irclog2html for #openembedded on 20030327

00:01.46HClmeh... make image fails..
00:02.06trekeHCl: error?
00:02.28HCl/tmp/buildroot-exported/scripts/dupecheck /tmp/buildroot-exported/output/ipks
00:02.31HCl/bin/sh: line 1: /tmp/buildroot-exported/output/staging/-linux/bin/ipkg: No such file or directory
00:02.34HClmake[1]: *** [/tmp/buildroot-exported/output/rootfs/usr/lib/ipkg/info/3c574-modules.control] Error 127
00:02.37HClmake[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/buildroot-exported/output'
00:02.40HClmake: *** [image] Error 2
00:03.01trekesounds likes it isnt setting the target to arm
00:03.31HCli just did a cp def-configs/collie-opie_image .config
00:03.34HCland a make image
00:03.34kergothHCl: is ARCH set in your environment by any chance?
00:03.39kergothHCl: set|grep ARCH
00:03.53HCl[HCl@acrux]:/tmp/buildroot-exported# echo $ARCH
00:03.53HClARCH: Undefined variable.
00:04.23kergothscanline: you around? is the oz buildroot cron updating the export prior to upload?
00:04.34scanlineshouldbe. I can verify...
00:05.24scanlineit's rm'ing the exported directory and doing a fresh export each time
00:05.35ccampthis wine
00:05.37ccampis messing me up
00:05.43kergothah ok, is it updating your local bk tree?
00:05.48kergothor are you exporting from the remote one directly?
00:06.40scanlineexporting the remote one
00:07.15scanlineI can paste in the script if you want to see it, it's pretty short
00:07.29kergothfeel free
00:07.35scanline(cd /home/micah/oz_bk
00:07.36scanline#bk clone buildroot-oz
00:07.36scanlinecd buildroot-oz
00:07.36scanlinebk pull
00:07.36scanlinerm -Rf buildroot-exported
00:07.40scanlinebk export buildroot-exported
00:07.42scanlinetar jcvf ../buildroot-oz.snapshot.tar.bz2 buildroot-exported
00:07.44scanlinecd ..
00:07.46scanlinescp buildroot-oz.snapshot.tar.bz2 > /home/micah/oz_bk/log 2> /home/micah/oz_bk/err_log
00:08.07kergothah, and hte pull didnt fail due to conflicts or anything stupid right?
00:08.09scanlinehmm.. I'm not sure why I'm bk pull'ing and exporting from the remote tree...
00:08.21kergoththe export isnt actually exporting fromt he remote trree
00:08.24kergothits doing it from yours
00:08.28kergothdespite the cmdline opts
00:08.30kergothits stupid
00:10.02scanlinemicah@navi:~/oz_bk$ cat err_log
00:10.02scanlineNothing to pull from
00:10.07scanlinelooks fine
00:10.23kergothokay cool
00:10.25kergothjust checkin
00:10.30scanlinebut hmm...
00:10.49scanlinemy buildroot-exported directory is empty
00:11.59scanlineoh, I was looking at the wrong exported directory
00:13.07scanlineyeah. Just ran through it by hand, and it worked fine
00:13.34kergothokay great
00:19.54*** join/#openembedded endr_z (
00:20.53endr_zwhat version are we on for testing - 3.1rc3.1?
00:21.18kergothread the topic
00:21.26kergothlatest testing _release_ is 3.1rc3.1 yes
00:21.52endr_zit's not in the topic anymore unless opieirc is fooling me...
00:22.29endr_zthx for the answr, btw :)
00:23.12endr_zhow did you say you fix irda in that release -- is it the collie module I want to unload?
00:23.27kergotheither audio or usbd
00:23.33kergothor you can flash experimental which has the fix ;)
00:23.37endr_zaha usbd yes
00:23.48endr_zeven better
00:23.56endr_zmight wait tho
00:24.13endr_zjust got everything reconfig'd after last flash
00:24.41endr_zreally stupid question: what is the collie module for again?
00:25.20endr_z(REALLY stupid, sorry, I know)
00:28.29kergothendr_z: there are two collie modules, they're both audio drivers.
00:28.35kergothendr_z: one is buzzer, one is headphone out
00:29.18endr_zkergoth: gotcha, thx
00:29.55endr_zkergoth: why did you name the experimental revision that (collie)?
00:29.57kergothHCl: i dunno man. you can read the code. read Vars.make, where it sets ARCH
00:30.00kergothendr_z: i didnt.
00:30.10endr_zkergoth: oh
00:30.10kergothendr_z: collie is the name of this device. 5000d/5500
00:30.15kergothpoodle is b500/5600
00:30.18kergothcorgi is c700
00:30.23kergothsharp's naming for their machien types
00:30.34endr_zaha * w
00:30.40kergothsine OZ supports multiple devices, i distinguish which the images are for
00:30.40endr_z* 2, even
00:30.46endr_zvery cool
00:31.32kergothibot: jamey
00:31.33hmm... jamey is "Jamey Hicks, that's Dr. Hicks to you. or or available now in icon form:", or
00:31.54trekehmmm didnt know jamey had letters after his name
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00:39.27trekewhere is scanlemon
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01:07.39trekeenjoy vacation
01:09.02*** join/#openembedded klu5ter_ (
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02:11.39*** join/#openembedded treke|opieirc (~treke|
02:12.25treke|opieirchmm aqpkg hates me
02:14.16*** join/#openembedded mewyn` (
02:14.59treke|opieirckeeps freezing on load
02:15.22Techie2000That sucks
02:15.43drwtreke|opieirc: on initial start-up?
02:16.36treke|opieirclast nights code, i think
02:17.21drwanything shown on the screen? (i.e. 'Reading configuration...', etc.)
02:17.31treke|opieircyeah. 1 sec
02:18.03treke|opieircreading config. 100%
02:20.19*** join/#openembedded treke|opieirc (~treke|
02:21.06drwtreke|opieirc:  welcome back.  sometimes aqpkg takes awhile (5 seconds maybe...not really sure why), have you left it run for a little bit?
02:21.44treke|opieirci've left it running a couple minutes
02:24.47*** join/#openembedded treke|home (
02:25.19treke|homesorry. hh7 is a bit unstable :)
02:25.30drwtreke|home: Can you e-mail me your ipkg.conf ( I'll take a look
02:27.53drwok, will look into it
02:29.39drwtreke|home: hmmm...all feed sources are commented out?
02:30.29drwaqpkg should handle that, but probably is cause of hang
02:31.17treke|homedrw: it does the same when they arent commented out
02:32.14drwhmmm (never the easy answer ;) )...ok...I will test it out
02:32.37drwhave to run for now though...bye
02:33.07treke|homefound the problem
02:33.26treke|homeaqpkg doesnt like src oz-iopaq
02:33.30treke|homesrc ozipaq works
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03:09.22*** join/#openembedded BrianR (
03:09.35BrianRhey folks.
03:10.00BrianRwhat the word on the new Z?
03:10.06BrianRand openzaurus..
03:10.06kergothwhich one?
03:10.18BrianRkergoth: 5600 and c700...
03:10.23BrianRthe c700 being the clamshell one, right?
03:10.36BrianR64mb flash, 32mb ram?!
03:10.47kergothI have a c700
03:10.54kergothOZ and opie run on it
03:10.56kergothas does X
03:10.59BrianRany idea if the c700 can be reworked with 64mb ram?
03:11.01kergothopie needs a little tender loving care yet
03:11.06kergothBrianR: folks are working on that
03:11.12kergoththey need to hack on the bootloader to get it to work
03:11.19BrianRa lot of folks rework their ipaqs... A few guys on have 128mb ipaq's..
03:11.24kergothI'll have test roms for 5600/b500 shortly as well
03:11.26kergothyes, i know.
03:11.29BrianRI have a h3670
03:11.41kergothOZ runs on ipaqs too you know
03:11.41BrianRI get a $1000 stipend each year from my employer to buy a PDA.
03:11.46kergothfamiliar now has a competitor
03:12.25BrianRI'm not a big fan of the h3670 though. It's a monster with the wireless card on it
03:12.37BrianRand if I want a keyboard the clip-on thumb keyboard is huge ;(
03:12.53BrianRall in all, the whole thing doesn't fit in my pocket. And I have big pockets.
03:12.56*** join/#openembedded james_lan-me (
03:13.03kergothright.. you need a Z
03:13.08kergothhey james_lan-me
03:13.15BrianRare there any CF 1xrtt modems yet?
03:13.25kergothdont know
03:13.39kergothgod i need more practice at qt coding, layouts hate me
03:13.42BrianRkergoth: How is the 32mb ram situation? It always felt tight on my 3670 with 64mb :(
03:13.54kergothBrianR: not a problem most of the time
03:14.06kergothmost people only run one to two real applications simultaniously
03:14.10kergothnow java apps..
03:14.13kergothmemory hogs
03:14.13james_lan-mebrianr: what are you planning on running?
03:14.29treke|homeopieplayer 2 used to have problems with it
03:14.37kergothyeah, that too
03:14.44kergothtreke|home: so you found that aqpkg hangs on start bug eh?
03:14.47kergothparsing problems?
03:14.49treke|homekergoth: yup
03:14.58treke|homeif you have a - in the src name it hangs
03:14.59kergothaqpkg's parsing is shit as it stands
03:15.16BrianRjames_lan-me: handful of terminal windows with ssh, calendar/contacts app, mailreader, instant message/irc app
03:15.16kergoththats why it was reporting packages as installed even if the install failed
03:15.19treke|homewhich explains it, I've always called my source oz-ipaq
03:15.36treke|home~lart ipkg for losing packages
03:15.42james_lan-meopie mp2 did when I switched (no apps fast-load, and it needed a swap file) from sharp (has that gotten better, hopefully?)
03:15.45BrianRoh.. also, i'd like it if I could run a decent web browser for updating helpdeskt ickets..
03:16.00kergothkonq/e works fine
03:16.04kergothwell sortafine
03:16.08james_lan-me~lart ipkg again for the same reason :)
03:16.19BrianRI run Mozilla on the ipaq...
03:16.31treke|homeone of my two pressing issues with the zaurus is the kernel situation and the single sd slot
03:16.31kergothoh, you're an X guy?
03:16.33james_lan-meusing X (I assume)
03:16.35kergothi dont know how much ram moz takes
03:16.40treke|homeI could probably live happily with all the other stuff
03:16.46BrianRyeah. 64mb is just barely enough for that..
03:17.01kergothBrianR: dillo or konq would work better on the c700
03:17.08james_lan-meshudder .... imageine gnome on Z
03:17.10kergothor even links 2.x
03:17.27treke|homejames_lan-me: people have done it
03:17.28kergothtreke|home: you notice, if you start opie from a commandline, suspend, and resume, the keyboard is hosed?
03:17.38BrianRit is suprising fast though, provided I don't run out of memory...
03:17.58treke|homekergoth: I've found if yous tart opie from the command line all buttons are hosed by the getty :)
03:18.00BrianRnone of these boxes are short on CPU power.. All are short on storage :(
03:18.14treke|homejames_lan-me: its been done by people on the ipaq 3100
03:18.16BrianRand memory..
03:18.18kergothtreke|home: it works here, but doesnt survive suspend
03:18.28ljpmy cat has a scratchy tongue
03:18.31james_lan-mehaven't updated (but occasionionally did that starting opie, but I thought that was fixed....)
03:18.35treke|homekergoth: the getty grabs the keys
03:18.47kergothyeah i know
03:18.49kergoththe underlying problem is
03:18.58kergoththat opie doesnt have the ability to allocate a new vt and switch to it
03:19.03kergothwhich is what it should be doing
03:19.31treke|homeand a 3100 only had 16 mb ram :)
03:19.31james_lan-meanyone gotten opie-on-X going on Z well?
03:20.00james_lan-metreke: any external memory (I would assume)
03:20.01treke|homeah wait that one is remote x
03:20.13treke|homejames_lan-me: you dont get external memory
03:20.16kergothtreke|home: hey, do you think the rotate applet should default to rotating clockwise, or counter?
03:20.21kergothtreke|home: when it flips you horizonal
03:20.31kergothtreke|home: i'm adding a config opt so you can choose, just deciding on a default
03:20.45treke|homekergoth: I think it should default to the controls on the right
03:20.50treke|homeso counter
03:21.07kergotherr, if your controls are on the bottom
03:21.24kergothand you rotate counter, they're on your left
03:21.33treke|homebah whatver
03:21.37treke|homejust put them on the right
03:21.38james_lan-metreke: I was having images of one hell of  a compression algorithmn(or however it's spelled, which I can't seem to do today)
03:21.41kergothokay, makes sense
03:21.50kergothtreke|home: you messed with layouts much? they hate me today
03:21.57kergothI need to spend more quality time with Qt
03:22.04treke|homekergoth: mostly with qt-designer
03:22.06BrianRmaybe I should get a jornada 728..
03:22.49treke|home~lart crappy apps
03:22.52james_lan-mewhich pocket pc's can be modified to run linux (OZ, familiar, intimate etc)
03:23.00james_lan-meibot what mojo?
03:23.01no idea, james_lan-me
03:23.06treke|homejames_lan-me: the ipaq is the most common
03:23.13treke|homeone or two of the jornadas
03:23.46james_lan-meI know the ipaqs can, I was wondering about the toshibas, casiopeias(sp?), etc
03:24.09treke|homepretty much just the ipaqs
03:26.11james_lan-meThat's unfortunate. (plus I was hoping there was some breakthrough on loading linux on the suckers while I was off in la-la land)
03:26.30james_lan-mesome of them are coming close to the Z in feature set
03:27.47treke|homepocketpcs are pretty much identical in ways that affect the user
03:27.54ljpha! saddam once received key to Detroit
03:27.55treke|homeits the details that dont that cause problems :)
03:28.02treke|homeljp: huh?
03:28.28ljpyou know how some US cities give special people 'keys to the city'?
03:31.01treke|homeah back in 1980
03:31.47treke|homehe had just come to power in what? 1970?
03:32.25treke|homeer 79
03:32.50kergothgod i hate GUI programming
03:32.55kergothgive me backend work _anyday_
03:33.07kergothi cant stand doing user interfaces
03:33.25ljpwhadda you trying to do?
03:33.45depyay! someone else who can't stand gui programming
03:34.00kergothand i'm stuck doing WEB programming at work
03:34.02kergothhtml and shit
03:34.11kergothwhich is user interface programming but worse
03:34.13kergothits like my nightmare
03:34.51james_lan-mewhich is?
03:35.00treke|homeportability of clients
03:35.15treke|homeeverything else sucks ass
03:35.19kergothi should really install qvfb
03:35.24james_lan-meI can see that.
03:35.32kergothscp'ing shit to and from my Z gets old
03:36.10james_lan-meI would add: and servers (depending on the server, such as an X server)
03:36.11*** join/#openembedded badalex (
03:36.43james_lan-meanyone else find it ironic that the X client often runs on a remote machine while the X server is on your machine?
03:36.46treke|homejames_lan-me: yeah but the server side isnt necesarrily as portable.
03:37.06treke|homenot really
03:37.24treke|homeif you think about it, the app is just connecting to a server and saying "do stuff"
03:37.55james_lan-meyeah, but have you tried explaining it to the non-technically inclined?
03:37.56kergothi think he means considering most client->server models are the reverse
03:37.59kergothnot them->me
03:38.10treke|homejames_lan-me: never tried. Never seen the need
03:38.14kergothwhere me is defined as my computer
03:38.16kergothjames_lan-me: i tried, and failed
03:38.18james_lan-mekergoth: exactly
03:38.25treke|homepeopel who would get it dont need to know its a client server thing :)
03:38.29treke|homeer wouldnt
03:39.06kergothhm, opie does feel a bit snappier with the new binutils
03:39.07kergoththats odd
03:39.11kergothnot complaining.. but.
03:39.12*** part/#openembedded badalex (
03:39.18treke|homeI dont consider other people mental difficulties to be my problem
03:40.15kergothi work in tech support, dont have that luxury :\
03:40.28james_lan-metry having a mother who teaches special ed (note: the people I was trying to explain this to were college honors students)
03:40.35treke|homeI saddly do have to do support often
03:40.45treke|homethankfully my phone no longer rings directly too my desk :)
03:42.25depi teach college level java and os...sort of a form of 'tech support'. sigh.
03:43.44depoh yes... i answer java problems any time...also C, and C++ on a bad day
03:43.57ljphey! I make java every morning!
03:43.58treke|homenah I wouldnt do that :)
03:44.14treke|homejames_lan-me: but you are corect. I am most certainly not nice
03:45.18treke|homesince I dont actually need java for anything, I can just dick about till I solve my problem
03:46.15james_lan-meok: the funny holy war starter (well hopefully not): bash bash can do everything. Hell we have the assembler, now where working on the bash compiler. next comes the bash operating system, then the text editor/email/tts/web browser/finger cramping thing that will out emacs, emacs! and if not we can just bash people's heads in :)
03:46.42treke|homejames_lan-me: no need to do all that work
03:46.45james_lan-meemacs in bash :) imagine the slowness...
03:46.57treke|homejames_lan-me: just write an elisp front end to bash and you'll have a bash operating system
03:47.19depisn't emacs an os already?
03:47.30treke|homea lispos
04:02.38chouimat|tvlast time I played with lisp it was 10 years ago
04:02.47kergothchouimat|tv: see angel?
04:02.53ljpI hate lisp
04:03.05james_lan-mei did (you an angel fan too kergoth?)
04:03.15chouimat|tvkergoth: nope was watching a german movie and after that Andromeda
04:03.18kergothelectrochick = hot
04:03.23kergothnot only literally
04:03.32chouimat|tvkergoth: yeah
04:04.14chouimat|tvkergoth: good episode? cordy still a bitch
04:04.45james_lan-melove the ending, just what most people wouldn't suspect.
04:04.45kergothyes, good episode
04:04.52kergothjames_lan-me: indeed
04:05.36chouimat|tvok my will fetch it from kazaa this weekend
04:05.49james_lan-memythtv is nice
04:06.21james_lan-meexcept nothing else plays the format (modified nuv)
04:07.09treke|homesweet. hh8 is up and running
04:07.16treke|homewell sort of hh8
04:07.35treke|homejamey didnt actually tag hh8, so I had to fudge based ont he date :)
04:08.00treke|homejames_lan-me: kernel release
04:08.23james_lan-meibot: hh8
04:08.23james_lan-me: bugger all, i dunno
04:08.59treke|homekergoth: since he's more or less the only person who does kernels regularly, he isnt to consistant on releases :)
04:10.25treke|homecant really blame him. Its probably a fair amount of work to do one
04:14.59mewyn`i need to start a nwn server
04:15.01*** join/#openembedded kennyj (
04:15.30treke|homemewyn`: it isnt a big bandwith hog
04:15.44_Psychohow is the build going ker ? :)
04:15.56_Psycho! ooh =p
04:15.58mewyn`think so.  but i'm gonna develop it first
04:15.58kergothhad to tweak a few things, start it again
04:16.04kergothoh, then my box crashes
04:16.06mewyn`then i'll prolly colo for it
04:16.09kergothusb-storage PANIC
04:16.13_Psychohow long does it take for a full, im curious
04:16.27treke|homemewyn`: I'm probably going to keep one running
04:17.10_Psychoanyway, bed time i check tomorow under OZ dirs or stuff =p
04:19.23chouimat|showerkergoth: any news?
04:19.36kergothuhm, opie has on the fly rotation that works
04:19.40kergothi'm tweaking some stuff with it atm
04:20.00chouimat|showerwow! those sleep pills are kick really fast ...
04:20.07_Psychowow cool for gly rotation
04:20.07james_lan-mechoouimat: waterproof computing? :)
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04:20.25chouimat|showerjames_lan-me: yup military pda
04:20.35treke|homethe rotation is really cool
04:20.50kergothdamnit, i do a setPixmap on these QRadioButton's and the pixmap is teeeeeny
04:20.56kergothcan barely see the fucking thing
04:20.59chouimat|showerkergoth: that rotation thing is in the new image?
04:21.06kergothchouimat|shower: there is no new image up there
04:21.06kergothbut yet
04:21.10kergoththe image i have here has it
04:21.22kergothi'm not uploading a new one till i finish this up
04:21.51chouimat|showerok I will wait to kde finish compiling and I will build a new image here
04:26.54kennyjno new image since yesterday?
04:27.24*** join/#openembedded Gnuman (~zic@
04:27.30kennyjI still haven't managed to break anything other than the desktop and taskbar icons for kismet_qt, by the way.  The latest experimental rom seems to be working pretty good.
04:27.49kergothnice, glad to hear it
04:28.02kennyjI used it to good effect to freak out my co-workers with Kismet when I could tell them exactly who's computers were sending packets out and when.  ^_^
04:28.37kennyjThey also thought it was cool when I went on-site and was able to tell one of them that their laptop still had the office's ESSID and they needed to change it to the client's. ^_^
04:30.28james_lan-meit's even better when someone from media resources is complaining about interference from the library (not very strong signal where they were complaining), and you can trace a location and sid (something like video dept, or equally obvious). Quite funny.
04:30.47kennyjanyways, starting kismet_qt from the konsole is a PITA and all, but more because if I switch to another app, I can't switch back...  but the absence of the damn card eject bug makes it really worth it.  Much nicer ROM than RC3.1 overall.
04:30.58kennyjjames:  yep yep
04:32.01james_lan-meand by the way, damn you kergoth for getting me to upgrade and not have broken (by me) config that wouldn't work with kismet :) Now I spend entirely too much power on listening. (amazing how many linksys aps there are!)
04:32.01kennyjI'm going to find this quite useful for testing...  being able to tell people that my PDA can see their card transmitting information and it IS their borked corporate proxy settings that are screwing them up will come in handy.
04:36.12treke|homefinally opieplayer2 is working again :)
04:36.20treke|homeI can get housework done again
04:47.00kergothtreke|home: when you use on the fly rotation, are your cursor keys rotated properly in the apps you had running at the time?
04:47.15kergothtreke|home: i.e. start konsole, run rotate, change it, back in konsole, do the cursors work right?
04:49.40treke|homeapps dont rotate for me
04:49.49kergother, you're building from HEAD?
04:50.01treke|homeit rotates part of opie on the fly
04:50.04treke|homebut not the apps
04:50.07Klu5terkergoth: I got a couple minor bugs for you on the experimental immage if you want them
04:50.18Klu5terkergoth: oh..  btw this is/was sieve
04:50.18kergothKlu5ter: sure, what are they?
04:50.24kergothyeah, i know i saw you change nicks
04:50.32treke|homekergoth: I'll do a HEAD build tomorrow
04:50.41kergothtreke|home: k, cool
04:51.42Klu5terok..  the set background immage on launcher, I set to all tabs to have the same background immage.  If I add a new tab, the new tab has the default opie immage
04:52.02kergoth-> mantis
04:52.04kergothibot: opie bugs
04:52.04it has been said that opie bugs is
04:54.01Klu5terwell then.. the next one would probably also be an opie problem..  if I have too many programs in one tab, when I go to the "O" button in the bottom left corner and select that tab it tries to come up but because I have too many programs it blows up.  :)
04:55.24kergothyeah, thats opie too
04:55.36kergothbut tell me any opie bugs you find, in addition to reporting them to opie's BTS
04:55.46kergothoftentimes theres a small bug here or there i may be able to fix in 2 minutes
04:56.35Klu5terthere was one other too but I can't seem to remember...  guess I should start using my z to remind me of this stuff..  :)
04:56.59Klu5terohhhhh.......  this one was kinda odd
04:57.13Klu5termedium mount or whatever it's called
04:58.04Klu5terI started it and it ran just fine and did it's job.  I then hit ok and it looked like it went away but it continued to show up in the task bar
04:58.10Klu5terand it was still running
04:58.34Klu5terI opened it again and hit the ok again....
04:58.44Klu5terstill it stayed in the task bar
04:58.55kergothreport that one too
04:59.04kergothi hate it when i touch a critical header
04:59.06Klu5terwait... there's more
04:59.08kergothand opie rebuilds everything
04:59.09Klu5terto this one
04:59.26Klu5terI opened it a third time from the task bar and hit the x
04:59.39Klu5teropie died and sent me to a flashy cursor
04:59.46Klu5tercould do nothing from there
04:59.51Klu5terhad to reset
05:00.00kergothif opie dies, you should get a prompt
05:00.05kergothwhich experimental image are you running?
05:00.05Klu5terno hardware buttons would work either
05:00.14Klu5terhold please
05:01.13Klu5terdamn.. not sure.. mar24 is the date.. I can get you the exact size if that would help
05:01.21kergothmar24? k, hold
05:01.43kergothhmm, the qt sigsegv handler shouldve been in there
05:01.55Klu5teris the size
05:02.01kergothdid you inadvertantly get qt-embedded installed from stable by any chance?
05:02.14Klu5terI think this is the immage before you fixed the sigsegv
05:02.17kergothwell, i'll keep hacking on this next one
05:02.22kergothyeah, could be
05:02.23kergothi dont recall
05:02.41Klu5terand no I didn't install qt-embeddd
05:03.11Klu5terI'm pretty certain that this is the immage before you fixed the sig error
05:05.06kergothokay, i wont worry about it
05:15.27Klu5terkergoth: how do you want this bug reporting to go?  should I just tell you about them or should I submit them to the bug tracker on the sourceforge oz page?
05:16.27kergothbugs that are opie specific go in mantis only, but drop me a note on irc or email
05:16.35kergothno need to add to the oz track
05:16.39kergothadd oz specific stuff there
05:16.48kergothdriver, distro issues, etc
05:16.51treke|homeibot literal kill
05:16.51treke|home: are you using Windows?
05:16.59kergothibot: literal kill $nick
05:17.00ACTION slits $nick's throat
05:17.01treke|homeibot fuck off
05:17.02treke|home: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
05:17.08kergothibot: literal kill $who
05:17.09ACTION slits $who's throat
05:17.33kergothi dont think literal works when theres a var involved
05:17.48scanline~particle du jour
05:17.48excited flux graviton
05:17.51kergothSugar: make me a white russian
05:17.53scanline~sci-fi of the day
05:17.54It's some kind of inverse meson damping field in the construct, commander spock
05:21.56kergothwoo, rotate applet works great, and you can change directions
05:22.00treke|homeapt-build compiles libc6 4 times
05:24.17Klu5terkergoth: new opie-rotate suck?
05:30.05kergothdont need it anymore
05:30.30scanlinecan opie rotate apps at runtime now?
05:30.33kergoththere sa 'Rotate' start menu applet that flips you to and from vertical and horizontal
05:30.41kergothyes, this is runtime now
05:30.56kergothand theres an option in appearance to change the applet to rotate either clockwise or counterclockwise
05:31.17kergothsince a user will never need to rotate to 180, you have all the rotations covered by the single applet
05:31.21kergothno need for the seperate app
05:31.37scanlinewhy wouldn't you need to rotate to 180?
05:31.41Balai wanna rotate 180 :)
05:31.41kergothwhy would you?
05:31.50scanlineif you want to type upside down
05:32.03kergothThe base rotation is controlled by the physical orientation of the hardware
05:32.16kergothand from that, you can go 90 degrees in either direction
05:32.34kergothif you absolutely want to go 180, you can dig up the rotate app, but i doubt it'll be in the feeds much longer
05:33.02kergothscanline: hehe
05:33.07kergoththat'll fuck with your head man
05:33.10kergothi've looked at that code
05:33.12kergothits unpleasant
05:33.19Balawhat code??
05:33.25kergothany code
05:33.35kergothterminal emulators
05:33.36scanlineI think mine's a bit less unpleasant than most though, I might try to make it into a library so that other projects don't have to go through the same torture
05:33.45kergothscanline: nice, that would be cool
05:35.02kergothokay, building a new experimental image
05:35.27kergothyou know, its pretty cool seeing each image more stable than the last
05:38.51kergothjeeze is slow tonight
05:40.29kergothhey Twiun
06:15.20kennyjbreaking my zaurus GOOOOOOOD  *does the hand wave thing*
06:15.33kennyjlater people
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07:03.07kergothuploading the new image
07:07.50*** topic/#openembedded by kergoth -> OpenEmbedded - It Sucks Less! (tm) | for something usable | The BitKeeper Repository for OpenEmbedded contains the first interesting stuff | Brave users willing to test can obtain the current testing rom at (latest is 3.1-rc3.2-200303270055)
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11:51.39HClor was it nolock..
11:52.38Shdwdrgnhey did anyone happen to see my post on the forum about my solution for the shutdown problem?  All of the sbin directories have been removed from path, and when I added /sbin back in again I was able to use the shutdown button with no problem (OZ rc3.1)
11:55.58*** join/#openembedded C-Howells (
11:56.50yeiazelHCl: nolock
11:57.34yeiazelShdwdrgn: the solutions is known for a long time :)
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11:59.19HCldoes anybody know a proper movie player for oz
11:59.36HClundefined symbols :/
12:01.09mithrohey everyone!
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12:07.30Shdwdrgnyeiazel: it has been?  I was here Tuesday evening, and was told the solution was to pull down all the update files, which sometimes worked and sometimes made the Z non-bootable.  Nobody told me a thing abount fixing the path.
12:07.54mithrohrm i'm getting this error
12:08.08mithroQPopupMenu: (StartPopupMenu) Popup has invalid menu item
12:08.41Shdwdrgnwhat are you doing here? <grin>
12:08.43yeiazelShdwdrgn: who has answered this ?
12:08.44mithroi have a SL-C700 :)
12:08.54yeiazelShdwdrgn: kill this person
12:09.10Shdwdrgnyeiazel: sorry, don;t remember who specifically... that was the only answer I got though
12:09.35Shdwdrgnhmm... although kergoth was in the channel at the time... let's kill him :-)
12:09.41HClno video output... sound..
12:09.42yeiazelas soon as the problem was discovered, the answer was there :)
12:10.07Shdwdrgnmithro: SL-5500 here... finally got a lexar 256M SD card, got the sandisk returned... things are working MUCH better now.
12:10.51yeiazelShdwdrgn: better ? sandisk was slow ? or did you "only" got problems ?
12:11.36HClanyone any experience with mplayer on the zaurus?
12:12.55mithroanyone know about the StartPopupMenu problem?
12:13.13Twiunthere's a problem?
12:13.41mithroit just outputs those messages and qpe dies
12:14.08Shdwdrgnyeiazel: sandisk was hosed from the start... formatted as etx2, it would lose multiple files every time I rebooted.  Also had bad blocks develop after only a couple days use.
12:14.35yeiazelShdwdrgn: okay
12:14.42yeiazelthen mine works well
12:14.42Shdwdrgnby the end of the week it wouldn't work at all under ext2 or fat
12:14.52Twiunmithro: ah. no, never seen those
12:15.00yeiazelit's just a little slow, wanted to know if it's 'coz it's a sandisk
12:15.45Shdwdrgnyeiazel: I never had a chance to check the speed, and it didn't work well enough to even make a judgement call...sorry
12:16.09yeiazelShdwdrgn: ok :)
12:21.36HClanyone awake who can help me with mplayer? theres no video output... only when you skip ahead it shows one frame
12:21.49HCltassian: awake?
12:22.56TwiunHCl: sorry, no idea - not used the Z to play videos yet
12:23.09HCljust searching for someone who does :/
12:23.15Twiunmind you, the buzzer dsp is nifty :)
12:23.23Twiunibot: seen noda
12:23.23noda <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 2d 8h 4m 39s ago, saying: 'Ah well. I said I have to sleep, I MEANT I have to--- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'.
12:27.37HClmeh :/
12:31.35mithroHCl: i read somewhere about it
12:31.41mithroyou try the mailing list?
12:31.49HClnot yet
12:31.54HCli prefer talking to people
12:32.04mithroi belive there was some discussion about it on the list
12:32.15mithrocheck the archives
12:33.11tassianHCl: Hi, I'm here now. Sorry, was AFK.
12:33.40tassianYou need help with mplayer or op2?
12:34.31mithroYep... Mplayer, or more specificly libavcodec, is broken.
12:34.31mithroWe build from cvs, so we're at the mercy of the developers of that project.
12:34.32mithroI hope it gets fixed soon, but until then we have no mplayer, or xmms-e.
12:35.28mithrothats from the mailing list
12:36.01Twiunmithro: so we're using HEAD as opposed to any other specific cvs version?
12:36.32mithroTwiun: i have no idea, i'm just quoting the mailing list
12:38.29Twiunmithro: oh :)
12:41.20*** join/#openembedded C-Howells (
12:45.43mithroi wish they would hurry up and build some new c700 images
12:46.37Twiunthey? I think only kergoth makes those images and he's pretty much overloaded as it is
12:47.00TwiunI don't think there are that many developers with c700s in any case
12:47.19mithrowell if i new how to get this buildroot working properly i could create some...
12:47.53mithroit dies in many places
12:48.04mithrocurrently fighting with qt
12:48.26Twiunwhat's your dev system?
12:48.33jimapity...i know a guy who's hell-bent on getting a c700, but is waiting 'til oz gets ported :(
12:48.36Twiunmy buildroot works flawlessly :)
12:48.57Twiunjima: volunteers will always be welcome *g*
12:49.20jimatwiun, heh, i know it
12:50.05jimaalas, i'm more of a sysadmin than a developer.
12:50.44Twiunso was I... about 2.5 years ago :)
12:50.47Twiuneverything's possible
12:50.57mithrodebian woody
12:51.16jimai also have no real desire to be a developer ;)
12:51.33Twiunjima: blasphemy!
12:51.42jimaonce my boss got wind of it, he'd have me hacking thank you.
12:51.57Twiunmithro: gcc version?
12:52.21mithroand no i'm not going to 3.2 :)
12:52.28Twiunmithro: and do you have the 2.95.3 toolchain from the oz website?
12:52.38jimadon't get me wrong, i give feedback to developers, and have even submitted patches
12:53.22mithrocan i paste here?
12:53.34mithroTwiun: yeah
12:53.35jima(like i care.)
12:53.57mithroTwiun: yeah both normal and xcompiler
12:54.02mithroTwiun: to #flood ?
12:54.09Twiunmithro: 3 to 4 lines is acceptable, #flood otherwise
13:01.37mithrothe wonders of apt-get
13:01.54mithroThe following extra packages will be installed:
13:01.55mithroThe following NEW packages will be installed:
13:02.02mithrodidn't even have libjpeg62 installed
13:02.21mithrohow long does a buildroot normally take for you?
13:02.32Twiuna full one?
13:02.45Twiunabout 14 hours
13:02.48mithrotook about 2-3 hours to getup to qt
13:02.59Twiunhence why I do that sparingly
13:03.01mithroTwiun: cpu speed?
13:03.20Twiunmithro: 1.2GHz athlon, 768m ram
13:03.37Twiunmithro: as a measurement, kernels usually take me 15mins
13:03.42mithrohrm mines a 1.7GHZ athlon with 768m ram
13:03.52mithrokernels take me like 5 minus
13:03.56jimaapt-get is a great thing :)
13:04.21mithrobuildroot doesn't like "make -j4" :(
13:04.41C-HowellsCompiling Qt is slow because compiling C++ is slow unfortunately
13:04.57mithrowhich version of libpng do i want?
13:05.11Twiunmithro: whichever is current I suppose
13:05.18C-Howellsmithro: libpng12 apparently
13:05.19mithrowhich do you have installed?
13:15.18mithroqt compiled okay
13:15.55mithrodownloading qt-embedded
13:23.13mithrodownloading opie
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13:39.44mithroTwiun: you still alive?
13:43.44mithroi guess not
13:44.37Twiunmithro: I am, but I'm on the phone
13:45.25mithroahh okay :)
13:45.32mithroi'm up to utils-linux
13:46.03mickeylthen you nearly got it through :-D no errors yet? lucky one
13:46.18mithrono errors after Twuin helpped me out
13:46.36mithroTwiun: will "make" create a flash image or do i have to do a make image?
13:48.09Twiunmithro: depends on wether you selected the option in menuconfig
13:48.39mickeylmake never will create a flash image
13:48.52mickeylmake image_menuconfig; make image
13:49.12mithroi just copied across the collie config file and manually editied it
13:49.29mithrothe collie-opie one
13:49.42mickeylare we talking about collie-opie or collie-opie.image ?
13:49.47mickeyltwo different configurations
13:50.14mickeyl.config in root is for the packages to build, .config in output is for what packages to include in the image
13:50.16mithrowhats the diffrence?
13:57.47mithroso once i have finished make i do a makae image?
14:04.34tassianHCl: You still there?
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14:22.33HCltassian: i am now
14:22.51HCltassian: could you help me a bit with getting an mpeg4 player to work on the zaurus
14:23.11HClmplayer doesnt show video.. only when you skip ahead.. and the image is too big
14:24.42numatrixHCl: what videos are you trying?  one in particular, or many?
14:24.51tassianHCl: same here. I solved that by creating videos with the correct resolution.
14:25.01HCltassian: hmm
14:25.07tassiane.g. a 1:2.35 aspect ratio movie should be 320x136
14:25.09HClnumatrix: er, the others atm
14:25.26HCltassian: so erm... i should resize my movies? O.o
14:25.45HClany handy commandline linux tools for that? :s
14:25.54tassianHCl: I'm afraid so. If the Z doesn't have to scale the movies, it really saves a lot of CPU.
14:26.13HCli can imagine that
14:26.17tassianYes, use mencoder that comes with mplayer or transcode. I can give you the line for mencoder if you want to encode a 1:2.35 DVD.
14:26.34HClplease o.o
14:26.40tassianOk, hang on...
14:28.19mithroloading conf file /opt/arm/buildroot-oz/output/rootfs/etc/ipkg.conf
14:28.20mithroipkg: ***  Couldnt kill old gunzip process *** aborting
14:28.20mithromake[1]: *** [/opt/arm/buildroot-oz/output/rootfs/usr/lib/ipkg/info/opie-common.control] Error 1
14:28.20mithromake[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/arm/buildroot-oz/output'
14:29.13mithrowhats happening?
14:31.05C-Howellsmithro: You've got that mkfs.jffs2 or whatever it's called installed?
14:31.16tassianmencoder -vop eq=20:0,crop=320:136:0:22,scale=320:180:0:0 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=209:vhq:vpass=1 -nosound -dvd 1 -alang en -o /dev/null && mencoder -vop eq=20:0,crop=320:136:0:22,scale=320:180:0:0 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=209:vhq:vpass=2 -srate 22050 -oac mp3lame -lameopts br=64:abr:vol=6 -dvd 1 -alang en -o output.avi
14:31.28tassianHCl: I use the line above with mencoder.
14:31.43HClok..... o.o
14:31.54HClnow i have to adjust that to eat .avis instead of dvds
14:32.27tassianThat shouldn't be a problem. You probably don't have to crop anymore but only scale.
14:32.40tassianShall I explain it shortly? It's rather easy.
14:32.46HClplease, if you have time
14:32.55mithroC-Howells: yeah
14:33.02tassian-vop: Video Output Processing
14:33.19tassianeq=20:0 makes the whole image a little lighter so that the display is nicer on the Z.
14:34.06tassiancrop=320:136:0:22 cuts away the letterbox bars of the 16:9 image (the one that you get when you scale to 320x180).
14:34.21tassianThis is only necessary for 1:2.35 DVDs.
14:34.47tassianIn your case, you already have an AVI with the correct aspect ratio, right?
14:35.16tassianIf that is the case, simply leave out the "crop=..." option.
14:35.43tassianJust make sure that you keep the correct aspect ratio when doing "scale=320:....".
14:36.02tassianE.g. if you AVI is originally 4:3, you would simply use "scale=320:240:0:0"
14:36.25mithroC-Howells: any other idea?
14:36.35tassianIf it is 16:9, use "scale=320:180:0:0" and for a DVD-rip use "scale=320:136:0:0".
14:36.57HClok ^^
14:36.57tassianOk, now to the other options:
14:37.27C-Howellsmithro: nope, I've never successfully built Opie myself yet ;)
14:38.07tassian"-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=209:vhq:vpass=1" tells mencoder to use lavcodec's mpeg4 codec at a bitrate of 209 kbps in very high quality (vhq) for the first pass (vpass=1).
14:38.07mithroTwiun: any idea?
14:38.32HClok o.o
14:38.44tassian-nosound tells mencoder to not care for the sound in the first pass and to put the output to /dev/null.
14:38.57tassiansame for the video (-o /dev/null).
14:39.24tassianOk, the second pass is the same for the video part (except that you tell mencoder that the second pass is running : "vpass=2").
14:39.33tassian(same as the first pass.)
14:39.41HClok, i understand
14:39.43tassianNow comes the sound part:
14:40.11tassianFor saving space it is good to resample sound to 22050 Hz (-srate 22050).
14:40.22mithrotassian: could you put this in a sh script?
14:40.30HClhaha @ mithro :p
14:40.42HClmithro: ill make one to convert normal divx to zaurus playable
14:41.58Twiunmithro: no, no ideas - I don't get any problems building stuff
14:42.08HCltassian: and the encoder and bitrate... whats abr..
14:42.12tassian"-oac mp3lame -lameopts br=64:abr:vol=6" tells mencoder to use lame for encoding the sound to mp3 at 64kbps as average bitrate (abr) (absolutely sufficient at 22050 Hz). It also amplifies sound "vol=6" because otherwise the sound tends to be too silent.
14:42.20HClvolume and the final output file..
14:42.30HClaverage bitrate.. ah..
14:43.08HClmaybe i should test run on some of my anime first as that goes faster..
14:43.19mithroanyone know where to get a mic/headphones which fit in the sl-c700 port?
14:43.21tassianmithro: I can put this in a shell-script if you like.
14:43.44tassianHCl: BTW: there's a good way of determining the Videobitrate.
14:43.46mithroTwiun: i downloaded opie-common and replaced the built one and it worked
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14:44.30tassianGo there and enter the exact length of the AVI that you want to encode. Set the audio bitrate to 64 and chose an appropriate filesize.
14:44.58HClmencoder is pretty fast..
14:45.06tassianThen submit the values and use the DivX4 value as bitrate. I believe that video bitrates between 180 and 250 are good.
14:45.21HClill try it out, thanks :)
14:45.35tassianI got my "Charlie's Angels" DVD into a 230 MB AVI. :-)
14:46.31Twiunmithro: that's cheating :)
14:46.54mithroTwiun: it worked :)
14:47.01mithronow to see if this image actually works in the sl-c700
14:47.18mithroit would be ubber cool if it does
14:47.26HCltassian: nice
14:50.07*** join/#openembedded huhhhh (~hdlee@
14:50.30mithrowhere does the buildroot put the kernel?
14:53.14mithrohrm found it
14:53.53mithrosoon find out how well this worked :)
14:56.07tassianmithro: This is really exciting. How is the c700's keyboard? Do you like it?
14:57.01mithroarg s/zImage/zImage.bin
14:57.08mithroo well it appears to be working
14:57.13mithrotassian: yeah it's pretty cool
14:57.29mithrostill slightly too small to touch type easily on
14:57.45mithrobut its definatley a better 2-3 finger pad
14:58.04mithroprinting out lots of little .'s
14:58.24mithrohow long does reconfigure normally take?
14:58.45mithroi now have a oz login
14:59.32mithrodidn't work :(
15:02.01tassianmithro: hm. that's unfortunate. -(
15:02.42treke|homedont think opie works on c700 yet
15:02.58mithroaccording to kerben it does
15:03.18mithrostill has lots of "quirks" though
15:03.21treke|homewell then, you probably did it wrong :)
15:03.33mithrotreke|home: yeah i'm thinking i have :)
15:06.01mithrohow does one get ipkg to list broken deps?
15:09.06mithroi have a welcome to opie screen!
15:09.33mithrohowever the touch screen doesn't work :(
15:09.54mithroanyone know how to skip the config screen?
15:11.08mithrohrm opie uses tslib?
15:12.05treke|homeit does on the c700
15:13.05mithrowhich part of opie handles tslib bit?
15:18.35HCltassian: works :D
15:18.43Klu5ter'lo all
15:24.34mithrobtw does opie handle mp3's that arn't encoded at "standard" bit rates?
15:28.39mithrothe sharp one doesn't like mine mp3s which are encoded at really crap quality
15:34.10jimaibot: c700 is
15:34.11...but c700 is already something else...
15:34.17jimaibot: c700?
15:34.18from memory, c700 is, or
15:34.24jimaah, okay :)
15:34.44jimasomeone thought ahead :)
15:36.03mithronow i just need to figure out how to get the touch screen to work...
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15:47.52Harlekinhi *
15:48.33numatrixhey, Harlekin.
15:48.37Harlekinhi numatrix
15:49.00numatrixHow goes it?
15:49.13numatrixHarlekin: you just missed it.  Someone in here had a lot of opie media player questions.
15:49.18ljp_workhey, numatrix! how's that styrofoam desk holding up?
15:49.49numatrixljp_work: ;-)  Believe it or not, someone was actually using it when I came in the office yesterday.
15:49.55numatrixI finally stood up for myself and told them to get another desk.
15:50.04numatrixSo maybe this desk won't get stolen as much.
15:50.15Harlekinnumatrix: like what?
15:50.19ljp_workHarlekin: yesterday, someone was telling me op2 does not find audio/video files on his cf, but works on sd, and docs tab finds the cf ones
15:50.28numatrixibot: styrofoam is useful for lots of things, see styrofoam desk
15:50.29numatrix: okay
15:50.31Harlekinljp_work: strange
15:50.39ljp_workthats what I said
15:50.44numatrixibot: styrofoam desk is what happens when you're pushed too far, or
15:50.44okay, numatrix
15:50.58mithroactually it appears you don't use tslib on a C700
15:51.33numatrixljp_work: I found out the desk has a very convienant zaurus holder, actually.  I'm considering tunnelling the power cable into the styrofoam so I can just set the zaurus in the little recess and have it charge and the screen be viewable.
15:52.38jimahey, that's my laptop! :P
15:53.10ljp_workthat desk has a convient holder for everything, possibly!
15:53.49numatrixljp_work: exactly.  quite versatile
15:54.37jimafunny, i've got that laptop, with that os :)
15:55.21jima(although i rarely use that release...)
15:57.06icefoxhaha you even made yourself a cube, how cute
15:58.22jimathat's great :)
15:59.23numatrixjima: I already tried that two days ago.  No go.  ;-)
15:59.38jimabastards. that'd be a good link. :)
16:00.01numatrixicefox: Another guy in the office started building the walls, though I took them down before I left since I didn't want to get anybody actually mad over it.
16:00.21numatrixAnyway, I'm still using the desk now though.  Works pretty well.  Though it could use a foot rest.
16:00.43numatrixok, brb, heading back to my other job and my real desk...
16:01.21mithroanyone who had recently joined know how to get the touch screen to work under opie of a SL-C700?
16:04.11HCltassian: still around?
16:05.02HCltassian: for 1:2.35 aspect movies, should i add the crop option?
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16:07.36kergoth`zzzmithro: theres no way to do it without tslib, and the tslib qt/e support needs tender loving care
16:08.20HClhey kergoth
16:08.29HClhow goes
16:08.33kergothanyone fucked with the  new image yet?
16:08.36kergothnot bad, still waking up
16:08.39kergothneed coffee
16:11.11yeiazelkergoth: new image ?
16:11.40mithrokergoth: whats that really mean :)
16:12.28mithrokergoth: new image?
16:13.01mithroi manage to build my own image for sl-c700 only the touch screen doesn't work, is it just not finished yet?
16:13.34huhhhhi got my browser refreshed on the experimental directory and found one :)
16:15.19kergothmithro: its not finished yet.
16:15.29kergothmithro: if it was finished, images would be available publically.
16:15.32kergothyeiazel: read the topic.
16:15.36kergothhuhhhh: bingo
16:15.48mithrokergoth: so no touch screen support is lacking atm?
16:15.50yeiazelkergoth: oh, didn't see
16:16.05kergothmithro: i just fucking explained this.
16:16.08mithrois there a way to bypass the touch screen calibration stuff?
16:16.10kergoth1) you must use tslib
16:16.16kergoth2) the qt/e tslib patch needs tweaking
16:16.25kergothconclusion: it doesnt fucking work.
16:16.31kergothwow, logic.
16:16.33mithrokergoth: okay :)
16:16.59mithroneeds tweaking doesn't necessarly mean doesn't totally work
16:17.13kergothand it does work
16:17.15kergothjust not properly
16:17.28kergothonce again, you must use tslib.
16:17.31mithroi'm not getting anything from the screen
16:17.36kergothyou must enable tslib and build qt with stslib support.
16:17.39mithrokergoth: yeah i did start with tslib
16:17.46kergothwell fuck if i know then.
16:17.54kergothfix the patch yourself. otherwise you can wait.
16:17.57mithroi'll have a little more play
16:18.04kergoththeres a reason it isnt released.
16:18.40Twiunhey treke
16:18.42trekeis it 5 yet?
16:18.45kergothhey treke
16:18.51kergothheh, i wish
16:19.46mithrokergoth: i know that it isn't release which is why i'm not running around screaming that it doesn't but i would like to help out with development not just testing... which means getting feet wet...
16:20.15kergothmithro: vi build/qt-2.3.4/src/kernel/qwsmouse_qws.cpp
16:20.19kergothmithro: /TSLib
16:20.23kergothmithro: have fun :)
16:20.27Twiunkergoth: lol
16:21.04mithrowouldn't happen to know a way to find out whats going to the console when qt is running?
16:21.15kergothrun syslog.
16:21.25kergothall the messages from opie get sent there if its running
16:21.29kergothotherwise > /dev/null
16:22.45Klu5terkergoth: how do I turn on logging on the z or if it's already turned on where are the files?
16:23.08mithroany idea how i view the syslog messages if i can't get past the cal screen?
16:23.10kergothlike i just told mithro here
16:23.11kergothstart syslog
16:23.18Klu5terkergoth: thanks
16:23.28kergothmithro: remove the opie rc2.d link before building the image.
16:23.37kergothmithro: then it'll only start when you start it manually
16:23.41mithrookay cool
16:23.50kergothand i dont feel like holding people's hands today, this is a fucking unix machine. it behaves like one
16:24.47ccamp11:25, ive already had 3 cups of coffee
16:24.53ccampand now its ctime for dew
16:26.02Twiunwtf? wonka spends all its time in nanosleep for some bizarre reason...
16:26.27TwiunNope, no sign of life :(
16:26.54jimathat had to hurt...
16:27.15Twiunhad to be sure
16:36.48trekeif you have a question, ask in channel. Dont message me when I have said absolutly nothing on the topic
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16:38.01mithrothe correct way to start opie is "qpe" right?
16:38.11kergoththis is a _unix_ machine
16:38.12trekethe correct way is /etc/init.d/opie start
16:38.18kergothit uses SysV init scripts
16:38.40mithrokergoth: most applications don't use init scripts to start them, only daemons tend to do that
16:39.34kergothmithro: opie isnt like most applications
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16:39.40trekeany application that gets started at boot up tends to use an init script
16:39.46tzangerDoes anyone know if the NetGear MA701 is compatible with OpenZaurus?
16:39.48kergothits a gui environment. closer to X than a normal app
16:39.51kergothtzanger: should work fine
16:39.57mithrotreke: they could use inittab
16:40.35trekemithro: they could if they wanted to be broken
16:40.49kergothwell, inittab would be nice, except its not flexible enough
16:40.58kergoththe proper method is coming
16:40.59kergothmithro: you can
16:41.08kergothbut opie and qt/e dont handle vt swtiching very well
16:41.12kergothneeds some sligth fixing
16:41.16mithrohow do you switch between them?
16:41.43mithrofn+shft+1/2/3 ? (i assuming custom kernel needed?)
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16:42.44kergoththeres no key combination bound to it
16:42.51mithroahh okay
16:42.52kergothcreate a kernel keymap that does so and load it
16:45.51mithrohrm syslog should log to /var/log? because i'm not seeing any logs....
16:46.21kergothrun logread
16:46.23mithro(yes i have started syslog...)
16:46.27kergothit logs to a 64k shared memory buffer
16:46.37kergoththen we dont havge to worry about log cycling
16:46.46mithrosounds like a good idea
16:47.00mithrohrm fn+sht+c should == ctrl-c right?
16:47.11kergothnot afaik.
16:47.19kergoththis is sharp's default kernel keymap, and it blows goats
16:47.21kergothits horrible
16:47.32mithrohow do i get ctrl-c under oz?
16:47.58mithrofn+c doesn't work either
16:47.59kergothyou dont
16:48.01kergothnot in console
16:48.06kergoththis is _sharps_ keymap
16:48.08kergothblame their idiocy
16:48.17kergothI havent had time to write us a proper keymap
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16:48.36icefoxsharp do something less then perfect?  Never!
16:48.37mithrolooks like it'll be my first thing to do...
16:48.51trekeor wasting gege
16:49.03kergothmithro: mallum did a X keymap that reproduces the proper behavior from qtopia
16:49.06trekenow icefox can say what he really thinks :)
16:49.09kergothmithro: could use it as a guide for the kernel keymap
16:49.43icefoxtreke: why do you think I went back to my hacker nick a few months ago?
16:49.44mithroshared memory buffers arn't persistant accross reboots?
16:50.04trekeicefox: good plan :)
16:50.59trekekergoth: which tool chain should I be using. oz-1 or oz-1.1?
16:51.26mithrokergoth: okay, if i get a good one working where should i post it?
16:51.29trekeoz-1 look like it has a more recent binutils
16:51.34trekebut 1.1 is a newer file
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16:51.58tzangerkergoth: how about the Sandisk low power 802.11 card?
16:52.52tzangeris it just Socket's low power card?  
16:53.12kergothtreke: -1 has a newer binutils already, that breaks when you try to compile a kernel with it
16:53.20mithrokergoth: sorry if i'm being annoying but i really would like to help out....
16:53.27trekeso 1.1 is what I should use?
16:54.13kergothmithro: email it to openzaurus-devel
16:54.14kergothtreke: yes
16:54.22mithrookay i'll do that
16:54.27mithrosee ya all...
16:54.27trekeok. Just wanted to make sure I used the right one :)
16:54.33mithrothanks for the help...
16:54.57kergothKlu5ter: time to breathe.. only once in a while ;)
16:55.26Twiunkergoth: how about using this in OZ code?
16:55.40Twiuntalk about useless error handling
16:55.43trekeI prefer
16:55.54treke***BUG***: SEE HELL FOR DETAILS
16:57.52kergoth~fishslap chouimat
16:57.54ACTION slaps chouimat up side the head with a wet fish.
16:58.17kergothman i love patcher. it makes my life so much easier
16:58.27trekepatcher is cool
16:58.36kergothtreke: you know you can make buildroot use it
16:58.48kergothtreke: then you can go into build, use patcher to edit and change and regen the patch
16:58.51kergoththen copy it back to packages/blah/
16:58.53kergothand rebuild
16:59.12trekethat would have been nice. A couple months ago :)
17:00.22trekehmmm. wonder how wise ti would be to compile gcc with optimizations :)
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17:02.40pb_treke: should be safe enough.  standard gcc build uses -O2 for everything bar stage 1 anyway.
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17:04.10amankergoth hows stuff going
17:04.16kergothnew image is up
17:04.22amani saw that
17:04.30kergothwith on the fly rotation, and the "aqpkg thinks the package is installed when the install failed" bug is fixed
17:05.42kergothstill no reports of new bugs
17:05.46kergothpretty solid atm
17:05.51kergothalmost ready for a final release
17:06.03kergothin fact, its almost ready for a _stable_ release instead of testing this time
17:06.12HClmy zaurus froze at least once with the previous image..
17:06.20kergothwhich one?
17:06.26kergothfroze when? how?
17:06.32kergothcan you reproduce it?
17:06.33HClopie didnt respond anymore
17:06.37HClnor did ssh
17:06.40HCldont know..
17:06.40kergothwhat circumstances?
17:06.46kergothdid you suspend/resume while on the cradle?
17:06.53kergoththat'll make it blow up pretty bad
17:06.59HClmessing with mplayer
17:07.03kergothdid you have the AC power unplugged?
17:07.05HClthat could be
17:07.09HClac power is plugged in
17:07.10kergothif it suspended itself..
17:07.21kergothwell thats the only crash i know of at the moment
17:07.21HClill flash the new image soonish
17:07.25HCland see if thats better..
17:07.38kergothand that crash has been around for a long, long time
17:07.51kergothsince before 3.0 eh aman? the mysterious usbd suspend/resume crash?
17:08.03kergothi think it started when we switched to using ifupdwon to manage it
17:08.13kergothtiming i think, it tries to bring shit up before its ready
17:09.36kergothwow, ipkg is dogggg slow when i write provides, conflicts, and replaces to status
17:10.05kergothhey look, it triggered the infinate loop in conffiles1
17:10.28kergothhave i cursed ipkg yet today?
17:10.30kergoth~lart ipkg
17:11.20kergoththats some funny shit
17:11.39pb_~lart gcc 3.2.3
17:11.50pb_stupid thing is generating LDM all over the place still.
17:12.01pb_I thought I fixed that ages ago, but it must have come unfixed somehow
17:12.24TomD_kergoth:  in the latest experimental root image, aqpkg doesn't seem to think anything is installed
17:12.28pb_also, arm glibc has about twice as many RELATIVE relocs than the i386 version, which is a bit disturbing.  that one might be unavoidable though.
17:12.43kergothTomD_: hmm.. so after ipkg installs it, aqpkg reports its not installed?
17:13.06TomD_no -- after ipkg installs it, it shows up
17:13.15TomD_but the stuff that's initially in the image doesn't show up
17:13.25kergothdo this
17:13.28kergothipkg status busybox
17:13.30kergothpaste it
17:13.37TomD_ok -- standby
17:14.33TomD_loading conf file /etc/ipkg.conf
17:14.35TomD_Package: busybox
17:14.36TomD_Version: 0.61.pre-20030327-1
17:14.38TomD_Depends: libc6, simpleinit | sysvinit (>= 2.84-8)
17:14.40TomD_Status: install prefer installed
17:14.53kergothTomD_: okay, now, do ipkg status on a pakcage that you installed after the fact
17:15.21kergothpaste that as well
17:15.24kergothaqpkg's parsers suck
17:15.54TomD_loading conf file /etc/ipkg.conf
17:15.56TomD_Package: libqt2-emb-fonts
17:15.57TomD_Version: 2.3.4-7
17:15.59TomD_Depends: libqt2-emb
17:16.00TomD_Replaces: qt-embedded-rotation
17:16.02TomD_Status: install ok installed
17:16.03TomD_Section: opie/system
17:16.05TomD_Architecture: arm
17:16.06TomD_Maintainer: Opie Team <>
17:16.08TomD_MD5sum: 5451d6c414b75e716a90d783b116185c
17:16.09TomD_Size: 354284
17:16.11TomD_Filename: ./libqt2-emb-fonts_2.3.4-7_arm.ipk
17:16.13TomD_Description: Qt/Embedded fonts - 0,90,180,270 rotation
17:16.20kergothipkg status shows _that_?
17:16.24kergothipkg _status_?
17:16.26kergothnot ipkg info?
17:16.45TomD_# ipkg status libqt2-emb-fonts
17:16.49TomD_that was the exact command
17:16.54kergothTomD_: libqt2-emb-fonts was in the image..
17:16.57kergothwhy would you install it?
17:17.15TomD_I know -- I just did an "ipkg upgrade" and it upgraded it... that's all I've installed so far
17:17.34kergothpiece.. of.. shit..!
17:24.08kergothyeah, sure shit, pckages installed via offline_root say install prefer installed. wonder why that is
17:25.32Klu5terkergoth: This is probably a stupid question but I'll take one for the team.  How difficult would it be to move away from the ipkg system?  I mean I know ipkg is used for damn near everything now but there seems to be soo many issues.
17:25.46kergothwell, theres no real solution other than it.
17:25.54kergoththere's busybox dpkg, but the real apt-get is too heavyweight for apda
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17:32.39Harlekinhi Sythos^work
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17:35.12kergothwell, i found that bug of tomd's
17:35.16kergothaqpkg being stupid
17:51.43trekekergoth: apt-build is addicting :)
17:53.31kergothmake -j2 SUBDIRS=nodeps_packages/opie package
17:53.44kergothyou bypass its recursion for dependencies
17:53.50kergothif you already know they're satisfied..
17:54.19trekedoes the -j get passed to child makes?
17:54.28kergothno, it uses a jobserver
17:54.53chouimatkergoth: the experimental image on the website are useable?
17:54.53kergothmake MAKE="make -j2" makes each make recursion split off 2
17:55.02trekeseems like the extra makes would be better used building the app rather then bulding two apps at once
17:55.45kergothyeah, not sure how to get that granular with control of the jobserver
17:56.11trekedoesnt help too much when everything is on hold waiting for glibc :)
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18:00.16chouimatkergoth: the gcc2.95.3 toolchains which one is the good one?
18:00.22kergoththe latest
18:00.56chouimatkergoth: ok I will just take care of the time stamp ;)
18:01.03chouimatadd not somewhere
18:01.53chouimatkergoth: oz1.1 : 19:49 and oz 1 : 20:09
18:03.09chouimatkergoth: so people can have some problem with that
18:03.18kergothi'll go touch it
18:03.32chouimatkergoth: or just add a link latest
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18:04.03kergoththats a good idea
18:04.12kergother latest-2.95
18:04.22chouimatkergoth: the experimental image works well or I keep the image from jan 23?
18:04.45kergothchouimat: works better than any previous release, minus an aqpkg bug i'm fixing right now
18:05.25chouimatkergoth: ok ... bah I will waiting this weekend for hunting an apartment or I will quit Quebec City ...
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18:07.17chouimatkergoth: now I'm lost in experimental :)
18:10.29chouimatmmm that cigar is very good
18:19.51trekeI think I just rebuilt this stuff with gcc 2.95  :)
18:20.04kergothoh, you were using a gcc3 image?
18:20.22trekeno. On my desktop
18:20.40trekeI had moved the gcc symlinks so I could build a gcc 2.95 qt3 (
18:22.09trekestupid closed source libary didnt like being linked with 3.2 :)
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18:44.21tassianHCl: you here?
18:44.44HClyea.. i had some speed problems playing the divx back..
18:45.09HCli killed opie now.. and reniced mplayer to -20..
18:45.15HClseems to work ok for most of the time
18:45.19HClbut it skips sometimes...
18:45.23HClhow do you play it back?
18:46.08tassianWith mplayer I simply do "mplayer -fs movie.avi >/dev/null 2>&1"
18:46.22tassianWhat resolution does your avi have?
18:46.23HClnot even -framedrop?
18:46.47tassianHm, that should definitely run absolutely smoothly without renicing.
18:47.14tassianI can even keep opie running during playback...
18:47.38HClits erm
18:47.43HClfaster without -framedrop and renicing
18:47.51tassianlol :-)
18:47.59tassianSo it is working now?
18:48.15HCllet me try having opie running
18:48.52tassianYou should do the >/dev/null 2>&1 because otherwise, mplayer will write output to the terminal which will disrupt the letterbox-bars.
18:49.26ljp_workha! figures->
18:49.27kergothheh, they should patch mplayer to be able to allocate a new virtual terminal and switch to it
18:49.46tassiankergoth: :-)
18:50.05kergothtassian: course even opie doesnt know how to allocate a new vt and switch to it, so i shoudlnt complain too much
18:50.35ljp_workopie knows everything, but prefers not to do that. ;)
18:50.43kergothbah :)
18:51.16ljp_workdo not make opie angry!
18:51.19tassiankergoth: yeah should be a good way to do it. What's still a problem when running mplayer while opie is running as well is the apm-stuff. Opie will turn down the light.:-)
18:51.41kergothtassian: well, you can use xmms-e
18:51.45kergothwhich handles some of that stuff
18:52.23tassiankergoth: I tried but strangely enough, the sound goes twice as fast if I playback an AVI with 22050 Hz and it plays too slow when I use an avi with 44.1 kHz. %-)
18:52.38kergothxmms-e is known to be buggy right now
18:52.40tassianI really don't have the faintest idea why.
18:52.42kergotheven its maintainer said so
18:53.01HCltassian: which mplayer do you use?
18:53.11tassianI was thinking wether or not it would be possible to use opie-sh to draw a completely black screen and then call mplayer.
18:53.36tassianHCl: I use the mplayer that comes with OZ 3.1rc2 (it's in the feed).
18:53.48tassianBut I use it on OZ3.1rc3.1.
18:54.14tassian(same with xmms, I use that from OZ3.1rc2-feed as well.)
18:54.29HCli updated my lists today and couldnt find mplayer in it
18:54.29tassianHCl: which one are you currently using?
18:54.36HCli downloaded one from
18:54.43HClpre5 or something
18:54.58HClstrangely enough
18:55.02HClit runs faster without -framedrop
18:55.16tassianhave you tried -hardframedrop?
18:55.23tassianSame thing?
18:55.27HClit works smooth now with just plain -fs
18:55.57tassianBut it's cool to have a 230MB Matrix on the Z. It really rocks! :-)
18:56.45killefizare there any buildroot docs that I havent found yet? How do I make it fetch new files? I did a bk pull and that fetched a changeset on libpcap - but it doesn't download the the libpcap.tgz it needs to build
18:57.21kergothit obtains sources when it needs them
18:57.23kergothand not before
18:57.29kergothmake menuconfig
18:57.29killefizkergoth: not for me:
18:57.30kergothenable libpcap
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18:57.32kergothta da
18:57.38kergothhey mdz
18:58.55killefizkergoth: libpcap is activated in .config - running make I get:
18:58.57killefizinstall: cannot stat `/home/sven/simpad/buildroot-oz/build/libpcap-0.7.2/': No such file or directory
18:58.59mdz_kergoth: hi
18:59.13killefizfind | grep libpcap | grep "7.2" returns nothing
18:59.30kergothkillefiz: then the libpcap build is broken.
18:59.34kergothshit happens
18:59.39trekenew feed almost uploaded. bleh
18:59.43killefizi'll try do turn it off then
18:59.51kergothwe pull sources from debian's package pool, which regularly changes for new versions
19:00.00trekekillefiz: make clean and clean-soruces seems to fix it
19:01.00chouimatgrrr all sdl apps crash now
19:01.10killefizkergoth: ok - the package pool explains alot
19:01.26kergothkillefiz: on the plus side, it means we always use recent versions of things
19:01.35tassianHas anyone here tried Crimson Fields on OZ3.1rc3.1 yet? It doesn't want to start on my Z. :-(
19:01.39kergothkillefiz: downside is, the way we know a new version is available, is when they yank the old one and it fails to build
19:01.42kergothkillefiz: hehe
19:02.06killefiz;) - i'm sure i'll bug you all some more today
19:02.26chouimattassian: same here
19:03.11kergoththose take a while
19:03.12trekehow big is a full ipkg feed?
19:03.21chouimatkergoth: yupdate to experimental and sdl apps crash
19:03.25treke(space taken up by the ipks)
19:03.25kergothhow big.. disk space? or?
19:03.30kergothchouimat: did you install sdl?
19:03.30trekedisk space
19:03.55chouimatkergoth: yup from testing
19:03.56kergothkergoth@sc8-pr-shell1:/home/groups/o/op/openzaurus/htdocs/official/unstable/feed$ du -s 2>/dev/null
19:04.00kergoth232588  .
19:04.01kergothchouimat: and whats the errro?
19:04.08trekekergoth: shit :0
19:04.24chouimatkergoth: segfault
19:04.25trekekergoth: will take me longer to upload the feed than it will to compile it :)
19:04.34kergothchouimat: gdb.
19:04.38*** join/#openembedded victorvdl (
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19:05.04tassianchouimat: Does it also say something like "SDL: deploying parachut" on your Z?
19:05.49trekekergoth: collie-feed is the full feed config, right?
19:05.57kergothyeah, iirc
19:06.02kergothmay need updating for new packages though
19:07.45kergothoh sandman.. i have a bone to pick with you... ;)
19:07.55kergothlight & powr doesnt show the increments anymore
19:07.57kergothits just on or off
19:08.02kergothhad to be his odevice changes
19:08.53kergothhm, all he changed was button init
19:09.47kergoththeres no zaurus lightSensorResolution method!
19:10.31kergothfound it
19:10.39*** part/#openembedded tzanger (
19:11.00kergother, maybe not
19:11.22trekekergoth: because there is no lightsensor on the zaurus?
19:12.04kergothm_res = ODevice::inst ( )-> displayBrightnessResolution ( );
19:12.06kergothit should be working
19:13.29tassianCU later.
19:14.34*** join/#openembedded schurig (
19:14.48schuriggot my suspend/resume working :-)
19:16.07tassianschurig: You added /sbin to PATH, right?
19:16.41kergothtassian: he isnt using a zaurus
19:16.50tassiankergoth: oops, sorry, my mistake.
19:16.50kergoththis is a different device
19:21.17HCloh... who wanted a shellscript that uses mencoder to convert avi files to formats playable on the zaurus
19:21.34HClmithro.. hm.. he left
19:23.14Klu5terHCl: do you know where one is?
19:23.26HClyea, i made one o.o
19:23.38*** join/#openembedded frankps (
19:24.03HClmostly with tassian's help
19:24.10HClill upload it somewhere..
19:24.16Klu5terdo you have it posted to awebsite cause I'm firewall handicaped here
19:27.41HCl should work
19:27.59trekeI imagine 2 gig is gonna be too low for a full build
19:29.51HClit requires lame to be compiled with mplayer... and libavcodec..
19:36.56*** join/#openembedded PicoBot (
19:37.08bipolarI was up till 4am working on the fiero... I'm so tired
19:37.10trekekergoth: coolness. rotation works just fine
19:37.21trekeshould have gotten a reliable car
19:37.23trekelike a ford
19:38.07bipolartreke: you'd still have to replace the brake pads and shocks on such a car... as if that would help it ride smothly...
19:38.22trekethat was a joke :)
19:38.34trekeFound On Road Dead
19:38.36bipolartreke: yes it was.... heh
19:38.41trekeFixed Or Repaired Daily
19:38.58victorvdlHCl: Would it help the size much to change the -srate to 11025?
19:39.04HClvictorvdl: not really
19:39.13HClwhy, movies get to a pretty acceptable format
19:39.16HCl260mb for matrix
19:39.18bipolarkergoth: can i use todays date for cvsdate for unstable?
19:39.30kergothbipolar: yes, but you never know _what time_ it'll pull
19:39.39kergothbipolar: comment out cvsdate and it'll use it from _now_
19:39.46bipolarkergoth: should I just use head f..... ok
19:39.51victorvdlHCl: Ok, fine.
19:40.05HClyou can adjust the video bitrate..
19:40.13HClif you really want to shrink it..
19:40.37bipolardamn.. my tree is botched for some odd reason. got that resync error.. :p
19:40.48kergothtreke: heh, nothing fastastic about that shit, thats what the old ass OZ's were
19:40.51kergothbipolar: bk resolve
19:40.59trekekergoth: he called it opie rom :)
19:41.15frankpsHas anyone tried Zynergy on a 5000D?
19:41.16kergoth~kill zyergy
19:41.18ACTION slits zyergy's throat
19:41.21kergoth~kill zynergy
19:41.22ACTION slits zynergy's throat
19:41.23bipolarWill not overwrite edited packages/opie/Makefile
19:41.35kergothbipolar: bk unedit packages/opie/Makefile
19:41.43kergothbipolar: you cant pull with uncommitted changes
19:41.46kergoththen bk pull
19:43.21numatrixkergoth: go on, tell us what you really think of zynergy.
19:43.45bipolaribot: zynergy is a fugly hack
19:43.46bipolar: okay
19:43.49kergothI think its pointless
19:43.59kergothand far less flexible than OZ in nearly every way
19:44.22victorvdlWell... It's supposed to be a Linux/Java PDA. (Not that I care, but...)
19:44.27kergothso install jeode
19:44.33kergothibot: zsi jeodcreator
19:44.39victorvdlkergoth: Yea, I know
19:44.42kergothor wait for twiun to finish the qt/e bindings for wonka
19:44.47kergoththen there'll be an open source solution
19:45.04trekekergoth: btw, is the new sfcave not in the build system?
19:45.15numatrix~seen andyq
19:45.16andyq <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 9d 19h 57m 11s ago, saying: 'night all'.
19:45.20kergothtreke: it cant be
19:45.28numatrixandy hasn't been around much lately, has he?
19:45.29kergothtreke: libsdl-qte depends on opie
19:45.37kergothtreke: you cant very well make opie depend on libsdl-qte too
19:45.44numatrixhas opie always depended on libxine?
19:45.49trekekergoth: damn
19:45.51kergotharent circular dependencies fun?
19:45.59kergothnumatrix: opie-mediaplayer2 needs it
19:46.08kergothtreke: solution is, integrate opie's kconfig into ours
19:46.14kergothtreke: so we can get completely granular on builds
19:46.19kergothdepends per opie app
19:46.29numatrixkergoth: yeah, but in the buildroot I'm trying to make opie without libxine, and it won't let me select it in menuconfig
19:46.47kergothof course.
19:46.51kergothyou cant.
19:47.01numatrixnm, right, how about I read the above statement about kconfig.  ;-)
19:47.03kergothyou cant build opie without libxine, because our opie build enables opie-mediaplayer2
19:47.11trekenumatrix: right you cant
19:47.14kergothwe have to make opie dpeend on everything _any_ of its apps depend on
19:49.17kergothi just built libxine no problem
19:49.20kergothlast night
19:49.49trekesame here
19:50.10numatrixreally; hmm, tanked on me a minute ago.  trying again.
19:54.08nofpuany plans for affix-2.0 finding its way into feed?
19:54.29kergothyeah, i was planning on adding it as a seperate set of packages, alongside tghe current ones, until it releass
19:54.36kergothi'll add it, but likely after i get this release out
19:54.38kergothfocused on this atm
19:54.48nofpucool - thanks
19:55.03kergothoh bipolar
19:55.08kergothbipolar: Revision now does something
19:55.13kergothbipolar: in the oipe build
19:55.18Twiunargh! can't find Sun's Zaurus J2ME download anymore
19:56.05Twiunfound it
19:56.22kergothi love google
19:56.25kergoth~love google
19:56.27If you love google so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
19:58.57Twiunuseless Sun
19:59.04Twiunit's their december release
19:59.10Twiunwhere's the update?
20:05.58*** join/#openembedded noda (
20:06.13kergothhey noda
20:06.20kergothnew experimental image up with on the fly rotation
20:06.34nodakergoth: Sweet... update from unstable wouldn't do the trick?
20:06.40kergothif its been updated..
20:07.04nodaWhatever, I have no time. Just wanted to hang out here while doing my research because maybe some news will soak through :)... still busy as hell :(
20:07.43nodaBy the /topic, I'd say I need to do some website work... I MIGHT have time next week. This weekend I'll FINALLY finish off that contract I've been spending ages on...
20:07.50*** join/#openembedded Baldrick (
20:08.03nodaOh, I've gotten 2 university acceptances now, that's my news. Both local :)
20:08.14*** join/#openembedded Harlekin (
20:08.28nodaApparently I'll have to wait a month or more for the Waterloo one, though, which I'm most interested in.
20:08.33noda...I think
20:08.49nodaI figure I can't decide which school to go to until I get that one, anyway
20:10.03*** join/#openembedded yakito (
20:11.14||ughnoda, what will you be studing at Waterloo if you get in?
20:12.04yakitoone question. It is OpenEmbeded equals to OpenZaurus 3.1rc3.1 or it is a parallel work now ?
20:12.05noda||ugh: Software Engineering. Or, slightly possible, computer science
20:12.15||ughs/studing/studying/ (unless your thinking of it as a party school...)
20:12.35nodaOh, btw, kergoth: Check out the colour of -- I dunno if that colour might be nice for at least one of the halves of the logo... I really like it :)
20:12.41kergothyakito: the oz buildroot could be considered the predecessor to OE
20:12.49kergothyakito: while we're working on a new infrastructure for it
20:13.25noda||ugh: I don't think Waterloo is a party school... I could be wrong though. Maybe that reputation is all a big misconception :)
20:13.35nodaMan would THAT ever be funny :P
20:13.53nodakergoth: Like the colour?
20:14.00||ughBe warned that something strange is going on at Waterloo in the CS deptarment.  I know a bunch of folks from there and they are quite good, I have even lectured there.   Recently it seems that MicroSoft has pumped in LOTS of money and I have met some really messed up folks comming out of there.  I am told it's just one proff so far, but MS just got them to do werid things to the whole ciriculum(sp?).
20:14.30noda||ugh: "curriculum" -- uh-oh. I wasn't aware of that...
20:15.25nodaUrgh, googling
20:15.39||ughOne student I met there was raving that pipes and I/O redirection was bad and that everything should be system calls and that you should have to rewrite apps when the ABI changes etc.  Very MS shit.
20:15.50nodaWow. 33% of 1998 grads were hired by Microsoft...
20:16.02noda||ugh: Heh
20:16.34noda||ugh: Don't worry, personally I trust well-respected, veteran programmers a lot more than Microsoft. Hell, more than profs too
20:16.45||ughMaybe CS nows stands for Computer Stoolies...!
20:16.50noda||ugh: When did you lecture there? Any chance of your doing so again? :)
20:16.54||ughWhat are the other two schools?
20:17.45||ughI was last there maybe three or four years ago, both talking on securiy and trolling for folks to work on FreeS/WAN.  I did not get anyone for FreeS/WAN, but I did have a fun couple of lectures.
20:17.46nodaMcGill, Concordia. Both in Montreal
20:18.01noda||ugh: Heh, if you lectured for me I'd at least spend a week trying to get into it :)
20:18.15||ughMcGill has a better CS rep then Concordia, but no Watterloo.
20:18.24nodaYou've heard of both? Cool :)
20:18.36nodaEver lecture at McGill? I could probably sit in if you did ;)
20:18.47||ughYea, it's hard to expalin all the 'backstory' of what I am taking about at times.
20:18.59nodaWhat, VPN?
20:19.57||ughI have only been in Montreal a few times, mostly visting ZeroKnowledge (lots of former Waterloo folks there).  Great city by the way, even if I don't speak the local (or any) version of French.
20:20.30nodaI know a couple of people from ZeroKnowledge. I think they've changed their name and mission or something, right?
20:20.31nodaThanks :)
20:21.41||ughNo noda, the back story problem is odd.  I have been at some of this stuff for years... I have a call and have to deal with it.  Bug me later if I forget this thread.
20:21.55noda||ugh: Sure
20:23.04kergothemail me
20:24.53bipolarkergoth: email sent
20:25.48kergothHarlekin: ping
20:26.17kergothI want networksettings to have a "please wait.. ejecting and reinserting pcmcia/cf cards.." dialog
20:26.20kergothhint hint
20:26.34Harlekinso tell icefox
20:26.54kergothwheres our standard opie please wait dialog? ;)
20:27.03kergothi'll patch it to use a messagebox for now
20:27.21Harlekina wait dialog?
20:27.24kergothits calling /etc/init.d/pcmcia restart too, it should be calling cardctl eject and cardctl insert
20:27.26Harlekini though about a wait animation
20:27.31kergothand its using system(), not OProcess
20:27.35Harlekinnot a dialog
20:27.39Harlekindialogs a depreciated
20:27.40kergothso if cardctl eject hangs, networksettings is toast
20:27.54Harlekinat least for opie on pda
20:28.15kergothok, well, i need some form of wait/progress to the user
20:28.35Harlekinwe need an artists
20:28.40Harlekindoing a wait animation
20:28.57kergoth1) networksettings restart pcmcia, 2) shutdown/reboot, 3) suspending
20:29.10kergothtoo bad hardwire is busy with other things
20:34.41Klu5terHCl: sorry about that.  I was pulled out to lunch by coworkers....
20:35.28Klu5terHCl: I did just grab that script though..  Anything else I need with mplayer?
20:35.57HCljust make sure your mplayer is compiled with lame for mp3 encoding and libavcodec..
20:35.59*** join/#openembedded treke|home (
20:36.45Klu5terHCl: cool!  thanks!  I'll play with it tonight when I get to the house.  How's the framrate on the z?
20:38.25nodaYES. Another thing off my shoulders.
20:39.32icefoxA please wait dialog
20:39.49icefoxyah too bad Sharp made that _propriatarty_
20:39.53kergothicefox: opie needs a standard means of telling the user to wait, really
20:40.10icefoxyes it should be intigrated into libopie
20:40.11kergothi'm patching netwroksettings to use OProcess and call cardctl rather than restarting all of pcmcia
20:40.26kergothi'll make it run it in the background (OProcess::DontCare) for now
20:40.29icefoxI think I call system() right now?
20:40.41icefoxactually that might not work
20:40.51icefoxsense I don't have the dynamic quiring code in cvs yet
20:41.05kergothdynamic querying?
20:41.06kergothoh, btw
20:41.12icefoxyah that
20:41.37icefoxAnything anyone would like me to add to my last monthly report?
20:41.37kergothdo you call ifdown/ifup after the user makes changes to interfaces config on an interface that is currently UP?
20:41.41kergothif not, you need to
20:41.56icefoxif they hit ok I think I do
20:41.59icefoxI forget though
20:42.14kergoththere are a buch of little things like that that need doing
20:42.16kergothin addition to the ppp stuff
20:42.17icefoxadd to the todo and I will check on monday/tuestday
20:42.23icefoxyah I am going to go through it
20:44.22icefoxI wonder how powerfull the drive to click on any link that shows in irc is:
20:44.31bipolarjoin #openoffice
20:46.20kergothbash: make: no such command
20:46.30chouimat|bbltoo much windows :)
20:46.32noda*** /home/chouimat: Error 2: You're on IRC, dummy.
20:46.50chouimat|bblnoda: :P
20:48.08icefoxoh if you want me to add any perticular comment about what sharp should do to improve its developer program speak now or forever hold your piece (me writing report)
20:48.10*** join/#openembedded badalex (
20:48.35bipolaricefox: heh... got a few extra pages? :)
20:48.51icefoxI have given myself 4 days to write this
20:49.16bipolaricefox: lets start with the SD issue... I'm sure you know all about that. You may already have it on your list.
20:49.29icefoxwhich part?
20:49.45icefoxthe cd for oz, binary incompatible or sandisk problem?
20:50.06bipolaricefox: the binary incompatibility with newer kernels.
20:50.10chouimat|bblweatherbot: weather cyqb
20:50.11icefoxbut anyway continue :)
20:50.16weatherbotCurrent conditions at Quebec, Que, Canada: It is 5 C (41 F), windspeed is 14.48 km/h, and visibility is 48.28 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.27 2000 UTC).
20:50.24bipolaricefox: it's holding back a lot of work.
20:50.30icefoxI know
20:50.35icefoxI have no say in the matter
20:50.37icefoxwhat else
20:50.38nodaweatherbot: weather cyul
20:50.40weatherbotCurrent conditions at Montreal / Dorval International, Que, Canada: It is 6 C (44 F), windspeed is 20.92 km/h, and visibility is 48.28 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.27 2000 UTC).
20:51.24icefoxok start from when you first were introduced to the z.
20:51.28icefoxand work forward
20:51.45HClKlu5ter: pretty good.. oddly enough its faster without the framedrop option..
20:51.46bipolaricefox: NO LINUX SYNCING! heh
20:51.55icefoxgot that
20:51.56bipolaricefox: that was their first problem....
20:52.29kergothafter taking an age to come up with a linux usb netowrking driver, it ended up crashing machines
20:52.30bipolaricefox: using that usbdnet crap instead of using what the people had been using for a year
20:52.33icefoxkergoth: you work in tech support, what do you do that sharp doesn't?
20:52.35kergoththey never made an effort to fix it
20:52.55kergothI accept patches from users and forward them to engineers, which then get included in future releases
20:53.06icefoxgot that
20:53.38kergothpay attention to user requests. users asked and asked for fixes and improvements to the apps, nothing ever happened
20:53.54icefoxgot that
20:53.56bipolaricefox: How about discusions between the sharp developers/enginers and the comuntiy. Like IRC meetings....
20:54.10icefoxoh you mean not me
20:54.20bipolaricefox: nonono
20:54.38treke|homebipolar: how long does a feed build take you?
20:54.39icefoxlike Sharp Japan guys who actually code?
20:54.50icefoxon the stuff that gets in the rom
20:54.57bipolaricefox: I mean like more of them. And ones that do the bulk of the coding and desicion making.
20:55.12treke|homethey probably dont speak english :)
20:55.17bipolartreke|home: A long time... even on my dual proc 1.8ghz
20:55.27icefoxactually I havn't ever really talked to them....
20:55.31icefoxok added
20:55.54bipolaricefox: an example would be the HP CRL guys. They have a weekly confrence call.
20:55.55treke|homebipolar: As in 4, 6, 8 hours?
20:56.16bipolartreke|home: 2,3? depands on how many problems I find. :)
20:56.41treke|homeoh that isnt bad
20:56.44icefoxanything else?
20:57.28kergothOProcess insert;
20:57.32kergothinsert << "sh -c \"cardctl insert && cardctl eject\"";
20:57.38kergothif (!insert.start(OProcess::DontCare, OProcess::NoCommunication) ) {
20:57.40treke|homemost of it probably is c code, thankfully :)
20:57.42kergoththat look right?
20:57.53kergothah yeah, seems to work
20:58.00bipolarkergoth: any word on the libpcap problem? opie won't build without it.
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20:58.11kergothbipolar: havent looked at it yet, i'm knee deep in opie and ipkg cvs
20:58.19icefoxI don't get why you renamed it to OProcess from KProcess.  What was the motive?  It just makes life harder for the developers
20:58.55kergothheh, dont ask me..
20:59.27nodaCan't you just 'typedef OProcess KProcess'? (I'm a C person, not C++...)
20:59.45treke|homeicefox: probably for consistancy
21:00.03kergothunnecessary typedefs are vevil
21:00.21bipolaricefox: It would be a huge modivation to see Sharp using code from open source developers and giving them credit. Right now it kinda feels like we're outsiders.
21:00.28nodaI'm just trying to think how much harder life is for developers if one line of code is all that's needed :)
21:00.50kergothbut.. its evil
21:00.50nodaOr a simple sed-ding
21:00.58noda(which is Good)
21:01.07treke|homenoda: the thinking probably is that it wont always be compatible with KProcess
21:01.14nodaAh cool
21:01.15icefoxbipolar: how about how they wrote their own tab manager when I had already wrote one. top that
21:01.26kergothicefox: yeah but you lost your sources
21:01.28icefoxnoda: it isn't 1 line
21:01.28kergothicefox: so..
21:01.34icefoxkergoth: not the tab mangare
21:01.40icefoxheck the tab manager is even in opie
21:01.52icefoxtreke|home: why wont it be compatible?
21:01.56kergothokay networksettings annoys me slightly less now
21:02.10treke|homeicefox: Not that it will change, but that it may change
21:02.11nodakergoth: It Sucks Less(tm)? :)
21:02.14kergothnoda: indeed!
21:02.44icefoxtreke|home: I see no reason not to be compatible with KDE when they are producing and debugging it also.  It is the sf syndrom!!
21:02.48bipolar"don't talk to that man, Johny... He's one of those 'Opie Developers'. They're not like us...."
21:03.40icefoxremember the goal of every real hacker is to do as little work as possible so by coping the class just to rename 1 letter is more work for you and everyone thus is _bad_.
21:04.00kergothicefox: damn right
21:04.46treke|hometrue, but OPIE is not KDE
21:04.54icefoxI know that
21:05.06icefoxwhat does it prove by renaming a kde class?
21:05.11kergothokay let me think
21:05.17kergoththere were a bunch of other little opie things to fix
21:05.21kergothbut now i cant remember any of them
21:05.24nodakergoth: Reboot
21:05.29icefoxyour Embedded Opie classes should start with O and for the rest who cares
21:05.42treke|homeif opie aimed to be KDE compatible that would make sense. Since OPIE is not aiming for compatibility, you may give a developer a false sense of security by keeping the class named the same way as the KDE class
21:05.50kergothnoda: huh?
21:05.53kergothnoda: reboot works fine.
21:06.01nodakergoth: It does? Oh, cool
21:06.14nodaWhat about turning on the Z after a 'shutdown'?
21:06.17kergothi fixed that the day i noticed it
21:06.19icefoxExuse me????  Opie is going to extream pains to be compatible with Sharp.  I think that a lot of people do care about being compatable
21:06.25kergoththe Z turns on fine after shutting down as well
21:06.28nodaI thought somebody was complaining about that.
21:06.35kergoth~lart noda
21:06.38kergothyou're out of hte loop
21:06.40kergothlet me handle this
21:06.50nodakergoth: Just trying to be helpful! I'm a whole week behind :P
21:06.55treke|homeicefox: what are you talking about? OPIE is trying to be sharp compatible. That doesnt relate to compatible with KDE
21:08.11icefoxyes it does.  Effort had to be done to make the code source and binary compatible.  Maybe you don't care to be binary compatible with KDE (and I can completly why), but there is no reason to go out of your way to be incompatible
21:08.21kergothnoda: hehe
21:08.35nodaOE development is nice and quick, I love that :)
21:08.36icefoxtake advantage of resources that are there for you, opie isn't that big.
21:08.42kergothtreke's saying it gives a false sense of security
21:08.44kergothwhich i can agree with
21:08.47kergothbut, i'm a lazy bastard
21:08.51kergothso i agre with ben too
21:09.03kergothall i gotta say is thank god for sed/perl
21:09.21icefoxok I am really offtopic here
21:09.29icefoxback to my report, anything else that people have?
21:10.57bipolaricefox: the big word is comunication.
21:11.51bipolaricefox: and not a few token people to apease the os developers... the tabmanager issue you had shows how sucky the comunication is even inside sharp.
21:13.58bipolaricefox: interfaces and backends need to be developed jointly. Thats not happening.
21:14.00icefoxhehe well that is a seperate part of my report
21:14.36icefoxiinterface and backends, you mean like the pim db?
21:14.39bipolaricefox: the comunity needs to always know where sharp is heading so they can meed them half way, so to speak.
21:14.51bipolaricefox: yeah, like the pim db.
21:14.51*** join/#openembedded tzanger (
21:15.04icefoxSharps ovius reponse to that is that they are doing that with TT and the community needs to talk to TT on that issue
21:15.16bipolaricefox: TT needs to do the same thing.
21:15.24bipolaricefox: TT is no better.
21:15.29tzangerI have heard rumour that there are some issues with using SD media on the new OZ kernel when it comes out (licensing issues or something) -- is this true?
21:15.36bipolaricefox: If TT would do that, Opie would not be needed.
21:15.38kergothtzanger: yes, read the news page
21:15.51icefoxbipolar: well we wont get into the whole TT and Qtopia topic, I just don't have the time. :-)
21:16.04nodaHehehe, erm, it scrolled off.
21:16.08bipolaricefox: just don't let them use that as an excuse. ;)
21:16.11nodaSomeday I'll put news filtering in :P
21:16.47nodatzanger: In a nutshell: Wait and see.
21:16.48tzangerkergoth: doesn't say anything other than not to ask about it (?)
21:17.01kergothtzanger: and what are you doing?
21:17.03icefoxbipolar: because I am leaving I can't exactly nit pik about little thing that may/maynot change.  My report is much more of an overview
21:17.08kergothwell well, i think you're .. asking about it
21:17.11icefoxsuch as communitcate
21:17.13tzangerkergoth: heh well yeah but there's no details at all
21:17.13icefoxand how
21:17.21kergothtzanger: read the mailing list archives
21:17.23kergothand the old news
21:17.26tzangerkergoth: ahh
21:17.28kergoththis shit has been discussed at least 12 times
21:17.34bipolaricefox: btw, the best way to handle the SD issue is to make a binary module ala Nvidia. you know that though....
21:17.38nodakergoth: Erm. *cough* there's no way to read the old news yet :)
21:17.40bipolaricefox: when are you leaving?
21:17.40tzangerhow do I get to old news?
21:17.41kergothnoda: oh, right
21:17.45Twiunnoda: yo!
21:17.53icefoxthe 31st is my last day
21:17.55Twiunibot: 3c1
21:17.55methinks 3c1 is information on the 3Com 3C1 CF nic at
21:17.56nodalol, I missed that little feature since I never figured we'd have more than 5 news items :)
21:18.00bipolaricefox: your decision or sharp?
21:18.01nodaTwiun: Moo
21:18.20icefoxmy contract has ended.  (/me notes how I didn't answer the question :)
21:18.23Twiunnoda: got that 3C1 info from 3Com way back when :)
21:18.30bipolaricefox: heh
21:18.36nodaTwiun: Woo! Hrm, can you decipher it? :)
21:18.36tzangerTwiun: good news from the XWT author -- _is_ 1.1 compatible, the file is just a wrapper for it for speedups for 1.2+
21:18.46bipolaricefox: so were going to be out in the cold with sharp, eh?
21:18.59icefoxwell spencer is still here
21:19.02tzangerTwiun: all I need to do is write a wrapper for in the same style as and it'll be all set
21:19.08treke|homebipolar: like you havent been all this time?
21:19.15tzangerkergoth: how do I get to old news?
21:19.22bipolaricefox: ahhh.... when does his contract expire? :)
21:19.31bipolartreke|home: ?
21:19.33nodatzanger: YOU DON'T
21:19.35icefoxhe is an employee
21:19.39icefoxnot contracted
21:19.48bipolaricefox: ahhh... whats his nick here?
21:19.53tzangernoda: hmm ok...  <confused as to why Kergoth suggested looking there in addition to hte mailing lists>
21:20.06bipolaribot: seen sniper
21:20.16sniper <> was last seen on IRC in channel #zaurus, 27d 51m 48s ago, saying: 'brb'.
21:20.16*** join/#openembedded decaff (
21:20.16nodatzanger: Well, most people who come here are confused, so join the club :)
21:20.19tzangernoda: hahaha
21:20.26bipolarbrb my ahh
21:20.30bipolarass even
21:20.32schurigibot: seen me
21:20.32schurig: i haven't seen 'me'
21:20.42schurigdump ...
21:20.45tzangerschurig: try seen myself :-)
21:20.45icefoxbipolar: hmm guess he dosn't hang out much anymore
21:20.47kergothtzanger: i have a billion things on my plate, so occasionally I forget wtf is going on
21:20.58icefoxibot seen ibot
21:20.58icefox: i haven't seen 'ibot'
21:21.13tzangerkergoth: I'm not demanding you show me...  lord knows I know this is free support, I wasn't trying ot be pushy
21:21.14icefoxibot seen it
21:21.14i haven't seen 'it', icefox
21:21.14nodaTwiun: How hard do you think it'd be to fix up the 3c589 driver to support 3c1, to a non-kernel-hacker? :)
21:21.58bipolaricefox: will you be hanging out here even when you're not at sharp?
21:22.22bipolardo we have any TT people here?
21:22.27kergothyou like us!
21:22.53treke|homebut he really doesnt count
21:22.57tzangerugh... sf mailing list archvies blow, I'd forgotten that fact
21:23.06icefoxtalk about slapped down, how evil
21:23.09kergothtzanger: yea, unfortunate
21:23.35tzangerkergoth: would anyone mind if I subscribed a bot address and put up a "proper" archive site?  I'd done that for hte GameBoy Dev list years ago
21:23.46Twiunnoda: been there, tried it, got the kernel panics to show off :(
21:24.02Twiunnoda: I didn't have much luck - but then I was still a java-only dev back then
21:24.17nodaTwiun: Ah.
21:24.40nodaWell if nobody takes up the job, I may find myself with a bit of time in the summer...
21:24.43Twiuntreke|home: yeah, Wintre is their web admin/dev guy, right?
21:24.49Twiunnoda: cool!
21:25.07bipolartzanger: I wish
21:25.08nodaTheMasterMind1: Moo
21:25.12treke|hometzanger: we wish
21:25.27tzangerbipolar, treke|home:  :-)  maybe I'll just cover up those extra two pins :-)
21:25.34Sythostreke|home: where can i find good reference book (online) about assembly on ARM?
21:26.02TheMasterMind1so i hear on the fly rotation with opie is pretty cool
21:26.05treke|homeSythos: why the hell are you asking me?
21:26.13tzangerwhat kernel version are you revving from and to?  from 2.4.6 to 2.4.20?
21:26.22TheMasterMind1from .6 to .6
21:26.25icefoxSythos: check out we have links on it
21:26.35TheMasterMind1.19 is not ready and won't be any time soon
21:26.55Sythostreke hereink (?) tell me today ask you...
21:26.59bipolarI thought the only major issue with .19 was SD/MMC?
21:27.14tzangerthe SD driver can't be ported from 2.4.6 to 2.4.6?  <searching the list with that F#%^#$#ING SF interface>  
21:27.46treke|homewho ever that is probably isnt very bright
21:27.57nodakergoth: I think your old /topic was more helpful :)
21:28.14noda(the one about not asking about SD :))
21:28.47tzangeror one giving the thread link so we could find it easily :-)
21:28.49||ughAh, a new rc, this could be good considdering how unstable the -rc3.1 seems to me!
21:29.47noda||ugh: So, if you were me, would you go to Waterloo?
21:30.31nodatzanger: Really? Do you/did you go there? :)
21:30.55tzangerno, but the guy beside me here int he office is a 1st year CS coop student
21:31.04tzangerhe's doing work on XWT for us
21:31.25nodaOh fun. What's his pay, if you don't mind telling? (I'm worried about financing also)
21:32.10tzangerwell he started out at $8, and after 2 weeks he proved that he was worth $12
21:32.13tzangerthis is in rural ontario
21:32.21*** part/#openembedded badalex (
21:32.22nodaOh ICK.
21:32.36nodaMaybe I can do the work I do *now* as my co-op :)
21:33.00||ughnoda, I am not you, so what I would do matters not.  What matters is why your going.  If it's to get a piece of paper that makes you money, then choose a school that is best for that and 'fit in'.  If your going to contribute to CS or just to really learn CS, then talk to the profs and their students and see which ones seems most interesting and challanging and goto the school with the most usfuel profs.  Look at their papers and see if yo
21:33.00||ughu can learn from them.  Spend maybe four days on each school looking the profs, cources, website, produced software.  Then jump.
21:33.23Twiuntzanger: waterloo, uk?
21:33.26noda||ugh: But Waterloo is very far.
21:33.35tzangerTwiun: no, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
21:33.41Twiuntzanger: ah
21:33.53noda||ugh: I may POSSIBLY visit this Easter, but it'd only be for a day at best.
21:34.54||ughnoda, in the wide world Waterloo is in your back yard.  You can be home in a 6 hour train ride and never have to go through a magatomiter to be striped of your Leatherman.  Thats close.
21:35.14tzanger||ugh WLU has a great HCCE (Honors Computing and Computer Electronics) program that I was going to go in to
21:35.21noda||ugh: Well, it's $100 away from my home for a round-trip
21:35.33tzangernoda: WestJet?  :-)
21:35.46nodatzanger: What's WestJet? I was looking at VIA Rail + bus
21:36.01tzangerWestJet flies from Toronto or Hamilton to Ottawa $80...
21:36.02||ughNote that much of the research can be done via the web, there is a good Computer Club at Waterloo I can put you in touch with, I am not sure whats at McGill but you can walk there I think.
21:36.25noda||ugh: Certainly can, I know some students from there too.
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21:38.19yakitocould I ask here a question about a problem with openzaurus ?
21:38.31||ughDoing a couple of weeks of leg work now will tell you a LOT about the schools, and once your at one you will be doing such work in any case so do a bit now.
21:38.44HCltheres that usbd0 breaking again
21:39.03HCldidnt do anything except just leave it on while its on the cradle..
21:39.12nodaWish I had time. Well, maybe I will on my Easter break. But at this rate I'll be exhausted by then.
21:39.13treke|homekergoth: man. I'd hate to see what a full redhat build tree is
21:41.08||ughSince McGill and Condordia are close I would start with them.  I would thinhk that Con is the least likely, so start there, go in and look at the cources, talk to a consoular about what a four year program would be write down the cources and look a the outlines of each.  Go talk to some TA's and if you can find them proffs.  Find the computer or train club and talk to them.  Then after you have spent a day there read up on the net what you
21:42.01nodaSounds like a plan...
21:42.08||ughtreke|home, it's not clear to me that RH _can_ do a full build.  I have NEVER gotten the kernels they ship to build, let alone match the binaries they ship.
21:42.11nodaBut... Waterloo. It's far.
21:42.44||ughnoda, save Waterloo for last.  Hone your skills on the locals first.
21:42.46tzangerfrom Montreal?
21:42.49tzangerit's 6hrs away
21:42.57nodaAnd that's the "big choice," so to speak, because 4 years away from home is a big decision to make
21:43.09*** join/#openembedded TomD_ (
21:43.10nodatzanger: No car, and if i don't get a scholarship... no money :)
21:43.15jima"far" is relative :)
21:43.21tzangerthink of it as "sink or swim"  :-)
21:43.35HClok nm that
21:43.45noda||ugh: Thank you very much for the advice :)
21:43.49||ughnoda, home is the space between your ears and the folks you call friends.  Both should go with you if they are worth having.
21:44.01jimawonder why usbnet isn't working for me...
21:44.03jimaoh well.
21:44.23nodaRacking up the phone minutes won't be good for my pocketbook either :)
21:44.58||ughnoda, your welcome.  I just hope it works for you and that you do useful things!  There is SO much work that needs to be done, and killing poor (or even rich baster) Iraqies is NOT on the serious agenda.
21:45.52jimaoh, but it's so much fun!
21:46.05jima(yes, i'm kidding. blah.)
21:46.06noda||ugh: And who knows, maybe some day I'll be able to submit some handy patches to FreeS/WAN :)
21:46.16jimayay freeswan :)
21:46.47tzangerkergoth: how far back in the list is the _technical_ details on SD on 2.4.19?  I'm heading up to the start of February now and not finding anything beyond "it won't work, I've got the docs in japanese and it's going to take time"
21:47.39nodatzanger: There's something recent on openzaurus-devel
21:47.54tzangerI'm in openzaurus-users
21:49.46nodaI'm so damned tired. Naptime. Later all :)
21:49.49noda||ugh: Thanks again :)
21:50.40icefoxin the north east for an undergrad in CS RIT is the best, for grad goto MIT
21:50.45tzangerok this is making more sense now... have some better details anyway
21:50.48||ughNoda, if you want to help with Crypto, be sure to be politically active and keep Canada from being TOO obideant to my Lords in Washingtoon.
21:54.36tzangerok maybe not... tht was the end of the details on -dev
21:56.18*** join/#openembedded kennyj (
21:56.34kergothtzanger: theres nothing else to find.
21:56.46kergoththe sd wrapper wont work properly without substantial effort
21:56.47kennyjwhile I'm prepping to use the new image...
21:56.50kergothsharp wont rebuild the module agaisnt 2.4.19
21:56.57kergothwe cnat disassemble for legal reasons
21:57.05kergothwe can do an mmc only driver thanks to the docs i received
21:57.13tzangeroh... you don't have teh SOURCE to the sd driver...  
21:57.14kergothagain, i'm not making a decision on what i'm doing going forward until after this release
21:57.18tzangerthat makes things a LOT clearer now
21:57.21kergothyou cant have the source to th esd driver
21:57.25kergothlegally sharp cant give it out
21:57.30kergoththey're under a license with
21:57.39kennyjaren't desktop icons in /home/QtPalmtop/apps/(tab name)/ supposed to show up in the launcher?
21:57.47tzangerI was like "you've got the src to the damned thing, the driver layer hasn't changed THAT much between 2.4.6 and .19....  what's the issue?"  but now I'm clear
21:57.51tzangerthat was the nugget of info I did not have
21:58.02kennyjI just realized that this is the reason that the Kismet icon didn't show up in the last experimental image.
21:58.18kennyjThe stuff in /home/QtPalmtop/ didn't work right, apparently.
21:58.22kennyjWas this fixed in the new image?
21:58.29tzangerthat and your Japanese comprehension skills are sub-par, kergoth  :-)
21:58.42kergotheffy translated the SPI portion of the doc for me
22:00.09kennyjshould I say it again?  Seems it got lost in the ongoing conversation. >.<
22:02.17HClwhy cant you disassemble?
22:02.17kennyjhmm... wierd.  It isn't on my system.
22:02.29HCli thought the dmca allowed disassembling for portability reasons..
22:02.33kergothit does
22:02.35HCldoesnt the sd module fall under that?
22:02.37kergothbut they can still sue
22:02.42kennyjI did that thing where you move /opt, /home, and /root over to SD...
22:02.42kergotheven if they lose, i cant afford a lawsuit
22:02.43kergothcan you?
22:02.47HClcrap :/
22:02.52HCli see your point
22:03.01kennyjbut that's with cp -a, that's supposed to keep symlinks intact isn't it?
22:03.33HClwell.. hrm
22:03.44kergothkennyj: afaik yes. does /home/QtPalmtop point to /opt/QtPalmtop after going through your links/
22:03.45HClyou think they'd sue?
22:04.04Harlekinkillefiz: ping
22:04.11HClhow about asking sharp to make a new rom with the 2.4.19 module ^^
22:04.19killefizHarlekin: yes?
22:04.22HClnew rom with 2.4.19 kernel*
22:04.25kennyjnope, /home/QtPalmtop is a regular directory.
22:04.25Harlekinkillefiz: have something for zsi
22:04.28kergothHCl: they wont.
22:04.34HClmm :/
22:04.35HClwhy not..
22:04.36kergothHCl: and they wont build the module against 2.4.19 sources
22:04.37Harlekinkillefiz: kitchensync
22:04.41kergothbecause they're lazy fucks?
22:04.43kergothhow the fuck should i knwo
22:04.46kergoththey said they wont do it
22:04.48kennyjroot is a symlink, but QtPalmtop is a normal directory.
22:04.48killefizHarlekin: cool
22:04.49HCldamn :/
22:04.58kergothkennyj: ?
22:05.11kennyjunder /home that is.
22:05.11Harlekinibot: kitchensync
22:05.13rumour has it, kitchensync is the ultimate syncing tool for KDE3 written by Aliens at the Area 51a ;) or not out yet. or in the kde3 cvs, or at
22:05.19Harlekinkillefiz: that url .-)
22:05.35kergothHCl: arm assembly reads like poetry
22:05.44HClhaha :p
22:05.46kennyjscrew it, I'm on the second-newest experimental rom.  I'll just flash it with the newest rom and get back to you.
22:05.50kergothit does, arm asm rocks
22:05.55kergothkennyj: i have another i'm about to upload
22:05.57kergothif you want to hold up
22:06.01kennyjoh, sure
22:06.03HCli wouldnt know
22:06.04kergothlet me flash and confirm its semisane
22:06.05kennyjI'm in no hurry
22:06.15HClall i know is intel x86 asm and some at&t reading
22:06.16killefizHarlekin: fill out above form - it will take <1minute
22:06.48kennyjhell, I'm about to go cook dinner anyway...  I wasn't even going to flash it for a few more hours.  Just figured I'd tackle this while I was in preperations.
22:07.55HCli wish still existed, they had an anti dmca license.. would make the module at least available for non-usa people
22:08.21kergothwell someone outside the us could certainly do the disassembly and distribute the subsequent binary
22:08.33treke||ugh: I wouldnt be surprised, but they do get it to build somehow
22:08.39kergothas long as the new binary module doesnt give you the ability to bypass DRM on the sd cards, and keeps the current functionality, you'd be fine
22:08.46HCldrm? o.o
22:08.49kergothargh, busy as fuck today
22:08.56kergothsecurity shit, whatever it is
22:08.56HCli see..
22:09.03trekekergoth: to much real work? :)
22:09.03HCldigital rights management..
22:09.10HClstupid bleh x.x
22:09.34yakito[kergoth] 5600 does comes with a new kernel version 2.4.18 I think. Is not Sharp going to offer a new rom with that kernel for 5x00 ?
22:09.54trekeyakito: 5500 and 5600 are very different
22:09.59kergothyakito: different hardware
22:10.14yakitoyes, different processors
22:10.22kergothyes, so the binary sd module for 5600 helps us none
22:10.24trekehmmm. full build is only 51 megs?
22:10.29kergothand as i said already, afaik they arent building a new module
22:10.38kergothand likely arent doing a new 5500 rom
22:10.42kergothHCl: arm-linux-objdump
22:10.45kergothHCl: cross
22:11.27yakitoon the forum, the administrator (Spencer ) from sharp says that there will be a new rom for 5000 and 5500
22:12.17yakitolooking for the message :P
22:12.25HCllots and lots of opcodes i dont know o.o
22:12.32HClit looks a bit mipsy
22:12.33kergothi doubt it'll run 2.4.1x
22:12.39kergothbut ya never know
22:12.40HClwith r0 and r1 etc
22:12.48HCland beq..
22:12.55killefizHarlekin: activated
22:12.59HClis arm related to mips or vice versa?
22:13.07kergothcompletely indeependent architectures
22:13.15HClwell some of the assembly looks alike
22:13.42kergothassembly is assembly
22:13.57kergothjust a matter of figuring out what registers exist, how they're used, and the didfering opcodes
22:13.58yakito" Hopefully I'll have some date(s) and updates regarding a new ROM for the 5500/5000D. Please be patient - still sorting things out and getting specs "
22:14.00kergothgrab the ARm ARM
22:14.03kergoth(architecture reference manual)
22:14.15kergothibot: arm arm
22:14.15i don't know, kergoth
22:14.21Harlekinkillefiz: .-)
22:14.22kergothibot: arm
22:14.23somebody said arm was both big-endian and little-endian. hh-linux is little-endian
22:14.23HClfirst i need to convince myself this module isnt too complicated for me to reverse
22:14.26kergothi know someone put it in ibot
22:14.40yakitoand the url from the original post is
22:14.50HClits just.. a totally unknown architecture for me.. makes things much harder and repelling
22:15.01kergothlike i said
22:15.04kergothyou need th earm arm to get anywhere
22:16.32trekedhclient and irssi dont appear to build
22:18.19yakitooff-topic question: I want to install linux to play with zaurus - openzaurus development. Which distro should I get Mandrake 9.1 or Redhat 9.0 ?
22:18.37trekeredhat 7.3 or debian :)
22:18.41yakitoor which one is more standard :D
22:18.46trekeredhat 7.3 or debian :)
22:19.06yakitoI think that debian is something hard for me :D
22:19.35trekethats all the more reason to do it
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22:20.23yakitoI have tried Suse 7.1 and RedHat 8. And my experience is that when I get a program with sources it never compiles :( There is allways a missing library
22:20.29kergothyep, how else will you learn? heh
22:20.34kergothyou need debian
22:20.37kergoththen you dont run into that problem
22:20.48trekeyakito: So you install the missing library
22:21.02kergothor use debian, which gets everything apps need for you
22:21.04trekeyou dont just give up on installing the program
22:21.13kergotheven when compiling from sources manually, you can use apt-build to ensure it obtains everything
22:21.32trekehmmm. picogui cvs doesnt like me
22:21.33yakitoI use apt with my redhat 8.0
22:21.40scanlinetreke: eh?
22:21.58trekescanline: keep getitng "end of filefrom server" errors
22:21.59kergothpicogui rarely builds
22:22.05kergothfor oz anyway
22:22.11scanlinetreke: ah... sourceforge is being sucky today
22:22.20kergothsourceforge is sucky everyday
22:22.36scanlinekergoth: oh yeah.. does OZ handle subversion yet?
22:22.42yakitois there a version of debian with kde or genome ?
22:22.51kergothscanline: nah, adding it is easy
22:22.54kergothyakito: you can install either
22:23.09scanlinekergoth: ok. in a few releases we'll be finally ditching CVS :)
22:23.18kergothah, k
22:23.27trekeyakito: I hate to sound mean, but if you can't figure out how to set up a linux system, you probably wont be getting very far doing openzaurus development
22:23.57trekescanline: what are you switching to?
22:24.02scanlinetreke: subversion
22:24.06trekekergoth: bitch :)
22:24.16kergothtreke: and?
22:24.17scanlinemain reason is that I want to reorganize the source tree to be less confusing
22:24.23scanlinebut CVS is also annoyingly slow
22:24.24Twiungotta go... g'night guys
22:24.27kergothnight Twiun
22:25.53yakitotreke. I have been using linux for two years. Mainly for java development at work. When I found a program that I have not been able to compile, then I do not use it. I cannot be one day, my boss does not like it :P
22:28.04yakitoI had some problems with the printer, then I installed vmware and it did the trick :P
22:28.36killefizmy buildroot compile stoppes at qpe/qt-2.3.4 now - any hints?
22:28.37killefizIn file included from 3rdparty/freetype/src/base/ftbase.c:31:
22:28.43killefiz3rdparty/freetype/src/base/ftcalc.c:240: parse error before `temp'
22:30.02beattieibot buildroot
22:30.04[buildroot] a cool system for building embedded root file systems and can be found at or a heavily modified version used by the OpenZaurus project, or see oz buildroot
22:30.31beattieibot oz buildroot
22:30.31i guess oz bk is bk clone bk:// buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
22:31.17killefizbeattie: is that an answer to my problem?
22:31.33kergothi havent seen that one killefiz
22:31.46beattiekillefiz: don't know, it's the answer to my question
22:32.18trekekergoth: any point building prelink?
22:32.21kennyjquick question: where are the preferences for theme and color stored?  I have a custom color scheme that I'd rather not retype every time I flash...
22:32.25killefizkergoth: but qt should really build withouth problems, right? So it has to be a problem with my setup?
22:32.36kergothkillefiz: afaik yes
22:32.42kergothkillefiz: i have an idea, hold
22:32.44TheMasterMind1how goes it
22:32.49kergothkennyj: Settings/ dir in $HOME aka /root
22:32.54kergothTheMasterMind1: new image bout ready to roll
22:33.01TheMasterMind1kergoth: nice nice
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22:33.09TheMasterMind1kergoth: we doing it as another rc or a release
22:33.21kergothjust going into experimental for now
22:33.32kergothbut i want this to be a stable release
22:33.35kergothno rc next
22:33.43TheMasterMind1i hear on the fly rotation is sweet
22:33.47trekeit is
22:33.55TheMasterMind1we should get some of the stuff on the todo fixed
22:33.56TheMasterMind1the software
22:34.01TheMasterMind1iptables and aqpkg and such
22:34.24TheMasterMind1mplayer-shell mysql lirc zremote opera hancomsheet
22:34.39TheMasterMind1that lirc guy never emailed me
22:34.46trekecool php is the last app left to build :)
22:35.01kennyjhmm... anything in that directory that I should be wary of copying over newer installs?  Anything going to break if I do that?  (/root/Settings)
22:35.59trekekergoth: a full build has got to be way smaller than 250 megs :)
22:37.29TheMasterMind1kennyj: oz has a backup app
22:38.42kennyjthing is, I'm trying to do this with an automated script...  I've got it so that I can restore everything that's a real pain to restore by simply running two scripts, then running ipkg - but it doesn't handle any settings. >.<
22:39.24kergothTheMasterMind1: those minor app changes can occur in unstable, dont need to hold up the release
22:39.30kennyjhell, if I could trust my Z to *not* crash after Opie has been shut down for more than 10 seconds I'd be able to do it with just one script.
22:40.07trekeanyone want to take bets on whether or not gcc compiles?
22:42.04killefizkergoth: still remembering what your idea was?
22:42.24kennyjscrew it.  What's a good backup app that handles the /root/Settings directory, and can it be used effectively within a script?  :)
22:42.39kergothno, keep being distracted by real work
22:42.42kergothand a billion projects
22:43.39kergothi've spent more time on oz today than real work
22:43.44kergothcant complain too much
22:43.57trekehmm. thats a negative on gcc
22:44.06kergothnot surprising
22:44.24trekeI'm surprised some of this stuff works
22:44.41kennyjwell... the thing is, there're a file in root/settings that cp -a can't even handle, I presume because one of them contains an asterik...  I need something smart enough to avoid that, and I don't feel masochistic enough to write a script for that - mainly because it's a little beyond my limited knowledge of scripting.
22:44.55kergotheh, there shouldnt be any files in there with an *
22:44.58trekekergoth: tar
22:44.58kergothand you should only copy *.conf
22:45.25kennyjand it'll still hit that file if I do, kergoth.  >.<
22:45.27kergothsomething in opie is borked
22:45.51kennyjnm, deleted the damn file.
22:46.03kennyj<aol voice>Goodbye.</aol voice>
22:48.00kennyjAhh...  all I'd have left to worry about now is Kismet's config files, but since they seem to like changing their format every so often I'm not even going to bother.  What's 10 seconds in a text editor, anyway?
22:48.19kennyjI only really ever change one line...  not like it matters.
22:49.19kennyjok, here's one for ya.  How do I make the cardmon applet not show the eject sd option?
22:49.45kergothif its in mtab, it'll be listed there
22:49.53kennyjI won't ever be removing that sd unless it breaks, and if it does, chances are it'll crash the Z anyways.  I run half the system off that.
22:50.52kennyjwell, I do like cardmon for switching my wifi card and CF disk...  Yeah, I know I could just unmount it or card-eject or whatever it is, but it's less convenient.
22:51.53HClyet another movie converted to zaurus format
22:53.11kennyjthere's gotta be some way to make cardmon do my bidding...
22:55.04trekefeed uploading. one hour to go
22:58.29*** join/#openembedded noda (
22:58.35kergothhey noda
23:01.50yakitogoing to sleep :P
23:08.08*** join/#openembedded TomD___ (
23:16.44trekecitool is dog ass slow
23:16.55kergothbk add filename
23:16.58trekeover 128kb upstream dsl connection that is maxing out sending images
23:16.59kergothbk ci -y"message" file
23:17.12kergothbk commit -y"message" or bk commit -d (uses individual file messages for the changeset)
23:18.34trekeremote x is nice but it has it's limits :)
23:24.43nodaNo limits! :)
23:24.54nodaIt's perfect dammit! :)
23:26.43kergoth~bitchslap noda
23:26.45ACTION beats the sh*t out of noda
23:26.53trekeX is perfect
23:27.23SythosX eat ram
23:27.42trekeX is nice and light
23:28.02nodaX eats RAM? Yeah right. Mine's only eating 302M
23:28.24kergoth~bitchslap #openembedded
23:28.25ACTION beats the sh*t out of #openembedded
23:28.31treke~bitchslap kergoth
23:28.32ACTION beats the sh*t out of kergoth
23:28.32noda(only 35 RES of course)
23:28.47*** join/#openembedded mewyn` (
23:28.48kergothnew collie image uploaded
23:29.05kergothshoudl have the aqpkg parsing fix, networksettings no longer hangs while ejecting and inserting the card
23:29.14kergothand light & power has increments again (was a bug in the previous image
23:29.16trekekergoth is grumpy again. he needs a newwoman
23:29.24kergothheh, true that
23:29.28kergothpreferably one that doesnt stick
23:29.33nodaIncrements? As in, lots?
23:29.38kergothas in, not 0
23:29.43nodaOh, heh
23:29.43*** join/#openembedded endr_z (
23:29.45kergothagain, there was a bug in the previous image
23:30.06nodaI'm SO behind :)
23:30.26scanlinekergoth: where's the configuration you usually use to build OZ?
23:30.43kergothibot: oz bk
23:30.44from memory, oz bk is bk clone bk:// buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
23:30.54scanlineoh, def-configs
23:30.56trekeoz snapshot
23:31.00treke~oz snapshot
23:31.01well, oz snapshot is or updated every 4 hours by Navi or this is a snapshot of the bk oz buildroot tree use it to compile your own OZ if you don't want to use BK
23:31.13trekedoes that actually work again?
23:32.08scanlinetreke: it should...
23:32.17scanlineand I just used it, since I don't have bk installed on this machine :)
23:32.32trekedid someone fix it?
23:32.42scanlineI don't think there was anything broken with it
23:32.46trekeit was broken
23:32.59trekeit wasnt updating
23:33.04kergothscanline: remember, you hit that conflit
23:33.09kergoththe pull failed
23:33.13kergothso the content was old
23:33.19kergothor whatever
23:33.20scanlinethe pull is working now though
23:33.28scanlinebut I didn't change anything :)
23:34.07scanline*** These critical programs are missing or too old:gcc
23:34.08scanline*** Check the INSTALL file for required versions.
23:34.14scanlinethat's my cross-gcc it's referring to, right?
23:34.20kergothwhat is it building?
23:34.41kergothyou cant build glibc 2.3.x with gcc2.x
23:34.47kergothand cant build glibc 2.2.4 with gcc3.x
23:35.14scanlinemethinks i'll just tell OZ to build a new cross compiler :)
23:35.31scanlinewant to try out 3.2 on the zaurus anyway
23:37.02*** join/#openembedded endr_z (
23:37.51endr_zanyone had problems when killing aqpkg?  opie exiting?
23:38.00kergothits not just killing aqpkg
23:38.04kergothkilling a hung app kills opie
23:38.05kergothknown bug
23:38.13trekekergoth: that bug is back?
23:38.17*** part/#openembedded endr_z (
23:38.22trekeit was fixed for a while
23:38.24kergothi keep getting reports
23:38.32*** join/#openembedded endr_z (
23:38.56trekeit happened to me last night
23:39.11trekea couple times
23:39.31endr_zcan I help fix?
23:39.36kergothgrab cvs
23:39.38trekedownload the source
23:39.55endr_zgot it, just need to cvs update again
23:40.08trekelook in the launcher code
23:40.28trekein the part that kills processes
23:40.38trekethats probably where the bug is
23:40.50trekeas opposed to the solitaire code
23:41.14endr_zor the datebook code
23:41.25trekenow your getting the idea
23:41.51trekethats more than I can say for most people in here
23:41.58gaurdianso kergoth , we expecting a new rc this afternoon/evening ?
23:42.00trekemyself included
23:42.08kergothnot releasiing a new rc
23:42.13kergothi'm pushing 3.2 final out
23:42.21gaurdianoh really ? ok
23:42.42gaurdianthis eve ? sweet
23:42.55scanlinehm.. is the crosscompiler compiling in OZ supposed to work? :)
23:43.14kergoththe gcc3 one?
23:43.21kergothyes, i bulit a toolchain with it a while ago
23:43.26kergoththoguh i used a differnet binutils ver
23:44.14kergothkernel wont compile
23:44.22kergothmake SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-collie GCCVER=2.95.3
23:45.17scanlineI'm not even getting past binutils... it's trying to put files into /usr/local/arm/3.2/lib, when that directory doesn't exist
23:45.53trekeare you not using an x86 machine?
23:46.24scanlinethis is x86
23:46.36trekethen wwhy not just use the prebuilt toolchain?
23:46.43trekesave yourself a lot of time
23:46.48scanlinebecause I wanted to try this...
23:46.52scanlineI don't like binary packages

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