibot's seen timriker output
03:28.49kergothSpeedy2: nope, they've been sold out for quite some time now
03:28.58kergotharg, this periodic system hang behavior is driving me nuts
03:29.03Speedy2I guess they could have been kinda cool...
03:29.30ljpahhh sooo.. cool
03:31.53chouimatljp: what is cool? I got Hell is no good from the South Park movie but the 4:32 version
03:32.28ljpriker at TI
03:32.40treke|homecould it be! opie doesnt compile :)
03:32.57ljpnaaa, thats oe fault
03:33.21Speedy2If the TuxScreen could h0x0r into a PBX or you could make a coolio PBX, then it would be useful.
03:33.43treke|homeSpeedy2: that would negate the purpose of a tux screen
03:34.03Speedy2How so?
03:34.17treke|homeSpeedy2: the purpose of a tuxscreen is to be cool, but useless.
03:34.19Speedy2I always hate how in office PBXs you have to wade through "voice menus"
03:34.21ljpoe on webpal
03:34.26Speedy2That should be the topic :)
03:34.29Speedy2(perhaps of #tuxscreen)
03:34.32treke|homeif you make it useful, it would still be cool, but no longer useless
03:34.54Speedy2I have these 5 SA-1100s (190MHz speed grade) sitting around. One day I should do something with them.
03:35.33ljphack a multiprocessor pda :)
03:36.11Speedy2Maybe make some blinking lights
03:36.39ljpoooh. do kernel messages in morse code!
03:36.56chouimatljp: sometimes
03:38.00ljpoe needs that patch
03:38.33chouimatljp: I thing I will go watch Baskettball DVD :)
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03:40.20chouimathrmmmm the chick that play Lita Alexander in Babylon5 will make me do some very good dream tonight
03:40.57[aSQUi]just about to get my new SL 5500.. was wondering if i could ask a few Qs i can't seem to find answers for elsewhere
03:41.07Speedy2This would be the place to ask.
03:41.12ljpno. no q's allowed here
03:41.33ljpyou must pose them as answers, and then we guess the question
03:41.43[aSQUi]jeopardy style :)
03:41.47chouimat[aSQUi]: we don't guaranty the quality of the answer :)
03:41.55treke|homechouimat: actually we do
03:42.06[aSQUi]chouimat: or the accuracy of spelling of guarantee? ;)
03:42.13treke|homechouimat: we guarantee that they will be as asshole like as any other support list
03:42.30[aSQUi]anywho.. anyone had much experience using OZ with CF WiFi
03:42.31treke|homeyou can have that in writing
03:42.39kergoth[aSQUi]: nope, never
03:42.44chouimat[aSQUi]: I'm Quebecers so .... I don't spell french or english correctly ;)
03:42.57kergothi'm american .. so i dont spell english correctly either
03:42.58chouimattreke|home: ok like M$ tech support
03:43.03[aSQUi]and are there facilities to synch over ethernet?
03:43.18treke|homekergoth: no. it's the british whou caunt speull
03:43.27chouimathuh? someone did a CF ethernet card?
03:43.44[aSQUi]chouimat: yep lots of companies do Compact Flash 802.11b cards
03:43.53[aSQUi]they are around 100USD
03:43.56Speedy2[aSQUi]: As it is, the device can masquerade via USB as having an IP, so if you use an Ethernet card, it's not much different
03:44.00chouimat[aSQUi]: can't find them here:(
03:44.14[aSQUi]chouimat: here is Quebec?
03:44.23chouimatQuebec City
03:44.38[aSQUi]that's in canada right? (im bad with world geography)
03:44.51treke|homeno, its in afghananastan
03:45.00ljpits northern US
03:45.01[aSQUi]Speedy2: cool.. that means i can leave the cradle at work *(since no wifi there) and use wifi to synch @ home.
03:45.37chouimattreke|home: you're as bad as all the american .. Quebec City is near Bagdad ... fuck! another bob near my orange tree
03:45.46[aSQUi]i just wish the sl5500 had 2 CF slots :).. If i want to use extra storage as well as a wifi card i'll have to buy more expensive SD mem.
03:46.07[aSQUi]damn those bob's.
03:46.15treke|homebob licks balls
03:46.21[aSQUi]oh my *covers eyes*
03:46.28Speedy2[aSQUi]: Yeah, I wish it had two CFs as well.
03:46.44chouimattreke|home: bob is in his litter box right now
03:46.45ljpand bob eats cat treats
03:46.55treke|home[aSQUi]: you can always get an ipaq with a dual CF sleeve :)
03:47.20[aSQUi]treke|home: doesnt that just mean it takes both CF types not 2 CF cards at once?
03:47.37treke|homeit means it can take two CF cards at one
03:48.07kergoth'both cf types'?
03:48.11[aSQUi]Speedy2: so you've got the ethernet synch thing going?
03:48.13kergothCF is CF.
03:48.17treke|homekergoth: type one and type 2
03:48.23chouimatljp:  you have seen is photo?
03:48.24[aSQUi]there are two types.. once is thicker slightly
03:48.25kergoth[aSQUi]: syncing works across any tcp/ip connection
03:48.31kergoth[aSQUi]: regardless of how it happens
03:48.43Speedy2[aSQUi]: I don't personally, but the Z just sees an IP...WiFi, Ethernet, USBNet, whatever...
03:49.14treke|homeexcept the sharp rom. It ignores anything other than usbnet, doesnt it?
03:49.26ljpchouimat: I think so, a fat black cat
03:49.29[aSQUi]kergoth: the cf socket and interface api are the same for diff types
03:49.45[aSQUi]kergoth: but the cards differ a teeny bit in size.. so they don't fit..
03:49.52kergothyes, i know
03:49.58kergothdidnt think about it, sine the Z supports boht
03:50.21Speedy2kergoth: Any links on the handwriting recog input stuff? So I can know what strokes do what?
03:50.35treke|homethe dual cf sleeve is actually one type2 slot ( that can take type 1) and a type 1 sloot
03:50.36kergothdont know any other than the opie users manual
03:50.37[aSQUi]I'm pondering paying 55AUD more for 256Mb of SD so i can wifi at the same time..
03:50.38kergothask in #opie
03:50.44Speedy2Ok, will do
03:50.48ljpoh, he's not too fat. my cat would like him
03:51.03treke|homeSpeedy2: hit the button labeled like a pen
03:51.05Speedy2kergoth: Did anyone measure the power consumption of the Z with and without backlight?
03:51.21kergothi'd tell you to hit up the info on
03:51.23chouimatljp: Bob is only 9 pounds
03:51.23kergothif it wasnt down
03:51.40ljpmy cat is slimming down
03:51.56ljpshe was ffffaaaattttt. now she's a trite overweight
03:52.03Speedy2Tie a belt around him. He'll look like a slimmer cat, but no dieting/excercising
03:52.22chouimatljp: mine is 10 months and 1/2
03:52.28ljpmaybe if my cat would stop watching tv, she wouldnt be fat
03:52.57ljpmine about a years or something
03:53.22chouimatljp: mine like to watch pussies on the net :)
03:53.30treke|homekergoth: hrmm. you sure ipkg upgrade doesnt work?
03:53.38chouimatand me too
03:53.44kergothtreke|home: didnt work at all testing it last night
03:53.51treke|homeits doing something
03:53.56ljpI need to go crash...
03:54.23chouimatljp: you have some 1-976 with bib boobed chick late at night?
03:54.46chouimatljp: bye
03:55.15kergothyou know, working 10-7 doesnt suck so much now that its staying light later, i'm getting to like it more
03:55.32Speedy2I used to work 10-6 or 11-8
03:55.36Speedy2I liked it a lot better
03:55.42treke|homekergoth: ok. I just verified that I was able to upgrade my kernel packages from -4 to -5 with 0.99.79
03:55.42Speedy2No people around later on
03:55.44Speedy2Quiet, etc
03:55.51kergothtreke|home: ah, cool
03:55.52chouimatkergoth: that better than me lately ... I got about 10 hours of sleep since sunday
03:55.55kergothtreke|home: from a feed or local?
03:56.10Speedy2You can play music loudly, walk around, do whatever the fuck you want
03:56.55kergothSpeedy2: and my boss leaves at 5, so i can often bolt early :D
03:58.01treke|homefuck are people really this stupid?
03:58.19chouimatkergoth:  I work at home so when the client pay for 6 hours of work what proof he had :)
03:58.46kergothchouimat: hehe
03:59.35chouimatkergoth: last night a client told me the problem I will need 6 hours to fix it ... and he give me the check ... I needed 10 minutes :)
04:00.03chouimatkergoth:  360$ (CAD) for 10 minutes ;)
04:00.50treke|homekergoth: looks like it segfaults if you pass it a url though
04:01.09chouimatwow! the philips chips rocks
04:01.17Speedy2What? Philips sux.
04:01.19treke|homeor a local file
04:01.55Speedy2You didn't cheat on your wife, did you?
04:02.29kergothbrb, going to the store to get something to eat, cupboards are fucking empty
04:02.34chouimatSpeedy2: trimedia?
04:02.57Speedy2I mean Philips in general sux.
04:03.10treke|homefuck now ipkg segfaults
04:03.43chouimatSpeedy2: the philips trimedia cpu/dsp is cool
04:03.55Speedy2I wouldn't touch anything from Philips with a 50-ft pool
04:04.01Speedy2If you want a CPU+DSP, go with a TI part.
04:04.11Speedy2Philips is a SHIT company.
04:05.28[aSQUi]Speedy2: a 50ft pool.. isn't that like..competition sized? ;)
04:06.08Speedy2Heh :)
04:06.10Speedy2pole :)
04:06.37[aSQUi]mm.. Zaurus on 18th april
04:06.51[aSQUi]nup ebay
04:07.05[aSQUi]brand new tho.
04:07.15[aSQUi]210 USD
04:07.20Speedy2Not bad.
04:07.29[aSQUi]what were they on HSN again>?
04:07.30Speedy2You know HSN is selling them for $165, right?
04:07.39[aSQUi]are you shitting me?
04:07.45BalaHSN is sold out though
04:07.49Speedy2Bala: Again!?
04:07.58Speedy2They sold out and were supposed to get some more.
04:08.05Speedy2Do they plan on getting any more?
04:08.06chouimatSpeedy2: my uncle co did a product with the philips trimedia and I'm looking to have the evalution board
04:08.20Speedy2chouimat: Ok. But beware, Philips sux.
04:08.58chouimatSpeedy2: and look for the tellimage product
04:09.39chouimatSpeedy2: the Iristext line are based on the TMS34010 or TMS34020
04:10.25Speedy2TI parts...
04:11.00chouimatSpeedy2: I know ... the TMS34XXX are bits adressable if I recall correctly
04:11.24Speedy2Well, I had better go eat.
04:11.38chouimatSpeedy2: I can have a TI/99-4a for 10$
04:11.58Speedy2If you'll pay $10 for mine, I'll send it too !
04:12.08Speedy2Hell, I have two of them
04:12.12Speedy2One with expandable disk drive and all
04:12.15Speedy2Printer too
04:12.24Speedy2Word Processor, Pac Man, King Kong, and other games.
04:12.28chouimatSpeedy2: I still have a Color Computer 3 but with 16MB ram
04:13.04chouimatman Microware OS-9 was a great OS for 1986 :)
04:13.20Speedy2It should fly on today's hardware then, don't you think?
04:13.59chouimatSpeedy2: yup but they only support embedded develop with winblows host for devel :(
04:14.10Speedy2Oh well
04:14.30Speedy2Must eat. Will be back.
04:14.33chouimatSpeedy2:  I knowI have the 60 days
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04:26.08[aSQUi]mm.. we love works shonky connection
04:26.17[aSQUi]someone said Zaurus for 175 on HSN..
04:26.30[aSQUi]i believe that's for a refurbed model.. yes?
04:26.50[aSQUi]there are lots of refurbs around with a limited 3month warranty
04:29.06[aSQUi]got a url?
04:42.10*** join/#openembedded Bala (
04:51.56[aSQUi]no one here now i guess?
04:56.55[aSQUi]mm.. ill come back later :)
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06:26.16Speedy2Why does everyone goto sleep so early?
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08:29.01Dessimat0rlo all
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09:18.33Speedy2Scared someone into coming back.
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11:05.59pb_hi Twiun
11:07.47Twiunhey pb_
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11:59.16ljpdoes oz use /linuxrc ?
12:00.01mickeylhmm... afaik not
12:00.06mickeylnot sure however
12:06.22ljphmm ya I cant fin d it
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12:40.20noiddhow is everyone today?
12:41.42mickeylpretty busy
12:41.44mickeylhow are u?
12:42.17pb_looking forward to gtk being supported.
12:42.55mickeylif you can make gtk+ supported, i will bring you PyGTK :-D
12:44.22mithromickeyl: you a pythonite as well?
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12:46.31mickeylmithro: absolutely - i even wrote a book about it :-D
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14:34.13Dessimat0rhaha, Saddam's statue is about to fall down in Baghdad
14:44.56pb_kergoth: morning
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14:45.23kergothmornin treke
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15:05.13kergothhey Twiun
15:05.16Twiunhey kergoth
15:18.42kergothman this is a good cd
15:21.50*** join/#openembedded bipolar (~bflong@
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15:23.58kergothhey bipolar
15:24.09bipolarkergoth: hello
15:24.40bipolarI see is back online
15:25.06bipolarmaybe I'll be able to get a new build today..  heh
15:33.17kergothheh, we mirrored the embedix patch on :)
15:37.44kergothhey mithro
15:37.44mithroi've been playing with the keymap
15:38.08kergothspeaking of whihc, i wonder if sharp has a keymap document that outlines every keycombination that we can copy the behavior of
15:38.29kergothmithro: hows it coming along?
15:39.04mithrowell i have figured out that opie does get all key presses into it so a "software" keymap would work...
15:39.29kergothmithro: right now
15:39.33kergothmithro: qt/e has a hardcoded keymap
15:39.43kergothmithro: but, i wrote a patch to make it base its internal maps on the kernel keymap.
15:39.53kergothmithro: i then promptly lost the patch.. so i have to rewrite it
15:40.07bipolarkergoth: I hate when that happens
15:40.08mithroyeah but you can override it, there are a few programs out there that will do it in software
15:40.09kergothpoint is, if we get the kernel keymap done, we have proper key mapping in X, console, _and_ opie once i rewrite the patch
15:40.16kergothmithro: unnecessary.
15:40.22kergothand its a hack
15:40.25kergoththis is the proper solution
15:40.56mithrokergoth: i think a software map is a good thing for the simple thing is that i don't like some of sharps "default" combernations
15:41.07mithrohowever i think the kernel should have the proper keymap :)
15:41.33mithroonce i have all the keycodes to keys etc a kernel keymap shouldn't be to hard...
15:41.41Dessimat0ralmost the weekend...
15:41.45Dessimat0rhell has almost ended
15:42.27kergothmithro: better solution
15:42.37kergothmithro: qt/e needs a means by which you can alter its map directly
15:42.48kergothmithro: rather than doing hackish qt keycode translations at a higher level
15:42.52kergothmore like xmodmap
15:43.37mithrokergoth: yeah
15:43.54kergothanyway, the real problem is figuring out what key combinations exist in sharp
15:43.57kergothif they had a doc..
15:44.02kergoththen just take that and make use of it
15:44.09kergoththats what i did for our 2.4.19 default kernel keymap
15:44.18kergothtook a couple hours and a printout of the key combos
15:44.21mithroyeah couldn't find anything
15:44.36kergothmithro: I contacted sharp regarding c700 specifications recently
15:44.50kergothrequested info on the ati graphics chip as well
15:44.58kergothhopefully they'll be able to get me the info
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15:45.42mithroi havn't really had much time to work on it though...
15:45.49kergothbut something like keymap info should be public inf
15:45.53kergothi shouldnt have to go through those channels
15:45.59kergothso i'll contact them about that as well
15:46.11*** mode/#openembedded [+o chouimat] by ChanServ
15:46.20mithrothere may be something on a japanese site i could read :)
15:46.26trekeer mozilla
15:46.35trekethis bug has been there forever, yet it never gets fixed
15:46.42kergothmithro: yeah, theres quite a bit of useful info on japanese sites for the c700
15:47.31mithrobeen using babelfish alot...
15:48.00mithrothats how i figure out how to read the sharp roms before i found out oz already knew how...
15:48.07mithro(plus a bit of playing..)
15:52.26bipolarIf this builds, I'm making a gcc3 based build too.
15:53.08kergothbipolar: great
15:53.27bipolarkergoth: should I make a new feed on sf for it?
15:53.48kergothwell, we need a place in the filesystem for it..
15:53.50kergothdunno where
15:54.28bipolarkergoth: also, I would like to add apps to buildroot, but I think that would require the ability to push to it, right?
15:54.48kergothyou can initially bk ci and bk add your changes
15:54.54kergothbk commit or citool to build a changeset
15:55.00kergothand you can bk send -r#
15:55.02kergothand i merge it
15:55.06bipolarheh... cool
15:55.37bipolarfirst I want to add Car Mileage Calculator... :)
15:55.59kergothread docs/DEVEL
15:56.01kergothcopy an existing qtopia app
15:59.08thMachineis opie currently broken? it's died twice on compiling networksettings stuff
15:59.43thMachinei did mrproper on opie in between the builds
16:02.30kergothi just built opie last night
16:02.36kergothbut i'll try now
16:02.48kergothben did push netwroksettings changes yesterday
16:03.02thMachinethat's why i was surprised when i woke up this morning and it had died
16:03.41thMachineinterfaceinformationimp.cpp: In method `void InterfaceInformationImp::advanced()':
16:03.41thMachineinterfaceinformationimp.cpp:56: `WShowModal' is not a member of type `Qt'
16:03.42thMachineinterfaceinformationimp.cpp:56: `WType_Dialog' is not a member of type `Qt'
16:03.54thMachinemake[3]: *** [interfaceinformationimp.o] Error 1
16:03.55thMachinemake[3]: Leaving directory `/home/thmachin/devel/buildroot-oz/build/opie/noncore/net/networksettings/interfaces'
16:04.17kergoththats odd
16:08.42kergoththMachine: well, if its broken, bipolar and i will both run into it
16:08.51kergothso we'll know soon enough
16:08.56kergothhey jmhodges
16:09.03jmhodgeshola kergoth
16:09.05jmhodgeswhats news?
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16:12.58kergoththMachine: yep, its broken.
16:13.19bipolarkergoth: has anyone tried building opie on qte v3?
16:13.29thMachinei'm just having incredible luck with trying to build this thing
16:14.35bipolarkergoth: it's broken? *sigh*
16:14.43kergothbipolar: yes, networksettings doesnt compile atm
16:15.11bipolarmy timing is just horrible
16:15.13kergothlets LART ben a bit
16:15.18treke~lart ben
16:15.32bipolar~lart ben
16:17.06kergoth~lart ben
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16:18.35kergothben's using widget flags from qt 3.x
16:21.34trekesomeone needs to give ben a z :)
16:22.09mithrowhats lart mean?
16:22.21kergothibot: lart
16:22.32kergoth11:22 <ibot>    Desc: Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool
16:22.50mithroahh :)
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16:25.20trekeit looks like redhat 8 :)
16:26.42bipolarI downloaded the iso's just to see how well bittorrent worked.
16:26.50kergothhow well did it owrk?
16:26.59bipolarvery nicely.
16:27.10mithroi'm off to bed
16:27.19bipolargot about 40Kps
16:27.32bipolarmithro: ;g'night
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16:27.42kergothits weird seeing actual traffic on openzaurus-devel, even if its small amounts
16:27.51bipolar~lart my fat fingers
16:28.15sievekergoth: heh
16:28.30kergotheven if it is complaints
16:28.33kergoth'ahh opie wont compile'
16:28.38kergothme: 'shit happens'
16:30.26trekeyup. He isnt quite getting the point that buildroot itself is fine, it's upstream that is broken.
16:30.36trekehe can always cvsdate opie
16:31.10trekepersonally, I'm for leaving opie on head until it starts approaching time to do releases
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16:31.26kergothotherwise we're changing cvsdate constantly
16:31.31kergothwhich isnt reasonable
16:35.25*** join/#openembedded StarKruzr (
16:35.30StarKruzr'lo all
16:36.13gurokdoes anyone know if there is a good reason why the default ppp ip-up script with 3.2 doesn't handle peer dns ?
16:36.34kergothwe're using the default shit in the ppp package
16:36.40kergothno decisions were really made on deviations from it
16:36.50ivanis there a package in the feed to turn off the screen?
16:37.08StarKruzrdoes anyone know of a good hardware hack to get a better battery (i.e. the SL-5600's) into my iPaq?
16:37.10kergothyou can go into light & power
16:37.18kergothand tell it to turn off the screen instead of suspending
16:37.25ivanoh heh, nevermind
16:37.29gurokkergoth - many thanks
16:37.34kergothi think there are other tools, on zsi, but nothing else in our feeds
16:37.36ivani guess someone made that program for the sharp rom
16:37.40StarKruzrkergoth: yes, but that requires you to wait for it to suspend itself via timeout, right?
16:37.44kergothivan: yep
16:37.47kergothStarKruzr: yep
16:37.55kergothbut theres no need to turn it off manually..
16:38.04kergothunless you're listening to mp3s, and op2 and xmms should do that automatically
16:38.48StarKruzrOP2 seems to turn off the screen until a new mp3 starts playing, then it turns it on again until the timeout happens again
16:39.23StarKruzrof course it doesn't turn on the backlight when I have it turned off in light & power, but still that LCD has to suck a fair amount of juice
16:39.27kergoththen its a bug
16:39.32kergothhave you opened a bug in the bug tracking system?
16:39.44kergothif not, you cant expect it to be fixed.
16:39.47kergothnothing fixes itself.
16:39.48kergothibot: opie bugs
16:39.49methinks opie bugs is
16:40.05StarKruzrhope I don't have to speak German :)
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16:40.53StarKruzrso any ideas for the battery deal?
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16:45.24Dessimat0rI had a problem with XMMS before - it was stuck in speaker playing mode, when I had the headphones plugged in
16:45.31Dessimat0ropening and closing XMMS did nothing
16:45.33Dessimat0rhad to reboot
16:45.49Dessimat0rah, might help if pnis was here ;)
16:46.31StarKruzroh, that reminds me
16:47.02StarKruzrhow do I enable OP2 to play through /dev/sharp_buz?  Hadn't someone figured out a way to treat it as a regular speaker?
16:47.08kergothread the faq.
16:47.22kergoththe one that says how to use the new dsp for the buzzer
16:49.41Dessimat0rhow come catting /dev/sharp_buz reveals data constantly being transmitted, even though the speaker is not in operation?
16:49.52kergothwho cares?
16:49.57Dessimat0rjust saying
16:49.58kergothsharp_buz is a link to dsp1
16:50.01Dessimat0rmight be cpu consuming
16:50.02kergothdsp1 is both the buzzer and the MIC
16:50.03Dessimat0ror whatever
16:50.07kergothyou're reading the microphone
16:50.18Dessimat0rthanks kergoth ;)
16:50.31StarKruzr... as in you can use the buzzer AS a MIC?
16:50.48noiddyou'll have to shout real loud ;-)
16:52.04ivanthe microphone is built-in?
16:52.14StarKruzrok, the FAQ finally loaded and it sure sounds like you can: /dev/dsp1 is the buzzer out and mic in driver, 16bit mono little-endian at 22050 hz (freq subject to change in future) for playback and recording.
16:52.16ivanerr no nevermind
16:52.52ivanhow bad does the buzzer sound when playing a song?
16:53.41Dessimat0rjust buy a mic ;)
16:53.46StarKruzrof course the buzzer seems to be shoved somewhere inside the case with no airholes
16:54.19Dessimat0rnot very good sound resonsance
16:54.26Dessimat0rbut it makes the Z more beer-proof
16:55.40StarKruzrso when I try to do an upgrade from within aqpkg it warns me not to do it while Opie is running.  Do I really need to pay attention to this or is it just a "just in case" warning?  And if I do, how do I upgrade and keep aqpkg synced with what ipkg upgrades?
16:57.15kergoththeres nothing to sync.
16:57.18kergothaqpkg parses the ipkg database
16:57.22kergothif it chagnes, aqpkg ses teh changes
16:57.31kergothchanges, sees, the
16:57.32kergothcant type
17:00.50StarKruzrok, someone told me that if I installed something with ipkg on the command line, you had to ln something to something else in order to make aqpkg "see" it
17:01.15StarKruzrbut I guess not
17:01.52kergothinstalls to _medias_ yes
17:01.55kergothinstalls to flash no
17:01.58kergothjust ipkg upgrade
17:02.02kergothipkg-link mount /mnt/ram
17:02.04kergothipkg-link mount /mnt/cf
17:02.05kergothipkg-link mount /mnt/sd
17:02.09kergothor whatever
17:02.15kergoththat doesnt make aqpkg "see" it
17:02.24kergoththat makes the links in flash so that you can run them from opie
17:03.17StarKruzrok.  So if I'm not installing anything to medias (does ram count as media?), if I'm just upgrading then all I do is what you just typed?
17:03.28StarKruzrwell, I wouldn't need the cf and card lines
17:03.37kergothhence the 'or whatever'
17:03.45kergothram counts as media
17:04.13kergothany packages on anything other than flash need symlinks into flash
17:04.15StarKruzrroot does not
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17:04.38kergothby definition installs to flash are already in flash
17:04.43kergothand hence dont need links into flash :)
17:04.53StarKruzrso aqpkg handles this automatically when you tell it to install to RAM
17:08.46bipolarkergoth: is networksettings fixed yet? :)
17:10.06kergothbipolar: yup
17:10.32kergoththe fix is in opie cvs
17:10.35kergothnot bk as a patch
17:10.40kergoththe advantages to having bk core cvs access
17:10.43kergothjust mrproper opie
17:10.48kergoths/bk core/opie core/
17:10.52kergothcant think, much less type
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17:12.10SuKoSh|hi kergoth
17:12.54SuKoSh|util-linux_2.11y.orig.tar.gz isn't available on
17:13.04SuKoSh|so i can't compile OZ ...
17:14.03ivanget it from somewhere else
17:14.32bipolarSuKoSh|: Or change the package makefile to point to the updated version
17:15.07SuKoSh|can you tell me how to do this?
17:15.12SuKoSh|edit the makefile?
17:16.38bipolarSuKoSh|: First, what was util-linux upgraded to? Look in the directory where it was looking for util-linux_2.11y.orig.tar.gz and find the new version.
17:16.47kergothSuKoSh|: its already fixed..
17:16.51kergothbk pull
17:16.58kergothi fixed it yesterday
17:16.58SuKoSh|ok !
17:17.10kergothalways update before complaining
17:17.34SuKoSh|i didn't complain yet ;)
17:19.37kergothopie still doesnt fucking compile.
17:19.49bipolarkergoth: what now?
17:19.53bipolar~lart ben
17:27.13StarKruzronly 296 bugs reported in OZ3.2?
17:27.36bipolarhmmm... wittling it down.... :)
17:28.01kergoththere arent 296 bugs reported against oz 3.2
17:28.40kergothwhere exactly are you looking?
17:28.55StarKruzrah, this is Opie, period
17:29.05kergothopie != oz
17:29.12treke31 bugs  for OZ
17:29.14kergothoz has its own bts
17:29.30kergothgod users are fucking idiots
17:29.33StarKruzr31?!?!  that's pretty awesome
17:29.35kergothhow many duplicate bugs do they have to open?
17:29.37kergothi mean, really
17:30.06StarKruzras in, opening a bug that was already open in there somewhere, or opening the SAME bug themselves repeatedly?
17:30.17kergoththe former
17:30.25kergoththe latter would be REALLY fucking stupid
17:30.31kergothinstead of just incompetent
17:30.40StarKruzrnever underestimate the stupidity of users, my friend
17:32.46StarKruzrI really need to try opie-wellenreiter sometime
17:34.20bipolargod... I need some software excitement
17:34.38bipolarsomething new... something cool... to waste some time on!
17:34.44*** join/#openembedded DrZaius (~DrZ@
17:35.13DrZaiushow do you get busybox's vi or the miniature version of vim to recognize the zaurus' backspace key?
17:35.26DrZaiusworks fine over ssh/telnet, but the one on the actual machine just doesn't do anything
17:35.38DrZaiusor rather, it puts a ^? on the screen
17:35.48kergothstty erase
17:35.57kergothits the backspaces vs delete behavior
17:36.54DrZaiuswill that change its behavior in other applications?
17:37.28kergothit changes the behavior on that tty
17:38.02DrZaiusok.  thanks
17:45.08kergothbipolar: i'll second that.
17:45.22bipolarkergoth: is networksettings fixed yet? :)
17:45.31kergothfuck no
17:45.34bipolar~lart me
17:45.35kergoth~lart benmeyer
17:49.35bipolar <<- They have some cool shit
17:50.19StarKruzrhey, that they do
17:52.43StarKruzrwow, if you had a buddy in the plastics business you could make your own PDA out of this sucker :)
17:53.25StarKruzrwhat the heck is RS-485?
17:53.45pb_differential serial
17:53.59pb_like rs-232, but over a balanced pair.
17:55.36StarKruzrpotentially faster?
17:55.51StarKruzrI would think
17:56.01StarKruzrif I understand you correctly
17:56.08pb_yes, potentially.  it's more noise-resistant, so you can go faster or further in the same conditions.
17:59.07bipolarkergoth: is there a menuconfig in buildroot to run opie's menuconfig?
17:59.27kergothbipolar: friad not, we havent integrated it into the build
17:59.32kergothbipolar: edit packges/opie/defconfig
17:59.40kergothor cd build/opie, menuconfig, then copy it back to defconfig
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18:05.16noiddKergoth: any ideas on the crash-on-restore zaurus in cradle usb bug?
18:05.26kergothnoidd: install usbd-common
18:05.29kergothnoidd: shoudl be fixed
18:05.38noiddthe latest from buildroot? thanks :-)
18:05.48kergothnp, let me know if that takes care of it
18:05.51kergothi never had a chance to test it
18:06.00kergothand i've never really been able to reliably repro it anyhow
18:06.17noiddwill do
18:07.21kergothare you on crack?
18:07.30kergothlast i checked, telnet was tcp/ip, not serial
18:07.40StarKruzrdammit you know what I mean :p
18:07.51kergothactually i dont
18:07.53kergothtry again
18:08.00kergothhey bipolar
18:08.07kergothbipolar: got that fucker to compile.
18:08.30bipolarkergoth: hahah... and I just disabled networksettings and am running make... :p
18:11.12thMachineso networksettigns is working now?
18:11.15noiddthere is something screwy with his Z
18:11.21noiddlemme describe this to you
18:11.23kergothnoidd: ?
18:11.27kergothwhose Z?
18:11.39noiddwhen you click on the wifi applet
18:11.42kergoththMachine: it compiles. make SUBDIRS=packages/opie mrproper; make
18:11.53noiddso you get the thing that lifts up#
18:12.03noiddand put the refresh rate on full (for fast updates)
18:12.08thMachinefair enough, i guess it remains to see if it runs
18:12.13kergoththMachine: indeed
18:12.16noiddyou get 20-30% corrupt rubbisj
18:12.37kergothpester MSpin
18:12.48kergothMSpin: sorry, mistabcomplete
18:13.54kergothnoidd: rubbish where? in the values in the appleT?
18:13.59kergothnoidd: i'd say open a bug report in mantis
18:14.11noiddbut i'm not seeing it either
18:14.20kergothwhat card?
18:14.22noiddits definatly somthing stomping on someone elses memory
18:14.29noiddsame as mine
18:14.40noiddand remember, I was seeing *some* of the same
18:14.45noiddin the lsmod output
18:15.42kergothwonder if its a problem in the hostap drivers
18:16.05StarKruzris it just me, or is a wee bit slow?  possibly randomly failing?
18:16.42kergothcould be, its hosted by sourceforge
18:16.46kergothand sf sucks
18:16.52noiddkergoth: we're going to swap physical units
18:16.55noiddfor a weel
18:16.57kergothnoidd: k
18:17.03kergothphysical pdas or cards?
18:17.07noiddZaurus, SD card, ethernet etc
18:17.22noiddHe's had constant crashes, i've had none
18:17.36kergothi havent seen my 3.2 5500 crash yet
18:17.41noiddhe flashed the exact same OZ3.2 image as I did - from the exact same CF card, 10 mins apart
18:17.44noiddhe flashed the exact same OZ3.2 image as I did - from the exact same CF card, 10 mins apart
18:18.00noiddso i'm thinking it might be hardware
18:18.11kergothyou ever get anywehre with gtk?
18:18.11noiddor - his configuration is *evil*
18:18.26noiddno, I worked on net-snmp last night instead
18:18.32kergoththats cool
18:18.32noidddid you notice the new package?
18:18.36StarKruzrAssuming locally installed package libqt2-emb (2.3.4-7) is up to date.
18:18.37StarKruzrAssuming locally installed package libqt2-emb (2.3.4-6) is up to date.
18:18.42StarKruzrwhy did ipkg do that?
18:18.53StarKruzripkg-upgrade, I should say
18:18.53kergothbecause its broken
18:18.59StarKruzr... cool
18:19.25kergothits funny.. if someoen has a problem, you can answer 'ipkg is broken', and you have a pretty good chance that that was the actual problme
18:19.29kergothpretty sad
18:19.44noiddyeah, maybe we should move to rpm :-D
18:20.01StarKruzrI installed 3.2 about two weeks ago... from all the chatter in here, I would think that more packages would be updated than, according to this, ipkg
18:20.15trekestable is stable
18:20.23trekeit doesnt get updated often
18:20.24kergothunstable/testing gets new features
18:20.33StarKruzrunstable is still 3.1-rcwhatever?
18:20.39kergothunstable is unstable.
18:20.43kergothit has no version
18:20.44kergothand never will
18:20.56kergothi think you're thinking about 'testing'
18:21.07kergothwhose feed technically points to unstable right now
18:21.16kergothdespite the fact that our site shows it as the current version
18:21.26kergoththats a limitation in the 'release' and changelog system on the site
18:21.31StarKruzr... so you see why I might be a mite confused.
18:21.41kergothi dont see how you'd mix up testing and unstable.
18:21.48kergothusntable is unstable.
18:21.52kergothtesting is testing.
18:21.57kergothtesting may or may not have a version
18:22.03kergothstable does have a version
18:22.12kergothunstable never has a version
18:22.21kergothokay i'm bored now
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18:22.29kergothhey chouimat
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18:23.02chouimatkergoth: hey
18:24.20chouimatkergoth: again?
18:24.23kergothbecause you enabled bring up at bot.
18:24.31kergothsurprisingly enough
18:24.37kergothhotplug and pcmcia devices are brought up automatically
18:24.48kergothenabling bring up at boot causes them to try to be brought up by the bootup network script
18:24.53StarKruzrso enabling the option in networksettings turns them off
18:25.12kergothenabling it for hotplug and pcmcia interfaces causes it to try to be brought up at boot
18:25.19kergothbefore pcmcia and hotplug are ready
18:25.28kergothwhich makes it look likt eh interface is already up when pcmcia nad hotplug try
18:25.31kergothso they dont bother
18:25.34kergothand it stays hosed
18:25.46kergothdont enable that checkbox for hotplug or pcmcia interfaces
18:25.55kergothwe need a way to make that clear in networksettings
18:25.57kergothany ideas?
18:26.11StarKruzrsure.  Context-sensitive help?
18:26.28kergothwell, we have whatsthis
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18:26.35kergothbut that requires the user to tap on the ? first
18:26.41kergothwe need it even more obvious than that
18:26.50chouimatkergoth: a disclaimer telling that your zaurus will deep fry your balls and steal your gf if that option is enabled
18:27.05StarKruzrchouimat: is that why it did that?
18:27.10kergoth'bringup on boot for internal or pci/isa devices' or something?
18:27.15bipolarkergoth: why would anyone ever need a device brought up at boot time? How about just call it "Activate at boot"
18:27.16StarKruzrthat should be in the FAQ, dammit
18:27.23kergothbipolar: ?
18:27.27kergothbipolar: 'lo' needs to come up on boot
18:27.36StarKruzrhere's the really wacky thing
18:27.41kergothbipolar: if we run opie on a device with isa or pci cards, you'd want them brought up on boot
18:27.45bipolarkergoth: akk... should that even be touched?
18:27.46kergothbipolar: pcmcia and hotplug are special cases
18:27.53StarKruzrI rebooted with shutdown -r now while the Z was in the cradle, and the interface is working perfectly
18:27.54bipolarkergoth: ahhh... I see..
18:28.07bipolarkergoth: you're looking at other devices too.
18:28.07kergothbipolar: it tries to bring them up, fails, then hotplug and pcmcia think its already up
18:28.13kergothopie isnt Z or ipaq specific
18:28.15kergothnor is OE
18:28.26noiddopie-wireless is in the feed right
18:28.27StarKruzrand I'd already enabled it manually before with ifconfig usbd0 up xxx.etc
18:28.32noiddin buildroot i mean
18:28.38kergothStarKruzr: of course.
18:28.42bipolarJust rename it "activate at boot" then. Thats clear enough.
18:28.44kergothStarKruzr: that makes absolutely perfect sense
18:28.57kergothit activates it at boot, and _succeeds_ this time because you are on usb
18:29.02kergothlast time it didnt, because you werent.
18:29.08StarKruzrright, ok
18:29.09kergothwhich interfered with hotplug bringing it up
18:29.17kergothwhen you plugged it in
18:29.35kergoththe real issue is, ifup usbd0 needs to _fail_ when you arent on usbd0, and not fuck up ifstate
18:29.38kergothso that it doesnt interfere
18:29.50kergothsame for pcmcia
18:29.54kergoththis is a ifupdown bug
18:29.58kergothnot a networksettigns bug
18:30.06StarKruzrI see
18:30.17chouimatbbl i really need to get some sleep
18:30.36kergothbipolar: but they'll think they need that to make pcmcia and hotplug devices work on boot
18:30.40kergothbipolar: which isnt the case
18:30.53kergothbipolar: its clear, but doesnt make it clear that it interferes with things that bring it up automatically on their own
18:31.22kergothStarKruzr: can you do me a favor?
18:31.27kergothto isolate this
18:31.38bipolarkergoth: then we need a way to tell the diffrence between removable and perm devices.
18:31.41StarKruzrcertainly, sir
18:31.44kergothbipolar: theres no way.
18:31.55kergothbipolar: all interfaces knows is that its an interface called usbd0
18:32.01kergothbipolar: it doenst know _what_ creates that device
18:32.03kergothonly that it exists
18:32.15kergothStarKruzr: remove the z from the cradle
18:32.20kergothStarKruzr: ifdown usbd0; ifup usbd0;
18:32.25kergothStarKruzr: then cat /etc/network/ifstate for me
18:32.34bipolarkergoth: then we need to count on the intelegence of the device, or have hotplug ifdown the device and then ifup it when it gets activated.
18:33.27StarKruzrlemme grab this stuff first
18:33.35kergothwe need calling ifup usbd0 on boot when not on usb to not fuck up hotplug calling ifup usbd0 when it will actually work
18:33.38kergothsame for pcmcia
18:33.44kergoththe problem isnt that its trying to bring it up
18:33.51kergothbut that doing so interferes with bringing it up later
18:34.22kergothStarKruzr: its an ipkg bug
18:34.27kergothipkg info doesnt return description
18:34.30kergothiirc rather
18:34.41kergothrun ipkg info busybox
18:34.44kergothdoes it show description?
18:37.09StarKruzrwhy can it not find opie-wellenreiter or opie-wellenreiter-help?
18:37.21StarKruzr(this is on the unstable feed)
18:37.59bipolarkergoth: flac has been updated upstream
18:39.27StarKruzrok, stable feed too
18:40.01kergothStarKruzr: read the mailing list archives
18:40.03kergothfrom yesterday
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18:41.43StarKruzrkergoth: lo=lo; usbd0=usbd0
18:41.56StarKruzr(results from what you asked me about before)
18:42.07kergothifstate thinks the interface came up
18:42.12kergothbut, okay do this
18:42.14kergothifconfig usbd0
18:42.22StarKruzrjust did
18:42.25StarKruzrit's there
18:42.30kergothyou're not on the cradle?
18:42.34StarKruzrhas its IP & everything
18:42.36StarKruzrI am not
18:42.40kergothwhat the ..
18:42.53kergoththat interface isnt supposed to exist
18:43.04kergothmy conclusion is
18:43.06kergothusbd blows.
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18:43.19kergoththeres a better solution now
18:43.22StarKruzrI've always been able to do that, btw
18:43.22kergoththan usbd
18:43.34StarKruzrmake usbd0 show up when I wasn't connected
18:43.37kergothbut, 'someone' needs to add sa11x0 and pxa udc support to it
18:43.41kergothprobably me
18:43.48StarKruzrwhat is it?
18:44.04kergothnew driver stack for usb 'gadgets'
18:44.14kergothtaht is, devices with usb device controllers, not host controllers
18:44.16kergothlike the Z and ipaq
18:44.22kergothand it sucks quite a bit less than usbd
18:44.24StarKruzrthe one on familiar was called something else
18:44.30kergothfamiliar uses one, we use another
18:44.32StarKruzrsomething with an f in it
18:44.37kergoththis one i'm talking about is better than either of those
18:44.44kergothusbf is the interfcae for ipaq
18:44.47StarKruzrare you speaking of that?  Ah, no you're not
18:45.06kergoththe ipaq one sucks too
18:45.09kergothjust in different way
18:45.11Neo|Workthat movie is sped up a bit but actually keeps pretty much consistent fps
18:45.13StarKruzrit wasn't so bad
18:45.16StarKruzrworked most of the time
18:45.21Neo|Workit's encoded at 35 fps while it's saved to disk at 25
18:45.23StarKruzrI plugged it in, the Bahia driver found it
18:45.40kergothhm, i wonder if hte Z or bahia drivers will support this new stack
18:45.46kergoththey should, as long as the vendor and product get set right
18:46.00kergothwell i'll deal with that when the time comes
18:46.20StarKruzrs/deal with that when the time comes/burn that bridge when I come to it/
18:46.25bipolarhmm... could just switch to usbnet if the support is there....
18:46.32kergothbipolar: usbnet is a desktop side driver
18:46.43kergothbipolar: and usbnet in 2.4.21-pre7 supports both usbd and usb-ether device side drivers
18:46.51StarKruzrit's a pity the client hw is different from the host adapter hardware
18:46.52bipolarkergoth: what does the ipaq use?
18:46.53kergothwe can use the ipaq driver yes, but it sucks
18:47.04bipolaroh... it sucks too?
18:47.09StarKruzrwould be nice to have USB device support on the Z
18:47.14bipolardamn... which sucks less?
18:47.15kergothStarKruzr: ?
18:47.20kergoththe Z is a usb device
18:47.26kergothbipolar: we arent sure yet
18:47.30bipolarStarKruzr: Not possible. Hardware limitation.
18:47.39StarKruzrkergoth: i.e. be able to hook USB devices to the Z through the "Sharp IO porT"
18:47.44StarKruzrbip:I know
18:47.50kergothZ woudl need a usb host controller
18:48.01StarKruzr~lart XiRCON
18:48.29StarKruzrsupposedly there is a CF USB host controller available
18:48.34StarKruzrno Linux drivers yet though
18:48.47kergoththatll kill your battery so damn fast :)
18:48.53StarKruzrm'goodness that would own
18:49.03StarKruzr950mAh.  What were they thinking?
18:49.09kergothbipolar: whats the new flac version?
18:49.21kergothwhat the fuck
18:49.27kergothutil-linx doesnt compile for me anymore
18:49.44kergothrmd160.c:962: conflicting types for `rmd160_write'
18:49.45kergothrmd160.c:430: previous declaration of `rmd160_write'
18:50.06kergotherr wtf
18:50.08StarKruzrkergoth, the interface disappeared again when I plugged the Z back in
18:50.12kergoththis c file duplicates itself
18:50.13kergothStarKruzr: aha
18:50.18kergothokay, yeah, usbd blows
18:50.22StarKruzrso now I have to bring it up again manually
18:50.25kergothStarKruzr: ifdown usbd0; ifup usbd0;
18:50.32kergoththats the infamous timing bug
18:50.35kergothwith hotplug
18:50.46kergothit inadvertantly calls insert, eject instead of vice versa
18:50.52kergothso ifup usbd0; ifdown usbd0
18:50.52StarKruzrifdown: interface usbd0 not configured
18:50.57kergoththats fine
18:51.02kergothshould still come up
18:51.12StarKruzrthat did it
18:51.24StarKruzr... this will be so much easier than ifconfig etc. etc. etc. all the time
18:51.36StarKruzrroute add default gw etc
18:52.07kergothits reason enough to use debian instead of redhat based distros
18:52.21StarKruzrif only there were more of them
18:52.36kergothmore of?
18:52.43StarKruzrDebian-based distros
18:52.56kergothwell, debian doesnt need clones
18:53.01kergothit needs an installer thats easy to use
18:53.16kergoththen it'd be a bit more popular amongst non-geeks
18:53.25kergothhey just had to clean util-linux, then built fine
18:53.29StarKruzrthat seems to be really, really hard, or just not a priority, for the current Debian benevolent despots
18:53.50StarKruzralthough there is the initiative to make PGI work
18:53.55StarKruzrthat'll be cool
18:53.57kergothdebian's devels are too political, often
18:54.57StarKruzrpolitical issues are barring the creation of a good installer and hardware-detection system?
18:55.33kergothno, independent issue
18:55.43kergoththe politics tend to alienate or intimidate some users
18:56.39StarKruzras a user I never noticed being exposed to it
18:57.06kergothany user that seeks help from debian devels can be exposed ot it :)
18:57.38StarKruzrsee, I just hung out on OpenProjects
18:57.47StarKruzrgot assistance there
19:01.12StarKruzrout of curiosity, how does OZ do mounting of media so easily?
19:01.40StarKruzrwhereas on a desktop system, if I want to mount a floppy if I don't have supermount I have to mount -t device mountpt et
19:02.14kergothsdmmc is automounted by the sharp sdmgr daemon
19:02.23kergothpcmcia ide devices can be automounted on laptops as well
19:02.27kergothcf basically is pcmcia
19:02.44StarKruzrright, with less pins
19:02.53kergothwell, its not cardbus. just plain old pcmcia
19:02.57kergothdiffernet forfactor
19:03.18StarKruzrah, so cardbus is what uses the "extra" pcmcia pins
19:06.48StarKruzrhey, does anyone know if someone's trying to port Kinkatta?
19:07.35bipolarkinkatta needs qt3. I'm not sure if anyone is trying to backport it or not. It would be quite a job.
19:07.39StarKruzrI need an AIM client for my Z
19:07.55StarKruzr... isn't there a curses/ncurses AIM client too?
19:08.17DrZaiusthere's a jabber client listed on zauruszone
19:08.31DrZaiusoughta work fine with the aim transport
19:08.33StarKruzriirc the jabber client discos you every minute
19:08.35StarKruzrfrom AIM
19:08.35kergothStarKruzr: centericq
19:08.36bipolarI think that a gcc3 and qte3 based openembedded would be the shit... :)
19:08.39kergothcentericq rocks
19:08.49StarKruzrand what works with ICQ works with AIM
19:09.13kergothcentericq is a great terminal ncurses client
19:09.37StarKruzr't'ain't in there though
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19:10.29kergothnot in our feeds yet
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19:11.34aguptakergoth: wassup
19:11.34StarKruzrto your knowledge has it been ported to arm?
19:15.46kergothStarKruzr: no port neessary
19:15.50kergothjust a crosscompile
19:15.53kergothi don tknow if anyone has or not
19:17.00StarKruzrI'll let you know if it works
19:20.03bipolarkergoth: Sorry for the delay.... flac w
19:20.09bipolarkergoth: Sorry for the delay.... flac went to 1.1.0
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19:34.34kergothmickeyl|away: ping
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19:57.01noiddwhy do I get the feeling i'm going to regret this :-D
19:58.50bipolarkergoth: would it make sense to use '3.3-cvs' as the OpenZaurus version string or would that be wrong?
19:59.12bipolar3.3-snapshot, perhaps
19:59.37kergothoh, for oz-base? we should probably make the oz-base package version control /etc/oz_version
19:59.43kergoththatd be cleaner than using the config system
19:59.54kergothit should be 3.3.1, due to the new versioning scheme
20:00.00kergothi need to write up some docs on this stuff
20:01.21bipolarok... 3.3.1 it is
20:01.33kergothbipolar: i'm going even/odd, kernel style versioning
20:01.57kergothmakes it more clear
20:02.07kergothand i dont have to worry about 3.3-pre being > 3.3 according to ipkg
20:04.53noiddnot only cleaner than using the packageing system but its damn hard to break "cat /etc/oz_version"
20:05.05noiddcompared to the dubious code that is ipkg and aqpkg
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20:07.18noiddi'll be afk a while I reckon
20:07.21noiddbrb 10 years
20:10.14SuKoSh|kergoth: Error: no /home/sukoshi/buildroot/build/linux/.paches/comples.files
20:13.37mickeylkergoth: hmm.... i have a lock in opie/pics/wellenreiter, but can't find it...
20:13.47kergothmickeyl: stale lock?
20:13.51kergothcvs sukcs.
20:13.57mickeylkergoth: yep, stale
20:14.22mickeylkergoth: looked for it on the in cvs/opie/pics/wellenreiter, but it's not there... where should i look for it?
20:14.26kergothyou recall how to fix a cvs stale lock?
20:14.31mickeylnever did this
20:14.33kergothn/m, neither of us know
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20:14.48masticatorkergoth: you able to build that toolchain on the monster box?
20:15.04kergothmasticator: nah, binutils hated me and havent had a chance to try it in the past couple days
20:15.08kergothbusy as hell
20:15.24masticatorI just want someone to put that thing to some use!
20:15.26noiddI wish it was possible to plonk an X server into a QT widget
20:15.30noiddkinda like xnest
20:16.00masticatorits a lot of freakin horsepower sitting idle... even with me X hosting from it, its still mostly unused
20:16.00ljphot too hot...
20:17.05masticatorljp: wanna shell account on a rediculously powerful box?
20:17.20icefoxAnyone have a hour to burn?  I need a ip widget
20:17.37icefoxpassed in ipv4 or ipv6 and generate it
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20:18.30ljpummm. ok
20:18.38ljpwhat can I do on it?!
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20:19.13ljpicefox: I charge $125 hr
20:19.53noiddmasticator: wy dont you set up your own buildroot on it?
20:20.17ljpits too damn hot today
20:20.22noiddibot, tell masticator about oz buildroot
20:20.32kergothnoidd: i already put one on there
20:20.39kergothnoidd: treid to use it to build a toolchain in fact
20:20.39noiddah, hehe
20:20.41kergothbut that failed
20:20.46noiddouch :-/
20:20.51kergothso i was teaching buildroot to work on it right
20:20.58kergothbut got distracted by other stuff
20:21.02noiddthat because of the machine? or because it fails everywhere? :-)
20:21.12masticatornoid: we need kergoth to fix the toolchain on it.
20:21.17ljpweatherbot: weather kbjc
20:21.18weatherbotCurrent conditions at Broomfield / Jeffco, CO, United States: It is 21 C (71 F), windspeed is 11.27 km/h, and visibility is 96.56 km. (Information current as of 2003.04.09 1946 UTC).
20:21.32kergothnoidd: something machine specific
20:21.37masticatorthe architecture of the machine is, shall we say, unusual.
20:21.56ljpmasticator: ya, set me up
20:22.05masticatorok, give me a min.
20:22.23ljp71 is too hot
20:22.47noiddwhat is its arch?
20:22.52noiddyou got me curious now
20:25.47masticatornoidd: got anything cool you wanna compile on it?
20:28.07kergothmickeyl|away: killed the stale lock. god i love google.
20:29.03ljplots o memory there
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20:29.16kergothljp: thats an understatement :)
20:29.53TheMasterMind1hey kergoth
20:29.56ljpthats fuckin insane
20:30.37kergothljp: i want one
20:30.40kergothhey TheMasterMind1
20:30.44TheMasterMind1whats new
20:30.58ljphmm, back to work.. bbl
20:31.06ljpthx masticator!
20:32.26masticatorljp: and imagine, it fits in a 1U box.
20:32.32masticatormakes almost no sound or heat at all.
20:32.37masticatorquiet as a pussy cat.
20:32.48masticatorand it can take up to 16GB RAM total.
20:33.03masticatorI think Intel is in deep shit.
20:33.22kergothno kidding
20:33.40masticatorI think the thing needs a more optimized compiler, but that will come
20:33.45masticatorit sure beats the Itanic.
20:34.24masticatorI think your average IT shop would have to be insane to prefer Xeons over this thing.
20:35.37masticatorljp: play with it to your hearts content, I need as much feedback as possible
20:36.12kergothmasticator: he logged off
20:36.26masticatormaybe the machine ate him
20:36.45masticatortmm: you wanna play?
20:36.50TheMasterMind1play what
20:37.17masticatordo you want a shell account on my new box.
20:37.22masticatorto help out with kergoth and whatnot.
20:37.56TheMasterMind1is it a good box?
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20:38.20masticatorthats what I need you to determine.
20:38.21trekeuhm, yes it's a good box
20:38.25TheMasterMind1what specs?
20:38.38masticatorI cant tell you on the channel.
20:38.46TheMasterMind1hmm, why not?
20:38.56masticatorwell, because we dont want to cause a panic.
20:39.02TheMasterMind1lol ok
20:39.04TheMasterMind1pm me then
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20:40.59SuKoShikergoth: does the buildroot miss compile.patch?
20:41.07kergothSuKoShi: ?
20:41.11kergothmaybe you need to bk -r co -q
20:41.58SuKoShii'll pull once again too
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20:44.48TheMasterMind1kergoth: you setting up a buildroot/xcompiler etc on masticator's box?
20:45.37kergothTheMasterMind1: yep
20:45.56kergothTheMasterMind1: tried building one, but it failed and i didnt have time to fix it
20:46.09kergothTheMasterMind1: the buildroot in my homedir is a start. grab it and bk pull and give a toolchain build a shot
20:48.14SuKoShikergoth: still doesn't work ?
20:51.03kergothwhat kernel are you trying to build?
20:51.45kergothbk edit packages/kernel-c700
20:51.51kergothdo you see it checking out compile.patch?
20:52.23SuKoShi1,2 - 1,3
20:52.43kergothmake SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-c700 clean; make SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-c700 sourcetrees;
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20:55.33SuKoShistill the same
20:55.43kergothworks just flawlessly here.
20:55.47kergothlog the build.
20:56.07kergothmake SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-c700 clean; make SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-c700 sourcetrees 2>&1 | tee log;
20:56.11kergoththen email me log
21:00.18thMachineafter i do a make image, how do i make the Initrd?
21:00.30SuKoShikergoth: emailed
21:00.33kergothmake image is what creates an initrd
21:00.49thMachineoh, ok, didn't see the images dir
21:01.40kenbibot: sd mcc
21:01.41kenb: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
21:01.44kenbibot: sd mmc database
21:01.45kenb: wish i knew
21:02.01kergothhey ken
21:02.20kenbhi kergoth
21:02.25kenbibot: sd mmc
21:02.25kenb: i don't know
21:02.30kenbibot: mmc
21:02.31rumour has it, mmc is MultiMediaCard mentioned at or at, or
21:03.26kenbthat last link is what I wanted, perfect.
21:06.02kergothbipolar: ben broke the networksettings compile again
21:06.07kergothbipolar: are we having fun yet?
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21:20.10lsmithoh .. any huge known issues with unstable?
21:20.27trekeipkg is theoretically broken
21:20.27noiddibot, etux?
21:20.28rumour has it, etux is at
21:20.54lsmithtreke: ah i think i am experience problems with ipkg then :-=)
21:21.50lsmithtreke: i assume i will manually need to fix this ... once a fix is released
21:22.14noiddThe answer to all bug reporst, past, present and future is "ipkg is broken"
21:22.22noiddand 95% of the time, it will be correct
21:23.29lsmithwell some bugs are more problematic then others
21:23.39lsmiththis one is definately new for me :-)
21:29.49djris ipkg fixed yet?
21:30.14djrwell anyway
21:30.26djrwhat if i downloaded the pkgs to my Z... and tried to upgrade like that?
21:31.35kergoththat may work better
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21:38.40djrmmm, wget is your friend
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21:50.07TheMasterMind1does avi freedman hang out here?
21:53.54_Psychoheya whats up ?
21:54.05kergothhey _Psycho
21:54.12kergothtesting a c700+opie image now
21:54.16_Psychooh nice
21:54.21_Psycho23 changesets ;)
21:54.42kergothTheMasterMind1: finally we set Installed-Size on all our packages now
21:56.31_Psychorecompiling the oz-base i get a lots of file format not recognized from arm-linux-strip
21:56.33_Psychothats normal ?
21:56.51kergothi'll 2>/dev/null the strip calls later
21:56.56kergothjust to shut it up
21:57.22mickeylhey - pavel made us a spectrum_cs.c based on orinoco-0.13d . said "experimental"... will try if I have time
21:57.30kergothmickeyl: cool!
21:57.47kergothmickeyl: wonder if it'll play nice with our monitor mode and scanning patches
21:58.50mickeylkergoth: i believe so - snax also just released his patch for 0.13 (albeit 013b, but it applies to d also :-D ... we're getting there
21:59.17kergothso all we'd be missing is making sure those play well with the WE16 patches, and testing.
21:59.29kergothand of coruse the we16 stuff doesnt benefit us until 2.4.19 anyway..
21:59.58mickeylyeah... 2.4.19... any idea how far it is away currently?
22:00.07mickeylrough guesses appreciated :-D
22:00.31kergothhard to judge
22:00.34kergothtwo outstanding issues
22:00.39kergothmajor ones that is
22:00.50mickeylwhich are SD and ?
22:00.52kergothone is the fluttery ts values, that even jitter correction cant fix
22:00.54kergothand the sd wrapper
22:01.00mickeylah still the ts... damn
22:01.13mickeyli thought we had it with the built-in correction table?
22:01.30kergothmickeyl: may, still need to test my latest attempt to fix it
22:01.43kergothbut the fact is, the _raw_ values read from the ts plates are off as well
22:01.58masticatorkergoth: 5600!
22:02.02kergothcould be simply we need a udelay() somewhere to wait for the plates to settle
22:02.11kergothmasticator: building a c700 image now, i'll build you a 5600 image today as well
22:02.19kergothwell, testing the image actually. waiting for it to scp
22:02.20mickeylkergoth: hah... udelay...
22:02.26mickeylbut if it works :D
22:02.38kergothmickeyl: silly i know, but you need to wait for the plates to settle after making changes
22:02.41kergothmickeyl: could be sufficient
22:02.42_Psychokergoth told me he was putting me a image up 2 months ago ;)
22:02.49kergoth_Psycho: shh
22:02.54kergothi did, it was console only
22:02.56mickeylkergoth: k, we'll see... anyhow I'm crossing fingers.
22:03.12kergothmickeyl: k, thanks
22:03.50_Psychohmm hmmm hmm pad not found ? and i got a coupl esof mkfs.jffs2: skipping device_table entre '/dev/hda': no parent directory
22:03.54_Psychothats normal =p ?
22:04.57kergoth_Psycho: bleh, mkdir output/rootfs/dev; make image
22:05.06kergoth_Psycho: stupid bug, already fixed in my tree, not yet pushed
22:05.21_Psychook figured it was a dir or something
22:05.27_Psychoim getting better everyday !
22:05.33_Psychoand its wednesday ;)
22:05.37_Psychoi have to remove pad ?
22:05.40_Psychofrom the menuconfig ?
22:05.48kergothleave pad to 0 in menuconfig
22:05.52kergothjust use corgi-opie_image for gods sake
22:05.53_Psychohe told me like pad no found hmm ok sec
22:05.56kergothit is known to work
22:06.09_Psychowell it was last night
22:06.36kergothoh, thats another bug thats fixed in my tree
22:06.42kergothhold on, i'll just push this damn changeset
22:07.04_Psychoyeah i saw that no more pad into scripts just the .c
22:10.28kergoth_Psycho: bk pull
22:10.54George-kergoth: how does the boot system in OZ work?
22:11.08_Psychodo i have to mrproper mkipgs ?
22:11.10kergothboot system?
22:11.13kergoth_Psycho: nope
22:11.16kergoth_Psycho: just make image
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22:12.01kergothif you clean oz-base and rebuild its ipk, it'll fix that missing /dev error as well
22:12.04_Psychogonna try this image
22:12.28_Psychoyeah ok well i redo later but i just did the dir anyway
22:13.52George-kergoth: yah, the boot system?
22:14.01George-kergoth: what's the default runlevel?
22:14.29kergoththeres no such thing as as 'boot system'
22:14.44George-kergoth: bah
22:14.48George-kergoth: you evil person :)
22:14.57kergoth_Psycho: just built one and flashed it
22:15.13_Psychoflashing mine atm
22:15.16kergoth_Psycho: opie works, but theres something wrong with the TS values, taps on the far right are off.. working on it.. i think i know the source of hte bug
22:15.20_Psychoa mix of the corgi_opie + mine
22:16.09_Psychoand if your know the source, its all good =p
22:16.10George-kergoth: what's rcS.d?
22:16.24kergothGeorge-: this is general linux stuff, nothing Z specific
22:16.29kergothGeorge-: read the fucking google
22:16.30kergothor something
22:16.40_Psychosystem v, created by SCO george !
22:16.40George-kergoth: whoa
22:16.56_Psychowell copywrited at least
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22:17.30lsmithuhm .. so if i installed the screwed up ipkg from unstable how do i get this fixed?
22:17.36lsmithis manually fixing realistic?
22:17.43kergothits broken.
22:17.51kergothread the fucking code, good luck finding the fix.
22:17.52_Psychogoood, configuring package (this part was not working on my last image). I bet opie will work !
22:18.00kergoth_Psycho: :)
22:18.03lsmithi mean getting an old version to run
22:18.15_Psychowell ist wednesday i have to keep the faith !
22:18.17George-kergoth: you're so kind :)
22:18.25_Psychoif it doesnt work, tomorow is a better day anyway hehe
22:18.41kergothopenzaurus, version 3.3.1
22:18.49kergothhmm, not picking up the model right
22:18.51kergothneed to fix that
22:19.11lsmithok so a n00b like me better flash to 3.2 then
22:19.41kergothholy shit
22:19.45kergothmy c700 just froze up solid
22:19.46kergothin opie
22:19.50kergothcame back
22:20.06_Psychono no it didnt crash, its a normal bug !
22:20.11George-kergoth: happens here all the time ;)
22:20.18_PsychoI always liked the "normal bug" part :)
22:20.20George-kergoth: "It's a feature! Not a bug!"
22:20.44_Psychodo i have to login for opie to get up ?
22:20.52kergoth_Psycho: something broke.
22:21.00kergothunless you mean an opie login
22:21.06_Psychogah dammit
22:21.07kergothif you're at a normal login prompt, it didnt start opie
22:21.15kergoth_Psycho: you need to include tslib in your image..
22:21.21kergoth_Psycho: libts-0.0 ..
22:21.43George-kergoth: offtopic, but how do I get userinput from a shell script (I want to make a /etc/init.d script to act as a boot menu ie - choose to boot into Opie/Openzaurus, or boot into Debian via pivot_root)
22:21.57_Psychohehe mount: cannot open /etc/mtab no sush file or directory
22:21.59_Psychoyeah like
22:22.01kergothwe already have a curses boot menu
22:22.01_Psychoof course
22:22.14George-kergoth: where? ;)
22:22.17kergothGeorge-: dont reinvent square wheels
22:22.18_Psychopretty sure i had tslib too
22:22.19kergothits in the feeds
22:22.27kergoth_Psycho: is oz-base installed?
22:22.32kergothGeorge-: BOOTMENU
22:22.36kergothfucking idiots
22:22.55_Psychomtab -> /proc/mounts
22:23.07George-lsmith: BOOTMENU: No such file or directory
22:23.11_Psychohmmm hmmm i recompiled oz-base earlier, maybe i forgot it but i really doubt
22:23.51_Psychowell its in my menuimage
22:25.46_Psychoi dont have /proc, hmm what i forgot hmmm
22:26.30kergoth_Psycho: listen
22:26.34kergoth_Psycho: wipe your oz-base and rebuild it
22:26.38George-How the fucking hell does bootmenu work
22:26.40kergoth_Psycho: it has those dirs
22:26.44kergothGeorge-: read the fucking code
22:26.46kergothGeorge-: its a fuckign shell script
22:26.52kergothGeorge-: fucking lazy bastard
22:27.00_Psychoredoing it atm
22:28.05_Psychook did a mrproper, make, then make image_clean, then make image i retry in a sec
22:28.36kergoth_Psycho: you can rebuild one package at a time you know, not the whole thing. you're using subdirs rightg?
22:28.52_Psychoyes i did
22:29.07_Psychogod i know mrproper take like 3hours to rebuild here
22:29.21_Psychoa full build
22:29.56_Psycho"yeah but it only take 10 minutes on my quad amd opteron 3000 with 12 gigs of rams"
22:30.10George-kergoth: I don't know shell script
22:30.13kergoth_Psycho: hehe
22:30.17kergothGeorge-: uhm
22:30.26kergothGeorge-: you dont ened to know shell to read shell
22:30.30kergothor any other language for that matter
22:30.45George-kergoth: well, I can't make head or tail of whatever that bloody script does
22:30.49kergothonce you know how a language works, just read it. its generally readable to be understood by any programmer,regardless of their base language
22:30.50trekehehe. I timed a full build on my non opteron, only takes 1 hour 10 :)
22:31.04kergothtreke: i want to time a full build on the monster box
22:31.09trekeexcept make :)
22:31.16trekemake is still an ugly fucker
22:31.28kergothtreke: uh huh, with an empty ccache?
22:31.38trekekergoth: nope not with an empty ccahce
22:31.45kergothccache -C adn time it, thatd be more true to the performance of the system
22:31.50kergothi hate ccache -C
22:31.51kergothi really do
22:31.52trekefuck that :)
22:32.00kergothi've had a corrupt cache before man
22:32.04trekefuckkkkkk keeeeeerrrrrgooooth
22:32.05kergotheverything was fucked until i cleared it
22:32.06kergoththat blew
22:32.15trekeI'm going to kill your ass
22:32.24kergotheh, whatd i do?
22:32.32George-kergoth: so wait, it scours /etc/menu.d for menu definition files?
22:32.36trekeI was trying to look at my ccache stats
22:32.39kergothGeorge-: yep
22:32.42trekebut ccache -C was stuck in my head
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22:33.03George-kergoth: how are those menu definition files laid out?
22:33.05kergothyou next opie build will be hell
22:33.09George-kergoth: I can't seem to find one in the code
22:33.13kergothGeorge-: hell if i know, i havent touched it in ages
22:33.17kergothGeorge-: they're include din the packages
22:33.20kergothGeorge-: i.e. oz-base should have one
22:33.25George-kergoth: ok, thanks
22:33.27trekekergoth: I dont do builds at work anymore
22:33.46kergothtreke: ah, use your newfangled spiffy box eh
22:33.58trekethats half the reason I bought it :)
22:34.09_Psychooh gonna play pool with a girl
22:34.20_Psychoi think that image gonna wait !
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22:34.48kergoth_Psycho: have fun :)
22:34.51_Psychowell flashing it anyway amt hehe
22:34.55_Psychojust going in 30
22:35.00trekekergoth: 2.4.21 seems to be hitting the spot. I can get over 6 hours uptime now :)
22:35.02DjinnNanyone have the symbol CF wlan card working?
22:35.08kergothtreke: nice. -pre7?
22:35.16kergothDjinnN: yep, quite a few people do
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22:35.31DjinnNand kismet works with it?
22:35.38trekekergoth: you should try it. I dont notice the 30 second hangs anymore
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22:35.47kergothi'll try it tonight then
22:35.56kergoththose hangs really put a damper on trying to code
22:36.25trekekergoth: they only happend on disk access for me though, so I could reliably reproduce it by making kernel-ipaq
22:36.26kergothDjinnN: talk to TheMasterMind1 if he's here
22:36.46kergothtreke: interesting. it seemed to be something like that here as well, but its hard to isolate
22:37.03_Psychooooh reconfiguring *go go*
22:37.10George-kergoth: oz base doesn't seem to have any
22:37.26kergothGeorge-: iirc the scirpts there were just shell script that run the application
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22:37.37George-kergoth: ahh
22:37.39kergothi.e. #!/bin/sh ... /etc/init.d/opie start
22:37.44kergothbut i havent touched it in months and months
22:37.48kergothcause i want to write a better system
22:37.51kergothits in the todo
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22:40.04_PsychoOMG OPIE !
22:40.27kergoth_Psycho: hehe
22:40.33kergothi uploaded an image also
22:40.39_Psychoyeah yeah
22:40.39kergothto the site, experimental
22:40.40kergoth_Psycho: fyi
22:40.43kergoth_Psycho: after calibrating
22:40.43_Psychojust when mine work
22:40.48_Psychoyeah i did
22:40.51kergoth_Psycho: settings->shutdown->reboot
22:40.53_Psychocalibrating working fine
22:40.53kergoth_Psycho: trust me
22:40.59kergoththe first boot in opie the TS is messed up
22:41.06kergothyou need to exit opie and restart it to get it to behave
22:41.18kergothi know whats causing the bug, i'll fix it soon
22:41.27_Psychodid that
22:41.29_PsychoWOO HOO
22:41.35kergothalso the keymap is still weird
22:41.37kergothyou cant hit /
22:41.39_Psychoopie seem so nice
22:41.46kergoththe shift + comma doesnt do it
22:41.47George-I hope this kernel has support for CramFS
22:41.48_Psychoyeah i remember
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22:44.15chouimatkergoth: what happened when I was sleeping?
22:44.41George-kergoth: when I try to run bootmenu, I get: /usr/bin/bootmenu: 4: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
22:44.46_Psychohmm i just need to change the background now
22:44.51_Psychook make a nice one in 640x480 hehe
22:45.47_Psychoweird mp3 are desync
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22:51.02_Psychojesus opie own
22:51.06_Psychovs sharp rom
22:51.32_Psychogonna have to see whats up with the mp3 desync on the c700 thought =p
22:52.38ginkemuthe dft butterfly invertion maybe the problem
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22:57.02ginkemuwhere is an amusing, funny, interesting chan on this server?
22:57.28yeiazeldunno any in english
22:57.51_Psychohey kergoth, opie rotate the wrong way =p
22:57.58ginkemuhey i can speak spanish or french if nessesary
22:58.08kergoth_Psycho: run appearance
22:58.13kergoth_Psycho: you can select the rotation direction
22:58.29_Psychoah ok missed that
22:59.29_Psychook leaving but
22:59.44_Psychowoo hoo ! :) thanks kergoth =p
23:00.34kergothlater, have fun
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23:01.12George-GREAT, I have a useless Z
23:01.38George-kergoth: I fucked up the pivot root stuff
23:02.05George-I have a prompt "Debian GNU/Linux" and not much more
23:02.33Dessimat0rreflash it?
23:02.54George-Dessimat0r: gonna try rebooting
23:03.20chouimatGeorge-: bah
23:04.02George-it works
23:04.03George-IT WORKS
23:04.11George-I just gotta refine it
23:04.45chouimatGeorge-: now clean the keyboard and the monitor ...
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23:19.49||ughHas anyone gotten any VoIP running on the Z?  The ZMeeting seems dead (never worked).  I know of no store to buy tKc products in so they are out.  Anything else>
23:20.12TheMasterMind1i got zmeeting working once
23:20.14TheMasterMind1with video
23:20.16TheMasterMind1pretty cool
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23:25.28George-fuck you chouimat
23:25.36||ughTheMasterMind1, what did you get zMeeting working with?  Tell me Gnomemeeting!  But worse, there is no source!
23:25.50kergothhey hugh
23:25.58kergothhows it goin
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23:30.51ljpheh the sf zaurus list will be discontinued
23:31.02ljphahahah tomorrow
23:31.07kergothnice notice eh?
23:31.20ljpbetter than no notice
23:31.23kergothwonder if spencer will get the new ones started on soon
23:31.33ljpby tomorrow?
23:31.53kenbthe SF list killed?
23:32.02kergothkenb: the sf project has been gone for months
23:32.07kergothkenb: they just didnt kill the lists
23:32.25kenbuntil tomorrow ;)
23:32.44ljpheh vmemo messes up sample rate of sound card.
23:32.55ljpmore like.. sound driver is a piece of crapola
23:33.07ljpwonder what device
23:34.33ljpopera doesnt like opie mantis
23:35.33ljpoohh. hmm, ipaq, fam .7-pre10
23:35.56kergothdo you save teh previous rate and restore it when you're done?
23:35.58kergothin vmemo
23:36.04ljpuhh no.
23:36.09ljpshouldnt need too
23:36.34kergothoh, current rate is per open(), not global
23:36.54||ughHonnestly?  Very frustrating, PC (hardware) suck and the Linux community seems to be getting nowhere...and I have lost over a day to shit.  I won't bore you.  There IS a good part though...
23:37.07ljpya, you shouls always set the proper parameters
23:37.46ljpbecause you get the rate and stero/mono from the file itself, usually
23:37.57||ughI am thinking of opening up my house (Santa Cruz Mountains) tomorrow for some (minor) astornomical events, transit and elipes with Jupiter and it's moons as well as ours later on in the evening.
23:37.59kergothah, makes sense
23:38.10kergoth||ugh: cool
23:38.26ljpunless you resample, and then you still need to know the files rate and such
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23:38.38ljpooooohhhh nice
23:39.03||ughOther then Nukular Vinter (as Furier Bush would say...) there is not much that politics can do to the sky...
23:39.25ljpheh dont bet on that
23:39.56ljptelescopes can be used to get the telemetry of spy satellites! ;)
23:40.12||ughWell I was not going to complicate things with light polution and the future non-TV watching during prime time sin tax...
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23:43.29||ughI am thinking of doing some demo work with Z's in a couple of weeks and could use some simple VoIP stuff.  Not sure if I should try, but it might just be a fun way into hell!
23:51.58Dessimat0rah, tomorrow will be a fsckin' barrel of laughs, doing design technology all bloody day...
23:53.57ljpoh, bloddy hell.
23:54.14George-ljp: bloddy?
23:54.25C-HowellsDessimat0r: where? school? university?
23:54.31ljpyup. didnt want to cruse

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